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Structural Analysis and Design Report of Residential Building

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Structural Analysis and

Design Report

Residential Building



NEC NO : 10633 “ A”
MAR , 2021
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................3
1.1 ABOUT THIS REPORT............................................................................................................3
1.2 ABOUT THE STRUCTURE..........................................................................................................3
1.3 ANALYSIS PROCEDURE............................................................................................................3
2. BUILDING PARAMETERS AND DESIGN CRITERIA...................................................................3
2.1 PLAN AND ELEVATION OF THE BUILDING....................................................................................4
2.2 GENERAL PARAMETERS...........................................................................................................4
2.3 STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS......................................................................................................4
2.4 SOIL PARAMETERS.................................................................................................................4
2.5 MATERIAL PROPERTIES...........................................................................................................4
2.6 DESIGN BASIS.......................................................................................................................5
2.7 DESIGN CRITERIA...................................................................................................................6
3. LOADING..............................................................................................................................7
3.1 DEAD LOADS (DL).................................................................................................................7
3.2 LIVE LOADS (LL)....................................................................................................................7
3.3 EARTHQUAKE LOADS (EL).......................................................................................................7
3.4 LOAD COMBINATIONS............................................................................................................8
4. MODELLING OF THE STRUCTURE........................................................................................10
4.1 THREE DIMENSIONAL VIEWS..................................................................................................10
4.2 COLUMNS AND BEAMS SECTIONS...........................................................................................15
5. ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURE............................................................................................16
5.1 SUPPORT REACTIONS................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
5.2 BASE REACTIONS.....................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
5.3 STORY DISPLACEMENT PLOTS.....................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
6. DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE...............................................................................................27
6.1 DESIGN OF COLUMNS...........................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
6.2 DESIGN OF BEAMS...........................................................................................................28
6.3 DESIGN OF SLABS....................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
6.4 DESIGN OF FOOTING................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
7. DESIGN OF STAIRCASE SLAB.............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
8. CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................................................37
9. LIST OF TABLES................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
10. LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
This report comprises planning, architectural design and structural design of a RCC residential
buildings. This report includes different parameters for the analysis and design of the building. The
design results are shown in a convenient tabular format.
The principal aim of the structural design is to build a structure, which is safe so as to possess
adequate strength, stiffness and stability during the action of all possible loads in its life span.
Accordingly, the structural design data are presented in the report.
The structure which is analysed and designed is made of reinforced concrete frame with Brick
masonry in cement mortar as partition walls. It is a three and half storied RC-framed structure with
The building has been modelled as 3D frame using “ETABSV16.2.0”. The software has very good
analysis and design capability which are verified in the verification problems included in the
package. It is a Finite Element Method (FEM) based software and requires modelling of the
structure by finite-elements. Beams and columns are modelled with line (or frame) elements,
while the slabs and roofs are modelled with area-elements. The building is assumed to be
supported from the plinth level for the design of super-structure. The base reactions of columns in
critical load combinations are used for design of foundations including the additional load of the
footing. Footings, Slabs and staircases are designed manually using relevant Indian standard codes
and presented in the report.


The building is composed of rooms with RCC staircase. Different parameters governing the design
of each building are presented in the following sections.

3|P a g e


Building Type : Residential Building

No of Blocks : 1
Plinth Area : 847.39 sq.ft
No of Storey :THREE and half storied
Floor Height : 9 ft 6 inches
Ground Floor : 9.5 ft
First/Top Floor : 9.5 ft.
Wall : 230 mm thick Brick walls


Foundation Type : ,Isolated and Eccentric AND COMBINED
Columns : Square -300mmx300mm
Beams : Rectangular -230mm x 360 mm,
Slabs : 5” thick

4|P a g e
Walls : Non-load bearing brick walls
Structural System : RCC Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF)
Building Height : 8.55 m


Soil Type * : Medium soil (Type II)
Bearing Capacity * :120 KN/m2


Cement : Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
Concrete Grade : M20 for all column, beam, slab, foundation, Stair
Steel Grade (for reinforcement) : Fe500
Detailed Properties of the materials:

A. Concrete

M20 = 20MPa Characteristic value of cube compressive strength: Cube 150 x 150 x
150 mm (5%-quartile = no more than 5% of cubes tested at 28 days
are expected to fail)
fck,cube = 20MPa
fcm = 26.6MPa Mean compressive strength: fcm = fck + 1.65x4.0 [N/mm2]
wτck=1.12Mpa Characteristic value of concrete shear strength: = 0.25 √f ck
Ecm = 22360.68MPa Mean characteristic modulus of elasticity: 5000√f ck
Density = 20 KN/m3
B. Reinforcement
Steel grade = Fe500
Type: Deformed bar
fyk = 500Mpa Characteristic proof strength at 0.2% yield
εuk>= 14.5% Ultimate Elongation
E = 200,000 MPa Elastic Modulus (Young’s Modulus of Elasticity)
Density = 7849 Kg/m


The building is designed following the standard codes and norms. The different codes used for the
structural design are
i. NBC 105: 1994 [Seismic design of buildings in Nepal] for calculation of seismic
loads and load combinations
ii. NBC 110: 1994 [Plain and reinforced concrete] for load combinations

5|P a g e
iii. IS456:2000 [Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete] for Design of
Concrete Structures.
iv. IS875:1987 [Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures] for Other Load calculation.
v. SP16:1980 [Design aids for reinforced concrete to IS456:1978] for detailing of
the structural members.
vi. IS13920:1993 [Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to
seismic forces] for Ductile Detailing of the structural members.

