Mecanical Ventilation
Mecanical Ventilation
Mecanical Ventilation
Second Edition
Edited by
J-F. Muir, N. Ambrosino and A.K. Simonds
Noninvasive Ventilation
Second Edition
Mon 41 page ii.qxd 02/12/2008 15:24 Page 1
Editor in Chief
K. Larsson
This book is one in a series of European Respiratory Monographs. Each individual issue provides a
comprehensive overview of one specific clinical area of respiratory health, communicating infor-
mation about the most advanced techniques and systems needed to investigate it. It provides factual
and useful scientific detail, drawing on specific case studies and looking into the diagnosis and
management of individual patients. Previously published titles in this series are listed at the back of
this book with details of how they can be purchased.
Mon 41 page iii.qxd 02/12/2008 15:25 Page 1
Noninvasive Ventilation
Second Edition
Edited by
J-F. Muir, N. Ambrosino and A.K. Simonds
Mon 41 page iv.qxd 02/12/2008 15:25 Page 1
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Statements in the volume reflect the views of the authors, and not necessarily those of the
European Respiratory Society, editors or publishers.
Contents MON 41.qxd 03/12/2008 10:48 Page 1
Preface viii
Introduction ix
9. NIV: use during the pre-hospital management of patients with acute 133
respiratory failure
F. Thys, S. Spencer, F. Verschuren, N. Delvau, J. Roeseler, F. Templier
10. NIV for weaning from mechanical ventilation and post-extubation ARF 143
C. Girault
11. NIV for acute respiratory failure: modes of ventilation and ventilators 154
F. Vargas, A. Thille, A. Lyazidi, L. Brochard
12. NIV in the acute setting: technical aspects, initiation, monitoring and choice 173
of interface
S.M. Maggiore, G. Mercurio, C. Volpe
Contents MON 41.qxd 03/12/2008 10:48 Page 2
16. NIV and chronic respiratory failure secondary to restrictive thoracic 240
disorders (obesity excluded)
W. Windisch, M. Dreher
24. Sleep and NIV: monitoring of the patient under home ventilation 350
J-L. Pépin, J.C. Borel, J-P. Janssens, R. Tamisier, P. Lévy
27. Home NIV: results and lessons from a European survey 392
J. Goldring, J. Wedzicha
J-F. Muir is a Professor of Pulmonology and Head of both the Respiratory Diseases Dept and
Respiratory Intensive Care unit at the Rouen University Hospital, France. He has a special interest in
acute and chronic mechanical ventilation and sleep studies.
N. Ambrosino's research activity has been devoted to: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respi-
ratory critical care, pulmonary rehabilitation and home respiratory care. He has also contributed to
the development of the use of noninvasive mechanical ventilation techniques in acute and chronic
respiratory failure with several clinical trials and original experimental studies. He was the former
head of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Working Group of the European Respiratory Society, and he
currently sits on the editorial boards of several international journals.
A.K. Simonds is a Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at Royal Brompton Hospital, London. She
runs the Home Ventilation service for adults and children and has a long term clinical and research
interest in acute and chronic: noninvasive ventilation, new ventilatory modes, neuromuscular disor-
ders, sleep disordered breathing, endstage lung disease, palliative care and ethics.
The view on treatment of patients with severe respiratory disorders in general, and of
patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in particular, has changed
during the past decades. The former, often nihilistic, approach has changed into an
attitude towards more active engagement in, and treatment of, severely ill patients. In
this context, noninvasive ventilation (NIV) has been brought into focus as a valuable
alternative treatment, both in acute respiratory failure and chronic respiratory diseases.
The growing interest in NIV has been reflected in the European Respiratory Monograph
(ERM) through the years and the present issue on NIV is a comprehensive review of the
field. It updates areas that were covered in the previous 2001 ERM edition and adds a
number of new aspects on how NIV may be an option in the treatment of patients with
primary respiratory and nonrespiratory disorders. In the current issue there are new
chapters on treatment of acute and chronic respiratory failure in obese patients. Acute
respiratory failure in immunocompromised patients has been given its own chapter and
there are specific chapters on the use of NIV in pre-hospital patients and in palliative
care. Furthermore, treatment of cardiogenic pulmonary oedema with NIV has a devoted
The present updated and extended ERM on NIV, written and edited by the most
appreciated experts in the field, is a must for every clinician who makes contact with
patients who suffer from acute or chronic respiratory failure, in whom NIV may be
considered. This issue will certainly constitute a highly appreciated source of
information and knowledge, both for clinicians and scientists.
K. Larsson
Editor in Chief
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, viii. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
*Pneumology and Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France, #Pulmonary
Diseases and Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Cardio-Thoracic Dept, University Hospital Pisa, Pisa, and
Weaning and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit, Auxilium Vitae, Volterra, Italy, and +Academic Unit of Sleep
and Breathing, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK.
Correspondence: J-F. Muir, Service de Pneumologie et Unité de Soins Intensifs Respiratoires, Hôpital de
Bois-Guillaume, CHU de Rouen, 76031 Rouen, France. Fax: 33 232889000; E-mail: jean-francois.
1. Muir JF, Ambrosino N, Simonds AK, eds. Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation. Eur Respir Mon
2001; 16.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, ix. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
Blank page.qxd 24/07/2009 09:22 Page 1
Intensive Care Medicine Dept, University Hospital of Heraklion, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece.
The present article will begin with a general presentation of the effects of noninvasive
mechanical ventilation (NIMV) on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It is
important to note that these are the physiological effects of NIMV and that they are
applicable during both normal conditions and various disease states. Depending on the
pathophysiology of respiratory failure of any given disease state, the various
physiological effects of NIMV may have relatively greater or lesser importance or
may even be undesirable. Consequently, knowing the underlying pathophysiology is
fundamental for adapting NIMV mode and parameters to the specific disease state in
order to maximise benefits and minimise any adverse effects. A short review of major
pathophysiological patterns in relation to NIMV physiology is included.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 3–23. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
Paw (Pvent)
Pres = V´·Rrs
Passive FRC
Fig. 1. – Schematic representation of pressures acting on the respiratory system during assisted mechanical
ventilation. Pressure generated by inspiratory muscles (PmusI) and ventilator (Paw) drive inspiratory flow (V9) into the
lungs (open arrows), which is opposed by resistive (Pres) and elastic (Pel) pressures (closed arrows). Rrs: resistance of
respiratory system; FRC: functional residual capacity; DV: change in volume; Ers: elastance of the respiratory system.
inspiration starts, Ptot must first overcome the elastic threshold of PEEPi before any
flow is produced and VT enters the RS. Thus, equation 3 may be rewritten as:
Pel(t) 5 VT(t)?Ers + PEEPi (4)
where VT(t) is the instantaneous VT.
The equation of motion is always applicable to the RS at any phase of the respiratory
cycle (i.e. during inspiration or expiration) and regardless of the ventilation mode (i.e.
spontaneous breathing, invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilation (MV), assisted or
controlled MV, pressure or volume targeted etc.).
During spontaneous breathing, the only Ptot applied to the RS is that generated by
the respiratory muscles Pmus(t), while during MV (invasive or non-invasive), the
inspiratory pressure provided by the ventilator Paw(t) is also incorporated into the
equation (fig. 1), which can then be expressed as follows:
Ptot(t) 5 Pmus(t) + Paw(t) 5 V9(t)?Rrs + VT(t)?Ers + PEEPi (5)
This increase in FRC might prevent or reverse atelectasis, and thus improve shunt and
ventilation/perfusion (V9/Q9) relationships and gas exchange. Alternatively, when
excessive, it might cause hyperinflation and increase of functional dead space volume
(VD), therefore worsening V9/Q9 relationships. Excessive FRC increase will also pose a
mechanical disadvantage to the inspiratory muscles, because it shortens their length and
according to their length–strength relationship, their capacity to produce pressure will
be reduced. This is very important for the diaphragm, which becomes increasingly
flattened when FRC increases. The disadvantaged inspiratory muscles will also have to
work on a less steep portion of the RS pressure–volume curve (i.e. Ers increases). All
these physiological effects of CPAP should be appreciated when choosing the
appropriate CPAP/PEEP level for a given patient.
AVC. In this mode, inspiratory pressure delivered by the ventilator is titrated in order
to achieve a preset constant volume target. This ensures that the preset volume will be
delivered, despite any changes in the mechanical properties of the RS and in the
magnitude of the patient’s inspiratory effort. The minimum inspiratory effort required
by the patient is to trigger the ventilator. Alternatively, when the patient increases their
inspiratory effort, due to increased ventilatory needs, the inspiratory pressure delivered
by the ventilator will decrease in order to keep the constant volume target [4]. The
greater the patient’s inspiratory effort, the lesser the ventilator’s assistance. The
ventilator might even deliver negative inspiratory pressure (i.e. pull air back), when the
patient makes an adequately strong inspiratory effort, in order not to exceed the preset
volume target (fig. 2e and f). Thus, in AVC the ventilator antagonizes, rather than
assists, the patient. Additionally, it has been shown that some home ventilators are
inaccurate in delivering the preset VT, especially when faced with deteriorating
mechanical properties of the RS [5]. For this reason, AVC has been disfavored for
use as NIMV in the acute setting [6] and, currently, is used merely for home NIMV for
patients with chronic respiratory failure due to neuromuscular disease [7, 8]. Therefore,
this mode of ventilation will not be focused on any further.
With PAV, inspiratory pressure delivered by the ventilator is instantaneously adapted
to keep up with the patient’s instantaneous inspiratory effort. When the patient
increases their inspiratory effort due to increased ventilatory needs, the ventilator
proportionally increases the delivered Paw [4]. When the patient terminates their
inspiratory effort, it is immediately sensed by the ventilator, which promptly terminates
the delivered Paw and thus patient–ventilator synchrony is optimised.
In contrast to the previously mentioned assist modes, a preset target level of volume,
pressure or flow does not exist. What is preset is only the proportionality between the
patient’s inspiratory effort and the ventilator’s assistance.
The principle underlying PAV is that any changes in instantaneous flow represent
changes in patient’s inspiratory effort. Again, equation 9 is applicable.
Flow and volume leaving the ventilator are continuously measured. When the patient
increases Pmus(t), alveolar pressure will decrease and this will cause additional
instantaneous flow (and volume) to leave the ventilator. This is sensed by the ventilator
a) 70 b) c)
PET,CO2 mmHg
d) 30 e) f)
Paw cmH2O
g) 3 h) i)
Flow L·s-1
j) 3 k) l)
Volume L
m) 20 n) o)
Poes cmH2O
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
- + - + - +
Time s Time s Time s
Fig. 2. – Effect of increased inspiratory drive on respiratory motor and ventilatory output, and airway pressure
during different modes of noninvasive assisted mechanical ventilation. End-tidal carbon dioxide tension (PET,CO2),
airway pressure (Paw), flow (inspiration up), volume (inspiration up), and oesophageal (Poes) pressure in a
representative subject during a, d, g, j, m) proportional assist ventilation, b, e, h, k, n) pressure support and c, f, i, l, o)
assist-volume control without (-) and with (+) CO2 challenge. Of note is the different response in Paw after CO2
challenge between the different modes of support. 1 mmHg 5 0.133 kPa. Reproduced from [4].
Improved Work of pressure
arterial respiratory
oxygenation muscles
Cardiac improvement
Fig. 3. – Schematic physiological effects of positive-pressure ventilation in a case of acute cardiogenic pulmonary
oedema. Reproduced from [13] with permission from the publisher.
Decreased LV afterload
The exaggerated negative pleural pressure swings during laboured spontaneous
breathing increase LV afterload, while NIMV-induced increase in pleural pressure will
decrease it. For the normal heart, cardiac function is mostly preload rather than
afterload dependent [19], so the effects of pleural pressure on LV afterload have limited
clinical significance. Conversely, when LV is dilated, with impaired contractility, cardiac
function heavily depends on afterload. For such patients the beneficial effects of NIMV
on LV afterload reduction are of major clinical importance [19, 20, 22, 23] .
may force the mechanical inspiration to invade into the patient’s neural expiration.
Consequently, the following inspiratory effort is likely to begin at end expiratory lung
volume above passive FRC, which may lead to ineffective effort.
Recently, a new microprocessor-controlled positive pressure ventilatory assist system
has been introduced (BiPAP Vision; Respironics, Pittsburg, PA, USA), which has new
algorithms to trigger the ventilator. These are designed to improve patient–ventilator
interaction, with the flow waveform mainly used to trigger the ventilator. This method
of triggering is referred to as the ‘‘shape signal method’’. It is based on the generation of
a new flow signal (flow-shape signal) by offsetting the signal from the actual flow by
0.25 L?s-1 and delaying it for 300 ms. This intentional delay causes the flow shape signal
to be slightly behind the patient’s actual flow rate. As a result, a sudden decrease in
expiratory flow, due to an inspiratory effort will cross the shape signal and this creates a
signal for ventilator triggering (fig. 4). This triggering method was found to be more
sensitive to patient effort than the flow triggering, with less ineffective patient efforts
[29]. Similarly, the flow-shape signal can be used to terminate the mechanical breath.
A new ventilation mode called neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) has recently
been developed, in which the ventilator supports the patient effort according to the
diaphragm electrical activity [30]. With this mode, synchrony between neural and
mechanical timing should be guaranteed at any phase of respiration despite PEEPi or
altered respiratory mechanics. Indeed, animal studies have shown that NAVA can be
effective in delivering noninvasive ventilation, even when the interface is excessively leaky,
and can unload the respiratory muscles while maintaining synchrony with the subject’s
demand [30]. Improved patient–ventilator interactions have been shown in humans,
during helmet NIMV using NAVA versus conventional triggering methods [31].
Interfaces choice is also important to improve patient–ventilator synchrony.
NAVALESI et al. [32] have demonstrated, in COPD patients, that the helmet significantly
worsens patient–ventilator synchrony when compared with the facemask; indicated by
longer delays between inspiratory muscle effort and support delivery, both at the onset
and at the end of inspiration, and by the occurrence of wasted efforts.
NIMV use may improve the respiratory system mechanics and decrease DH. DIAZ
et al. [33] showed that when NIMV is applied to severe stable hypercapnic COPD
patients, it significantly decreases pulmonary hyperinflation and inspiratory loads, due
to the adoption of a slow deep-breathing pattern by the patients.
In everyday clinical practice, a more-sensitive trigger threshold is set, in order to
reduce the number of ineffective efforts; however, this strategy in not always
advantageous. By setting a more sensitive threshold in the presence of air leaks, water
in the ventilator circuit or large heart stroke volume may lead to a mechanical breath
that is not patient triggered. This dys-synchrony phenomenon is called autotriggering
[25]. Therefore, when ventilator trigger level is set, the lowest possible threshold, that
does not result in autotriggering, should be chosen.
a) 1.0
Flow L·s-1
b) 1.0
Flow L·s-1
0.2 #
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Time s
Fig. 4. – Flow–time waveform in two patients ventilated with a Vision ventilator on pressure support mode.
Inspiration is down and expiration is up. The flow shape signal, generated by offsetting (0.25 L?s–1; ) and delaying
(300 ms) the actual flow during inspiration and expiration (#) and the electronic signal rising in proportion to actual
inspiratory flow in each breath (") are shown. a) Mechanical breath was triggered and terminated by the shape
method. During expiration the actual flow decreased abruptly (due to the onset of inspiratory effort), crossed the flow
shape signal and triggered the ventilator. Reproduced from [29] with permission from the publisher.
a) 2.0
Flow L·s-1
Poes cmH2O
c) 25
Paw cmH2O
Time cycling Flow cycling
Time s
Fig. 5. – A representative experimental record of a) flow, b) oesophageal pressure (Poes) and c) airway pressure (Paw) in a
patient treated with noninvasive mechanical ventilation using time and conventional flow percentage as cycling-off criteria.
The perfect synchronisation between patient and machine during time cycling off criterion. With flow cycling off criterion,
the prolonged mechanical assist into the neural expiratory time results into wasted next inspiratory effort, as evident by the
following negative deflections on the Poes curve. Reproduced from [42] with permission from the publisher.
inspiratory flow (or trigger the ventilator). The addition of positive inspiratory pressure
further unloads the inspiratory muscles and increases VT, V9E and improves gas
exchange [1, 46]. NIMV has been used with favorable physiological and clinical
outcomes for both stable COPD (PSV and AVC) [1] and for exacerbations (mostly PSV
[46] and recently PAV), as well as to facilitate weaning from invasive MV.
In a principal study of NIMV during COPD exacerbation, APPENDINI et al. [46]
showed that PEEP/CPAP set between 80% and 90% of dynamic PEEPi decreased the
diaphragmatic pressure-time product (PTPdi), and additional PSV further decreased
PTPdi, increased VT and V9E and improved gas exchange.
During stable COPD, long term NIMV has been shown to decrease inspiratory
muscle workload due to dynamic PEEPi [35]. The beneficial effects of long-term NIMV
seem to persist also during the period of daytime spontaneous breathing. WINDISCH et
al. [47] showed that controlled nocturnal NIMV therapy is capable of increasing VT and
V9E during the three subsequent hours of daytime spontaneous breathing and of
sustaining increased diurnal VT and V9E. It has also been shown that PSV induces a
decrease of daytime lung hyperinflation, as quantified by the decreased total lung
1.0 s
s s s
s s
s s s
s s s
s s
0.9 s s
s s
s s
s s
s s
0.8 s s
s s
s s
s s
0.7 s
0.6 s
s s
0.5 s
30 80 120 200
Pressurisation rate cmH2O·s-1
Fig. 6. – Amount of air leaks through the mask, as assessed by the ratio between expiratory (VT,exp) and inspiratory
tidal volume (VT,insp) in the different values of pressurisation rate for each patient. The amount of leak was bigger at
highest (200 cmH2O?s-1) pressurisation rate. Reproduced from [40] with permission from the publisher.
a) Volume b) Volume
Pressure PEEPi
Fig. 7. – Schematic representation of mechanical effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
exacerbation. Representative pressure–volume plots during a) stable COPD and b) COPD exacerbation. During
exacerbation, worsening expiratory flow limitation results in dynamic hyperinflation with increased end-expiratory
lung volume (EELV) and residual volume (RV). Corresponding reductions occur in inspiratory capacity (IC) and
inspiratory reserve volume (IRV). Total lung capacity (TLC) is unchanged. As a result, tidal breathing becomes
shifted rightward on the pressure–volume curve, closer to TLC. Mechanically, increased pressures must be generated
to maintain tidal volume (VT). At EELV during exacerbation, intrapulmonary pressures do not return to zero,
representing the development of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEPi), which imposes increased
inspiratory threshold loading (ITL) on the inspiratory muscles; during the subsequent respiratory cycle, PEEPi must
first be overcome in order to generate inspiratory flow. From [44] with permission.
Airway mucus
Airway inflammation
Diaphragm Raw
flattening Air trapping
PEEPi Elastic
CPAP/ Work of
Dyspnoea PEEP breathing
muscle VT Pa,CO2
Fig. 8. – Schematic physiological effects of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. Continuos positive airway pressure (CPAP)/ positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) decreases the elastic
work of breathing because it supplies all or part of the driving pressure required to overcome intrinsic PEEP (PEEPi)
and initiate inspiratory flow. The addition of inspiratory positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) further unloads the
inspiratory muscles and increases tidal volume (VT) and decreases arterial carbon dioxide tension (Pa,CO2).
Raw: airway resistance. Published from [45] with permission from the publisher.
capacity (y10%), FRC (y25%) and residual volume (y35%), and the increased VT
(y180 mL) [33]. Mouth occlusion pressure (P0.1), a measure of inspiratory drive, also
decreases, while 6 min walking distance increases [48]. NIMV (PSV plus PEEP) has also
been reported to exert positive cardiovascular effects in stable COPD patients, including
improved heart rate variability, decreased circulating natriuretic peptide levels and
enhanced functional performance [49]. There is no consensus regarding the titration to
optimal level of PSV [35, 50, 51] . Noninvasive PAV has also been studied for stable
COPD, and was comparable to PSV in increasing VT and V9E, and in unloading
inspiratory muscles [38].
Recently, a method to noninvasively detect expiratory flow limitation by the
difference between mean inspiratory and expiratory reactance, measured with a forced-
oscillation technique has been proposed for titration of CPAP/PEEP level in stable
COPD patients, so that increase of operating lung volumes, by PEEP/CPAP, above the
levels imposed by EFL and concomitant disadvantageous effects may be avoided [52].
ACPO represents a vicious cycle of progressive LV (systolic and/or diastolic) failure,
which results in a progressive decrease in systemic CO as well as increase in extravascular
lung water in lung interstitium and alveoli. The interstitial oedema, apart from worsening
gas exchange, may also cause lung resistance and elastance to increase; therefore,
inspiratory muscles must generate greater pressure swings to sustain the increased
ventilatory demands (fig. 9) [18, 19]. Oxygen consumption by respiratory muscles is
increased but cannot be satisfied by the already limited CO, thus metabolic acidosis, as
well as progressive muscle fatigue, may occur. Of even greater clinical importance are the
effects of the increased negative intra-thoracic pressure swings on the failing heart; VR
and thus RV (and LV) preload increases, while LV afterload also increases [19].
Additionally, the overloaded RV may become dilated and, through ventricular
interdependence (i.e. interventricular septum shift), may further impose LV diastolic
dysfunction. These pathophysiological mechanisms not only increase myocardial oxygen
demand but also compromise oxygen delivery and, thus, may further precipitate
myocardial ischaemia and worsen heart failure.
NIMV has mostly been studied in LV systolic failure (i.e. with a decreased ejection
fraction (EF)), and has consistently been shown to break this vicious cycle (fig. 3).
CPAP/PEEP application increases expiratory pleural pressure [18, 19], and consequently
decreases VR, RV and LV preload, RV dilatation, and improves LV diastolic function
[53]. It additionally decreases LV afterload by decreasing LV transmural pressure during
systole [18, 19] and, thus, also improves LV systolic function, decreases LV stroke work
and decreases myocardial oxygen consumption [54]. It has also been shown to unload
the inspiratory muscles [18, 19]. End-expiratory lung volume increases [55], thus
improving lung gas-exchange properties and respiratory mechanics [18, 56–58].
The addition of positive inspiratory pressure (mainly studied is PSV), and recently
PAV may further unload the inspiratory muscles [59, 60], decrease or even totally
a) -20 b)
Poes cmH2O
c) -20 d)
Poes cmH2O
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Time s Time s
Fig. 9. – Oesophageal pressure (Poes) and electrocardiogram recordings from a healthy subject (a and b) and a patient
with congestive heart failure (CHF; c and d) at baseline (a and c) and on 10 cmH2O of continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP; b and d). Note that in the healthy subject, CPAP caused both end-expiratory Poes and peak inspiratory
Poes to become more positive but caused no change in the amplitude of the inspiratory Poes swing. Respiratory rate also
decreased. In the patient with CHF, the Poes amplitude at baseline was greater than in the healthy subject. On CPAP,
end-expiratory Poes becomes more positive and Poes amplitude is reduced, such that peak inspiratory Poes becomes more
positive. Respiratory rate did not change. Reproduced from [19], with permission from the publisher.
abolish the detrimental negative inthrathoracic pressure swings, and may also decrease
inspiratory muscle work of breathing and oxygen consumption.
It is important to note that these direct effects of NIMV take advantage of the heart–
lung interactions and occur above and beyond any change in gas exchange. Gas
exchange is also greatly improved, both by the improved gas exchange properties of the
lung and by the indirect effect of increased cardiac output and decreased oxygen
consumption by the inspiratory muscles [18].
NIMV has also been studied in LV diastolic failure (i.e. with a preserved EF . 45%),
and is also associated with clinical improvement [61], although debate exists about its
exact pathophysiological effects in this setting [62]. The NIMV-induced decrease in
cardiac preload and LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) may be detrimental and actually
decrease stroke volume in patients with impaired diastolic filling, which displays a steep
curve for LV diastolic pressure in relation to volume. Indeed, BENDJELID et al. [61] showed
that, in a small group of patients presenting with ACPO with preserved systolic function,
CPAP decreased LVEDV, albeit to a lesser degree compared with patients with systolic
dysfunction, and does not increase LV EF. Yet, CPAP was associated with consistent
clinical improvement even in the diastolic dysfunction group [61]. A possible explanation
of these findings might be that patients with diastolic dysfunction who present with
ACPO, in contrast to stable diastolic HF, might already be excessively volume
overloaded, so that any decrease in preload and LVEDV has beneficial rather than
detrimental effects, setting LV in a more favorable position on its compliance curve. In
addition, noncardiac-function beneficial effects of NIMV (i.e. decreased work and oxygen
cost of breathing, improved gas exchange and lung mechanical properties) may contribute
to the clinical benefit. Nevertheless, treating physicians should be aware of a possible
detrimental effect of NIMV-induced preload decrease in patients with LV diastolic failure,
depending on their underlying RV and LV function and hydration status.
Chronic CHF
NIMV in chronic CHF exerts similar effects to those presented above for ACPO,
since pathophysiology is similar, and many of the studies presented previously were
performed on stable rather than acutely decompensated CHF patients [19, 53, 54].
Additionally, it has been shown that CPAP may increase the low heart rate variability
these patients exhibit and is recognised as a poor prognostic factor [55].
Nocturnal long-term NIMV (mainly CPAP but also adaptive servoventilation) has
been used for the management of central sleep apnoea and Cheyne–Stokes respiration
(CSA-CSR), which is a cardinal feature of chronic CHF [11, 63–66]. CPAP improves
cardiac function, as evidenced by the increased LV ejection, decreased mitral
regurgitation and decreased plasma atrial natriuretic and norepinephrine levels [58,
63, 64]. Similar effects have been shown when pressure support is added (BiPAP) [65].
Exercise capacity also improved [57, 63]. Although, the clinical significance of long-term
NIMV in CHF with CSA-CSR is doubtful, especially in the face of potent
pharmacological treatments like b-blockers that have been introduced in the manage-
ment of stable CHF [63, 66].
It should be noted that CPAP has been successfully used in the management of
obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) which is a major comorbidity in many patients with
CHF [66, 67]. Although beyond of the scope of this discussion about the physiological
basis of NIMV in CHF, again the beneficial effect of CPAP on cardiac function is
mainly mediated by keeping the obstructed upper airway open and thus abolishing the
detrimental large negative inspiratory intrathoracic pressure swings [68].
Thorough understanding of the physiological effects of noninvasive mechanical
ventilation on respiratory system mechanics and heart–lung interactions, as well as the
principles of patient–ventilator interaction are fundamental for rational noninvasive
mechanical ventilation application in the clinical setting. Noninvasive mechanical
ventilation effects should be interpreted in the context of the pathophysiology of the
underlying disease and the cardiovascular status of the patient. Pathophysiological
rationale for the two most common acute noninvasive mechanical ventilation
applications, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations and acute
cardiogenic pulmonary oedema, were presented as an example.
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) exerts multiple effects on respiratory
(functional residual capacity increase, elastic workload decrease due to dynamic
hyperinflation and decrease of inspiratory muscle workload) and cardiovascular
systems (left ventricle afterload decrease, venous return and right ventricle preload
decrease and O2 consumption decrease). The relative importance of these effects
depends on the underlying pathophysiology. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
and acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema are two of the most common NIMV
indications and are used in the present chapter as an example of rational physiological
application of NIMV.
For optimal performance of NIMV, attention must be paid to patient–ventilator
interaction during NIMV, by tailoring mode (assist volume control, pressure-support
ventilation or proportional assist ventilation) and trigger and cycling-off parameters
to the specific patient needs.
In conclusion, when NIMV is rationally applied to carefully chosen patients with the
appropriate indication, it has physiological effects similar to those of invasive
mechanical ventilation, with fewer complications.
1. Vanpee D, El Khawand C, Rousseau L, Jamart J, Delaunois L. Effects of nasal pressure support
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N. Ambrosino*,#, A. Corrado"
*Pulmonary Diseases and Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Cardio-Thoracic Dept, University Hospital Pisa,
Pisa, #Weaning and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit, Auxilium Vitae, Volterra and "Pulmonary Intensive Care
Unit, Respiratory Sleep Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment Centre, Regional Reference Centre for
Diagnosis and Treatment of Respiratory Insufficiency, University Hospital, Careggi, Florence, Italy.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 24–36. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
ventilation [17]. Many devices have been used in the past to deliver noninvasive
mechanical ventilation, including both noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV)
and intermittent negative pressure ventilation (INPV), but in recent years there has been
prevalent use of NPPV [18].
The goals of NPPV may be different according to the underlying pathologies. During
AECOPD or acute asthma, the goal of NPPV is to reduce hypercapnia by unloading the
respiratory muscles and increasing alveolar ventilation, thereby reducing hypercapnia,
improving respiratory acidosis until the underlying problem can be reversed [18]. Several
prospective, randomised, controlled studies [23–30], systematic reviews and meta-
analyses [31–33] show a good level of evidence for clinical efficacy of NPPV in the
treatment of ARF due to AECOPD. Compared with standard medical therapy alone,
NPPV improved survival, reduced the need for ETI and the rate of complications, and
shortened the hospital and ICU length of stay. Based on these observations, NPPV has
been proposed as the first-line ventilatory strategy in this condition with different timing
and location according to the level of ARF severity [10, 11, 34, 35].
Severity of ARF
In patients with ‘‘mild’’ AECOPD, without respiratory acidosis (pH .7.35), NPPV
did not prove to be more effective than standard medical therapy in preventing ARF or
in improving mortality and length of hospitalisation, whereas .50% of the patients did
not tolerate NPPV [24, 36]. In patients with mild to moderate ARF, as assessed by pH
levels between 7.30 and 7.35, NPPV was successfully administered to prevent ETI in
different settings, including the ward [29]. In even more severely ill patients (pH ,7.25),
the rate of NPPV failure was inversely related to the severity of respiratory acidosis,
rising to 52–62% [26, 28]. The use of NPPV as an alternative to the ETI did not affect the
mortality rate or the duration of ventilatory support, but the patients treated with
NPPV underwent a lower rate of complications (e.g. VAP or difficult weaning) [30].
Severe encephalopathy was considered a contraindication to NPPV due to the concern
that a depressed sensorium would predispose the patient to aspiration [15]. More recent
observations of NPPV use in patients with altered levels of consciousness due to
hypercapnic ARF have been reported [37, 38]. In a prospective case–control multicentre
study of patients with AECOPD and moderate to severe hypercapnic encephalopathy, the
use of NPPV versus conventional (invasive) mechanical ventilation (CMV) was associated
with similar short- and long-term survivals, fewer nosocomial infections and shorter
durations of mechanical ventilation and hospitalisation in the subgroup of patients treated
successfully with NPPV [39]. SCALA et al. [39] suggest an initial cautious NPPV trial in
patients with AECOPD and hypercapnic encephalopathy, as long as there are no other
contraindications and the technique is administered by an experienced team in a closely
monitored setting where ETI is always readily available (table 2).
In contrast with AECOPD, the use of NPPV in severe exacerbation of asthma leading
to ARF is supported by less evidence. MEDURI et al. [40] reported successful use of
Successful NPPV
Successful use of NPPV in ARF due to AECOPD depends on the following several
Trained team. As with other therapies, NPPV application also follows a learning curve.
With time, caregivers become more and more confident with NPPV, with success rates
remaining stable or even improving despite increasing severity of treated patients [54]. A
retrospective cohort study in French medical ICUs found that training in NPPV
implementation may be an important factor in improving survival and reducing
nosocomial infections in critical patients with AECOPD [55]. In this regard, JOLLIET et
al. [56] reported that NPPV was not as time-consuming as they reported 10 yrs before [57].
Monitoring and location. Close clinical and functional monitoring is crucial, especially
during the initial period of NPPV. The main concepts for adequate monitoring of NPPV
can be summarised as follows: strict nurse supervision of respiratory and neurological
conditions of patient; noninvasive monitoring; and preference for ventilators with
availability of airway pressure, expired volume and airflow monitoring. The problem of
monitoring is strictly related to the location for NPPV, which can actually determine
NPPV outcome. Treating a severe hypoxaemia with or without hypercapnia might be
dangerous in a general ward, whereas it is safer in a monitored high-technology setting
like an ICU. In other words, selection of patients must take into account the location
available to perform NPPV (fig. 1) [59]. Several studies support the effectiveness of
pH 7.357.25
pH <7.25, alertness
T-Trial# NPPV
pH <7.20 and/or: Success Failure
Neurological status
Fatigue Extubation Early extubation
ETI indication
MOF Discharge NPPV ETI
Fig. 1. – Flow chart of the application of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) in acute exacerbations of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, according to the severity of acute respiratory failure. RIICU: respiratory
intermediate intensive care unit; ICU: intensive care unit; ETI: endotracheal intubation; MOF: multiple organ failure.
: as described in [58]. Reproduced from AMBROSINO and VAGHEGGINI [10].
NPPV in the ICU, the respiratory intermediate ICUs, the general ward and the
emergency departments [60]. Despite the demonstrated success of NPPV at least in some
clinical conditions, the utilisation rates for NPPV vary enormously among different
acute care hospitals within the same region [61]. In a survey of practice of NPPV in
Ontario, Canada, the two most common indications for NPPV use were COPD and
congestive heart failure [62]. Physician characteristics, such as awareness of the
literature, were predictive of NPPV use for AECOPD, whereas perceived NPPV efficacy
was predictive of use for many indications, including congestive heart failure. Recently,
case series have also reported effectiveness of NPPV treatment in patients with
moderate-to-severe ARF (pH ,7.25) and AECOPD in general ward settings [63]. Given
the prevalence of patients presenting with severe respiratory acidosis, further studies are
needed to better outline the role of NPPV in non-ICU settings.
What’s new?
The use of a heliox mixture seems very promising during NPPV in AECOPD in
further reducing dyspnoea, work of breathing and length of hospital stay, but not in
improving the success rate [64–67]. The use of heliox is difficult because of the lack of
availability of approved heliox delivery systems, and appropriately designed randomised
controlled trials are necessary in order to define the role for heliox mixtures during
NPPV in AECOPD patients [68].
Despite the advantages of NPPV in ARF, a large number of failures are due to patient
refusal to continue the often uncomfortable sessions. Therefore, sedation might have a
role in success of this procedure. A cross-sectional web-based survey showed that most
physicians infrequently use sedation and analgesic therapy for NPPV to treat ARF, but
practices vary widely within and between specialties and geographic regions [69]. A
recent pilot study showed that remifentanil-based sedation is safe and effective in the
treatment of NPPV failure due to low tolerance [70].
Clinical studies
Early anecdotal reports [74–77] indicated a positive effect of INPV in ARF.
Nevertheless, starting from the 1960s, COPD patients were generally treated with
positive pressure ventilation through an endotracheal tube. More recently, there has
been a renewed interest in INPV. Iron lung, cuirass and ponchowrap ventilators have
been successfully used in AECOPD [78–81]. INPV was associated with good short- and
long-term prognosis when used as first-line treatment in severe COPD patients with
ARF [82, 83]. In a case–control study of very severe patients (pH 7.24, Acute Physiology
and Chronic Health Evaluation II score 25), INPV was as effective as invasive
mechanical ventilation and resulted in a similar length of hospital stay for the treatment
of acute-on-chronic respiratory failure, but it was associated with a shorter duration of
ventilation [84]. If NPPV is more successful with early application and lower severity of
respiratory acidosis [49], the results of the study by CORRADO et al. [84] seem to indicate
that INPV may be effective in a later stage of disease, similar to that requiring ETI. A
possible explanation for the favourable effects of INPV in these studies [83, 84] may be a
more beneficial effect on cardiopulmonary haemodynamics than seen with positive
pressure ventilation [85]. Nevertheless, direct comparisons of INPV versus NPPV are not
available. More recently, it has been reported that with sequential combination of INPV
and NPPV, ETI was avoided in most unselected patients with acute-on-chronic
respiratory failure needing ventilatory support [86, 87]. In recent years, the effectiveness
of INPV for the treatment of acute-on-chronic respiratory failure in COPD patients has
been confirmed in two case–control studies and in one randomised prospective control
study [88, 89].
The studies suggest the following conclusions. 1) Physiological studies suggest that
INPV is able to improve breathing pattern and arterial blood gases and to unload the
respiratory muscles, thus fulfilling the aims of mechanical ventilation [71]. 2) Whereas
prospective, randomised, controlled studies of INPV versus standard medical therapy
are lacking, studies show that INPV, compared with CMV, had a similar degree of
efficacy and was associated with a lower number of complications [83, 84]. 3) The most
recent and ‘‘positive’’ reports come from one Italian centre only, and these results might
also have been influenced by the specific expertise of that team. This clearly limits the
potential widespread usefulness of the technique [82–84, 86, 88, 89]. 4) Uncontrolled but
historically controlled retrospective and controlled but not randomised clinical studies
show that INPV (by iron lung) is able to reduce the need for ETI and related
complications even in patients with severe respiratory acidosis [71]. 5) Although the
most recent reports are rather convincing on the usefulness of INPV in the treatment of
acute or chronic respiratory failure, there are some difficulties in trying to introduce this
modality in the vast majority of ICUs where NPPV is preferred as a noninvasive
modality of mechanical ventilation [90]. The reason for this choice may be more due to
the fact that iron lungs are more cumbersome and expensive than ventilators designed
for NPPV, than due to the side-effects reported with those devices.
Nevertheless, it has been reported that in unconscious patients with normal bulbar
function, the placement of a nasogastric tube and the positioning of an oropharyngeal
airway can minimise the risk of aspiration and/or airway collapsibility [78].
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation has assumed an important role in managing
patients with acute respiratory failure due to acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. Even in conditions in which noninvasive positive pressure
ventilation or intermittent negative pressure ventilation have strong evidence of success,
patients should be monitored closely for signs of treatment failure and promptly
intubated before a crisis develops. The application of either modality by a trained and
experienced team, with careful patient selection and appropriate location and setting,
should optimise patient outcomes. It must be clear that noninvasive mechanical
ventilation is not a panacea, nor the ‘‘poor men’s’’ technique of mechanical ventilation.
Conversely, it cannot replace endotracheal intubation in all circumstances. With limited
intermittent negative pressure ventilation facilities and expertise in most countries, it
seems that noninvasive positive pressure ventilation will remain the most widely applied
noninvasive ventilatory method, with intermittent negative pressure ventilation
continuing as a viable option in some centres.
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) and intermittent negative pressure
ventilation (INPV) are techniques for delivering mechanical ventilation avoiding the
complications of endotracheal intubation (ETI). We review the evidence supporting
the use of noninvasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure (ARF) due to chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Strong evidence supports the use of NPPV for ARF to prevent ETI in patients with
acute exacerbations of COPD. There is increasing evidence that in ARF due to
COPD, INPV is as effective as NPPV and invasive mechanical ventilation and that a
combination strategy of INPV and NPPV reduces the need for ETI. Noninvasive
ventilation should be applied under close clinical and physiological monitoring for
signs of treatment failure, and ETI should be promptly available in such cases. A
trained team, careful patient selection and optimal choice of devices can optimise
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation is increasingly used in the management of ARF
due to acute exacerbation of COPD. With limited INPV facilities and expertise in
most countries, it seems that NPPV will remain the most widely applied noninvasive
ventilatory method, with INPV continuing as a viable option in some centres.
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Correspondence: J.C. Winck, Serviço de Pneumologia, Faculdade de Medicina do Porto, Alameda Prof
Hernâni Monteiro, 4200-319 Porto, Portugal. Fax: 351 225512215; E-mail:
International surveys performed in intensive care units (ICUs) around the world in
1996 and 1998, showed that neuromuscular patients corresponded to 1.8–10% of
patients receiving mechanical ventilation [1, 2]. An Italian survey of respiratory ICUs in
1997–1998 showed that chest wall and neuromuscular disorders accounted for 9% of
patients admitted [3].
Restrictive disorders are the most-frequent indication for long-term home mechanical
ventilation, with thoracic cage and neuromuscular patients accounting for 65% of
patients ventilated at home in Europe [4].
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) has been shown to be the first line intervention for acute
respiratory failure (ARF) due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [5]. In
patients with ARF due to restrictive disorders, the evidence is lower; although published
studies demonstrate positive results [6]. In fact, randomised clinical trials (RCT) of NIV in
ARF tend to exclude patients with restrictive disorders. In the only RCT of NIV in ARF
that included patients with neuromuscular diseases (NMDs; n56), the authors did not
discuss those patients because the group was too small for analysis [7].
While PORTIER et al. [8], in a prospective multicentre study of patients with acute-on-
chronic respiratory failure (including 16.7% with restrictive disorders), suggested that
the underlying disorder did not influence prognosis, ROBINO et al. [9], in a retrospective
study with the largest sample of restrictive patients published to date (mainly with chest
wall disorders (CWD)), suggested that effectiveness of NIV was less in this group of
Recently, BANFI et al. [10] successfully managed seven patients with kyphoscoliosis
(KS) with infection-related respiratory failure at home. In fact, by increasing daily
duration of mechanical ventilation to .20 h, respiratory acidosis was corrected and the
patients were returned to their baseline condition in 4 weeks.
It seems that respiratory failure due to these disorders needs a different approach
from the more-common obstructive pulmonary diseases [9, 11].
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 37–46. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
secondary role [12]. Because cough is not impaired like in NMD, secretion management
is not so critical in this context, and management of ARF may be easier.
Some case series have shown that ARF occurring in KS can be managed noninvasively,
either through negative [13] or positive pressure ventilation [6, 14]. Recently BANFI et al.
[10] have shown reversal of respiratory acidosis in KS patients with ARF, by increasing
duration of home mechanical ventilation up to .20 h, both with volume and pressure-
cycled ventilators.
Table 1. – Major neuromuscular disorders (NMD) associated with acute respiratory failure
ALS, who present acutely in respiratory failure and require endotracheal intubation and
invasive ventilation, are rarely weaned and rarely return home [23].
If the cause of ARF is secretion encumbrance and assisted mucus clearance
techniques are unavailable at home, a strict protocol of mechanical in-exsufflation
(MIE) should be implemented (sometimes with a 5-min frequency), together with
continuous NIV, until blood gases are normalised [24]. It should be noted that patients
with NMD and excessive secretions/atelectasis may require the use of very frequent
assisted-cough techniques, which require time-consuming care from nursing staff and
respiratory therapists; this makes the help of family caregivers essential [25]. This will
reverse the majority of cases [26]; however, some patients can be intubated for 24/48 h to
rest and optimise secretion clearance with MIE through an endotracheal tube [24].
Subsequently it might be possible to extubate them directly with continuous NIV.
There are not many studies analysing the role of NIV in ARF due to ALS. In 2000,
VIANELLO et al. [27] published the first study, prospectively comparing the efficacy of
NIV combined with cricothyroidotomy (‘‘minitracheostomy’’) and conventional
mechanical ventilation via endotracheal tube in 14 patients with ARF and NMD
(including three patients with ALS). Mean pH was 7.29 in both groups, mortality was
lower and ICU stay was shorter in the NIV group compared with controls, suggesting
that their ‘‘noninvasive ventilatory approach’’ could be a first-line intervention in this
In 2005, VIANELLO et al. [28] evaluated the short-term outcomes of 11 NMD patients
(including two patients with ALS), not as severely acidotic (mean pH of 7.36), with
acute upper respiratory tract infections and tracheobronchial mucous encumbrance.
Apart from NIV, they were submitted to MIE treatment in addition to standard
physical therapy. The outcomes were compared with 16 historically matched controls,
who had received chest physical therapy alone. The treatment failure (defined as the
need for cricothyroidotomy or endotracheal intubation, despite treatment) was
significantly lower in the MIE group than in the conventional chest physical treatments
group (2 out of 11 and 10 out of 16 cases, respectively). No side effects were related to
the use of MIE alone, while the need of bronchoscopy assisted suctioning was similar in
the two groups (5 out of 11 and 6 out of 16 cases, respectively).
As noted by GONÇALVES and BACH in their commentary [25], some mistakes
concerning the use of the MIE probably compromised the final results. Setting the
machine at very low insufflation and exsufflation pressures (,30 cmH2O), and
forgetting the abdominal thrust during the exsufflation phase were reasons for
suboptimal results. These low pressures have been shown not to be effective in lung
models [29] as well as in clinical studies [30, 31] and accordingly, did not effectively avert
bronchoscopy-assisted aspiration. Moreover, using the MIE 2.7 times a day as described
may be insufficient. In fact, as mentioned before, during an acute episode of respiratory
tract infection, MIE may have to be applied very frequently, and the only way to solve
this problem is to allow the primary care providers or relatives to stay at the bedside to
use it anytime as required [32].
SERVERA et al. [16] in a non-ICU setting, prospectively evaluated the efficacy of
continuous NIV together with coughing aids (including MIE) to avoid endotracheal
intubation for 17 patients with NMD during ARF. The studied group had a mean pH of
7.38 and included 11 patients with ALS (5 of which with bulbar dysfunction). There was
treatment failure in 20.8% and mortality in 8.3% cases, significantly related with patients
with severe bulbar impairment. The patients in which NIV and assisted coughing may be
unsuccessful and those who cannot cooperate may have a more invasive approach:
endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation followed by tracheostomy [33] or as
VIANELLO et al. [34] proposed cricothyroidotomy. However, even in bulbar ALS
patients, MIE should be tried, since HANAYAMA et al. [35] described an ALS woman
with immeasurable peak cough flow (PCF), already with a gastrostomy, in which MIE
was able to clear bronchial secretions and reverse ARF.
In the present authors’ experience, with 11 consecutive nonbulbar ALS with ARF,
noninvasive respiratory aids (i.e. continuous NIV and high-intensity mechanical assisted
cough) had a success rate of 100%, with resolution of respiratory failure, and discharge
after 8 days (fig. 1) [26]. With this protocol, MIE resolved atelectasis and none of those
patients needed endotracheal intubation or fibreoptic bronchoscopy assisted aspiration
(fig. 2).
Concerning the mode of noninvasive ventilation, it is preferable to use volume-cycled
ventilators in assist control, with high tidal volumes, for sufficient lung expansion and to
allow air-stacking for coughing [16, 26]. This can be performed during the day using a
mouthpiece and at night with a nasal or oral interface. As soon as the patient learns to
air-stack and can autonomously produce PCF above 160 L?min-1, assisted coughing can
be reduced in frequency, provided that oxygen saturation levels on the ventilator are
.95% [36]. In the beginning, the patient will need continuous NIV but, at discharge, will
return to the previous duration of home NIV [16, 26].
When patients with ALS under home mechanical ventilation need to be hospitalised
due to ARF, there are some technical as well as ethical aspects that need to be
considered. It needs to be confirmed if all noninvasive respiratory aids were optimised at
home, if the patient has refused tracheostomy, if bulbar impairment is severe and if the
risk of aspiration is high. Lung function status, previous to the decompensation, can be
helpful in the decision making. Discussions about aggressiveness of resuscitation should
have been carried out with the family and patient in a stable state [37].
Another issue is when nonbulbar patients with NMD are intubated because of failure
of NIV or due to a more-conventional approach. In this context, it is a common attitude
to gradually reduce the support of the ventilator until the patient is weaned.
Unfortunately NMD patients with a pre-existing respiratory dysfunction often fail to
wean from invasive ventilation and are almost invariably tracheostomised. MIE in these
cases can be very successful to help clear secretions, first via the tube and, then, after the
tube is removed via an oronasal mask, while the ventilation is delivered through
noninvasive interfaces. MIE, applied in this circumstance, avoids mucus encumbrance,
250 250
Arterial tension mmHg
200 200
PCF L·min-1
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
Baseline Discharge
Fig. 1. – Outcomes of 11 patients with nonbulbar amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and acute respiratory failure. Peak
cough flow (PCF; h), and arterial oxygen (Pa,O2; &) and carbon dioxide (Pa,CO2; &) tension were measured. The
length of stay was 7.9¡8.9 days, at administration pH 7.37¡1.3, Pa,O2 7.69¡1.12 kPa (57.8¡8.4 mmHg), Pa,CO2
8.61¡3.47 kPa (64.7¡26.1 mmHg) and 0 treatment failure. 1 mmHg 5 0.133 kPa.
a) b)
Fig. 2. – Resolution of left lower lobe atelectasis in one amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patient a) before and b) after
mechanical in-exsufflation.
the need of blind suctioning through the nose and definitely tracheostomy for patients,
who are ventilator dependent 24 h per day.
So, it must be kept in mind that NIV can worsen gastric distension caused by
disautomony and may contribute to poor tolerance and efficacy. However, with strict
monitoring and trained staff, it is possible to apply NIV in this setting, especially if
effective secretion clearance techniques [26, 31] are used rather than traditional chest
physiotherapy or tracheal suctioning via nasopharyngeal airways, which are unpleasant
and even deleterious to the patients.
using noninvasive respiratory aids (up to continuous noninvasive IPPV and manually
and mechanically assisted coughing) provided that they are able to generate assisted
peak cough flow .160 L?min-1.
It is recommended that all patients with acute SCI have their VC measured every 6 h
during the first few days of admission. If symptoms or signs of impending ventilatory
failure develop or VC decreases to ,1500 mL, the patient should be placed on
continuous oximetry monitoring and trained in using MIV and manually and
mechanically assisted coughing [60].
When patients with SCI are tracheostomised, there will always be the potential for
decannulation. Although this topic is beyond the scope of the present chapter, it must be
emphasised that, even in patients with little ventilator-free breathing ability, a switch to
NIV and ‘‘aggressive’’ mechanical insufflation–exsufflation can lead to successful
decannulation [61].
Critical-illness myoneuropathy
ICU-acquired NMD is reported in 25% of patients who have been ventilated for i7
days [62]. This figure increases in patients with sepsis and severe acute asthma [63].
Normally, patients present with diffuse skeletal-muscle weakness and difficulty in
weaning. ICU-acquired NMD is associated with a longer duration of mechanical
ventilation, longer ICU stay and increased mortality [63]. Cough inefficacy and
reduction in maximal respiratory pressures have been reported in these patients [64],
suggesting the implementation of secretion-clearance techniques together with
noninvasive ventilatory support could play a role [11]. Although studies reporting
application of noninvasive respiratory aids in this context are lacking, in the present
authors’ experience, application of this protocol in ICU-acquired NMD has allowed
decannulation and weaning in a significant number of patients (data not published).
Critical illness myoneuropathy has also been implicated in respiratory failure that
develops after discharge from the ICU [64]. Recovery of peripheral and respiratory
muscle function is highly variable, with some patients having persisting weakness at
2 yrs follow-up.
Although noninvasive ventilation (NIV) has an established role for stable patients
with restrictive disorders and chronic respiratory failure, evidence from randomised
clinical trials in the acute setting is lacking. However, based on the published studies,
NIV associated with cough assistance is very effective in neuromuscular diseases
(NMDs) with acute respiratory failure (ARF), especially those without significant
bulbar dysfunction.
With evidence emerging for myasthenia gravis and Guillain–Barré syndrome, patients
with ARF and pre-existing NMD (most already trained in NIV) are the best
candidates for a noninvasive respiratory aids protocol.
Secretion-clearance techniques are critically important in managing NMD patients
and they may be the weak link in the management of ARF!
Continuous volume cycled ventilation (through a nasal or oral interface) associated
with high intensity mechanical in-exsufflation may be very effective in the hands of
experienced staff with the proper protocols.
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Pulmonary and Intensive Care Dept, Rouen University Hospital & UPRES EA 3830 (IFR MP23), Institute for
Biomedical Research, University of Rouen, Rouen, France.
In the Western world, the prevalence of obese patients in intensive care units (ICU) is
increasing. Additionally, morbid obesity has dramatic consequences on pulmonary
function [1]. Therefore, respiratory physicians and intensivists are more likely to manage
a larger number of acute hypercapnic respiratory failure (AHRF) episodes in patients
with a body mass index (BMI) .30 kg?m-2. Cor pulmonale is a major cause of ICU
admission, which requires mechanical ventilation with higher mortality in obese
compared with nonobese patients [2]. It is, therefore, surprising that experience of
AHRF in obese patients has rarely been reported in the literature and, consequently,
evidence-based guidelines remain to be established [3]. If there are very few data in the
literature about noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in obese patients with hypoxaemic
respiratory failure [4], there are cumulating reports that suggest that NIV plays a key
role in the treatment of obese patients with AHRF [5].
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 47–59. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
stable state was not different between the two groups but OSAS patients diagnosed after
ICU stay had a more pronounced daytime hypoxaemia, more pronounced daytime
hypercapnia and a higher percentage of the night spent with arterial oxygen saturation
measured by pulse oximetry (Sp,O2) ,90% (59¡13 versus 39¡13%, respectively).
