Aia Bhd. Malaysia: Institute of Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science University of Malaya
Aia Bhd. Malaysia: Institute of Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science University of Malaya
Aia Bhd. Malaysia: Institute of Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science University of Malaya
SESSION 2014/2015
1.0 Abstract.............................................................................................................4
2.0 Acknowledgement.............................................................................................5
3.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................6
3.1 Organization Background..............................................................................6
3.2 Organization Chart of Actuarial Department.................................................8
3.3 Overview of Actuarial Department.................................................................9
4.0 Industrial Training Report................................................................................11
4.1 Summary of Tasks.......................................................................................11
4.1.1 Empower...............................................................................................11
4.1.2 Credit Life..............................................................................................15
4.1.3 Macro Compilation................................................................................18
4.1.4 Actuarial Certificate and product approval............................................19
4.1.5 Miscellaneous Task...............................................................................20
4.2 Application of Theoretical and Practical Knowledge...................................21
4.2.1 SJEM 1130 Introduction to Computing/ SJEM2231 Structured
4.2.2 SJER 2215 Introductory Life Contingencies / SJER 3216 Further Life
4.2.3 SJER3218 Introduction to General Insurance......................................22
4.3 Devices /Appliances used for Executing Task.............................................23
4.3.1 Microsoft Visual FoxPro........................................................................23
4.3.2 VBA Macro............................................................................................23
4.3.3 Microsoft Excel......................................................................................24
4.3.4 Microsoft Words / Adobe Reader..........................................................24
4.4 Problems faced /Challenges.......................................................................25
4.5 Lessons Learnt from Colleagues /Supervisor.............................................26
5.0 Conclusion and Suggestion............................................................................27
6.0 Reference.......................................................................................................28
7.0 Certification.....................................................................................................29
List of Figures:
Figure 1: Organisation Structure of Actuarial Department……...…………………..8
Figure 2: Pricing and Product Management………………………………………….8
Figure 3: Empower Manual………………………………………………..…………11
Figure 4: List of Macro Programs....…………..………………..……………………12
Figure 5: Empower Macro for GST.…………..………………..……………………14
Figure 6: List of Macro excel’s output.………..………………..……………………14
Figure 7: Credit Life GMDT and AP Procedure……...………..……………………16
Figure 8: Monthly Journal for GMDT and AP …………………....…………………17
Figure 9: GMDT and AP Manual.....…………..………………….…………………17
Figure 10: Journal’s location for Macro Compilation....………….…………..……18
Figure 11: List of temporary excel output files....…………….……..………………19
Figure 12: Microsoft Visual Foxpro.....………..……………………..………………23
Figure 13: VBA Macro……………….......…………..………………..………………24
Last but not least, I would like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Khang
Tsung Fei, my university supervisor for Industrial Training and Dr. Ng Choung Min,
the Industrial Training coordinator for their help and support.
Yeap Chun Keat
5st August 2015
On 11 June 2015, Mrs. Anusha Thavarajah was appointed the role of Chief
Executive Officer (CEO). She is the first woman to join AIA’s rank of CEOs in its
six largest markets in the Asia Pacific region. Her key areas of focus include
growing and strengthening the company’s three main business lines comprising
Agency, Partnership Distribution and Corporate Solutions as well as overseeing
the growth and development of AIA’s Takaful business in Malaysia. After becoming
Product Development is the part where new products are developed. After
launching new products, the team has to set up in the database system, create
the templates, and run profit test whereby Value on New Business (VoNB) is
There are other tasks that are not grouped under those fields mention above.
For example, Actuarial department has to provide assistant in modelling
investment policy and activities related to business planning. Large cases
whereby sum assured more than 1 million will be referred to Actuarial Department
from Corporate Solution Entity and if required, Actuarial Department will provide
special quotations.
The source files of Empower are stored in dbf format as the data are large.
