Freeman 6e ch9 Cell Respiration
Freeman 6e ch9 Cell Respiration
Freeman 6e ch9 Cell Respiration
L ife requires energy. From the very start, chemical evolution was driven by energy from chemicals,
radiation, heat, or other sources (see Chapter 2). Harnessing energy and controlling its flow has
been the single most important step in the evolution of life.
What fuels life in cells? The answer is the nucleotide adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP has high
potential energy and allows cells to overcome life’s energy barriers (see Chapter 8).
This chapter is part of the This chapter investigates how cells make ATP, starting with an introduction to the metabolic pathways
Big Picture. See how on that harvest energy from high-energy molecules like the sugar glucose—the most common source of
pages 232–233. chemical energy used by organisms. As cells process sugar, the energy that is released is used to transfer
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 ¡ 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Heat and light does not fully oxidize glucose. Instead, small, reduced organic
glucose oxygen carbon dioxide water energy molecules are produced as waste. As a result, cellular respiration
releases more energy from glucose than fermentation.
More specifically, a total of about 685 kilocalories (kcal) of heat You can think of the complete oxidation of glucose via cel-
is released when one mole of glucose is oxidized. To put this in lular respiration as a set of four interconnected processes that
perspective, if you burned one mole of glucose (∼180 grams), it together convert the chemical energy in glucose to chemical
would give off enough heat to bring almost 2.5 gallons of room- energy in ATP. Each of the four processes consists of a distinctive
temperature water to a boil. starting molecule, a series of chemical reactions, and a charac-
Glucose does not burn in cells, however. Instead, it is oxi- teristic set of products.
dized through a long series of carefully controlled redox reac-
tions (see Chapter 8). These reactions are occurring, millions of 1. Glycolysis During glycolysis, one six-carbon molecule of
times per minute, in your cells right now. Instead of releasing all glucose is broken into two molecules of the three-carbon
of this energy as heat, the released free energy is used to synthe- compound pyruvate. During this process, ATP is produced
size ATP from ADP and Pi. You use this ATP to read, think, move, from ADP and Pi, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
and stay alive. (NAD+) is reduced to form NADH.
Fermentation is another process that oxidizes glucose. So 2. Pyruvate processing Each pyruvate is processed to release
how does fermentation differ from cellular respiration? Cellular one molecule of CO2, and the remaining two carbons are used
respiration, like burning, results in the complete oxidation of to form the compound acetyl CoA. The oxidation of pyruvate
glucose into CO2 and water. Fermentation, on the other hand, results in more NAD+ being reduced to NADH.
Figure 9.2 Cellular Respiration Oxidizes Glucose to Make ATP. Cells produce ATP from glucose via a series of
processes: (1) glycolysis, (2) pyruvate processing, (3) the citric acid cycle, and (4) electron transport and oxidative
phosphorylation. Each process produces high-energy molecules in the form of nucleotides (ATP) and/or electron
carriers (NADH or FADH2). Because the four processes are connected, cellular respiration is an integrated metabolic
pathway. The first three processes oxidize glucose to produce NADH and FADH2, which then feed the electron
transport chain.
Use what you have learned in the text to fill in the chart along the bottom of the figure.
Glucose Pyruvate Acetyl CoA ACID
Figure 9.3 Cellular Respiration Interacts with Other Catabolic and Anabolic Pathways. A variety of high-energy
compounds from carbohydrates, fats, or proteins can be broken down in catabolic reactions and used by cellular
respiration for ATP production. Several of the intermediates in cellular respiration serve as precursor molecules in
anabolic reactions leading to the synthesis of carbohydrates, nucleotides, lipids, and amino acids.
and anabolic pathways are closely intertwined. CAUTION If you Instead of preserving the yeast extracts, though, the sucrose
understand this relationship, you should be able to explain was quickly broken down and alcohol appeared as a by-product.
why many different molecules—including lipids, amino acids, This was a key finding: It showed that metabolic pathways could
and CO2-end up as radiolabeled when cells are fed glucose be studied in vitro—outside the organism. Until then, research-
with radioactive carbons (14C). ers thought that metabolism could take place only in intact
Metabolism comprises thousands of different chemical reac- organisms.