Moreover, they were more susceptible to have low forced expiratory volume in one
second (FEV1; 1.96¡0.5 versus 2.35¡0.8 L, respectively) and low FEV1/forced vital
capacity (FVC; 65¡15 and 71¡11%, respectively) but this difference did not reach
statistical significance. This study suggests that the severity of nocturnal desaturations is
a better predictor of AHRF compared with apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) and that
OSAS in COPD may also increase the risk of further AHRF. This last point has to be
further evaluated in a large cohort of patients with this overlap syndrome.
The overlap syndrome (concomitant COPD and OSAS) was identified in 1985 by
FLENLEY [19]. This condition is now considered in the presence of the three following
criteria: clinical history of COPD or emphysema, FEV1/FVC ,70% and a definite
diagnosis of OSAS [19]. Because OSAS and COPD are both prevalent diseases in the
general population, it is therefore not surprising to find this association. The overlap
syndrome is the final diagnosis in y10–15% of OSAS patients investigated in a
respiratory sleep laboratory, due to a high clinical suspicion of nocturnal respiratory
events [20, 21].
The association of OSAS and COPD is not related to a specific clinical pattern
compared with isolated OSAS, especially when considering diurnal hypersomnolence
and dyspnoea. However, patients with overlap syndrome have more-severe nocturnal
desaturations compared with OSAS or COPD patients. Moreover, the amplitude of
these desaturations seems to be roughly similar to the addition of the desaturations due
to OSAS and those due to COPD [22]; especially during REM sleep. Another specificity
is that y40% of patients with overlap syndrome in fact develop diurnal hypercapnia
despite an obstructive airway pattern that is less severe than during COPD alone (as
judged by the FEV1) [21]. This diurnal hypercapnia is correlated to the severity of the
nocturnal desaturation [20] and is more-frequently accompanied by pulmonary
hypertension than during isolated OSAS [20]. Inversely, pulmonary hypertension may
be encountered at a stable state during OSAS and is not specifically associated to a
coexisting COPD [23]. Pulmonary hypertension is a marker of sustained hypoxaemia
and a major prognostic factor during chronic respiratory diseases. The incidence of
acute respiratory failure (ARF) in a cohort of patients with overlap syndrome is
currently not known but the previous study by ORDRONNEAU et al. [13] indicates that it
is probably an important recruitment factor in ICU.
Fig. 1. – A representative polygraphic record under noninvasive ventilation in an obese patient with acute hypercapnic
respiratory failure. An oesophageal record was simultaneously performed in order to assess possible asynchronies and
identify poor patient–ventilator interactions. Sp,O2: arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry.
(polygraphy may be subnormal especially if the patient did not sleep during these
minutes), the present authors suggest that full-night recordings in fact provide better
assessments. In their experience, ventilatory polygraphy in spontaneous breathing is
performed as soon as respiratory acidosis is controlled. The trained staff on call during
the night provide an additional clinical judgment about sleep quality and respiration
during sleep. Low-flow oxygen may be used if necessary but always maintained as low as
possible in order to optimise the interpretation of the Sp,O2 recording. The authors
suggest that these polygraphic recordings during AHRF should never be performed
outside the ICU (i.e. never in the ward or sleep laboratory).
Clinical results
The advantage of a rapid diagnosis of respiratory events in obese patients with AHRF
has been confirmed by previous clinical studies, during a period where NIV or CPAP
were not used in routine practice. In the 1970s, a diagnosis of Pickwickian syndrome was
usually associated with 30–40% mortality, and clinicians were aware of the high
incidence of carbonarcosis in these patients. More recently, BUCKLE et al. [27] reported
their own experience regarding polysomnography in nine patients hospitalised in the
ICU for hypoxaemic or hypercapnic respiratory failure. Their approach led to an
aetiological diagnosis (six patients with OHS, two patients with neuromuscular disorder
and one patient with COPD) and permitted to choose the most adapted therapeutics
(CPAP, NIV and oxygen) in order to improve SRBD. According to these authors,
performing polysomnography avoided endotracheal intubation in half of the patients.
Moreover, this exploration helped to set and monitor the ventilatory settings.
RESTA et al. [28] detailed how they performed polysomnographies for at least 3 h in 14
obese patients hospitalised for AHRF, during the first 3–5 days after admission. A
second polysomnographic assessment was performed at least 6 weeks after the AHRF
episode in a sleep laboratory. A total of 10 (71.3%) patients had obstructive apnoeas or
hypopnoeas and two (14.3%) patients had central apnoeas. A characteristic pattern of
nocturnal hypoventilation was found in the majority of cases and was the sole SRBD
pattern in only two (14.3%) patients. All patients required to be mechanically ventilated
with low-flow oxygen; eight of them were discharged home with domiciliary CPAP and
five patients with domiciliary pressure-cycled NIV.
Obviously, sleep hypoventilation is the major abnormality encountered in the great
majority if not all obese patients with AHRF. However, neither the natural history of
SRBD in obese patients nor the physiopathology of the AHRF episodes in these
patients is clearly understood. The present authors suggest that a semiologic description
of SRBD in the acute setting should not presume of a clinical diagnosis at stable state.
Obviously, if a patient has nocturnal hypoventilation during AHRF, this does not
signify that they have OHS at stable state. In the absence of further knowledge about
natural history of SRBD, either in the acute or chronic settings, a definite pulmonary
diagnosis in obese patients should be restricted to the chest physician according to
clinical history, polysomnography and pulmonary function tests that will be performed
after ICU discharge.
as soon as Pa,CO2 rise .6.0 kPa and/or pH ƒ7.35. Pa,CO2 is one of the key parameter to
be monitored by iterative arterial blood gas samplings and possibly by alternative less
invasive methodologies like transcutaneous Pa,CO2 [29, 30]. Pharmacological manage-
ment by respiratory analeptics and/or diuretics is of minor clinical benefit in obese
patients with AHRF.
There is a physiopathological rationale for using NIV in obese patients with AHRF,
in order to decrease respiratory load, increase thoracic compliance, improve nocturnal
alveolar hypoventilation and to reset respiratory centres. In a pioneering work, PANKOW
et al. [31] have compared diurnal physiological respiratory parameters under
spontaneous breathing and during bi-level NIV in 18 patients with BMI .40 mg?kg-1.
They considered three categories of patients: simple obesity (n55), OSAS (n57) and
OHS (n56). No significant difference was observed between each group; however, in all
patients, an improvement of tidal volume and a decreased respiratory rate were
observed under NIV in the OSAS and OHS groups. End-tidal carbon dioxide tension
(PET,CO2) was not modified in cases of simple obesity and OSAS but was decreased in
OHS patients. An important result was that muscular activity was significantly reduced
(y40%) in the three patient groups, indicating that NIV is able to decrease the load
imposed to respiratory muscles in morbidly obese patients.
decrease the hospital length of stay in the obese patients with AHRF has still to be
properly demonstrated. However, the therapeutic benefits in the previously mentioned
studies were so remarkable that any future randomised studies might be considered as
unethical. From the present authors’ point of view, NIV is the first step when managing
AHRF in obese patients and should be routinely considered outside the classical
contraindications that imply immediate intubation (table 1).
Table 1. – Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) contraindications in obese patients with acute hypercapnic
respiratory failure
Ventricular arythmias
Unstable haemodynamics
Respiratory encephalopathy that does not improve under NIV
Stridor or previously identified anatomic upper airways obstruction
Refractory hypoxaemia
NIV for AHRF in patients with overlap syndrome (COPD plus OSAS)
Bi-level noninvasive pressure support is the cardinal treatment for these patients [12]
even though flow-preset ventilatory mode may be also successful in some patients. After
discharge from the ICU, CPAP is still an option but some authors have found that
CPAP is sometimes poorly tolerated and hypercapnia may reappear [39]. A majority of
these patients are more comfortably treated by bi-level and even flow-preset NIV.
Nocturnal oxygen therapy is required in the majority of these patients. The relatively
high morbidity and mortality in patients with overlap syndrome after hospitalisation for
AHRF [13] justifies early recognition of this morbid association and requires to
regularly re-evaluate the treatment.
NIV: conclusion
The main specificities of ventilatory management of obese patients with AHRF are
the following: the high efficiency of noninvasive bi-level mode, a back-up frequency rate,
an additional oxygen therapy, higher inspiratory pressures if patients have overlap
syndrome or OHS, elevated expiratory positive pressures if patients have pure or
associated OSAS. When bi-level mode fails and if intubation criteria are not met
(table 1) then the patient should be switched to a flow-preset mode [38, 40, 41]. Based on
a relatively limited number of published reports, NIV failure rate in obese patients with
AHRF varies from 0 to 36%, which is a better result than encountered in COPD patients
with acute exacerbation. DUARTE et al. [42] found that patients failing with bi-level NIV
have a greater BMI and this would be an argument in favor of switching to flow-preset
mode. However, their study was a retrospective design and intubation criteria were not
applied prospectively.
Invasive ventilation
Obese patients requiring invasive ventilation have prolonged ICU and hospital
lengths of stay compared with patients managed by NIV [2, 42]. Clearly, intubation of
an obese patient with AHRF in obese patients should be limited to those with NIV
contraindications or NIV failure during an ICU stay (table 1). These situations have
become rare in units that have developed SRBD evaluation and where clinical staff have
been trained and developed expertise with NIV.
Endotracheal intubation may be a difficult procedure to perform in obese patients
because of a short neck, a macroglossia and thickness of oropharyngeal soft tissues [43].
Clinicians should be aware of potential difficulty to expose the glottis during direct
laryngoscopy, a situation that may be anticipated with the Mallampati clinical score that
has been modified by SAMSOON and YOUNG [44]. Other tests predictive of a difficult
intubation have been described [45]. Performing intubation is also difficult in patients
who previously have had uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty. Difficult intubation is
associated with a non-negligible morbidity and mortality and one of the solutions is
probably to guide the tube in the trachea with the aid of a fibrescope.
Invasive ventilation settings have some specificity in obese patients because of the
increase of airway resistances and the decrease of thoracic compliances. Tidal volumes
should not be set according to the real weight but rather based on ideal weight and
secondarily adjusted according to airway pressures and serial arterial blood gas results.
Trendelenburg posture improves mechanical ventilation in obese patients, by increasing
tidal volume and by decreasing respiratory frequency [46]. A slight level of expiratory
positive pressure is required in order to prevent segmental and sub-segmental atelectasis.
Otherwise, the ventilatory settings are similar to those prescribed in nonobese patients
with flow-preset in sedated patients that are secondarily switched to pressure support as
soon as sedation is stopped. Clearly, sedation duration should be shortened as much as
possible and weaning protocols for benzodiazepines are of high clinical value [47].
During the weaning procedure, a cuff-leak test should be routinely performed, because
of a frequent narrowing of the upper airways. Mechanical ventilation is therefore
converted to NIV and, especially in patients in whom long-term NIV is indicated,
according to sleep studies under spontaneous breathing. NIV has been shown to be
effective in averting respiratory failure in severely obese patients when applied during
the first 48 h post-extubation [48]. The benefits seem to be greater in obese patients
having chronic hypercapnia at stable state [48].
Tracheostomy is now rarely performed in obese patients hospitalised for AHRF
because of the rapid expansion of NIV procedures. In a long-term setting, tracheostomy
may be indicated when NIV fails or is contra-indicated, mainly because of iterative
inhalations. Tracheostomy is usually performed by percutaneous dilatation (Ciaglia
technique). This technique has been evaluated in 13 obese patients and appears to be as
easy and without additional complications to perform in obese than in nonobese
patients [49]. On a long-term basis, rigid cannulas are often badly tolerated due to the
short and thickened neck.
Acute hypercapnic respiratory failure in obese patients is an increasing cause of
hospitalisation in intensive care units. Despite a few publications on this topic,
noninvasive ventilation (NIV) has become the main modality of ventilatory assistance
for these patients. NIV specificities are: efficacy of the bilevel mode, mandatory back-
up frequency, additional oxygen therapy required, positive inspiratory pressures
elevated in patients having obesity–hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) or associated
COPD and obstructive sleep apneas (OSAS), positive expiratory pressure elevated in
case of OSAS. Flow-preset mode should be tested in case of failure with bilevel mode.
In patients with COPD or OHS, an associated nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation at
stable state justifies to institute domiciliary NIV. The ventilatory settings will be set
according to arterial blood gases and polysomnography a few months after discharge
from AHRF.
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29. Cuvelier A, Grigoriu B, Molano LC, Muir JF. Limitations of transcutaneous carbon dioxide
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34. Lightowler JV, Wedzicha JA, Elliott MW, Ram FS. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation to
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Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2003; 326: 185.
35. Keenan SP, Sinuff T, Cook DJ, Hill NS. Which patients with acute exacerbation of chronic
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36. Mokhlesi B, Kryger MH, Grunstein RR. Assessment and management of patients with obesity
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M. Ferrer*,#, A. Torres#,"
Correspondence: M. Ferrer, Servei de Pneumologia, Hospital Clı́nic, Villarroel 170, 08036 Barcelona,
Spain. Fax: 34 932275549; E-mail:
Based on controlled clinical trials that demonstrate a marked decrease in the needs for
intubation, as well as improved morbidity and mortality, noninvasive ventilation (NIV)
is now considered as a first-line ventilatory treatment in selected patients with severe
exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and hypercapnic
respiratory failure [1–4]. The benefits of NIV appear to be the consequence of avoiding
tracheal intubation and the associated morbidity and mortality. Morbidity includes an
increased risk for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) [5], ventilator-induced lung
injury [6], increased needs of sedation that contribute to prolonged ventilation and
complications of the upper airway related to prolonged translaryngeal intubation.
Other patients, who show benefits from the use of NIV, are those affected by acute
cardiogenic pulmonary oedema (CPO). Both NIV and continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) are equally effective in decreasing the needs for intubation and
improving mortality in these patients [7, 8]. Finally, immunosuppressed patients have
poor outcome when they develop pulmonary infiltrates and acute hypoxaemic
respiratory failure (AHRF); in these patients, NIV seems to decrease the needs for
intubation and the related morbidity and mortality [9, 10].
However, the role of NIV in other type of patient is still under debate. It is possible
that other populations at risk of complications related to invasive mechanical
ventilation may benefit from the use of NIV. However, the efficacy of NIV in patients
with different types of AHRF is less evident from controlled clinical trials. The first
problem in addressing patients with AHRF is the heterogeneity of this condition.
Studies assessing the outcome of patients with AHRF, treated with NIV in the intensive
care unit (ICU) identified up to nine different groups of patients, with substantial
differences in outcomes among them (fig. 1) [11]. Moreover, the majority of clinical
trials that have assessed the efficacy of NIV in patients with AHRF, studied mixed
populations of patients, which resulted in controversial results when all trials were
analysed together.
Therefore, the present chapter will analyse the role of NIV in the management of
patients with AHRF from clinical trials with mixed and specific populations of patients.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 60–71. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
100 100
80 80
Failure rate %
60 n 60
Patients n
40 40
20 n 20
0 0
Pulmonary contusion
Pulmonary fibrosis
Cardiogenic pulmonary
Inhalation pneumonia
Fig. 1. – Causes of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and frequency of noninvasive ventilation failure. Acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients were divided into pulmonary and extra-pulmonary origin. &: number
of patients; &: percentage of patients that required intubation. Adapted from [11].
Table 1. – Criteria for severe community-acquired pneumonia according to the Infectious Disease Society of
America/American Thoracic Society guidelines adapted from [12]
Minor criteria
Respiratory rate# i30 breaths?min-1
Pa,O2/FI,O2# ƒ250
Multilobar infiltrates
Uraemia (blood urea nitrogen level i20 mg?dL-1)
Leukopoenia (WBC count ,46109 cells?L-1)
Thrombocytopoenia (platelet count ,1006109 cells?L-1)
Hypothermia (core temperature ,36uC)
Hypotension requiring aggressive fluid resuscitation
Major criteria
Invasive mechanical ventilation
Septic shock with the need for vasopressors
Pa,O2: arterial oxgen tension; FI,O2: inspiratory oxygen fraction; WBC: white blood cell. #: noninvasive ventilation
can substitute for respiratory rate i30 breaths?min-1 or Pa,O2/FI,O2 ƒ250.
Avoidance of ETI
Fig. 2. – Rationale for using noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in severe acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure.
IMV: invasive mechanical ventilation; ETI: endotracheal intubation.
arterial hypoxaemia after 30 mins, with return to the baseline values after NIV was
removed. The overall intubation rate was 67% in these patients. Among others,
advanced age and lower levels of arterial oxygenation were predictors for intubation.
Likewise, intubation was associated with higher mortality and longer hospital stay. By
contrast, those patients in whom NIV prevented intubation had a very favourable
outcome. Due to the good outcome in these patients when tracheal intubation was
avoided and the fact that the assessment of the efficacy of NIV resulted in minimal delay
in intubation, the authors of that study suggested that these patients may undergo a trial
of NIV with appropriate monitoring in order to avoid unnecessary delay in intubation.
This contrast between a favourable physiological response to NIV and a poor clinical
evolution of patients with severe CAP was observed in another study in patients with
severe AHRF, 18 with severe CAP and 15 with CPO [15]. Both groups had similar
baseline levels of arterial hypoxaemia, respiratory rate and cardiac frequency. The
improvement in arterial hypoxaemia and cardiac frequency was similar in both groups
of patients, while respiratory frequency improved only in patients with CPO when NIV
was applied. Likewise, the intubation rate was higher and the hospital stay was longer in
patients with pneumonia.
In light of these results it can be concluded that, in patients with severe AHRF who
need NIV, those whose cause of respiratory failure is pneumonia are among those with
worse outcomes, even with similar levels of arterial hypoxaemia. However, prospective
randomised clinical trials are needed in order to assess whether NIV is effective in
patients with severe CAP.
concentration oxygen therapy (fig. 3). Likewise, NIV was also associated with a lower
rate of septic shock and a trend to a lower incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia.
In summary, patients with severe CAP, who receive NIV as a support for severe
AHRG, are among those with the highest rate of NIV failure. For this reason, when
NIV is indicated in these patients, they should be managed in a setting with appropriate
resources in staff and equipment for a correct monitoring in order to detect evidences of
NIV failure early and, therefore, avoid unnecessary delay in the intubation of patients.
However, an appropriate selection of patients with severe CAP, and the addition of NIV
to the standard treatment may decrease the likelihood to need intubation.
a) 225
125 l l l
150 * *
l * t t t
125 t
t t
100 t
b) 40
Respiratory frequency
l t
30 * t
l * t
l l t
l t
Bas 12 34 68 12 24 48 72
Time h
Fig. 3. – Time-course evolution (mean+SEM) of arterial hypoxaemia, as assessed by a) the arterial oxgen tension
(Pa,O2)/inspiratory oxygen fraction (FI,O2) ratio and b) respiratory frequency in the noninvasive ventilation (NIV; $)
and control (,) groups. Both variables improved with time in both groups. After Bonferroni correction, the
improvement of the two variables was significantly greater in the NIV group after 3–4 h randomisation and remained
significantly greater 6–8 and 24 h after randomisation for Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio and respiratory frequency, respectively.
The number of patients under study at baseline (Bas), 1–2, 3–4, 6–8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h were 51, 51, 50, 49, 44, 35, 21
and 12, respectively for the NIV group, and 54, 54, 52, 49, 44, 38, 20 and 15, respectively for the control group. The
time-course decrease of patients corresponds to those meeting criteria to terminate the protocol. *: p,0.05 compared
with the NIV and control groups. Adapted from [17].
Patients with ARDS are among those with the worst outcome when they receive NIV
as a support measure for severe AHRF, with high rates of NIV failure [11, 17, 18] and
limited efficacy in different studies. The severity of arterial hypoxaemia and the frequent
impairment of pulmonary mechanics in those patients may explain the high intubation
rate shown in several studies, regardless of NIV use or not.
To date, there are no controlled clinical trials that have assesses the efficacy of NIV
specifically in patients with acute lung injury (ALI)/ARDS. A prospective observational
study in 54 patients with ALI, who received NIV, found that shock, metabolic acidosis
and profound hypoxaemia predicted NIV failure [18]. In that study, the observed
mortality of patients who failed NIV was higher than that predicted by the Acute
Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE)-II score, suggesting that NIV
should be used very cautiously, or not at all, in patients with predictors of NIV failure.
Another prospective multicentre cohort study investigated the application of NIV as a
first-line intervention in 147 patients with early ARDS [19]. In that study, NIV improved
hypoxaemia and avoided intubation in 54% of patients and avoidance of intubation was
associated with a lower incidence of VAP and a lower ICU mortality rate. Intubation
was more common in older patients and patients with higher severity scores or the need
for a higher level of positive end-expiratory pressure of pressure support ventilation. The
variables independently associated with NIV failure were higher severity scores and
failure to improve hypoxaemia after 1 h of NIV.
Despite the fact that the evidence in the use of NIV in patients with AHRF is mainly
favourable, more controlled clinical trials are needed to better establish and define what
subsets of such a wide range of patients may benefit from using NIV.
The efficacy of NIV in patients with AHRF not due to CPO was assessed in a
systematic review and meta-analysis [24]. That review found that the addition of NIV to
standard care in this setting reduced the rate of tracheal intubation (absolute risk
reduction 23%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 10–35%), ICU length of stay (absolute
reduction 2 days; 95% CI 1–3 days), and ICU mortality (absolute risk reduction 17%;
95% CI 8–26%). However, trial results were significantly heterogeneous. The authors
concluded that randomised trials suggest that patients with AHRF are less likely to
require tracheal intubation when NIV is added to standard therapy but the effect on
mortality is less clear and the heterogeneity found among studies suggests that
effectiveness varies among different populations. As a result, that systematic review of
the literature did not support the routine use of NIV in all patients with AHRF [24].
The efficacy of CPAP using face masks in patients with severe AHRF, compared with
oxygen therapy, was assessed in a randomised controlled trial. The study consisted of
patients with pneumonia, in 54% of the population, and pulmonary oedema, in the rest.
The authors assessed the physiological benefits of CPAP, as well as the effect in
decreasing the needs for tracheal intubation [25]. Despite the fact that patients receiving
CPAP had an initially better improvement of arterial oxygenation and comfort than
those who received oxygen therapy, there were no differences in the needs for tracheal
intubation, hospital mortality and ICU length of stay (fig. 4).
The different clinical efficacy between NIV and CPAP may be explained by the results of
a physiological study performed in 10 patients with severe AHRF of different origin. This
study compared the short-term effect of CPAP at 10 cmH2O (CPAP-10) and 2
combinations of NIV with pressure-support ventilation (PSV): an inspiratory support
level of 10 cmH2O with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 10 cmH2O (PSV 10-10)
and an inspiratory support level of 15 cmH2O with PEEP of 5 cmH2O (PSV 15-5) [26].
Compared with spontaneous breathing, the respiratory frequency decreased with the
highest levels of inspiratory support (PSV 15-5). By contrast, arterial oxygenation
improved similarly with CPAP-10 and PSV 10-10, while this increase failed to reach
statistical significance for PSV 15-5. Finally, the work of breathing decreased with both
modalities of NIV but not with CPAP (fig. 5), although the highest reduction in dyspnoea
was achieved with PSV 15-5. In summary, in patients with severe AHRF, it is necessary to
combine NIV with PEEP in order to decrease the inspiratory effort; CPAP improves
arterial oxygenation but does not unload the respiratory muscles. Moreover, high levels of
inspiratory support are needed to ameliorate dyspnoea. These results explain why NIV
with PEEP is preferred over CPAP in patients with severe AHRF, in general, particularly
those with severe pneumonia.
a) 250
150 n n
b) 40
Respiratory frequency
Baseline 60 min
Fig. 4. – Initial evolution of a) the arterial hypoxaemia, assessed by the arterial oxygen tension (Pa,O2)/inspiratory
oxygen fraction (FI,O2) ratio and b) the respiratory rate for patients treated with continuous positive airway pressure
(CPAP) plus oxygen ($) compared with those treated with oxygen alone (&), from baseline to 60 min after the
initiation of treatment. ***: p,0.001 for the CPAP plus oxygen group.
a) 34 b) 270
Respiratory frequency
210 * l
30 l
l * 180
28 l l
26 l 120
c) 400 d) 4
300 l 3
l l
200 2
* l
l l
100 1
PSV 10-10
PSV 15-5
PSV 10-10
PSV 15-5
Fig. 5. – Average changes in respiratory variables (respiratory frequency, arterial hypoxaemia, assessed by the
arterial oxygen tension (Pa,O2)/inspiratory oxygen fraction (FI,O2) ratio, work of breathing, assessed by the pressure-
time product of the diaphragm (PTPdi) and the respiratory drive, assessed by the occlusion pressure (P0.1)) comparing
the initial and final values during spontaneous breathing with the three ventilatory modalities. CPAP-10: continuous
positive airway pressure of 10 cmH2O; PSV 10-10: pressure-support ventilation (PSV) of 10 cmH2O with positive end-
expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 10 cmH2O; PSV 15-5: PSV of 15 cmH2O and PEEP of 5 cmH2O. *: p,0.05.
the post-operative period of lung cancer resection demonstrated that NIV was effective
in decreasing the needs for tracheal intubation and improving hospital mortality [31].
The efficacy of NIV in those studies seems, however, related to the underlying diseases
of patients rather than the post-operative respiratory complications.
In obese patients with restrictive ventilatory disorder undergoing gastroplasty, nasal
NIV during the post-operative period improved diaphragm dysfunction and accelerated
recovery of patients [32]. A prospective observational study in patients who had ARF
after abdominal surgery showed that the use of NIV resulted in avoidance of intubation
in 67% of cases [33]. Patients who required intubation had worse arterial oxygenation
and more extended bilateral pulmonary infiltrates than those who escaped from
intubation. In that study, arterial oxygenation and tachypnoea improved only in the
non-intubated patients, with a reduction in the hospital stay and mortality, compared
with the intubated patients. A randomised controlled trial in patients with ARF after
major abdominal surgery compared the use of CPAP and oxygen therapy [34]. That
study showed that CPAP reduced the rate of tracheal intubation, compared with oxygen
therapy (1% versus 10%, respectively; p50.005), as well as other severe complications,
although the reduction of hospital mortality was not significant.
The randomised clinical trials of the literature suggest that patients with severe acute
hypoxaemic respiratory failure have, in general, a lower likelihood of needing tracheal
intubation when noninvasive ventilation, as a support for respiratory failure, is added
to the standard medical treatment. However, the effects of noninvasive ventilation on
mortality are less evident and the heterogeneity of the different published studies
suggests that the efficacy may be different among different populations. Therefore,
the results of the literature do not support the routine use of noninvasive ventilation
in all patients with severe acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure.
Support Statement: This chapter was supported by Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red-
Enfermedades Respiratorias (CibeRes, CB06/06/0028) and 2005 SGR 00822.
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*Dept of Respiratory Medicine, St James’s University Hospital and #Dept of Cardiology, Leeds General
Infirmary, Leeds, and "Dept of Emergency Medicine, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
Correspondence: M.W. Elliott, Dept of Respiratory Medicine, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street,
Leeds, LS9 7TF, UK. Fax: 44 1132066042; E-mail:
Unlike acute coronary syndromes AHF is a generic term encompassing the ‘‘complex
clinical syndrome that can result from any structural or functional cardiac disorder that
impairs the ventricle to fill or eject blood’’ [4]. This has led to inconsistencies and lack of
consensus on the definitions, epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical management
of AHF [2], as well as the development of relevant research outcomes [2, 5]. A number of
professional bodies and authorities have attempted to address this by producing
consensus statements [2, 4–7]. ‘‘Acute decompensated heart failure’’ is a clinical
condition in which the patient, with known heart failure, has an acute or subacute
deterioration in their symptoms requiring intervention. An international working group
has recently defined these patients as presenting with an ‘‘AHF syndrome’’ [2]. Patients
may present de novo or have previously recognised heart failure. These patients
primarily present to hospital with signs and symptoms that relate to pulmonary
congestion occurring as a result of elevated left ventricular filling pressures with the
accompanying symptoms of dyspnoea and fatigue [8]. Cardiac output may be impaired
or preserved. Patients have preserved left ventricular function and diastolic heart failure,
are older and predominantly female [9, 10].
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 72–93. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
and EFICA [14]) and North America (Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National
Registry (ADHERE) [3] and Organized Program To Initiate life-saving treatment In
hospitalized patients with Heart Failure (OPTIMIZE-HF) registries [15]) that enable a
clearer understanding of the characteristics of patients admitted with AHF syndromes,
including presenting symptoms and physiology including severity of illness, manage-
ment strategies, use of resource and clinical outcomes. It is clear that populations,
clinical management and outcomes vary considerably depending on setting and
geographical location [2, 16].
The ADHERE [3] had data on approximately 105,000 heart failure patients from 274
hospitals in the USA up to 2004. The mean age of patients was 72 yrs and 52% were
female. Common comorbidities included hypertension (73%), coronary heart disease
(57%) and diabetes (44%). A total of 46% of patients had preserved left ventricular
function. The median length of stay was 4.3 days and there was an in-hospital mortality
rate of 4% and 5% received mechanical ventilation.
The EuroHeart failure II survey [12] reported on 3,580 patients with AHF from
across Europe. The mean age was 69.9 yrs and 61% were male. A total of 37.1% had de
novo heart failure. Pulmonary oedema accounted for 16.2% and hypertensive heart
failure for 11.4% of admissions, as defined by the European Society of Cardiology 2005
guidelines. Over one-third of patients had preserved left ventricular function and 6.7%
died during hospital admission. The median length of stay was 9 days and
approximately one-half were admitted to coronary or critical care. A total of 13.9%
received either noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or invasive ventilation, increasing to
31.5% if the patient was classified as having pulmonary oedema as the primary
presenting condition. Ventilatory support was markedly more common in the EFICA
study investigating the characteristics of 599 patients admitted with AHF to 60 critical
care units in France [14]. In this study, 35% were endotracheally intubated and
ventilated and 24% received noninvasive ventilatory support. However, these patients
were sicker (4-week mortality was 27.4%) and had a significant rate of cardiogenic
shock, compared with other studies.
An Italian national survey from 2004 [13] included 206 hospitals with cardiology
services enrolled 2,807 patients in a 3-month period and characterised them according to
the 2001 European Society of Cardiology Guidelines. The mean age was 73 yrs; 44%
had de novo heart failure and in 49.6%, pulmonary oedema was the principal presenting
symptom. A total of 89% of the patients had impaired left ventricular function. The
median length of hospital stay was 9 days and there was a 7.3% in-hospital mortality
rate, which increased to 12.8% by 6 months.
During spontaneous inspiration, PIT decreases and returns towards the baseline
during expiration. The degree to which PIT and lung volume change is a function of
airway resistance and both lung and chest wall compliance. Positive pressure ventilation
induces opposite changes in PIT [17].
Circulatory components are affected by the PIT, depending on their location. The
heart and the intrathoracic aorta lie within the thorax and are therefore affected by
changes in PIT. The extrathoracic aorta lies outside the thorax and is consequently not
affected by PIT but by atmospheric pressure; because of this anatomical relationship,
PINSKY [18] described the heart within the thorax as ‘‘a pressure chamber within another
pressure chamber’’. The difference between the pressure in the heart and the pressure
surrounding the heart (i.e. PIT) affects both systemic venous return to the right ventricle
(RV) and systemic outflow from the left ventricle (LV).
During inspiration, PIT decreases, thus reducing right atrial (RA) pressure. Therefore,
the pressure gradient for venous return from the periphery to the right heart increases
during inspiration leading to increased venous return and increased right diastolic
volume [19]. As a result, RV stroke volume increases during inspiration [20, 21]. This
effect is somewhat dampened by an increase in RV afterload caused by an increase in
alveolar pressure [22]. Therefore, both RV preload and RV afterload are increased
during inspiration, leading to an increase in RV diastolic volume [20, 21].
The effects of inspiration on left ventricular outflow are generally opposite. Normal
inspiratory effort is accompanied by a fall in left ventricular stroke volume [23–25]. The
magnitude appears to be related to the depth of inspiration, i.e. the increasing negativity
of the pleural pressure [26]. BUDA et al. [26] and others [22, 27] proposed the following
model to explain the relationship between PIT and left ventricular outflow during deep
inspiration: increasing negativity of PIT during inspiration decreases the pressure
surrounding the LV. During systole the inward contraction of the LV is impeded by the
opposite force of the negative PIT. LV transmural pressure (Ptm) is calculated as follows:
Ptm5 PLV – PIT (1)
where PLV is the LV systolic pressure. The LV is therefore required to generate higher
pressure to overcome the PIT in addition to the aortic diastolic pressure to eject blood
during systole. Left ventricular afterload is therefore determined by the difference
between aortic diastolic pressure (equal to PLV) and PIT. Therefore afterload increases
not only through increasing aortic pressure but also through a fall in PIT. This
increase in afterload leads to a decrease in stroke volume and increase in end-systolic
In summary, there is a close interaction between determinants of cardiac function and
changes in lung volumes and PIT. A fall in PIT during inspiration has opposing effects
on the RV and LV. This acts to increase venous return to the right heart and decrease
stroke volume for the left heart. During normal respiration, however, the net effect on
the cardiovascular system is minimal. Conditions associated with large changes in PIT,
however, are known to significantly affect cardiac performance and filling through these
and the systolic oesophageal pressure contributes more to LV transmural pressure, than
in healthy subjects. By increasing PIT in patients with CHF, CPAP unloaded inspiratory
muscles and reduced left ventricular afterload without compromising cardiac output.
Similar observations were made by MEHTA et al. [39]. The short-term effect of CPAP at
10 cmH2O on RV and LV volumes, determined by radionucleide angiography, in 22
patients with CHF was assessed and no significant reduction in left ventricular volumes
was found, except in subset of patients with very large volumes. The authors concluded
that any improvements of LV function as a result of NIV are, therefore, more likely to
be due to the reduction of afterload by CPAP rather than preload.
The haemodynamic response to CPAP treatment seems to be quite variable. Other
studies have shown little or no change in cardiac output in response to CPAP [40–43]
despite high filling pressures. BARATZ et al. [40] examined the effect of nasal CPAP in 13
patients with acutely decompensated CHF, all of whom had PPCW .12 mmHg.
However, only seven out of the 13 patients showed a significant increase in cardiac
output in response to CPAP. The authors noted that nonresponders had a high resting
heart rate, lower ejection fraction and were more likely to have ischaemic cardio-
myopathy. LISTON et al. [41] applied CPAP at 5 cmH2O to patients with CHF and high
filling pressures and observed a fall in cardiac output and increase in systemic vascular
resitance. CPAP with a pressure of 10 cmH2O induced significantly greater reductions in
right and left ventricular volumes in patients with CHF caused by dilated cardio-
myopathy than in those caused by ischaemic cardiomyopathy [39]. The authors
postulated that the myocardial fibrosis and scarring associated with ischaemic
cardiomyopathy could alter the compliance and, therefore, make the ventricles more
resistant to the effects of NIV. Indeed, patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
often have higher left ventricular volumes and a more compliant ventricle than patients
with ischaemic cardiomyopathy and possibly have more acute haemodynamic benefit to
gain from NIV than patients with a less-compliant ventricle with smaller left ventricular
volumes [44]. Nevertheless, several studies have demonstrated both acute and chronic
haemodynamic benefits in patients with CHF caused by ischaemic cardiomyopathy [38,
45, 46].
The acute effects of CPAP on cardiac function appear to be significantly influenced
by the underlying cardiac rhythm. KIELY et al. [47] compared the haemodynamic
response to CPAP, in patients with CHF, in sinus rhythm (SR) and atrial fibrillation
(AF). A significant difference was demonstrated in the response to CPAP, with a fall in
cardiac index in the AF group and trend towards an increase in the SR group. It was
postulated that patients with AF may be more sensitive to decreases in preload
generated by CPAP.
Studies on the haemodynamic effects of bilevel ventilation on cardiac function are
limited. ACOSTA et al. [48] first assessed the haemodynamic effects of bilevel ventilation
at a level of 5 cmH2O in 14 patients with stable CHF. The main findings included a
significant increase in cardiac output, ejection fraction and end-diastolic volume, and a
decrease in systemic vascular resistance. Using higher pressures, PHILIP-JOET et al. [37]
demonstrated that bilevel ventilation had similar haemodynamic effects compared with
CPAP in patients with CHF. However, bilevel ventilation appeared to be superior to
CPAP in improving oxygenation and ventilation.
The current evidence suggests that bilevel ventilation acutely increases cardiac output
in selected patients with CHF and elevated left ventricular filling pressures but reduces
cardiac output in those whose filling pressures are normal. The net effect of NIV in
patients with CHF is likely to be the result of a balance between the preload-reducing
effect of NIV and the afterload-reducing effect of NIV; however, the response is variable
(table 2).
predefined treatment failure. Moreover, these trials have investigated the comparative
effectiveness of: CPAP and standard oxygen therapy [59–63, 72]; NIV and standard
oxygen therapy [57, 65]; NIV and CPAP [64, 69–71]; or either intervention (CPAP/NIV)
compared with standard oxygen therapy alone [58, 66–68]. Almost all these trials, now
numbering 25, have shown improvement in physiology or a reduction in endotracheal
intubation rate or other surrogate markers of treatment failure in the NIV arm. One
study by MEHTA et al. [69] was terminated prematurely due to an excess number of
patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) in the NIV arm. Other studies,
specifically designed to address this issue, have not confirmed any relationship between
NIV and MI rate [70]. Despite the lack of definitive mortality benefit NIV is increasingly
used in clinical practice [73] and advocated by many specialty organisations [7, 74, 75].
In an attempt to determine whether a true mortality benefit exists, a number of authors
have recently reviewed, assimilated and published systematic reviews with meta-
analyses. The following section reviews the key meta-analyses and recent primary trials.
First author Location n# Mask type CPAP IPAP/ Primary Other considerations
[ref.] cmH2O EPAP outcomes
CPAP versus standard oxygen therapy
RASANEN [59] 1 ICU in 40 Full face 10 Clinical outcomes
BERSTEN [60] 1 ICU in 40 (39) Full face 10 Intubation
LIN [61] 1 ICU in 100 Full face 2.5–12.5 Intubation, in- Swan–Ganz
Taiwan hospital mortality catheterisation
TAKEDA [84] 1 ICU in 30 (29) Full face or 4–10 Laboratory Measurement of
Japan nasal parameters plasma endothelin 1
KELLY [62] 1 ED and 58 Full face 7.5 Clinical Measurement of
ICU in UK outcomes, plasma neurchormonal
laboratory concentrations
L’HER [63] 4 EDs in 89 Full face 7.5 48-h mortality Elderly patients (age
France .75 yrs)
NPSV versus standard oxygen therapy
MASIP [85] 1 ICU in 40 (37) Full face 20/5, mean Intubation, IPAP was adjusted to
Spain resolution time tidal volume
LEVITT [64] 1 ED in USA 38 Full face or 8/3, initial Intubation Prematurely interrupted
nasal when [69] was
NAVA [65] 5 EDs in 130 Full face 14.5/6.1, Intubation Post hoc analysis in
Italy mean hypercapnic patients
Trials with three study groups
PARK [66] 1 ED in 26 Full face and 5–12.5 a/3, initial Intubation Full-face mask for CPAP
Brazil nasal and nasal for NPSV
CRANE [67] 2 EDs in UK 60 Full face 10 15/5 fixed Success in ED Pre-hospital nitrates
(2 h), in-hospital therapy evaluated
PARK [68] 1 ED in 83 (80) Full face 10 initial up 15/10 Intubation
Brazil to 16 initial
CPAP versus NPSV
MEHTA [69] 1 ED in USA 27 Full face and 10 15/5 fixed Intubation, Prematurely stopped for
nasal physiological higher rate of AM in
improvement NPSV group
BELLONE [70] 1 ED in Italy 36 Full face 10 15/5 initial AM Study restricted to
patients with
BELLONE [71] 1 ED in Italy 46 Full face 10 15/5 initial Resolution Primary end-point was
time AM rate, only
nonischaemic APO
Data included in meta-analysis of MASIP et al. [81] and reproduced with permission from the publisher. CPAP:
continuous positive airway pressure; IPAP: inspiratory positive airway pressure; EPAP: expiratory positive
airway pressure; ICU: intensive care unit; ED: emergency department; NPSV: bilevel noninvasive pressure
support ventilation; AM: acute myocardial infarction; APO: acute pulmonary oedema. #: data are presented as n
(n finally included after withdrawal).
NIV was applied and MI rate. Figures 1, 2 and 3 detail the principal data synthesis for the
review’s primary comparisons. There was a significant reduction in mortality from those
patients treated with CPAP (relative risk 0.59, 95% CI 0.28–0.90, number needed to treat
was five; p50.015). There was a trend towards improved survival with NIV. Both CPAP
(relative risk 0.44, 95% CI 0.29–0.66, number needed to treat was six; p50.0003) and NIV
(relative risk 0.50, 95% CI 0.27–0.90, number needed to treat was seven; p50.02) showed
benefit when intubation was an outcome. There was no difference in any outcome when
CPAP and NIV were compared. There was a trend towards an increase in MI rate with
NIV but this was largely due to the weighting of the one study by MEHTA et al. [69]. PETER
et al. [82] suggest that both NIV modalities are effective; although, due to the relatively
small proportions of pulmonary oedema patients included in these trials their results are
difficult to generalise. In addition, the authors felt that further work was required to define
the relationship between PEEP and myocardial ischaemia better, as well as further trials in
hypercapnic patients with acute CPO.
Rasanen [59]
Bersten [60]
Lin [61]
Takeda [84]
Takeda [72]
Delclaux [86]
Park [66]
Kelly [62]
Park [60]
L'Her [63]
Crane [67]
Masip [85]
Park [66]
Levitt [64]
Ferrer [87]
Nava [65]
Crane [67]
Park [68]
Mehta [69]
Park [66]
Martin-Bermudez [88]
Bollaert [89]
Cross [90]
Bellone [70]
Crane [67]
Park [68]
Bellone [71]
Fig. 3. – Pooled data of in-hospital mortality comparing bilevel ventilation with contiuous positive airway pressure
(CPAP). Data are presented as relative risk (RR; &), whiskers represent 95% confidence intervals (CI) and weight %
is denoted by relative size. From top, RR (95% CI; weight %) were 0.46 (0.05–4.53; 7.9), 0.42 (0.02–8.91; 4.4), 0.38
(0.08–1.85; 16.4), 1.12 (0.33–3.79; 27.5), 0.62 (0.16–2.39; 22.4), 0.18 (0.01–3.63; 4.6), 11.00 (0.65–186.62; 5.1), 2.00
(0.19–20.77; 7.5) and 0.33 (0.01–7.68; 4.2), respectively. Overall RR (95% CI) was 0.75 (0.40–1.43). Reproduced from
[82], with permission from the publisher.
Patient populations
The population of patients recruited to the 3CPO trial may be different to those
recruited to they25 small randomised controlled trial previously reported. In particular,
there may be differences in age, severity of illness, comorbidities or underlying
mechanisms of heart failure. This is unlikely for the following reasons. Based on
previous studies, strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied in the 3CPO trial,
enabling the 3CPO researchers to target the group of patients most likely to benefit from
NIV i.e. those with respiratory distress and acidosis. Indeed, the recent trial by NAVA et
al. [65] showed a reduction only in intubation rates in a hypercapnic subgroup. The
baseline characteristics and event rates in the NIV arms were comparable to previous
studies and demonstrated that the recruited patients had severe disease. There was no
evidence of patient selection bias with identical 7-day mortality in nonrecruited patients
(9.2%). This was further supported by the excellent recruitment rates of eligible patients
when compared with those previously reported. There was also no obvious interaction
between treatment intervention and disease severity, suggesting that those with milder
disease did not obscure potential benefits in the sickest patients.
The 3CPO trial mortality was higher than registry data (6.7%, EURO HF survey [14];
4%, ADHERE registry [3]) and participants were older and predominantly female.
These discrepancies in mortality and patient characteristics are likely to relate to
differing study populations. AHF registries include all patients with decompensated
heart failure rather than only those with severe acute pulmonary oedema. Indeed, in the
EURO HF registry, only 16% of patients had a qualifying diagnosis of acute pulmonary
oedema. Patient age, male-to-female ratio and comorbidities were also similar to
previous primary trials with mean age of 75–80 yrs, a female preponderance and highly
comparable comorbidities such as hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, diabetes, CHF
and COPD.
It is likely that a significant number of patients, given the physiological, age and sex
characteristics of the recruited patients, had relatively preserved systolic function, so
called, diastolic heart failure [9, 10, 95] presenting with hypertension [2, 16], which might
be more amenable to rapid pharmacological vasodilatation. As echocardiography was
not routinely performed as part of the 3CPO trial protocol, it remains unclear, however,
whether the rate of MI is consistent with previous trials. Indeed, even using the more
traditional World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for MI definition, the index rates
for MI are considerably higher than the recent large trial undertaken by MORITZ et al.
[58]; despite this, in-hospital mortality is identical between the two trials.
Influence of co-treatments
Although not mandated, the 3CPO trial recommended a set of co-treatments for
recruited patients. This specifically included buccal and intravenous nitrates; y90% of
patients received this intervention. It is possible that the cardiovascular beneficial effects
of NIV in acute CPO has been masked by another treatment working (e.g. nitrates) by the
same mechanism i.e. a reduction in preload and afterload [96–98]. Indeed, CRANE [97]
identified pre-hospital nitrate as being the only factor associated with improved mortality
in a UK observational study of patients with acute CPO. Co-treatments in previous small
trials have often been incompletely characterised and documented. It is therefore unclear
whether there is consistency in these treatments, across trials.
tolerance in the two intervention arms. After these patients were removed from primary
outcome analysis, there remained no significant difference between groups, although
mortality rates were lower.
MI risk
MEHTA et al. [69] prematurely terminated their trial comparing CPAP with NIPPV
because of the concerns of an increase in MI rate in the NIPPV arm. A subsequent study
by BELLONE et al. [70] did not replicate this finding and demonstrated no effect of
NIPPV on MI rate. The systematic review by PETER et al. [82] reported a weak
relationship between the delivery of NIPPV and an increase in MI rate. This finding was
largely the result of the weighting of the study by MEHTA et al. [69] in the pooled data.
The 3CPO trial showed that there is no relationship between MI rate and the application
of either CPAP or NIPPV.
NIV is widely used in North America, Europe and Australasia for patients with severe
acute CPO. There are clear mechanistic reasons why these interventions work in acute
pulmonary oedema. Indeed multiple small trials revealed that physiological parameters
improve quickly with the use of NIV and this reduced endotracheal intubation and
potentially in-hospital mortality. These findings have not been supported by the findings
of a recent large multicentre clinical effectiveness trial, the 3CPO trial, which failed to
show any clear benefit of NIV for patients with severe acute CPO in UK emergency
departments other than early improvement in some physiological characteristics and
patient symptoms.
Despite theoretical advantages for NIPPV over CPAP, no trial data support
additional benefit of this modality. The 3CPO trial has unequivocally demonstrated the
safety of both NIPPV and CPAP and clearly shows there is no increased risk of MI with
Continuous positive airway pressure should, therefore, be the noninvasive ventilation
modality of choice. Continuous positive airway pressure equipment is, in general, less
complex and cheaper and, therefore, has advantages over noninvasive positive pressure
ventilation. In addition, a number of simple systems allow the delivery of 100% oxygen.
Clearly if a department already has equipment in use or is using noninvasive positive
pressure ventilation for other clinical conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease then this will influence the decision as to the ventilation mode and equipment
type used for the management of patients with pulmonary oedema. Finally, in the
majority of patients, medical therapy should be instigated as the primary treatment of
severe acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema and noninvasive ventilation reserved for
those patients who have significant respiratory distress and failure or those not
improving with standard medical therapy.
This chapter reviews the use of positive pressure ventilation (continuous positive
airway pressure and bilevel) for patients with acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema.
The incidence at presentation to hospital, its pathophysiology and the physiological
basis for the use of positive pressure ventilation is first discussed. Recent meta-
analyses are presented, followed by the results of two recent clinical trials, the results
of which conflict with the meta-analyses. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are
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G. Hilbert
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 94–109. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
cause ventilatory failure with hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis. When employed
during episodes of hypoxaemic ARF, the goal of NIV is to ensure an adequate arterial
oxygen tension (Pa,O2) until the underlying problem can be reversed.
Numerous case series and reports have shown that continuous positive airway pressure
(CPAP) [14–20] and NIV [21] improve oxygenation, reduce respiratory rate and lessen
dyspnoea in hypoxaemic ARF. KESTEN et al. [17] applied 10 cmH2O of nasal CPAP in 9
subjects with P. carinii pneumonia and AIDS, all of whom had presented with bilateral
pulmonary infiltrates and hypoxaemia. Nasal CPAP, for 20 mins, without supplemental
oxygen increased mean Pa,O2 from 56 to 68 mmHg and decreased the calculated alveolar–
arterial oxygen gradient from 48 to 34 mmHg. CONFALONIERI et al. [21] have compared
NIV with invasive mechanical ventilation in AIDS patients with P. carinii pneumonia.
Changes in arterial blood gas and respiratory rate were comparable in the two groups of
patients during the first 72 h of the study.
Several prospective controlled studies, comparing CPAP or NIV with standard medical
treatment, have shown that the use of these methods of ventilation in hypoxaemic ARF
was associated with prompt improvement in pulmonary gas exchange as determined by
arterial blood gases obtained within the first few hours [22–25]. ANTONELLI et al. [22]
conducted a prospective, randomised trial of NIV compared with endotracheal intubation
with conventional mechanical ventilation in 64 patients with hypoxaemic ARF who
required mechanical ventilation. A total of 7 (22%) of the 32 patients randomised to NIV
had ARDS of varied aetiology. The patients in the two groups had a similar initial change
in Pa,O2/inspiratory oxygen fraction (FI,O2): within the first hour of ventilation, 20 (62%)
patients in the NIV group and 15 (47%) patients in the conventional ventilation group had
an improvement in Pa,O2/FI,O2. Their Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratios increased significantly from
116¡24 to 230¡76 mmHg with NIV and from 124¡25 to 211¡68 mmHg with
conventional ventilation. In a study comparing NIV with standard treatment using
supplemental oxygen administration in recipients of solid organ transplantation with
hypoxaemic ARF, 7 (22%) of 32 patients randomised to NIV had ARDS of varied
aetiology [23]. Within the first hour of treatment, 14 (70%) patients in the NIV group and
only 5 (25%) patients in the standard treatment group improved their Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio. In
another randomised controlled trial, the physiological effects of CPAP versus standard
oxygen therapy were compared in 123 patients with hypoxaemic ARF and Pa,O2/FI,O2
ƒ300 due to bilateral pulmonary oedema, 102 of them with ALI [24]. After 1 h of
treatment, median Pa,O2/FI,O2 was greater with CPAP (203 versus 151; p50.02). In a
prospective, randomised trial of NIV, compared with standard medical treatment with
supplemental oxygen in immunosuppressed patients with hypoxaemic ARF, initial
improvement in Pa,O2/FI,O2 was observed in 46% of the NIV group and in 15% of the
standard group (p50.02) [25]. Even if NIV was used intermittently, in a sequential mode,
the protocol of NIV used in that study achieved significantly higher rates of improvement
in gas exchange abnormalities than in patients with standard treatment. Reducing work of
breathing during noninvasive ventilation sessions may also allow respiratory muscles to be
more efficient during nonassisted breaths.
NIV can improve the pathophysiology of hypoxaemic respiratory failure.
Mechanisms of improvement can include the beneficial effects of positive end-expiratory
pressure (PEEP) on distribution of extravascular lung water, on alveolar recruitment of
under ventilated alveoli by increasing lung volume at end expiration and in early
treatment of atelectasis. In addition, improvements in ventilation/perfusion ratios or
even shunt undoubtedly occur in patients with ARDS, in whom the application of
expiratory pressure should have an effect similar to that of PEEP in invasively ventilated
patients. By lowering left ventricular transmural pressure, CPAP may reduce afterload
and increase cardiac output, making it an attractive modality for therapy of acute
pulmonary oedema. Even if CPAP alone is able to improve lung mechanics in patients
with ARF and decrease work of breathing compared with unsupported ventilation [26],
the addition of pressure support (PS) has a positive effect in reducing work of breathing
and maintaining a tidal volume compatible with adequate alveolar ventilation.
Clinical studies
The main studies on NIV in immunocompromised patients with hypoxaemic ARF are
reported in table 1.
Nonrandomised studies
CPAP has been used successfully for years to correct severe hypoxaemia in
immunocompromised patients with hypoxaemic ARF [17, 18, 20, 29]. GREGG et al. [18]
studied the efficacy of CPAP in 10 AIDS patients with pneumonia and avoided intubation
in seven of them. BEDOS et al. [29] reported data for 110 consecutive patients with ARF
secondary to AIDS-related P. carinii pneumonia and who were admitted to an ICU within
24 h after their hospital admission. CPAP was used initially in 66 (60%) patients and failed
in 22 (32%) patients who received mechanical ventilation; 20 of those 22 patients died.