Design Criteria:

The concrete structures are designed using Limit State Method which is incorporated in
It is based on safety and serviceability requirements associated with the design loads and design
strengths of the materials. These design loads and design strengths are obtained by applying
partial safety factors for characteristic loads and strengths of the materials as concrete and steels.
The limit state method of design covers different criteria for design. The two major criteria are
a. Limit State of Collapse:
The limit state of collapse of the structure or part of the structure could be assessed from
rupture of one or more critical sections and from buckling due to elastic or plastic
instability (including effects of sway where appropriate) or overturning. The resistance to
bending, shear, torsion and axial loads at every section shall not be less than the
appropriate value at that section produced by the probable most unfavourable
combination of loads on the structure using the appropriate partial safety factors.
b. Limit State of Serviceability:
It includes limit for deflection and cracking or local damage. Excessive deflection and cracks
adversely affects the finishes, efficiency and appearance of the structure and it may impair
protection to embedded reinforcements too.
Cracking Limit state: the surface width of the cracks should not, in general, exceed 0.3mm
in members where cracking is not harmful and does not have any serious adverse effects
upon the preservation of the reinforcing steel nor upon the durability of the structure.

6|P a g e
Deflection limit states for concrete members are:
i. The final deflection due to all loads including the effects of temperature, creep and
shrinkage and measured from the as-cast level of the supports of floors, roofs and
all other horizontal members, should not normally exceed span/250
ii. The deflection including the effects of temperature, creep and shrinkage occurring
after erection of partitions and the application of finishes should not normally
exceed span/350 or 20mm whichever is less.

7|P a g e
All loadings are derived bases on different parts of IS875. Earthquake load is calculated based
on IS1893:2002
These are the permanent load which is not supposed to change during the structure’s
design life. The dead loads included in the design are:
a. Unit-weight of materials:
i. RCC (beams and columns): 25 KN/m3
ii. RCC (slab): 25 KN/m3
iii. Screed: 21KN/m3
iv. Steel: 76.97 KN/m3(7849 Kg/m3)
v. BrickMasonry:19 KN/m3
vi. Floor Finish: 1.2 KN/m2
These are the loads that may vary its intensity and/or position during design life. Live loads
for different rooms and roofs are calculated as per the functional requirement as specified
in IS875 code.
a. Live loads on floors
i. Otherrooms:2 KN/m2
ii. Corridors and Stairs:3 KN/m2
b. Live loads on roof
i. Inaccessible roof: 0.75 KN/m2
ii. Accessible roof: 1.5 KN/m2
Earthquake load has been calculated based on IS 456:2000. Basically, horizontal seismic
forces shall be considered for the structures that depend on different parameters. Different
parameters for generating earthquake loads are:

8|P a g e
USING IS 1893:2002

a. Zone Factor (Z) : 0.36

b. Importance Factor(I) : 1 (for residential building)
c. Response reduction factor : 5 (for SMRF)
d. Soil type : Medium Soil
e. Height of building : 10.05 .55m
f. Fundamental Time period : 0.450 sec
g. Average Response acceleration
Factor ( ¿ : 2.5 for (T=0.450 sec)
Sa 1
h. Hor. Seismic Coefficient (Ah) : ZxIx =0.09
g 2 xR
i. Seismic Weight of Building (Ws) : DL+0.25LL (for LL≤3) OR DL+0.5LL (for LL>3)
=2618.45 KN
j. Base Shear (VB) : Ah * Ws =0.09* = 235.66 KN

Since, base shear obtained from IS and NBC code are equal, Here IS code is used for earthquake
analysis using ETABSv16.2.0.