tions, yet the amounts and identities of molecules inside cells When researchers studied how the sugar was being processed,
are relatively constant. By regulating key reactions involved they found that the reactions could go on much longer than
in catabolic and anabolic pathways, the cell is able to maintain normal if inorganic phosphate were added to the mixture. This
its internal environment even under different environmental result implied that some of the compounds involved were being
conditions—a condition referred to as homeostasis. While the phosphorylated. Soon after, a molecule called fructose bisphos
ATP generated by cellular respiration and fermentation are cru- phate was isolated. (The prefix bis– means that the phosphate
cial for survival, the intermediates in these pathways also are groups are attached to the fructose molecule at two different
central parts of a highly integrated metabolism (Figure 9.4). locations.) Subsequent work showed that all but the starting
Once you’ve filled in the chart at the bottom of Figure 9.2, and ending molecules in glycolysis—glucose and pyruvate—are
you’ll be ready to analyze each of the four steps of cellular res- phosphorylated.
piration in detail. As you delve in, keep asking yourself the same In 1905 researchers found that the processing of sugar by
key questions: What goes in and what comes out? What happens yeast extracts stopped if they boiled the reaction mix. Because
to the energy that is released? Where does each step occur, and it was known that enzymes could be inactivated by heat, this
how is it regulated? Then take a look in the mirror. All these pro- discovery suggested that enzymes were involved in at least
cesses are occurring right now, in virtually all your cells. some of the processing steps. Years later, investigators realized
that each step in glycolysis is catalyzed by a different enzyme.
Eventually, each of the 10 reactions and enzymes involved was
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate
What goes in: ATP ATP
OH H 1 OH H 2 H HO 3 H HO 4
Glucose Glucose- Fructose- Fructose-
6-phosphate 6-phosphate 1,6-bisphosphate C O
Glycolysis begins with an
energy-investment phase: 2 ATP 2 ADP H2CO P
What comes out: ADP ADP Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
Figure 9.5 Glycolysis Pathway. This sequence of 10 reactions oxidizes glucose to pyruvate. Each reaction is catalyzed
by a different enzyme to produce two net ATP (4 ATP are produced, but 2 are invested), two molecules of NADH, and
two molecules of pyruvate. In step 4, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is divided into two products that both proceed through
steps 6–10. The amounts for “What goes in” and “What goes out” are the combined totals for both molecules.
2. The energy-payoff phase of glycolysis occurs in reactions Table 9.1. While the catabolism of glucose can occur via other
6–10 of Figure 9.5. The first high-energy molecules are pro- pathways, this set of reactions is among the most ancient and
duced in the sixth reaction, where two molecules of NAD+ fundamental of all life processes.
are reduced to form two NADH. In reactions 7 and 10,
enzymes catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group from
a phosphorylated substrate to ADP, forming ATP. Enzyme-
How Is Glycolysis Regulated?
catalyzed reactions that result in ATP production are termed An important advance in understanding how glycolysis is reg-
substrate-level phosphorylation (Figure 9.6). ulated occurred when biologists observed that high levels of
ATP inhibit a key glycolytic enzyme called phosphofructoki-
3. For each molecule of glucose processed by glycolysis, the
nase. Phosphofructokinase catalyzes reaction 3 in Figure 9.5—
net yield is two molecules of NADH, two of ATP, and two of
the synthesis of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate from fructose-
6-phosphate. This is a key step in the sequence.
The discovery and elucidation of the glycolytic pathway ranks The products of reactions 1 and 2 can be easily converted back
as one of the great achievements in the history of biochemistry. to glucose by an array of enzymes. Before reaction 3, then, the
For more detail about the enzymes that catalyze each step, see sequence is not committed to glycolysis and glucose can be used
in other pathways. But once fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is syn-
thesized, it will not be converted back to glucose. Based on these
observations, it makes sense that the pathway is regulated at the
first committed step—reaction 3. How do cells do it?