These data suggest that CPAP with a face mask could be a safe and effective means of
providing ventilatory support to patients with severe P. carinii pneumonia and probably
avoids intubation and its high mortality rate in a subgroup of less-acutely ill patients.
Among the 64 neutropenic patients with febrile acute hypoxaemic normocapnic
respiratory failure treated by CPAP, in addition to standard therapy, in the study by
HILBERT et al. [20], CPAP was efficient in only 25% of cases. The enrolled patients were
critically ill, with a Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio of 128¡32, and with a high SAPS II and more than
two organ dysfunctions, explaining, in part, the poor results obtained. Nevertheless, all
the responders and only four nonresponders survived their ICU stay. More recently,
CONFALONIERI et al. [21] have compared NIV with invasive mechanical ventilation in
AIDS patients with P. carinii pneumonia-related ARF, needing mechanical ventilation. A
Table 1. – Studies examining the effectiveness of NIV in immunocompromised patients with hypoxaemic acute
respiratory failure
total of 24 patients treated with NIV by a facial mask were matched with 24 patients
treated with invasive ventilation by endotracheal intubation. Use of NIV avoided
intubation in 67% of patients. Even if the existence of criteria of ARDS was not reported,
all the patients were at a very advanced stage of ARF, since they presented criteria of
intubation. The NIV-treated group had a lower mortality in the ICU, the hospital and
within 2 months of study entry. Differences in mortality between the two groups
disappeared after 6 months. The findings of that study provided further support for
applying NIV in AIDS patients with severe P. carinii pneumonia-related ARF as a first-
line therapeutic choice; however, randomised controlled trials are required to confirm
these results.
TOGNET et al. [27] have reported their experience of NIV in 18 haematological patients
with ARF which occurred before, during or just after therapeutic aplasia. NIV, with a
PS mode and preferably a nasal mask, was performed intermittently: 12 patients were
ultimately intubated and died; seven needed intubation within 3 h following admission
(because of the inability of NIV to provide adequate ventilation in six patients); and six
patients were not intubated and were discharged. CONTI et al. [28] have evaluated
treatment with NIV by nasal mask as an alternative to endotracheal intubation and
conventional mechanical ventilation in 16 patients with haematological malignancies
complicated by ARF and having intubation criteria (at inclusion, Pa,O2/FI,O2 of 87¡22).
NIV was delivered via nasal mask using a BiPAP ventilator: five patients died in the ICU
following complications independent of the respiratory failure and 11 were discharged
from the ICU in stable condition after a mean stay of 4.3¡2.4 days and were
subsequently discharged from the hospital. Thus, NIV proved to be feasible and
appropriate for the treatment of respiratory failure in haematological patients who were
at high risk of intubation-related complications. AZOULAY et al. [30] retrospectively
studied a cohort of patients with solid or haematological cancer admitted to the ICU for
ARF. The first group of 132 patients was admitted in the period 1990–1995 while the
second group, composed of 105 patients, was admitted in 1996–1998. The types of
cancer were equally distributed among the two groups. The survival rate in the period
1996–1998 was significantly higher than in the previous period. In a matched-pair
analysis of cancer patients requiring mechanical ventilation support, the mortality
among NIV patients was significantly lower than in conventionally ventilated patients
(43.7 versus 70.8%; p50.008) [30]. Univariate analyses of the patients’ characteristics,
co-morbidity and type of malignancy did not show that any significant association with
30-day mortality. However, in the multivariate analysis, two variables were found to
predict ICU outcome: higher SAPS II at admission was associated with an increased
mortality rate whereas the use of NIV during the 1996–1998 period was associated with
a marked improvement in survival. Another study compared NIV with invasive
intubation and ventilation for this patient group [32]. In that retrospective study, 27
patients, who received NIV, were matched for SAPS II with 52 patients who required
immediate intubation on a 1:2 basis. In contrast to several earlier reports, the authors
could not demonstrate the presence of a survival benefit for the use of NIV. Indeed,
treatment with NIV successfully averted the need for intubation in eight (31%) patients,
five (62.5%) of whom survived their hospital stay; this last rate was similar to this
recorded in patients who required immediate intubation. Nevertheless, these results
must be taken cautiously because hypoxaemic ARF was dramatically more severe in the
NIV group than in the invasive ventilation group (median Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio 71 versus
141, respectively; p,0.001).
More recently, a case-control study on a total of 34 patients was performed to evaluate
the effectiveness of early administration of CPAP through a helmet, in haematological
malignancy patients with ARF [33]. Each patient was treated by CPAP outside an ICU,
directly in the haematological ward. The authors described a success rate as high as
possible in patients ventilated with the helmet, while eight NIV failures were registered in
the group ventilated with a face mask because of an intolerance of this interface.
when Sa,O2 was ,85% or when dyspnoea worsened, as evidenced by a respiratory rate of
.30 breaths?min-1.
During the first 24 h, NIV was administered for a mean of 9¡3 h. Subsequently, the
mean duration of NIV was 7¡3 h?day-1. The mean duration of NIV was 4¡2 days.
The rates of initial and sustained improvement in Pa,O2/FI,O2 and other outcomes in
both groups are reported in table 2. In the NIV group, compared with standard therapy,
fewer patients required endotracheal intubation (12 versus 20; p50.03) and there were
fewer complications (13 versus 21; p50.02). Overall, with NIV, there were improvements
in mortality in the ICU (10 versus 18; p50.03) and in total in-hospital mortality (13
versus 21; p50.02).
significantly improved the Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio, and successfully avoided the need for
endotracheal intubation. Another recent study, including 46 patients, suggested that the
application of another noninvasive interface, i.e., the laryngeal mask airway, also appears
to be a safe and effective alternative to intubation for accomplishing bronchoscopy with
bronchoalveolar lavage in immunosuppressed patients with suspected pneumonia and
severe hypoxaemia (Pa,O2/FI,O2 ƒ125) [42]. In a recent prospective randomised trial on 26
patients, NIV was shown superior to conventional oxygen supplementation in preventing
gas exchange deterioration, and with better haemodynamic tolerance, during fiberoptic
bronchoscopy in patients with less severe forms of hypoxaemia (Pa,O2/FI,O2 ,200) [43]. In
that study, PS was 15–17 cmH2O, PEEP was set at 5 cmH2O and FI,O2 at 0.9; the session
of NIV was begun 10 min before the fibreoptic bronchoscopy and continued for at least
30 min after the procedure. The present author currently has the same approach.
NIV can be administered to immunocompromised patients with different types of
interface. The patient interface most commonly employed is a full-face or nasal mask
secured firmly, but not tightly, with a headstrap [13]. The full-face mask delivers higher
ventilation pressures with fewer leaks, requires less patient cooperation and permits
mouth breathing. However, it is less comfortable, increases the dead space, impedes
communication and limits oral intake. The nasal mask needs patient nasal passages and
requires mouth closure to minimise air leaks. The leaks through the mouth decrease
alveolar ventilation and may decrease the efficacy of NIV in reducing the work of
breathing. Furthermore, high flows of gas passing through the nose in case of mouth
leaks can markedly increase nasal resistance and thus further reduce the efficacy of nasal
NIV [44].
Patients may develop complications related to the use of NIV such as skin necrosis,
gastric distention, nosocomial pneumonia or evidence of barotrauma (pneumothorax,
pneumomediastinum, pneumoperitoneum or pulmonary interstitial emphysema). Data
from the literature and observations from the present author’s practice, suggest a highest
incidence of facial-skin breakdown and/or intolerance of the interface in the subgroup of
patients with hypoxaemic ARF and haematological malignancies. The incidence of
pressure necrosis of the skin over the nasal bridge reached 31% in an uncontrolled study
[28]. Three patients were excluded from the study by HILBERT et al. [20], because they
refused to keep the facial mask during the first CPAP session. The reason was acute
stress in one case and major painful mucositis in two cases. A bad tolerance of CPAP
was reported in five other patients enrolled in this study and who were intubated. Mask
intolerance because of pain, discomfort or claustrophobia may require discontinuation
of NIV and endotracheal intubation.
Various modifications are available to minimise this complication, such as use of
forehead spacers or the addition of a thin plastic flap that permits air sealing with less
mask pressure on the nose. Straps that hold the mask in place are also important for
patient comfort and many types of strap assemblies are available. Most manufacturers
provide straps that are designed for use with a particular mask. More points of
attachment add to stability and strap systems with Velcro fasteners are useful.
There is no evidence to support the use of particular patient interface devices in
patients with hypoxaemic ARF [13]. Nevertheless, clinical experience suggests that full-
face masks improve efficacy by reducing leaks and are more appropriate for use in the
setting of severe hypoxaemic ARF. As shown in table 1, a facial mask was used
preferentially in the studies examining the efficacy of NIV in immunocompromised
patients with hypoxaemic ARF.
The fact that most NIV failures are due to technical problems, justifies the recent
studies which evaluated new interface devices. Attempting to improve tolerability of
patients, ANTONELLI et al. [45] adopted a transparent helmet made from latex-free
polyvinyl chloride, which allowed patients to see, read and speak, as an interface during
NIV. They conducted a prospective trial, with a matched control group, in order to
investigate the efficacy of NIV using the helmet to treat patients with hypoxaemic ARF.
Six (18%) patients in the helmet group and 9 (13%) patients in the facial mask group had
ARDS. A total of eight (24%) patients in the helmet group and 21 (32%) patients in the
facial mask group failed NIV and were intubated. No patients failed NIV because of
intolerance of the technique in the helmet group compared with eight (38%) patients in
the mask group (p50.047). Complications related to the technique (skin necrosis, gastric
distension and eye irritation) were fewer in number in the helmet group compared with
the standard mask group (no patients versus 14 (21%) patients, respectively; p50.002).
The helmet allowed the continuous application of NIV for a longer period of time
(p50.05). The authors concluded that NIV by helmet successfully treated hypoxaemic
ARF with better tolerance and fewer complications than facial mask NIV. The helmet is
very popular in Italy and excellent results have been reported with the administration of
CPAP through a helmet in haematological malignancy patients with ARF [33]. A better
tolerance of the helmet, compared with a conventional interface, was also found in a
case-control study [31]. However, this interface can be responsible for an increased work
of breathing and dyspnoea [46], a potential risk of CO2 rebreathing, to be carefully
weighed against the major benefits achieved respecting the integrity of the face. In
practice, in many units, including the present author’s, the helmet is used in the second
or even third line, as an alternative to face mask in case of intolerance responsible for
skin lesions, with a risk of failure of the method.
Ventilatory modes
One of the main differences between management of COPD patients and of patients
with hypoxaemic ARF is the place of CPAP in the therapeutic armamentarium of
physicians treating patients with hypoxaemic ARF. Pressures commonly used to deliver
CPAP to patients with hypoxaemic ARF range from 5 to 15 cmH2O. Such pressures can
be applied using a wide variety of devices including CPAP valves connected to a
compressed gas source, small portable units used for home therapy of obstructive sleep
apnoea and ventilators designed for use in the ICU. Depending on the critical care
ventilator selected, CPAP may be administered using ‘‘demand’’, ‘‘flow-by’’ or
‘‘continuous flow’’ techniques, with imposed work differing slightly between them.
CPAP is widely used in the belief that it may reduce the need for intubation and
mechanical ventilation in patients with acute hypoxaemic respiratory insufficiency.
Nevertheless, to the present author’s knowledge, although several studies have shown
the ability of the method to improve hypoxaemia, only one randomised study has
demonstrated that the use of CPAP reduces the need for endotracheal intubation in
patients with severe hypercapnic cardiogenic pulmonary oedema [47]. A recent study
showed that, compared with standard oxygen therapy, CPAP neither reduced the need
for intubation nor improved outcomes in patients with hypoxaemic ARF [24].
Alternatively, positive results have been reported in randomised controlled studies
where PS and PEEP was used [23, 25]. During PS ventilation, the ventilator is triggered
by the patient and delivers a set pressure for each breath and cycles to expiration either
when it senses a fall in inspiratory flow rate below a threshold value, or at a preset time.
Noninvasive PS ventilation offers the potential of excellent patient–ventilator
synchrony, reduced diaphragmatic work and improved patient comfort.
The choice of NIV with PS and PEEP, rather than CPAP, a technique previously
systematically used in hypoxaemic ARF in the present author’s ICU [20], has
undoubtedly contributed to the good results recently reported in immunosuppressed
patients [25]. In the present author’s practice, after the mask had been secured, the level
of PS is progressively increased and adjusted for each patient to obtain an expired tidal
volume of 7–10 mL?kg of body weight-1 and a respiratory rate of fewer than
25 breaths?min-1. PEEP is repeatedly increased by 2 cmH2O, up to a level of
10 cmH2O, until the FI,O2 requirement is 70% or less. The FI,O2 is adjusted to maintain
Sa,O2 above 90%. Ventilator settings are adjusted on the basis of continuous monitoring
of Sa,O2, clinical data and measurements of arterial blood gases. Studies comparing the
impact on clinical outcome of CPAP and PS plus PEEP, in patients with hypoxaemic
ARF, should be useful. For the moment, and looking forward to the results of further
studies, PS ventilation plus PEEP could be the ventilatory mode recommended for
treatment with NIV of hypoxaemic ARF.
Many factors must be considered when PS plus PEEP is used. Some of them are well
known (e.g., inspiratory trigger sensitivity, inspiratory flow) and close to those
considered when this ventilatory mode is used in intubated patients. Several others
are more specific to NIV: e.g., the negative impact of leaks on work of breathing with a
risk of patient–ventilator asynchrony [48]. Gas leaks around the mask or from the
mouth limit the efficacy of the device make monitoring of tidal volume difficult and may
prevent adequate ventilatory assistance in patients who require high inspiratory airway
pressures and represent an important cause of failure. Leaks may also indicate low
compliance or ventilation close to total lung capacity. Thus, particular attention should
be paid to the leaks during application of NIV in patients with hypoxic ARF. In a study
on six patients with ALI due to AIDS-related opportunistic pneumonia, a time-cycled
expiratory trigger provided a better patient–machine interaction than a flow-cycled
expiratory trigger, in the presence of air leaks during NIV [48]. Another possibility is to
modify the threshold of flow cut-off.
The present author believes that the first hours of delivering NIV, with careful
attention to mask fit, patient comfort and patient–ventilator synchrony, represent a
critical opportunity to improve outcome.
was studied. In the NIV group, the patients with a final diagnosis had significant lower
rates for intubation (p50.03), death in the ICU (p50.04) or in the hospital (p50.006).
So, a positive diagnosis and a well-adapted treatment could be the main determinants in
the improved outcome of immunosuppressed patients managed with NIV.
In a prospective study, variables predictive of NIV failure were investigated in 354
patients with hypoxaemic ARF, 37 of them with immunosuppression [49]. Multivariate
analysis identified age .40 yrs (odds ratio (OR) 1.72, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.92–
3.23), SAPS II i35 (OR 1.81, 95% CI 1.07–3.06), the presence of ARDS or community-
acquired pneumonia (OR 3.75, 95% CI 2.25–6.24) and a Pa,O2/FI,O2 ƒ146 after 1 h of
NIV (OR 2.51, 95% CI 1.45–4.35) as factors independently associated with failure of
Nevertheless, in practice, it can be difficult to predict an individual outcome and
decide promptly to withdraw the noninvasive ventilatory support, keeping in mind the
poor prognosis of intubation in numerous patients [50]. Alternatively, it is crucial to do
all that can be done to attempt to optimise the technical aspects which are crucial for a
successful application of NIV.
Even though learning techniques of NIV is described as simple in some studies, it is
essential and education must be continuous; this allows better indications of the
techniques and optimises the technical aspects and monitoring, to guarantee that
intubation is not delayed when the method fails. Indeed, the use of NIV with a delay in
reintubation can lead to excess mortality and the moment of reintubation should not be
delayed if it becomes necessary. Undoubtedly, ARF in immunocompromised patients is
one of the indications of NIV that requires experience and a good control of the
technique; this justifies, in this indication, practising NIV in the ICU.
Starting from the good results obtained in patients with acute exacerbations of
COPD, NIV is now being used to support those with hypoxaemic ARF, certain of them
with immunosuppression.
A reduction in the incidence of nosocomial infection is a consistent and important
advantage of NIV compared with invasive ventilation and is probably one of the most
important advantages of avoiding endotracheal intubation using NIV. ARF in
immunocompromised patients is a recognised indication of NIV and, according to recent
international recommendations (of level I), NIV should be used whenever possible in this
indication to reduce the risk of nosocomial pneumonia [37]. Above all, NIV makes it
possible to reduce the mortality of the patients of oncohaematology with ARF.
Given the risks of serious complications and death associated with intubation, the
relative safety of appropriately applied NIV should change the approach to ventilation
in immunocompromised patients with respiratory failure; patients in whom respiratory
distress develops should be treated conventionally with oxygen and other indicated
therapies and should be monitored closely; if moderate-to-severe respiratory distress
develops with tachypnoea and hypoxaemia, NIV should be initiated unless there are
contraindications [50]. The early involvement of ICUs in immunocompromised patients
care, and the better definitions of patients who require ICU admission will probably
play a major role in the future.
The experiences gradually acquired by the different units, the regular training of the
personnel, further technological advances and future research, will position noninvasive
ventilation more accurately in the therapeutic armamentarium of physicians dealing
with immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory failure and are likely to
improve the conditions for performing noninvasive ventilation in the future.
Mechanical ventilation is an independent prognostic factor of mortality in
immunocompromised patients; thus, to avoid intubation must remain a major
objective in this pathology. After several studies showing the feasibility, two
prospective randomised and controlled studies demonstrated that noninvasive
ventilation (NIV) made it possible to improve the outcome in selected immunocom-
promised patients admitted in intensive care unit.
Acute respiratory failure (ARF) in immunocompromised patients is a recognised
indication of NIV and, according to recent international recommendations (of level I),
should be used whenever possible in this indication to reduce the risk of nosocomial
pneumonia. Above all, NIV makes it possible to reduce the mortality of the patients
of onco-haematology with ARF. The prognosis is still improved when a diagnosis of
pneumonitis can be retained and the bronchoscopy can be carried out directly under
NIV among the more hypoxaemic patients.
Undoubtedly, ARF in immunocompromised patients belongs to the indications of
NIV which require experiment and a good control of the technique justifying, in this
indication, the practice of NIV in intensive care units.
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O. Nørregaard
Respiratory failure is a major cause of morbidity and mortality around the world [1].
In certain conditions, such as neuromuscular diseases, it is the most frequent cause of
death; and not just in the poorer parts of the world. Previously, respiratory failure would
either not have been treated, or would have been treated with intubation in the acute
setting or tracheostomy for chronic conditions.
During the last couple of decades, noninvasive ventilation (NIV) techniques have
increasingly been added to the armamentarium for the treatment of acute respiratory
failure (ARF) as well as for long-term respiratory insufficiency. The drawbacks of
invasive ventilation and the increasingly obvious advantages of NIV both account for
this development.
Both intubation and tracheostomy are associated with a number of adverse effects [2]
and, in the paediatric population, complication rates as high as 40% have been reported
[3], including accidental extubation, atelectasis, tissue damage, postintubation stridor,
bronchopulmonal dysplasia, bronchial tube blockage [4], nosocomial infections and
difficulties with sedation [5].
NIV applied to adults in the acute setting has seen favourable outcomes, including
reduced intubation rates, decreased complication rates, increased survival and decreased
stay at the intensive care unit and at the hospital [6].
With respect to the use of NIV in children in ARF, the 10-yr old consensus report is
still almost true in stating that ‘‘At present, nasal mask ventilation in young children
must be considered an investigational technique for research and/or use only by
experienced centres. Further to our knowledge … there are no generally accepted
guidelines’’ [7].
NIV for ARF in the paediatric population has been used only to a very small extent.
Increasingly, however, during the last few years, the use has been expanding and data
supporting the technique in children are emerging. Experience has typically been
restricted to case series and has mainly dealt with long-term use of NIV [8]. The recent
development in NIV for paediatric ARF does, however, give hope for a new and
supplementary mode of treatment in infants and children with acute respiratory distress.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 110–132. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
compliant chest wall. In order to maintain a functional residual capacity (FRC) of 40%
of total lung capacity instead of the unmodified only 15%, the neonate introduces a
number of compensating mechanisms, including laryngeal breaking [9], maintenance of
the post-inspiratory tone in the muscles of the chest wall [10] and a respiratory frequency
fast enough to allow only incomplete deflation. The very compliant chest wall impedes
the neonate’s ability to generate adequate tidal volumes [11], increases the work of
breathing (WOB) [12] by constantly wasting force on chest wall deformation instead of
generating alveolar ventilation [13] as an effective pump would, contributes to fatigue
[14] and accentuates growth retardation [15]. The mechanics of the respiratory system
are further challenged by high flow resistance of the nasal airway, in particular in infants
where it contributes almost half of the airway resistance [16]. The small airways of
young children are very sensitive to any further narrowing (e.g., caused by secretions,
oedema, adenoids or even a minor displacement of the mask used for NIV) that, based
on the Bernoulli principle, will generate a vicious cycle of increased narrowing and
subsequent increased WOB. In addition, a small zone of apposition of the diaphragm
[13], horizontal ribs and in the young immature muscles [17] with a lower fraction of
fatigue-resistant fibres, all limit the endurance of the respiratory system.
In the preterm baby, disturbed alveolarisation [18] and the absence of pores of Kohn,
Lambert and Martin, do not allow collateral air flow to happen at the bronchoalveolar
level thus impeding aeration and favouring the creation of atelectasis [19]. Expiratory
flows are obstructed due not only to the small dimensions of the airways but also to the
altered compliance of the airways and the low FRC generating airway closure during
tidal breathing. Furthermore, submucosal glands occupy a larger proportion of the
airway wall in babies and children without respiratory disease than in adults. This
relative gland hypertrophy could, theoretically, when proportionally increased in
bronchial disease, contribute markedly to mucus hypersecretion and airflow obstruction
[20]. The mucins in respiratory tract secretions from children without respiratory disease
share similar macromolecular properties to the mucins in sputum from patients with
chronic bronchitis [21], except they are more acidic [22] possibly indicating that
secretions in children are more viscous than adult respiratory secretions.
An integral part of the paediatric respiratory scenario is that the metabolic rate is
twice that of the adult leading to a ratio of alveolar ventilation:FRC of 5:1 in the infant
and 1.5:1 in the adult [23] obviously increasing the risk of hypoxaemia; any parenchymal
pulmonary disease will increase this further. If the ensuing risk of acidosis and the
associated deleterious effect on muscle function, and, in the neonate, particularly the
preterm, the risk of foetal circulation, are additionally taken into consideration, the risk
of incompensation becomes obvious.
The hypoxaemic ventilatory response is attenuated in the infant [24]; apnoeas are
more frequent than in the adult and linked to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is
more abundant the younger the child is. Muscle tone is particularly low during REM
sleep, generating a further decrease in FRC and in the power of the respiratory pump
while the flow resistance of the airways and WOB increase. Any generated increase in
respiratory frequency will increase the dead space:tidal volume ratio.
If, at any time, these mechanisms will generate a load that exceeds the total
competence of the respiratory system, the system will incompensate and to a varying
degree produce symptoms. In the acute setting, symptoms can vary from mild-to-
moderate respiratory distress to a comatose child in respiratory arrest, as outlined in
table 1.
Conditions associated with increased risk of ARF are numerous and include
immaturity of the respiratory pacemaker and the pulmonary tissue, impaired ability to
cough, incompetent ability to swallow, retained secretions, scoliosis, neuromuscular
The overall goal of NIV in ARF is to restore the balance between the load on the
respiratory system and that system’s competence by unloading the failing respiratory
pump, in particular typically during sleep or sedation. More specifically, central
objectives are to decrease WOB, to increase oxygenation and ventilation, and to rest and
Type I Type II
Hypoxaemia (low Pa,O2) Normal-to-low Pa,O2
Normal-to-low Pa,CO2 Hypercapnia (high Pa,CO2)
V9/Q9 mismatch
Clinical examples of type I and II respiratory failure
Atelectasis Neuromuscular disease
Status asthmaticus Obesity
Pneumonia Scoliosis
Cystic fibrosis Other restrictive pulmonary disease
Impaired respiratory drive
Pa,O2: arterial oxygen tension; Pa,CO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension; V9/Q9: ventilation/perfusion ratio.
Table 3. – Values for pulmonary function and arterial bood gasses associated with respiratory insufficiency
comfort the child. In adults, NIV has been shown to reduce transdiaphragmatic
pressure, the pressure–time index and consequently WOB, and to increase VT [27–29].
It is very important to remember that NIV should always be preceded and
accompanied by relevant therapy aiming at reversing the process that generated ARF,
i.e. surfactant in preterms, antibiotics for infections, broncholytic agents in asthma,
vasoactive drugs in left ventricular failure etc.
While supplemental oxygen may serve as an adjunct in hypoxaemic respiratory
failure, it is critical to understand that failure of the respiratory pump, as is typically but
not exclusively seen in respiratory failure type II, is not corrected by oxygen alone and
may, in some cases, be aggravated by it.
It is of pivotal importance to monitor implemented treatment. Just as timing of
initiating treatment is important, so is the recognition of the proper time to terminate
failing NIV treatment and convert to endotracheal ventilation. Some of the studies with
poor outcome from NIV in adults with ARF have pointed to delay in the recognition of
unsuccessful NIV as the reason for failure [30].
Monitoring ongoing NIV is in principle based on the same parameters that defined
ARF, and will typically include arterial oxygen saturation (Sa,O2), carbon dioxide levels,
either as trancutanous tensions or by means of end-tidal capnography [31]. However,
although capnography is informative in several ways, it is not reliable in an open
noninvasive respiratory assist system. Arterial blood gases, respiratory frequency and
child–ventilator synchrony, in addition to clinical parameters such as pulse, sweating,
peripheral perfusion and mental state, constitute additional relevant parameters to
monitor. Recorded continuous monitoring including transcutaneous gas-exchange
parameters, thoraco-abdominal bands and mask pressure (fig. 1) will offer a valuable
tool in determining the state and dynamics of the child in response to changes in
pathology and to various interventions and, in particular, visualise child–ventilator
synchrony or asynchrony (fig. 2). Visualisation of the pressure tracings during the
expiratory phase will add to the understanding of whether mask-related rebreathing may
be part of the explanation if hypercapnia is present. The combined picture of pressure
tracings, thoraco-abdominal movements, oxygen saturation and carbon dioxide tension
will also help to localise leaks (fig. 3). In the paediatric intensive care unit, additional
monitoring could include continuous recording of airway pressure and flow in order to
characterise pulmonary mechanics, continuous invasive blood pressure (arterial and
central venous), venous oxygen saturation (Sv,O2), central temperature and lactate. Full
polysomnography (including electroencephalogram (EEG), electro-oculogram (EOG)
and electromyogram (EMG)) will typically be performed in less-acute settings.
Educated staff, familiar with the sometimes complex equipment and professional in
handling children, a prerequisite for success in these often delicate matters.
Fig. 1. – Transparent nasal mask with green line (arrow) for continuous pressure tracing. Note the visible and
unobstructed nostrils and head gear that allows for sweating.
Ptc, CO2
Position B
Fig. 2. – Monitoring of a noninvasively ventilated child with continuous tracings of mask pressure and thoraco-
abdominal movements. Note the child–ventilator dyssynchrony and thoraco-abdominal paradox (----), and child–
ventilator synchrony and reduced thoraco-abdominal paradox pattern (?????). Sa,O2: arterial oxygen saturation; BiPAP:
bilevel positive airway pressure; Ptc,CO2: transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension; F: front; B: back; L: left; R: right.
2.5 mV
Sa,O2 %
Fig. 3. – Decrease in mask pressure associated with reduced movements of thorax and abdomen preceding oxygen
desaturations. The pattern is compatible with leaks. Sa,O2: arterial oxygen saturation; BiPAP: bilevel positive airway
pressure; Ptc,CO2: transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension.
NIV often refers to positive pressure-targeted ventilation, but it should also include
positive volume-targeted ventilation, negative pressure ventilation and, in a wider sense,
it seems justified to include continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), supplementary
oxygen and some of the technologies used for clearing of secretions.
Achieving minute ventilation from NIV, when applied as positive pressure ventilation,
depends on the mechanical characteristics of the respiratory system, such as compliance,
resistance, auto-positive end-expiratory pressure (auto-PEEP), ventilatory frequency,
leakage and ventilator–patient interaction. The inspiratory and expiratory trigger
function, usually sensed as either pressure or flow changes in the system, is of
fundamental importance. Flow-triggering has in some investigations been found to
superior to pressure-triggering [32]; an insensitive trigger will increase the WOB, while a
too-sensitive trigger may introduce auto-triggering, possibly leading to patient–
ventilator dyssynchrony and unintentional hyperventilation. Trigger adjustment will
depend upon ventilator brand and model. In children and infants with a weak or
reduced pulmonary function, inspiratory flows generated by the patient may be too
small to activate the trigger, in particular in the case of an interposed humidifier,
resulting in controlled ventilation, regardless, to some extent, of the setting [33]. Some
products include the possibility to set a timeframe for inspiration in order to optimise
pressure delivery and to counteract distorted inspiratory–expiratory ratios. The
expiratory trigger (adjustable or not) will, in some models, work purely as a function
of time or as a function of a predefined decline in inspiratory flow before changing to
expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP). In the latter case, leaks will lead the
machine to prolong the inspiratory phase well beyond the point where the user has
ceased to inspire, thus contributing to child–ventilator asynchrony, increased WOB with
the risk of reappearance of respiratory failure, discomfort, possible gastric distension
and, in the worst case, aspiration to the lungs. Newer models increasingly try to combine
the pressure-targeted mode with an assurance of a desired minute ventilation [34], and
recently some brands have introduced the servo-principle into portable machines.
Oxygen, if needed, is typically bled into the single hose system or directly into the
mask. Due to the high flow rates in these pressure-targeted respiratory assist devices, it is
usually not possible to achieve an inspired oxygen fraction (FI,O2) .0.5 even with flow
rates of 5–10 L?min-1.
The bilevel pressures can be delivered in spontaneous (patient-driven) mode, in a
spontaneous/timed mode or in a purely timed mode.
These ventilators/respiratory assist devices are widely used. Patient comfort seems to
be an important feature in favour of the pressure-targeted machines, as there is no
convincing evidence that these machines work better than volume-targeted or vice versa,
apart from the pressure-targeted machines better ability to cope with leaks. Among the
pressure-targeted machines’ characteristics and quality does vary considerably [35].
Servo-ventilators increasingly being used in intensive care units have been working in
the pressure-targeted mode for NIV in acute paediatric cases. These ventilators are
generally more advanced than the portable machines, including more-elaborate
monitoring of pressure, flow, volume, compliance and other parameters in order to
assess patient–ventilator interaction; they use a double hose system for optimal carbon
dioxide-elimination and the newer models are increasingly capable of dealing with leaks.
Some of the newer models are able to support the infant’s spontaneous inspiration,
breath by breath, respecting as well the initiation as the termination of the breath and
consequently optimising patient–ventilator synchrony [36]. The problem of leaks is still
not totally eliminated. A more detailed review of the technicalities and specifications of
various paediatric intensive care ventilators is beyond the scope of the present chapter,
as is a comprehensive algorithm for setting the ventilators.
There are data, [37] though, which suggest that easily measurable clinical parameters,
such as respiratory frequency and comfort rating, are comparable with more-
sophisticated and invasive techniques, as a guide in setting the ventilator for paediatric
Volume-targeted ventilators deliver a set flow to the user’s airways for a preset time
interval or in response to an inspiratory effort, terminating when a preset volume has
been delivered. Leaks have been a problem with this technique and, unless the machine
is able to deliver a VT up to twice that, which is needed for an intubated patient, reduced
VT and patient discomfort may occur [38]. Limited maximal inspiratory flow to
sufficiently support spontaneous respiratory efforts is also a disadvantage. The use of
these ventilators for NIV in paediatric ARF seems to be decreasing (while it seems that
there is still some use in the long-term setting).
Negative pressure ventilators repeatedly apply a negative pressure to the trunk or part
of it by means of a tank, a suit or a shell to imitate the physiological negative inspiratory
pressure swings. Theoretically this should be advantageous in children with right heart
failure, which indeed has been shown in the post-operative setting. The machines are
cumbersome, though, they interfere with patient care and are associated with skin injury
and obstructive apnoeas (that can be counteracted by positive airway pressure) [39, 40].
The use of these devices is, at present, limited.
Mechanical insufflation–exufflation applies, by means of a mechanical pump (Cough-
Assist1) via a nasal mask, mouth piece or full face mask (or a tracheostomy), pressures
in the range of 10–40 cmH2O cycling between positive and negative pressures [41], that
can each be set at a desired value. The machine can operate in an automatic or manual
mode. The latter facilitates patient–machine co-operation. The rationale is to expand the
lungs, loosen secretions, increase compliance and perform a noninvasive suctioning
manoeuvre to eliminate secretions.
The interface plays a crucial role in NIV with respect to comfort, success or failure of
NIV and to adverse effects, not least in the paediatric population. Development of
paediatric interfaces is still far from complete and much work needs to be performed
before a wide range of well-performing products for all age groups are readily available.
Optimisation includes issues, such as how easy it is to mount the mask on the child,
quality of the head gear, safety aspects, material transparency and hygienic aspects.
Available interfaces at present include nasal masks (fig. 1), nasal plugs (fig. 4) or
cannulas, oral interfaces, full face masks (covering mouth and nose or as a hybrid
between an oral interface and nasal prongs) and helmets. Some of these products come
either as standard products or can be custom made [42, 43]; for younger children and
infants especially, one often has to rely on custom-made interfaces because of the
paucity of industrial products in that field.
When applying a mask to a child with ARF, there are at least three major
considerations: 1) maximal comfort for the child; 2) verification that the mask works,
(i.e., it is in place and allows free delivery of pressure or volume during inspiration and
expiration); and 3) the mask should not have adverse effects, such as major leaks, in
particular not in the orbital region, carbon dioxide rebreathing, gastrointestinal
inflation, skin abrasions or necrosis. Additionally, a fourth issue of dead space and the
role the interface plays in the child’s ability to trigger the ventilator and/or the risk of re-
breathing should also be kept in mind.
Leaks are a major issue in NIV (fig. 3) [44]; they carry the risk of reduced alveolar
ventilation, child–ventilator dyssynchrony, increased nasal resistance, irritation to the
eyes, disturbed sleep and comfort and, ultimately, rejection of the treatment.
Additionally, leaks may tempt the clinician to tighten the head gear too much, resulting
in pressure marks or even breakdown of the skin at various prominences like the nasal
bridge. In the dilemma between leaks and tight straps, the clinician should usually
accept some leakage if no other option is available.
Nasal masks are often chosen in children, even after the child is no longer an
obligatory nose breather. Particular paediatric facial anatomy, the risk of aspiration,
Fig. 4. – Binasal canula with green line (arrow) for continuous pressure recording during noninvasive ventilation.
problems with co-operation and proper fitting of full face masks in a chubby toddler
may be part of the explanation as well as the added dead space of full face masks. The
latter issue is complex. Recent data from a bench study [45] indicated the importance of
the flow-sensitive dynamic dead space (contrary to static dead space which seems much-
less important), stressing the importance of continuous flow during the whole expiratory
phase and of optimal positioning of the exhalation ports diametrically opposite the
inspiratory port, typically over the nasal bridge, as it probably facilitates laminar flow in
that position. The position of the exhalation port as well as the mask design also seems
to affect carbon dioxide rebreathing [46], at least in adult models, where the mask with
the smallest volume and with the exhalation port placed within the mask demonstrated
less rebreathing than alternative designs.
To what extent these findings are applicable in real life is still not known, although
there are recent data documenting the use of helmet ventilation in hypercapnic
neuromuscular paediatric patients [47], in hypoxaemic infants [48] and preterm babies
Masks should preferably be made of transparent material that allows easy inspection
of the nostrils to ensure that they are not partly or totally occluded by secretions or from
dislocation of the mask. The risk is particular high in the very small, as even minor
displacements of the mask may interfere with unobstructed delivery of flow or pressure.
This very simple but very important point should have a very high priority among
attendants. It also emphasises the importance of proper head-gear that will keep the
interface in place. This is a challenge in infants with a rounded and smooth scull moving
the head around during sleep or awake; even more so because a too tight fixation of the
cap may produce impressions on the soft cranial bony structures and add to the
compression of the maxillar bone. This is a serious adverse effect [50, 51] in long-term
NIV in children (fig. 5). To what extent it is a problem related to ARF remains to be
documented; however, in many cases, ARF will occur in children who already are using
long-term NIV and who may already have acquired facial flattening.
The mask material should be soft and follow the facial contours. Owing to the
dynamics of these contours as a result of growth, weight changes and pressure from the
interface, mask fitting is an ongoing process. In case of acute on chronic failure, the
mask used at home may turn out to be outdated and not optimal in the acute setting. As
a rule of thumb, one should often choose a smaller rather than a larger mask for proper
fitting. In case of oral leaks, a full face mask or an added chin strap may be an
alternative. In neonates, a pacifier (‘‘dummy’’) may serve the same purpose very well. If
facial masks are not attractive nasal pillows or cannulas may be useful as an alternative,
or as a means to alternate between different interfaces during a treatment to minimise
and spread adverse effects. If a custom made mask is used for the first time in a child, it
is recommendable to check the pressure drop across the inner cushion if that is part of
the mask design, as the resistance through the apertures may vary from one individual
mask to another.
Appropriate headgear should be a concern and, in small children, custom made
versions are often preferable. The material should be soft, allow for sweating (or keep
the head warm, whichever is relevant) and have a surface that is not too smooth, in
order to stabilise interface position.
If skin injuries are present or if facial contours pose a challenge to acceptable mask fit
and leak limitation, the helmet may prove effective, even in paediatric [52] patients. The
helmet also eliminates the problems with difficult fixation of masks in the child and may
become attractive in the neonate [49].
The helmet, in contrast to most systems using a mask or prongs, works by means of
separate inspiratory and expiratory tubes like intensive care ventilators (fig. 6).
Rebreathing can be regulated by the volume of the helmet and the fresh gas flow.
Fig. 5. – Lateral radiograph of the skull demonstrating compression of the maxillar bone and retrograde position of
maxillar teeth as a result of noninvasive ventilation of a child. Note relative protrusion of mandibular teeth. This may
obstruct the normal antegrade development of the maxillar bone.
The fraction of inspired oxygen, the temperature, the humidity and the inspiratory and
expiratory pressures can likewise be adjusted to the requirements of the user. The use of
a helmet neither precludes judicious sedation nor the use of a nasogastric tube. The
helmet must be made of transparent material, must contain a safety valve to prevent
asphyxia and a port for handling and examination of the patient. Drawbacks of the
helmet include the risk of a high level of noise, some difficulty in handling the patient,
rebreathing and a tight fit without causing skin lesions.
Nasal prongs have primarily been used for infants and preterm infants [53] and have
in general been well tolerated.
Dryness is a common complaint from users of NIV [54]. Without humidification, the
relative humidity in the NIV circuit is substantially lower (16.3–26.5%) than the ambient
relative humidity (27.6–31.5%) [55]. The unidirectional flow prevents the recovery by the
nasal mucosa of one third of the water delivered through the airflow leading to an
increase of nasal resistance. If that provokes an increase in oral breathing and associated
leaks, an increase of up to six-fold in nasal resistance has been observed [56].
Considering that the area of any tube is reduced by the radius of the fourth power, any
Fig. 6. – Helmet for noninvasive positive pressure ventilation of infants with acute respiratory failure. Reproduced
from [48] with permission from the publisher.
retention of secretions or crusts will potentially start a vicious circle based on the
Bernoulli equation and generate an increase of WOB in addition to increased risk of
decreased pulmonary compliance and atelectasis [57]. Patients at particular risk include
those with asthma, cystic fibroses, cilia dysfunction and other with copious secretions.
This should aggressively be avoided and humidification is one of the means, which, in
addition may have a bronchodilatory effect on, at least, normal airways [58]. Heated
humidifiers are much-more effective than passover versions and often more comfortable
too. Compared with the use of heat and moisture exchanger (HME) inserts, heated
humidifiers in adults are associated with significantly less WOB and indices of patient
effort and an increased efficiency of NIV [59]. Heated humidification increases the
relative and absolute humidity to acceptable levels during NIV [55]. Heated
humidification during nasal NIV in normal adults also attenuates the adverse effects
of mouth leaks on effective VT and nasal resistance and improves overall comfort [60].
To what extent these oberservations can be applied to the paediatric population has still
not been determined but, intuitively, they would probably be even more important in the
younger children. The addition of a humidifier, however, would probably add to the
resistance of the system and adversely interfere with triggering. There hardly seems to be
a place for HME in infants and younger children. A meta-analysis of the risk of
endotracheal tube occlusion with a HME versus a heated humidifier (HH) favoured the
HH by a relative risk factor of 3.84. [61].
Units taking care of children with ARF should be able to handle this potentially life
threatening condition in a professional manner or have very close and free access to a
department able to do that, which in practice will be an intensive care unit or preferably
a paediatric intensive care unit. The staff should be trained and sufficient in number [64],
intubation facilities and extensive monitoring equipment readily available. The
condition of the child should define the setting. When different units are involved a
predefined algorithm for referrel between units is recommendable.
Although the child may be sedated (to some degree) or, because of the respiratory
failure (and possibly concomitant disease), not totally aware of the situation, it should
be the ambition to create an environment that is adjusted to specifically comfort and
fulfil also the psychological and emotional needs of a child. Educated staff and well
structured work routines and the use of protocols have proven favourable [33].
Selection criteria
Clinical characteristics of respiratory insufficiency and failure and associated blood
gasses have been outlined in tables 1 and 3.
As there are no generally accepted criteria specifically for initiating NIV in a neonate
or an older child with ARF, many clinicians will often use a combination of these and
other characteristics, the clinical setting and personal experience. Recent data from a
prospective study may provide some additional guidance with respect to the course of
NIV-treatment and CPAP-treatment [62] in predominantly young children with acute
hypoxaemic (type I) or hypercapnic (type II) respiratory failure. An FI,O2 .80% after
1 h of NIV, predicted failure to respond to the treatment, with a sensitivity of 56% and
an specificity of 83%. In spite of significant improvement in blood gasses, cardiac
frequency and respiratory frequency in both groups (i.e. responders and nonresponders)
these parameters could not significantly predict the course, although the responders
tended to have a lower respiratory frequency than the nonresponders.
Contraindications are not defined and some would argue that the proper term for
contraindications should be conditions where the true effect of NIV has not yet been
tested. Generally, if NIV is not accepted or is not able to oxygenate and ventilate the
patient in a satisfactory manner, alternative modes should be applied, i.e. usually
intubation or tracheostomy. Copious secretions or bulbar malfunction may preclude the
application of NIV [65]. Children with severe facial malformations, facial burns or
trauma may be difficult to apply a mask or an oral interface to, but with the advent of
the helmet another alternative has been added to the armamentarium beside negative
pressure ventilation. Difficulties with co-operation, in the acute setting can to some
extent, be overcome with judicious sedation. The need for ventilatory assistance around
the clock does not, in the acute setting, preclude NIV, to some extent contrary to long-
term ventilation. Obviously, a dramatically sick child with multi-organ failure, unstable
circulation and/or impending respiratory failure would not be a candidate for NIV; at
least not at present.
Published reports on the results of NIV applied to infants and children with ARF are
not very abundant, not very systematic and not very old. The goal is to summarise what
is known about the topic related to specific pathologies to the limited extent this is
possible from the available data.
Mixed populations
One of the largest and earliest studies from an ICU comprised retrospective data from
28 children, of whom none suffered from neuromuscular disease, with a median age of
8 yrs treated via a nasal mask with BiPAP1-settings of inspiratory/expiratory positive
airway pressure (IPAP/EPAP)512/6 cm H2O supplied with oxygen as needed for 72 h
as treatment for acute hypoxaemic failure (type 1), most frequently originating from
pneumonia. Pa,CO2 decreased from 6.0 to 5.2 kPa (p, 0.01), respiratory frequency from
45 to 33 breaths?min-1 and Pa,O2/FI,O2 increased from 141 to 280. Adverse effects were
minor and included skin abrasions of the bridge of the nose [66].
Almost 10 years ago, PADMAN et al. [67] published a prospective study, which
included 34 critically ill children (mean age 11 yrs) from a paediatric ICU with a range
of underlying medical conditions such as pneumonia (13 individuals), stridor, reactive
airway disease, asthma, post-operative hypoventilation with atelectasis, acute chest
syndrome and sleep-aggravated breathing disorder (10 individuals). They were
ventilated with bilevel devices, using IPAP/EPAP settings of 7–12/3–5 cmH2O for a
median duration of 6 days using nasal masks and humidifiers. After 72 h of ventilatory
support, Pa,CO2 was reduced from 8.4 to 6.1 kPa (p,0.05), bicarbonate concentrations
from 30 to 24 mM (p,0.01) and respiratory frequency from 39 to 25 breaths?min-1
(p,0.04). Three (8.8%) required intubation. Adverse effects were limited to skin
breakdown over the nasal bridge in four patients.
A recent study [62] from a paediatric ICU investigated the treatment of 42 children
with a median age of 2.5 yrs (range 0.01–18 yrs) with acute hypoxaemic and
hypercapnic respiratory failure caused by pneumonia (n514), viral infections (n5 4),
postoperative repair of congenital heart disease (n511), Hyaline membrane disease
(n53) and miscellaneous conditions (n510). NIV was applied fory20 h via nasal or full
face masks using a bilevel technique in assisted spontaneous breathing in 50% of the
group and CPAP in the other 50%. Settings were unclear. Some were sedated with
opiates, midazolam or chloral hydrate and analgesics as needed. A total of 24 responded
to the therapy and 18 had to be intubated. Both groups improved significantly with
respect to respiratory frequency, pH and Pa,CO2 after 8 h, but none of these parameters
was descriminative. The only predictive parameter was FI,O2 after 1 h of NIV (0.48 in
responders and 0.80 in nonresponders). The authors speculate that complication rate
and co-operation with the ventilator may have been decisive factors for success or
A contemporary, smaller Spanish study [68] of 23 children with a mean age of
37 months suffering from acute hypoxaemic failure (n514), acute hypercapnic failure
(n54) or post-extubation failure (n56) demonstrated a reduction in respiratory
frequency from 45 to 34 breaths?min-1 and a pulse reduction from 148 to 122 after NIV
treatment using mostly full face masks and a mixture of ICU ventilators and ‘‘specific
noninvasive ventilators’’. Five were intubated, three of whom were aged ,6 months.
A group of 15 children aged between 1 month and 5 yrs suffering from hypoxaemic
ARF with Pa,O2/FI,O2 ,300 for a variety of reasons (mostly post-extubation after major
surgery) were in a feasibility study (uncontrolled) exposed to CPAP treatment via a
helmet. CPAP level ranged between 5 and 10 cmH2O, inspiratory gas flows were
30 L?min-1 and measurements were performed after 2 h of CPAP use. Insignificant
improvements in oxygenation and carbon dioxide removal were noted in most of the
children; however, two had to be intubated. There were no skin lesions, conjunctivitis,
epistaxis or gastric distension reported [48].
effect of NIV (although maybe incompletely, as cardiac frequency did not change), and
emphasises the importance of choosing valid and relevant parameters for monitoring.
The study did not report how fast clinical changes could be observer (within the 2-h time
frame) nor does it comment on the issue of back-up rate and patient–ventilator
synchrony. Three patients did not tolerate NIV, two of whom were aged ,1 yr.
These findings were, to some extent, confirmed in a larger retrospective study
including 83 children, with a median age of 8 yrs, in status asthmaticus refractory to
conventional pharmacological treatment and designated for admission to the paediatric
ICU [74]. A total of 73 tolerated nasal BiPAP1 and concurrent continuous inhaled b-2
agonists for an average of 5.8 h. There was an ‘‘immediate’’ improvement with 77% of
patients showing a 24% decrease in respiratory frequency (none experienced an increase)
and 88% an improved oxygenation. Only two patients required intubation. A total of
22% were admitted directly to ward service, and none of these was subsequently
transferred to the paediatric ICU. Intolerance to the mask was established within
10 min, and more often in the younger chidren. No adverse effects were observed. The
study did not report data on BiPAP1-settings or on patient–ventilator synchrony.
Administration of oxygen [76], CPAP and nasal intermittent positive pressure
ventilation (IPPV; i.e. NIV) in preterm infants could be categorised as being somewhere
in a grey zone between treatment of acute and/or chronic respiratory failure, thus
justifying a comment as perceived in an acute perspective.
The use of oxygen administration via a nasal cannula, in preterm infants, shares some
of the problems associated with CPAP use in older children. Studies have documented
that flows of 2 L?min-1 using a 0.3 cm nasal cannula produced a mean pressure of
9.8 cmH2O in infants of 30 weeks gestation studied at aged 28 days [77]. This, and other
studies, has drawn the attention to oxygen administration as a form of respiratory
support. Along with the benefits of this treatment one should be aware of the inherent
risks of lung overexpansion and desiccated nostrils as a result of a nonheated and
nonhumidified flow.
A Cochrane review [78] comparing nasal IPPV and nasal CPAP for the treatment of
apnoea of prematurity concluded that nasal IPPV was a potentially beneficial treatment
for apnoea in premature babies and, based on two small studies, that delivery via nasal
prongs may be more effective than CPAP alone. The need for further research is
The Cochrane review by DE PAOLI et al. [79] concluded that short binasal prong
devices were more effective than single prongs in reducing the likelihood of the short-
term adverse outcomes of re-intubation and respiratory failure after extubating preterm
infants to nasal CPAP, and also in treating preterm infants for respiratory distress
syndrome as evidenced by reduction in oxygen requirements and respiratory frequency.
Recently a clinical study [80] compared the effect of nasal BiPAP with nasal CPAP on
gas exchange in preterm babies. A total of 20 babies with a weight of 445–1,810 g (12
weighed ,1,100 g) were subjected to four sessions, each lasting 1 h in a cross-over
scenario between CPAP of 4–6 cmH2O and bilevel ventilation with IPAP/EPAP settings
NIV has, in case studies, been applied to children with various other acute conditions
like burns [85], traumatic tetraplegia [86] and peri-operatively in relation to scoliosis
surgery in neuromuscular patients [87], with favourable results.
Ventilation of children and neonates in the prone position has been associated with
improvement in oxygenation [96], whereas improvement with respect to other
parameters such as ventilator-free days has been difficult to demonstrate [97]. These
studies were performed on intubated patients. It has not been possible to identify studies
combining NIV and prone position. Although it may pose an increased workload and
complexity of manoeuvres, there are good physiological arguments for an attempt.
Secretion clearance
If data regarding NIV for children ARF are scarce, the data for noninvasive secretion
clearance in that group are even more so. MISKE et al. [98] concluded from a
retrospective study in the nonacute setting that inexsufflation in children with a median
age of 11.3 yrs was safe, reasonable well tolerated, but that the effectiveness with respect
to reducing lower respiratory tract infections could not be determined. BACH [99]
showed that the use of inexsufflator in a group of children suffering from SMA type 1
with ARF was followed by a considerable reduction of incidents of re-intubation.
Additionally, the use of the inexsufflator as an adjunct in male children with Duchenne’s
muscular dystrophy on long-term NIV, in order to prevent respiratory tract infections
was followed by fewer hospitalisations compared with the group who did not follow the
specified protocol.
Other studies have confirmed benefits of the inspiratory/expiratory technique applied
to children as it has generated greater increases in peak cough flow than other standard
cough augmentation techniques [100].
After some years with increasing use of long-term noninvasive ventilation (NIV) of
children with chronic diseases, NIV has, within the very last few years, been emerging
as an option for treating children and infants with acute respiratory failure. The
prevalent modality is positive pressure ventilation and continuous positive airway
pressure, although negative pressure ventilation has been practised. The techniques
appear feasible, safe and effective to varying degrees. Data are still very scarce and
much research is needed to identify indications, contraindications, best techniques,
best modalities, best interfaces and best scenarios. Investigations with long-term
follow-up are strongly needed.
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*Emergency Dept. and #Physical Therapy, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Université Catholique de
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium and "SAMU 92, SMUR Garches, Hôpital Raymond Poincaré, Hôpitaux de
Paris, Paris, France.