Different load combinations are generated as per IS 1893:2002(part-I), since earthquake load is
considered from same code. Minimum eccentricity of 5% is automatically considered in
earthquake load cases by the program. After running the analysis, response spectrum analysis was
used using the same base shear as obtained from the seismic coefficient method of earthquake
load calculation and appropriately scaled to match the values. For conservative design, both
seismic coefficient and response spectrum method were used for design, and the higher design
requirements are used among two for the design procedures.
Different load combinations used for analysis and design of the structure are as follows:
Load Combination Combination Name
a. 1.5 DL : Dcon1
b. 1.5 (DL+LL) : Dcon2
c. 1.2 (DL+LL+Eqx) : Dcon3
d. 1.2 (DL+LL-Eqx) : Dcon4
e. 1.2 (DL+LL+Eqy) : Dcon5
f. 1.2 (DL+LL-Eqy) : Dcon6
g. 1.5 (DL+Eqx) : Dcon7

9|P a g e
h. 1.5 (DL-Eqx) : Dcon8
i. 1.5 (DL+Eqy) : Donc9
j. 1.5 (DL-Eqy) : Dcon10
k. 0.9DL+1.5Eqx : Dcon11
l. 0.9DL-1.5Eqx : Dcon12
m. 0.9DL+Eqy : Dcon13
n. 0.9DL-Eqy : Dcon14

DL = Dead Loads
LL = Live Loads
Eqx = Earthquake load in +ve x-direction
Eqy = Earthquake load in +ve y-direction

10 | P a g e
The structure is modelled in ETABS version16.2.0, different data for modelling are shown in the
following sections.



11 | P a g e

live load:

12 | P a g e

13 | P a g e
Wall load dead)

14 | P a g e

Figure 0:2 Column 300mmx300mm

15 | P a g e
Figure 0:4 Beam 2300mmx360mm

16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
Analysis of the Structure:

The structure is analysed in ETABSV16.2.0 Different analysis outputs are shown.


The structure is designed withETABSv16.2.0. Different design outputs are shown.



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21 | P a g e
Main Beam :Third FLOOR BEAM

22 | P a g e
23 | P a g e
Seismic Table and Time Period and Base Shear:

TABLE: Auto Seismic - IS 1893:2002

Load Pattern Type Direction Period Method User T Top Story Bottom Story Z Type Z Soil Type I R Period Used Coeff Used Weight Used Base Shear
sec sec kN kN
EQX Seismic X User Specified 0.425 Story4 Base Per Code 0.36 II 1 5 0.425 0.09 2618.45 235.6605
EQZ Seismic Y User Specified 0.425 Story4 Base Per Code 0.36 II 1 5 0.425 0.09 2618.45 235.6605

TABLE: Base Reactions

Load Case/ComboFX FY FZ MX MY MZ X Y Z
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m m m m
EQX -235.661 0 0 0 -1951.15 1081.277 0 0 0
EQZ 0 -235.661 0 1951.149 0 -827.645 0 0 0

TABLE: Centers of Mass and Rigidity

Story Diaphragm Mass X Mass Y XCM YCM CumulativeCumulative
kg kg m m kg kg m m
Story3 D1 79930.52 79930.52 4.3645 4.3144 79930.52 79930.52 4.3645 4.3144
Story4 D2 54173.34 54173.34 3.3142 3.1496 54173.34 54173.34 3.3142 3.1496
Story5 D3 33596.48 33596.48 2.1247 4.5776 33596.48 33596.48 2.1247 4.5776
Story2 D0 87780.43 87780.43 4.4622 4.5513 87780.43 87780.43 4.4622 4.5513

TABLE: Modal Participating Mass Ratios

Case Mode Period UX UY UZ Sum UX Sum UY Sum UZ RX RY RZ Sum RX Sum RY Sum RZ
Modal 1 0.784 0.8291 0.0091 0 0.8291 0.0091 0 0.0039 0.1365 0.021 0.0039 0.1365 0.021
Modal 2 0.735 0.0185 0.7719 0 0.8476 0.781 0 0.1586 0.0037 0.0726 0.1625 0.1402 0.0936
Modal 3 0.606 0.0129 0.0828 0 0.8605 0.8637 0 0.0013 0.005 0.7598 0.1638 0.1452 0.8534
Modal 4 0.281 0.0738 0.0001 0 0.9343 0.8638 0 0.0009 0.5739 0.0105 0.1647 0.7191 0.8639
Modal 5 0.25 0.0003 0.0812 0 0.9345 0.945 0 0.6379 0.0027 0.0002 0.8026 0.7217 0.8641
Modal 6 0.217 0.0094 0.0002 0 0.9439 0.9452 0 0.0014 0.0822 0.0684 0.804 0.8039 0.9325
Modal 7 0.164 0.0131 0.0024 0 0.957 0.9476 0 0.0088 0.0275 0.0044 0.8128 0.8314 0.9368
Modal 8 0.15 0.0034 0.0131 0 0.9605 0.9607 0 0.0279 0.0065 0.0002 0.8407 0.8379 0.937
Modal 9 0.132 0.0014 0.0016 0 0.9619 0.9622 0 0.0021 0.0065 0.0007 0.8428 0.8444 0.9377
Modal 10 0.128 0.0016 0.0006 0 0.9635 0.9628 0 0.0001 0.0018 0.0158 0.8429 0.8462 0.9536
Modal 11 0.115 0.0014 0.0001 0 0.9649 0.9629 0 0.001 0.0096 0.0003 0.8439 0.8558 0.9539
Modal 12 0.111 0.0004 0.002 0 0.9653 0.9649 0 0.0133 0.003 0.0001 0.8572 0.8588 0.954