ATP As shown in Figure 9.5, ATP serves as a substrate for the addi-
ADP tion of a phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate. In the vast majority
Enzyme of cases, increasing the concentration of a substrate would speed
the rate of a chemical reaction, but in this case, it inhibits it. Why
Phosphorylated would ATP—a substrate that is required for the reaction—also
serve as an inhibitor of the reaction? The answer lies in knowing
that ATP is also the end product of the overall catabolic pathway.
Figure 9.6 Substrate-Level Phosphorylation Involves an Recall that when an enzyme in a pathway is inhibited by the
Enzyme and a Phosphorylated Substrate. Substrate-level product of the reaction sequence, feedback inhibition occurs
phosphorylation occurs when an enzyme catalyzes the transfer (see Chapter 8). When the product molecule is abundant, it
of a phosphate group from a phosphorylated substrate to ADP, can inhibit its own production by interfering with one of the
forming ATP. reactions used to create it. Cells that are able to stop glycolytic
O– O– O– O–
2 Pi P OC O C O C O 2 H2O C O C O
reactions when ATP is abundant can conserve their stores of does the regulatory site. As ATP concentrations increase, how-
glucose for times when ATP is scarce. As a result, homeostasis is ever, it also binds at the regulatory site on phosphofructokinase.
maintained via feedback inhibition. When ATP binds at this second location, the enzyme’s conforma-
How do high levels of the substrate inhibit the enzyme? As tion changes in a way that dramatically lowers the reaction rate
Figure 9.7 on page 196 shows, phosphofructokinase has two dis- at the active site. In phosphofructokinase, ATP acts as an alloste-
tinct binding sites for ATP. ATP can bind at the enzyme’s active ric regulator (see Chapter 8). QUANTITATIVE If you understand
site, where it is used to phosphorylate fructose-6-phosphate, or how ATP regulates glycolysis, you should be able to draw a
at a regulatory site, where it turns off the enzyme’s activity. graph showing the rate of ATP production as a function of ATP
The key to feedback inhibition lies in the ability of the two concentration. Predict how the rate would change if the regu-
sites to bind to ATP. When concentrations are low, ATP binds latory site in phosphofructokinase had higher affinity for ATP
only to the active site, which has a greater affinity for ATP than than the active site did.
3 Phosphofructokinase Uses ATP to phosphorylate the opposite end of fructose-6-phosphate, increasing its potential energy.
5 Triose phosphate Converts dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DAP) to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P). Although the
isomerase reaction is fully reversible, the DAP-to-G3P reaction is favored because G3P is immediately used
as a substrate for step 6.
6 Glyceraldehyde-3- A two-step reaction that first oxidizes G3P using the NAD∙ coenzyme to produce NADH. Energy from
phosphate dehydrogenase this reaction is used to attach a Pi to the oxidized product to form 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate.
7 Phosphoglycerate kinase Transfers a phosphate from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to ADP to make 3-phosphoglycerate and ATP.
9 Enolase Removes a water molecule from 2-phosphoglycerate to form a C=C double bond and produce
10 Pyruvate kinase Transfers a phosphate from phosphoenolpyruvate to ADP to make pyruvate and ATP.
9.3 Processing Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA Like glycolysis, pyruvate processing is regulated by feed-
back inhibition. When the products of glycolysis and pyruvate
In eukaryotes, the pyruvate produced by glycolysis is transported processing are in abundant supply, the process shuts down.
from the cytosol to mitochondria. Mitochondria are organelles Pyruvate processing stops when the pyruvate dehydrogenase
found in virtually all eukaryotes (see Chapter 7). complex becomes phosphorylated and changes shape. The rate
Outer membrane
100 nm
Figure 9.8 The Structure of the Mitochondrion. Mitochondria have outer and inner membranes that define the
intermembrane space and matrix. Pyruvate processing occurs within the mitochondrial matrix. Recent research
using cryo-electron tomography (the colorized image on the right) shows that the sac-like cristae are expansions
of short tubes formed from the inner membrane.