Correspondence: F. Thys, Service des Urgences, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Université Catholique de
Louvain, Avenue Hippocrate 10, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium. Fax: 32 27641620; E-mail: frederic.thys@
Over the past 20 or so years, the relevance of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) modes,
for the management of acute respiratory failure (ARF) in intensive care, has been
demonstrated in reducing both intubation rate and mortality. Selected indications for
NIV are now widely accepted. Considering acute pulmonary oedema, associated or not
with hypercapnia, NIV reduces the intubation rate, probably mortality too, with a
similar benefit when using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel
positive airway pressure (BiPAP) [1]. The use of BiPAP decreases mortality associated
with ARF in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, while CPAP has
failed to show any benefits in this group of patients. For all other causes of ARF,
indications as to the use of NIV are still controversial or under trial.
Several clinical trials have shown the feasibility and the efficacy of NIV in the early
management of patients with ARF in the emergency department [2–7]. Furthermore, a
series of clinical trials performed in an emergency room setting showed a positive impact
of NIV on clinical improvement and gas exchange and also a reduction of endotracheal
intubations [2, 4, 8, 9]. Two randomised controlled trials specifically assessed the efficacy
of NIV in preventing endotracheal intubation [10, 11]. Those two trials had inclusion
criteria for a variety of ARF causes. One study showed a 15% rate of intubation [10],
while the second showed a high rate of treatment failure in the BiPAP group with 44% of
intubation and a higher in-hospital mortality [11]. This shows the danger of an
indiscriminate use of NIV. Actually, the analysis of the latter study demonstrates that
the lack of relevant inclusion criteria, the choice of an inappropriate ventilator/patient
interface and delayed intubation in cases of BiPAP treatment failure are always
detrimental for the patient [12]. However, in the current context, for properly selected
patients, NIV is successfully used on a daily basis in many emergency departments,
allowing a significant reduction of endotracheal intubation rate, length of in-hospital
stay, and mortality.
Alternatively, to the best of the present authors’ knowledge, there is no evidence today
to support the use of NIV in the treatment of ARF caused by an acute cardiogenic
hypercapnic pulmonary oedema or secondary to an exacerbation of COPD in the
context of pre-hospital care. Empirically, the possibility of treating a patient with ARF
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 133–142. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
promptly, with an effective approach, should further increase the benefits of NIV and,
thus, further improve patients’ outcome. In the pre-hospital setting, endotracheal
intubation (ETI) is often difficult and associated with a high morbidity and mortality;
even if this analysis must be related to the operator’s experience [13–15]. Avoiding ETI
in the pre-hospital life support could have a significant, relevant and very positive
clinical impact. However, the use of NIV in pre-hospital life support requires various
constraints to be solved with regard to the specific environment, the equipment and the
operators’ training. It is, therefore, paramount to know whether it is useful to offer NIV
management in this setting.
In this chapter, a summary of the currently available studies is given and expanded
with the present authors’ own expertise in addressing this question. It must be
mentioned that, at the time of writing, searching the international database MEDLINE,
2,613 references to NIV were found, among which, only 117 are related to its use in
emergency medicine and only 12 concern pre-hospital care.
exacerbation and other causes of ARF) initially sorted on treatment history and clinical
criteria. In 138 patients, the intubation rate (pre- and in-hospital) was 26%, significantly
higher for the ‘‘other ARF’’ group [38]. That observational and nonrandomised trial
confirmed the feasibility of pre-hospital BiPAP use with a failure rate similar to rates
measured during in-hospital studies. Therefore, it is highly likely that early BiPAP use is
beneficial. The main reason for NIV failure is when the cause of ARF is neither COPD
exacerbation nor acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema; another reason is when there is
an audible air leakage. None of these trials properly assessed the benefit–risk ratio for
BiPAP use in the challenging pre-hospital setting. Considering the weakness of these
studies, it seems too early to recommend BiPAP for routine pre-hospital use, even if this
technique holds promise when applied to selected patients by experienced operators.
with this device is not an issue when treating cases of acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema.
To resort to a multiple-valve generator, even a sophisticated one, does seem justified. The
more complex operational application is not rewarded by any benefits in terms of
performance. Some devices even increase breathing work (i.e. through ineffective
inspiratory trigger, hard-to-switch valves, failure to maintain inspiratory pressure).
BiPAP equipment
The device used must have the same performances as an intensive-care ventilator.
Essential specifications are: appropriate ventilation mode, perfect inspiratory and
expiratory triggers, fast pressurization capability with an adjustable gradient, wide range
of FI,O2, air-leakage balance and expiratory spirometry. For pre-hospital applications,
the ventilator has to be a portable light-weight device with long-duration operational
autonomy (with regard to power and medical gases). Home turbine-type or NIV-
dedicated ventilators are an alternative. They usually meet pre-hospital requirements,
especially modern devices [47, 48], even if this is still under discussion [49]. Second-
generation pneumatic ventilators are not efficient enough to deliver satisfactory NIV.
The new, versatile ventilators designed for ventilation in emergency medicine (Élisée
250TM, Saime, Savigny le Temple, France; Oxylog 3000TM, Dräger Medical, Lübeck,
Germany; Newport HT50TM, Newport Medical Instruments, Newport Beach, CA,
USA) are developing the pre-hospital market. Turbine technology seems more
appropriate. The usability of these ventilators by emergency physicians must be taken
into account and, in this respect, they are not all equivalent [50].
Operator’s training
Some studies demonstrate the difficulty, in the pre-hospital setting, of making an
appropriate aetiologic diagnosis when confronted with a patient with ARF. This is an
even bigger challenge for paramedics [51] and an essential step in identifying NIV
indications and, as a consequence, avoiding inappropriate use of this technique.
NIV training is generally insufficient among members of pre-hospital intervention
teams; this has been shown for BiPAP use [41]. There is a strong demand for teaching,
especially hands-on training. In the present authors’ experience, the learning curve is
much faster for CPAP than for BiPAP. In CPAP clinical trials, the duration of the
prerequisite training varied from 2 h to a day whereas, in BiPAP training, basic
physiology reminders applied to mechanical ventilation are required. For the theoretical
aspects and practical exercises, a minimum of 10 h is necessary. The operational
implementation of BiPAP use, by an initially inexperienced team, requires significant
coaching and a continuous training scheme.
The present authors believe that training is the main limiting factor for the application
of this technique, preventing the routine use of NIV in pre-hospital care.
Potential recommendations
In- and pre-hospital trials for the application of CPAP in the treatment of acute
cardiogenic pulmonary oedema show a major expected benefit for the patient.
Additionally, its usability by emergency physicians is very good, even in the pre-
hospital environment. Therefore, the present authors recommend that all doctors should
be trained in the use of CPAP in the pre-hospital setting, with free-flow devices and
following clear clinical guidelines like those recently recommended [41]: Immediate
CPAP application when confronted with a moderate to severe acute cardiogenic
pulmonary oedema (dyspnoea with accessory muscles activity and/or respiratory rate
.35 cycles?min-1 and/or an Sp,O2 ,90% when applying a reservoir mask with high-flow
oxygen, the standard drug therapy must be started simultaneously); and delayed CPAP
application when confronted with an initially mild acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
not improving under standard drug therapy.
COPD exacerbation seems to be an interesting indication for the use of NIV in the
pre-hospital setting. However, the benefit–risk ratio for BiPAP use in this context is still
unknown. Further clinical trials are necessary before any recommendations could be
made with regard to routine pre-hospital application, not to mention the difficulty of
making a correct diagnosis prior to the identification of an appropriate NIV indication.
In the meantime, it seems reasonable to implement BiPAP with highly-trained teams
using proper equipment. When on-board gas exchange analysers are not available, the
present authors recommend obtaining an arterial blood sample before BiPAP use, in
order to measure the pH on admission to the emergency room, validating the indication
and allowing for biological follow-up.
Prior to the implementation of NIV in the pre-hospital setting or to its
implementation in the emergency room, the following prerequisites are essential:
trained staff with an experience of CPAP or BiPAP use; available equipment and staff at
all time; and quick access to intubation if necessary and adequate monitoring. Local
guidelines must be designed to avoid inappropriate use of NIV and for the early
identification of NIV failure avoiding detrimental intubation delays [12, 54].
It is paramount, in the pre-hospital setting, to identify quickly patients who will not
improve under NIV. It as been shown that early assessment (after 30–60 mins) following
NIV application, makes it possible, based on simple criteria, to identify potential failures
of the technique. Thus, a patient under NIV, with a respiratory rate .20 cycles?min-1 or
with a pH ƒ7.35, has a high risk of requiring endotracheal intubation. A Glasgow coma
scale score ,13 after 1 h of NIV must also be considered as a sign of inappropriate NIV
indication or NIV failure [32, 55]. It is even more important to take all these elements
into account when talking of NIV in the pre-hospital setting; they must be integrated in
the context of handling and transport of an unstable patient with ARF.
An early start of efficient management is vital when treating ARF. NIV has its role in
this context for specific indications. Theoretically, its operational implementation in the
pre-hospital setting should bring additional benefits with regard to the outcome for
ARF patients.
Pre-hospital CPAP use is highly relevant in the management of patients with acute
cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. Availability of efficient and portable devices, as well as
short training time to use them properly, justifies the use of CPAP in the pre-hospital
setting. Conversely, it is too early to recommend routine BiPAP use, even if this
technique, mastered and for appropriate indications, is promising. Early identification
of NIV failure is performed through simple criteria. Development of strict clinical
guidelines should be emphasised in order to provide NIV to a larger patient population
when indicated.
Training and experience of operators are the current limiting factors of this approach.
Technical ventilation equipment constraints are reduced with the arrival of new
ventilators, which are ergonomic, efficient and with a better operational autonomy.
It is important and challenging to design multicentric randomised trials to assess if it
useful or pointless to perform noninvasive ventilation in the pre-hospital setting. In the
present authors’ experience, pre-hospital noninvasive ventilation use becomes more
beneficial as the distance between the patient’s location and the hospital is greater.
An early start of efficient management is vital when treating acute respiratory failure.
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) has its role in this context, for specific indications.
Currently, NIV has not yet been established in pre-hospital emergency medicine.
Training and experience of operators are the current limiting factors of this approach.
Technical ventilation equipment constraints are reduced with the arrival of new
ventilators, as they are more ergonomic and efficient and have a better operational
autonomy. Recognising the pathophysiology of acute respiratory insufficiency,
treatment with NIV seems superior in comparison to treatment with oxygen and
medication only for specific indications. The advantages of NIV may lead to reduced
morbidity and mortality, as long as attention is paid to possible contraindications.
In the present chapter, the authors propose a summary of the currently available
studies and confront it with their expertise, helping to clear up this question.
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Emerg Med 2005; 12: 1206–1215.
C. Girault
Medical Intensive Care Unit, Rouen University Hospital Charles Nicolle and GRHV Research Group,
UPRES-EA 3830 IFRMP.23, Institute for Biomedical Research, Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France.
Correspondence: C. Girault, Service de Réanimation Médicale, Hôpital Charles Nicolle, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire-Hôpitaux de Rouen, 1 rue de Germont, 76031 Rouen, France. Fax: 33 232888314;
Due to its clinical efficacy in the initial management of acute respiratory failure
(ARF) [1], noninvasive ventilation (NIV) has been widely used in intensive care units
(ICUs) during the past 15 yrs, particularly in France [2]. At the same time, indications of
NIV have been extended to the period following intubation, first for difficult weaning/
extubation from endotracheal mechanical ventilation (ETMV) and, secondly, for the
management of post-extubation acute respiratory failure (ARF) [3, 4]. In this last
indication, termed ‘‘post-extubation NIV’’, two situations should be clearly distin-
guished, according to the type of patients involved (medical or surgical) as well as the
NIV strategy considered: either to prevent the occurrence of a post-extubation ARF in
patients at risk of extubation failure (‘‘preventative strategy’’) or to treat a post-
extubation ARF and avoid re-intubation when this complication occurs (‘‘curative
strategy’’; fig. 1).
In the present chapter, only medical conditions are addressed and surgical or post-
operative patients are excluded. NIV is considered as the application of pressure support
ventilation (PSV) with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), bilevel positive airway
pressure (BiPAP) or continous positive airway pressure (CPAP).
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 143–153. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
Fig. 1. – Role and objectives of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) for weaning/extubation and post-extubation acute
respiratory failure (ARF). ETMV: endotracheal mechanical ventilation.
Pulmonary gas exchange impairment
Imbalance between imposed respiratory workload and muscles capacity
Increased ventilation
Increased elastic or resistive load
Dynamic hyperinflation, PEEPi
Central respiratory drive impairment (sedation)
Diaphragmatic dysfunction (critical illness neuro-myopathies)
Inadequate cardio-circulatory response by LV dysfunction
Sudden changes in LV pre- and afterload conditions
Myocardial ischaemia
Psychological factors (delirium, anxiety, depression)
Metabolic or nutritional factors, anaemia
LV dysfunction
Obstruction, increased upper airways resistance (oedema, inflammation, etc.)
Bronchial hypersecretion, swallowing disorders
Diaphragmatic paralysis, dysfunction (critical illness neuro-myopathies)
Hypoxemia, atelectasis
Consciousness disorders, encephalopathy
Psychological factors (delirium, anxiety, depression)
Metabolic, nutritional factors, anaemia
PEEPi: intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure; LV: left ventricular.
breathing, improvement in the breathing pattern, gas exchange and dyspnoea) not only
in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [11] but also in non-
COPD patients with a good haemodynamic tolerance [12]. It has also been
demonstrated that noninvasive PSV was better tolerated but as effective as invasive
PSV in reducing the work of breathing, improving breathing pattern and gas exchanges,
compared with a T-piece SB trial in ventilator-dependant COPD patients [13]. Finally, it
should be kept in mind that NIV is as efficient and beneficial when it is applied to
hypercapnic ARF [14], a situation which frequently occurs in cases of weaning or
extubation failure [5, 10].
Table 2. – Main results of prospective randomised studies evaluating noninvasive ventilation (NIV) for weaning and post-extubation acute respiratory failure (ARF) in a
medical population
First author Patients Intubation Total duration Weaning Post- Re-intubation Complications# ICU In-hospital ICU In-hospital
[ref.] n duration of MV days success extubation n n stay days stay days mortality mortality
days % ARF n % %
54/13 8/28
NAVA [26] 25/25 10¡7/16¡12** 0/7* 15¡5/24¡13**
(day 21)** (day 60)**
4.5¡2/ 27¡14/ 0/22.5
GIRAULT [27] 17/16 11.5¡5/3.5¡11,*** 76.5/75 4/4 6/9 12¡7/14¡7 0/22.5
7.7¡4** 27¡13 (day 90)
9.5¡8/ 85/40 28¡14/ 25/55
FERRER [28] 21/22 11.4¡8/20¡13** 3/6 5/16** 14¡9/25¡12** 10/41*
20¡13** (day 21)** 41¡21*** (day 90)*
Preventative strategy for post-extubation ARF+
JIANG [29] 47/46 13/7
6.1¡7/7.4¡6 23¡16/
NAVA [30] 48/49 4/12* 9¡5/11¡15 6/18** 12/18
FERRER [31] 79/83 6¡4/7¡5 13/27* 9/18 11¡8/13¡11 3/14* 16/23
Curative strategy for post-extubation ARF+
KEENAN [32] 39/42 3.8¡4/5¡4 28/29 16/17 15¡1/19¡25 15/24 31/31
e e
ESTEBAN [33] 114/107 7/8 55/51 18/18 25/14*
Data are presented as value (as stated in the table) for NIV/control. MV: mechanical ventilation (intubation and/or NIV); ICU: intensive care unit. : including nosocomial
pneumonia; ": control group was invasive conventional weaning; +: control group was oxygen therapy; 1: devoted to the weaning period; e: median. *: pƒ0.05; **: pƒ0.01;
***: pƒ0.001.
Clinical results
NIV and weaning/extubation from ETMV
Noncontrolled clinical studies, conducted in difficult-to-wean CRF patients with
conventional techniques, have suggested the feasability and interest of NIV in facilitating
weaning and extubation, even decannulation, from prolonged ETMV [23–25]. The role of
NIV as a weaning and extubation technique from ETMV has been specifically evaluated
only very recently (table 2).
The first prospective randomised study compared extubation immediately relayed
with NIV to conventional weaning in 50 ventilated COPD patients for hypercapnic
ARF, after the first 48 h of ETMV and a first SB trial failure [26]. The results clearly
demonstrated the benefit of NIV in reducing total duration of mechanical ventilation,
length of ICU stay, occurrence of nosocomial pneumonia, increased weaning success on
day 21 and decreased mortality on day 60 (table 2). The second randomised controlled
trial was conducted using a similar methodology in 33 CRF patients from various
aetiologies [27]. Results confirmed, in part, those of the Italian study, i.e. weaning with
NIV allowed an earlier extubation, an average of 3 days, with no increase in the risk of
weaning failure and no burden of short and medium-term mortality, compared with
invasive conventionnal weaning (table 2). As reported in a previous study [26], the two
weaning techniques similarly improved gas exchange compared with an SB trial. In
contrast, if NIV allowed a reduction in the daily duration of ventilatory support with a
trend towards a decrease in the rate of complications, NIV did not decrease the total
duration of ventilatory support devoted to weaning nor the lengths of stay in the second
trial [27]. Discrepancies in results could be explain by a smaller population in the second
study, the respective modalities of NIV applied more or less continuously, as well as the
type and severity of the underlying CRF in both studies [26, 27]. Nevertheless, the
French study suggested that NIV may, in fact, allow extubation earlier but not
necessarily to ‘‘de-ventilate’’ CRF patients more rapidly, according to their severity [27].
The third study evaluated the role of NIV in comparison with conventional weaning in
43 persistent SB trial-failure patients during three consecutive days [28]. The impressive
results of that study, which was stopped based on interim analysis data, are summarised
in table 2. Weaning with NIV also reduced the need for tracheostomy (5 versus 59%;
p,0.001). In multivariate analysis, conventional weaning was found to be an
independent risk factor of ICU (odds ratio (OR) 6.6, 95% confidence intervals (CI)
1.1–38.8; p50.035) and 3-month (OR 3.5; 95% CI 1.2–9.6; p50.018) mortality. Age
.70 yrs (OR 5.1; 95% CI 1.7–15; p50.003) and hypercapnia (arterial carbon dioxide
tension (Pa,CO2) .45 mmHg) during the SB trial (OR 5.8; 95% CI 1.8–18.7; p50.003)
were also found as independent risk factors for the 3-month mortality.
Based on these three randomised trials [26–28], early extubation relayed with NIV
appears, therefore, to be a reliable, safe and beneficial weaning technique in difficult-to-
wean CRF patients, mainly those with COPD. In addition, the study by FERRER et al.
[28] strongly suggested that NIV may be more beneficial as weaning difficulties are
important and hypercapnia occurs during the SB attempts. All these results should be
confirmed with those of the VENISE trial [34], a French multicentre study which
randomised .200 CRF patients between three weaning strategies, including NIV.
Furthermore, the role of NIV for early weaning/extubation from ETMV has been
strongly suggested by a recent meta-analysis [35] and this indication can now be
considered in COPD patients [4, 5].
Also in the weaning process from ETMV, the benefit of NIV recently reported for
decannulation of tracheostomised COPD patients should be prospectively validated [36].
Except for COPD patients, few clinical data are currently available for weaning/
extubation from ETMV with NIV. In a prospective noncontrolled study, NIV allowed
early successful extubation in only 13 (56%) out of 22 patients with post-traumatic ARF,
who did not meet standard weaning criteria [37]. NIV has also been found to be as
effective to early extubate 13 (87%) out of 15 non-COPD patients, mainly surgical, based
on criteria that did not usually permit weaning, which suggested that extubation would
have failed without NIV [12]. Finally, two cases of successful weaning with NIV have been
reported in patients ventilated for acute respiratory distress syndrome after failure of
conventional techniques [38].
Table 3. – Risk factors for extubation failure to apply post-extubation preventative noninvasive ventilation in
medical patients
Finally, these three studies demonstrated that ‘‘preventative NIV’’, applied early
following extubation in medical patients considered at risk of re-intubation (table 3),
allows prevention of the occurrence of post-extubation ARF, decreases the re-intubation
risk and may improve, therefore, the morbidity and mortality of patients. Although not
addressed in the present chapter, similar encouraging results have been recently
demonstrated in thoraco-abdominal [40] and pulmonary [41] post-operative patients.
Curative strategy. The feasibility and benefit of NIV have been suggested by MEDURI
et al. [42] in this indication for .15 yrs, in seven out of 18 COPD patients, who
developed an ARF following self-extubation. Later, a case–control study showed that
‘‘curative NIV’’ allowed avoidance of reintubation, decreased mechanical ventilation
duration as well as ICU length of stay in 30 COPD patients exhibiting hypercapnic
ARF, within 72 h post-extubation, compared with an historic control group [43].
Although standard treatment could have been considered sufficient, it has been further
suggested that NIV could be more cost-effective than nasal oxygen therapy, by avoiding
re-intubation in 52 (72%) out of 72 post-traumatic patients with severe hypoxaemia
within 24 h post-extubation [44].
With the exception of a surgical context [45–48], only two prospective randomised
studies have been conducted to date in medical patients (table 2) [32, 33]. The first, a
single centre trial, reported no benefit of ‘‘curative NIV’’ on the re-intubation incidence
compared with standard treatment [32]. Nevertheless, no deleterious effects of NIV were
reported on patient outcome. The second, a multicentre study involving 221 patients
(20% post-operative ARF) and later stopped based on intermediate analysis data,
showed that NIV did not avoid re-intubation but rather significantly increased ICU
mortality in this group [33]. This result could be explain by a longer re-intubation delay
in the NIV group (12 versus 2.5 h; p50.02) and the difference of mortality observed in
this group when re-intubation was needed (38 versus 22%; p50.06). Surprisingly, the
success rate of NIV (with no re-intubation) used as rescue therapy in the control group
(75%) was found to be higher than that observed for the NIV group (52%).
These negative results [32, 33] are somewhat surprising as they are discordant with
those reported in clinical practice [49, 50]. The interpretation must take into account,
however, that both studies were conducted in heterogeneous populations, suffering
mainly from hypoxaemic ARF, including only 10–12% of COPD patients respectively,
and sometimes performed by only a few experienced centres with NIV [32, 33].
Nevertheless, promising results could be still considered with ‘‘curative NIV’’ in a more-
selected population, such as COPD patients [43]. In this population, some useful
answers could be given by results of a French multicentre study [34]. For instance,
current results should prompt clinicians to be cautious in using ‘‘curative NIV’’
routinely in the management of post-extubation ARF in medical ICU patients, in order
to not delay re-intubation. Lastly, to the present author’s knowledge and except for
observational series [42, 49, 50], no prospective data are available regarding the specific
role of ‘‘curative NIV’’ following self-extubation.
Since the last international consensus conference [1], the management of weaning/
extubation and post-extubation ARF with NIV may now be considered in ICU patients
[4, 5]. Current data clearly demonstrate a clinical benefit of NIV as a weaning/
extubation technique in cases of initial or persistent difficult weaning, mainly in COPD
patients. For post-extubation ARF management, the benefit of NIV has only been
demonstrated, to date, when it has been applied according to a preventative strategy in
selected at risk patients, contrasting with the potential deleterious effect of a curative
strategy in medical patients. However, further studies are warranted in more-selected
populations for this indication. Hypercapnia during or following an SB trial appears to
be a useful criterion for applying NIV for weaning and preventing post-extubation
ARF. Currently, due to different clinical results, clinicians should clearly distinguish
these three types of chronological NIV applications following intubation for ARF [3].
As for other indications, it should kept in mind that NIV, applied to weaning/extubation
from ETMV or post-extubation ARF, needs rigorous analysis of the risks and benefits
for patients, in order to not unnecessarily delay the re-intubation time. Furthermore,
acquired experience with the technique remains as one of the key factors for the success
of NIV in these clinical situations.
The clinical efficacy of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in the initial management of
acute respiratory failure (ARF) led to it being recently proposed as a noninvasive
ventilatory strategy following intubation. In this condition, three different indications
should be distinguished with potentially different results: NIV application for difficult
weaning/extubation from endotracheal mechanical ventilation (ETMV) to reduce the
duration of intubation (weaning/extubation strategy); NIV application for post-
extubation ARF ("post-extubation NIV"), either to prevent ARF occurrence in
patients at risk ("preventative strategy") or to avoid reintubation when this
complication occurs ("curative strategy"). Current data show a clinical benefit of
NIV, in terms of medical patients’ morbi-mortality, for the preventive as well as the
weaning/extubation strategies, mainly in cases of underlying chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. In contrast, the more controversial results observed with NIV for
treating post-extubation ARF should lead the clinician to be cautious in this
indication. In all cases, NIV applied for weaning from ETMV and post-extubation
ARF can only be considered with an experienced team and should not unnecessarily
delay the re-intubation time.
Acknowledgements. The author thanks Richard Medeiros, Rouen University Hospital Medical
Editor, for his expert advice in editing the manuscript.
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*Medical Intensive Care Unit, Pellegrin-Tripode Teaching Hospital, Bordeaux, #Medical Intensive Care Unit,
AP-HP, Albert Chenevier Henri Mondor Teaching Hospital, "Inserm U 841, and +Université Paris 12, Créteil,
Correspondence: L. Brochard, Réanimation Médicale, Centre Hospitalier Albert Chenevier Henri Mondor, 51
Av. du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 94010 Créteil Cedex, France. Fax: 33 142079943;
In acute respiratory failure (ARF), mechanical ventilation is used to achieve
acceptable levels of arterial blood oxygenation with an adequate inspiratory oxygen
concentration, to reduce the work and oxygen cost of breathing by unloading the
respiratory muscles and, eventually to reduce dyspnoea. In patients with ARF, the
rationale for using noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is not different from that for using
invasive mechanical ventilation. NIV includes various techniques but the modality most
frequently used is noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. Positive airway pressure
may be obtained by controlling inspiratory flow and volume (volume-controlled
ventilation) or directly, by delivering a positive pressure (pressure-controlled ventila-
tion). The latter can be obtained in different ways: first, by delivering inspiratory
positive airway pressure; secondly, by delivering inspiratory and expiratory positive
airway pressures at different levels to deliver a bilevel positive airway pressure
ventilation; and finally, by delivering inspiratory and expiratory positive airway pressure
at a comparable level to realise a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). The
present chapter will focus on the modes of ventilation frequently used during NIV.
Success of NIV is strongly associated with good tolerance which can be related to
patient, interface, ventilator and ventilator setting. Others modes of ventilation,
developed in order to improve the patient–ventilator interaction, will be briefly
described. Positive pressure ventilators have evolved over the past several decades, with
increasing capabilities to enhance ventilator responsiveness to patient breathing
demands and improved alarm and monitoring systems. NIV can be performed using
both intensive care unit (ICU) ventilators and those specifically dedicated for NIV.
Their merits and limitations are discussed in the last paragraph.
CPAP is a technique of artificial ventilatory support widely used in the ICU [1],
particularly in neonates and infants in whom it was first applied. CPAP represents the
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 154–172. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
Physiological effects
Oxygenation and WOB. CPAP raises intrathoracic pressure, usually decreases
arteriovenous shunting, improves oxygenation and dyspnoea [3, 4], and lessens WOB in
patients with cardiogenic pulmonary oedema [5]. In patients with ARF without chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), CPAP increases functional residual capacity and
displaces ventilation up from the lower flat portion of the respiratory system volume–
pressure curve into a more-linear portion. Through this mechanism, CPAP improves
oxygenation and reduces WOB. KATZ and MARKS [3] found that CPAP alone reduced the
transpulmonary WOB in intubated patients, indicating an improvement in respiratory
mechanics. However, L’HER et al. [6] could not find any significant effect of CPAP on
respiratory effort in patients with acute lung injury, in contrast with marked reduction
under pressure-support ventilation (PSV). This differs from the results of studies in
cardiogenic pulmonary oedema and some other conditions [7–10]. Physiological and
clinical studies in patients with cardiogenic pulmonary oedema suggested that PSV was
comparable with or slightly superior to CPAP alone, in terms of the decrease in
respiratory effort [11, 12]. DELCLAUX et al. [13] evaluated whether CPAP, compared with
conventional medical treatment and oxygen alone, produced physiological benefits and
reduced the need for endotracheal intubation in nonhypercapnic patients with acute lung
injury. Despite a favourable early physiologic response to CPAP in terms of comfort and
oxygenation, no benefits in terms of outcome variables were found. This failure of
noninvasive CPAP to provide clinical benefits may be ascribable to the absence of an
effect on respiratory effort, as demonstrated.
Tidal volume. In conditions where it tended to increase lung volume, above normal
functional residual capacity, CPAP has been shown to increase expiratory muscle
recruitment, an effect that may contribute to reduce tidal volume, by worsening
mechanical conditions [10, 14]. Indeed, tonic expiratory muscle recruitment may tend to
limit tidal excursion and tidal volume by decreasing chest wall and respiratory system
Main indications
Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. Noninvasive respiratory assistance, in particular
CPAP, has a strong pathophysiological rationale in patients with acute cardiogenic
oedema. Three recent meta-analyses [18–20] showed that CPAP is effective in reducing
the intubation rate in acute cardiac pulmonary oedema. CPAP and NPSV seem to result
in very similar effects, both on physiological end-points and for clinical outcome, and
The post-operative period. In the postoperative period, loss in lung volume, diaphragm
dysfunction and oxygenation impairment, secondary to occurrence of atelectasis, may
be the main pathophysiological pathways of respiratory complications. CPAP may be a
useful adjunct in this setting. A recent randomised study showed that application of
CPAP in the early postoperative period (arterial oxygen tension (Pa,O2)/inspiratory
oxygen fraction (FI,O2) ,300) in patients undergoing high-risk abdominal surgery was
successful to prevent reintubation and complications compared with standard
application of a Venturi mask [23]. Several other studies have shown beneficial effects
on the main physiological variables when PEEP was applied in the early postoperative
period after high-risk abdominal surgery [24].
Pressure support is the most frequently used ventilatory mode during NIV [28].
Success of NIV is strongly associated with good clinical tolerance [28, 29] which can be
related to patient, interface, ventilator and/or ventilator settings. A specific problem
during NIV is the presence of leaks around the mask, which lead to discomfort and
patient–ventilator asynchrony; therefore, further worsening the clinical situation. Two
asynchronies can be directly caused by leaks during NIV: prolonged inspiration due to
inspiratory leaks [30] and autotriggering due to expiratory leaks. An optimal adjustment
Prolonged inspiration. When large leaks occur during inspiration, the ventilator
continues to insufflate because the delivered flow remains above the cycling criterion (also
referred to as expiratory trigger value), so that cycling off does not occur. In this situation,
the patient attempts to expire and can fight against the ventilator because the expiratory
valve remains closed, generating ineffective efforts during persistent insufflation (fig. 1).
The magnitude of delayed cycling and the number of ineffective breaths are directly
associated to the magnitude of leaks [32]. This problem is much more prevalent when
using an ICU ventilator with no NIV mode but may occur also with NIV dedicated
ventilators. Several adjustments can eliminate prolonged inspiration by reducing either
the leaks or the ventilator insufflation time. First, mask position should be adjusted to
minimise leaks around the mask. Secondly, limiting the total inspiratory pressure should
be considered, reducing the pressure support and/or PEEP level. Persistent leaks indicate a
need for limiting the ventilator insufflation time by increasing the expiratory trigger and/
or reducing the maximal inspiratory time. Increasing the expiratory trigger i50% allows
the ventilator to cycle off adequately [33]. CALDERINI et al. [30] reported that adjusting the
maximal inspiratory time to 0.8–1.2 s also improved patient–ventilator synchrony,
reducing the work of breathing and improving comfort. Most of the new-generation ICU
ventilators and many NIV dedicated ventilators allow adjustment of the expiratory trigger
or maximal inspiratory time.
Autotriggering. Expiratory leaks can generate a pressure drop below the external PEEP
level or a drop in expired bias flow, simulating the patient’s effort and triggering a
ventilator breath. Autotriggering may promote a short cycle or a flow distortion since
the patient does not generate effort and fight the ventilator (fig. 2). This source of
autotriggering can be eliminated by increasing the bias flow and lowering the inspiratory
trigger sensitivity [34], so that a stronger inspiratory effort is required to trigger the
ventilator. Careful adjustment of the settings should avoid ineffective triggering, which,
however, is sometimes difficult to detect.
a) 20
Airway pressure
cmH2O 10
b) 1.6
Flow L·min-1
0.4 #
c) 0.2
¶ ¶
Diaphragmatic EMG
activity µV
0 4 8 12 16
Time s
Fig. 1. – Ineffective efforts during persistent insufflation. a) Airway pressure, b) flow and c) the diaphragmatic
electromyography are shown. When large leaks occur during inspiration, the ventilator continues to insufflate because
the delivered flow remains above the value of the expiratory trigger (#), so that cycling off does not occur. In this
situation, the patient attempts to expire (") and could fight the ventilator because the expiratory valve remains closed,
generating ineffective efforts. &: leaks.
Insufficient ventilatory support. During PSV, if the pressure support level is too low or
the cycling-off criterion is reached too early, the ventilator stops insufflation and opens
the expiratory valve while the patient’s inspiratory effort continues [37]. This produces
an initial drop in airway pressure and flow distortion, followed by an increase related to
patient inspiration, resulting in a characteristic contour (fig. 3). This asynchrony is
a) 20
Airway pressure
b) 1.2
Flow L·min-1
0.4 #
0.0 +
c) 6
Oesophageal pressure
3 §
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time s
Fig. 2. – Auto-triggering. a) Airway pressure, b) flow and c) oesophageal pressure are shown. Expiratory leaks (#)
can generate a pressure drop to less than the external positive end-expiratory pressure level, simulating a patient’s
effort and triggering a ventilator breath. Auto-triggering may promote a flow distortion (") since the patient does not
generate effort and fight the ventilator. +: start of ventilator insufflation; 1: start of patient’s effort.
observed, especially in patients recovering from acute lung injury with a high ventilatory
demand and a restrictive respiratory mechanics [31, 37]. If the patient’s effort continues
far beyond the end of the ventilator inspiratory time, a second ventilator insufflation can
be triggered. In this case, double triggering is detected as two consecutive ventilator
cycles separated by a very short or absent expiratory period.
a) 15
Airway pressure
b) 1.6
Flow L·min-1
0.0 # #
c) 9
Oesophageal pressure
0 ¶
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 3. – Insufficient ventilatory support. a) Airway pressure, b) flow and c) oesophageal pressure are shown. During
pressure support ventilation, if the pressure support level is too low or cycling-off criterion is reached too early, the
ventilator stops insufflation and opens the expiratory valve while patient’s inspiratory effort continues. This produces
an initial drop in airway pressure and flow distortion, followed by an increase related to patient inspiration, resulting
in a characteristic contour (#). ": end of patient’s effort.
Adjusting the pressure support level. The main objective is to individually titrate
pressure support level in order to obtain an expiratory tidal volume at least of
6 mL?kg-1. A first approach starts with a higher pressure support level (y20 cmH2O)
and reduces it step by step if the patient is intolerant. The goal of this strategy is a rapid
alleviation of respiratory distress but it may also promote discomfort due to excessive
assistance and leaks. A second approach starts with a low pressure support level
(y8 cmH2O) and raises it gradually to the target tidal volume and adequate ventilatory
assistance. This strategy may improve comfort and maximise patient tolerance by
avoiding leaks at initiation of NIV. Then, analysis of flow and airway pressure tracings
of the ventilator allows detection of signs of under-assistance (fig. 3) as well as signs of
over-assistance and leaks (fig. 1).
to excessive patient inspiratory effort whereas a very fast pressure rise may result in
overshoot termination, promoting leaks and generating patient discomfort [39]. The
ideal rise time should be titrated as the fastest pressurisation rate that is not associated
with overshoot. A longer rise time is sometimes necessary to avoid premature cycle
termination, related to high pressure overshoot.
Adjusting PEEP. External PEEP has been shown to decrease ineffective triggering in
patients with auto-PEEP [40] by reducing the work of breathing needed to trigger the
ventilator [41–43]. The levels of dynamic PEEPi measured during NIV in patients with
ARF are often relatively low (ƒ3 cmH2O) in hypoxaemic patients [44], as well as in
hypercapnic patients [45]. Consequently, an initial adjustment of PEEP around
3 cmH2O should be sufficient to facilitate triggering of the ventilator and will
participate in avoiding leaks by limiting maximal inspiratory pressure. However, a
higher level of PEEP may be necessary in order to avoid obstructive apnoea during sleep
or to improve oxygenation in case of severe hypoxaemia [44].
Adjusting the insufflation time. During PSV, the insufflation time depends partly on
the patient’s inspiratory effort but often tends to be longer than the patient’s neural
inspiratory time, leading to delayed cycling and prolonged insufflations [46]. After an
initial high peak inspiratory flow (which depends on the magnitude of the patient’s
effort, the level of set pressure and the respiratory system resistance), the flow decreases
according to the time constant of the respiratory system, down to a cycling off value,
allowing expiration. In case of leaks, flow could remain greater than this cycling off
criterion (also referred to as expiratory trigger) lengthening insufflation time. Although
frequently set at 25% of peak inspiratory flow on many ICU ventilators, this value is
now often adjustable (5–70%) resulting in changes in ventilator insufflation time.
TASSAUX et al. [33] evaluated the impact of a reduced insufflation time on asynchrony
and WOB in patients with COPD during invasive ventilation. Increasing this expiratory
trigger improved patient–ventilator synchrony, decreasing ineffective efforts without
changing diaphragmatic energy expenditure and alveolar ventilation. During NIV, the
usual expiratory trigger of 25% could be increased up to 50% in case of leaks, generating
prolonged insufflation, especially in patients with obstructive lung disease [30].
neural drive [65]. Detection and quantification of the electrical activity of the crural
diaphragm (EAdi) by means of an oesophageal array of bipolar electrodes has been
validated in humans [66, 67]. Crural EAdi has been shown to accurately express global
diaphragm activation [46, 67–69]. The array of bipolar electrodes can be mounted on a
feeding tube, which is routinely introduced in critically ill patients. Cycling on and off
are determined directly by the EAdi. MOERER et al. [70] have realised a physiologic
study, in seven healthy volunteers. The aim of that study was to compare synchrony
between inspiratory effort and ventilator assist during neurally or pneumatically
triggered and cycled-off NPSV delivered with the helmet interface. Triggering and
cycling off delays, wasted efforts and breathing comfort were determined during
restricted breathing efforts with various combinations of pressure support levels and
respiratory rates. During pneumatic triggering and cycling off, patient–ventilator
synchrony was progressively more impaired with increasing respiratory rate and levels
of pressure. During neural triggering and cycling off, effect of increasing respiratory rate
and levels of pressure support on patient–ventilator synchrony was minimal. Breathing
comfort was higher during neural triggering than during pneumatic triggering. The
authors concluded that in healthy volunteers, trigger effort and breathing comfort with
a helmet interface is considerably less impaired during with neural triggering and cycling
off, compared with conventional pneumatic triggering and cycling off. Because the
ventilator is triggered directly by EAdi, the synchrony between neural and mechanical
inspiratory time is guaranteed at both the onset and the end of inspiration. From a
clinical standpoint, patients needing NPSV often have no gastric probe. Whether adding
an oesophageal catheter for mask ventilation will be acceptable in patients with ARF,
needs to be confirmed in critically ill patients needing NPSV.
animals and healthy subjects have been carried out. It remains to be determined whether
NAVA can maintain adequate levels of support and adequate patient–ventilator
interaction in different kinds of respiratory failure, especially with NIV.
How to generate CPAP?
Many systems can be used commonly to deliver CPAP: one of the most frequently
used consists in a high flow generator producing an air/oxygen mixture by Venturi
effect, with an additional source of O2 and a mechanical expiratory valve. An
inspiratory reservoir and a CPAP water valve can also be used, or a standard
mechanical ICU ventilator in CPAP mode. The Boussignac CPAP device is a small
cylindrical plastic adaptor that fits onto a modified face mask. The system uses the
incoming flow of oxygen to generate a turbulent virtual pressure valve in the open
expiratory side of the mask. The gas is accelerated and enters circumferentially into the
open-ended cylinder generating air entrainment and positive pressure. The rate of flow
will determine the amount of pressure achieved. A flow of 15 L?min-1 allows producing
a pressure between 5 to 6 cmH2O and a flow of 25 L?min-1 a pressure greater than 10
cmH2O. This simple and cheap device can be safely and effectively used in emergency
wards [75, 76]. Regarding the use of new generation of ICU ventilators, low levels of
imposed workload are now required for CPAP but substantial differences in terms of
performance have been demonstrated on bench study [77].
Table 1. – Characteristics of the main intensive care unit ventilators regarding their noninvasive ventilator capabilities
Ventilator Manufacturer Gas source Available Range inspiratory trigger Range Range
NIV mode expiratory trigger % inspiratory
times s
Esprit Vision Respironics (Murrysville, PA, USA) Turbine Automatic/manual -20– -0.1 cmH2O, 0.5–20 L?min-1 Automatic, 10–45 0.1–9.9
Turbine Automatic Automatic Automatic 0.5–3
PB 840 Tyco (Carlsbad, CA, USA) Pressurised Manual 0.2–20 L?min-1 1–80 0.4–3
Elisée 350 Resmed (North Ryde, Australia) Turbine Automatic/manual Automatic, -1– -5 cmH2O Automatic, 10–90 1–3
Avea Vela Viasys Healthcare (Conshohocken, PA, USA) Compressor Manual 0.1–20 L?min 5–45 0.2–5
Turbine Manual 1–8 L?min-1 5–40 0.3–
Extend Taema (Antony, France) Pressurised Manual 1–20 L?min-1, 0.1–5 cmH2O 1–70 0.3–3.5
Servo i Maquet (Solna, Sweden) Pressurised Manual 0–100%, -20–0 cmH2O 1–40
Savina Evita 4 Dräger (Lübeck, Germany) Turbine Automatic 1–15 L?min-1 Automatic 0.2–10
Pressurised Automatic 0.3–15 L?min-1 Automatic 0.1–10
Engstrom General Electric (Fairfield, CO, USA) Pressurised Manual 1–9 L?min-1, -1– -10 cmH2O 5–50 0.25–15
Galiléo Hamilton (Rhäzuns, Switzerland) Pressurised Manual 0.5–10 mbar, 0.5–15 L?min-1 10–40 0.1–3
E500 Newport medical instruments (Costa Mesa, Pressurised Automatic/manual 0–5 cmH2O, 0.6–2 L?min Automatic, 5–55 0.1–5
% are relative to the inspiratory peak flow.
ventilation tolerance but results are still heterogeneous [86]. Technical differences
demonstrated among ventilators on lung model studies have been shown to have clinical
consequences in terms of the patient’s effort [38, 86, 87]. It is, therefore, likely that these
new noninvasive ventilation modes will allow a higher efficacy of noninvasive ventilation
with these ventilators but clinical studies remain to be performed.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a technique of artificial ventilatory
support widely used in the intensive care unit (ICU). CPAP raises intrathoracic
pressure, decreases arteriovenous shunting and improves oxygenation and dyspnoea.
An advantage of CPAP over modes of mechanical ventilatory assistance is that CPAP
does not require patient–ventilator synchronisation. However, pressure support is the
most frequently used ventilatory mode during noninvasive ventilation (NIV). A
specific problem during noninvasive pressure support ventilation (NPSV) is the
presence of leaks around the mask, which lead to discomfort and patient–ventilator
asynchrony. An optimal adjustment of ventilatory settings may improve comfort,
work of breathing and patient–ventilator interaction, promoting the success of NIV.
Other modes of ventilation, developed in order to improve the patient–ventilator
interaction can be used during NIV. The proportional assist ventilation is a partial
ventilatory assistance based in matching the ventilatory support with neural output of
the respiratory centre. No significant systematic superiority over NPSV was found
when the two modes of assistance were compared. The neurally adjusted ventilatory
assist (NAVA) mode uses the electrical activity of the diaphragm (EAdi). The
ventilator is triggered, limited and cycled off directly by EAdi. Neural triggering and
cycling off guarantee an optimal patient–ventilator interaction at both the onset and
the end of inspiration. The NAVA mode can unload the respiratory muscles;
however, only studies on animals and healthy subjects have been carried out. NPSV
can be delivered using both ICU ventilators and ventilators specifically dedicated to
NIV. Recently, many manufacturers have developed a ‘‘mode’’ specifically designed
for NIV. This mode detects leaks and automatically adjusts both the inspiratory and
expiratory trigger. These new capabilities may improve patient–ventilator synchrony
and NIV tolerance but results are still heterogenous.
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Dept of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Policlinico A. Gemelli,
Rome, Italy.
Correspondence: S.M. Maggiore, Dept of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Università Cattolica del
Sacro Cuore, Policlinico A. Gemelli, Largo Agostino Gemelli, 8, 00168 Rome, Italy. Fax: 39 063013450;
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is the delivery of mechanical ventilation without the
need for an invasive artificial airway [1] and is a safe and effective means to improve gas
exchange and reduce the work of breathing in patients with acute respiratory failure
(ARF) of various origin [2, 3]. In patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) and hypercapnic respiratory failure, the application of NIV
to standard therapy decreases the need for endotracheal intubation, and reduces
mortality [2, 4–6]. Similarly, NIV is effective in patients with cardiogenic pulmonary
oedema, particularly in those with hypercapnia [7–9]. In patients with acute de novo
respiratory failure, randomised controlled studies have shown that NIV reduces
mortality in selected patients, such as those with immunosuppression [10] or with
postoperative complications [11, 12]. However, the success rate of NIV in hypoxaemic
ARF is strictly dependent on the ARF aetiology [5, 13], and the application of NIV in
these patients is still controversial [14]. Advantages of NIV application include the
reduction of the complications associated with endotracheal intubation [15], the
improvement of patient comfort and the preservation of airway defence mechanisms,
speech and swallowing [16]. NIV, however, is not successful in all patients; due to
peculiarities of this ventilatory modality, such as the possibility of leaks and the need for
patient compliance, technical aspects are of the utmost importance to improve its
efficacy [17].
In order to optimise the success rate, NIV should be used as soon as incipient signs of
respiratory failure develop and some technical aspects should be thoroughly taken into
account. The correct choice of ventilator type should rely on the patient’s conditions and
the global performance of the machine. The use of intensive care unit (ICU) ventilators
is generally preferable in the acute setting, since they are more powerful and have more
adjustable features compared with home ventilators. Additionally, circuits with dual
tubes reduce the risk of CO2-rebreathing in patients with ARF. An important part of
recent technical development for NIV application has concerned the interfaces. Nasal
masks may be used in cooperative patients, to increase comfort and reduce
complications but facial masks are generally preferable for dyspnoeic patients.
Recently, an alternative interface, the helmet, has been proposed to decrease
complications and improve tolerance. Recent data have also contributed to elucidate
the role of gas humidification during NIV. The success rate during NIV will depend on
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 173–188. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
the ability of the treatment to increase alveolar ventilation and reduce the work of
breathing. Consequently, monitoring is crucial to assess the quality of assistance, an
adequate patient–ventilator interaction and the amount of leaks.
The present chapter discusses the technical aspects of NIV application in the acute
setting, with a particular focus on specific equipment and monitoring.
Table 1. – Common criteria for discontinuation of noninvasive ventilation and endotracheal intubation
Respiratory arrest
Respiratory pauses with loss of consciousness or gasping
Psychomotor agitation making nursing care impossible and requiring sedation
Failure to improve oxygenation (i.e. Pa,O2 ƒ65 mmHg with an FI,O2 ƒ0.6)
Inability to decrease Pa,CO2 and improve academia (i.e. pH ,7.25 and below the value at baseline)
Inability to correct dyspnoea, with tachypnoea and activation of accessory respiratory muscles
Development of conditions requiring protection of the airways (coma or seizure disorders)
Inability to manage copious tracheal secretions
Haemodynamic instability (i.e. systolic arterial tension ,70 mmHg despite fluid resuscitation)
Heart rate or electrocardiographic instability
Inability to tolerate the mask or helmet
Pa,O2: arterial oxygen tension; FI,O2: inspiratory oxygen fraction; Pa,CO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension.
combination with PSV, improved oxygenation, but dyspnoea relief was significantly
better with high level of PSV (15–5 cmH2O). Thus, in patients with hypoxaemic
respiratory failure, the application of PEEP or CPAP ameliorates gas exchange;
however, PSV is needed in order to reduce inspiratory muscle effort and dyspnoea.
One specific problem with PSV during NIV concerns the cycle into expiration in case of
leaks. Indeed, in PSV mode, the ventilator recognises the end of inspiration when the
decelerating flow has fallen to a preset value. When air leaks occur, the flow threshold
required to cycle into expiration cannot be achieved by the ventilator, and the inspiration
is prolonged, thus causing patient–ventilator asynchronies and poor tolerance of the
technique by the patient. Several strategies can be adopted to solve such a problem [27].
First, a small reduction in peak pressure (by reducing PSV or PEEP level) may be
attempted in order to reduce leaks and eliminate asynchronies. Alternatively, the flow
threshold can be set above the leak flow rate, by using expiratory flow sensitivity settings
.30–40% of the peak-flow rate. Alternatively, a pressure controlled ventilation mode with
a fixed inspiratory time (ƒ1 s) can be used [28].
Details on these aspects can be found in a dedicated chapter of this European
Respiratory Monograph (ERM).
The masks
Nasal and facial masks are the most commonly used interfaces during NIV and
consist of two parts: a soft inflatable cushion that is directly in contact with the patient’s
face and a mask holder with two to five attachment points to secure the elastic head-
straps. Increasing the number of the attachment points increases the adherence and
stability of the mask and allows for a more uniform distribution of pressure on the skin
surface. The adequate insufflation of the cushion is essential to improve patient comfort
and reduce air leaks during NIV. Indeed, an excessive mask fit pressure causes skin
damage at the site of mask contact, while a weak mask sealing may facilitate air leakage.
In a bench study, it has been shown that air leaks increase when the difference between
the pressure inside the cushion and the airway pressure is ,2 cmH2O [29]. Thus, it seems
reasonable to keep the mask fit pressure 2–5 cmH2O above airway pressure.
The nasal mask is usually well tolerated because it causes less claustrophobia and
discomfort. It allows eating, drinking and expectorating and is commonly used for
chronic long-term home ventilation [21, 30]. As an alternative to nasal masks, nasal
pillows can be used to reduce the risk of pressure sores. The facial mask is preferable in
acute respiratory failure because dyspnoeic patients are often mouth-breathers and
mouth opening during nasal mask ventilation may cause air leakage and decrease the
efficacy of NIV [21, 31]. In these patients, facial mask greatly improves alveolar
ventilation and may prevent the increase in nasal resistances observed with the nasal
mask in case of mouth leaks [32]. Different mask sizes are now commercially available
and facilitate adaptation to individual facial contour. Total face masks are also available
and give the theoretical advantages of reducing the risk of leakage and improving
patient tolerance [33, 34]. Few studies [33, 35–38] have compared nasal and facial masks
in terms of physiological effects, efficacy and patient comfort (table 3).
In 26 stable hypercapnic patients, NAVALESI et al. [35] evaluated the effect of three
types of masks (nasal, facial and nasal plugs) and two ventilatory modes (PSV or assist-
control volume ventilation) in terms of gas exchange, breathing pattern and tolerance to
ventilation. The application of NIV significantly improved gas exchange and minute
ventilation, regardless of the ventilatory mode, the underlying pathology or the type of
mask. Overall, the nasal mask was better tolerated than the other two interfaces, but
Pa,CO2 was significantly lower with the face mask or nasal plugs, than with the nasal
mask. Minute ventilation was significantly higher with the face mask than with the nasal
mask, and mouth air-leaks were likely the cause of the loss of tidal volume with nasal
mask. Interestingly, the type of interface affected the NIV outcome more than the
ventilatory mode. In another physiological study [36], conducted on 14 patients with
stable COPD, to assess the efficacy of and tolerance for nasal and full-face masks during
NIV, the authors found that NIV improved arterial blood gases and indices of
respiratory effort regardless of the type of mask used; patient tolerance was also similar
between interfaces. One randomised controlled trial [37] assessed patient tolerance and
clinical outcome of facial versus nasal mask ventilation in 70 patients with ARF. Mask
intolerance was significantly higher in the nasal than the facial mask group (34 versus
11%; p,0.05). Mouth leaks were the most common cause of intolerance during nasal
ventilation. Conversely, intolerance of facial mask was due mainly to claustrophobia.
Despite these differences, the overall success rate of NIV treatment was similar among
the two groups.