24 | P a g e


25 | P a g e


26 | P a g e
6.2 Design of Beams and column :

ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 Column Section Design(Envelope)

Column Element Details

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Length (mm) LLRF
Story2 C7 27 column-300*300 2850 0.606

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
304.8 304.8 60 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Longitudinal Reinforcement Design for Pu - Mu2 - Mu3 Interaction

Rebar Area Rebar
Column End
mm² %
Top 811 0.87
Bottom 1227 1.32

Design Axial Force & Biaxial Moment for Pu - Mu2 - Mu3 Interaction
Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Station Loc
Column End Controlling Combo
kN kN-m kN-m mm
kN kN-m kN-m mm
Top 521.1066 42.7503 -10.4221 2494.4 DCon10
Bottom 529.7942 -50.9405 10.5959 0 DCon10

Shear Reinforcement for Major Shear, Vu2

Rebar Asv /s Design Vu2 Station Loc
Column End Controlling Combo
mm²/m kN mm
Top 337.85 46.4056 2494.4 DCon14
Bottom 337.85 46.4056 0 DCon14

Shear Reinforcement for Minor Shear, Vu3

Rebar Asv /s Design Vu3 Station Loc
Column End Controlling Combo
mm²/m kN mm
Top 337.85 37.5086 2494.4 DCon14
Bottom 337.85 37.5086 0 DCon14

Joint Shear Check/Design

Shear Shear Joint
Joint Shear Controlling
Vu,Tot Vc Area
Ratio Combo
kN kN mm²
Major(Vu2) 1.002 416.1465 415.475 92903 DCon11
Minor(Vu3) 0.996 315.2285 415.475 92903 DCon3

27 | P a g e
Beam/Column Capacity Ratios
SumBeamCap SumColCap
1.1(B/C) Column/Beam Controlling
Moments Moments
Ratio Ratio Combo
kN-m kN-m
Major33 1.217 0.904 94.4685 85.4071 DCon11
Minor22 0.965 1.14 74.9377 85.4071 DCon11

ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 Beam Section Design (Envelope)

Beam Element Details

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Length (mm) LLRF
Story1 B4 134 Tie Beam-230*300 4089.4 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
228.6 304.8 228.6 0 60 60

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Flexural Reinforcement for Major Axis Moment, Mu3

End-I End-I Middle Middle End-J End-J
Rebar Area Rebar Rebar Area Rebar Rebar Area Rebar
mm² % mm² % mm² %
Top (+2 Axis) 294 0.42 153 0.22 342 0.49
Bot (-2 Axis) 263 0.38 150 0.21 261 0.37

Flexural Design Moment, Mu3

End-I End-I Middle Middle End-J End-J
Design Mu Station Loc Design Mu Station Loc Design Mu Station Loc
kN-m mm kN-m mm kN-m mm
Top (+2 Axis) -28.2374 152.4 -14.532 2990.9 -31.8637 3937
Combo DCon8 DCon7 DCon7
Bot (-2 Axis) 25.1501 152.4 0.2812 2990.9 25.4771 3937
Combo DCon11 DCon14 DCon12

Shear Reinforcement for Major Shear, Vu2

End-I Middle End-J
Rebar Asv /s Rebar Asv /s Rebar Asv /s
mm²/m mm²/m mm²/m
253.39 253.39 253.39

Design Shear Force for Major Shear, Vu2

28 | P a g e
End-I End-I Middle Middle End-J End-J
Design Vu Station Loc Design Vu Station Loc Design Vu Station Loc
kN mm kN mm kN mm
23.5332 625.5 0.0234 2990.9 24.9075 3937
DCon14 DCon14 DCon14

Torsion Reinforcement
Rebar Asvt /s

Design Torsion Force

Design Tu Station Loc Design Tu Station Loc
kN-m mm kN-m mm
0.3445 3937 0.3445 3937
DCon7 DCon7

(Reinforcement Details of column)
M20 /Fe 500
Clear cover to be used for column : 40 mm
Column Design:

