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Measurement is an important subsystem in any major system, whether it

may be a mechanical system or an electronic system. A measurement
system consists of sensors, actuators, transducers and signal
processing devices. The use of these elements and devices is not
limited to measuring systems. These are also used in the systems which
perform specific tasks, to communicate with the real world. The words
sensors and transducers are widely used in association with
measurement systems. In simple terms, a sensor is a device that detects
changes and events in a physical stimulus and provides a corresponding
output signal that can be measured and/or recorded. Here, the output
signal can be any measurable signal and is generally an electrical
quantity. Sensors are devices that perform input functions in a system as
they ‘sense’ the changes in a quantity. The best example of a sensor is
a mercury thermometer. Here the quantity that is being measured is heat
or temperature. Transducers are devices that convert energy in one form
into another form. Generally, the energy is in the form of a signal. A
transducer is a term collectively used for both sensors and actuators.
Temperature sensors are simple instrument that measures the degree of
hotness or coolness and converts it into a readable unit. But, have you
ever wondered how the temperature of the soil, boreholes, huge
concrete dams or buildings is measured? Well, this is accomplished
through some of the specialised temperature sensors are designed to
keep a regular check on concrete structures, bridges, railway tracks, soil,
etc. A temperature sensor is a device, typically, a thermocouple or
resistance temperature detector, that provides temperature
measurement in a readable form through an electrical signa

Temperature changes as a function of the average energy of molecular
movement. As heat is added to a system, molecular motion increases
and the system experiences an increase in temperature. It is difficult,
however, to directly measure the energy of molecular movement, so
temperature sensors are generally designed to measure a property that
changes in response to temperature. The devices are then calibrated to
traditional temperature scales using a standard (Example: the boiling
point of water at known pressure). One well-known thermal sensor is a
mercury or alcohol thermometer. It uses the volume of mercury or dyed
ethanol, which expands when temperature increases, to measure
temperature in a tube with a temperature scale. Though very well known,
mercury and alcohol thermometers are not well suited to measure
temperature in many small and large machines. Other kinds of thermal
sensors that can be suited for many other applications include
thermocouples, resistance thermometers, silicon sensors and radiation

Literature review

From the journal-title “Optic-Fibber Temperature Sensor” by

Undoing Zhang, Huaiyin Su, Kai Ma, Fuxing Zhu, Ying Guo and Weiguo
Jiang. In this journal, they review the optical fiber Mach-Zehnder
interferometer (MZI) for temperature sensing which is widely used in
these few years.

Optical fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) based on double-

beam interference consists of two couples connecting the reference arm
and probe arm. The input light is divided into two parts by the first
coupler, then propagating along the reference arm and probe arm,
respectively. When the length difference of the interference arms is far
less than the coherent length of the incident light, the output lights of the
two arms arrive at the second coupler and generate a coherent
superposition to produce interference. Figure 1 schematically illustrates
the diagram of the optical fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

The optical fibre inline MZI is normally based on the stimulation

and coupling of the light waves model that the fundamental mode
interferes with the stimulated high-order cladding mode. Figure 2
schematically illustrates the diagram of optical fibre inline MZI.

In conclusion, the fundamental principles of MZI fiber sensors are

proposed and discussed to further understand MZI. Different kinds of
structures for temperature sensing of recent years are summarized as
several typical MZI categories and their advantages and disadvantages
are indicated separately. They also conclude that the MZI temperature
sensing and several methods typically realize the MZI in practical
application for the readers.

From the journal-title “Fiber-optic sensors for real-time temperature

monitoring in minimally invasive thermotherapies” by Sultan Sovetov. In
this journal, he or she suggests that to use fiber-optic sensors for
temperature change monitoring in minimally invasive thermo-therapies
for cancer care.
There were a few comparisons of fiber-optic sensors, based on the
5-element FBG array, the CFBG, and the OBR, all of which are
operating in real-time and suggested to be used for the temperature
change monitoring in minimally invasive thermo-therapies for cancer
care was provided in this work.The following criteria was used to
compare these temperature sensing technologies: spatial resolution,
temperature sensing range, hardware setup, time required for
temperature change reconstruction and cost in Table 4.4.1 below.

There were experiments conducted in both the laboratory and in

the clinical settings. Also, various recommendations and improvements
for future experiments were provided as well.
In conclusion, the CFBG sensor is suggested to be the most
suitable one compared to its alternatives, which are the 5-element FBG
array and the OBR-based sensors.

