Brochure DC 60 Exp X-Insight
Brochure DC 60 Exp X-Insight
Brochure DC 60 Exp X-Insight
P/N:ENG-DC-60 Exp-285210X12P-20180625
©2018 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
An insightful solution to envision more.
Mindray’s brand-new solution is an excellent fusion of continuous customer
insights into clinical needs, combined with continually evolving cutting-edge
ultrasound technologies.
Full of vitality, with the goal of insight into the future and pursuit of the infinity,
it is constantly improving with increased scalability.
Based on the deep insights of customer needs, the DC-60 Exp with X-Insight is
designed to deliver high efficiency with precision imaging, which is empowered
by eXpress Clarity, eXceptional Intelligence and eXceeding Experience:
eXpress Clarity
eXceptional Intelligence
eXceeding Experience
eXpress Clarity Thunder-speed imaging powered
by X-Engine
More clarity at hand
The new X-Engine utilize the evolutionary integration
of GPU and CPU to enables multi-core parallel
processing for fast imaging. With the advanced
To achieve excellent images with minimum effort is your highest priority and our endless pursuit. imaging engine, the imaging processing speed is
With continuous innovation in imaging and transducer technologies, the DC-60 Exp with accelerated three or four times faster than traditional
X-Insight delivers immediate clarity with ‘Touch and Bingo’ to allow you to get the optimum processing, resulting in extremely fast imaging for
images that you need immediately, as soon as the transducer touches the body. 3D/4D and other applications.
Exp with X-Insight provides the ultra-speed data
to dramatically optimize the acoustic
transmission capacity to accelerate the system
spectrum and reduce acoustic impedance.
Further integrated with Mindray unique 3T operational speed, for instance, faster imaging,
technology, the ComboWave linear quicker boot-up or wake-up. And the SSD is able to
transducers allow you to experience extends the data life-time of ultrasound system,
outstanding performance with extreme which enhance the protection of patient data with
image resolution and uniformity in
thyroid, breast, vascular, and more.
safety and privacy guarantee. Transmission speed 5x Plus
Traditional Linear Image ComboWave Linear Image
Liver, 2D Kindy HR Flow Common Carotid Artery IMT Common Carotid Artery PW
Auto EF
More productivity with auto calculation
To improve scanning efficiency with more accuracy and consistency, the DC-60 Exp with
X-Insight provides All-Smart Exams for full kinds of advanced application, from plane acquisition Auto EF
Smart Track More consistency with exam protocol
More simplicity with auto image optimization
iWorks takes advantage of the inbuilt standard scan protocols for more
Smart Track provides a fast and intelligent optimization for consistency and reduces the exam time by up to 50%. The
vascular imaging with simply one-touch operation. It can highly flexible and powerful feature is further enhanced with
optimize Color, Power and PW spectrum by self-tracking user-defined capabilities.
Smart Track
eXceeding Experience
Experience with high productivity
Comfortable experience in scanning results in more patient focus for high quality exams in both
clarity and ease of use. The DC-60 Exp with X-Insight provides outstanding ease of use with
better ergonomics, easier exams, and flexible management, even beyond your expectations.