Column Size
(mm) ground and first Floor
B (INCH)D (INCH) (provid
Area(reqd) Corner bar Middle bar ed) % STEEL Check Bars
A1 12 12 4 16 4 16 1,608 1.73% Ok 4-16Ø + 4-16Ø
A2 12 12 4 16 4 16 1,608 1.73% Ok 4-16Ø + 4-16Ø
A3 12 12 4 20 4 16 2,061 2.22% Ok 4-20Ø + 4-16Ø
A4 12 12 4 16 4 12 1,257 1.35% Ok 4-16Ø + 4-12Ø
B1 12 12 4 16 4 16 1,608 1.73% Ok 4-16Ø + 4-16Ø
B2 12 12 4 16 4 16 1,608 1.73% Ok 4-16Ø + 4-16Ø
B3 12 12 4 20 4 16 2,061 2.22% Ok 4-20Ø + 4-16Ø
B4 12 12 4 20 4 16 2,061 2.22% Ok 4-20Ø + 4-16Ø
C1 12 12 4 16 4 16 1,608 1.73% Ok 4-16Ø + 4-16Ø
C2 12 12 4 16 4 12 1,257 1.35% Ok 4-16Ø + 4-12Ø
C3 12 12 4 16 4 16 1,608 1.73% Ok 4-16Ø + 4-16Ø

29 | P a g e
Beam Reinforcem ent Sum m ary

M20 /Fe 500

As per IS 456-2000, in the analysis of frames, the effective length of members shall be center to centre distance (clause 22.2 d)
For Beams span to depth ratio preferred is 12 to 15. Width is kept (1/3) to (1/2) of depth, but some times they are fixed on architectural consideration.

Clear cover to be used for beam : 25 mm
FLOOR Top bottom area total Stirrups
end m id
size no. φ no. φ no. φ no. φ Top Bottom
ties ties

Tie Beam
LOWER 9"*12" 3-ф12(regular) 3-ф12(regular) 339 339 8 ɸ @110 8 ɸ @110
mm c/c mm c/c
UPPER 9"*12" 3-ф12(regular) 3-ф12(regular)
9"*14" 2-ф16+(2-ф12)(extra) 2-ф16+1-ф12 (regular) 8 ɸ @110 8 ɸ @150
Main Beam
with slab mm c/c mm c/c

3-ф16(regular) 3-ф16(regular) 8 ɸ @110 8 ɸ @150

Strap 12"*20" 603 603
mm c/c mm c/c
2-ф12(use as face bar) 113 113


0 General Data:
Depth of slab : (D) 125 mm
Grade of Concrete : (fck) 20 N/mm2
Grade of Steel : (fy) 500 N/mm2
Effective cover: (d') 20 mm
Effective depth of slab : (d) 105 mm
Effective length:
Shorter span: (lx) 4.343 m
Longer span: (ly) 4.496 m

0 Loading:
Dead Load: (DL) 3.13 KN/m2
Other Dead Load: (ODL) 2.85 KN/m2
Live Load: (LL) 2.00 KN/m2
Total Load: (w) 7.98 KN/m2
Factored Load: (wu) 11.96 KN/m2

0 Type of slab:


30 | P a g e
Type: Two way Slab

0 Calculation of Moments:
Moment coefficient:
Type of Slab Panel: 4 DISCONTINUOUS
Short span coefficient: αx
Support S 0.04916
Mid Span M 0.0368
Long span coefficient: αy
Support S 0.047
Mid Span M 0.035

Short span moments:

Support S 11.095 KN-m
Mid Span M 8.305 KN-m

Long span moments:

Support S 10.607 KN-m
Mid Span M 7.899 KN-m

0 Check depth for maximum Moments:
Maximum moments: Mu 11.095 KN-m
effective depth: d 64 < 105 mm

0 Calculation of reinforcement:
1 For shorter span
Mim'm reinforcement n 126 mm2
Design moment: Mx 11.095 KN-m
Neutral axis depth : x 16 mm
Area of steel required: Ast 260 mm2
Area of steel provided: Ø 10 mm
S 150 mm
Ast 524 mm2 OK
Pt 0.5 %
For longer span
Effective depth d 95 mm
Mim'm reinforcement (Ast)mi 114 mm2

31 | P a g e
Design moment: Mx 10.607 KN-m
Neutral axis depth : x 17 mm
Area of steel required: Ast 278 mm2
Area of steel provided: Ø 8 mm
S 150 mm
Ast 336 mm2 OK
Pt 0.354 %

0 Check for shear stress:
Maximum shear force: Vu 25.979 KN
Shear Stress: tv 0.248 N/mm2
β 4.645
Concrete Shear Strength: tc 0.479 N/mm2
Shear Strength factor: K 1.3
Shear Strength of Slab: tc' 0.6227 > 0.248 N/mm2

0 Check for development length:
Ultimate moment Capacity: M1 20.948 KN-m
Maximum Shear Force: V 25.979 KN
Bond Stress: tbd 1.92 N/mm2
Development length: Ld 567 mm
Anchorage length: L0 120 mm
Available length: 1169 > Ld