There are two separate files namely basic (ybif) and rider (yrif) files, and here
starts my task of preparing the data before starting to run the macro program.
Firstly, I compile the data into another dbf files as the original files contain other
Next step is running the macro program. At first, the macro program will
arrange all the records with basic and riders of the same polno in the same row.
There might be a record without rider, with one rider or more than one riders in the
same row. There are two macros to be running each consume 45 minutes and the
After the arrangement, the same working file will be running for 5 different
macro programs. These macro programs are used to calculate the final premium
to be paid to reinsurers and the reason for 5 different macros is there are 5
different treaties at different time frame. (Treaties might be different in reinsurers’
number, reinsurer’s rates and certain plans are covered under that specified
All these macros that I have run so far are already written and modified by
other colleagues and other previous interns. I get the opportunity to write a new
additional macro for the GST part for the empower plan that would be running
calculation after those macros. The implementation of GST affects the critical
illness ( known as CI, a type of rider) and I have asked to include the GST charges
on those policy that embedded critical illness.
GMDT includes some features like flexiloan, hire purchase, group mortgage
decreasing term and AGS. Another type is advantage program (GMDT AP), in which the
company charges the insured with loadings for those facing occupational risks or other
related risks but cede out the normal proportion to reinsurer. I am using coding written in
FoxPro program to run and generate a final excel file comprise all the records with
reinsured premiums fully calculated according to reinsurers’ proportion.
Here is a brief explanation on the steps to generate the final excel file. Firstly, the
data are splitting according to their status whether they are inforce (IF) or underwriting
(UW). For the UW records, filter out those that the coverage persistent more than 2 years
as the company will start provide coverage for insured once it enters into underwriting
process and the company only cedes out those less than 2 years. Thus, they will only
include in journal if they undergo underwriting process less than 2 years. Then the data
are further splitting according to their network (FL,SV,HP) or same as what I have
described earlier the feature. All are stored in different dbf files, each will then be arranged
(add new columns for new fields) according to the templates/journal format. Then all
records will be appended together before calculating for their premiums. Premiums are
calculated according to respective ages for different gender and each reinsurer have
different rate tables.
After generating final excel file, I will split records manually into the journal
according to date of inforce (DOI) to group them into Renewal Business before effective
date (RB Before), New Business (NB) and Renewal Business after effective date (RB
After). The reason for this splitting is a new treaty had been made after that effective date
and the number of reinsurers and their respective rates had changed as well as the
proportion ceded to each reinsurer. Check for settle claims for those missing records
(compare current month records with previous month records) and for those records that
are not inforce current month, compare them to an excel file containing up-to-date settle
There are a few modifications that I have been assigned. Firstly, use the coding to
split records into RB Before, NB and RB After. Secondly, prepare the new rate table and
modify the GMDT AP program so that it can refer to two different rate tables for the
policies inforce before and after certain years. Thirdly, for GMDT part, compile a RB
Before master listing so that the program extract those polno exist in the master listing
from all the records into RB Before. (Previously using DOI to group into RB Before),
prepare UW master listing so that the program replaces the DOI dates with the real
coverage dates for those exist in the listing as this would affect the rebate for the policy.
For GMDT AP, compile a RB Before master listing and the intention is similar to GMDT.
Settle claim is claim that has been approved and paid out to the insured and now
the record is now passed to reinsurance team and they have to check whether it is
coincides with the quarter’s journals that they produce using the result they generate each
month. After validating the status, they have to check reinsured amount to be claimed
from one or more reinsurers depending on the type of treaty they made. In conclusion,
they refer to the master file that has been generated to check for all required information.
Here is the brief explanation regarding the steps needed to generate the master
file. First and foremost, extract all data from all journals produced that quarter and output
into their respective excel files by selecting the require information. There are 24 types of
products that I deal with and generate approximately 170 temporary excel files. It is
common that the first three quarters contain 130 files each quarter as some of the
journals are not produced in journal format but presented as text file in the last quarter
due to data contain in different system. Below is the self-input journals’ location so that
macro can trace the location and extract the data.
