Suryoday Small Finance Bank Limited: Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

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Suryoday Small Finance Bank Limited

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Version: FY: 19-20/1.0
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Objectives of the CSR Policy ................................................................................................................ 2
3. Governance Structure ........................................................................................................................ 2
4. CSR Principles of the Bank .................................................................................................................. 4
5. CSR Activities of the Bank ................................................................................................................... 5
6. CSR Funds ............................................................................................................................................ 6
8. Monitoring and reporting requirements ............................................................................................ 7
9. Policy Review and Updates ................................................................................................................. 7
10. Regulatory References ...................................................................................................................... 8

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1. Introduction

1)SSFB (The Bank) was set up with the objective of, inter alia undertaking basic banking activities of
acceptance of deposits and lending to unserved and underserved sections of the society including
small business units, small and marginal farmers, micro and small industries and unorganised sector

2) the Companies Act,2013 (the Act) contains provisions with respect to Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) and the term” CSR” as per the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules,
2014 includes, but is not limited to:

Projects or programs relating to activities specified in Schedule VII; or

Projects or programs relating to activities undertaken by the Board in pursuance of recommendations
of the CSR Committee as per the declared CSR policy subject to the condition that such policy covers
activities enumerated in the said Schedule.

3) The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR Policy) of the Bank sets out the broad framework
guiding the Bank’s CSR activities. The Policy also sets out the principles and the rules that need to be
adhered to while taking up and implementing CSR activities to be undertaken as specified in Schedule
VII of the Companies’ Act, 2013 (excluding the activities pursued in the normal course of business) and
the expenditure thereon.

CSR Vision Statement:

The Bank, as part of its social responsibility, endeavours to positively contribute towards the
economic, environmental and social well-being of the unserved and underserved sections of the
society, thereby contributing to achieving inclusiveness in their growth and improving the quality of
their lives.

2. Objectives of the CSR Policy

The following are the objectives of formulating the CSR Policy:

• To comply with the statutory and regulatory requirements pertaining to corporate social
• To lay down the approach for undertaking CSR activities. To lay down the CSR governance
structure within the Bank
• To outline the guidelines & mechanism for carrying out CSR programs/projects by the Bank
• To identify areas of CSR intervention and projects that will be taken up by the Bank as part of
its CSR plan with the implementation schedules
• To lay down a review mechanism for monitoring the progress of CSR projects/ programs and
implementation of CSR policy by the CSR Committee

3. Governance Structure

The Bank shall have a 3tier governance structure for the CSR activities comprising of the Board of
Directors of the Bank (the Board), CSR Committee and the Head-CSR. The roles and responsibilities of
each of the tiers are as mentioned below:

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The Board: The Board of the Bank shall oversee the CSR plan and the achievement of the
CSR objectives of the Bank. The Board has duly constituted the Corporate Social
Responsibility Committee (CSR Committee) in accordance with the provisions of the Act
and it shall review the composition and terms of reference of the CSR Committee as and
when required.

The Board shall:

(a) after taking into account the recommendations made by the Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee, approve the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy for the Bank and disclose the contents
of such Policy in its Report and also place it on the Bank’s website, if any, in such manner as may be
prescribed; and

(b) ensure that the activities as are included in Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Bank are
undertaken by the Bank.

The Board of the Bank shall ensure that the Bank spends, in every financial year, at least two percent
of the average net profits of the Bank made during the three immediately preceding financial years,
in pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility activities:

Provided that the Bank, shall give preference to the local area and surrounding areas where it
operates, for spending the amount earmarked for Corporate Social responsibility activities:

Provided further that if for any reason the Bank fails to spend the required amount for its CSR
activities, the Board shall ensure that the provisions of section 135 of the Act in this regard are adhered
to and relevant reporting is included in its Report to the shareholders , giving such details as are
required to be given under the provisions of the Act.

(i) CSR Committee:

The CSR committee shall comprise of three or more Directors including at least 1 Independent Director
and 1 Investor Director.

The CSR Committee is the governing body that shall define the scope of CSR activities for the Bank and
approve and implement the CSR policy as well as review the Policy as and when required. The CSR
Committee will report to the Board of Directors.

The functions of CSR Committee shall be as under:

(a) formulate and recommend to the Board a CSR Policy which shall indicate the activities to be
undertaken by the Bank as specified under Schedule VII of the Act;
(b) recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the CSR activities of the Bank;
(c) approve and recommend any registered Trust/ Society for undertaking CSR activities;
(d) monitor the CSR Policy and its implementation.
(e) review the CSR Policy as and when required.
(f) Provide the CSR Report to the Board of Directors at the end of every Financial year.

