ACUSON CV70 Cardiovascular System: Your Complete Premium Performance Solution
ACUSON CV70 Cardiovascular System: Your Complete Premium Performance Solution
ACUSON CV70 Cardiovascular System: Your Complete Premium Performance Solution
Simultaneous aortic
regurgitation and diastolic
mitral regurgitation in
congestive cardiomyopathy.
Meeting your needs with comprehensive capabilities.
The new ACUSON CV70™ cardiovascular
ultrasound system provides dedicated
and complete cardiovascular capabilities
in a powerful, all-digital ultrasound
system offering exceptional image quality,
Doppler sensitivity, color flow sensitivity
and spatial resolution – everything you
associate with the ACUSON family of
cardiovascular products. Designed
specifically for busy cardiovascular
specialists, the CV70 system includes a
comprehensive spectrum of high-quality,
high-performance features for full
functionality on demand. In echo studies,
the CV70 system gives you expanded
cardiac calculations; Spectral DTI™
Doppler tissue imaging capability with
An intuitive, icon-
quantification; a digital stress echo pack-
based keyboard and
ergonomic user inter- age; and a broad family of transducers
patibility across platforms. platforms. Stay connected with proven
technologies including: MultiHertz™
multiple frequency imaging for
improved resolution and penetration.
Tissue Harmonic Imaging for difficult-
to-image patients. DIMAQ™ integrated
ultrasound workstation, allowing
digital acquisition, storage and review
of complete ultrasound exams. And
Axius™ edge-assisted Ejection Fraction,
for quicker cardiac studies. The CV70
system also includes a gateway to
offline workstations. And DICOM 3.0
connectivity for rapid digital image
transfer, including transfer in DICOM
format to a CD-RW drive, for convenient,
inexpensive archiving. All supported by a
user-friendly Windows® –based platform.
All-Digital System
Architecture – MultiBeam
Formation technology
allows for high frame rate
imaging, for optimal
color flow and motion
Multiple applications delivering innovative workflow solutions.
The CV70 system supports an exten-
sive selection of wideband transducers
that enable cardiovascular specialists
to conduct a diverse array of studies
V5M with superb workflow. CV70 system
transducer capabilities include stress
The CV70 system
offers an extensive
echo, as well as adult, pediatric and
The investment that gives back.
ergonomics and small,
narrow footprint
enable use in a wider
range of environments.
system, we drew on deep technological
resources and decades of experience
to offer a seamless integration of
performance, versatility and value. To
put it another way: Our commitment
respects the needs of clinicians to
maximize their time. The needs of
institutions to improve the quality
The comprehensive of healthcare while reducing their
connectivity of costs. And the needs of patients to
the CV70 system realize the best that life can offer.
promotes excellent
The ACUSON CV70 cardiovascular
system. Your complete premium
performance solution.
ACUSON and MultiHertz are registered trademarks and CV70, Spectral DTI, DIMAQ, Axius Siemens Medical
and SuppleFlex are trademarks of Siemens AG. Windows is a registered trademark of Solutions that help
Microsoft Corporation.
Siemens AG Medical Solutions Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. © 2003 Siemens Medical
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