After producing the temporary files, another macro is used to append all the
data together into a single excel file. The reason for combining the excel files in
another step is to check back whether excel file is correctly generated when there
is lack of some information for certain journals as different journals have different
headers and it might cause the macro to extract less data. The last step is to
append it into the original master file in dbf format using Microsoft Visual FoxPro.
I have been assigned the task in multiple steps. After completing one step,
then I can only get the new instruction from Mr. Hung Kean Teong to proceed to
the next step. At first, I compare the latest Bank Negara Guideline with the a
sample of existing old format actuarial certificate to identify is there any new
information requested by Bank Negara and if so, highlight them in yellow colour
and green colour for not required field. After that, I have to prepare an actuarial
certificate to be used by group office. So what I have produced is the guideline for
the department as they can refer to the new actuarial certificate in future as
reference. So the new task is by comparing the Product Approval with the
actuarial certificate and mark out the location of the fields of the Product Approval
inside the actuarial certificate so that the information can easily traced out and be
used as a reference when needed.
- Claim Checking
It is a process whereby the amount of total sum reinsured will be identified
and listed out so that the company can claim that particular amount from
the reinsurance company. There is a different in the calculation of sum
reinsured for angioplasty surgery compare to other critical illness and
caution must be taken to identify the value. So I have to look into the
original journals to identify them by using the referred quarters stated with
the policy number.
- EMP Calculator
There has been malfunctioning inside the EMP calculator whereby the two
types of riders should not influence each other to the extent that when the
percentage of one rider is zero, another rider is 30%, the percentage shown
should be 0% & 30% and not 0% & 0%. This template would be used by
marketing to calculate how much premium should be paid when customer
asked about it. There are some coding errors and I have to identify and
modify them until they work correctly.
In the task of credit life, I take quite some time to study about the coding in
Microsoft Visual FoxPro as it is new to me. The results to be placed in journal are
solely based on the data generated by FoxPro. So, at first I have to identify out the
location of input source files as to where I should place them when I extract them
from the system. After that, study through the coding at least once before running
the program for the first time. After generating journals for few months and modify
the coding for satisfying new requirement, my programming skill has obviously
improve as practice will always make thing perfect and my confidence in writing
coding increase as the day pass by.
Apart from that, I get a lot of advices and information about the Society of
Actuaries (SOA) pathways. Their enthusiasm towards the actuarial field has
definitely motivated me to be more determined to continue in this path. They work
hard and strive to achieve balance in both study and work. They also manage
their time well in achieving success by passing their professional papers and
working at the same time.
Last but not least, my computer skills have improved a lot after undergoing
this internship. My colleagues are willing to spend their precious time to explain
some shortcut keys to me to speed up my process of doing the task. They will
explain to me whenever I use incorrectly the basic function of the commands on
Microsoft Visual FoxPro and Microsoft Excel that I learn by searching through the
AIA Bhd. (2014) Our Achievements Retrieved August 5, 2014 from AIA Bhd.
AIA Bhd. (2014) Our Commitments Retrieved August 5, 2014 from AIA Bhd.
The content of this report has been reviewed and confirmed to be true, accurate
and does not contain any confidential materials or issues that cannot be viewed by
(Low Wai Tzer)
Actuarial Department
AIA Bhd.
14th August 2015
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Command
Use ‘&ags’ in a
Do while not eof(‘a’)
replace isblank(doi) with occdate
replace polnopc with polno+pc
skip in a
*****Create Workbook*****
Sub Create()
Set MyRange=Sheets(“Macro”).Range(“e9”)
Windows(“Intermediate Worksheet.xlsx”).Activate
ActiveWorkbook.Close True
Windows(“01 MacroStep1”).Activate
Range(“AM6”).AutoFill Destination:=Range(“AM6:AM”&lr1)