3.0 Fiber optic temperature sensor based on lifetime measurement

Fluorescence-based sensors are widely used for measuring various

parameters due to its relatively independent of ambient conditions. This
approach is widely used for temperature sensor, which is normally based
on the detection of fluorescence lifetimes in various rareearth-doped
silica fibers [Zhang et al., 2009; Lopez et al., 2004; Seat et al., 2002;
Baek et al., 2006]. In principle, fluorescence is induced by pump power
at a certain wavelength that is suitable for the doped ions, and only a
straightforward detection procedure is needed. An additional advantage
of such rare-earth-doped fiber sensors is that they are compatible with a
wide range of existing fiber-optic multiplexing schemes that can
simultaneously detect multiple physical parameters. The underlying
principle behind the ability of the rare-earth doped materials to be used
as temperature sensors [McSherry et al., 2005] is their properties of
emission and absorption that are dependent on the temperature. This
behavior is due to the homogeneous broadening of the line width and
the changing population of the energy levels with temperature. In the
earlier work, a remote temperature sensor has been proposed using
fluorescence intensity-ratio technique [Castrellon-Uribe, 2005]. In this
section, a temperature sensor is proposed based on fluorescence decay
time in Erbiumdoped fiber (EDF).

4.0 Experiment setup of fiber optic high temperature sensor.

From the studies of S. W. Harun, M. Yasin, H. A. Rahman, H. Arof and
H. Ahmad 2015;
Fig. 4 shows the schematic diagram of the proposed sensor set-up. The
980nm laser pump beam is launched into a piece of 90 cm long Erbium-
doped fiber (EDF) via a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) coupler.
The EDF is placed in a vacuum oven which allows us to vary the fiber
temperature within 25 to 200oC interval. The fluorescence signal from
the forward pumped EDF is detected by a Ge photo-detector and
processed with a digital oscilloscope. The 980 nm pump beam is
chopped so as to generate a square-wave modulated signal with pulse
width of 2.2ms, peak power of approximately 124mW and frequency of
45Hz. When the erbium-doped fiber is pumped with the photon energy of
980 nm, the 4I11/2 erbium level is excited and the 4I13/2 metastable
level is quasi-instantaneously populated due to the non-radiative
transition. The population inversion between 4I13/2 and 4I11/2 level is
responsible for the emission of fluorescence at around 1550 nm. When
the EDF is pumped at a fixed rate, the fluorescence variation including a
lifetime change can reflect corresponding temperature. The temperature
dependent fluorescence lifetimes of the spontaneous emission of the
EDF is investigated and studied in this work.Fig. 5 shows the output
spectrum of the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) of the forward
pumped EDF when the continuous wave pump power is fixed at 31 mW.
The ASE spectrum peaks at 1529 nm with the average power of around
-58 dBm. The temperature sensing mechanism in this work is based on
the temperature dependence of the Erbium fluorescent lifetime decay.
The Erbium fluorescence lifetime is measured using a modulated pump

Fig. 5. Output spectrum of the generated ASE with 980nm pump

power of 31mW.
Approximately 2 mW and the results for temperature measurements of
85oC and 130oC are shown in Figs. 6(a) and (b), respectively. Fitting the
exponential curve produces lifetimes of 4.85 and 4.75 ms for
temperatures of 85oC and 130oC accordingly. The fluorescence lifetime
data taken over the range of 25oC to 160oC are presented in Fig. 7. The
graph shows the existence of an inverse linear relationship between the
Erbium lifetime and the temperature. The fluorescence lifetime data
shown in Fig. 7 are mean values of consecutive measurements at
corresponding stabilized temperature. The sensitivity of the sensor is
obtained at 0.009 ms/oC with a linearity more than 94%. The lifetime
reduction is attributed to the quenching of the Erbium luminescence,
which results in less efficient excitation. The quenching is mainly due to
a decrease in the absorption coefficient of Erbium ion as the temperature
is increased.


Temperature is one of the most common parameters used to measure,

monitor, and control certain processes in various industries.
Temperature Sensor probes are perhaps the best solution to collect
accurate temperature measurements and improve application efficiency.
In industrial operations like mining, there are several limitations to
human movements due to the nature of the job. This limitation may
include an unhealthy environment for humans, toxicity during mining
operations, extremely high temperatures, etc. In certain applications, the
temperature sensor probes are inserted into the complex locations to
monitor the temperature. Many material processing applications like
forging, casting, and so on require very high temperatures. Regular
temperature sensors cannot withstand such high temperatures, but
temperature probes with integrated sensors can. Automobile, aircraft,
and aerospace applications use complex assemblies where the use of
surface mount RTDs or thermocouples may not be feasible.
Temperature Sensor Probes are perfect for these complex applications.
In the medical industry, temperature probes are commonly used as
clinical thermometers and as fluidic managements systems.



2.Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors, S. W. Harun1,2, M. Yasin1,3, H. A.

Rahman1,2,4, H. Arof,2 and H. Ahmad1 (February, 2012)

3.Optic-Fiber Temperature Sensor,Yundong Zhang, Huaiyin Su, Kai Ma,

Fuxing Zhu, Ying Guo and Weiguo Jiang (July 2018)


Sovetov,December 2018

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