0 Check for deflection:

length to eff. Depth ratio: l/d 41.366

α 23
β 1
ϒ 1.999 for fs = 3 N/mm2
δ 1 and Pt = 0.5 %
λ 1
Coefficient: 45.982

32 | P a g e


33 | P a g e

Strap Beam

C aB
B1 bA c.g bB B2

q1 q2

e R1 Values Need to be Intered by the User

Characteristic Results

Service Axial Load on Column A , PA 423.33 KN C 0.3 m

Service Axial Load on Column B , PB 655.33 KN Column A Width bA 300 mm
Service Moment on Column A , MA KN.m Column A Length aB 300 mm
Service Moment on Column B , MB KN.m Column A Width bB 300 mm

Proposed External Footing Length L1 1.98 m Concrete Compressive Strength fc` 20 N/mm2
Proposed Footing Thickness h 0.4 m Reinforcement Yielding Strength fy 500 N/mm2

Distance Between Columns (Z) 4.11 m Net Allowable Soil Bearing Capacity 120 KN/m2

Design Summary

Required Width of External Footing ( B1 ) 2.35 m

Shear Force Diagram
Required Area of Internal Footing (AB) 5.18 m2
Proposed Length of Internal Footing (L2) 2.54 m
Required Width of the internal footing (B2) 10 2.05 m
Maximum Soil Pressure under footings 119.41 KN/m2
-1.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
Assumed Width of Strap Beam b strap = 400 mm
Minimum Required Effective Depth of Strap Beam 450 mm
Maximum Shear Force in Strap Beam 555.7 KN
Bending Moment Diagram
Maximum Bending Moment in Strap Beam 332.4 KN
Provided Strap Beam Depth 550 mm
1491.6 mm2
Required Longitudinal Reinforcment Area
T16 8
-1.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
2.09 mm2/mm
Required Shear Reinforcment Area
2*T8@ 50

Proportion Footing Dimensions

PA * Z
The location of forces resultant that give uniform pressure under both footing relative to the center of column B X   1.61 m

According to the proposed length of footing "A" the eccentricity of footing reactions e ( C )  0.69 m
Taking moments about the center of column B, R1 = 508.74 KN
Taking moments about the center of column A, R2 = 569.92 KN

According to the allowable pressure under the footing the minimum width of external footing Minimum B1  2.35 m

According to the allowable pressure under the footing the minimum area of internal footing Minimum AB  5.18 m2

Sequar Footing with B = 2.30 m

L2  2.54 B2  2.05

Acual location of force resultant A A ( Z  e )  (A A  A B ) * X  X  1.614 m Variation = -0.0009 m

Soil pressure under the external footing q1= 119.39 KN/m2 <qall ==> OK
Soil pressure under the external footing q2= 119.41 KN/m2 <qall ==> OK

Strap Beam Analysis and Design

Considering Ultimate Load Magnification  1.5 Therefore the ultimate soil pressure under footings

q1ult   * q1  385.59 KN/m q 2ult   * q 2  336.43 KN/m


Strap Beam

C aB
B1 bA c.g bB B2

qu1 q u2
x 34 | P a g e
Shear Force Diagram

-1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00

Bending Moment Diagram

-1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00

Design of Strap Beam

Bending Moment Design

0.85* fc `  2M u 
 min
 1  1   0.0068 > 0.0028 OK
fy  0.85*  * bstrap * d eff * fc ` 

 As   *bstrap * d eff  1491.60 mm2 8 T16

I recommond to provide similar steel at top and bottom of the

strap beam
Shear Design

V c  0.17 *0.75* fc `* bstrap * d eff  125.44 KN Strength of Concrete Section

(V u  V c )
VS   573.72 KN Shear Force need to be Resisted by Steel

A sv
Shear Reinforcement  2.09 mm2/mm ==> 2*T8@ 50 Required Shear Reinforcement

Design of Combined Footing

35 | P a g e
Axial load on Column A= 191.333333 kN c/c dist. 1.95
Axial load on Column B= 363.333333 kN left edge 0.15
edge to c/c Column
Size of Column A= 304.8 mm dist 1.55 A
Size of Column B= 304.8 mm
Bearing Capacity of soil= 120 kN/sq.m
Right edge 0.15 B
i.Length and Width of the footing
Centre of gravity of load from the property line
X= (PA*x+PB*y)/(PA+PB)
1.0671 m
Length of Footing= 2*X
2 m
10 '-
Assume 3.2 m 6.0''

Assume Weight of footing and earth above it as 10% of total weight

Total load on (PA+PB)*1.
earth= 1
3 kN
Footing Width= Total Load on earth/(length of footing*Bearing Capacity)
9 m
Adopt 1.67 m widhth of footing 5 '- 5.7''

ii.Longitudinal Bending moment and shear

Factored load on Column A= 287 kN
Factored load on Column B= 545 kN
(Pau+Pbu)/(length of footing*width of
Net upward Soil Pressure= Footing)
2 kN/sq.m
Net upward soil pressure per unit length= 260.00 kN/m