Head- CSR:

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The Head of the CSR Department shall report to the CSR Committee on the CSR activities undertaken
by the Bank and the status of achievement of the CSR plan of the Bank. The prime responsibility of the
Head of CSR Department shall be to review the progress of the CSR activities and ensure that the
progress is in line with the CSR plan as approved by the Committee. If there are any shortfalls or
challenges in implementation, the Head of CSR Department shall report the same to the CSR
Committee who shall suggest appropriate action to be taken.

4. CSR Principles of the Bank

Identification of CSR activities and formulation of the CSR Plan of the Bank will be based on the
following principles:

• Sustainability
The Bank shall use resources optimally and shall strive to be internally efficient and responsible.
The Bank shall regularly review and improve upon the process of new technology development,
deployment and commercialization, incorporating social, ethical and environmental
considerations. The Bank shall promote sustainable consumption and support recycling of

• Accountability
The Bank shall follow ethical conduct in all its functions and processes and shall promote a culture
of integrity and ethics throughout the organization. The Bank shall ensure that all mandatory
disclosures are made transparently and fairly and must communicate decisions and ensure access
of information to all stakeholders. The Bank shall not engage in practices that are abusive, corrupt
or anti-competition.

• Promotion of human rights and respect interests of all stakeholders, especially the
disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalised
The Bank shall integrate respect for human rights in management systems in particular through
assessing and managing human rights impact of operations and ensuring that all individuals have
access to appropriate grievance mechanisms. The Bank shall follow a system to identify its
stakeholders particularly those who are disadvantaged or vulnerable, understand their concerns,
define the purpose and scope of engagement and commit to engaging, with them. The Bank shall
be transparent about its policies, products and services to its stakeholders.

• Environment protection
The Bank shall utilize natural and other resources responsibly and ensure recycling of resources,
wherever applicable. The Bank shall develop Environment Management Systems and contingency
plans and/ or processes that help in preventing, mitigating and controlling environmental
damages and disasters which may be caused as a result of its operations. The Bank shall take
appropriate measures to conserve and protect the environment.

• Inclusive growth and equitable development

The Bank shall recognise the challenges of the social and economic development and shall build
upon the development agenda as articulated in government policies and procedures. The Bank
shall make efforts to complement and support the development priorities at local and national
levels and provide for appropriate resettlement and rehabilitation of communities who have been

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5. CSR Activities of the Bank

The Bank shall constantly strive to ensure strong corporate culture which emphasizes on integrating
CSR values with business objectives. While the Bank’s CSR activities shall focus on the following five
key areas with an objective to holistically improve the quality of lives of the underserved through
social development projects, the CSR Committee/ Board may decide any other CSR activity as specified
under Schedule VII to the Companies’ Act, 2013.

• Community infrastructure development projects

Minor construction and renovations such as bus stands (waiting sheds), public parks, schools
and anganwadis, public toilets, water connections and public taps, public library, Construction
of foot over bridges, reconstruction / renovation of existing damaged infrastructure etc.

• Environmental Projects
Ensuring environmental sustainability, recharge-pit for bore wells, solar lamps at public
places, quality of soil, air and water, encouraging communities to plant saplings which helps
in maintaining the ecological balance, improving general living and health conditions of

• Public amenities, Health and Hygiene

a) Providing safe drinking water facility at public places (bus stand, schools, hospitals etc),
b) Undertaking primary healthcare camps. Undertaking projects to improve public health
and hygiene (supporting PHCs & maternity homes, cleaning public places, clearing
garbage dumps, providing dust bins, improving drainage, area spraying for Malaria,
Chikengunya, Dengue, etc).
c)Provide linkage to various schemes, benefits or support offered by Government and/or
private health care agencies

c) Conducting public awareness programs on health and hygiene.

d) Conducting Health Camps in collaboration with local hospitals.
e) undertake preventive healthcare projects.

• Promoting Education
Providing facilities in schools & Anganwadis, Initiatives for educating the Girl child, merit
scholarships for technical education, conducting financial literacy programmes for adult
population with special focus on women empowerment.

• Promoting Employability Skills

Undertaking upskilling programs for those with basic education with the objective of making
them employable, employment enhancing vocational skill training for women,

• Social Welfare
Promote gender equality, conduct programs for empowering women, undertake relief
programs and facilities

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The abovementioned activities are identified as the main areas for undertaking the CSR projects/
programs by the Bank and actual distribution of funds will determined based on the identification of
specific needs from time to time.