In terms of comfort and patient tolerance, differences among models of a given
interface can be as important as differences among interfaces. This has been recently
shown by GREGORETTI et al. [38], who demonstrated improved comfort ratings and
reduced skin breakdown among patients with hypercapnic and hypoxaemic ARF using
a prototype full face mask. According to the authors, because this prototype mask had
six points of attachment and a larger and thinner inflatable air cushion than
commercially available masks, it can achieve an adequate air seal using less strap
tension and may distribute pressure over a larger surface area on the face, reducing skin
pressure at any one point such as the nasal bridge; additionally, the mask had an adapter
for a nasogastric tube that eliminated the problems of air leak.
The dead-space volume of masks is a potentially important factor that should be
taken into account. Indeed, physiological dead space is increased with any type of mask
but the application of PEEP can favour carbon dioxide lavage during the respiratory
cycle. Using a spontaneous breathing model, SAATCI et al. [39] have recently assessed
static and dynamic dead space with 19 face masks, five turbine ventilators and three
ventilatory modes. The authors found that total dynamic dead space was increased
above physiological dead space from 32 to 42% of tidal volume by the use of face masks.
The use of NIV modes with continuous pressure throughout the expiratory phase, such
as bilevel and CPAP, reduced total dynamic dead space to approach physiological dead
space, even with the total face masks. Pressure assist and pressure support ventilation
decreased total dynamic dead space to a lesser degree, from 42 to 39% of tidal volume.
Face masks with expiratory ports over the nasal bridge resulted in beneficial flow
characteristics within the face mask and nasal cavity, with an increase in carbon dioxide
lavage and a decrease in dynamic dead space to less than physiological dead space (from
42 to 28.5% of tidal volume). In another bench study, SCHETTINO et al. [40] reported that
exhalation port location and mask design can affect carbon dioxide rebreathing; in
particular, carbon dioxide rebreathing was less with the smallest mask volume and when
the exhalation port was located within the mask rather than in the ventilator circuit.
This interface has not been evaluated to date in patients with ARF. The need for
patient cooperation and the risk of a decreased NIV efficacy, due to nasal leaks,
Table 3. – Main characteristics of clinical trials comparing facial and nasal masks during noninvasive ventilation (NIV)
First author [ref.] Study design Patient population NIV mode Interfaces Endpoints Results
CRINER [33] Single centre, prospective, Stable hypercapnic PSV plus PEEP TF, F, N Breathing pattern, Tolerance: TF.N.F
observational (n59; 30% COPD) tolerance, blood gas Leaks: TF,F5N
analysis VT: TF.F.N
fR: TF5F5N
Pa,CO2: TF,F5N
NAVALESI [35] Two centres, physiological, Stable hypercapnic PSV and VAC, without F, N, NP Blood gas analysis, q Pa,O2: F5NP5N
randomised, cross-over (n526; 50% COPD) PEEP (30 min) tolerance, breathing Q Pa,CO2: F5NP.N
pattern (compared Tolerance: N.FiN
with SB) q VT: F.N;
Q fR: F5NP5N
GREGORETTI [38] Multicentre (eight centres), Heterogeneous ARF PSV plus PEEP Fp, Fc Complications, tolerance, Complications: Fp,Fc
prospective, randomised (n546; 45% hypoxaemic; blood gas analysis Tolerance: Fp.Fc
55% hypercapnic) q Pa,O2: Fp.Fc
Q Pa,CO2: FpiFc
ANTON [36] Single centre, physiological, Stable hypercapnic PSV plus PEEP F, N Blood gas analysis, q Pa,O2: F5N
randomised (n514; 100% COPD) (15 min) respiratory effort, Q Pa,CO2: F5N
tolerance (compared Tolerance: F5N
with SB) Q effort: F5N
Q fR: F.N
KWOK [37] Single centre, prospective, Heterogeneous ARF CPAP (y41%) or PSV F, N Tolerance, intubation, Tolerance: F.N
randomised (n570; 46% ACPO; 33% plus PEEP (y50%) hospital LOS, mortality, Intubation: F5N
COPD; 17% hypoxaemic) dyspnoea, blood gas Hospital LOS: F5N
analysis Mortality: F5N
Q dyspnoea: F5N
Q Pa,CO2: F5N
Q fR: F5N
Statistically significant differences are presented as , and ., trends towards significance are presented as ƒ and i and no significant difference is presented as 5.
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PSV: pressuresupport ventilation; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; TF: total face mask; F: facial mask; N: nasal
mask; VT: tidal volume; fR: respiratory rate; Pa,CO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension; VAC: volume assist-controlled; NP: nasal plugs;q: increase; Pa,O2: arterial oxygen
tension;Q: decrease; ARF: acute respiratory failure; Fp: facial mask (prototype); Fc: facial mask (conventional); SB: spontaneous breathing; ACPO: acute cardiogenic
pulmonary oedema; CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure; LOS: length of stay.
probably explain this lack of data. Alternatively, positive results have been reported in
patients with chronic respiratory failure due to post-traumatic tetraplegia [41] or
neuromuscular diseases [42].
The helmet
NIV treatment can fail as a consequence of complications directly or indirectly linked
to the mask, such as air leaks, skin lesions, discomfort and intolerance [21, 43].
In attempt to improve tolerability, the helmet has been proposed as a new interface to
administer NIV [44]. The helmet contains the head and the neck of the patient and is
secured by two armpit braces at a pair of hooks on the plastic ring that joins the helmet
to a soft collar; the collar adheres to the neck and ensures a sealed connection, once the
helmet is inflated. The helmet is provided with an anti-asphyxia mechanism and two
inner inflatable cushions to increase comfort and reduce the internal volume. Unlike the
face mask, the helmet is not in touch with the patient’s face and so it does not cause any
skin breakdown and it improves the patient’s comfort allowing longer periods of NIV
delivery. The helmet can also be used in particular conditions, such as in edentulous
patients and in patients with facial trauma. The ventilator delivers pressure to the
patient through the helmet inlet. Patients receive only part of the large volume delivered
by the ventilator after inspiratory trigger activation; the rest of the volume is compressed
around the head, pressurising the helmet. It is, therefore, impossible to measure patient
tidal volume and flow with conventional ventilator monitoring. During expiration, the
patient exhales into the helmet, which is connected to the ventilator expiratory line
through the helmet outlet.
Few studies on the bench or in healthy subjects have evaluated the physiological
effects of NIV delivered through the helmet and have compared the performances of this
interface with those of facial mask [45–48]. Two main problems have been discovered
when NIV is administered through a helmet: 1) carbon dioxide rebreathing and 2) poor
patient–ventilator interaction. These problems have been related to the large inner
volume of the helmet and to its high compliance. Both are expected to cause a
substantial dissipation of the inspiratory pressure delivered by the ventilator to expand
the compliant helmet (in particular the soft collar). It has been demonstrated that the use
of the helmet to deliver CPAP with a ventilator may predispose to carbon dioxide
rebreathing, unless a continuous high-flow system is used [48]. Using this system, large
and small helmets were demonstrated to be as efficient as a face mask in delivering
CPAP [45]. In comparison with a standard face mask, RACCA et al. [47] showed that the
use of helmet to deliver NIV with PSV increased inspiratory muscle effort and patient–
ventilator asynchrony, worsened carbon dioxide clearance and increased dyspnoea when
a resistive load was imposed in healthy subjects. Autocycled breaths accounted for 12
and 25% of the total minute ventilation and for 10 and 23% of the total inspiratory
muscle effort during mask and helmet PSV, respectively. Only one physiological study
has compared the efficacy of the helmet and the conventional facial mask in delivering
NIV in COPD patients [49]. In that study, NIV significantly improved gas exchange and
inspiratory effort with both interfaces. However, the helmet was less efficient than the
mask in reducing inspiratory effort and it worsened the patient–ventilator interaction, as
suggested by the longer delays to trigger on and cycle off the mechanical assistance, and
by the higher number of ineffective efforts. Patient comfort was no different with the
two interfaces.
To date, only one randomised and controlled clinical trial [50] has evaluated the
effectiveness of CPAP delivered by helmet as compared with standard treatment in
preventing the need for intubation and mechanical ventilation in hypoxaemic patients
after elective major abdominal surgery. Patients were randomly assigned to receive oxygen
(n5104) or oxygen plus CPAP with the helmet (n5105). Patients who received oxygen
plus CPAP had a lower intubation rate (1 versus 10%; p50.005) and a lower incidence of
pneumonia (2 versus 10%; p50.02), infection (3 versus 10%; p50.03) and sepsis (2 versus
9%; p50.03) than patients treated with oxygen alone. The duration of ICU stay was
shorter in the group treated with CPAP than the control group (1.4 versus 2.6 days;
p50.09). Interestingly, the helmet allowed a prolonged application of NIV (19¡22 h).
Other authors have suggested that the helmet is a valid alternative to the conventional
face mask during CPAP, even in patients with severe respiratory acidosis and
hypercapnia [51]. In those patients, the helmet provided long-duration CPAP, without
any adverse events or clinical intolerance.
Only a few prospective and uncontrolled studies have assessed the clinical efficacy of
noninvasive PSV delivered by helmet [44, 52, 53]. In a prospective, matched case–control
study, ANTONELLI et al. [44] evaluated the efficacy of noninvasive PSV administered
through an helmet as first-line intervention to treat patients with hypoxaemic ARF, in
comparison with NIV and standard facial mask. Although the intubation rate was similar
(24 versus 32% with helmet and facial mask, respectively; p50.3), patients in the helmet
group had a better tolerance of the technique (p50.047). Complications related to the
technique (skin necrosis, gastric distension and eye irritation) were fewer in the helmet
group compared with the facial mask group (0 versus 21%; p50.002). Moreover, the
helmet allowed the continuous application of NIV for a longer period of time (36¡29
versus 26¡13 h; p50.05). Similar results have been reported in immunosuppressed
patients with hypoxaemic respiratory failure [52]. In another study, ANTONELLI et al. [53]
showed that NIV by helmet was a feasible treatment for COPD patients with acute
exacerbation but was not as efficient as the facial mask in improving carbon dioxide
elimination. According to the authors, two possible factors could explain the reduced
efficacy of the helmet in reducing hypercapnia: 1) carbon dioxide rebreathing and 2) less
reduction of inspiratory effort, likely due to the lower quality of inspiratory assistance.
Interfaces: conclusions
The choice of interface is crucial to improve efficacy and patient tolerance during
NIV. The facial mask is usually more effective and is tolerated as well as the nasal mask
in acute setting; thus, it should be considered as the first choice interface in this setting.
However, nasal mask may be used in cooperative patients to increase comfort and
reduce complications. The helmet is an effective and better tolerated interface to deliver
CPAP in selected patients with hypoxaemic ARF (post-operative ARF, cardiogenic
pulmonary oedema and pneumonia, especially in immunosuppressed patients). Three
factors should be taken into account when considering the helmet to deliver noninvasive
PSV: 1) selection of patients and aetiology of ARF (hypoxaemic or hypercapnic), 2)
quality of patient–ventilator interaction (which is better with the masks) and 3) patient
tolerance (which is probably better with the helmet). While hypercapnic ARF is not a
good indication for helmet PSV, this interface may be an option in patients with
hypoxaemic ARF, especially when NIV is applied for prolonged periods of time and
patient tolerance is a concern. Because of the risks of asynchronies and rebreathing and
the lack of tidal volume monitoring, the use of the helmet during PSV should be
restricted in the ICU and in experienced centres.
The ideal interface should be comfortable, stable, easy and quick to apply,
inexpensive, and either disposable or re-usable; it should accommodate as many face
sizes and shapes as possible while minimising air leaks, claustrophobic reactions and
skin trauma. Due to the fact that it is difficult to conceive that a single interface would
combine all these attributes, the most rational approach is to have a variety of interfaces,
with different types and sizes, to satisfy individual patient needs (table 2). A strategy
incorporating the sequential utilisation of different interfaces may prove useful to
improve patient tolerance and the efficacy of NIV.
Airway humidification
Failure of NIV has been reported in 20–50% of patients [54] and attributed to
inadequate carbon dioxide removal [55] and poor tolerance of the technique [43]. Gas
humidification may be important to improve patient tolerance. Compared with invasive
mechanical ventilation, upper airways, the main structure responsible for inspired gas
heating and humidification, are not by-passed during NIV. This probably explains why,
on the one hand, gas conditioning has been considered not necessary during NIV and, on
the other hand, the lack of data until recent years. The importance of gas humidification
during noninvasive CPAP has been shown, however, by several studies in patients with
sleep apnoea syndrome [32, 56–58]. RICHARDS et al. [32] reported that nasal resistance
may increase up to 300% during nasal CPAP without humidification and in case of mouth
leaks. This phenomenon could be prevented by using a heated humidifier (HH). Other
studies performed during home ventilation with nasal CPAP have shown that the use of
an HH resulted in a decrease in nasal and upper airways symptoms (i.e. dryness,
obstruction, sneezing and nasal drainage), while increasing the compliance with CPAP
treatment [57, 58]. These data suggest that humidification of inspired gases may affect
patient tolerance to NIV, particularly in case of prolonged applications. Indeed, when
NIV is delivered by ICU ventilators, upper airways receive dry inspiratory gases. The
upper airways may be unable to humidify these gases adequately, particularly in mouth
breathers and when high inspiratory flows are used. Consequently, the lack of
humidification may cause patient distress, as emphasised by the recent consensus
conference on NIV [31], and life-threatening inspissated secretions [59].
Two humidifying devices are commonly used with ICU ventilators: HHs and heat and
moisture exchangers (HMEs). The latter are generally preferred for their simplicity and
low cost but add a significant dead space to the circuit and a marginal resistance to flow.
These problems cannot be easily compensated during NIV and are dangerous in patients
with ARF, who are likely more sensitive to dead space effects. In a physiological study
performed in healthy subjects, LELLOUCHE et al. [60] measured hygrometry and comfort
during NIV delivered with different humidification strategies: HH, HME or no
humidification. For each strategy, a turbine and an ICU ventilator were used with
different FI,O2 setting, with and without leaks. Without humidification, delivered
humidity was very low when an ICU ventilator was used but equivalent to the ambient
air hygrometry with a turbine ventilator at minimal FI,O2. HME and HH had
comparable performances, but HME’s effectiveness was considerably reduced by leaks.
These data suggest that: 1) when using dry gases, as with an ICU ventilator,
humidification is needed; 2) without leaks, HH and HME provide gas with comparably
high water content; and 3) with leaks, a common situation when NIV is performed in
acute setting, HH is the only system assuring an adequate humidification. The same
authors have performed a randomised cross-over study to investigate the impact of HH
and HME on arterial blood gases and patient effort in patients with moderate-to-severe
hypercapnic ARF under NIV treatment [61]. Each device was studied without and with
a PEEP of 5 cmH2O. Despite similar Pa,CO2 levels (60¡16 versus 57¡16 mmHg),
minute ventilation was significantly higher with HME than with HH (15.8¡3.7 versus
12.8¡3.6 L?min-1, without PEEP). HME was associated with a greater increase in work
of breathing and indices of patient effort, with and without PEEP. Compared to
baseline (unassisted breathing), NIV with HME failed to decrease the work of
breathing, which even tended to increase (p50.06) without PEEP. These data,
corroborated by others [62], confirm that, in patients with hypercapnic ARF, the use
of an HME lessens the efficacy of NIV in reducing patient effort compared with an HH.
Only one randomised controlled trial has investigated the effects of the two
humidifying devices on clinical outcome during NIV in the acute setting [63]. In that
study, 247 patients with hypercapnic or hypoxaemic ARF were included in 15 centres
and randomised to receive NIV with an HME (n5128) or with an HH (n5119). The
intubation rate was similar between the two groups (30.6 versus 37.6% with HME and
HH, respectively; p50.31), with no differences in the subgroup analyses. Duration of
NIV, length of stay in ICU and in the hospital, and mortality in ICU and in the hospital
were also similar between groups. In spite of strong physiological data favouring HH
during NIV, no differences in clinical outcome were found in this study. The
physiological effects observed in short term studies may be counterbalanced by other
important factors in the clinical settings or may play a role only in marginal cases.
In conclusion, data available on the issue of humidification during NIV in the acute
setting suggest that: 1) gas conditioning during NIV is important to improve patient
tolerance; 2) humidification of inspired gases can be performed indifferently with one of
the two available devices (HH or HME); and 3) in specific cases (less tolerant or more
severe patients with hypercapnic ARF), HH may offer an advantage to improve the
efficacy of NIV.
Monitoring is essential to verify the efficacy of NIV, which results from the ability of
ventilatory assistance to increase alveolar ventilation and to decrease the patient effort
to breathe, while assuring adequate patient comfort. In turn, this depends on a good
patient–ventilator interaction and the amount of leaks. Monitoring during NIV is
performed by a periodical evaluation of the patient’s clinical status and arterial blood
gases, and analysing the curves upon ventilatory screen.
studies have reported that the degree of acidosis/acidaemia (pH and Pa,CO2 at admission
and after 1 h of NIV) is the best predictor for NIV outcome in patients with hypercapnic
ARF [43, 55, 64, 65]. By contrast, the inability to improve oxygenation after 1 h of NIV
was associated with treatment failure in patients with hypoxaemic ARF [13, 66].
Arterial blood gas analysis must be performed every day and in case of modifications
of clinical status or after changes of ventilatory settings. Arterial blood gases should be
performed both during NIV (to assess the efficacy of treatment) and without NIV (to
evaluate patient respiratory status and the possibility of weaning from NIV). Blood gas
analysis is particularly important when NIV is delivered through the helmet because of
the impossibility to monitor inspired and expired tidal volumes with this interface.
Continuous noninvasive monitoring of oxygen saturation is an essential monitoring
during NIV, particularly in hypoxaemic patients, while Pa,CO2 evaluation is more
important in hypercapnic patients. Although noninvasive carbon dioxide monitoring
might be useful for trending purpose during NIV, abnormalities of lung parenchyma, air
leaks and dilution, due to bias flow, with some ventilators make end-tidal carbon
dioxide monitoring inaccurate. As such, this monitoring has poor indications in the
acute setting.
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) reduces the work of breathing, improves gas exchange
and may improve clinical outcome in patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) of
various origin. Failure of NIV occurs, however, in y20–30% of patients with
hypercapnic ARF and in an even higher percentage of patients with hypoxaemic
ARF. NIV failure may be due to clinical or technical factors such as the ventilatory
mode and settings. Poor adaptation to the interface may also be responsible for some
cases of NIV failure. It is therefore important to take into account these technical
aspects in order to increase the efficacy of NIV.
Both home and intensive care unit ventilators have been used to delivered NIV but the
latter are preferred in the most severe critically ill patients. Three main types of
interfaces are currently available in acute situation: facial, nasal and the helmet. The
facial mask is generally considered the first choice in terms of efficacy. The helmet is
an acceptable alternative to deliver continuous positive airway pressure in selected
patients with hypoxaemic ARF. The most rational approach is, however, to adapt the
type and the size of the interface on an individual basis. Humidification of inspired
gas, often considered of minor relevance, is important to improve patient’s comfort.
In spite of a theoretical superiority of heated humidifiers over heat and moisture
exchangers, particularly in patients with hypercapnic ARF, no study has yet
confirmed it to date. Finally, adequate patient selection, preparation and monitoring
are crucial in making NIV successful.
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Correspondence: M.W. Elliott, Dept of Respiratory Medicine, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street,
Leeds, LS9 7TF, UK. Fax: 44 113 206 6042; E-mail:
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) has been shown to be an effective
treatment for ventilatory failure, particularly resulting from acute exacerbations of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but also resulting from hypoxaemic
respiratory failure, community acquired pneumonia, cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
and following solid organ transplants in randomised controlled trials (RCTs). There
have also been RCTs of NPPV in weaning and for patients with post-extubation
respiratory failure. Most strikingly, NPPV reduces the need for intubation and invasive
mechanical ventilation (IMV), which, in the larger studies, translates into improved
survival [1, 2], reduced complication rates, and length of both intensive care unit (ICU)
and hospital stay [1]. Infectious complications, particularly pneumonia are markedly
reduced [1, 3–5]. The use of NPPV opens up new opportunities in the management of
patients with ventilatory failure, particularly with regard to location and the timing of
intervention. Paralysis and sedation are not required with NPPV and ventilation can be
performed outside the ICU. Given the considerable pressure on ICU beds in some
countries, the high costs associated with ICU care and that for some patients, admission
to ICU is a distressing experience [6], this is an attractive option.
In any discussion about the location of an NPPV service, it is important to note that
the model of hospital care differs from country to country and that ICUs, high
dependency units (HDUs) and general wards will have different levels of staffing,
facilities for monitoring, etc. Care must, therefore, be taken in the extrapolation of
results obtained in one study environment to other hospitals and countries. The King’s
Fund panel [7] define intensive care as: ‘‘A service for patients with potentially
recoverable diseases who can benefit from more detailed observation and treatment than
is generally available in the standard wards and departments’’. This broad definition
does not unfortunately assist in the problem of comparisons of individual ICUs between
studies. The definition of HDU is even less clear, with some HDUs allowing invasive
monitoring while in others only noninvasive monitoring is performed. A multicentre
study [2] of NPPV in general respiratory wards illustrates the large variation in nurse to
patient ratios in different centres; the mean nurse to patient ratio was 1:11 with a range
of 1:2.6–1:13.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 189–199. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
For the purpose of the present chapter, the following definitions are used. ICU:
implies continuous monitoring of vital signs, facilities for IMV via oral or nasal
endotracheal tube with high levels of nurse staffing throughout a 24-h period in a
specified clinical area. Patients generally require support for more than one failing organ
system. HDU: implies continuous monitoring of vital signs with a nurse to patient ratio
intermediate between that of the ICU and the general ward in a specified clinical area.
These are able to care for tracheostomised patients receiving ventilation but otherwise
do not look after invasively ventilated patients. Patients generally have single organ
failure. General ward: these take unselected emergency admission and, although most
will have a particular speciality interest, it is likely that, because of the unpredictability
of demand, patients with a variety of conditions and degrees of severity will be cared for
in the same clinical area. Nurse staffing levels will vary but the intensity of nursing input
available on HDUs and ICUs will not be possible.
failure and that the level of ventilatory support was very modest (inspiratory positive
airway pressure of 8 cmH2O).
ANGUS et al. [11] compared NPPV and Doxapram in patients with COPD and type II
respiratory failure in a small (n517; nine in the NPPV group and eight in Doxapram
group) randomised trial on a general ward. NPPV resulted in a significant improvement
in both arterial oxygen tension (Pa,O2) and Pa,CO2 at 4 h. Contrastingly, no fall in Pa,CO2
occurred in those patients treated with Doxapram and an initial improvement in Pa,O2
was not sustained at 4 h. At both 1 and 4 h, pH was significantly better in the NPPV
group compared with the Doxapram group. All the patients in the NPPV group were
discharged home, although one required Doxapram in addition to NPPV during their
acute illness. A total of three out of eight patients in the Doxapram group died and a
further two received NPPV. This small study suggests that NPPV is more effective than
Doxapram in the treatment of respiratory failure associated with COPD. However, no
comparisons were made of nursing work load, patient tolerance or complication rates
between the two groups.
In a multicentre RCT of NPPV in acute exacerbations of COPD (n5236) on general
respiratory wards in 13 centres [2] NPPV was applied, by the usual ward staff, using a
bilevel device in spontaneous mode according to a simple protocol. ‘‘Treatment failure’’,
a surrogate for the need for intubation, defined by a priori criteria was reduced from 27
to 15% by NPPV (p,0.05) and in-hospital mortality was also reduced from 20 to 10%
(p,0.05). Subgroup analysis suggested that the outcome in patients with pH ,7.30 after
initial treatment was inferior to that in the studies performed in the ICU. There was no
difference in length of stay between the groups median (length of stay median 10 days;
range standard group 2–119 days, NPPV group 4–137 days; p50.269). Due to a
reduction in ICU utilisation, NPPV was highly cost effective, resulting in a saving of
GBP 4,114 for each death avoided [13]. This study suggests that, with adequate staff
training, NPPV can be applied with benefit outside the ICU by the usual ward staff and
that the early introduction of NPPV on a general ward results in a better outcome with
cost savings than providing no ventilatory support for acidotic patients outside the ICU.
It must, however, be put into an international perspective. In North America and in
many European countries, NPPV would not be considered an appropriate treatment for
the ward environment. The fact that early intervention has been confirmed as having an
advantage, potentially increases the number of patients with an exacerbation of COPD
who should receive ventilatory support. In the UK and other countries, in which ICU
beds are in short supply, if COPD patients are to receive NPPV, it will usually be in the
ward location, where nurses provide global care and can adopt some of the roles of the
respiratory therapist. These features of the UK setting may reduce the general
application of the mortality data to countries with good ICU provision. The study
certainly does not suggest that NPPV should be performed on a general ward in
preference to an ICU or a higher dependency setting.
There have been no direct comparisons between outcomes from NPPV in the ICU
and on a general ward and it is unlikely that there ever will be such a trial. It should be
appreciated that, while there is some overlap, the skills needed for noninvasive
ventilation are different to those required for IMV and the outcome from NPPV is likely
to be better on a general ward where the staff have a lot of experience of NPPV, than on
an ICU with high nurse, therapist and doctor to patient ratios and a high level of
monitoring but little experience of NPPV. The patient’s perspective is also important;
many find their experience of ICU to be unpleasant [6] and the less-intensive atmosphere
of a noninvasive unit may be less distressing, although there is no evidence to support
this assertion. The best location for a NPPV service will depend critically upon local
factors, particularly the skill levels of doctors, nurses and therapists in looking after
patients receiving NPPV. Patient throughput is an important factor which impacts upon
the development and retention of the particular skills needed for NPPV. A study from
the UK suggested that for the average general hospital, serving a population of 250,000
and with a standardised mortality rate for COPD of 100, six patients per month, with an
acute exacerbation of COPD, will require NPPV, assuming that ventilation is initiated in
patients with a pH ,7.35 after initial treatment [14]. This number excludes patients with
other conditions requiring NPPV and those who require it later in their hospital stay,
e.g. for weaning etc. With relatively small numbers of patients per month, NPPV is best
performed in a single location, in order to facilitate staff training and to maximise
throughput and skill retention.
avoided. The likelihood of success or failure with NPPV is a key factor in deciding the
most appropriate location. It could be argued that, for patients with a high likelihood of
failing, NPPV should be initiated on the ICU and, once stabilised, the patient could be
transferred to the ward normally providing NPPV. It is, therefore, helpful to be aware of
when NPPV is likely to fail since this may affect the decision as to the most appropriate
location for NPPV in a particular patient. A number of studies have looked at predictors
of outcome for NPPV in acute exacerbations of COPD [1, 8, 19, 20–25]. The major
limiting factor is that prediction models are only as good as the data entered; data that
are not collected, cannot be entered into the model. Furthermore, the chosen outcome
may influence the results. For instance if ‘‘failure of blood gas tensions to improve
within a certain time’’ is taken as an indication for intubation then this will, by default,
become a failure criterion even if, perhaps with persistence and adjustment of ventilator
settings, success with NPPV could have been achieved.
Data available at the time NPPV is initiated and after a short period can predict the
likelihood of success or failure with a reasonable degree of precision (table 1). Patients
with high Acute Physiological and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores,
pneumonia, who are underweight or have a greater level of neurological deterioration
are more likely to fail on NPPV [19]. A reduction in respiratory rate with NPPV has
been shown in a number of studies, with larger falls generally being associated with a
successful outcome [1, 19, 20], although this is not always seen [26]. The change in
arterial blood gas tensions, particularly pH, after a short period of NPPV, predicts a
successful outcome [1, 8, 19, 20, 26, 27]. An improvement in arterial blood pH and/or
Pa,CO2 at 30 mins [22], 1 h [27] or after a longer period [28, 29] predicts successful
NPPV. After 4 h of therapy, improvement in acidosis and/or a fall in respiratory rate is
associated with success [28, 29]. Although NPPV results in lower rates of nosocomial
infections compared with IMV, colonisation with nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli,
mainly Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is strongly associated with NPPV failure in
exacerbations of COPD [30]. The tolerance of NPPV also predicts subsequent outcome.
Patients with an inability to minimise the amount of mask leak or an inability to co-
ordinate with NPPV are less likely to improve with NPPV [19, 23, 24], and there should
be a low threshold for IMV. In addition, NPPV is more likely to fail if there is reduced
compliance with ventilation [19]. NPPV is less likely to be successful if there are
associated complications or if the patients pre-morbid condition is poor [31, 32]. Late
failure after initially successful NPPV is a bad prognostic factor, with over half the
patients dying, even with IMV [31].
Although there have been a number of studies to ascertain predictors of outcome for
patients with COPD requiring NPPV [19, 22, 24, 28, 29, 33, 34], these studies have a
number of limitations. Most have recruited small numbers of patients from a small
number of centres, have been retrospective and important variables that have been
shown to be predictive in other studies may not have been included. Furthermore, the
outcome variable is usually survival to hospital discharge. There are few data about
longer term outcome, post discharge health status or the longer term outcome of
patients who fail an initial trial of NPPV and either receive no further treatment or
receive IMV. The clinician needs to make two decisions; first, the likelihood of success of
a particular technique in the short term (most patients who fail with NPPV do so in the
first 12–24 h [1]) and secondly, the effect of an intervention upon longer term outcome.
It is possible that ready recourse to IMV results in better short-term results but worse
long-term survival than NPPV and there is some evidence to support this theory [35].
There is, therefore, a need for a prospective study of predictors of outcome for patients
receiving NPPV in a wide variety of different centres. It is important that the predictors
be those that are readily available at the time when decisions need to be made. At the
time of writing, the European Predictors of Outcome from Ventilation (EPOV) study,
Table 1. – Predictors of failure and success in noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV)
Predictors of failure
Patient Factors
Excessive secretions
Colonisation with nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
Poor premorbid condition
High APACHE II scores
Low level of consciousness
Low pH prior to starting NPPV
Late failure after initially successful NPPV
Technical factors
Inability to minimise leak
Inability to co-ordinate with NPPV
Reduced compliance with ventilation
Predictors of success
Large reduction in respiratory rate
Improvement in pH and/or carbon dioxide tension at 30 min, 1 h or after a longer period
Improvement in acidosis and/or a fall in respiratory rate after 4 h of therapy
BMI: body mass index; APACHE: Acute Physiological and Chronic Health Evaluation.
Table 2. – Factors to be considered in determining where noninvasive positive pressure ventilation should be
carried out
at least some patients, respiratory acidosis had been precipitated by high-flow oxygen
therapy administered in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. It is important to
note that the Yorkshire Noninvasive Ventilation (YONIV) study [2], the only study to
show an unequivocal benefit from NPPV outside the ICU, only recruited patients who
remained acidotic and tachypnoeic on arrival to the ward.
A cohort of patients for whom intubation is not considered appropriate because their
previous medical history is well known, present to the emergency room in extremis and
require immediate ventilatory support. In that situation, it would be reasonable to start
noninvasive ventilation in the emergency room to stabilise the patient for transfer to the
ward, on which NPPV is normally performed. In other patients, the clinical findings
suggest that intubation would not be appropriate but the medical notes or a family
member are not available to corroborate this. NPPV may be useful in this situation to
create time in which to obtain further information or to allow the patient to recover to
the point at which they can give a history. However, if there is no improvement, the
patient should be intubated and transferred to the ICU.
In summary, most patients presenting to the emergency room with an acute
exacerbation of COPD do not need NPPV but particular attention should be paid to
controlled oxygen therapy. NPPV may be needed in occasional patients who are in
extremis and for whom intubation is not considered appropriate. If it is normal policy
for patients to receive the first 24 h of treatment in the emergency department, then
NPPV should be started there in those who remain acidotic and tachypnoeic, a short
time after standard medication has been administered and oxygen therapy optimised.
and hospital (p50.04) and 2-month mortality (p50.03) but was not an independent
predictor of outcome.
As with acute exacerbations of COPD, it would, therefore, appear that it is possible to
manage patients with milder disease successfully with NPPV. Further data are needed
but it would be reasonable for patients with milder disease to have a trial of NPPV in an
experienced noninvasive unit outside the ICU. Rapid access to intubation and
mechanical ventilation must, however, be available.
There have been a large number of studies of the use of NPPV, including CPAP, in
patients with cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. If NPPV is to be used, it must be initiated
early because of the natural history of the condition and, in practice, this will mean
initiation at the point of entry to hospital. Indeed, out of hospital NPPV for cardiogenic
pulmonary oedema has been described, although in one RCT was not shown to be of
benefit [36].
Staff training and experience are more important than location, and adequate
numbers of staff, skilled in NPPV, must be available 24 h a day. Due to the demands of
looking after acutely ill patients and to aid training and skill retention, NPPV is usually
best carried out in a single location with one nurse responsible for no more than three to
four patients in total. Whether this is called an ICU, an HDU or is part of a general
ward is largely irrelevant. Further studies are needed to determine the optimal threshold
for initiating NPPV, particularly in conditions other than COPD, to assess the
feasibility, safety and effectiveness in lower intensity settings and to determine the cost-
effectiveness, in both the short and long terms.
This chapter reviews the evidence base for the use of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in
a variety of locations. Ultimately individual circumstances, different between different
countries and indeed within an individual country, will determine the best location for
an NIV service. Staff training and expertise, however, are key. The need to have a
mechanism for monitoring progress and a clear plan, from the outset, of what to do in
case of deterioration is stressed. Although the main focus is upon patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, other conditions are touched on.
1. Brochard L, Mancebo J, Wysocki M, et al. Noninvasive ventilation for acute exacerbations of
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3. Nava S, Ambrosino N, Clini E, et al. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in the weaning of
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4. Antonelli M, Conti G, Rocco M, et al. A comparison of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
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5. Antonelli M, Conti G, Bufi M, et al. Noninvasive ventilation for treatment of acute respiratory
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6. Easton C, MacKenzie F. Sensory-perceptual alterations: delirium in the intensive care unit. Heart
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7. Intensive care in the United Kingdom: report from the King’s Fund panel. Anaesthesia 1989; 44:
8. Bott J, Carroll MP, Conway JH, et al. Randomised controlled trial of nasal ventilation in acute
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Pneumology and Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France.
Correspondence: J-F. Muir, Service de Pneumologie et Unité de Soins Intensifs Respiratoires (Hôpital de
Bois-Guillaume), CHU de Rouen 76031 Rouen, France. Fax: 33 232889000; E-mail: Jean-
The standard treatment of severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with
chronic hypoxia and cor pulmonale is long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT), as shown in
two previous randomised controlled trials [1–2], to improve survival when used for
i15 h?day-1. In the British Medical Research Council multicentre trial [2], it also
appeared that, in spite of the good compliance of the group under LTOT, the most
hypercapnic and polycythaemic patients at inclusion were the earliest to die, during the
first 500 days of LTOT, confirming, as in other studies [3–7], that the pejorative
significance of an elevated level of arterial carbon dioxide tension (Pa,CO2) before onset
of LTOT. If the incidence of an elevated Pa,CO2 under LTOT, which, itself, also worsens
Pa,CO2 in many patients, remains debated [8–13] then its negative significance on
prognosis, when a progressively worsening level of Pa,CO2 appears during the course of
COPD in spite of a maximal medical treatment combined with LTOT, is well established
[11,14]. Then, the place of an external respiratory assistance, in order to compensate for
night-time hypoventilation and thus correct hypercapnia [14], warranted further
evaluation, considering the good results of noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIV)
in hypercapnic patients with chronic respiratory failure (CRF) secondary to restrictive
pulmonary diseases [15] and in COPD patients with acute hypercapnic respiratory
failure (AHRF) [16–21].
Long-term home mechanical ventilation (LTHMV) is generally considered in patients
with COPD and CRF when LTOT fails, with progressive worsening of general and
respiratory status, associated with frequent episodes of acute respiratory failure (ARF)
leading the patients to intensive care unit [22]. Home mechanical ventilation represents
the discharge to home from acute (or chronic) care hospital of ventilator-assisted
patients who require long-term use of their ventilator (at least 3 h?day-1) intermittently
or continuously, either with a tracheostomy, mouthpiece, facial or nasal mask, or an
external device [23, 24]. However, LTHMV in severe COPD patients is still controversial
since only limited prospective data have been published to date in this population. This
chapter will highlight the present data from the literature concerning noninvasive
positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) in acute and chronic care management of COPD
patients and will suggest an algorithm for selecting the subpopulation of patients who
will beneficiate from NPPV on a long-term basis.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 203–223. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
LTHMV with intermittent positive pressure ventilation was introduced in clinical
practice after the iron lung era during the 1950s. LTHMV development was favored by a
rapid progress in ventilator technology and a net survival improvement of patients
treated by tracheotomy-mediated ventilation, later reported by ROBERT et al. [25] in a
retrospective study including various aetiologies of CRF. After the poliomyelitis
epidemics, LTHMV was further indicated in patients with chronic respiratory
insufficiency secondary to many restrictive disorders like muscular dystrophies and
tuberculosis sequelae but also to obstructive diseases such as chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). At the beginning of the 1960s, SADOUL et al. [26],
documented satisfactory arterial blood gases controls by using volumetric ventilators
and facial masks in COPD patients with ARF. However, that technique was abandoned
because of the large extent of ventilation with tracheostomy at that period and because
convenient masks were not available.
The relative interest of intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) through
mouthpiece or tracheotomy versus LTOT for COPD patients was discussed as soon as
the early 1970s [27]. At the end of the 1970s, the multicentric study of the British
Medical Research Council (BMRC) [2] confirmed the first results from the Denver
group [28] and showed a significant improvement of survival among COPD patients
receiving LTOT versus a control group without LTOT. The simultaneous publication of
the American Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial (NOTT) study also demonstrated
benefits in the group receiving continuous LTOT versus a control group in which only
nocturnal oxygen therapy had been given [1]. Oxygen therapy seemed to put an end to
the cumbersome and constraining long-term mechanical ventilation techniques for
which indications had never been clearly documented in COPD patients. However,
within the present decade, general advances in respiratory care and rehabilitation, better
home-care services and a new generation of compact, portable ventilators have
prompted renewed interest in long-term mechanical ventilation [29]. Improvement of
interfaces, such as nasal masks [30, 31] or external prostheses of the 1980s, gave a new
interest in noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Thus, many thousands of patients,
mainly with a restrictive ventilatory defect, are currently treated by LTHMV all over the
world [32]. However, NPPV is not new, if we consider the important results obtained in
polio patients in the 1950s with perithoracic ventilation.
In the late 1980s, the publications from MEDURI et al. [16] about facial mask
ventilation in COPD patients with ARF were confirmed in a controlled fashion
successively by BROCHARD et al. [19], KRAMER et al. [17] and BOTT et al. [18]. Such data
favoured numerous publications proving benefits of this technique not only in the acute
care setting but also in the long-term, similarly reported in neuromuscular patients by
BACH and ALBA [33] and by RIDEAU [34] for patients with muscular dystrophy. As a
result, NPPV was reconsidered for patients with severe hypoxic and hypercapnic COPD
whose condition was unstable and who had poor responsiveness to LTOT [35].
NPPV may be delivered through various ventilatory methods, which are generally divided
in two concepts, internal methods using intermittent positive pressure ventilation, and
external methods with mainly negative pressure ventilation using perithoracic prostheses.
better performing than the classic iron lung. These devices, such as cuirass, external
shells and jackets (poncho or wrap), are applied to the thorax and/or the abdomen.
Several trials have been conducted to determine whether respiratory muscles can be
rested by negative pressure ventilation and if this is beneficial on a long-term basis.
Preliminary results showed that there was a real effect on the dyspnoea level, on the
capture of diaphragmatic activity and on the respiratory muscle strength [37]. In terms
of dyspnoea levels, negative intermittent pressure ventilation seems better tolerated by
‘‘type B’’ COPD patients (i.e. hypercapnic) than by ‘‘type A’’ (i.e. eucapnic)
emphysematous patients. However, randomised trials failed to prove efficiency of this
treatment and compliance was poor [38, 39]. A controlled, randomised study [40]
showed no beneficial effects on arterial blood gases, walking tests, level of dyspnoea and
quality of life in 184 COPD patients treated over 12 weeks with effective negative
intermittent pressure ventilation by poncho, compared with a sham ventilation with
poncho. Compliance was poor within the 63 patients not using the poncho or it was
stopped before the end of the study. These poor results and a low compliance with such
a cumbersome technique explain that negative pressure ventilation was supplanted by
the rapidly growing nasal ventilation.
studies. Different studies [42, 44] have reported the prognosis of COPD with HMVT,
which appeared less favorable compared with patients with restrictive chest wall or
neuromuscular disorders. In the series by ROBERT et al. [25], the 5-yr survival was 30%
and the 10-yr survival was 8%, with stabilisation after the tenth year for a population of
112 COPD patients using HMVT (fig. 1). However, these results must be considered as
an attempt at improving patient comfort by reducing the frequency of hospitalisations
for ARF [29, 48, 49].
This led the present authors to conduct a similar multicentric retrospective study in a
larger population of 259 COPD patients treated by HMVT with the help of ANTADIR
(Association Nationale pour le Traitement a Domicile des Insuffisants Respiratoires) [50].
Survival curves (fig. 2) were drawn between that of the study by ROBERT et al. [25] and
the previous reports of LTOT alone in the BMRC [2] and NOTT [1] trials. The latter
reported recruited patients with less-severe COPD: 42% with 5-yr survival and 22% with
8-yr survival. However, survival in the ANTADIR study was better than the survival of
treated patients from the BMRC trial until the fourth year of follow-up, where survival
curves become identical. In spite of the difficulty to extrapolate from one study to
another, comparison of the survival curves from the ANTADIR group to those of the
BMRC study seems to favour a more-interventional approach for these patients
including a trial of mechanical ventilation. Indeed, the BMRC study showed that early
deaths were recruited in the most hypercapnic and the most polyglobulic patients; i.e.
those with the most severe chronic respiratory failure. Logically, mechanical ventilation
should have been beneficial to those patients since LTOT appeared to provide no benefit
during the first 500 days after initiation.
Survival possibility %
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time yrs
Fig. 1. – Survival of patients treated at home by long-term mechanical ventilation with tracheostomy according to
the aetiology of the chronic respiratory failure. — - —: post-polio syndrome; ..........: myopathies; - - - - - -:
kyphoscoliosis; – – –: damaging sequelae of tuberculosis; — - - —: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ——:
bronchiectasis. Reproduced from [25] with permission from the publisher.
Survival probability % 80
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time yrs
Fig. 2. – Actuarial survival curve of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients treated by home
mechanical ventilation with tracheotomy as compared with long-term oxygen therapy. In this figure are presented the
results implying tracheotomised patients from the studies of ROBERT et al. [25] (- - - - - (n550)) and of MUIR et al. [50],
(—— (n5259)). Survival curves are compared with patients treated by oxygen therapy alone from the American
Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial (NOTT) [8] (12 h group: — — (n5101)); 24 h group: .......... (n5101)) and the
British Medical Research Council (BMRC) [2] (15 h group: — (n542); control group: — - — - (n545)) studies.
Study/NOTT O2 12 h group, p,0.05 and study/BMRC control group p,0.05.
and chronic conditions [56, 57]. After 1–2 months of nasal IPPV at night, transcutaneous
Pa,CO2 and Sa,O2 improved.
Important results were obtained in COPD patients with ARF [16, 19, 51–55] whereby
nasal NPPV may avoid endotrachal intubation in more than 50% of patients when used
as the initial treatment [19]. It was then attractive to perform NPPV on a long-term basis
in COPD patients with CRF but this subject remains controversial [52]. In the first
uncontrolled studies with COPD patients treated with NPPV for three to nine months, a
significant improvement occurred in the diurnal arterial blood gases with an
improvement of sleep quality [31, 53], the best results being obtained in the more
hypercapnic patients [56, 57] with nevertheless a less satisfactory compliance than in
restrictive patients.
However, there is currently only minimal data to assess usefulness of NPPV in COPD
patients on a long-term basis [55–57]. In 12 patients, ELLIOTT et al. [21] reported an
interesting compliance to the nasal ventilation with an improvement of arterial blood
gases at the 12th month (fig. 3), with an improvement of sleep quality and of quality of
life. In a collective of 276 patients under NPPV (among which, 50 COPD were included),
LÉGER et al. [58] reported an improvement of Pa,O2 and Pa,CO2 after 1 and 2 yrs. After
1 yr, the authors showed a marked reduction of the numbers of days in hospital for
ARF, the probability to pursue NPPV was 55% at the 36th month of treatment (fig. 4).
A retrospective study in 33 COPD patients followed during 5 yrs [59] showed that the
probability of continuing ventilation was lower (y43%); however, this study concerned
patients at the end stage of their disease (fig. 5). In 14 patients with hypercapnic COPD
followed during 6 months, PERRIN et al. [60] showed that daytime arterial blood gases
were improved with NPPV and that the total St George Respiratory Questionnaire score
and the impact components of it, were improved (fig. 6).
Some controlled studies are available but remain controversial: STRUMPF et al. [61],
using NPPV in a randomised crossover study within 23 patients with COPD, failed to
a) 10 b)
Pa,CO2 kPa
c) 10 d)
Pa,CO2 kPa
0 6 12 0 6 12
Time months Time months
Fig. 3. – Arterial blood gas tensions a and b) arterial oxygen tension (Pa,O2) and c and d) arterial carbon dioxide
tension (Pa,CO2) during spontaneous breathing and after 6 months and 1 yr in patients submitted to noninvasive
mechanical ventilation (NIMV): seven patients still using NIMV at home and one who discontinued ventilation after
9 months. Three patients who discontinued home mechanical ventilation before 6 months. Reproduced from [21] with
permission from the publisher.
100 n
90 n l
n nl l
Survival probability %
80 n n l
n l
n n
l l
70 n
60 s n
s s s
50 n l
0 6 12 18 24 30 36
Time months
Fig. 4. – Probability to continue noninvasive mechanical ventilation in various aetiologies of chronic respiratory
failure. $: kyphoscolliosis; h: tuberculosis; #: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; m: bronchiectasis;
&: duchenne. Reproduced from [58] with permission from the publisher.
tests, arterial blood gases, index of respiratory muscle strength or ventilatory drive.
Sleep quality was worse under NPPV. This negative study was flawed by the low level of
IPAP used (8–15 mmHg), which did not allow to control nocturnal hypoventilation,
and also by the duration of each treatment period, which was too short to achieve a
satisfactory adaptation to treatment. In the same direction, GAY et al. [65] studied 35
severe hypercapnic COPD patients randomised for a 3-month period of either NPPV
with BiPAP1 at 10 cmH2O IPAP or sham NPPV with IPAP at 0 cmH2O. Only four of
the seven patients from the NPPV group completed the study compared with all 6
patients from the sham NPPV group. Only one patient had a substantial reduction of
Pa,CO2 under NPPV. Indeed, no significant change and no difference were observed
Continuing NIMV %
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time yrs
Fig. 5. – Probability of continuing noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) in UK according to different
diagnostic groups. — —: poliomyelitis; — - - —: tuberculosis; .......: neuromuscular; - - -: kyphoscoliosis; ——: chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; — - —: bronchiectasis. Reproduced from [59] with permission from the publisher.
SGRQ score % 50
Activity Impacts Symptoms Total
Fig. 6. – Evolution of the St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) scores after 6 months of nasal intermittent
positive pressure ventilation. &: SGRQ before NPPV. h: SGRQ after 6 months of NPPV. *: p,0.05. From PERRIN
et al. [60].
between both arms of the study considering Pa,CO2 decrease, modification of lung
function, nocturnal O2 saturation and sleep efficiency. Again, this study included only a
small group of patients for rather short periods of NPPV.
In a more-recent paper, CASANOVA et al. [66] studied 52 patients with severe COPD
receiving, in a randomised order, either NPPV plus standard care or standard care alone
(93% with LTOT) for 1 yr. Survival was identical at 1 yr (78%) as well as the number of
acute exacerbations. The number of hospital admissions fell significantly at 3 months in
the NPPV group (5 versus 15%) but remained unchanged after the third month (fig. 8).
The only benefits observed in the NPPV arms were a reduction of dyspnoea and an
improvement of one of the neuropsychological tests (psychomotor coordination) at
6 months. Again, it was concluded that there was a trend towards a marginal benefit of
NPPV in severe COPD patients but on a limited population and during a too short
period of follow-up of 1 yr.
The trial conducted by CLINI et al. [67] included 122 patients during 2 yrs, using
pressure support ventilators in the NIV arm, and showed a similar rate of mortality
between the two groups: 18% with NIV and 17% with LTOT. The design of the study
aimed to assess the effect of the treatment on severity of hypercapnia, use of healthcare
resources and health related quality of life (HRQL). This trial showed no reduction of
hospital admission in the two arms in the study; however, in the NIV group, there were a
trend towards a reduction of hospital admission when comparing the follow-up with the
follow-back period, as there was a trend towards increment in the LTOT group. Using
the MRF-28, use of NPPV and oxygen was associated with an improvement of HRQL
versus oxygen alone (fig. 9).
In another study, TUGGEY et al. [68] showed that domiciliary NIV, applied in a highly
selected population of COPD patients with recurrent admissions for acidotic
exacerbations requiring acute NIV, was effective at reducing admissions and minimising
costs from the perspective of the acute hospital. Then NIV could be associated in
selected patients with a reduction of the severity of AHRF episodes and perhaps also
with a stabilization role on the course of the disease at least during the first year of
application of NIV; this initial trend for improvement is not clear, but could be linked to
the acute effect of NIV in responders as the final prognosis is recaptured by the
spontaneous evolution of the disease.
a) 75
Pa,O2 mmHg 60
b) 75
Pa,CO2 mmHg
Run-in Oxygen Oxygen
plus NPSV
Fig. 7. – Individual (----) and mean (–––) values of a) daytime arterial oxygen (Pa,O2) and b) carbon dioxide (Pa,CO2)
tensions at run-in, after 3 months of oxygen alone and 3 months of oxygen and nasal pressure support (NPSV) in 14
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Reproduced from [63] with permission from the publisher.
a) 80 b)
Patients affected %
Acute Admissions Endotracheal Acute Admissions Endotracheal
exacerbations intubations exacerbations intubations
Fig. 8. – Long-term morbidity (acute exacerbations, admissions to the hospital and endotracheal intubation) in
patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after oxygen treatment alone and oxygen plus noninvasive
positive pressure ventilation (NPPV). There were no significant differences in any outcome at either a) 3 or b)
12 months. h: controls; &: NPPV. Reproduced from [66] with permission from the publisher.
a) 15 b)
SGRQ score change
0 l l
s n
-5 l
c) 15 d)
SGRQ score change
u #
0 l l l
n l
-5 l
M0 M24 M0 M24
Fig. 9. – Change from baseline in total and dimension scores of St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). a and
b) ¤: symptoms; &: activity; m: impact; $: total and Maugeri Foundation Respiratory Failure Questionnaire (MRF-
28). c and d) #: cognitive behaviour; ¤: activity; &: disability; : others; $: total. M0 : discharge; M24: 24 months after
discharge. Group comparision for changes from baseline in total SGRQ score was not significant (p50.554). #: p50.041,
treatment effect 7.100, 95% confidence interval 0.13–4.07. Reproduced from [67] with permission from the publisher.
Even if such studies are difficult to manage, there is clearly a need for prospective
studies comparing LTOT and NPPV in the most severe obstructive pulmonary diseases, in
a large amount of patients and on a real long-term basis of several years. Many patients
with COPD are currently using NPPV at home, as showed in a recent European survey
[69]. Two randomised prospective studies have been completed in Europe [70] and in
Australia to assess the real role of NPPV in severe hypercapnic patients either under
mechanical ventilation with volume preset machines or with pressure preset respirators.
Evaluation of NPPV in diffuse bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis (CF) brings
arguments to the contention that patients with severe airway obstruction and
hypercapnia may respond favorably to NPPV. In bronchiectasis patients, BENHAMOU
et al. [70, 71] showed a Pa,CO2 decrease and less frequent hospitalizations during the year
after NPPV initiation (compared with the previous year). Other series have reported
stabilisation of severe hypercapnic patients with CF under NPPV while they awaited
lung transplantation [72–74].
Table 1. – Clinical indicators for institution of nasal positive pressure ventilation in patients with COPD
Disease documentation
Establish and document an appropriate diagnosis History
Physical examination
Results of diagnostic tests
The most common obstructive lung diseases would Chronic Bronchitis
Cystic fibrosis
Assure optimal management of COPD Bronchodilators
Oxygen therapy when indicated
Optimal management of other underlying disorders Multichannel sleep study to exclude associated OSAS if
clinically indicated
Indications for usage
Symptoms Fatigue
Morning headache, etc.