α-Ketoglutarate CO2
Oxaloacetate NAD+
runs twice for each
glucose molecule oxidized
+ H+ NAD+ COO–
CH2 In the next cycle, this
blue carbon becomes
COO– a red carbon Succinyl CoA
COO– 5
Malate ADP + Pi
7 COO–
FAD CH2 or
H2O CH2 GDP + Pi
CH 6
Each reaction is catalyzed
by a different enzyme Succinate
Figure 9.10 The Citric Acid Cycle Completes the Oxidation of Glucose. Acetyl CoA goes into the citric acid
cycle, and carbon dioxide, NADH, FADH2, and ATP or GTP come out. ATP or GTP is produced by substrate-level
phosphorylation. If you follow individual carbon atoms around the cycle several times, you’ll come to an important
conclusion: Each of the carbons in the cycle is eventually a “red carbon” that is released as CO2.
These steps are Figure 9.11 The Citric Acid Cycle Is Regulated by Feedback
also regulated via Inhibition. The citric acid cycle slows down when ATP and NADH
feedback inhibition, are plentiful. ATP acts as an allosteric regulator, while NADH acts
This step is by NADH and ATP as a competitive inhibitor.
regulated by ATP Citrate 2
1 4
Acetyl CoA
Oxaloacetate 5
8 6
catalyze each step, see Table 9.2. All of these reactions occur in 2 of FADH2, and 4 of ATP. The ATP molecules are produced by
the mitochondrial matrix, and the released free energy is used substrate-level phosphorylation and can be used to drive ender-
to produce three NADH, one FADH2, and one ATP for each acetyl gonic reactions. The CO2 molecules are a gas that is disposed of
oxidized. But a major question remains. as you exhale.
What happens to the NADH and FADH2 produced by glycoly-
sis, pyruvate processing, and the citric acid cycle? Recall that the
What Happens to the NADH and FADH2? overall reaction for glucose oxidation is
Figure 9.12 reviews the relationships of glycolysis, pyruvate pro- C 6H 12O6 + 6 O2 ¡ 6 CO2 + 6 H 2O + Energy
cessing, and the citric acid cycle and identifies where each process
takes place in eukaryotic cells. As you study this figure, note that These three steps account for the glucose, the CO2, and—
for each molecule of glucose that is fully oxidized to 6 carbon because ATP is produced—some of the chemical energy that
dioxide molecules, the cell produces 10 molecules of NADH, results from the overall reaction. But the O2 and the H2O are
2 CO2
Figure 9.12 Glucose Oxidation Produces ATP, NADH, FADH2, and CO2. Glucose is completely oxidized to
carbon dioxide via glycolysis, pyruvate processing, and the citric acid cycle. In eukaryotes, glycolysis occurs in the
cytosol; pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle take place in the mitochondrial matrix.
Oxidation of glucose S
still unaccounted for. As it turns out, so is much of the chemical NADH and FADH2. At this point, the reaction that has yet to
energy. The relative changes in free energy that occur as the occur is
carbons in glucose are oxidized are shown in Figure 9.13.
10 NADH + 2 FADH 2 + 6 O2 + 10 H + ¡
In glycolysis, pyruvate processing, and the citric acid cycle,
10 NAD + + 2 FAD + 12 H 2O + Energy
redox reactions transfer electrons to NAD+ and FAD to form
In the above reaction, those electrons are transferred from
NADH and FADH2 to oxygen. Recall that when NADH is formed,
check your understanding it takes on two electrons, but only one proton (Chapter 8). The
second proton for each NADH is represented by the 10 H+ in the
If you understand that … equation. As NADH and FADH2 are oxidized to NAD+ and FAD,
• During glycolysis, glucose is oxidized to pyruvate in the cytosol. oxygen is reduced to form water.
• During pyruvate processing, pyruvate is oxidized to acetyl CoA Now, all the components of the overall reaction for glucose
in the mitochondrial matrix.
oxidation are accounted for, except for the energy. What happens
• In the citric acid cycle, the acetyl from acetyl CoA is oxidized to
to the energy that is released as electrons are transferred from
carbon dioxide (CO2) in the mitochondrial matrix.
• Glycolysis, pyruvate processing, and the citric acid cycle are all NADH and FADH2 to the highly electronegative oxygen atoms?
regulated processes. The cell produces ATP only when ATP is Specifically, how is the energy that is released from these reac-
needed. tions used to make ATP? In the 1960s—decades after the details
of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle had been worked out—an
You should be able to … unexpected answer to this question emerged.