6. CSR Funds
The corpus for the purpose of carrying on the aforesaid CSR activities would include the following:

• 2% of the average Net Profit made by the Bank during immediately preceding three Financial
• Any income arising therefrom.
• Surplus arising out of CSR activities carried out by the Bank (such surplus will not be part of
business profit of the Bank).

The “Net Profit” means the net profit of the Bank’s as per its financial statement prepared in
accordance with the applicable provisions of the Companies’ Act, but shall not include the following:
(i) Any profit arising from any overseas branch or branches of the Bank, whether operated
as a separate company or otherwise; and
(ii) Any dividend received from other companies in India, which are covered under and
complying with the provisions of section 135 of the Act:

The allocation of CSR funds towards one or more of the CSR activities as identified above shall be
decided by the CSR Committee from time to time.

Any surplus arising out of the contribution made for CSR Activities shall not form part of the business
profit of the Bank and redeployed for such activities.

Any unspent / unutilised CSR allocation in any particular year, will be dealt with in the manner
proposed by the Act and the CSR Rules thereto

All the utilization certificates, agreements, invoices with actual spend will be diligently documented
and the records shall be available as and when required for scrutiny by auditors or regulators or other

The following shall not be treated as expenditure under CSR activities:

a) Any expenditure that benefits only employees or their families
b) Any CSR expenditure undertaken out of India
c) Contribution of any amount directly or indirectly to any political party
d) Any other activities pursued in the normal course of business of the Bank.

7. Implementation of CSR Activities

The CSR Committee may decide to implement the CSR plans of the Bank either directly or through any
eligible NGO/ Trust / company etc., provided that:

a) The trust or company has a track record of 3 years in undertaking similar programs or projects.
b) The Bank shall specify the project/ programs to be undertaken, the modalities for utilization of
funds on such projects/ programs and the monitoring and reporting mechanism for the same.
The Bank shall give preference to the local areas and the areas around where it operates for spending
the amount earmarked for CSR activities.

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The Bank may also directly or through any of its channels enter into alliances/ partnerships with other
institutions/ companies (whether NGOs or otherwise), not-for-profit agencies to further its CSR

The CSR Committee may decide to build CSR capacities of its staff undertaking CSR activities and of
the employees of the implementing agencies (if any).

8. Monitoring and reporting requirements

The CSR Committee would be responsible for monitoring CSR initiatives, progress on approved
projects and shortfalls in achieving the CSR plan, if any.
The Head-CSR shall provide a half-yearly progress report to the CSR Committee, which would inter alia
include the following:

I. Details of CSR projects undertaken;

II. Year-to-date achievement in terms of coverage and beneficiaries;
III. Actual year-to-date spends compared to the budget and reasons for variance
IV. Area-wise expenditure with respect to CSR projects
V. Disclosures on corporate social responsibility as required to be incorporated in the annual

The CSR Committee may also call for details with respect to achievement since last progress report in
terms of coverage compared to the target, and provide the required support in terms of plans to
overcome shortfalls, if any. The CSR Committee shall review the CSR activities at least twice a year
including an annual review.

The CSR Committee shall be responsible to report to the Board on the status of achievement of the
CSR initiatives and its activities on annual basis. The Committee shall also report significant CSR
activities and achievements in the Director’s Report.

The CSR Committee at its discretion, shall also commission evaluation status of the impact of CSR
activities and place its findings before the Board of Directors.

The Board’s report of the Bank shall include composition of the CSR Committee, an annual report on
the CSR, contents of the policy developed and implemented by the Bank on CSR initiatives as per the
format given in the CSR Rules prescribed under the Act. . The aggregate expenditure on CSR activities
shall also be disclosed by way of notes to accounts.

The CSR Policy and programs will also be disclosed on the website after requisite Board approval.

9. Policy Review and Updates

The Board approved policy shall be reviewed by CSR Committee/ Board of Directors as and when

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10. Regulatory References

• Companies’ Act, 2013.

• Companies’ (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules, 2014
National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental & Economic Responsibilities of Business of
Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Version Control Table

Version Board Approval Date Maintained by

FY 16-17 23rd January 2017 Risk & Policy

FY 17-18/1.0 24th October 2017 Risk & Policy

FY 18-19/1.0 02nd November 2018 Risk & Policy

FY 19-20/1.0 07th November 2019 Risk & Policy

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