Gujarat Technological University: Learning Outcome Component Learning Outcome (Learner Will Be Able To)

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With effective


year 2018-19
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 2nd Semester
Updated from
Subject Name: Marketing Management (MM) 2020-21
Subject Code: 4529203
1. Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome Component Learning Outcome (Learner will be able to)
Business Environment and Domain  Classify markets into segments, analyze a
Knowledge (BEDK) given market on the basis of segmentation,
targeting and positioning.
Critical thinking, Business Analysis,  Formulate a marketing plan including
Problem Solving and Innovative Solutions marketing objectives, marketing mix,
(CBPI) strategies, budgetary considerations and
evaluation criteria.
Global Exposure and Cross-Cultural  Deduce the global nature of marketing and
Understanding (GECCU) design relevant strategies to operate
effectively in international settings.
Social Responsiveness and Ethics (SRE)  Prioritize the ethical and environmental
concerns linked to marketing activities
while formulating marketing strategies.
Effective Communication (EC)  Compile and communicate marketing
information persuasively and accurately in
oral and written formats.
Leadership and Teamwork (LT)  Build and improve on the ability to justify
marketing strategies and advocate a
strategically informed position when
considering marketing plan
LO – PO Mapping: Correlation Levels: 1 = Slight (Low); 2 = Moderate (Medium); 3 =
Substantial (High), “-“= no correlation
Sub. Code: 4529203 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9
LO1: Classify markets
into segments, analyze a
given market on the basis 3 2 2 - - - - - 1
of segmentation,
targeting and positioning.
LO2: Formulate a
marketing plan including
marketing objectives,
marketing mix, 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 2 1
strategies, budgetary
considerations and
evaluation criteria.
LO3: Deduce the global
nature of marketing and
design relevant strategies - 1 1 - 3 1 - 3 1
to operate effectively in
international settings.
LO4: Prioritize the
ethical and
environmental concerns
- - 1 - - - 3 1 1
linked to marketing
activities while
formulating marketing

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With effective
year 2018-19
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 2nd Semester
Updated from
Subject Name: Marketing Management (MM) 2020-21
Subject Code: 4529203
LO5: Compile reasoned
and factually supported
marketing reports
2 1 1 3 - - - - 1
effectively in written
work and oral
LO6: Build and improve
on the ability to justify
marketing strategies and
advocate a strategically 1 - 1 1 - 3 - - -
informed position when
considering marketing
plan implementation.

2. Course Duration: The course duration is of 40 sessions of 60 minutes each.

3. Course Contents:

Module Module Content No. of 70 Marks

No: Sessions (External
Basics of Marketing Management
 Definition, Scope, Core Concepts, Tasks
 Basic 4 P’s of Marketing Mix & Updated P’s of
Marketing Mix
 Company’s Orientation towards Marketplace
 Marketing as a value delivery process & Value Chain
 Content of a Marketing Plan (very briefly)
Capturing Marketing Insights
 Analyzing the macro-environment
Creating Customer Value:
I 10 17
 Customer Perceived value
 Cultivating Customer Relationship
Understanding Consumers’ Markets
 Factors affecting consumer buying Behaviour
 Key Psychological Processes
 Consumer Buying Decision Process
Understanding Business Markets
 Business v/s consumer markets
 Buying Situations, Participants
 Process
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP)
 Bases of Segmenting Consumer Markets and Business
II Markets 10 18
 Meaning, effective segmentation criteria, evaluating and
selecting the market segments

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With effective
year 2018-19
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 2nd Semester
Updated from
Subject Name: Marketing Management (MM) 2020-21
Subject Code: 4529203
 Developing and establishing Brand Positioning
 Differentiation strategies
Dealing with Competition
 Competitive Strategies – Leaders, Challengers,
Followers, Nichers
 Product Life Cycle (PLC) Strategies
Developing Product Strategy
 Product characteristics and Classification
 Product hierarchy
 Product system and mix
 Product Line and Length decisions
 Packaging, Labeling and Warranties
New Product Development:
 Process & Challenges
Brand Management:
 Brand Equity
 Brand Equity Models – CBBE
 Devising Branding Strategies
o Branding decisions
o Co-branding and ingredient branding
III o Brand extensions 10 18
Developing Services
 Definition, categories
 Distinctive Characteristics
 Service Differentiation
Pricing Decisions
 Consumer Psychology and Pricing
 Setting up the price
 Price Adaptation and Strategies
Managing Distribution Channels
 Marketing Channels
o Role, Importance
o Design & Management Decisions
o Channel Integration and Systems
Retailing, Wholesaling and Logistics Management

Managing Marketing Communications

 Role of Marketing Communication
IV  Developing Effective Communication 10 17
 Managing IMC

Managing Mass Communications

 5 M’s
Sales Promotions:
 Major sales promotion tools
Events, Experiences:
 Objectives and sponsorship decisions

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With effective
year 2018-19
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 2nd Semester
Updated from
Subject Name: Marketing Management (MM) 2020-21
Subject Code: 4529203
 Functions and PR decisions
 Tools in marketing PR

Managing Personal Communications:

Direct Marketing:
 Benefits, different direct marketing channels
Interactive Marketing:
 Advantages and disadvantages
 Interactive marketing communication options
 Platforms – Social Media, Viral marketing, opinion
Personal Selling:
 Major steps in effective selling
 Studying the Market Segmentation bases used by
various companies to segment the markets for their
 Studying distribution strategies of various companies
 Analyze a few new products / services launched (30 Marks
V ---
recently and their marketing mix CEC )
 Studying the product life cycle of various
products/brands with strategies adopted at various
 Compare and analyze marketing communications of
a few brands in the same product / service category

4. Pedagogy:
 ICT enabled Classroom teaching
 Case study
 Practical / live assignment
 Interactive class room discussions

5. Evaluation:
Students shall be evaluated on the following components:
Internal Evaluation (Internal Assessment- 50 Marks)
A  Continuous Evaluation Component 30 marks
 Class Presence & Participation 10 marks
 Quiz 10 marks
B Mid-Semester examination (Internal Assessment-30 Marks)
C End –Semester Examination (External Assessment-70 Marks)

6. Reference Books:
No. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
Publication /
Philip Kotler & Kevin Marketing Management Pearson 15th / Latest
Lane Keller Education

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With effective
year 2018-19
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 2nd Semester
Updated from
Subject Name: Marketing Management (MM) 2020-21
Subject Code: 4529203
Principles of Marketing
Lamb, Hair, Sharma Cengage
2 – A South Asian Latest
& McDaniel Learning
Stanton, Etzel & Fundamentals of
4 McGraw Hill Latest
Walker Marketing
Marketing Management
Kotler, Keller, Koshy Pearson
5 – A South Asian Latest
and Jha Education
Arunkumar and Vikas
6 Marketing Management Latest
Meenakshi Publishing
Note: Wherever the standard books are not available for the topic appropriate print and online
resources, journals and books published by different authors may be prescribed.

7. List of Journals/Periodicals/Magazines/Newspapers, etc.

1. Journal of Marketing
2. Indian Journal of Marketing
3. Journal of Marketing Management
4. Journal of Retailing
5. Journal of Consumer Behaviour
6. Brand Equity

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