Maximum shear force at centre line of column A

Netupward soil pressure per unit length * c/c
V1= distance
Negative shear force -39 kN
V2= V1+Pau
Positive shear force 248 kN
Maximum Shear force at centre line of Column B
Netupward soil pressure per unit length * c/c
V1= distance
Negative shear force -506 kN
V2= V1-Pbu
Positive shear force 39 kN

36 | P a g e
Point of Zero Shear force from centre of column A(from Calculation)
x= 0.64137931
Maximum bending moment computed from left side
BM= (Net upward soil pressure (dist. From left edgt to A column+X)^2)/2-1.5*Factored load*X
4 KNm
Maximum bending moment computed from Right side
BM= (Net upward soil pressure (dist. From right edgt to B column+X)^2)/2-1.5*Factored load B*X
6 KNm

For computation thickness of footing

Bm= 0.138*fck*b*d^2
d^2= 3
d= 1 mm
Depth at the face of
d1 400 mm column
Depth at edge of
d2 200 mm footing
Adopt overall depth as 450 mm & effective depth as 400mm

iii) Main negative longitudinal reinforcement

BM= 0.87*fy*Ast (d-fy*ast/(fck*b))
Simplyfying this into Quadratic equation (Ax^2+Bx+c=0)
Ast= 733.10 sqmm 23411.48

iii) Check depth for one way shear

Minimun dimention of column 304.80

Distance of section from edge of footing equals

to( Along minimum dimension of column: 282.60

Breadth of column face at this section with 45o diagonal

b1 1104.80 mm
V1 101.94 kN
d 289.01 mm
τc(required) 0.32

For Grade 20 with nominal steel Concrete design shear N/mm

strength 2.80 2
Safe in one way

37 | P a g e
Assumed bar diameter 12 mm
No of bars 6.48 nos
No of reinforcement Layer 2
g 515.27 mm c/c
Provide 2 layer of main reinforcement @ 150 mm c/c

Column name

steel grade


capacity of

lx prov(m)

ly rpov(m)
lx reqd.(m)

ly reqd.(m)
Depth of
weight of


Depth of

Angle of



bx(m)Size of

area of



Col no. LOAD

1 420 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 1.50 420 280 2.5667 1 1.60 1.60 1.67 1.67
2 635 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 1.50 635 423.3333 3.8806 1 1.97 1.97 1.98 1.98
3 300 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 1.50 300 200 1.8333 1 1.35 1.35 1.52 1.52
4 223 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 1.50 223 148.6667 1.3628 1 1.17 1.17 1.52 1.52
5 545 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 1.50 545 363.3333 3.3306 1 1.82 1.82 1.90 1.90
5 983 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 1.50 983 655.3333 6.0072 1 2.45 2.45 2.54 2.54
7 545 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 1.50 545 363.3333 3.3306 1 1.82 1.82 1.90 1.90
8 287 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 1.50 287 191.3333 1.7539 1 1.32 1.32 1.52 1.52
9 207 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 2.50 207 138 1.265 1 1.12 1.12 1.52 1.52
10 443 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 3.50 443 295.3333 2.7072 1 1.65 1.65 1.67 1.67
11 270 0.3 0.3 19 30 120 20 500 0.70 4.50 270 180 1.65 1 1.28 1.28 1.52 1.52

38 | P a g e
39 | P a g e


1 Unit Weights of m aterials

Brick masonry 19.20 kN/m3
Screed 21.00 kN/m3
Marble 26.70 kN/m3
Reinforced Concrete 25.00 kN/m3
cement plaster 20.40 kN/m3

2 Heights of Beams, Walls & Parapet Walls

Depth of Beam 0.360 m

Height of Building 9'5" 2.850 m

Height of Parapet Wall 1.000 m
Wall thickness 0.230 m

3 Dead Loads of Walls

a) Dead load of 230 mm thick w all 10.996 kN/m

Dead load of 230 thick w all w ith 25 % opening (Outer w all) 8.247 kN/m
Dead load of 230 mm thick w all w ith 15 % opening (Inner w all) 9.346 kN/m

b) Dead load of 115 mm thick w all 5.498 kN/m

Dead load of 115 thick w all w ith 25 % opening (Outer w all) 4.123 kN/m
Dead load of 115 mm thick w all w ith 15 % opening (Inner w all) 4.673 kN/m

c) Dead load of parapet w all (230 mm thick) 4.416 kN/m

Dead load of parapet w all (115 mm thick) 2.208 kN/m

4 Floor Loads
Thickness of slab 0.150 m
Thickness of tile w ith plaster 0.025 m
Thickness of Marble 0.020 m
Thickness of Screed 0.040 m
Thickness of Cement Plaster 0.0125 m