Physiological criteria (one of the following) Pa,CO2 i55 mmHg
Pa,CO2 between 50 and 54 mmHg with nocturnal desatura-
tion (Sa,O2 by pulse oximetry ƒ88% for 5 continuous min
while receiving oxygen therapy i2 L?min-1)
Pa,CO2 between 50 and 54 mmHg with hospitilisation related
to recurrent episodes of hypercapnic respiratory failure
(i2 in a 12-month period)
OSAS: obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome; Pa,CO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension; Sa,O2: arterial oxygen
saturation. Adapted from [74].
+ Acute on Acute
chronic emergency
Active then - ventilation
Tracheostomy Weaning
and HMVT NIPPV - trial
+ +
No Stabilisation?
Discuss long-term
Fig. 10. – Algorithm for indicating long term oxygen therapy (LTOT) and nasal positive pressure ventilation in
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic respiratory failure (CRF). HMVT: home
mechanical ventilation via tracheotomy; -: failure; +: success. Reproduced from [41] with permission from the
could be associated with long-term failure of NPPV, as showed by WINDISCH et al. [97].
A back-up frequency is usually set at 12 breaths?min-1 and the inspiratory duration as
short as possible. The fraction of inspired oxygen (FI,O2) is adjusted to correct nocturnal
hypoxaemia and controlled by night oximetry. The comfort of the patient remains
crucial and conditions the long-term compliance. VITTACCA et al. [98] confirmed that
ventilatory settings established according to patient tolerance, patient comfort and
arterial blood gases controls were as satisfactory as ventilatory settings established more
rigorously upon more conventional criteria, mechanics and respiratory muscle function
When pressure-support ventilation fails, trials of pressure assist-controlled ventilation
and/or flow-preset ventilation may be used. With volume-preset ventilation, settings are
similar to those of mechanical ventilation in COPD with ARF (tidal volume 10–
15 mL?kg-1 with nasal mask ventilation; inspiratory/expiratory ratio of 1/3 or less, back
up frequency respiratory rate 12 breaths?min-1; inspiratory trigger set for optimal
confort of the patient; FI,O2 as needed). Oxygen supplementation of the respirator can be
achieved conventionally by cylinders, liquid oxygen or a concentrator.
Nasal or facial masks commonly in use are similar to the devices used to treat sleep
apnoea syndrome. Nasal pillows are sometimes preferred for local skin tolerance and/or
particular anatomical configuration. Alternate use between different masks or nasal
cannules may be proposed as needed to improve comfort of the patient.
In conclusion, long-term noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease should be considered as a preventative treatment in
severe patients with unstable respiratory condition associated with fluctuating
hypercapnia before, during and after an acute respiratory failure episode. Instability
may be appreciated on a clinical basis and confirmed by a progressive worsening of
arterial blood gas tensions, leading to frequent cardiorespiratory decompensations with
ominous acute respiratory failure episodes. In this setting, the association of NPPV with
pulmonary rehabilitation programmes is promising.
The key role of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is well documented
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients with acute respiratory
failure (ARF) since it may avoid endotracheal intubation in .50% of cases when used
as the initial treatment. However, there is currently only minimal data to assess
usefulness of NPPV in COPD patients on a long-term basis. Even if such studies are
difficult to manage, there is clearly a need for prospective studies comparing long-
term oxygen therapy and NPPV in the most severe COPD in a large amount of
patients and on a real long-term basis of several years. Two randomised, prospective
studies are being completed in Europe and the first preliminary results show that
NPPV is associated with a reduction of hospitalisation for CRF decompensation.
The main beneficial effect of long-term mechanical ventilation in COPD patients with
chronic respiratory failure implies a correction of nocturnal hypoventilation that
could persist beyond the ventilation period because of a temporary improvement in
CO2 sensitivity that is often blunted in these patients.
The literature suggests considering NPPV for severe COPD patients who present with
chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia and develop an unstable respiratory condition.
Instability may be appreciated on a clinical basis and confirmed by a progressive
worsening of arterial blood gas tensions, leading to frequent cardiorespiratory
decompensations with ominous ARF episodes. NPPV should also be considered after
an ARF episode successfully treated by noninvasive ventilation but with the
impossibility to wean the patient from the ventilator.
Thus, NPPV could be proposed as a preventative treatment in severe COPD patients
with unstable respiratory condition associated with fluctuating hypercapnia before,
during and after an ARF episode, avoiding the need for a tracheotomy. Adjunction of
NPPV to exercise rehabilitation is under evaluation.
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A.K. Simonds
Correspondence: A.K. Simonds, Academic Unit of Sleep & Breathing, Royal Brompton Hospital, London
SW3 6NP, UK. Fax: 44 2073518911; E-mail:
General considerations
Neuromuscular patients comprise a heterogeneous group, at different stages of the
natural history of the disorders and include many uncommon diseases, so it is not
surprising that there have been few systematic or randomised studies of noninvasive
ventilation (NIV) in neuromuscular disease. In the present chapter, general consider-
ations will be discussed and outcomes presented in relatively stable conditions such as
previous poliomyelitis and spinal cord injury, and the progressive disorders Duchenne
muscular dystrophy (DMD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; motor neurone
disease (MND)) as these exemplify key principles of therapy.
In addition specific problems in the neuromuscular group may include: ineffective
cough and secretion clearance; bulbar weakness and swallowing dysfunction; general-
ised limb weakness creating difficulty placing and removing interfaces, and operating
ventilators; and accompanying cardiomyopathy in some conditions, e.g. DMD,
glycogen storage disorders and Emery Dreifuss muscular dystrophy.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 224–239. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
Table 1. – Likelihood of developing respiratory insufficiency in inherited and acquired neuromuscular disease
Initiation of NIV
Most authorities now advise that NIV is started once symptomatic nocturnal
hypoventilation has been identified before the development of diurnal hypercapnia [4].
This allows sensible planning and may prevent episodes of uncontrolled ventilatory
decompensation. Outpatient or inpatient initiation may be equally safe and provides
patients and families with a choice.
Swallowing dysfunction
Fig. 1. – Clinical algorithm including timing of interventions. REM: rapid eye movement; FVC: forced vital
capacity; % pred: % predicted; NREM: non-REM; PEG/PEJ: percutaneous enteral gastrostomy/percutaneous
jejunostomy; T-IPPV: tracheostomy intermittent positive pressure ventilation.
ischaemic heart disease [7]. Although physical function was reduced in contrast to age-
matched population norms, mental health and energy/vitality were similar. Sleep quality
is a significant contributor to quality of life scores and, contrary to popular belief,
patients using nocturnal NIV rated their sleep quality as average (67%) or very good
(27%), with only 5% describing sleep quality as poor.
and hypercapnic induced arousals with resulting beneficial effects on sleep quality. Sleep
fragmentation and deprivation caused by arousal are known to have a negative effect on
ventilatory drive and, therefore, it is postulated that central drive is increased by the
enhanced sleep quality.
To add weight to this theory, ANNANE et al. [13] have shown that the decrease in
Pa,CO2 that occurs after initiation of NIV in patients with neuromuscular disease and
scoliosis is correlated with an increase in the slope of the ventilatory response to carbon
dioxide (r5 -0.68; p50.008). This study also showed no improvement in respiratory
muscle strength or lung mechanics. An additional mechanism contributing to increased
chemosensititvity to carbon dioxide may be the washout of carbon dioxide stores
following correction of overnight hypercapnia.
However, SCHONHOFER et al. [15] have challenged the belief that correction of
nocturnal hypoventilation is of key importance in a study using ventilatory support
solely during the day in patients who remained awake. There was no significant
difference in improvement in arterial blood gas tensions in patients using daytime and
night-time ventilator support, although obviously support during sleep is more
convenient for patients.
More recently, the interaction between NIV use and change in chemosensitivity to
carbon dioxide has been re-explored [16], this time using a combination of invasive and
noninvasive measures of respiratory function, in order to obviate volitional effects, and
difficulties using mouth pressure meters. A direct comparison with the results obtained
by ANNANE et al. [13] is not possible as measurements were made at baseline, after
5 days and 3 months of NIV. However, the overall outcome was similar in that in a
group with restrictive disorders (12 subjects with stable neuromuscular disease and eight
with scoliosis) as mean¡SD, hypercapnic ventilatory response increased significantly
from 2.8¡2.3 to 3.6¡2.4 L?min-1?kPa-1 at 5 days and further to 4.3¡3.3 L?min-1?kPa-1
after 3-months nocturnal NIV (p50.044). There was an interesting ‘‘dose response’’ in
that those using NIV for .4 h?night-1 showed a significant improvement in hyercapnic
ventilatory response and Pa,CO2 at 3 months, compared with those in whom average use
was ,4 h?night-1 where chemosensitivity and arterial blood gas tensions fell back to
baseline levels at 3 months after initial improvement at 5 days. Invasive measurements
of respiratory muscle strength and lung/chest wall compliance obtained using
oesophageal and gastric balloon pressure catheters showed no significant improvement.
Sleep stage distribution was not assessed in that study, so it is not clear whether it played
a part, as sleep deprivation has previously been shown to depress chemosenstivity to
carbon dioxide.
Overall, however, these results suggest that in stable neuromuscular (and scoliosis)
patients, one of the key mechanisms by which NIV affects improvement is by an increase
in ventilatory drive.
NIV results. However, as discussed elsewhere, patients prefer noninvasive modes where
these are feasible [19], and certainly the practicalities of implementing NIV are simpler
than those of T-IPPV. The possibility of weaning onto NIV should always be considered
in any patient using T-IPPV in the long term. Currently the main indications for T-IPPV
in neuromuscular disease are: extreme ventilator dependency; upper airway problems
e.g. tracheomalacia; marked bulbar weakness with swallowing and cough difficulties;
inability to use mask; failure to thrive on NIV, inadequate ventilation; and neonatal
ventilatory problems.
As an X-linked recessive disorder, DMD is the most common muscular dystrophy
in childhood with an incidence of around 1:3500 live male births. The gene and gene
product (dystrophin) have been identified, paving the way to gene-therapy trials. A
lack of dystrophin leads to the most severe forms of DMD. About 20% of cases are
diagnosed before the age of 2 yrs, others are identified as ‘‘motor milestones’’ are
missed. Previously, most boys lost ambulation by the age of 10–12 yrs, although,
since the widespread use of steroid therapy in childhood, wheelchair dependence may
now occur several years later. This change may also reduce the severity and impact
of scoliosis which tends to become more marked as the child becomes wheelchair
bound. Loss of lung volume tends to occur in mid teens with the onset of ventilatory
failure in late teens or early 20s. Once daytime hypercapnia is present, death within
1–2 yrs is virtually inevitable unless ventilatory support is provided [22]. Nearly all
young men now begin NIV; in some countries they progress to T-IPPV once failure
to thrive or bulbar problems intervene. In other countries a noninvasive approach
combining NIV and cough assistance is preferred. Pulmonary morbidity has been
shown to be reduced in some series using the combined noninvasive approach [20]
although once again there have been no true randomised comparisons. A
cardiomyopathy is an almost inevitable accompaniment and should be monitored
with yearly echocardiography and ECG. Comprehensive treatment of left ventricular
insufficiency is recommended with ACE inhibitor and b-blocker. It should be noted
that cardiac failure and respiratory insufficiency do not necessarily progress in
tandem. For example in Becker muscular dystrophy, cardiac dysfunction may
predate respiratory problems and significant heart block and malignant dysrhyth-
mias can be seen in this condition and in Emery Dreifuss muscular dystrophy. A 5-yr
survival of i70% in DMD patients on NIV [23, 24] should be expected with
increasing numbers of patients living into their 30s and 40s [25]; most report a
satisfactory quality of life [26]. Later complications include chronic constipation/
bowel problems and urinary retention.
The incidence of ALS is 1 in 50,000 per year, with a mean age at onset of 56 yrs.
The most frequent presentation is a mixture of progressive upper and lower motor
neurone signs in the spinal and bulbar territory (‘‘classical ALS’’) although diagnosis
may be problematical and up to 40% of patients experience a delayed diagnosis [27].
An acute presentation with overt respiratory failure [28] or features of nocturnal
hypoventilation is not uncommon [29] and most units have seen an increasing
number of referrals for ventilatory support in the last 5 yrs. Bulbar involvement
affects up to 30% of individuals at the onset the disease [30] but is virtually inevitable
by the terminal phase. Median survival is y2.5 yrs but a quarter of affected
individuals may live for 5 yrs or more. Prognosis tends to be better in younger
patients. The cause of nerve degeneration in MND is unknown but it may be related
to the excessive stimulation of glutamate receptors on the motor neurone. The only
available pharmacological therapy, Riluzole (Rilutek, Rhone-Poulenc Rorer), was
introduced into Europe in 1996 as an anti-excitogenic agent and is known to inhibit
glutamate release.
The key respiratory problems in ALS/MND patients are: dypsnoea; aleovolar
hypoventilation, morning headaches; sleep disturbance, daytime sleepiness; ineffective
cough resulting in chest infections; excessive oral secretions; aspiration and choking
episodes secondary to bulbar involvement; and panic attacks.
The American Academy of Neurology Practice parameter guidelines on care of ALS
patients [31] lists five main respiratory issues to address: ‘‘what are the early indications
of respiratory insufficiency?’’; ‘‘does NIV affect respiratory function or survival?’’;
‘‘does NIV and invasive ventilation improve quality of life or palliate symptoms?’’;
‘‘does experience with NIV aid decision-making regarding progression to invasive
ventilation?’’; and ‘‘what is the optimal method or withdrawing NIV and invasive
Additionally one could ask: ‘‘what is the best time to initiate NIV?’’; ‘‘how should one
select ventilatory mode or settings?’’; ‘‘which patients are most likely to benefit from
NIV?’’; and ‘‘who needs a cough assist device?’’
Cough assistance
Weakness of the bulbar, and inspiratory and expiratory muscles contribute to poor
cough in ALS and other neuromuscular conditions. The key components of an effective
cough are maximum inspiration, glottic closure and efficient recruitment of expiratory
muscles. Expiratory muscle strength can be measured using maximum expiratory mouth
pressure, whistle peak flow or gastric pressures, although accuracy may be affected by
buccal weakness, reducing mouthseal, or pseudobulbar problems making compliance
with the measurement difficult. In clinical practice cough peak flow provides a simple
assessment with values ,270 min-1, indicating reduced cough strength. Asking the
patient to cough also allows the efficacy to be graded simply as mildly, moderately or
severely reduced. Physiotherapy techniques, such as huffing should be taught to all
patients. Patients and their families should also be shown how to perform physiotherapy
while receiving NIV. Adjusting the settings by increasing inspiratory positive airway
pressure (IPAP) or breath stacking, using a volume preset ventilator can be helpful
during chest infections. Manual insufflation using an ambu bag with non-rebreathe
valve will augment inspiratory capacity and therefore cough peak flow. Carers can
follow manual insufflation with an abdominal thrust to increase cough peak flow
The cough in-exsufflator (Emerson, and other manufacturers) has been shown to
significantly augment cough in ALS/MND. MUSTFA et al. [41] showed that cough peak
flow increased by 28% in nonbulbar patients and 17% in bulbar patients. Those with the
weakest muscles benefited most. The present author’s practice is to first teach cough
assistance with NIV and/or ambu bag. If that is not sufficient, a cough in-exsufflator is
added, providing it can be demonstrated to improve cough effectiveness, is well
tolerated by the patient and can be applied by carers/family. The addition of cough in-
exsufflation to NIV has proved extremely helpful in some patients with a markedly
reduced peak cough flow. In individuals with vocal cord dysfunction or pseudobulbar
palsy the in-exsufflator may not be well tolerated but nothing is lost from trying this on
an individual basis.
Symptom control
Most ALS patients are under the care of a multidisciplinary team, and there is
evidence that multidisciplinary care patients do better than those under single speciality
(neurology) care [43]. Palliative medicine advice is highly valuable and strongly
recommended in all cases. Admission may occur under the care of the respiratory team
and so familiarisation with palliative strategies is vital [44].
support at home, felt this to be a major burden [45], but 83% would encourage that
individual to choose mechanical ventilation again, although they were less sure about
receiving this treatment themselves if the need arose. The situation has changed
somewhat with the introduction of NIV, and some patients, for example, choose to limit
ventilatory support to noninvasive methods. In a European survey of patients with
chronic respiratory diseases, including ALS, admitted to high dependency units, y30%
wished to have NIV as a ceiling of ventilatory support [47].
The usual indications for tracheostomy ventilation in progressive conditions are:
severe bulbar impairment resulting in recurrent aspiration or choking episodes; total
ventilatory dependency or inability to control ventilatory failure using NIV or a
combination of noninvasive techniques.
In practice, it may be possible to maintain patients with even severe bulbar disease
with a combination of NIV, cough assistance techniques and PEG/PEJ feeding. As in
DMD patients, this approach has long been advocated by BACH [48]. Realistically, there
is likely to be a subgroup who may wish to progress to tracheostomy care and have the
family and personal resources to cope with this. In the authors’ recent experience, this
has tended to be individuals who wish to extend life as long as possible for cultural of
religious reasons. Our approach has been to facilitate these wishes where possible. An
algorithm on progressive ventilatory care is shown in figure 2.
Patients with high cervical cord or bulbar lesions with no independent ventilatory
capacity and an inability to clear secretions require tracheostomy assisted ventilation.
Expertise in managing these patients has been gained in many spinal injuries centres.
Recently, it has been demonstrated that a proportion of quadriplegic patients with
minimal respiratory reserve may cope with long-term noninvasive methods and, where
this is feasible, the option of noninvasive support should be encouraged as it simplifies
care and is preferred by patients and carers [23]. Patients with unrecordable VC may be
able to self-ventilate for periods, using glossopharyngeal (‘‘frog’’) breathing. This
Disease progression
Withdrawal of ventilation Ceiling of NIV support
Disease progression
Fig. 2. – Algorithm for ventilatory management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. SDB: sleep-disordered breathing;
FVC: forced vital capacity; NIV: noninvasive ventilation; PEG: percotaneous enteral gastrostomy; T-IPPV:
tracheostomy intermittent positive pressure ventilation.
involves the patient gulping a series of breaths in succession so that breath stacking
The aetiology of quadriplegia ranges from traumatic cervical cord injury to stable
neurological disorders (e.g. spina bifida) to progressive neuromuscular disease. An
individual with a cervical cord lesion above C4 is likely to need ventilation immediately.
Those with a C4/5 injury may be able to support ventilation independently but will
decompensate in the presence of underlying chronic lung disease, spinal shock or the
development of a chest infection. Delayed progression to ventilatory failure may occur
in others. Critical to the wellbeing of these patients is physiotherapy and assisted
coughing. Hyperinflation of the chest may be helpful in reducing the tendency to
atelectasis and perhaps improving chest wall and pulmonary compliance, but there are
minimal controlled trials in this area.
Assessment should include measurement of lung volumes, mouth pressures and
overnight monitoring of respiration when symptoms of nocturnal hypoventilation are
present, or VC is ,60% predicted. Cough assist devices can be combined with NIV as
Table 3. – Practical tips for managing established noninvasive ventilation (NIV) users who are admitted with an
acute chest infection
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in neuromuscular conditions, associated with
respiratory insufficiency, can rapidly improve physiological indices and increase
survival. Even in individuals with severe/progressive disorders, NIV may reduce
symptom burden and improve quality of life. A combined NIV/cough assist approach
may decrease the need for tracheostomy by facilitating sputum clearance, especially at
the time of chest infections.
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W. Windisch, M. Dreher
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is widely accepted as a treatment
option for patients with chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure (HRF) arising from
different aetiologies including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
restrictive thoracic disorders (RTDs), neuromuscular disorders and obesity hypoventi-
lation syndrome [1–4]. During the application of NPPV, a face mask serves as an
interface between the biological airways of the patient and the artificial airways of the
ventilator [1, 2, 5]. Long-term NPPV is applied with the aim of improving physiological
parameters, such as blood gases, as well as outcome parameters, such as survival and
health-related quality of life (HRQL). NPPV is used intermittently and, most often,
during night, in order to preserve the potential for mobility during daytime; however,
NPPV application, predominantly during the day, has also been described [6]. The
impact of NPPV on both physiological and outcome parameters differs greatly
according to the underlying disorder causing chronic HRF. The present article
summarises the current knowledge about the impact of long-term NPPV in patients with
RTDs. Herein, the different pathophysiological conditions causing chronic HRF in
RTD patients are described, with reference to the different underlying diseases. The
present article also focuses on the impact of NPPV, on both the physiological
parameters and outcome, when used as a treatment for chronic HRF.
Different aetiologies, causing deformities of the thoracic rib cage, can lead to RTDs.
Irrespective of the underlying disease, RTDs are characterised by reduced chest wall
compliance and restrictive lung function pattern [7]. Thus, vital capacity, total lung
capacity, functional residual capacity and, to a lesser extent, residual volume are all
reduced. Furthermore, if the deformity occurs early in life, particularly before y4 yrs
of age, lung development is impaired [8]. In contrast to parenchymal lung disease,
which can also cause a restrictive ventilatory defect, pulmonary gas exchange is not
initially impaired. However, rib cage deformity can lead to increased airway resistance
following deformity of the airways. Moreover, in patients with RTDs, the respiratory
muscles are at a mechanical disadvantage due to their suboptimal contraction length.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 240–250. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
This causes an ineffective interaction between the respiratory muscles and the thoracic
cage. As a consequence, the load imposed on the inspiratory muscles is increased,
while the capacities of the inspiratory muscles and especially the diaphragm are
reduced [9]. This imbalance, between load and capacity, results in inspiratory muscle
insufficiency and can lead to chronic HRF; moreover, this risk of developing chronic
HRF increases with advancing age. However, coexisting conditions such as COPD or
severe obesity can accelerate the development of chronic HRF. This risk of chronic
HRF is known to be high once vital capacity falls below 1–1.5 L, although this can
occur earlier [8].
As the disease advances, RTD patients develop a rapid, shallow-breathing pattern in
order to overcome the respiratory demand and minimise the work of breathing; thus
minimising or even avoiding inspiratory muscle fatigue. However, rapid shallow
breathing, where dead space is unchanged but tidal volume is decreased, results in
reduced alveolar ventilation, as indicated by increasing arterial carbon dioxide tension
(Pa,CO2). It is, however, unclear if chronically reduced alveolar ventilation reflected by
hypercapnia, normal pH and elevated bicarbonate levels already reflect inspiratory
muscle fatigue, or whether this scenario represents a physiological mechanism for
preventing inspiratory muscle fatigue.
In RTD patients, hypercapnia initially develops during rapid eye movement (REM)
sleep, due to increased work of breathing and reduced respiratory muscle activity [10, 11].
As the disease advances, hypercapnia also develops during the deeper stages of non-REM
sleep, in the late stages during exercise [12] and, finally, during daytime at rest [8, 13].
a) b)
Fig. 1. – A 54-yr-old patient suffering from idiopathic kyphoscoliosis and consecutive chronic hypercapnic
respiratory failure with the need for long-term noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: a) physical examination, b)
radiograph from the spine and c) chest radiograph.
aetiology, in about 80% of KYSC patients, remains unexplained; the so-called idiopathic
KYSC begins in childhood and typically leads to chronic HRF decades later.
from RTDs [8, 14, 15]. Accordingly, a recent European survey indicated that nasal
masks are used in .80% of RTD patients [4]. Only 5% of RTD patients with the need to
receive long-term ventilatory support still receive invasive mechanical ventilation via
tracheotomy [4]. This survey also indicated that nearly one-third of the patients in
Europe receiving long-term mechanical ventilation suffered from RTDs, although
patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome were also associated with RTDs [4].
However, a large discrepancy between countries was reported, with Denmark and
Poland reporting the lowest, and Spain reporting the highest, relative numbers of
patients with RTDs receiving long-term mechanical ventilation [4].
Both pressure- and volume-limited NPPV are being used nowadays to treat chronic
HRF [4], although there has been a shift from volume- to pressure-limited NPPV during
the last decade [16]. However, randomised controlled cross-over trials, that have
included patients with RTDs, have demonstrated that both modes of NPPV are
comparably effective on blood gases, sleep quality, physical activity and HRQL [17, 18],
although pressure-limited NPPV reportedly causes fewer side effects [17]. Inspiratory
positive airway pressures between 20 and 25 cmH2O have been recommended in the past
with an inspiratory time of 0.8–1 s, an expiratory time y2 s and an expiratory positive
airway pressure of between 2 and 4 cmH2O [8]. A sensitive trigger system is required to
guarantee synchronisation with the ventilator, thus providing maximal comfort and
high-quality ventilation.
The difficult decision about when to start long-term NPPV for RTD patients still
exists for the clinician [1]. In addition, for neuromuscular patients with various
underlying disorders causing chronic HRF, recent data have shown that physiological
parameters at NPPV onset were essentially heterogeneous [19]. Therefore, it is also
difficult to say if different underlying aetiologies causing RTD require different criteria
for NPPV indication. However, the specific complaints of patients with chronic HRF,
such as daytime hypersomnolence, excessive fatigue, morning headache, cognitive
dysfunction, depression and dyspnoea, are essential for the indication of NPPV. The
more-objective parameters, which justify the initiation of NPPV include data on gas
exchange, the most important of which is Pa,CO2; here, a Consensus Conference Report
identified two objective parameters for the initiation of NPPV, namely, Pa,CO2
i45 mmHg and nocturnal desaturations (table 1) [1].
Treatment compliance in RTD patients is reportedly high. The total percentage of
patients who discontinued treatment is indicatively the lowest in KYSC patients (20%)
and PTBS patients (24%), compared with those with COPD and Duchenne muscular
dystrophy (both 44%) [14]. This has been confirmed by recent data, which also indicate
the highest probability of pursuing NPPV in KYSC patients [16]. However, some RTD
patients do not tolerate NPPV for home mechanical ventilation; therefore, a
comprehensive follow-up is required in order to overcome problems with NPPV, as
well as to ensure optimal patient compliance [20].
Table 1. – Clinical indicators for noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with restrictive thoracic
disorders, as outlined by the Consensus Conference Participants in 1999 [1]
Symptoms (fatigue, dyspnoea, morning headache, etc.) and one of the following:
Physiological criteria (one of the following):
Pa,CO2 i45 mmHg
Nocturnal oximetry demonstrating an oxygen saturation ƒ88% for five consecutive minutes
Pa,CO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension.
Blood gases
Improvements in blood gases following NPPV commencement have been demon-
strated by a large number of studies. In particular, there is an increase in arterial oxygen
tension (Pa,O2) and a decrease in Pa,CO2, once long-term NPPV has been successfully
established in RTD patients. Specifically, improvements in blood gases have been
achieved during not only NPPV [9, 13, 16], but also subsequent spontaneous breathing
following intermittent NPPV, that is applied most often during night [6, 9, 13, 14, 21–24].
Importantly, the improvement in blood gases can be maintained for several years
following successful NPPV establishment [14, 25]. Interestingly, daytime NPPV and
nocturnal spontaneous breathing, a seemingly reasonable and alternative approach to
treating those patients who do not tolerate the nocturnal application of NPPV, have
also been shown to effectively improve blood gases to a similar degree as nocturnal
NPPV [6].
There are currently three different theories about how NPPV improves alveolar
ventilation and gas exchange: 1) by respiratory muscle rest; 2) by resetting the CO2
sensitivity of the central ventilatory controller; and 3) via changes in pulmonary
mechanics [26]. Although the underlying mechanisms of improved gas exchange are still
debated [1], recent work suggests that the increased ventilatory response to carbon
dioxide is the principal mechanism underlying the long-term improvement in gas
exchange following NPPV in RTD patients [9]. This is also supported by the observation
that nocturnal NPPV leads to increasing daytime tidal volume, thus providing sustained
reductions in Pa,CO2 during intermittent periods of spontaneous breathing [13].
Lung function
Slight improvements in lung function parameters have been shown in RTD patients
following NPPV establishment. Here, improvements were observed in both vital
capacity [22–25, 27] and forced expiratory volume in one second [22, 24, 25]. In addition,
the increased vital capacity, following NPPV establishment, has been shown to be
related to improvements in global inspiratory muscle strength [23]. However, in contrast
Table 2. – Effects of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with restrictive thoracic disorders
Short-term effects
Increased ventilation
Reduced work of breathing
Improved blood gases
Increased strength and endurance of respiratory muscles
Long-term effects
Improved exercise capacity
Back-formation of cor pulmonale
Reduced polyglobulia
Improved sleep duration and quality
Increased quality of life
Reduced hospitalisation
Prolonged survival
to the substantial improvements in blood gases, changes in lung function are only minor,
and structural changes of the rib cage, from which substantial improvements in lung
function might be expected, do not obviously occur following NPPV establishment.
Moreover, lung function reportedly does not improve, despite significant improvements
in blood gases [9, 21]. Therefore, improvements of lung function and pulmonary
mechanics are unlikely to be the main principles upon which NPPV acts to improve gas
Quality of sleep
Chronic HRF is associated with nocturnal hypoventilation and a reduction in sleep
quality [32]. RTDs exacerbate both the suppressive effects on respiratory centre output
and central chemosensitivity, and the increases in upper airway resistance that occur
with the onset of sleep [33]. NPPV has the potential to resolve this problem and
therefore relieve the symptoms of hypoventilation [28, 33, 34]. It was shown, 20 yrs ago
that NPPV is capable of improving sleep architecture in KYSC patients suffering from
chronic HRF [29]. In addition, nocturnal ventilation and sleep quality in patients with
RTDs have been shown to progressively improve over a 12-month period after NPPV
commencement, and this applied to both REM and non-REM sleep [27]. Most
interestingly, even after the withdrawal of NPPV for one night, these improvements were
still evident during spontaneous breathing; however, the most marked improvements
were evident when NPPV was used during the night.
Pulmonary haemodynamics
One study has reported an improvement in pulmonary haemodynamics in RTD
patients, whereby decreases both in mean pulmonary arterial pressures and pulmonary
vascular resistance were evident after 1 yr of NPPV [21]. Here, the mean pulmonary
arterial pressure decreased in RTD patients from 33¡10 to 25¡6 mmHg after 1 yr of
NPPV, whereas no change in mean pulmonary arterial pressure was found in patients
with COPD [21].
Observational studies have provided evidence that 1-yr survival rates reach y90% in
KYSC patients following the commencement of NPPV treatment [14, 15]; moreover,
two studies reported that the 5-yr survival rate in these patients was 79% [15, 16]. In
addition, 5-yr survival rates in PTBS patients reached 94% in one study [15], but were
found to be considerably lower (,50%) in another study [16]. This discrepancy is
presumably explained by the different mean baseline ages of patients in those two
studies, with PTBS patients being aged 61¡8 yrs in the first study [15] and 75¡6 yrs in
the second study [16]. In addition, patients with chronic HRF, that arose after
thoracoplasty for tuberculosis, were reported to have survival rates of 91, 74, 64 and
55% at 1, 3, 5 and 7 yrs, respectively, once long-term NPPV has been started [35]. In
addition, uncontrolled trials have clearly shown that KYSC [23] and PTBS patients [36]
who receive NPPV have a substantially higher survival rate than those who receive long-
term oxygen therapy alone; however, the patients who received NPPV were deemed to
be more ill, as estimated from lung function parameters and Pa,CO2. Therefore, robust
data from uncontrolled studies are now available to support the notion that survival is
clearly increased when long-term NPPV is used to treat chronic HRF that results from
RTD. While no randomised controlled trials have been performed to compare directly
the outcome of patients who receive long-term NPPV to those who do not, such trials
will, presumably, never be conducted due to ethical concerns.
HRQL evaluation is becoming increasingly essential in healthcare practice and
research, as it provides an important means of evaluating the human and financial costs
and benefits of modern, medical-treatment modalities; this is particularly relevant to
patients with chronic and noncurable disorders such as RTD [37–39]. Cross-sectional
studies comparing patients with different underlying disorders, who had already
received long-term NPPV, revealed that KYSC patients have the overall best HRQL
compared with those with PTBS, COPD and neuromuscular disorders [15, 40, 41].
Therefore, it is noteworthy that when using the generic Medical Outcomes Study (MOS)
36-Item Short-Form Health Status Survey (SF-36) [42–44], mental health was shown to
be unimpaired, despite a marked reduction in physical health, when compared with a
normal reference population [40]. Several studies have also indicated that HRQL
effectively improves in KYSC patients upon commencement of NPPV, to treat chronic
HRF [45, 46]. Recently, the Severe Respiratory Insufficiency (SRI) Questionnaire was
developed for the purpose of specifically measuring HRQL in patients with chronic
HRF and the need for long-term NPPV [41]. Using this instrument, a very recent
multicentric prospective trial including RTD patients, mainly those with KYSC and
PTBS, has indicated a substantial increase in overall HRQL [47]. Importantly, HRQL
already showed improvement after 1 month of treatment and remained stable at this
elevated level during the subsequent year. Domains showing the strongest improvements
included ‘‘respiratory complaints’’, ‘‘physical functioning’’, ‘‘attendant symptoms’’ and
‘‘sleep and anxieties’’.
Exercise ability
Recent work has shown that nocturnal NPPV, applied over a 3-month period, improved
exercise capacity in patients with chronic HRF arising from RTD, whereas no change in
exercise capacity was found in the control group [22]. Furthermore, the same study also
showed that inspiratory muscle endurance improved when nocturnal NPPV was applied
for 3 months, whereas no change in respiratory muscle endurance was found in the control
group. This provides controlled evidence to suggest that nocturnal NPPV can improve
both respiratory and peripheral muscle endurance [22]. NPPV can also be applied during
exertion in RTD patients, in order to increase exercise capacity. A recent study
demonstrated in severely restrictive patients that NPPV, during exercise, significantly
improved exercise duration and tolerance and increased alveolar ventilation [48]. In
addition, NPPV applied during exercise has also been investigated in patients with PTBS.
Here, NPPV effectively supported ventilation under exertion, with consecutive reductions
in breathlessness and improvements in exercise endurance [12]. This is in accord with a
previous finding in COPD patients, where NPPV-aided exercise resulted in improved
oxygenation, reduced dyspnoea and increased walking distance [49]. Therefore, NPPV-
aided exercise is suggested to be a useful adjunct for rehabilitation programmes, which aim
to improve exercise capability.
Although no controlled studies are available, there is increasing evidence that the
need for hospitalisation decreases during the time that follows NPPV commencement.
This has been shown for both KYSC and PTBS patients (table 3) [14], as well as for
KYSC patients alone, whose days in hospital decreased from 11 to 0 days when
comparing the 6-month period preceding and following NPPV establishment [28]. In
addition, a recent study, providing long-term follow-up, showed that the mean number
of days spent in hospital decreased significantly in RTD and neuromuscular patients
following NPPV establishment: 22¡2 days in the year before NPPV; 17¡4 days in the
first year with NPPV; 6¡3 days in the second year with NPPV; 6¡2 days in the third
year with NPPV; 10¡4 days in the fourth year with NPPV; and 7¡3 days in the fifth
year with NPPV [16]. In addition, the hospitalisation rate has been shown to decrease
in KYSC patients following NPPV commencement [45, 46]. Therefore, reduced
hospitalisation following NPPV establishment, as shown by several studies, indicates
an improvement in HRQL, since the number of hospitalisations has been identified as
a main variable in predicting HRQL in patients with chronic HRF, who are receiving
long-term NPPV [50].
Table 3. – Days in hospital before and after initiation of noninvasive positive pulmonary ventilation (NPPV) in
patients with kyphoscoliosis (KYSC) and post-tuberculosis syndrome (PTBS), according to LEGER et al. [14]
Subjects n 1 yr without NPPV First year with NPPV Second year with
KYSC 56 34¡31 6¡6 5¡9
PTBS 43 31¡29 10¡17 9¡19
Kyphoscoliosis with different aetiologies and post-tuberculosis syndrome are the most
common conditions causing restrictive thoracic disorders that predispose patients to
the risk of developing chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure. Noninvasive positive
pressure ventilation using face masks has become the standard means of treating
chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure that arises from restrictive thoracic disorders.
Thereby, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation has been shown to improve
physiological parameters, most importantly blood gases, and also pulmonary
haemodynamics and sleep architecture. In addition, noninvasive positive pressure
ventilation is also strongly suggested to improve important outcome parameters such
as long-term survival, health-related quality of life, hospitalisation and exercise
ability. Therefore, patients with chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure due to
restrictive thoracic disorders should be regularly offered long-term noninvasive
positive pressure ventilation.
1. Clinical indications for noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in chronic respiratory failure due
to restrictive lung disease, COPD, and nocturnal hypoventilation – a consensus conference report.
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3. Simonds AK. Home ventilation. Eur Respir J 2003; 22: Suppl. 47, 38s–46s.
4. Lloyd-Owen SJ, Donaldson GC, Ambrosino N, et al. Patterns of home mechanical ventilation use
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5. Schönhofer B, Sortor-Leger S. Equipment needs for noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Eur
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6. Schönhofer B, Geibel M, Sonneborn M, Haidl P, Köhler D. Daytime mechanical ventilation in
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7. Bergofsky EH. Respiratory failure in disorders of the thoracic cage. Am Rev Respir Dis 1979; 119:
8. Shneerson JM, Simonds AK. Noninvasive ventilation for chest wall and neuromuscular disorders.
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9. Nickol AH, Hart N, Hopkinson NS, Moxham J, Simonds A, Polkey MI. Mechanisms of
improvement of respiratory failure in patients with restrictive thoracic disease treated with non-
invasive ventilation. Thorax 2005; 60: 754–760.
10. Sawicka EH, Branthwaite MA. Respiration during sleep in kyphoscoliosis. Thorax 1987; 42: 801–808.
11. Midgren B, Petersson K, Hansson L, Eriksson L, Airikkala P, Elmqvist D. Nocturnal
hypoxaemia in severe scoliosis. Br J Dis Chest 1988; 82: 226–236.
12. Tsuboi T, Ohi M, Chin K, et al. Ventilatory support during exercise in patients with pulmonary
tuberculosis sequelae. Chest 1997; 112: 1000–1007.
13. Windisch W, Dreher M, Storre JH, Sorichter S. Nocturnal non-invasive positive pressure
ventilation: physiological effects on spontaneous breathing. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2006; 150:
14. Leger P, Bedicam JM, Cornette A, et al. Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation. Long-
term follow-up in patients with severe chronic respiratory insufficiency. Chest 1994; 105: 100–105.
15. Simonds AK, Elliott MW. Outcome of domiciliary nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation
in restrictive and obstructive disorders. Thorax 1995; 50: 604–609.
16. Janssens JP, Derivaz S, Breitenstein E, et al. Changing patterns in long-term noninvasive
ventilation: a 7-year prospective study in the Geneva Lake area. Chest 2003; 123: 67–79.
17. Windisch W, Storre JH, Sorichter S, Virchow JC Jr. Comparison of volume- and pressure-limited
NPPV at night: a prospective randomized cross-over trial. Respir Med 2005; 99: 52–59.
18. Tuggey JM, Elliott MW. Randomised crossover study of pressure and volume non-invasive
ventilation in chest wall deformity. Thorax 2005; 60: 859–864.
19. Dreher M, Rauter I, Storre JH, Geiseler J, Windisch W. When should home mechanical
ventilation be started in patients with different neuromuscular disorders? Respirology 2007; 12:
20. Criner GJ, Brennan K, Travaline JM, Kreimer D. Efficacy and compliance with noninvasive
positive pressure ventilation in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Chest 1999; 116: 667–675.
21. Schönhofer B, Barchfeld T, Wenzel M, Köhler D. Long term effects of non-invasive mechanical
ventilation on pulmonary haemodynamics in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Thorax
2001; 56: 524–528.
22. Schönhofer B, Wallstein S, Wiese C, Kohler D. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation improves
endurance performance in patients with chronic respiratory failure due to thoracic restriction.
Chest 2001; 119: 1371–1378.
23. Buyse B, Meersseman W, Demedts M. Treatment of chronic respiratory failure in kyphoscoliosis:
oxygen or ventilation? Eur Respir J 2003; 22: 525–528.
24. Budweiser S, Heinemann F, Fischer W, Dobroschke J, Wild PJ, Pfeifer M. Impact of ventilation
parameters and duration of ventilator use on non-invasive home ventilation in restrictive thoracic
disorders. Respiration 2006; 73: 488–494.
25. Duiverman ML, Bladder G, Meinesz AF, Wijkstra PJ. Home mechanical ventilatory support in
patients with restrictive ventilatory disorders: a 48-year experience. Respir Med 2006; 100: 56–65.
26. Hill NS. Noninvasive ventilation. Does it work, for whom, and how? Am Rev Respir Dis 1993;
147: 1050–1055.
27. Schönhofer B, Köhler D. Effect of non-invasive mechanical ventilation on sleep and nocturnal
ventilation in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Thorax 2000; 55: 308–513.
28. Ferris G, Servera-Pieras E, Vergara P, et al. Kyphoscoliosis ventilatory insufficiency: noninvasive
management outcomes. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2000; 79: 24–29.
29. Ellis ER, Grunstein RR, Chan S, Bye PT, Sullivan CE. Noninvasive ventilatory support during
sleep improves respiratory failure in kyphoscoliosis. Chest 1988; 94: 811–815.
30. American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society. ATS/ERS Statement on respiratory
muscle testing. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 166: 518–624.
31. Windisch W, Hennings E, Sorichter S, Hamm H, Criée CP. Peak or plateau maximal inspiratory
mouth pressure: which is best? Eur Respir J 2004; 23: 708–13.
32. McNicholas WT. Impact of sleep in respiratory failure. Eur Respir J 1997; 10: 920–933.
33. Perrin C, D’Ambrosio C, White A, Hill NS. Sleep in restrictive and neuromuscular respiratory
disorders. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2005; 26: 117–130.
34. Hill NS, Eveloff SE, Carlisle CC, Goff SG. Efficacy of nocturnal nasal ventilation in patients with
restrictive thoracic disease. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992; 145: 365–371.
35. Jackson M, Smith I, King M, Shneerson J. Long term non-invasive domiciliary assisted
ventilation for respiratory failure following thoracoplasty. Thorax 1994; 49: 915–919.
36. Jäger L, Franklin KA, Midgren B, Löfdahl K, Ström K. Increased survival with mechanical
ventilation in posttuberculosis patients with the combination of respiratory failure and chest wall
deformity. Chest 2008; 133: 156–160.
37. Testa MA, Simonson DC. Assesment of quality-of-life outcomes. N Engl J Med 1996; 334: 835–840.
38. Wood-Dauphinee S. Assessing quality of life in clinical research: from where have we come and
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40. Windisch W, Freidel K, Schucher B, et al. Evaluation of health-related quality of life using the
MOS 36-Item Short-Form Health Status Survey in patients receiving noninvasive positive
pressure ventilation. Intensive Care Med 2003; 29: 615–621.
41. Windisch W, Freidel K, Schucher B, et al. The Severe Respiratory Insufficiency (SRI)
Questionnaire: a specific measure of health-related quality of life in patients receiving home
mechanical ventilation. J Clin Epidemiol 2003; 56: 752–759.
42. Ware JE Jr, Sherbourne CD. The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). I. Conceptual
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*Division of Pulmonary Diseases and #Sleep Laboratory, Division of Psychiatry, Belle-Idée, Geneva
University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland, "INSERM ERI 17, HP2 Laboratory, University Hospital,
Grenoble, France, and +Dept of Pulmonary Diseases, Beijing Hospital, Beijing, China.
Correspondence: J-P. Janssens, Centre antituberculeux, Hôpital cantonal, 1211 Geneva 14, Switzerland.
Fax: 41 223729929; E-mail:
The epidemic of obesity is a growing concern for medical authorities throughout the
world, especially in industrialised countries. One of its consequences in these countries is a
spectacular increase in the number of patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnoea/
hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) and obesity–hypoventilation syndrome (OHS); both are
associated with the metabolic syndrome and, thus, with a marked increase in
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular morbidity. OHS, itself, has a severe prognosis if
untreated. In the present chapter, the major consequences of morbid obesity on ventilatory
function and ventilatory drive will be analysed, as well as the evidence in favour of
noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) as an efficient treatment for OHS.
Originally reported by BICKELMANN et al. [1], OHS is defined by obesity (body mass
index (BMI) i30 kg?m-2) and chronic alveolar hypoventilation leading to daytime
hypercapnia (arterial carbon dioxide tension (Pa,CO2) .45 mmHg), after exclusion of all
other causes of alveolar hypoventilation (severe obstructive or restrictive diseases, chest
wall disorders, neuromuscular diseases) [2]. Iny90% of patients, OHS is associated with
OSAHS. The remaining y10% have nocturnal hypoventilation with a normal apnoea/
hypopnoea index (AHI) [3, 4]. If not adequately treated, patients with OHS develop
pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale and recurrent episodes of hypercapnic
respiratory failure. Without ventilatory support, obesity-associated hypoventilation is
associated with a high morbidity and mortality [5].
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 251–264. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
with traditionally low rates of overweight and obesity such as France, the Netherlands
and Norway.
In the United States, the epidemic has taken on much more-severe proportions with a
doubling in prevalence of obesity reported over the past 25 yrs; presently 33% of the
adult population aged 20–74 yrs has a BMI .30 kg?m-2 [7]. US figures could well
account for the spectacular rise of OHS patients under NPPV (30% of US adults had
class II obesity in 2002, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention);
however, prevalence of class II and class III obesity in Europe are not sufficient for
explaining this trend. Increasing awareness of obesity-related respiratory disorders by
general practitioners and pulmonary physicians is certainly contributive to the
increasing use of NPPV in OHS.
Although prevalence of obesity is reaching epidemic proportions in many developed
countries, to date, large-scale data regarding the prevalence of OHS are not available.
However, prevalence of OHS increases with BMI, averaging ,10% in subjects with a
BMI of 30–34 kg?m-2 and increasing markedly in subjects with a BMI of 35–39 kg?m-2
(10–20%) and .40 kg?m-2 (20–25%) [8]. LAABAN and CHAILLEUX [9] studied 1,141 adult
patients with OSAHS treated by a nonprofit network for home treatment of chronic
respiratory insufficiency (the Association Nationale pour le Traitment À Domicile de
l’Insuffisance Respiratoire chronique; ANTADIR): prevalence of daytime hypercapnia
(Pa,CO2 .45 mmHg) was 7.2% in patients with a BMI ,30 kg?m-2, 9.8% for those with a
BMI 30–40 kg?m-2, and 23.6% for those with a BMI .40 kg?m-2; 11% of the whole
population had daytime hypercapnia before initiating continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) [9]. Similarly, a Japanese study involving 1,227 patients with OSAHS
found that 14% of patients had daytime hypercapnia [10]. In that study, hypercapnia
was significantly related to severity of AHI, while BMI was a weak predictor of daytime
hypercapnia [10]. NOWBAR et al. [5] noted a similar relationship between prevalence of
hypoventilation and increasing BMI among 150 obese patients admitted to a teaching
hospital; hypoventilation increased from 35% (in subjects with a BMI of 35–44 kg?m-2)
to 71% in subjects with a BMI .45 kg?m-2 [5]. That study included hospitalised patients
potentially suffering from comorbidities, such as cardiac failure; such unstable
conditions can overestimate the prevalence of OHS. Further studies addressing the
prevalence of OHS in ambulatory obese subjects in the general population are necessary.
both airway and lung resistance. Both elastic and resistive WOB were significantly
higher in obese subjects [12]. In a similar study, PELOSI et al. [13] demonstrated a highly
significant exponential inverse relationship between BMI and compliance. Compliance
was further reduced in obese individuals in the supine position [14].
In order to estimate oxygen cost of breathing (V9O2,RESP), KRESS et al. [15] measured
baseline oxygen uptake (V9O2) in morbidly obese patients (n518; BMI 53.4¡14 kg?m-2)
prior to gastric bypass surgery and again after intubation, mechanical ventilation and
paralysis, and compared change in V9O2 to that obtained in nonobese patients (n58;
BMI 22.2¡4.0 kg?m-2) undergoing abdominal surgery. Changes in V9O2 were highly
significant in obese patients (on average, -16%) but not in controls (,1%), obese subjects
exhibiting a five-fold increase in V9O2,RESP/V9O2 and a higher baseline V9O2. Thus, obese
subjects have a markedly increased WOB, and V9O2,RESP resulting from decreased
compliance of the respiratory system and increased total lung and airway resistance.
carbon dioxide is abolished during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in ob/ob mice. In
humans with OHS, increases in circulating levels of leptin are most-often reported,
suggesting leptin resistance rather than leptin deficiency (as in ob/ob mice). SHIMURA et
al. [24] studied 106 eucapnic (Pa,CO2 40.9¡0.3 mmHg) and 79 hypercapnic (Pa,CO2
46.6¡0.4 mmHg) male patients with OSAHS; circulating leptin levels were higher in the
hypercapnic group and serum leptin was the only predictor for the presence of
hypercapnia by logistic regression. Levels of leptin increased significantly with BMI,
although more in hypercapnic patients (r50.65) than in normocapnic subjects (r50.38)
[24]. Similar findings were reported by PHIPPS et al. [25], who suggest that increased
leptin in severe obesity may act, initially, to adapt alveolar ventilation to increased
ventilatory load and that failure of this compensatory mechanism may explain
hypercapnic respiratory failure. A recent report including 245 obese subjects (BMI
i30 kg?m-2) found a significant and independent inverse relationship between Log of
leptin and either mouth occlusion pressure (P0.1) or P0.1/end-tidal carbon dioxide
tension (PET,CO2); in other words, higher leptin levels were associated with a reduced
ventilatory drive and reduced response to carbon dioxide [26].
Daytime hypercapnia
# ¶
1 2 1 2 REM
Fig. 2. – Repetitive occurrence of obstructive apnoeas (5-min episodes). The maintenance of eucapnia during sleep is
dependent upon the post-event ventilatory response slope (#) and the ratio between the inter-apnoea duration (+) and
the apnoea duration ("). Sa,O2: arterial oxygen saturation; THO: thoracic movements; ABD: abdominal movements;
THE: buconasal thermistor; FLO: nasal pressure; PTT: pulse transit time; EO1: eye movements.
Sa,O2 #
§ §
Fig. 3. – Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep hypoventilation (a 5-min epoch is presented). Sa,O2: arterial oxygen
saturation; THE: buconasal thermistor; THO: thoracic movements; ABD: abdominal movements; FLO: nasal
pressure; PTT: pulse transit time; EO1: eye movements. #: sustained oxygen desaturation; ": predominant reduction of
the thoracic contribution to the ventilation during REM sleep; +: sustained reduction in flow; 1: reduction of
respiratory effort during phasic REM sleep reflecting reduced respiratory drive. Adapted from [29].
more likely to be diagnosed with systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus and cardiac
failure. Obesity is, apparently, not the only determinant of these cardiovascular
consequences. A specific visceral fat inflammation and resistance to leptin demonstrated
in these patients could play a role. Leptin-resistant obese subjects may exhibit resistance
to the anorectic and weight-reducing effects of leptin while showing preservation of
peripheral actions such as increasing renal sympathetic nerve outflow and arterial
pressure, subsequently leading to hypertension [34, 35]. In humans, increased serum
leptin concentrations are associated with hypertension, myocardial infarction and
stroke, independently of obesity status [36]. Elevated plasma leptin levels also contribute
to insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation. Leptin has a pro-atherosclerotic effect
and leptin deficient mice are resistant to atherosclerosis [36]. Leptin can influence the
production of other adipokines involved in fat and systemic inflammation, contributing
to a specific inflammatory profile in OHS patients. This high prevalence of metabolic
and cardiovascular co-morbidity may explain a higher mortality rate in OHS patients.
PEREZ DE LLANO et al. [37] reported a 40% mortality rate over an average follow-up
period of 50¡25 months among 15 patients with OHS who did not accept NPPV.
Among 4,332 hospital admissions, NOWBAR et al. [5] followed 47 patients with obesity-
associated hypoventilation (BMI i35 kg?m-2) and 103 with ‘‘simple obesity’’; at
18 months, mortality was 23% in the ‘‘obesity-associated hypoventilation’’ group versus
9% in the ‘‘simple obesity’’ group. Adjusted mortality rate for patients with obesity-
associated hypoventilation (corrected for age, sex, BMI, electrolyte disturbances, history
of thromboembolism or hypothyroidism) was four times higher than that for subjects
with simple obesity.