1. MODEL The flow chart in Making Models 9.1 tracks the fate
of carbons as glucose is oxidized to CO2. Now draw a flow
chart to track the flow of electrons from glucose to NADH
or FADH2 as glucose is oxidized to CO2. (Hint: Rather than
9.5 Electron Transport and
showing balls for carbons, use triangles to represent pairs Chemiosmosis: Building a Proton
of electrons, starting with 12 triangles for glucose. One pair
should go to each NADH or FADH2 formed.) Gradient to Produce ATP
2. Which processes involved in cellular respiration are The answer to one fundamental question about the oxidation
negatively regulated? For each glucose oxidized, determine of NADH and FADH2 turned out to be relatively straightfor-
the number of CO2, ATP, NADH, and FADH2 molecules that
ward. By isolating different parts of mitochondria, research-
could be produced up to each regulation point. (If a process
ers determined that NADH is oxidized when combined with
has multiple points of negative regulation, assume you
are calculating based on the first that would occur in the the inner membrane of the mitochondria, including the cristae.
pathway.) In prokaryotes, the oxidation of NADH occurs in the plasma
membrane. These membranes were then hypothesized to contain
Answers are available in Appendix A.
components responsible for oxidizing NADH and FADH2.
organisms and belongs to a family of compounds called qui- FMN: flavin-containing prosthetic
nones. Also called coenzyme Q, or simply Q, ubiquinone is group in flavoprotein
lipid soluble and moves efficiently throughout the hydropho- Fe•S: protein with an iron–sulfur
bic interior of the inner mitochondrial membrane. cofactor
• The molecules involved in processing NADH and FADH2 differ Cyt: protein with a heme
prosthetic group
in their ability to accept electrons in a redox reaction, referred
to as the redox potential of the electron acceptors. In addi- Q: ubiquinone, a nonprotein
tion, some of the molecules pick up a proton with each electron,
forming hydrogen atoms, while others obtain only electrons.
0 1/ O2
Because Q and the ETC proteins differ in redox potential, Reduction-oxidation reactions S
investigators realized that it should be possible to arrange them
into a logical sequence. The idea was that electrons would pass Figure 9.14 A Series of Reduction–Oxidation Reactions Occur
from a molecule with a lower redox potential to one with a higher in an Electron Transport Chain. The potential energy in shared
electrons steps down from the electron carriers NADH and FADH2
redox potential, via a redox reaction.
through an electron transport chain to a final electron acceptor. In
As electrons moved through the chain, they would be held
this electron transport chain, oxygen is the final electron acceptor
more and more tightly. As a result, a small amount of energy and it forms water as a by-product. The overall free-energy change
would be released in each reaction, and the potential energy in of 52 kcal/mol (from NADH to oxygen) is broken into small steps.
each successive bond would lessen. DATA: Wilson, D. F., M. Erecinska, and P. L. Dutton. 1974. Annual Review of Biophysics and
Bioengineering 3: 203–230. Also Sled, V. D., N. I. Rudnitzky, Y. Hatefi, et al. 1994. Biochemistry 33:
Organization of the Electron Transport Chain Researchers
worked out the sequence of the redox reactions in the ETC by
experimenting with poisons that inhibit particular proteins in identify the ETC electron acceptor with the highest redox
the inner membrane. It was expected that if part of the chain potential and the acceptor with the lowest redox potential.
were inhibited, then the components upstream of the block would The components of the electron transport chain are organized
become reduced and those downstream would remain oxidized. into four large complexes of proteins, often referred to as simply
Experiments with various poisons showed that NADH donates complexes I–IV. Q and the protein cytochrome c act as shuttles
an electron to a flavin-containing protein (FMN) at the top of that transfer electrons between these complexes. Once the elec-
the chain, while FADH2 donates electrons to an iron- and sulfur- trons at the bottom of the ETC are accepted by oxygen to form
containing protein (Fe # S) that then passes them directly to Q. water, the oxidation of glucose is complete. Details on the names
After passing through each of the remaining components in the of the complexes and their role in the electron transport chain
chain, the electrons are finally accepted by oxygen. are provided in Table 9.3 on page 202.