Dead load of structural slab 3.750 kN/m 2

Dead load of Tile 0.510 kN/m2

Dead load of Marble 0.534 kN/m2
Dead load of screed 0.840 kN/m2
Dead load of Cement Plaster 0.255 kN/m2
Total dead load of Floor Finishes (Tile) 1.350 kN/m 2
Total dead load of Floor Finishes (Marble) 1.374 kN/m 2
Total dead load of Floor Finishes (Cement Punning) 1.095 kN/m 2

Dead load of light partition w alls 1.200 kN/m2

40 | P a g e
w ith inside and outside plaster 32.5 mm 1.651 KN/m Total 12.647 KN/m
w ith inside and outside plaster 32.5 mm 1.238 KN/m Total 9.485 KN/m
w ith inside and outside plaster 32.5 mm 1.403 KN/m Total 10.750 KN/m

w ith inside and outside plaster 32.5 mm 1.651 KN/m Total 7.149 KN/m
w ith inside and outside plaster 32.5 mm 1.238 KN/m Total 5.362 KN/m
w ith inside and outside plaster 32.5 mm 1.403 KN/m Total 6.076 KN/m

w ith inside and outside plaster 32.5 mm 0.663 KN/m Total 5.079 KN/m
w ith inside and outside plaster 32.5 mm 0.663 KN/m Total 2.871 KN/m

w ith plaster 32.5 mm 0.825 KN/m Total 11.821 KN/m

w ith plaster 32.5 mm 0.619 KN/m Total 8.866 KN/m
w ith plaster 32.5 mm 0.702 KN/m Total 10.048 KN/m

w ith plaster 32.5 mm 0.825 KN/m Total 6.323 KN/m

w ith plaster 32.5 mm 0.619 KN/m Total 4.743 KN/m
w ith plaster 32.5 mm 0.702 KN/m Total 5.375 KN/m

w ith plaster 32.5 mm 0.332 KN/m Total 4.748 KN/m

w ith plaster 32.5 mm 0.332 KN/m Total 2.540 KN/m

Load Calculation
L*B*H Vol Cum
Vol*Unit Wt KN
for other than light partition need to be calculated KN/Floor Area KN/Sqm

Thus, Residential building has been fully designed using a computer program, ETABSv16.2.0 All
the required design details of slab, beam, column and footing and staircase have been presented.
Possible best-approaches have been adopted for most-economical design, yet fulfilling all the
requirements for important building. Due considerations have been given to the probable increase in
load and strength as a partial factor of safety.
Also, double tie-beams, on regular tie-beam at plinth level and one at top level of footing-pad is
specified as the building is being constructed in high seismicity area. During construction, it is
mandatory to follow IS13920, regarding provision of stirrups and ties, development lengths, splices
and other detailing. Band at sill and lintel are provided to increase lateral strength of wall and to
improve opening weakness on wall.
Strict Control over quality of materials and workmanship is required for expected performance of
building in future. Hence, following shall be considered during construction works to obtain
expected results.

41 | P a g e
A. General:
a. All works to be carried out in accordance with current best practice, Building Regulations,
the project specification and relevant Nepal Building Code (NBC), Indian Standards and
Codes of Practice. Materials and components to be appropriate for their intended use.
b. The construction-works shall only be carried-out by trained mason with supervision of
c. During construction, the contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the structure in a
stable condition and ensuring no part shall be damaged under construction activities.
d. Workmanship and materials are to be in accordance with the relevant current Standards
including all amendments and the local statutory authorities, except where varied by the
contract document.
e. All coarse aggregate used shall be crushed stone aggregate. The nominal size of coarse-
aggregate for RC bands and splints shall not exceed12.5mm.
f. Clean sand, with minimum silts and free from clay and organic materials shall be used.
g. Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 269:1976 shall be used for all cement works.
h. At least 48 hours’ notice shall be provided for all engineering inspections.

B. Structural:
1. Cast-In-Situ concrete/micro-concrete shall have minimum 28 days’ compressive cube
strength of 20N/mm² for all structural members unless otherwise stated.
2. The concrete compressive strength shall be measured on 150*150*150mm cube at 28 days,
for various structural elements.
3. Reinforcing steel shall be TOR having minimum yield strength of 500N/mm². However,
TMT rebar with ultimate strain not less than 14.5% can also be used.
4. Cover to main reinforcing steel be in accordance with IS 456:1978 & as specified in the
structural drawings.
5. Clear Cover of Concrete shall not be less than that given below:
a. Concrete surface at soil = 50mm
b. Concrete on PCC, Bricks, STONE, etc = 30mm
6. Unless otherwise specified, all horizontal & vertical construction joints shall be roughened.
7. A minimum of 48 hours’ notice shall be given to the Engineer before applying plaster,
concrete/micro concrete is poured, in order that the formwork and/or reinforcement may be

42 | P a g e
8. All R.C.C work shall be continuously cured for 14-days.
9. All cement plaster works shall be continuously cured for 7 days.
10. Any damage to surface during erection/construction is to be made good.

43 | P a g e

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