3 months before being put back on CPAP. That study clearly showed that, among
markedly obese patients with OHS, there were some nonresponders to CPAP therapy
who needed long-term NPPV. It also showed that patients with hypercapnic OSAHS,
who fail to respond initially to nCPAP, may need transient NPPV as an interim measure
[43]. PEREZ DE LLANO et al. [37] described 54 patients with OHS (BMI 44¡9 kg?m-2),
87% of whom had OSAHS, followed for a mean period of 50¡25 months; 49 patients
were treated by BiPAP, and 3 only by nCPAP; all improved their arterial oxygen tension
(Pa,O2), Pa,CO2 and sleepiness scores (Epworth). Ultimately, NPPV could be withdrawn
in 5 patients, and 16 were stabilised with nCPAP. As previously mentioned, for the 15
patients who did not accept NPPV, mortality was high (40%). MASA et al. [20] showed
that patients with OHS, treated by NPPV (volume- and pressure-cycled ventilators) for
4 months because of hypercapnic respiratory failure, improved their arterial blood gases
in a similar manner to patients with kyphoscoliosis. Symptoms such as morning
headache and drowsiness, dyspnoea and leg oedema also improved with NPPV.
HEINEMANN et al. [22] reported on 35 stable OHS patients (BMI 45.9¡8.8 kg?m-2)
treated using BiPAP over 24 months; all patients normalised their daytime Pa,CO2, and
interestingly improved their total lung capacity (TLC), residual volume (RV), VC and
FRC. The authors suggest that these improvements result from opening of micro-
atelectasis and a decrease in premature closure of dependant airways during expiration.
DE LUCAS-RAMOS et al. [40] followed 13 OHS patients (daytime Pa,CO2 6.6¡0.5 kPa,
BMI 42.2¡7.8 kg?m-2), with an AHI of ,10 per h; after 12 months, all patients
significantly improved their arterial blood gases, FVC and ventilatory response to
Two short-term studies attempted to distinguish between obese patients who could be
treated by nCPAP alone and those who needed BiPAP. RESTA et al. [45] studied 105
OSAHS patients (confirmed by polysomnography), who underwent a first night trial
with nCPAP; 81 (77%) patients obtained satisfactory results, monitored by polysomno-
graphy, while 24 (23%) required BiPAP. Patients who necessitated BiPAP had a higher
BMI (40¡6 versus 33¡6 kg?m-2), a lower FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC than patients
who did well on CPAP; they also had a higher daytime Pa,CO2 (45¡6 versus
40¡4 mmHg), and a lower Pa,O2 and lower mean nocturnal Sa,O2. Among those with
OHS, only six (35%) out of 17 could be managed with nCPAP and 65% needed BiPAP
therapy. SCHÄFER et al. [46] compared 13 patients with OSAHS who failed to respond to
initial CPAP therapy with an AHI-matched control group; nonresponders were
significantly more obese (BMI 44¡8 versus 31¡6 kg?m-2, OR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1–1.6), had
a lower Pa,O2 (OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.6–0.9) and a higher Pa,CO2 (44.7 versus 38.3 mmHg,
OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1–2.9) and spent more time with a Sa,O2 ,90% on nocturnal pulse
oximeter tracings (OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.0–1.26). In a recent randomised study, PIPER et al.
[47] found a similar efficacy for CPAP and BiPAP in OHS patients. However, the
authors themselves underlined that results were applicable to a subset of patients with
OHS only: those without severe persisting hypoventilation during initial CPAP titration.
These studies suggest that, in OSAHS patients, increasing BMI, daytime Pa,CO2 values
and REM sleep hypoventilation decrease the probability of clinical response to nCPAP
and justify treatment with NPPV.
their ventilatory response to carbon dioxide. Those patients were the sleepiest and had the
most significant improvements in objective daytime sleepiness after NPPV. The authors
hypothesised that improvements in respiratory drive resulted from improving leptin
resistance. Thus, NPPV appears to improve respiratory drive, even in short-term studies.
These improvements may be related to either a decrease in resistance to leptin or an
increase in leptin levels for subjects with low baseline leptin levels.
Technical aspects
Choice of ventilator
In patients with a clear diagnosis of OHS, with or without associated OSAHS, BiPAP
is clearly the ‘‘default’’ treatment reported in most studies [22, 29, 38–40, 44–46, 48–51].
Earlier reports used either volume-cycled ventilators only [52] or offered BiPAP as a
second choice, in case of intolerance to volume-cycled ventilators [20]. Among 71
patients followed in the Geneva Lake area between 1992 and 2000, 58 (82%) used
BiPAP, seven (10%) used volume-cycled ventilators and six (8%) used pressure support
ventilators such as the Breas PV4031 (Breas, Mölnlycke, Sweden) [19]. Average EPAP
levels are usually titrated to overcome upper airway obstructive apnoea or hypopnoea
(4–12 cmH2O); inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) is adjusted to optimise
daytime Pa,CO2 and/or nocturnal transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension (Ptc,CO2). The
usual mode used with BiPAP is the ‘‘S/T’’ (spontaneous/timed) mode, allowing
triggering by the patient, but with a back-up rate, which can compensate for episodes of
central apnoea, hypopnoea or hypoventilation; however, some groups use either the ‘‘S’’
mode (spontaneous) [45] or the ‘‘T’’ (controlled) mode in this indication [46].
A recent bench test study compared performances of 10 bilevel pressure cycled
ventilators designed for home care. Variations in pressurisation between ventilators were
quite substantial [53]. These observations would tend to favour the use of the ventilators
with the highest pressurisation capacities because of the markedly decreased compliance
of the respiratory system in OHS. There is to date, however, no clinical study to support
this recommendation.
Volume targeting
A limitation of BiPAP is the absence of guarantee as to volume delivered to the patient.
Volume targeting is a feature recently made available on certain bilevel ventilators (i.e.
Synchrony1; Respironics Inc., Murrysville, PA, USA; VENTIlogic1; VENTImotion1,
Weinmann, Hamburg, Germany; VS Ultra1 and Elisee1TM 150; ResMed, Sydney,
Australia; Legendair1 and Smartair1; Covidien AG, Hamilton, Bermuda), which aims to
solve this limitation; the ventilator measures or estimates delivered tidal volume (VT)
through a built-in pneumotachograph and adjusts pressure support within a preset range
to provide a VT as close as possible to a target VT set by the clinician. Target VT
recommended by Respironics1 in obese patients is 8 mL?kg-1 (based on a BM1 of
23 kg?m-2). In a randomised cross-over study, STORRE et al. [51] showed, in OHS patients
(n510, BMI 41¡12 kg?m-2, Pa,CO2 47¡2 mmHg) that BiPAP with volume targeting (7–
10 mL?kg-1 of ideal body weight) decreased mean nocturnal Ptc,CO2 and daytime Pa,CO2
more efficiently than BiPAP alone. The impact of volume targeting on nocturnal Ptc,CO2
was confirmed in 12 OHS patients, who underwent polysomnography for two consecutive
nights with BiPAP with or without volume targeting (7–8 mL?kg-1) in a randomised order,
this improvement was however at the expense of a lesser sleep comfort, increased
awakenings, wake after sleep onset and a shorter total sleep time [54].
Obesity–hypoventilation has become in many industrialised countries the most
frequent indication for home noninvasive positive airway pressure [19]. This
phenomenon results from the rapidly progressing epidemic of obesity in industrialised
countries and from a greater awareness of physicians as to the respiratory consequences
of obesity through the widespread mediatisation of obstructive sleep apnoea and
hypopnoea syndrome. Although untreated obesity–hypoventilation syndrome is
associated with a high morbidity and mortality, noninvasive positive airway pressure
considerably improves survival, physiological parameters, symptoms of chronic
hypercapnic respiratory failure, and quality of life, and decreases use of health resources
(visits to physicians, hospitalisations). Noninvasive positive airway pressure seems to
improve obesity–hypoventilation syndrome mainly through a resetting of respiratory
centres and an improvement of respiratory drive. The role of leptin, leptin resistance and
impact of noninvasive positive airway pressure on leptin resistance opens interesting
perspectives as to a better understanding of hypoventilation and cardiovascular
morbidity in obesity and warrants further clinical studies.
Morbid obesity is associated with an increase in work of breathing and oxygen cost of
breathing, a decrease in compliance of the respiratory system, lung volumes, ventilatory
drive and respiratory muscle dysfunction. These changes, frequently associated with
obstructive apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome, increase the risk of chronic hypercapnic
respiratory failure and lead to obesity-hypoventilation syndrome. Untreated obesity-
hypoventilation is associated with an increased use of healthcare resources and with a
high morbidity and mortality. Although some patients may respond to nocturnal nasal
continuous positive airway pressure alone, and correct their daytime hypercapnia,
patients with higher body mass index and arterial carbon dioxide tension values will
most often require noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. Bilevel positive pressure
ventilation is the most frequently chosen option, with high survival rates and a decrease
in subsequent hospitalisations for cardiopulmonary failure.
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Respiratory Intensive Care and Pulmonary Diseases Unit. Cardio-Thoracic Dept, University Hospital, Pisa
and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Weaning Unit, Auxilium Vitae, Volterra, Italy.
Progressive worsening of dyspnoea and reduced exercise tolerance are the most
common symptoms of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In
these patients, dyspnoea leads to inactivity and peripheral muscle deconditioning,
resulting in a vicious cycle leading to further inactivity, social isolation, fear of dyspnoea
and depression. The patients become less and less mobile and reduce their activities of
daily living (ADL). Indeed in a survey of patients with severe COPD on long term
oxygen therapy (LTOT), 50% of them, suffering from Medical Research Council (MRC)
dyspnoea grade 5, did not leave the house and 78% were breathless walking around at
home and performing ADL [1].
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 265–271. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
words, during leg exercise there would be a competition for blood flow between
respiratory and limb muscles. Therefore, unloading inspiratory muscles by assisted
ventilation would allow for a shift of blood flow to peripheral muscles; therefore,
promoting improvement in exercise tolerance. Indeed, proportional assisted ventilation
(PAV) [14], prevented exercise-induced diaphragmatic fatigue [15]. Several laboratory
studies have examined the acute effects of different modalities of ventilatory assistance
on dyspnoea and exercise tolerance in advanced COPD [11, 16, 17].
PAV is a mode of partial ventilatory assistance endowed with characteristics of
proportionality and adaptability to the intensity and timing of spontaneous ventilatory
pattern by providing inspiratory flow and pressure in proportion to the patient’s effort
[12]. Several laboratory studies have shown that PAV can increase exercise capacity of
COPD patients [34–37].
enhance exercise tolerance in COPD patients. Given the established usefulness of NPPV
in increasing exercise tolerance and reducing dyspnoea in the acute (i.e. laboratory)
setting [11], the next step would be to evaluate whether assisted ventilation could be used
as an aid, during exercise training sessions. This is an important issue, since the recent
development of new therapeutic approaches like lung transplantation and lung volume
reduction surgery make most of patients with severe COPD, even with chronic
respiratory failure, candidates for rehabilitation programmes [42–46].
Nevertheless, conflicting results have been reported on the application of NPPV in
exercise training programmes. A randomised controlled study [47] found no additional
benefit of PAV on exercise tolerance, dyspnoea and health status, when compared to
training alone. Alternatively, another similar study [48] found that mean training
intensity and peak work rate were higher after PAV-assisted than after nonassisted
training. Isoworkload lactataemia after training was more reduced in the assisted than
in the nonassisted patients. A significant inverse relationship was found between
reduction in isoworkload lactataemia after training during the constant work rate test
and peak work rate achieved during the last week of training. This was considered as a
marker of true physiological training effect [48]. Other authors have confirmed benefits
of addition of NPPV to exercise training [49–52]. Furthermore, in chronic hypercapnic
COPD under long term ventilatory support, high-intensity NPPV could also be
administered during walking, using unchanged ventilator settings compared with
settings used at rest, thus resulting in improved oxygenation, decreased dyspnoea and
increased walking distance [53].
Interfaces. During high intensity exercise, patients may breathe through the mouth
rather than the nose, thus requiring a face mask or mouthpiece. Nevertheless,
compliance to a face mask may be not as easy.
Practicalities. In one study [47], a high rate of withdrawal, due to lack of compliance
in ventilated group, a mean 17-min spent setting the ventilator and supervising the
training session during NPPV, were practical drawbacks of the addition of mask
ventilation during a high intensity training programme. Therefore, it might not be
worthwhile submitting patients to unpleasant equipment (e.g. mask and related
troubles) with the need of the constant supervision of an individual operator, to check
for leaks and reset the ventilator when needed, and a substantial risk of lack of
compliance. Furthermore, there is a need of a one-to-one patient–therapist interaction,
which will add to the cost of a rehabilitation programme; especially in the light of the
recognised benefits of well conducted standard exercise training programmes, which do
not require either complex or sophisticated machinery, or a personalised physiothera-
pist [9, 10, 54, 58].
Dyspnoea is the most common symptom of patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). Exercise training can improve dyspnoea and exercise
tolerance in these patients in whom higher intensity levels may be prevented by
extreme breathlessness and/or peripheral muscle fatigue. As mechanical loading and
inspiratory muscle dysfunction contribute to dyspnoea in COPD, assisted ventilation
should provide a symptomatic benefit by unloading and assisting such overburdened
ventilatory muscles.
Continuous positive airway pressure and different modalities of noninvasive positive
pressure ventilation (NPPV) applied during exercise resulted in improvement of
dyspnoea and exercise tolerance. Inspiratory muscle unloading and reduction in
intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure have been considered among mechanisms
underlying these effects in COPD patients. Nevertheless, the role of NPPV in
pulmonary rehabilitation, if any, is still controversial. The addition of nocturnal
domiciliary NPPV during a day-time exercise programme in patients with severe
COPD resulted in an improvement in exercise tolerance and quality of life.
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COPD: a randomised cross-over trial. Eur Respir J 2007; 29: 930–936.
54. Ambrosino N. Assisted ventilation as an aid to exercise training: a mechanical doping? Eur Respir
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55. Fabbri LM, Luppi F, Beghé B, Rabe KF. Complex chronic comorbidities of COPD. Eur Respir J
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57. Crisafulli E, Costi S, Luppi F, et al. Role of comorbidities in a cohort of COPD patients
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58. Ambrosino N, Palmiero G, Strambi SK. New approaches in pulmonary rehabilitation. Clin Chest
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59. Garrod R, Mikelsons C, Paul EA, Wedzicha JA. Randomized controlled trial of domiciliary
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60. Schönhofer B, Zimmermann C, Abramek P, Suchi S, Köhler D, Polkey MI. Non-invasive
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respiratory failure. Respir Med 2003; 97: 818–824.
*Paediatric Pulmonary Dept, Armand Trousseau Hospital, Paris, and #Physiology Dept, Raymond Poincaré
Hospital, Garches, France.
Correspondence: B. Fauroux, AP-HP, Hopital Armand Trousseau, Paediatric Pulmonary Dept, Research
Unit INSERM UMR S-893 Equipe 12, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, 28 Avenue du Docteur Arnold
Netter, Paris, F-75012 France. Fax: 33 144736174; E-mail:
A growing population of children have chronic respiratory failure, due to conditions,
such as muscle disease, abnormalities of the airways, the chest wall and/or the lungs, or
disorders of ventilatory control. Two factors explain the important development of
noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) in this population group. First, most
of these disorders are fundamentally hypoventilation disorders. As such, oxygen therapy
alone is not only usually ineffective in relieving symptoms, but also has been shown to be
dangerous and may lead to a marked acceleration of carbon dioxide retention [1, 2].
Secondly, by definition, NPPV is a noninvasive technique that can be applied on
demand and preferentially at night, causing much less morbidity, discomfort and social
life and family disruption than a tracheostomy. But NPPV is not applicable to all
children. Noninvasive forms of mechanical ventilation are technically more difficult to
apply in infants and young children. Usually, NPPV is applied during the night and
during the daytime nap in young children. A minimal respiratory autonomy is thus an
absolute prerequisite for NPPV, even if the beneficial effects of NPPV can extend, after
a certain period, during periods of spontaneous breathing. NPPV is often used on an
empirical basis in children, with a gap between the expanding use and the lack of precise
knowledge on physiological effects. This makes it difficult to establish both the
appropriate timing of initiation of NPPV and the most pertinent therapeutic goals.
The present chapter focuses on long-term noninvasive ventilator management of
infants and children. The first section examines the diagnoses requiring ventilatory
assistance for infants and children. The second section deals with the (potential)
physiological benefits of long term NPPV in children. The third section focuses on
special considerations for infants and children concerning ventilation techniques,
equipment and practical use.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 272–286. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
the respiratory system may impair the ability to spontaneously generate efficacious
breaths. In normal individuals, central respiratory drive and ventilatory muscle power
exceed the respiratory load and are, thus, able to sustain adequate spontaneous
ventilation. However, if the respiratory load is too high and/or ventilatory muscle power
or central respiratory drive is too low, ventilation may be inadequate, resulting in
hypercapnia. Chronic ventilatory failure, then, is the result of an imbalance in the
respiratory system, in which ventilatory muscle power and central respiratory drive are
inadequate to overcome the respiratory load. If this imbalance cannot be corrected with
medical treatment, the patient may benefit from long-term ventilatory support. Thus,
infants and children may require noninvasive long-term ventilatory support due to three
categories of respiratory system dysfunction: increased respiratory load (due to intrinsic
cardiopulmonary disorders, upper airway abnormalities, or skeletal deformities),
ventilatory muscle weakness (due to neuromuscular diseases or spinal cord injury) or
failure of neurological control of ventilation (with central hypoventilation syndrome
being the most common presentation; fig. 1).
Alveolar hypoventilation
Pa,O2 and Pa,CO2
Fig. 1. – Spontaneous ventilation is the result of a balance between neurological mechanisms controlling ventilation
together with ventilatory muscle power on one side, and the respiratory load, determined by lung, thoracic and airway
mechanics, on the other. If the respiratory load is too high and/or ventilatory muscle power or central respiratory
drive is too low, ventilation may be inadequate, resulting in alveolar hypoventilation with hypercapnia and
inspiratory muscles and the expiratory muscles [11]. Respiratory failure is less frequent
in other muscular dystrophies, such as Becker, limb-girdle and facioscapulohumeral
dystrophies. Congenital myopathies are often static [11]; however, the condition of
children may deteriorate functionally with growth because weakened muscles are unable
to cope with increasing body mass.
The importance of respiratory failure associated with spinal cord injury depends on
the level of the injury. High spinal cord injury, above C-3, causes diaphragm paralysis.
This almost always causes respiratory failure in infants and young children. NPPV can
be attempted in older children, who have a sufficient respiratory autonomy for at least
8–10 h?day-1. In patients with lower cervical cord injury, expiratory muscle function is
severely compromised, impairing cough and the clearance of bronchial secretions. As a
result, retention of secretions, leading to atelectasis and bronchopneumonia, frequently
occurs in such patients and may require short periods of NPPV during episodes of acute
respiratory failure. However, these children, with respiratory muscle weakness, often do
not have severe intrinsic or parenchymal lung disease, thus making them good
candidates for home NPPV.
Benefits of NPPV
The benefits of NPPV vary according to the underlying disease. Some beneficial
effects, such as the correction of nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation are common to the
different diagnostic groups, whereas other effects, such as the increase in survival, may
be specific for a group of disorders (table 1).
Table 1. – Potential benefits of long term noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in children according to the
underlying disease.
The efficacy of NPPV in relieving nocturnal hypoventilation in children with OSA has
been demonstrated in several studies. Nasal CPAP has been used by some experienced
teams for several decades [4–6]. Therapy with nasal CPAP eliminated the signs of OSA
in 90% (of 80) children in whom this treatment was tried due to the persistence of the
symptoms after adenotonsillectomy [4].
Several studies have shown the efficacy of NPPV to correct or improve nocturnal
hypoventilation in patients with CF. These patients may experience periods of
oxyhaemoglobin desaturation, during sleep, that are most marked during REM sleep
[19, 20]. A study including seven adults with CF showed that, compared with a control
night without CPAP, nasal CPAP resulted in a significant improvement in arterial
oxygen saturation (Sa,O2) during both REM and non-REM sleep [19]. However,
transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension (Ptc,CO2) measurements were not significantly
different between the control and CPAP nights. Another interesting study compared gas
exchange and quality of sleep in adults with CF during three nights: a control night, a
night with oxygen and a night with NPPV [21]. Similar significant improvements of
Sa,O2 and time spent in REM sleep, were observed during the nights with oxygen and
NPPV. Most interestingly, the night with oxygen was associated with a significant
increase in Ptc,CO2, whereas NPPV resulted in a significant decrease in Ptc,CO2.
Fig. 2. – Physiological alterations during sleep explaining the worsening of respiratory failure during sleep.
Increase in survival
The improvement in survival represents a major expectation of NPPV in patients with
progressive neuromuscular or lung disease. But this benefit has only been demonstrated
in patients with neuromuscular diseases in a case series [13] and in one nation-wide
study. Indeed, the benefit of NPPV on the survival of patients with Duchenne muscular
dystrophy in Denmark was evaluated between 1977 and 2001 [14]. While overall
incidence remained stable at 2.0 per 100,000 people, prevalence rose from 3.1 to 5.5 per
100,000 people, mortality fell from 4.7 to 2.6 per 100 yrs at risk and the prevalence of
ventilator users rose from 0.9 to 43.4 per 100. Ventilator use is probably the main reason
of this dramatic increase in survival.
An increase in survival has not been demonstrated in patients with CF. In other
diseases, such as OSA, survival is not an issue, because a tracheostomy may constitute
an alternative to NPPV.
observed in PE,max and PI,max, in 19 children with CF, after a 20-min physiotherapy
session [27]. When the physiotherapy session was performed with pressure-support
ventilation (PSV) administered by a nasal mask, a significant increase of these
parameters was observed. The improvement of PI,max after the PSV session suggests that
pressure support may ‘‘rest’’ the inspiratory muscles during chest physiotherapy. The
improvement of PE,max after the PSV session could be explained by the increase in tidal
volume (VT) during PSV. During PSV, the VT tends to the total lung capacity. This
allows a larger amount of energy to accumulate, thereby facilitating expiration and
decreasing the work of the expiratory muscles.
Noninvasive CPAP ventilation has been associated with an improvement in exercise
tolerance in 33 patients with CF [28]. Indeed, 5 cmH2O CPAP ventilation resulted in a
decrease in oxygen consumption, respiratory effort, assessed by the transdiaphragmatic
pressure (Pdi) and dyspnoea score. These beneficial effects during exercise were the most
important in the patients with severe lung disease in whom the presence of intrinsic
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) may be favourably counteracted by CPAP.
modules of quality of life measures, except the physical module, which reflects the
progression of the underlying neuromuscular disease [32]. NPPV was also associated with
an improvement in quality of life in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy [13]. Such a
benefit has not been demonstrated in patients with CF. In patients with OSA, the
alternative for NPPV is tracheostomy, which clearly puts the balance in favour of NPPV.
dynamic collapse during exhalation. Thus, if the main indication of CPAP is OSA, it is
also advocated in obstructive lung disease, when intrinsic PEEP increases the work of
breathing; however, because upper airway loading with complete or partial obstruction
and intrinsic PEEP are not the sole mechanisms of hypoventilation, CPAP should be
insufficient in patients with respiratory function abnormalities.
Volume-targeted ventilation is characterised by the delivery of a fixed, predetermined
VT. The main advantage of this mode is that a guaranteed minimal VT is delivered, but
this can result in detrimentally high inspiratory airway pressures causing discomfort and
poor tolerability. Despite many of the volume-targeted ventilators having no leak
compensation mechanisms, this mode is suited to patients with neuromuscular diseases,
where the ventilator acts as a substitute for the weakened respiratory muscles, which are
unable to trigger the ventilator. However, a relatively high back up rate (2–3 breaths
lower than the spontaneous respiratory rate of the patient) is required to avoid
nocturnal desaturations, and, as a consequence, many patients adopt a controlled mode
without triggering the ventilator. Also, the inspiratory triggers of these ventilators are
not very sensitive, which is another factor justifying the use of a relatively high back up
rate [9, 41]. Initial studies with long term NPPV in children with neuromuscular disease
and CF have used volume-targeted devices [42, 43]. These ventilators designed for home
use are relatively portable. They are not as technologically sophisticated as hospital
ventilators. Furthermore, few of them are capable to operate within certain limits (i.e.
VT ,50–100 mL).
PSV is pressure-targeted, during which each breath is triggered and terminated by the
patient and supported by the ventilator; the patient can control their respiratory rate,
inspiratory duration and VT [44]. This explains the relative ease in adapting to, and the
greater comfort and synchrony of this mode. In contrast to volume-targeted ventilation,
VT is not predetermined but depends on the level of PSV, the inspiratory effort of the
patient and the mechanical properties of the patient’s respiratory system. During this
mode, since there are no mandatory breaths present, an in-built low-frequency back-up
rate is used to prevent episodes of apnoea. Furthermore, because the breaths are
triggered by the patient, the sensitivity of the trigger is crucial. The sensitivity of the
inspiratory triggers of the different ventilators designed for the home is variable but
some are as sensitive as those of intensive care devices [41, 45]. Because, during PSV,
inspiratory muscle activity may influence respiratory frequency and VT, this ventilatory
mode is generally proposed in patients who can breathe spontaneously for substantial
periods of time and require mainly nocturnal ventilation.
Bi-level PPV is the combination of PSV and PEEP, permitting an independent
adjustment of expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) and inspiratory positive
airway pressure (IPAP). In this condition upper airway obstruction and/or work of
breathing induced by intrinsic PEEP are prevented by EPAP and thus PS can be
triggered easily by the patient. This ventilatory mode has been used in children with
OSA, CF [46, 47] and neuromuscular disease [46, 48, 49].
For all ventilatory modes, alarms must be correctly set. When positive pressure
ventilators are used, low pressure or disconnect alarms are classically present. Alarms for
high pressure, incorrect timing and power failure are also frequently present. The alarm of
a minimal VT is very useful in children. A back-up frequency is generally set on the
ventilator. All these alarms must be carefully checked before the discharge of the patient.
The necessity of interfaces, specifically designed for children, represents an important
technical limitation of NPPV in paediatric patients. In adults, four different types of
interfaces are used: full face masks (enclose mouth and nose); nasal masks; nasal
pillows or plugs (insert directly into the nostrils); and mouthpieces. Nasal pillows and
plugs are too large for children and mouthpieces require a good co-operation and are
difficult to use in neuromuscular patients. In young children, nasal masks are preferred
because they have less static dead space, are less claustrophobic and allow
communication and expectoration more easily than full face masks. Nasal masks
allow also the use of a pacifier in infants, which contributes to the better acceptance of
NPPV and the reduction of mouth leaks; however, few industrial masks are available
for children. This shortcoming is even more important for infants. Most often, NPPV
is thus restrained to some highly specialised paediatric centres which have the
possibility of manufacturing custom-made masks for infants and children who can not
use industrial masks [50].
The nasal interface represents a crucial determinant of the success of NPPV. The
patient will be unable to tolerate and accept NPPV in case of facial discomfort, skin
injury or significant air leaks. The evaluation of the short term tolerance of the nasal
mask is thus an essential component of NPPV [50]. NPPV is generally used during sleep,
which can represent the major part of the day in young infants. In these young patients,
there is a potential risk of skin injury and facial deformity, such as facial flattening and
maxilla retrusion, caused by the pressure applied by the mask on growing facial
structures. These potential side effects justify the systematic follow up of children
receiving NPPV by a paediatric maxillo-facial specialist.
Additional therapies
Oxygen therapy at home must be justified on the basis of an individual-based medical
necessity, as determined by appropriate physiologic monitoring, such as Sa,O2 during
periods of sleep, wakefulness, feeding and physical activity and arterial blood gases. CO2
should be minimised first by ventilator use before considering oxygen therapy, especially
for patients with neuromuscular disorders and OSA. It is important to remember that
supplemental oxygen is not a replacement for assisted ventilation in patients who
Systematic humidification of the ventilator gas is not necessary for NPPV because of
the respect of the upper airway. However, nasal intolerance, due to excessive dryness can
resolve after humidification of the ventilator gas.
The maintenance of an optimal nutritional status is of major importance. Chronic
respiratory insufficiency is associated with an increased energy demand, feeding
difficulties and poor caloric intake. Swallowing problems may occur in patients with
neuromuscular disease [51]. In some patients, gastrostomy may be a useful adjunct
therapy to NPPV and contribute to postponing the time of a tracheostomy [51, 52].
It is essential that the child, if the age permits it, and the parents should have the
opportunity to discuss NPPV therapy in advance. Discussion should start long enough
before the anticipated need, to allow the child and the family to evaluate options
thoroughly and to discuss their feelings. NPPV, here, has an essential first place as a
noninvasive therapy but still represents an objective element reflecting a further step in
the severity of a disease. It is crucial to determine short- and intermediate-term goals of
NPPV with the child and the family and to explain the principles of NPPV. A wide
range of ventilators and masks are available and great care will be taken to choose the
most appropriate equipment and settings. The final objective is that NPPV translates
into well-being and a better quality of life with a total adherence of the child and their
Table 2. – Contraindications for noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV). Adapted from [53]
Relative contraindications
Severe swallowing impairment
Inadequate family/caregiver support
Need for full-time ventilatory assistance
Absolute contraindications
Complete persistent upper airway obstruction during NPPV
Uncontrollable secretion retention
Inability to co-operate
Inability to achieve adequate peak cough flow, even with assistance
Inadequate financial resource
Inability to fit an interface
Domiciliary noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is increasingly used in
children. Three categories of respiratory system dysfunction can justify long term
NPPV: an increase in respiratory load (due to intrinsic cardiopulmonary disorders or
skeletal deformities); respiratory muscle weakness (due to neuromuscular diseases or
spinal cord injury); or failure of neurologic control of ventilation (such as the central
hypoventilation syndrome). In these different diseases, the role of NPPV will be to
respectively unload the respiratory muscles, to replace the respiratory muscles or to
replace central drive, in order to correct alveolar hypoventilation. The benefit of
NPPV on nocturnal and daytime gas exchange has been demonstrated in children.
Other effects, such as an improvement of lung function, respiratory muscle
performance or respiratory mechanics, are less well documented. The effect of
NPPV on lung growth is an important point that needs to be investigated. The type of
equipment and the specific ventilator settings that should be chosen remain a matter
of debate and evolve more rapidly with industry capability than with clear indications
available from scientific trials. The major advantage of NPPV is that it can be applied
at home, combining greater potential for psychosocial development and family
function, at a lesser cost. The use of home NPPV requires appropriate diagnostic
procedures, appropriate titration of the ventilator, co-operative and educated families
and a careful, well-organised follow up. NPPV represents a challenge for the future
whose objective is to improve the well-being of a child with chronic respiratory
insufficiency and his or her family.
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R. Scala*, S. Nava#
*Respiratory Unit, Ospedale San Donato di Arezzo, Arezzo, and #Respiratory Intensive Care Unit,
Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, IRCCS, Istituto Scientifico di Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
Correspondence: S. Nava, Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Via Maugeri
n.10, 27100 Pavia, Italy. Fax: 39 0382592075; E-mail:
Thanks to modern pharmacological and nonpharmacological approachs (i.e. long-
term oxygen therapy and home mechanical ventilation), pulmonologists are able to
prolong the survival of patients with chronic respiratory diseases until very advanced
stages of their natural course [1]. However, the increase in the survival rate is not always
associated with a satisfactory quality of life since an impaired lung function is often
associated with a limitation in the patients’ activities of daily living (ADLs) and with
discomfort and distress (i.e. dyspnoea, weakness, depressive symptoms) [2, 3].
It is known that, with the technological innovations in both the diagnosis and the
multidisciplinary treatment, the mortality rate, at least for selected types of both solid
cancers and haematological malignancies, has been reduced. However, patients with
malignant neoplasms may often develop respiratory complications related to the
underlying disorder and/or the aggressive treatment strategy; this may adversely affect
their outcome even if intensive care measures are adopted [4].
For both clinical scenarios (i.e. end-stage non-neoplastic respiratory diseases and
respiratory complications in malignancies), prolonging survival is not always a desirable
goal to achieve for both the physician and the patient according to the modern vision of
patient-centred management of diseases [3]. Conversely, palliation of symptoms and
shared end-of-life decisions are the main target of the care in order to maintain human
dignity in death [5].
With the introduction of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) to treat acute respiratory
failure (ARF) of different aetiologies y20 yrs ago, classical outcome measures, such as
hospital mortality, need for endotracheal intubation, complications of invasive
ventilation and length of hospital stay, have been drastically improved [6]. The
feasibility and usefulness of NIV in the palliative care of patients with ARF near the end
of their lives is still not well demonstrated [5, 7]. In the present chapter, the rationale and
the little available literature about this nonconventional use of NIV in end-stage non-
neoplastic chronic respiratory diseases and in malignancy will be widely discussed.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 287–306. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
Withholding A planned decision not to institute therapies that were otherwise warranted (i.e. intubation, renal
replacement therapy, increased doses of vasopressor infusions, surgery, transfusion,
nutrition and hydration).
Withdrawal Discontinuation of treatments that had been started (i.e. decreasing fraction of inspired oxygen
to 21%, extubation, turning off the ventilator, suspend the vasopressors etc.).
Palliative sedation Consists of pain and symptom treatment with the possible side effect of shortening life.
Euthanasia From the Greek words eu hanatos meaning ‘‘good death’’. It means that a doctor is intentionally
killing a person who is suffering unbearably and hopelessly at the latter’s voluntary, explicit,
repeated, well-considered and informed request.
Physician-assisted It means that a doctor is intentionally helping/assisting/co-operating in the suicide of a person
suicide who is suffering unbearably and hopelessly at the latter’s voluntary, explicit, repeated, well-
considered and informed request. These acts do not include withholding or withdrawing
treatments although these latter may occur prior to physician-assisted suicide.
Unfortunately the available severity scoring systems such as the Acute Physiologic and
Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) and Simplified Acute Physiologic (SAPS)
scores, do not predict outcome in individual patients with sufficient accuracy to be
useful in end-of-life decision making [15].
In a prospective survey conducted in French ICUs, FERRAND et al. [16] showed that,
among the patients with chronic illness prior to ICU admission (i.e. cirrhosis, malignant
diseases, AIDS, chronic heart failure, chronic respiratory failure, chronic neurological
and psychiatric diseases), the proportions of patients with cirrhosis, severe cardiac or
respiratory insufficiency and solid cancer were significantly higher in the group with
decisions to withdraw or withhold therapy, than in the group without decisions.
Recently, COOK et al. [17] demonstrated that the strongest determinants of the
withdrawal of ventilation were the physician’s perception that the patient preferred not
to use life support, the physician’s predictions of a low likelihood of survival in ICU and
poor cognitive function.
Similarly, the recent European pulmonologist survey confirmed that the indications
given for withdrawing and withholding treatment, as well DNI/DNR decisions, were
highly related to the judgement of the involved physician [11].
The results of these surveys highlighted the idea that a reduced life expectancy may
influence the end-of-life decision of the physician and this may hold particularly true for
the subset of patients affected by end-stage chronic respiratory failure (i.e. chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, other neuromus-
cular diseases, and pulmonary fibrosis). Additionally, the way in which end-of-life
decisions were handled is likely to be influenced by other factors, such as age, religion,
skill and experience of the attending physician [18]. Last, but not least, the existing local
legislation and guidelines concerning the end-of-life decision may vary dramatically
among the different European countries [11]: in the Netherlands, withholding,
withdrawal and euthanasia are legally covered in the law on contracts for medical
treatment [19]; in Belgium, despite there being no law covering end-of-life care in the
ICU, it is no longer a criminal offence to commit euthanasia if several strict conditions
are fulfilled [20]; conversely, in Italy, the legal context of end-of-life decision is very
confused due to the lack of specific laws, and the decision must be made on the basis of
civil and penal codes of law that date from the 1940s [21].
Pro Con
May prolong survival May unduly delay the process of dying
May improve quality of life May increase depression and anxiety
May improve quality of dying May increase suffering
May improve communication May increase hospital costs
May give time to say good bye and solve ‘‘open’’ Withdrawing may be difficult
personal problems
May improve dyspnoea and discomfort Discharge at home may be impossible without a ventilator
mechanical ventilation and its possible outcomes), a firm decision may be made easier by
patients with satisfaction and confidence.
Unfortunately, several studies [9–14, 22] have shown that inadequate and insufficient
communication between the medical staff and the members of the family is a key issue.
For example, it has been reported that, in some countries (i.e. Sweden and Italy), in
.50% of patients (competent and incompetent) undergoing end-of-life decisions, these
issues were discussed with neither the patient nor relatives [14]. Similarly, in a recent
European survey performed specifically on advanced chronic respiratory disorders, only
a relatively small percentage of the patients (,40%) participated in end-of-life decision
making [11].
Even when it was performed, the outcome of mechanical ventilation is often discussed
without the correct emphasis on its burden. FRIED et al. [23] have assessed how
treatment preferences are affected by the burden of treatment (i.e. length of stay in
hospital, extent of tests, invasiveness of interventions), as well as the outcome, in a
groups of patients with COPD, cardiogenic pulmonary oedema (CPO) or cancer. The
authors showed that the burden of treatment had a significant impact on decision
making, as 98.7% of participants would accept a low-burden treatment if it restored
current level of health while only 11.2% of them would refuse high-burden treatment
that produced a similar outcome. Alternatively, .70% of the patients would reject a
low-burden treatment that resulted in a severe functional or cognitive impairment.
Interestingly, for the three age-matched categories of patients, although there was no
difference in treatment preferences, subjects with COPD had the worst perceived health
and functional levels.
Finally, it should not be forgotten that the awareness of the prognosis of end-stage
respiratory patients, such as those with COPD, could be strongly influenced by mass
media (i.e. educational television programmes) [24].
order [26–31]. It is clear that the availability of a noninvasive tool to sustain ventilation
in end-stage respiratory patients has changed in recent years and is likely to greatly
modify the behaviour of physicians and patients towards the possibilities of end-of-life
decision making.
This option of using NIV in end-of-life decisions is particularly emerging in RICUs
where a European epidemiological survey has clearly shown that a large majority of
patients with end-stage chronic respiratory disorders are treated by pulmonologists [32].
This is not surprising, as RICUs differ substantially from classical ICUs in terms of
patient population, staffing, monitoring systems and the use of NIV as the preferred
ventilatory approach, where applicable. Furthermore, a very recent American survey
showed that the stated use of NIV and the confidence on its utility in end-of-life patients
was greater for pulmonologists than for intensivists [7]. This discrepancy could be due to
the belief that NIV relieves dyspnoea is greater in pulmonologists than in intensivists. A
pulmonologist’s point of view may be also influenced by caring for end-stage respiratory
patients over the entire spectrum of their illness compared with the greater focus on
acute care among intensivists.
The overlap existing between some definitions of end-of-life decision practices may be
a cause of confusion for both physicians and patients. For example, the use of NIV as
the treatment ceiling may be considered similar to a DNR/DNI order and, alternatively,
in some instances as a ‘‘full’’ form of ventilatory support. Perhaps the time has come to
add the term ‘‘do not noninvasively ventilate order’’ to the DNI/DNR orders.
expected benefits and the potential disadvantages of NIV and to stimulate an active and
dynamic communications between patient and caregiver.
Very recently, a Task Force on the ‘‘Palliation Use of NIV’’ from the Society of
Critical Care Medicine [5] suggested classifying the use of NIV, for patients with ARF,
into three categories: 1) NIV as life support with no preset limitations on life-sustaining
treatments; 2) NIV as life support when patients and families have decided to forego
endotracheal intubation; and 3) NIV as a palliative measure when patients and families
have chosen to forego all life support, receiving CMO. The Task Force suggested an
approach to the use of NIV for patients and families who choose to forego endotracheal
intubation. NIV should be applied after careful discussion of the goals of care, with
explicit parameters for likelihood of success and failure, by experienced personnel, and
in appropriate healthcare settings. It is important to acknowledge that individual
patients may transition from one category to another as the goals of the care or the risk/
benefit balance of NIV dynamically change [5].
The difference in goals of NIV, when applied for palliative purpose compared with
‘‘conventional’’ use, must be stressed. In the first category of patients, without preset limits
on the provision of and advance life support (i.e. endotracheal intubation) NIV must be
considered successful only if it improves gas exchanges, is reasonably tolerated and
provides an efficient support to buy time to treat the precipitating cause of ARF. In this
scenario, even though it is important for the patient to be comfortable on NIV, they may
be encouraged to tolerate some discomfort for a short time if NIV is improving
oxygenation and ventilation and is likely to avoid endotracheal intubation and to survive.
NIV will be discontinued in case of successful ability of the patient to breath
spontaneously without mechanical support or in case of either NIV failure or poor mask
tolerance, with the need for invasive ventilation [6, 36]. Moreover, a reduced level of
consciousness is not an absolute contraindication for NIV, in this subset of patients,
provided that NIV is used in only a close monitored setting with a skill and experienced
clinical team ready to intubate the patient if their sensorium does not improve quickly [37].
The goals and the time for discontinuation of NIV are similar for those patients who
decline endotracheal intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation, with the difference
that NIV will be withdrawn if not successful and/or tolerated any longer, and CMO will
be intensified. From the ethical point of view, before the application of NIV to DNI
patients, it is crucial to have their informed consent [5, 9].
Additionally, patients belonging to a third category, such as those at the end stage of a
chronically progressive disease (i.e. COPD, neuromuscular disorders and chronic heart
failure) or those with terminal malignancy, do not want any form of life-prolonging
therapy as their baseline quality of life is found unacceptable despite a maximal therapy.
In this subset of patients, who choose CMO to palliate their symptoms, NIV will be
considered successful only if it improves dyspnoea, without having negative
consequences, and improves the ability to communicate with the family [38]. In contrast
to the other categories, patients in this category should not be encouraged to tolerate the
discomfort associated with NIV because the goal of the chosen therapy is only the
palliation of the symptoms and not the improvement of physiological parameters.
Consequently, NIV should be discontinued if patients feel that NIV is not making them
more comfortable. In this scenario, there is no sense in providing NIV to patients who
are unable to communicate (i.e. have a decreased level of consciousness) as they could
not feel the potential impact of NIV on their symptoms [5]. This palliative use of NIV
may also allow CMO patients to be transferred home in order to spend the end of their
lives in their own beds [30].
An ambivalent behaviour towards life-sustaining treatments may be found in at least
some patients or some families who choose CMO, as they may still maintain a desire or
hope for a cure or a miracle [39]. A patient who has chosen not to undergo
endotracheal intubation and is using NIV, hoping it will, if only briefly, prolong their
life should be considered as the second category rather than the third. It may also be
that some patients who do not want prolonged life-sustaining therapy may choose to
undergo a short-term trial of NIV in order to achieve the goal of surviving either until
they get their personal affairs in order or until the arrival of family members or friends
[7]. Although these patients may have a terminal illness and may be actively dying, the
use of NIV in this scenario would be an example of the second category’s rationale. It
is important to acknowledge that the boundaries between the two categories of NIV
use in patients refusing intubation have not yet been exactly defined. As a matter of a
fact, the Critical Care Medicine Task Force advises that the goals of the care should be
continually reassessed, because risks, benefits and treatment preferences change over
time and, therefore, the goals of the care and the category of NIV also change in the
same patient [5].
discharge. The authors found that a higher level of baseline hypercapnia, the diagnosis
of COPD or CPO, the presence of strong cough and of wakefulness were associated with
a better hospital survival.
Similar results have recently been obtained by SCHETTINO et al. [30], in a single-centre
prospective observational study investigating the use of NIV in 131 consecutive DNI
patients with ARF. The authors reported an overall hospital mortality of 65%, with a
much poorer prognosis of patients with advanced cancer showing a hospital mortality of
85%; those with COPD and CPO showed a hospital survival rate of 63 and 60%,
respectively. It is not clear whether these predictors are specific to DNI patients because
in neither of the latter two studies, were patients in category 2 distinguishable from those
in category 3; however, it is possible that the majority of the enrolled patients belonged
to category 2 because most of them were discharged alive.
A further uncontrolled study compared the long-term outcome of 80 consecutive
patients with COPD exacerbations treated with NIV independent of whether they had a
DNI order; the former showed a shorter 1-yr survival compared with the latter (30 and
65%, respectively). Patients in the DNI group were significantly older, had a worse
dyspnoea and APACHE II scores, and were more limited in their ADLs [29].
Similar findings were observed in another recent retrospective study [31] performed on
233 patients submitted to NIV: hospital survival was lower in 34 DNI patients than in
199 non-DNI patients (25 versus 74%, respectively; p,0.001) and DNI was the strongest
independent predictor of both in-hospital and 6-month mortality. However, while
hospital survival was better for COPD versus non-COPD patients with and without
DNI order, at 6 months, the outcome was not different for COPD versus non-COPD.
These clinical data are in agreement with the findings of the recent American survey
about near end of life showing that most physicians (.80%) use NIV and most RTs
(.80%) are asked to initiate NIV for DNR patients with COPD or CPO. Conversely,
according to this survey fewer clinicians reported using NIV for DNR patients with
underlying malignancy (59% of physicians, 69% of RTs) or for patients choosing CMO
(40% of physicians, 51% of RTs; p,0.001) [7].
Another potential field of application of NIV in terms of palliative care is as a
treatment ceiling in end-stage patients already receiving home NIV, but no data
concerning this issue were available.
To date, no studies have fully assessed the effectiveness and the safety of NIV
specifically applied in patients who choose to undergo CMO (i.e. category 3), even
though NIV has been shown to be effective in reducing dyspnoea in COPD
exacerbations [27, 40] and in advanced solid cancer with ARF [43].
The more controversial point is whether the benefit of NIV to palliate dyspnoea may
be outweighed by the discomfort and the limited communication induced by a tight-
fitting mask. Additionally, the physician should not forget to consider and to let the
patient/family be aware of the other possible complications of NIV, such as
gastrodistension, eye irritation, pneumothorax, agitation, patient–ventilator asynchrony
and haemodynamic instability that may further deteriorate the poor quality of life of
CMO/DNI patients [30, 44]. It is important to emphasise that, presently, there is no
convincing evidence that NIV will relieve symptoms in CMO patients. However,
understanding the attitudes of physicians towards the goals of NIV and the length and
the modality of its application in patients at the end of their life may be helpful.
In order to further understand the reasons for the palliative short-term use of NIV in
patients with dyspnoea at the end of life, SINUFF et al. [7] reported that about half of the
physicians aimed at providing time for patients and their families to come to terms with
the patient’s death, as well as allowing patients to get their personal affairs in order.
Moreover, following an initial successful application of NIV for the acute management
of ARF, two-thirds of physicians decided to continue NIV as long as the patient is
course of illness and the outcome is really disappointing despite the use of invasive and
noninvasive mechanical ventilation [48–52]. The potential role of NIV used for CMO in
interstitial lung disease patients with ARF has yet to be fully investigated compared with
standard medical and oxygen therapy, always presenting the balance between burden
and usefulness for the patients.
Neoplastic diseases
The dilemma of the care in cancer patients with ARF
ARF is common in cancer patients. New types and modalities of chemotherapy and
radiotherapy, circulating pluripotent haematopoietic cell grafts and bone marrow
transplantation have contributed to the increase in successful treatment of solid and
haematological malignancies. However, these regimens may predispose patients to
various life-threatening complications, such as infection, haemorrhage, capillary leak
syndrome, radiation toxicity or drug-related toxicity [53–55]. The lung is the target
organ most frequently involved in these complications; BLOT et al. [56] showed that an
episode of ARF is by far the most common reason for admitting a cancer patient to the
ICU. The reasons leading to referral for intensive care appear quite familiar:
pneumonia, followed by exacerbated COPD, pulmonary oedema and haemoptysis.
Short-term mortality is mainly related to the severity of organ dysfunction and not to
the characteristics of the malignancy [57]. The occurrence of ARF is often seen by
oncologists as a terminal phase of the disease, based on studies reporting limited survival
at considerable cost [58–64]. Alternatively, a large proportion of cancer patients with
severe respiratory failure are denied admission to an ICU because the intensive care
specialists are aware that intubation and mechanical ventilation are both strong
predictors of mortality in critically ill cancer patients [54, 63, 65, 66]. Despite these
problems, the ICU mortality rate of cancer patients has decreased dramatically in the
last 20 yrs, and this is particularly true for those patients requiring mechanical
ventilation [57].
The first independent predictor of mortality is, obviously, the severity of the patient’s
clinical condition on admission to the ICU which is recorded by various scores, such as
SAPS I and SAPS II [67], APACHE II and APACHE III [68]. The second and
‘‘stronger’’ independent predictive factor of mortality is the need for mechanical
ventilation. Despite the efforts made to prevent bacterial contamination of the patient/
ventilator circuit, ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and worsening of a pre-
existing infection are still the major challenges in intubated patients [70]. The mortality
risk may vary from 30 to 76% and is strictly dependent on the bacteria isolated;
mortality among patients infected with aerobic Gram-negative bacteria being
significantly higher than that among patients with Gram-positive bacteria.
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are evenly distributed among immuno-
compromised cancer patients with pulmonary infiltrates, but fungal pathogens and
viral agents are also well represented [53, 64]. The prognosis of these infected patients
worsens significantly when respiratory failure occurs and mechanical ventilation is
instituted. Despite adequate diagnostic evaluation and treatment in the ICU, the
mortality remains so high that the benefit of mechanical ventilation has been seriously
questioned; the ethics have also been questioned. This is especially true for bone-
marrow transplant recipients [63]. In those patients who do survive, nosocomial
pneumonia is responsible for a longer stay in hospital. An endotracheal tube can
predispose to the development of pneumonia by impairing cough and mucociliary
clearance; furthermore, contaminated secretions can accumulate above the cuff and
leak around it and bacterial binding to the surface of bronchial epithelium is increased
[70, 71]. Invasive ventilatory support also increases the risk of feeding aspiration.
ELPERN et al. [72] showed that y50% of tracheotomised patients receiving prolonged
ventilation had feeding aspiration.
associated with 30-day mortality. However, in the multivariate analysis two variables
were found to predict ICU outcome: higher SAPS II score at admission was associated
with an increased mortality rate, whereas the use of NIV during the 1996–1998 period
was associated with a marked improvement in survival. In order to define the impact of
NIV on better outcome, a pairwise-matched exposed–unexposed analysis was
performed. A total of 48 patients, who received NIV as the first ventilation method,
and 48 patients, who did not, were matched for SAPS II score, type of malignancy and
period of ICU admission. Crude ICU mortality rates from those exposed to NIV and
from the controls were 44 and 71%, respectively. NIV still had a protective effect against
mortality after adjustment for matching variables. According to the risk of death
attributable to mechanical ventilation, approximately four patients needed to receive
NIV in order for one death is prevented.
The use of NIV to treat a severe episode of respiratory failure in acutely ill cancer
patients is a new field of application, which is expanding very quickly given the very
promising results obtained, particularly in the patients with haematological malig-
Between 30–40% of the patients with neutropenia may develop severe pulmonary
infections and these are frequently fatal. Indeed, during the window period of
immunodepression, patients may also be prone to developing other respiratory
complications such as alveolar haemorrhage, capillary leak syndrome, radiation toxicity
or drug-related toxicity [53–55].
Endotracheal intubation increases the mortality risk because of the greater
possibility of developing new or superimposed infections, such as sinusitis and
VAP [73]. The endotracheal tube bypasses the mechanical defenses of the upper
airways and causes local damage. In addition, the portion of the trachea between the
cuff and the vocal cords becomes a reservoir of secretions colonised by bacteria
originating from the sinuses, the nasal passages, pharynx, oral cavity and the
stomach. These infected secretions can be introduced into the lung with nursing
manoeuvres [37], such as bronchoaspiration [74]. In this situation, NIV seems to be
an interesting alternative due to the lower risk of complication [75]. The first attempts
to apply NIV in immunocompromised patients, although not in those with
haematological disorders, were made in the early 1990s by GREGG et al. [76] and
later by GACHOT et al. [77] in patients with ARF due to Pneumocystis carinii infection.
Both studies, although uncontrolled, concluded that continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) delivered via a face mask was an effective supportive therapy in
these acutely ill patients.
In 1992 TOGNET et al. [78] reported the first attempt to ventilate patients with
haematological malignancies with NIV delivered via a face mask. They found that, for
similar severity of disease and arterial oxygen tension (Pa,O2)/inspired oxygen fraction
(FI,O2), the ICU mortality was significantly higher in the group of patients ventilated
invasively than in those managed with NIV (100 and 55%, respectively).
In 1994, the first pioneering study performed in cancer patients was by MEDURI et al.