Figure 9.14 shows how the potential energy in shared elec- Under controlled conditions in the laboratory, the total poten-
trons steps down from the electron carriers NADH and FADH2 to tial energy difference from NADH to oxygen is a whopping 52
O2. The x-axis plots the sequence of redox reactions in the ETC; kilocalories/mole (kcal/mol). Oxidation of the 10 molecules of
the y-axis plots the free-energy changes that occur. If you NADH produced from each glucose therefore accounts for almost
understand how electrons are transferred in the electron 80 percent of the total energy released from the sugar. What does
transport chain, you should be able to use Figure 9.14 to the ETC do with all this energy?
Complex II Succinate dehydrogenase Oxidizes FADH2 and transfers the two electrons through proteins containing Fe # S cofactors
to reduce an oxidized form of Q. This complex is also used in step 6 of the citric acid cycle.
Q Ubiquinone Reduced by complexes I and II and moves throughout the hydrophobic interior of the ETC
membrane, where it is oxidized by complex III.
Complex III Cytochrome c reductase Oxidizes Q and transfers one electron at a time through proteins containing heme prosthetic
groups and Fe # S cofactors to reduce an oxidized form of cytochrome c (cyt c). A total of four
H∙ for each pair of electrons is transported from the matrix to the intermembrane space.
Cyt c Cytochrome c Reduced by accepting a single electron from complex III and moves along the surface of ETC
membrane, where it is oxidized by complex IV.
Complex IV Cytochrome c oxidase Oxidizes cyt c and transfers each electron through proteins containing heme prosthetic
groups to reduce oxygen gas (O2), which picks up two H∙ from the matrix to produce water.
Two additional H∙ are pumped out of the matrix to the intermembrane space.
Mitochondrial H+
FADH2 2 H+ + 1/2 O2
NAD+ + H+ FAD + 2 H+
Figure 9.15 How Does the Electron Transport Chain Work? The individual components of the electron transport
chain diagrammed in Figure 9.14 are found in the inner membrane of mitochondria. Electrons are carried from one
complex to another by Q and by cytochrome c; Q also shuttles protons across the membrane. The orange arrow
indicates Q moving back and forth. Complexes I and IV use the energy released by the redox reactions to pump
protons from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space.
Draw an arrow across the membrane from low to high proton concentration and label it “Proton gradient.” In the
boxes at the bottom, list “What goes in” and “What comes out” for each complex.
2 CO2
2 ATP 25 ATP
Maximum yield of ATP
per molecule of glucose: 29
Cytosol Mitochondrial matrix
Figure 9.19 ATP Yield during Cellular Respiration. The actual yield of ATP per glucose (29 ATP) is lower than the
theoretical calculation (38 ATP) because the proton motive force is used to drive other mitochondrial activities, such
as the active transport of Pi into the mitochondrial matrix.
water up and behind a dam. When protons pass through the ATP While the debate continues over the role hydrothermal vents
synthase, it spins and releases energy used to synthesize ATP. may have played in chemical evolution, their discovery has gener-
This is analogous to how water passing through the turbines of ated much excitement. By harnessing the natural electrochemical
hydroelectric dams causes them to spin and generate electricity. gradient deep in the early oceans, oxidative phosphorylation may
The key idea to note here is that the energy to produce ATP have evolved before an electron transport chain existed. If this
in oxidative phosphorylation comes from an established proton were the case, the subsequent evolution of a proton-pumping
gradient, not phosphorylated substrates as used in substrate- electron transport chain would have been necessary to establish
level phosphorylation. an environment that would mimic the natural gradients present
It has been determined that the ETC transports enough pro- in the vent environment.
