Safety Precautions of Electronics Laboratory

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Safety Precautions of

Electronics Laboratory


Keep the table clean.

Do not put any object on table or nearby circuits.

Always use safety glasses when testingthe circuits.

No loose wires or metal pieces should be lying on table or near the circuit as they
cause short circuits and sparking.

Avoid usinglong wires, that mayget in your way whilemaking adjustments or


Keep the conducting parts and connections out of the way from accidental
touching and from any contacts to test equipment or any parts, connectedto other
voltage levels.

When working with inductive circuits, reduce voltages or currents to near zero
before switching open the circuits.

Be careful about dangling objects like bracelets, rings, and metal watch bands.
They conduct electricity and can cause burns. Do not wear them during laboratory

When working with energized circuits, use only one hand while keeping the rest of
your body away from conducting surfaces.
Before Powering the

Before powering the circuits, check for all the connections of the circuit and
scope connection. This avoids shorting or any ground looping that may lead
to electrical shocks or damage of equipment.

Check any connections for shorting two different voltage levels.

Check if you have connected load at the output.

Double check your wiring and circuit connections (use a point-to-point wiring
diagram to review when makingthese checks).

Check the circuit with the TA.

3 While Powering Up
the Circuit

First apply low voltages to check properfunctionality of circuits.

Once functionality is ok, increasevoltages to the required levels.

While Powering
Down the Circuit

Reduce the voltage or power slowly till it comesto zero.

Switch of allthe power supplies.
Let the load be connected at the output for some time, so that
it helps to discharge capacitor or inductor if any, completely.

Patents While
Modifyingthe Circuit

Switch off the circuit.

Modify the connections based on the requirement.
Recheck the circuit with the TA and power up.

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