Chapter 2.radiation
Chapter 2.radiation
Chapter 2.radiation
radiation detector. Energy is scattered by atmospheric dust and water droplets and absorbed
by carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapour molecules.
Therefore, all radiation thermometers have to be carefully calibrated for each particular body
whose temperature they are required to monitor. Various types of radiation thermometer exist, as
described below. The optical pyrometer can only be used to measure high temperatures, but
various types of radiation pyrometers are available that between them cover the whole
temperature spectrum.
Figure 2.4: Power spectral density of radiated energy emission at various temperatures.
Fig. 2.5: The electromagnetic spectrum, with range from around 0.7 to 14 µm useful for
measuring purposes.
A, Optical pyrometers
The optical pyrometer, illustrated in Figure 2.6, is designed to measure temperatures where the
peak radiation emission is in the red part of the visible spectrum, i.e. where the measured body
glows a certain shade of red according to the temperature. This limits the instrument to
measuring temperatures above 600°C. This is based on comparing the brightness of the light
emitted by the hot body with that from a known standard. The instrument contains a heated
tungsten filament within its optical system. The current in the filament is increased until its
colour is the same as the hot body: under these conditions the filament apparently disappears
when viewed against the background of the hot body.
Temperature measurement is therefore obtained in terms of the current flowing in the filament.
As the brightness of different materials at any particular temperature varies according to the
emissivity of the material, the calibration of the optical pyrometer must be adjusted according to
the emissivity of the target. Manufacturers provide tables of standard material emissivities to
assist with this.
The inherent measurement inaccuracy of an optical pyrometer is ±5°C. However, in addition to
this error, there can be a further operator-induced error of ±10°C arising out of the difficulty in
judging the moment when the filament ‘just’ disappears. Measurement accuracy can be
improved somewhat by employing an optical filter within the instrument that passes a narrow
band of frequencies of wavelength around 0.65 μm corresponding to the red part of the visible
spectrum. This also extends the upper temperature measurable from 5000°C in unfiltered
instruments up to 10 000°C. The instrument cannot be used in automatic temperature control
schemes because the eye of the human operator is an essential part of the measurement
B, Radiation pyrometers
All the alternative forms of radiation pyrometer described below have an optical system that is
similar to that in the optical pyrometer and focuses the energy emitted from the measured body.
However, they differ by omitting the filament and eyepiece and having instead an energy
detector in the same focal plane as the eyepiece was, as shown in Figure 2.7. This principle can
be used to measure temperature over a range from -100°C to +3600°C. The radiation detector is
either a thermal detector, which measures the temperature rise in a black body at the focal point
of the optical system, or a photon detector.
Thermal detectors respond equally to all wavelengths in the frequency spectrum, and consist of
either thermopiles, resistance thermometers or thermistors. All of these typically have time
constants of several milliseconds, because of the time taken for the black body to heat up and
the temperature sensor to respond to the temperature change.
Photon detectors respond selectively to a particular band within the full spectrum, and are
usually of the photoconductive or photovoltaic type. They respond to temperature changes very
much faster than thermal detectors because they involve atomic processes, and typical
measurement time constants are a few microseconds.
The Broad-band (total radiation) pyrometer involves the radiation from the hot object being
focused onto a radiation detector.
The detector is typically a thermopile with often up to 20 or 30 thermocouple junctions, a
resistance element or a thermistor. The detector is said to be broad band since it detects
radiation over a wide band of frequencies and so the output is the summation of the power
emitted at every wavelength. It is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature (the Stefan-
Boltzmann law).
The accuracy of broad band total radiation pyrometers is typically about ±0.5% and ranges are
available within the region OoC to 3000°C. The time constant (a measure of how fast the system
responds to a change in temperature and is the time taken to reach about 63% of the final value)
for the instrument varies from about 0.1s when the detector is just one thermocouple or small
bead thermistor to a few seconds with a thermopile involving many thermocouples.
This is because the temperature of the detector increases until the heat gain from the incident
radiation is balanced by the heat loss due to convection and radiation.
For high-temperature measurement, a two-couple thermopile gives acceptable measurement
sensitivity and has a fast time constant of about 0.1 s. At lower measured temperatures, where
the level of incident radiation is much less, thermopiles constructed from a greater number of
thermocouples must be used to get sufficient measurement sensitivity.
Thermocouples are formed when two dissimilar metals are joined together to form a junction. An
electrical circuit is completed by joining the other ends of the dissimilar metals together to form
a second junction. A current will flow in the circuit if the two junctions are at different
temperatures as shown in Figure 2.8(a). The current flowing is the result of the difference in
electromotive force developed at the two junctions due to their temperature difference. In
practice, the voltage difference between the two junctions is measured; the difference in the
voltage is proportional to the temperature difference between the two junctions. Note that the
thermocouple can only be used to measure temperature differences. However, if one junction is
held at a reference temperature the voltage between the thermocouples gives a measurement of
the temperature of the second junction.
Figure 2.8 (a) A thermocouple circuit, (b) thermocouples connected to form a thermopile, and
(c) focusing EM rays onto a thermopile.
Thermopile is a number of thermocouples connected in series, to increase the sensitivity and
accuracy by increasing the output voltage when measuring low temperature differences. Each of
the reference junctions in the thermopile is returned to a common reference temperature as
shown in Figure 2.8(b)
Thermistors are a class of metal oxide (semiconductor material) which typically have a high
negative temperature coefficient of resistance, but can also be positive. Thermistors have high
sensitivity which can be up to 10 percent change per degree Celsius, making them the most
sensitive temperature elements available, but with very nonlinear characteristics. The typical
response times is 0.5 s to 5 s with an operating range from −50oC to typically 300°C. Devices are
available with the temperature range extended to 500°C. Thermistors are low cost and
manufactured in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and values. When in use care has to be taken to
minimize the effects of internal heating. Thermistor materials have a temperature coefficient of
resistance (α) given by
RT =RT e α ¿¿
2 1
where ΔR is the change in resistance due to a temperature change ΔT , RS the material resistance
at the reference temperature, RT is the resistance of the thermistor due to the temperature T 2, and
are as shown in Figure 2.10 and make the device difficult to use as an accurate measuring device
without compensation, but its sensitivity and low cost makes it useful in many applications.
(easily) than the d.c. output coming from an unchopped instrument. This is particularly
important when amplification is necessary to achieve an acceptable measurement resolution
in situations where the level of incident radiation from the measured body is low. For this
reason, this form of instrument is the more common when measuring body temperatures
associated with peak emission in the infrared part of the frequency spectrum. For such chopped
systems, the time constant of thermopiles is too long. Instead, thermistors are generally used,
giving a time constant of 0.01 s. Standard instruments of this type are available to measure
temperatures between +20°C and +1300°C. This form of pyrometer suffers similar accuracy drift
to unchopped forms. Its life is also limited to about two years because of motor failures.
known as a ratio pyrometer) is a system that largely overcomes this problem by using the
arrangement shown in Figure 2.11. Radiation from the body is split equally into two parts, which
are applied to separate narrow-band filters. The outputs from the filters consist of radiation
within two narrow bands of wavelength λ1 and λ2. Detectors sensitive to these frequencies
produce output voltages V1 and V2 respectively. The ratio of these outputs, (V1/V2), can be
shown to be a function of temperature and to be independent of the emissivity provided that the
two wavelengths λ1 and λ2 are close together.
The theoretical basis of the two-colour pyrometer is that the output is independent of
emissivity because the emissivities at the two wavelengths λ1 and λ2 are equal.