tons to produce approximately three ATP for each NADH and two
for each FADH2, depending on the type of ATP synthase used. Organisms Use a Diversity of Electron Acceptors
These yields, however, are not observed in cells, since the proton- Figure 9.19 summarizes glucose oxidation and cellular respira-
motive force is also used to drive other processes, such as the tion by tracing the fate of the carbon atoms and electrons in glu-
import of phosphates into the mitochondrial matrix. cose. Notice that electrons from glucose are transferred to NADH
ATP synthase also can hydrolyze ATP and reverse the direc- and FADH2, passed through the electron transport chain, and
tion of its spin. If the proton gradient dissipates, this ATP- accepted by oxygen. Proton pumping during electron transport
powered reversal is used to pump protons from the matrix to the creates the proton-motive force that drives ATP synthesis.
intermembrane space. Understanding how these reactions occur The diagram also indicates the approximate yield of ATP from
is currently the focus of intense research. each component of the process. Recent research shows that about
29 ATP molecules are produced from each molecule of glucose.2 Of
The Proton-Motive Force and Chemical Evolution Since chemi- these, 25 ATP molecules are produced by ATP synthase. What is the
osmosis is responsible for most of the ATP produced by cells fundamental message here? The vast majority of the “payoff” from
throughout the tree of life, it likely arose early in evolution. But the oxidation of glucose occurs via oxidative phosphorylation.
how could a complex electron transport chain evolve to produce The chemical equation that represents the overall process
the proton-motive force without a proton-motive force to supply involved in cellular respiration is
the energy?
This apparent conundrum left many of the chemical evolu- C 6H 12O6 + 6 H 2O + 6 O2 + 29 ADP + 29 Pi ¡
tion theorists perplexed until a key discovery was made deep in 6 CO2 + 12 H 2O + 29 ATP
the ocean along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge—the Lost City hydrother-
mal vents (see Chapter 2). Researchers propose that the alkaline 2
Traditionally, biologists thought that up to 38 ATP would be synthesized for every
fluid (low proton concentration) released from these vents in the molecule of glucose oxidized in cells. More recent work has shown that actual yield
is only about 29 ATP [see P. R. Rich, The molecular machinery of Keilin’s respiratory
acidic oceans (high proton concentration) of early Earth may chain. Biochemical Society Transactions 6 (2003): 1095–1105]. Also, it’s important to
have provided such a gradient. note that yield varies with conditions in the cell.
If final electron
is NOT present
Figure 9.20 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation Are Alternative Pathways for Producing ATP. When oxygen
or another final electron acceptor used by the ETC is present in a cell, the pyruvate produced by glycolysis enters
the citric acid cycle and the electron transport system is active. But if no electron acceptor is available to keep the
ETC running, then pyruvate undergoes reactions known as fermentation.
Figure 9.21b illustrates alcohol fermentation, which occurs This reaction gives off carbon dioxide, which causes bread to rise
in the eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strains of which are and produces the bubbles in champagne and beer.
used to make baker’s and brewer’s yeast. When yeast cells grow in Acetaldehyde then accepts electrons from NADH, forming the
bread dough or a bottle of grape juice, they quickly use up all the NAD+ required to keep glycolysis going. The addition of electrons
available oxygen. Instead of using NADH to reduce pyruvate, yeast to acetaldehyde forms ethanol as a waste product. The yeast cells
first convert pyruvate to the two-carbon compound acetaldehyde. excrete ethanol as waste. In essence, the active ingredient in
alcoholic beverages is like yeast urine.
Cells that employ other types of fermentation are used com-
mercially in the production of soy sauce, tofu, yogurt, cheese,
(a) Lactic acid fermentation occurs in humans.
vinegar, and other products. The products of these reactions are
2 ADP + 2 Pi 2 ATP responsible for many of the complex flavors in these foods.
Bacteria and archaea that rely exclusively on fermentation
C O are called obligate anaerobes. These organisms are present in
Glucose phenomenal numbers in your intestines and in the first com-
partment of a cow’s stomach, called the rumen. The rumen is a
CH3 specialized digestive organ that contains over 1010 (10 billion)
2 NAD+ 2 NADH 2 Pyruvate bacterial and archaeal cells per milliliter of fluid. The fermenta-
O– tions that occur in these cells produce an array of high-energy
products, like fatty acids. Cattle don’t actually live off grass
directly—they eat it to feed their bacteria and archaea and then
H C OH No intermediate; use the fermentation by-products for energy.
pyruvate accepts
CH3 electrons from NADH
2 Lactate
Fermentation as an Alternative to
Cellular Respiration
Even though fermentation is a widespread type of metabo-
(b) Alcohol fermentation occurs in yeast. lism, it is extremely inefficient compared with cellular res-
2 ADP + 2 Pi 2 ATP piration. Fermentation produces just 2 molecules of ATP per
molecule of glucose metabolized, while aerobic cellular respira-
C O tion produces about 29—almost 15 times more ATP per glucose
• Glycolysis slows when ATP binds to a regulatory site in phospho- • Production of NAD+ enables glycolysis to continue producing ATP,
f ructokinase. albeit significantly less ATP than produced by cellular respira-
tion. Depending on the molecule that acts as an electron acceptor,
fermentation pathways produce lactate, ethanol, or other reduced
9.3 Processing Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA organic compounds as a by-product.
• Pyruvate processing is a series of reactions that convert pyruvate
to acetyl CoA in the mitochondrial matrix in eukaryotes and the
cytosol of prokaryotes. NADH and CO2 are produced.
• The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is inhibited when it is phos-
phorylated by ATP. It speeds up in the presence of reactants and Answers are available in Appendix A
slows down in the presence of products.
9.4 The Citric Acid Cycle: Oxidizing Acetyl 1. Where does the citric acid cycle occur in eukaryotes?
a. in the cytosol of cells
CoA to CO2 b. in the intermembrane space of mitochondria
• The citric acid cycle is an eight-step reaction cycle in the matrix c. in the inner membrane of mitochondria
of mitochondria or cytosol of prokaryotes. It begins with acetyl d. in the matrix of mitochondria
CoA and produces FADH2, NADH, and ATP or GTP. By the end of 2. What does the chemiosmotic hypothesis claim?
the citric acid cycle, all of the carbons from glucose are completely a. ATP is generated using phosphates taken from intermediates in
oxidized to CO2. the electron transport chain.
• Certain enzymes in the citric acid cycle are inhibited when NADH b. ATP is generated using a phosphate gradient produced by glycoly-
or ATP binds to them. sis and the citric acid cycle.
c. ATP is generated using a proton-motive force that is produced by
Percentage survival
is regulated by NADH. Compare and contrast the regulation of this 80
enzyme with the regulation of phosphofructokinase in glycolysis. Control
8. Explain the relationship between electron transport and oxidative
phosphorylation. What does ATP synthase look like, and how does
it work?
9. Cyanide (CKN−) blocks complex IV of the electron transport chain. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Suggest a hypothesis for what happens to the ETC when complex Age (weeks)
IV stops working. Your hypothesis should explain why cyanide
Source: C. C. Caldeira da Silva et al. 2008. Aging Cell 7: 552–560.
poisoning in humans is fatal.
10. QUANTITATIVE Early estimates suggested that the oxidation of
13. QUANTITATIVE In the above study, the investigators determined
glucose via aerobic respiration would produce 38 ATP. Based on
that a low concentration of DNP increased the average life span
what you know of the theoretical yields of ATP from each step, show
from 719 days (Control) to 770 days (DNP). If the U.S. population
how this total was determined. Why do biologists now think this
has an average life span of 79 years, then how many years would
amount of ATP/glucose is not achieved in cells?
be added if the same percentage increase were observed?
14. PROCESS OF SCIENCE How could you determine if the
PUT IT ALL TOGETHER: Case Study mitochondrial ETC is affected in DNP-treated mice? Propose an
experiment to determine if there is a correlation between life
span and ETC activity in mitochondria isolated from mice used in
the experiment above.
15. In addition to an increased life span, mice treated with low
concentrations of DNP also showed a significantly lower weight
gain compared to the control group despite no difference in the
amount or type of food ingested. Propose an explanation for why
DNP would have this effect.
16. SOCIETY In the 1930s, DNP was introduced as a diet drug until
it was banned from human use because of adverse side effects
when high concentrations of the drug were used. These included
increased respiration and even death. Propose an explanation for
the side effects based on the effect DNP has on the proton gradient.