[27]. In that observational investigation the authors applied NIV in a group of 15
patients in the terminal phase of their disease after these patients had refused consent to
be intubated or had signed a DNI order. Two of these patients had ARF due to a
haematological disorder and one due to lung cancer. Gas exchange and respiratory rate
improved very rapidly after the application of NIV, and two of the three were
discharged from the ICU a few days later. This highlighted, for the first time, that NIV
may be used even in patients in whom endotracheal intubation is clinically or ethically
The first pilot, prospective study on the use of NIV in immunocompromised patients
with haematological malignancies was performed in 1998. CONTI et al. [79] enrolled 16
consecutive patients with severe ARF (mean Pa,O2/FI,O2 of 87¡22) treated with pressure
support ventilation (PSV) through a nasal mask. The criteria for intubation were
predetermined. A total of 15 out of these 16 patients showed a significant improvement
in arterial blood gases and respiratory rate within the first 24 h. In particular, Pa,O2
increased in the first hour of ventilation from 43¡10 to 88¡37 mmHg. Five patients
died in the ICU following complications independent of the respiratory failure (three
septic shock, one gastrointestinal bleeding and one acute myocardial infarction) and 11
were discharged from the ICU in a stable condition after a mean stay of 4.3¡2.4 days.
The authors concluded that NIV is feasible and may be a good choice for the treatment
of a selected population of critically ill patients, who would otherwise have had a high
probability of needing intubation.
HILBERT et al. [80], 2 yrs later, expanded the previous observation in a larger group
of patients, using noninvasive CPAP. Over a 5-yr period the authors enrolled 64
patients presenting with febrile acute hypoxaemic (Pa,O2/FI,O2 of ,200) respiratory
failure and haematological malignancy. CPAP was administered for 6 h?day-1 in the
first week of ICU admission. The respiratory rate decreased to ,25 breaths?min-1 in
the majority of the patients, while Pa,O2/FI,O2 increased from 128¡32 to 218¡28.
Despite these favorable results, CPAP successfully avoided intubation in ‘‘only’’ 16
out of the 64 patients. Interestingly, all the responders survived the hospital stay
whereas only four nonresponders did so. In the multivariate analysis, two variables
were predictive of the failure of CPAP: the SAPS II score and liver failure at entry to
the study.
The studies by CONTI et al. [79] and HILBERT et al. [80] gave, apparently, quite
different success rates but the discrepancies in the results can be explained. First, the
ventilatory techniques used were different, since CONTI et al. [79] employed PSV in
combination with CPAP whereas HILBERT et al. [80] used CPAP alone. This latter
strategy has been shown to be no more effective than oxygen therapy alone in treating
an episode of hypoxaemic ARF [81], while in the same context PSV with CPAP was
associated with a better clinical outcome than that produced by oxygen therapy [82].
Secondly, although the authors used different scores to assess the severity of their
patients’ conditions on admission (SAPS I and SAPS II, respectively), it is possible to
extrapolate that, on average, the patients enrolled into the study by HILBERT et al. [80]
were more severely ill.
A later study by HILBERT et al. [83] gave scientific dignity to NIV, partly because it
was published in one of the most authoritative medical journals, the New England
Journal of Medicine, and partly because of the very impressive clinical results. The
authors conducted a prospective, randomised trial of intermittent NIV compared with
standard treatment with supplemental oxygen and no ventilatory support, in 52
immunosuppressed patients with pulmonary infiltrates, fever and an early stage of
hypoxaemic ARF (Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio of ,200). The large majority of the patients had a
haematological malignancy and neutropenia or drug-induced immunosuppression.
Periods of NIV delivered through a face mask were alternated every 3 h with periods of
spontaneous breathing with supplemental oxygen. The decision to intubate was made
according to standard, predetermined criteria. The main results of the study were that
fewer patients in the NIV group than in the standard-treatment group required
endotracheal intubation (12 versus 20, respectively; p50.03), had serious complications
(13 versus 21, respectively; p50.02), died in the ICU (10 versus 18, respectively;
p50.03) or died in the hospital (13 versus 21, respectively; p50.02). Overall, that study
clearly showed that early implementation of NIV was associated with significant
reduction in the rate of intubation, serious complications and death, in both the ICU
and hospital.
A case–control study (34 patients) was performed to assess the efficacy of early
administration of noninvasive CPAP delivered by face mask versus the newly
developed interface, the helmet, in patients with haematological malignancies and
fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and hypoxaemic ARF (Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio of ,200) [84].
Each patient was treated with CPAP outside the ICU in the haematology ward. The
authors described the highest possible rates of success in the patients ventilated with
the helmet. As a matter of fact, oxygenation improved in all patients after CPAP but,
while no patient failed helmet CPAP because of intolerance, eight patients in the mask
group did. Indeed, NIV could be applied continuously for a longer period of time in
the helmet group (28.44¡0.20 versus 7.5¡0.45 h in the mask group). The most
important conclusions from this study are that NIV can also be applied outside the
ICU, at least in the early stage of ARF and only in selected population of patients
[85]. Indeed, the helmet may be a feasible alternative to a face mask in case of
intolerance. Great caution should be taken however in using a helmet in hypercapnic
patients, since the risk of potential CO2 rebreathing has not yet been completely
elucidated [86].
Finally, a few comments should also be made on the use of NIV in cancer patients in
the terminal phase of their disease or in those who expressly state that they do no want
to be intubated under any circumstances. The large majority of studies in cancer
patients are limited to patients affected by haematological cancers, while scant data are
available from cases with solid tumours. This may be a field of great potential interest,
since a subgroup of these patients may also be affected by comorbid conditions and, at
some point, may develop acute failure of a specific organ, not necessarily related to the
site of cancer. For example, a substantial number of cancer patients are, or were,
smokers, frequently affected by chronic pulmonary or cardiac disease; thus, acute
exacerbation of COPD or CPO, leading to ARF, are relatively common. Despite the
fact that most of these episodes are promptly reversible if adequately treated, patients
do not always receive ventilatory support, just because they ‘‘have cancer’’. For
instance in most of the studies performed on NIV, malignancy is an exclusion
The present authors prospectively recruited 23 patients needing NIV with a pre-
existing diagnosis of solid cancer. NIV was delivered with PSV plus CPAP [43]. The
application of NIV was associated with a significant improvement in arterial blood gases
and dyspnoea score after only 1 h of ventilation. The survival at 6 and 12 months was
low, as expected. From this pilot study, it can be suggested that the use of NIV is feasible
and associated with a reduction of dyspnoea in patients with ARF and a pre-existing
solid tumour [43]. A very appealing goal of NIV in this kind of patients is to achieve a
good control of the dyspnoea in addition to the traditional pharmacological therapy.
The preliminary results of a recent multicentre RCT [87] performed in advanced solid
cancer patients showed that, compared with only oxygen and medical therapy, the
adjunct of NIV may reduce the amount of the needed doses of opiates and, therefore,
their side effects, such as the depressed level of sensorium. This may mean a better
capability of communication for the patient at the end of their life, with a good control
of symptoms.
Whatever environment is established to apply NIV, the experience of the team (medical
doctors, RTs, nurses) needs to be adequate to the severity of the acute illness. The more
the team is experienced in NIV, the greater the severity of the ARF that can be managed
[89], provided that the switch from noninvasive to invasive ventilation may be done very
quickly in patients who do not refuse advanced life-sustaining measures. Last but not
least, ethical and palliative issues should be taken in account in the assignment of an
acute patient to a specific setting [5, 7].
While the use of NIV in ARF patients, without preset limitation on life sustaining
treatment, should be reserved for intensive care units, respiratory high-dependency units
or the step-down setting with well-trained staff and adequate monitoring, where the
transition to invasive ventilation is available if noninvasive ventilation fails; the ideal
palliative care of patients belonging to category 2 and 3 is likely to be more appropriate
outside the intensive care unit. In fact, for these categories, the failure of noninvasive
ventilation requires rapid intensification of comfort measures only, which could be more
adequately performed in totally or partially ‘‘open’’ environments, such as respiratory
high-dependency units or respiratory/general wards, with the help of the member of the
family [5]. However, the same monitoring and alarm system required for category 1
patients should also be in place for patients from categories 2 and 3, to be sure that they
are comfortable and at the same time to quickly identify patients for whom NIV is no
longer helpful. The hospice setting may be an appropriate setting for category 3 patients
provided that the staff and the family are well trained even if it has not been proved. It
must be underlined that in a setting in which clinicians are unfamiliar with NIV the
chance of benefit is low and there is the risk of increasing discomfort and stress at the
end of life [7].
As pulmonary physicians, especially those dealing with mechanical ventilation, we
are facing the problem of withholding and withdrawing life support in terminally ill
patients affected by acute or chronic respiratory disorders every day.
The overall incidence of these practices in Europe is only partially known and, even
more importantly, it has been shown that there are important differences between
countries or regions, reflecting the absence of a common strategy even within the
European Community.
The ‘‘shared decision’’ taken together by physicians, nurses and the patient’s family
may be the best approach to these decisions. There is good evidence that noninvasive
ventilation (NIV) may be used in terminally ill patients with different objectives, such
as: 1) life support with no preset limitations on life-sustaining treatment; 2) life
support when the patients decided to forego intubation (DNI); and 3) a "pure"
palliative measure. Up to 30% of end-stage chronic respiratory patients are receiving
NIV in the last days of life, solely to relieve dyspnoea, and this "ceiling" practice has
also been applied to end-stage cancer patients. About 50% of DNI patients with acute
respiratory failure may also be successfully treated and discharged from the hospital,
mainly if affected by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic heart failure.
The success of NIV is strictly dependent on the experience of the staff involved, and
the patients should be allowed to withdraw from the treatment in every instance.
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*Service des soins intensifs and #Service de Pneumologie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Geneva,
Correspondence: P. Jolliet, Service des soins intensifs, Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire, 1211 Geneva 14,
Switzerland. Fax: 41 223729105; E-mail:
The number of patients receiving long-term home ventilation for a variety of diseases
causing chronic respiratory insufficiency is steadily increasing [1, 2]. In part, this has
been made possible by the major technological developments resulting in the availability
of compact, quiet, high-performance home ventilators [3, 4], as well as the creation of a
robust technical-support infrastructure [5, 6]. Over the last decade, domiciliary
ventilators have gained in power, sophistication and available options. However, the
wide spectrum of this offer does not necessarily make choosing a machine easier for
clinicians, especially given the cost constraints that are nowadays ubiquitous in
healthcare systems. Furthermore, sophistication can lead to the user interface being very
complex, making rapid setting changes difficult.
Bench testing can provide useful insights into this problem, by confronting the
machines to various abnormal respiratory mechanics and intensity of inspiratory effort,
thereby comparing their performances [3, 4, 7] and testing their user friendliness [8].
Nonetheless, the results of bench testing cannot be directly extrapolated to patients, as
the clinical relevance of bench test results must be evaluated in the clinical setting.
Therefore, clinical and pathophysiological studies must also be conducted to verify
bench findings.
In the present chapter, the available data from various bench model studies of
domiciliary ventilators is reviewed and the data in discussed in the context of the results
of relevant clinical trials.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 307–318. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
Triggering. The inspiratory trigger should be sensitive enough to allow easy triggering
by the patient, without autotriggering, and have a short delay between the onset of
patient inspiratory effort and pressurisation by the ventilator (known as ‘‘trigger
delay’’). Ideally, trigger delay should be ,100 ms, since higher values can be perceived
by the patient and lead to discomfort [10].
Regarding sensitivity, although differences exist among machines, all bilevel devices
generally require very little triggering effort [3]. The inspiratory trigger level is adjustable
most of the time, but the adjustment is most often done with arbitrary units. During
NIV, leaks lead to autotriggering because they generate a flow which mimics that which
is generated by the patient’s inspiratory effort.
Bench test performances are heterogeneous among domiciliary ventilators. Although
some machines rapidly trigger into inspiration (,100 ms), others take considerably
longer, sometimes up to 500 ms [3, 11, 12]. In general, ventilators based on pressure
triggering have higher trigger delays. Ventilators based on the flow waveform method of
triggering (BiPAP1 Vision, Synchrony1 and Harmony1 BPPV ventilators; Respironics,
Murrysville, PA, USA) have the shortest trigger delays [12]. However, this approach
sometimes leads to a greater occurrence of autotriggering [13]. Leaks can also increase
the trigger delay [14].
Trigger delay also increases with obstructive conditions, although not to a great
extent [12]. Finally, in a recent study evaluating performances of 17 ventilators available
for home ventilation in France with the most common ‘‘paediatric profiles’’
(neuromuscular disease, upper airway obstruction and cystic fibrosis), triggering
performances showed a great variability and depended on the type of trigger (flow or
pressure), the type of circuit (simple or double), the patient profile and the presence of
leaks [15]. No single ventilator was able to ventilate all the profiles. A total of 12
Fig. 1. – Key phases of a typical pressure support cycle. Paw: airway pressure. #: trigger; ": pressurisation; +: level of
pressure support; 1: cycling.
ventilators had a trigger delay ,150 ms for less than two profiles and only one
ventilator for three profiles. In all other cases, the trigger was ‘‘inappropriate’’, meaning
that ineffective efforts or autotriggering were present.
Cycling. During ventilatory cycles triggered by the patient (‘‘spontaneous (S) mode’’ or
‘‘spontaneous/timed (S/T) mode’’ in bilevel pressure support) cycling occurs as the
inspiratory flow decreases to a pre-adjusted percentage of the peak inspiratory flow.
This cycling criterion is termed ‘‘expiratory trigger’’ (ET) [19]. Ideally, cycling should
coincide with the end of the patient’s inspiratory effort. However, synchronisation
between the latter and the ventilator’s ET is mainly determined by respiratory mechanics
[20]. Obstructive respiratory mechanics lead to a late cycling [21] and restrictive
PTP500 %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bilevel device
Fig. 2. – Bench model evaluation of the pressurisation capacity of 10 bilevel ventilators. Data are presented as
mean¡SD % of ideal pressurisation measured 500 ms after onset of ventilator cycle (PTP500 %). Modified from [3].
respiratory mechanics to a premature one [20]. Equally, if not more importantly, during
NIV, leaks delay the decrease of the inspiratory flow, leading to a late cycling [22].
Cycling varies markedly among devices, being strongly influenced by the ET used
(fig. 3). In the absence of leaks, bilevel devices with ‘‘default’’ ET tend to cycle
prematurely with normal and restrictive respiratory mechanics and to exhibit delayed
cycling in obstructive respiratory mechanics conditions [3]. As expected, leaks increase
in the magnitude of delayed cycling on most machines [3]. Modifying the ET, if possible,
allows improvements in both premature and delayed cycling.
The automatic cycling based on the flow waveform method of triggering implemented
on an intensive care unit (ICU) ventilator allows for a better cycling despite the presence
of leaks than the traditional default 25% of peak flow [14]. Another possible solution is
the adjustment of the inspiratory time (T mode).
Expiration. On domiciliary ventilators a single limb circuit is often used, entailing the
risk of carbon dioxide rebreathing, which in turn increases work of breathing. A
solution to avoid carbon dioxide rebreathing is the fitting of a calibrated leak valve [23]
and the maintenance of a minimum mandatory end-expiratory pressure level, known as
expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP; usually 4 cmH2O). The continuous high-
level flow which generates EPAP thereby maintains a leak through the calibrated valve,
allowing improved carbon dioxide washout [23]. The use of specific valves has been
shown to add to the total expiratory resistance of the circuit, although the clinical
relevance of this finding remains uncertain [23]. LOFASO et al. [24] showed that
considerable differences existed between available models, potentially leading to
worsening dynamic hyperinflation.
Over the years, research on the interaction between caregivers and the machines they
use has shown that more attention should be given to this topic [25, 26]. Indeed, in order
40 * *
tI, excess %
* *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bilevel device
Fig. 3. – Bench model measurement of cycling of nine bilevel ventilators. Data are presented as excess inspiratory
time (tI,excess) expressed as mean¡SD percentage of patient inspiratory time. Positive values indicate delayed cycling,
negative values indicate premature cycling. h: baseline conditions, with the standard leak of the calibrated expiratory
valve. &: presence of a major added leak designed to mimic leaks at the patient–ventilator interface. *: p,0.05 versus
and were equally improved by both ventilatory modes; two did not tolerate volumetric
NPPV and were successfully managed with the BiPAP. Ten (33%) patients were
considered ‘‘nonresponders’’, i.e. had worsening arterial blood gases and symptom
scores with barometric ventilation. The likelihood of being a ‘‘nonresponder’’ was not
related to the underlying diagnosis. The conclusions of that study are subject to debate
because of the ‘‘controlled’’ mode chosen with both ventilators and used in all patients,
irrespective of underlying diagnosis, which may have increased patient–ventilator
asynchrony [39]. Another short-term study (two 1-h periods of NIV) included 11
patients, all under long-term NIV for at least 1 yr and in a stable clinical condition,
comparing BPPV (O’NYX plus1; Puritan Bennett, Boulder, CO, USA, S/T mode) and
volumetric NPPV (Eole IINA1; SAIME, Savigny le Temple, France, assisted-controlled
mode); the authors found no significant difference in terms of correction of arterial
blood gases or increase in VT [40]. More recently, TUGGEY and ELLIOTT [41] compared
pressure support and volume ventilation (Breas PV4031, Molyycke, Sweden) in 13
patients with chest wall deformities, over a 4-week randomised cross-over trial. Impact
on arterial blood gases, quality of sleep (assessed by polysomnography) and health
status (SF-36 and HAD scores) was identical in both modes. Data from the Geneva lake
study, comparing patients with volumetric to barometric ventilators, showed no
difference in probability of pursuing NPPV, suggesting a similar acceptance by patients
and a similar benefit on survival [1]. Thus, except for in the study by SCHÖNHOFER et al.
[39], all available reports fail to find any significant differences between volume-cycled
and pressure-cycled ventilation, either in short- or long-term studies. Costs of pressure-
cycled ventilators are far below that of volume-cycled machines. Furthermore, BPPV
ventilators are much less cumbersome, lighter and often perceived as more comfortable
[42], which explains their present use as ‘‘default’’ ventilators in most indications for
domiciliary NPPV.
Inspiratory triggering
Inspiratory triggering is an option presently available on most home ventilators,
except for those with complex synchronisation algorithms (‘‘flow waveform method of
triggering’’: Synchrony1 and Harmony1 BPPV ventilators, Respironics). Home
volumetric ventilators (i.e. Lifecare PLV 1001, Breas PV 5011) most often rely on
pressure-triggering while barometric ventilators commercialised for home care rely on
flow-triggering systems which are more sensitive and may contribute to a lower work of
breathing for triggering. NAVA et al. [45] compared the effect of flow versus pressure
triggering on inspiratory effort during pressure support ventilation (PSV) and
volumetric assisted controlled (A/C) mode delivered noninvasively in patients with
COPD recovering from an acute exacerbation: flow triggering reduced the inspiratory
effort byy15% (oesophageal PTP (PTPoes) and change in airway pressure DPaw) during
both PSV and A/C modes compared with pressure triggering.
The flow waveform method of triggering (BiPAP1 Vision, Synchrony1 and
Harmony1 BPPV ventilators, Respironics) has been compared with the Evita 4
(Drägerwerk) in pressure support mode, in 12 intubated and sedated patients treated for
acute respiratory failure (ARF) [13]; the flow waveform method of triggering was more
sensitive to patient effort than conventional flow triggering but led to more
autotriggerings, and cycling with the flow waveform method of triggering was similar
to the use of 25% of peak inspiratory flow criteria.
remains to be determined. Indeed, during NIV, even though obstructive mechanics are
likely to promote delayed cycling, leaks at the patient–mask interface have been shown
to be a major contributor to this problem [22]. When this is the case, reducing the
magnitude of leaks and/or adding an upper limit to inspiratory time can improve the
Volume targeting
A limitation of BPPV is the absence of guarantee as to the minute-volume delivered to
the patient. Volume targeting is a feature recently made available on some bilevel
ventilators (i.e. Synchrony1, Respironics; VENTIlogic1, VENTImotion1, Weinmann,
Hamburg, Germany; VS Ultra1 and Elisee1TM 150, ResMed, Sydney, Australia;
Legendair1 and Smartair1, Covidien AG, Hamilton, Bermuda) which aims to solve this
limitation: the ventilator measures or estimates delivered tidal volume (VT) through a
built-in pneumotachograph, and adjusts pressure support within a preset range to
provide a VT as close as possible to a target VT set by the clinician. Target volume
recommended by Respironics1 in obese patients is 7–8 mL?kg-1 (or 8–12 mL?kg-1 of
ideal body weight). In a randomised cross-over study, STORRE et al. [50] recently
showed, in patients with OHS, (n510, BMI 41¡12 kg?m-2, Pa,CO2 47¡2 mmHg) that
BPPV with volume targeting (7–10 mL?kg-1 of ideal body weight) decreased mean
nocturnal Ptc,CO2 and daytime Pa,CO2 more efficiently than BPPV alone. The impact of
volume targeting on nocturnal Ptc,CO2 was confirmed in 12 OHS patients, who
underwent polysomnography during two consecutive nights while receiving BPPV with
or without volume targeting (7–8 mL?kg-1) in a randomised order; however, this
improvement was at the expense of a lesser sleep comfort, increased awakenings and
wake after sleep onset, as well as a shorter total sleep time [51].
The steady increase in the number of patients receiving long-term home ventilation
and the continuous technical improvements which have made possible the development
of compact and sophisticated ventilators has resulted in a wide range of available
ventilators on the domiciliary market. Paradoxically, the choice has become more
arduous for the clinician in the face of this abundant offer when attempting to equip a
given patient with the appropriate ventilator, while attempting to contain costs. Bench
tests provide useful data on the performance of ventilators, as well as on their
comparative benefits and drawbacks, but their results must be confronted to those of
clinical trials in order to determine their relevance on patient care. The ergonomics of
ventilators are an area which needs further exploration, as available results indicate that
there is a need to improve their user-friendliness.
The increasing number of patients receiving long-term home ventilation over the years
has fuelled demand for the development of reliable, compact, powerful and quiet
home ventilators. Manufacturers have been quick to respond and there is now an
abundant offer of such machines on the market. However, this large range can
sometimes make choosing the appropriate device difficult for physicians. Bench
testing can provide valuable data to assist in that decision and several such studies
have been published in recent years. However, the clinical relevance of these tests must
also be determined through pathophysiological and clinical studies. The combined
data stemming from these two complementary approaches should help clinicians in
making the right decision when choosing a ventilator for an individual patient in need
of chronic home ventilation.
1. Janssens JP, Derivaz S, Breitenstein E, et al. Changing patterns in long-term noninvasive
ventilation: a 7-year prospective study in the Geneva Lake area. Chest 2003; 123: 67–79.
2. Lloyd-Owen SJ, Donaldson GC, Ambrosino N, et al. Patterns of home mechanical ventilation use
in Europe: results from the Eurovent survey. Eur Respir J 2005; 25: 1025–1031.
3. Battisti A, Tassaux D, Janssens JP, Michotte JB, Jaber S, Jolliet P. Performance characteristics of
10 home mechanical ventilators in pressure-support mode: a comparative bench study. Chest
2005; 127: 1784–1792.
4. Tassaux D, Strasser S, Fonseca S, Dalmas E, Jolliet P. Comparative bench study of triggering,
pressurization and cycling between the home ventilator VPAPII1 and three ICU ventilators.
Intensive Care Med 2002; 28: 1254–1261.
5. Farre R, Lloyd-Owen SJ, Ambrosino N, et al. Quality control of equipment in home mechanical
ventilation: a European survey. Eur Respir J 2005; 26: 86–94.
6. Farre R, Navajas D, Prats E, et al. Performance of mechanical ventilators at the patient’s home: a
multicentre quality control study. Thorax 2006; 61: 400–404.
7. Bunburaphong T, Imanaka H, Nishimura M, Hess D, Kacmarek RM. Performance
characteristics of bilevel pressure ventilators: a lung model study. Chest 1997; 111: 1050–1060.
8. Gonzalez-Bermejo J, Laplanche V, Husseini FE, Duguet A, Derenne JP, Similowski T.
Evaluation of the user-friendliness of 11 home mechanical ventilators. Eur Respir J 2006; 27:
9. Kondili E, Prinianakis G, Georgopoulos D. Patient-ventilator interaction. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91:
10. Whitelaw WA, Derenne JP, Milic-Emili J. Occlusion pressure as a measure of respiratory center
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11. Highcock MP, Shneerson JM, Smith IE. Functional differences in bi-level pressure preset
ventilators. Eur Respir J 2001; 17: 268–273.
12. Stell IM, Paul G, Lee KC, Ponte J, Moxham J. Noninvasive ventilator triggering in chronic
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13. Prinianakis G, Kondili E, Georgopoulos D. Effects of the flow waveform method of triggering
and cycling on patient-ventilator interaction during pressure support. Intensive Care Med 2003;
29: 1950–1959.
14. Vignaux L, Tassaux D, Jolliet P. Performance of noninvasive ventilation modes on ICU ventilators
during pressure support: a bench model study. Intensive Care Med 2007; 33: 1444–1451.
15. Fauroux B, Leroux K, Desmarais G, et al. Performance of ventilators for noninvasive positive-
pressure ventilation in children. Eur Respir J 2008; 31: 1300–1307.
16. Schettino GP, Tucci MR, Sousa R, Valente Barbas CS, Passos Amato MB, Carvalho CR. Mask
mechanics and leak dynamics during noninvasive pressure support ventilation: a bench study.
Intensive Care Med 2001; 27: 1887–1891.
17. Smith IE, Shneerson JM. A laboratory comparison of four positive pressure ventilators used in
the home. Eur Respir J 1996; 9: 2410–2415.
18. Mehta S, McCool FD, Hill NS. Leak compensation in positive pressure ventilators: a lung model
study. Eur Respir J 2001; 17: 259–267.
19. Brochard L. Inspiratory pressure support. Eur J Anaesthesiol 1994; 11: 29–36.
20. Tassaux D, Michotte JB, Gainnier M, Gratadour P, Fonseca S, Jolliet P. Expiratory trigger
setting in pressure support ventilation: from mathematical model to bedside. Crit Care Med 2004;
32: 1844–1850.
21. Tassaux D, Gainnier M, Battisti A, Jolliet P. Impact of expiratory trigger setting on delayed
cycling and inspiratory muscle workload. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005; 172: 1283–1289.
22. Calderini E, Confalonieri M, Puccio PG, Francavilla N, Stella L, Gregoretti C. Patient-ventilator
asynchrony during noninvasive ventilation: the role of expiratory trigger. Intensive Care Med
1999; 25: 662–667.
23. Lofaso F, Brochard L, Touchard D, Hang T, Harf A, Isabey D. Evaluation of carbon dioxide
rebreathing during pressure support ventilation with airway management system (BiPAP) devices.
Chest 1995; 108: 772–778.
24. Lofaso F, Aslanian P, Richard JC, et al. Expiratory valves used for home devices: experimental
and clinical comparison. Eur Respir J 1998; 11: 1382–1388.
25. Buckle P, Clarkson PJ, Coleman R, Ward J, Anderson J. Patient safety, systems design and
ergonomics. Appl Ergon 2006; 37: 491–500.
26. Martin J, Norris B, Murphy E, Crowe J. Medical device development: the challenge for
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27. Sanders M, Kern N. Obstructive sleep apnea treated by independantly adjusted inspiratory and
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28. Strumpf D, Carlisle C, Millman R, Smith K, Hill N. An evaluation of the Respironics BiPAP bi-
level CPAP device for delivery of assisted ventilation. Respir Care 1990; 35: 415–422.
29. Ambrosino N, Nava S, Bertone P, Fracchia C, Rampulla C. Physiologic evaluation of pressure
support ventilation by nasal mask in patients with stable COPD. Chest 1992; 101: 385–391.
30. Lien T, Wang J, Chang M, Kuo C. Comparison of BiPAP nasal ventilation and ventilation via
iron lung in stable severe COPD. Chest 1993; 104: 460–466.
31. Renston J, DiMarco A, Supinski G. Respiratory muscle rest using nasal BiPAP ventilation in
patients with stable severe COPD. Chest 1994; 105: 1053–1060.
32. Criner G, Brennan K, Travaline J, Kreimer D. Efficacy and compliance with noninvasive positive
pressure ventilation in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Chest 1999; 116: 667–675.
33. Janssens JP, Cicotti E, Fitting JW, Rochat T. Non-invasive home ventilation in patients over 75
years of age: tolerance, compliance, and impact on quality of life. Respir Med 1998; 92: 1311–1320.
34. Janssens JP, Kehrer P, Chevrolet JC, Rochat T. [Non-invasive home ventilation (NIHV): long-
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35. Meecham-Jones D, Wedzicha J. Comparison of pressure and volume preset nasal ventilator
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36. Simonds AK, Elliott MW. Outcome of domiciliary nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation
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37. Leger P, Langevin B, Robert D. Comparative prospective study: 3 months on nasal BiPAP
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39. Schönhofer B, Sonneborn M, Haidl P, Böhrer H, Köhler D. Comparison of two different modes
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45. Nava S, Ambrosino N, Bruschi C, Confalonieri M, Rampulla C. Physiological effects of flow and
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49. Highcock MP, Morrish E, Jamieson S, Shneerson JM, Smith IE. An overnight comparison of two
ventilators used in the treatment of chronic respiratory failure. Eur Respir J 2002; 20: 942–945.
50. Storre JH, Seuthe B, Fiechter R, et al. Average volume-assured pressure support in obesity
hypoventilation: A randomized crossover trial. Chest 2006; 130: 815–821.
51. Janssens JP, Metzger M, Sforza E. Impact of volume targeting on efficacy of bi-level non-invasive
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*Dept of Pneumology, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, and #Dept of Pneumology and
Intensive Care Medicine, Krankenhaus Oststadt-Heidehaus, Hanover, Germany.
Correspondence: J.H. Storre, Abteilung Pneumologie der Medizinischen Klinik, Klinikum der Albert-
Ludwigs-Universität, Killianstrasse 5, D-79106 Freiburg in Breisgau, Germany. Fax: 49 7612703704;
E-mail:; B. Schönhofer, Abteilung für Pneumologie und Internistische
Intensivmedizin, Krankenhaus Oststadt-Heidehaus, Klinikum Region Hanover, Podbielskistraße 380, D-
30659 Hanover, Germany. Fax: 49 5113779; E-mail:
The present chapter deals with the technical aspects of ventilators and interfaces used
in noninvasive ventilation (NIV) of patients with chronic respiratory failure (CRF).
Before going into details, it might be helpful to highlight one important clinical issue:
patients with CRF are more or less in a respiratory stable condition and are not
dependent on ventilatory support 24 hours a day; however, patients with CRF have
limited ventilatory capacities, thus the use of NIV as an intermittent treatment should be
clinically beneficial and lead to stabilisation of the ventilatory failure. Therefore, in
contrast to invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), cessation of NIV does not cause an
immediate life-threatening risk. Complications of IMV, such as failure of the ventilator,
changes in ventilator settings, accidental disconnection from ventilator or accidental
decannulation, may lead to acute deterioration of clinical status, acute hospitalisation or
even death. Therefore, to minimise these complications, ventilators in IMV are equipped
with many surveillance devices and alarms [1]. In contrast, such a surveillance system is
not necessary when NIV is used to treat CRF, thus avoiding unnecessary irritation to
the patient. Accordingly, a recently published study investigated the technical
performance of nine portable pressure ventilators (which are also used as NIV
ventilators in the home) and found that most of the portable pressure ventilators
evaluated were able to respond to high ventilatory demands, even outperforming the
intensive care unit (ICU) device [2].
The objective of the first section of the present chapter is to discuss the principal
characteristics of ventilators that have been designed for use in patients with CRF
requiring NIV. In the second section, the interfaces of NIV are discussed.
Historical development
From an historical point of view, negative pressure ventilation (NPV) was the first
mode of NIV to be widely applied to CRF patients (i.e. during the 1950s poliomyelitis
epidemic). NPV takes place by exposing the chest to subatmospheric pressure during
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 319–337. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
inspiration. During expiration the pressure around the chest wall changes to
atmospheric pressure in order to allow passive exhalation [3]. In the past, body
ventilation was provided with different models, e.g. tank respirator or cuirass type
device driven by a negative pressure cycled machine.
Apart from some specialised centres that have maintained the tradition of using NPV
as a treatment for CRF, this mode of ventilation has steadily lost its former impact over
the last decades and has been almost completely substituted by positive pressure
ventilation (PPV) modes. The main reasons for this trend were the large, cumbersome
NPV-devices, the lack of accessibility by the patient, the need for considerable
experience to operate the device and, finally, the danger of inducing upper airway
obstruction [4]. These shortcomings were emphasised by a monocentre retrospective
study which investigated, over a 46-yr period, long-term NIV of patients with
neuromuscular disorders [5]. It was shown that, compared with NPV, a greater number
of patients with PPV (67%) reported positive outcomes (i.e. improved sense of wellbeing,
independence and perform daily activity). However, there were still patients with CRF
who did not tolerate PPV but did well with NPV; therefore, NPV should be considered
as an alternative means of ventilation in case of PPV intolerance.
Abbreviation Meaning
ASB Assisted spontaneous breathing
ASV Adaptive servo ventilation
ASSPCV Assisted-pressure controlled ventilation
BiPAP Biphasic positive airway pressure
CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure
IPPV Intermittent positive pressure ventilation
NIV Noninvasive ventilation
NPPV Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
PAV Proportional assist ventilation
PCV Pressure controlled ventilation
PEEP Positive end-expiratory pressure
PSV Pressure support ventilation
SIMV Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation
VCV Volume controlled ventilation
Assist mode. When the ventilator detects and supports the patient’s spontaneous
breath, this process is called ‘‘triggering’’. When NIV is set to assist mode (e.g. pressure
support ventilation (PSV), proportional assist ventilation (PAV) or assist VTV), it is
possible to achieve both a patient-adapted breathing pattern and a high synchrony of
ventilation between the patient and the ventilator. However, triggering requires
considerable inspiratory work of breathing, which does not end abruptly with the
ensuing mechanical pressure support of the inspiration cycle. FLICK et al. [6] showed
through electromyogram (EMG) recordings that inspiratory work of breathing persisted
after triggering diaphragmatic activity. Moreover, it could be demonstrated that the
oxygen consumption of the respiratory muscles were clearly higher in the assisted mode
of intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) than in the controlled mode [7].
Control mode. In control mode, there is a preset automatic cycle based on either
volumetric ventilation (i.e. volume controlled ventilation (VCV)) or barometric
ventilation (i.e. pressure controlled ventilation (PCV)). In PCV, fixed inspiratory and
expiratory pressure levels, breathing frequency and inspiratory and expiratory times are
preset. Ventilators for VCV are characterised by the presetting of fixed inspiratory
volume, fixed breathing frequency and inspiratory and expiratory times. In pure control
mode, the breathing frequency of the ventilator is generally set to a high level in order to
avoid the patient’s spontaneous efforts. Only this procedure enables actual passive
ventilation. In general, preset-controlled volume and pressure modes are preferable in
patients with an unreliable respiratory effort, massively overloaded respiratory muscles,
apnoea and hypopnoeas, and failure of PSV.
Ventilators % 60
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Fig. 1. – Development and distribution of applied noninvasive ventilators from 1990–1999 in the Kloster Grafschaft
hospital (Schmallenberg, Germany) [15]. h: volume-targeted ventilators; &: pressure-targeted ventilators (assist
mode); &: pressure-targeted ventilators (control or assist-control mode).
studies, no advantages in sleep quality, gas exchange or quality of life over a 4-month
period were reported when comparing VTV with PTV in the treatment of CRF [16, 17].
However, reduced patient comfort and increased gastrointestinal side-effects were
reported with VTV application [16] while leak compensation is superior in PTV [18, 19].
This trend is particularly obvious in the case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD)-induced CRF, where the high airway pressures that arise from the high airway
resistance in VTV may partly underlie the development of gastrointestinal side-effects
and reduced comfort. In Europe today, PTV is the more commonly used mode in the
treatment of CRF, with two-thirds of the 21,526 patients on home mechanical
ventilation using this mode of ventilation (fig. 2) [14]. University hospitals are
increasingly using PTV, since the percentage of VTV is higher both in non-university
hospitals and the long-established centres using NIV [14, 20].
VTV. Most VTV ventilators in NIV have a one-line circuit with an integrated demand
valve; therefore, CO2-rebreathing is not a problem. Furthermore, most VTV ventilators
on the market deliver the inspiratory volumes via a piston or bellow without integrated
PEEP; however, newer devices are blower-driven and capable of internal PEEP
VTV ventilators deliver a fixed tidal volume, while the associated airway pressures
result from airway resistance, lung and thoracic compliance, flow rate and inspiratory
cycle. Although the method of triggering is not consistently specified, VTV is mostly
applied in the assist-controlled mode. As mentioned, the use of VTV as a mode of NIV is
currently decreasing compared with PCV.
However, VTV as an NIV-mode is still used frequently in CRF due to neuromuscular
diseases [14, 21], and in some countries VTV is still used as often as PTV [14]. Volume
ventilation may be preferred by some patients with neuromuscular diseases who
sometimes need high tidal volumes for ventilation, coughing and increasing the volume
of their voice during NIV. According to the need to attain maximal lung insufflations
for assisted coughing, adolescent and adult patients with respiratory muscle dysfunction
used portable volume-cycled ventilators, rather than pressure-cycled ventilators. This
former disadvantage of PTV is now redeemable, since the currently available generation
of PTV ventilators deliver higher maximum inspiratory pressures (i.e. 40 cm H2O). VTV
with a high flow capacity and pressure limitation may cope adequately with leaks;
however, in general, PTV still provides better compensation for such leaks. Finally, it
should be mentioned that SIMV, a subtype of volume-cycled ventilators, is also
available as an NIV mode. However, this is not recommended, since SIMV is associated
with increased work of breathing [22].
PTV. In contrast to VTV, all of the currently available PTV ventilators are compressor/
blower driven. One-line circuit models with or without an integrated demand valve are
PTV ventilators cycle between preset inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) and
expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP), thus providing PSV [23]. This allows the
patient to control inspiratory and expiratory times while providing a preset pressure,
which, along with patient’s effort, determines the inspiratory flow and tidal volume.
IPAP and EPAP can be adjusted independently in order to augment alveolar ventilation
and maintain upper airway patency during sleep. PSV may facilitate an acceptable
patient–ventilator synchrony, while the addition of external PEEP reduces dynamic
hyperinflation by offsetting intrinsic PEEP [24]. Therefore, PSV may help the patient to
Ventilators %
Fig. 2. – Percentage per country of pressure- (&) and volume- (&) targeted positive pressure ventilators used for
home mechanical ventilation (n521,526) [14].
feel more comfortable. A further advantage of portable PTV devices is the absence of
unnecessary alarms (depending on the product) in clinically stable patients. In addition,
the PSV equipment is generally lighter and less expensive.
An important advantage of PSV and PCV is the compensation for mild-to-moderate
mask or mouth leaks [18, 19]. In the presence of leak the pressure in the patient–
ventilator-circle drops and PTV increases inspiratory flow to compensate for the drop in
CO2-rebreathing has been documented in PSV, and the risk of CO2-rebreathing is
greater with a single delivery circuit that lacks an active exhalation valve [25, 26]. A
recent study from SCHETTINO et al. [27] dealt with CO2-rebreathing and the influences of
the exhalation port position and mask design in the PSV-mode. In that bench study, a
lung model with a single-limb circuit was used. In that setting, the full mask with the
exhalation port positioned within the mask, demonstrated less CO2-rebreathing than
either the closed full-face mask, with a whisper swivel, or the total face mask [27].
Furthermore, the high respiratory rates and low external PEEP increased the risk of
CO2-rebreathing caused by the shorter expiratory time and lower CO2 washout of
the circuit. A minimal EPAP (.2–4 cmH2O) is therefore necessary to avoid CO2-
rebreathing in a single tube circuit without valves, in order to wash out CO2. However,
to the best of the present authors’ knowledge, no study has shown that CO2-rebreathing
is clinically significant.
A further critical issue of PSV is the detection of the patient’s inspiration. There are
ventilators fitted with both a fixed and variable trigger. In the past, ventilators were
often pressure-triggered. More-recent studies have found that flow-triggered devices
appeared to be more sensitive than pressure-triggered devices [28]. Another technical
challenge is ‘‘pressurisation’’, in other words, the ability of the ventilator to meet the
flow demand of the patient. Flow demand mainly depends on the underlying
pathophysiology (e.g. resistance and compliance), the given level of pressure support
and inspiratory pressure rise time; the shorter the rise time, the lower the level of work of
breathing [29]. Depending on the type of ventilator, the pressure rise time is either
adjustable or fixed. It may be possible that in an individual case (e.g. an obese patient
with severe airway obstruction) a ventilator does not have enough power to yield
adequate pressure.
Both expiratory trigger and resistance may have a clinically relevant impact on
expiratory effort and the possibility of desynchronisation between the patient and
ventilator [30, 31]. During PSV, cycling to exhalation is triggered by a decrease in
inspiratory flow from a peak to threshold value. A time limit of inspiration is usually
added because the aforementioned technique becomes inoperative when mask leaks are
present. Furthermore, systems using active exhalation valves have shown significant
variation in their valve resistance to exhalation. Increased resistance associated with
difficulties in exhalation can significantly increase the work of breathing.
Compared with PSV, the aforementioned issues (i.e. CO2-rebreathing, inspiratory and
expiratory triggering) are less critical in the PTV assist-controlled and controlled modes,
since they are dominated by automatic cycling.
Compliance might also be improved by allowing the patient to maintain control of the
breathing pattern. PAV has been proposed as a mode of synchronised partial ventilatory
support, in which the ventilator pressure output is proportional to instantaneous patient
effort, thus unloading the resistive and elastic burden [32, 33]. Studies in patients with
acute respiratory failure (ARF) have shown that PAV is well-tolerated and just as
effective as PSV [34, 35]; however, PAV currently remains as an experimental mode of
ventilation. The majority of studies, investigating the short-term application of PAV in
patients with CRF, has revealed some interesting pathophysiological insights [36, 37].
PAV has been shown, especially during physical activity, to be more efficient than PSV
in assisting the diaphragm and in increasing minute ventilation [37]. Since NIV has been
postulated as a promising therapy option for rehabilitation programs in CRF [38–40],
PAV could be, in this case, one of the preferred modes of ventilation; however, further
studies are needed to investigate this suggestion. Long-term studies, investigating the
application of PAV as an NIV mode in sleep or the effect of long-term application in
CRF, are yet to be performed.
Finally, it should be mentioned that in both intensive care medicine and
anaesthesiology, the biphasic positive airway pressure (BiPAP) mode is associated with
a different mode of the Evita ventilator (Draeger, Lübeck, Germany). This mode
consists of a phasic change between two preset demand-valve CPAP values (‘‘P-low’’
and ‘‘P-high’’) during which spontaneous breathing remains unrestricted at each CPAP
value. The mechanical support is defined by: 1) the difference between the two pressure
levels and 2) the variable duration of both pressure levels.
To conclude this section, it should be added that some manufacturers of home
ventilators have recently focused on providing a combination of both PTV and VTV in
the same machine. The role of these hybrid modes of ventilation have not yet been
sufficiently explored to warrant their use in NIV but a pilot study has indeed shown
promising results [41]; in that study, patients with obesity-hypoventilation syndrome
were randomised in a cross-over design to either the BiPAP spontaneous/timed or the
hybrid combination of BiPAP spontaneous/timed with average volume-assured pressure
support (AVAPS). Each mode was applied for 6 weeks of home mechanical ventilation.
The authors reported that with the addition of the AVAPS mode there was a
significantly greater reduction of transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension (Ptc,CO2) during
the night; however, sleep quality and quality of life did not benefit from the addition of
the AVAPS mode when compared with BiPAP spontaneous/timed alone [41]. Similar
findings were reported by JANSSENS et al. [42], who reported that the AVAPS mode led
to a slight improvement in alveolar ventilation but did not significantly affect the
objective indices of sleep structure; however, this new mode was associated with a
subjective feeling of reduced sleep quality, increased leaks and increased ventilator
pressures. Since these were the first studies to investigate the hybrid mode of ventilation
in CRF, it remains unknown as to whether these new modes do actually offer any long-
term advantages over the modes in current use.
previous studies was the introduction of additional variables such as assist-control VTV
versus PSV [47, 48], thus making the comparison between the two ventilation modes
more unreliable.
Several studies have compared the long-term efficacy of different NIV modes in CRF
[12, 16, 17, 49, 50]. CRINER et al. [12] investigated the efficacy and compliance of long-term
NIV in 40 patients with CRF; here, the aforementioned trend from VTV to PTV was
demonstrated. After initial evaluation, 34 patients received NIV via PTV (i.e. BiPAP)
while only six patients required NIV via VTV. During the 6-month follow-up, 14 patients
ceased NIV due to incompliance; in the compliant patients, blood gases and functional
status improved on a chronic basis. Also, on a long-term basis, SCHÖNHOFER et al. [49]
conducted a prospective study of the effect of volume- and pressure-cycled ventilation
modes of NIV in patients suffering from CRF. After 4 weeks of treatment with VTV in
the time-cycled mode, the effect was compared with that of PTV, which was also
performed in the same mode over a 4-week period. From these results, the authors
concluded that VTV proved superior to PTV in one-third (10 out of 30) of their patients,
since this subgroup deteriorated during the PTV period and had to return to VTV.
However, the majority of patients (20 out of 30) remained stable during the subsequent
PTV period. Subjective scores and carbon dioxide tension values provided a distinction
between long-term responders and nonresponders to PTV. It could be speculated that the
amount of reduced work of breathing accounted for the discrepancies between the two
modes. In contrast to the study of SCHÖNHOFER et al. [49], SMITH et al. [50] reported that in
a mixed collective of 10 CRF patients who deteriorated under VTV, the exchange of the
ventilator to PTV led to a reversal of the deterioration observed under VTV.
More recently, PTV and VTV were compared in two prospective randomised cross-over
studies [16, 17]. In one of the studies, 12 CRF patients with chest wall deformities
underwent a four-week single-blinded randomised cross-over study in either VTV or PTV.
In conclusion, the authors suggested that pressure- and volume-ventilation are equivalent
in terms of the effects on nocturnal and daytime physiology, resulting daytime function
and health status [17]. In line with these findings, WINDISCH et al. [16] investigated, in a
similar prospective randomised cross-over study, PTV and VTV in 10 patients with
obstructive (n55) and restrictive (n55) CRF. After 6 weeks of home mechanical
ventilation in the assist-controlled mode, an equivalent improvement in gas exchange and
sleep quality was seen overnight. However, PTV was better tolerated by the patients,
whereas more gastrointestinal side effects were associated with VTV; these findings
therefore contribute to the trend towards the use of PTV over the last 15 yrs [16].
Finally, it should be mentioned that the glottis function plays an important role in
NIV, since the glottis is known to narrow substantially or even close completely, in
response to NIV. This may induce deterioration in the quality of both NIV and sleep
[51, 52]. Furthermore, it has been shown that a substantial increase in glottis resistance
can occur with the use of different modes of NIV [53, 54], leading to narrowing of the
glottis reflex and inducing (amongst others) mouth leaks. It was found that, by altering
the delivery of tidal volume, inspiratory flow and ventilatory frequency or positive
inspiratory pressure (as well as manipulating the ventilatory mode), the glottis response
can be regulated, thus improving ventilatory efficacy. This warrants further trials with
CRF patients, since glottis function may act as a practical determinant of ventilator
mode and setting, respectively.
which often needs accessory equipment, the technical equipment and design of NIV
ventilators should remain simple and be easy to handle. Therefore, NIV ventilators
would not need the following technical details in general: a second, back-up ventilator;
humidification; external battery; non-rebreathing valve; PEEP; supplemental O2;
pressure and volume monitoring; and alarms for high and low pressure and failure of
the battery.
Routine care for patients receiving NIV at home should include the following:
patients and caregivers should be properly trained by technicians, specialised nurses or
respiratory therapists from the home care company, in the use of the ventilatory
equipment prior to hospital discharge. Once assigned to NIV for home mechanical
ventilation, patients should be visited at home at least during the first week; subsequent
visits would then be dependent on the patient’s needs. During these visits, the ventilator
should be checked for proper function. Preventative maintenance is performed
according to the manufacturer’s specifications. The home-care company must guarantee
a 24 h technical service, in order to answer emergency calls and repair technical
dysfunctions of the ventilatory equipment. After a certain period of usage (e.g. every
5,000 h), the ventilators are to be removed from the home for complete preventative
maintenance at the factory. Additional services which are organised by the healthcare
providers (such as mask consultation) offer further support for the patient.
A thorough investigation into the frequency of home ventilator failure revealed that
such failures were relatively uncommon, with nearly all suspected failures being resolved
at home [55]. Caregivers’ misuse, tampering or damage led to half of the reported
failure. True mechanical failures occurred in only 40% of the reports. No patient
suffered any adverse clinical effects, resulting from the failure. However, in a more
recent, European survey [56], the quality control of equipment in home mechanical
ventilation showed some interesting facts that should be considered: 1) ventilator service
was mainly carried out by external companies (62% of centres), with a service occurring
every 3–12 months; 2) interaction between servicing companies and prescribers was
limited (only 61% of centres were consistently informed of major incidents); 3)
participation of centres in equipment quality control was poor; and 4) only 23% of
centres were sufficiently aware of the vigilance systems [56]. In line with previous
findings, that report revealed that regular assessment of actual ventilator performance at
the patient’s home is an important quality-control procedure for detecting any
malfunctions which could otherwise compromise both the compliance and outcome of
home mechanical ventilation [57].
The interface between the patient and ventilator is crucial for the success of NIV; a
patient may refuse NIV on the grounds of an uncomfortable mask, or a poorly fitting
interface may reduce the efficacy of NIV. Custom sizing and fitting of the mask may
require several attempts in order to accommodate the facial architecture. Despite the
clinical impact, the choice of different interfaces has received little scientific attention;
hence, no general consensus exists in regard to the management of interfaces.
Spectrum of interfaces
As seen historically, the quality of interfaces has markedly improved over the past
25 yrs. In the early 1990s, the percentage of custom-made nasal and facial masks in use
was high, due to a lack of sufficient fitting and comfortable commercial masks [15].
Today, a variety of commercial masks are available and more frequently used than
custom-made masks (figs 3 and 4). Commercial manufacturers continue to improve
mask design and develop gauging tools in order to help the clinician choose the correct
mask and size for the patient.
a) 100
Lung HMV users %
b) 100
Thoracic HMV users %
c) 100
Neuromuscular HMV users %
Fig. 3. – Proportion of interfaces for different diseases categorised by country for a) lung, b) thoracic and c)
neuromuscular home mechanical ventilation (HMV) users (n521,526) [14]. &: nasal masks; &: facial masks; h:
tracheostomy. #: no data were available for Polish lung users.
Commercial interfaces
There are only a few reports which directly compare the success rate of nasal masks,
facial masks and other devices. In a study by NAVALESI et al. [58], patients with chronic
hypercapnic respiratory failure showed an overall better tolerance of the commercially
available nasal masks compared with both the facial masks and nasal pillows (p,0.005).
However, the full-face masks were associated with the most favourable reduction in
arterial carbon dioxide tension (Pa,CO2). A recently published study reported that nasal
masks are just as effective as full-face masks in terms of sleep quality and gas exchange
in CRF patients. Here, the nasal masks were often attached with a chin strap in order to
compensate for oral leaks [59]. In line with these findings, the nasal mask was considered
to be more comfortable than the face mask during CPAP therapy for sleep apnoea [60].
However, nasal masks dominate as the type of interface used in CRF [14, 61]. In
a) b) c)
d) e) f)
Fig. 4. – Variety of interfaces. a) Commercial nasal mask, b) custom-made nasal mask, c) commercial full-face mask,
d) full-face mask with nasal pillows, e) mouthpiece and f) total face mask.
contrast, due to various reasons, oronasal masks are used more often in the treatment of
ARF [61, 62].
In order to avoid leaks, masks are often fitted tightly; however, this can induce
pressure sores which, in turn, may lead to reduced tolerance. Pressure sores mostly
appear on the nasal bridge and different dressings have therefore been evaluated to
prevent nasal bridge abrasion. The proper fit of the nose mask can be improved by
applying mask cushions or by padding the bridge of the nose. Variations include the
bubble type- or gel-masks.
Patients with an intolerance of such nasal interfaces (i.e. masks or nasal pillows) might
be more willing to try masks that cover both the nose and mouth. Accordingly, CRINER
et al. [63] found that the total face mask was likely to improve comfort, minimise air
leakage and improve ventilation in patients who were previously unable to tolerate NIV
via nasal or oronasal masks.
Recently, helmets were introduced as a new interface in NIV. In two studies by
ANTONELLI et al. [64, 65], the helmet was a promising tool in the treatment of acute
hypoxemic respiratory failure [64]; however, in patients with CRF, the reduction of Pa,CO2
with the helmet was not as favourable as that achieved with treatment by the full-face mask
[65]. Recently, a study by NAVALESI et al. [66] showed, in patients with COPD and CRF,
that the helmet and facial mask were equally tolerated and that both were effective in
ameliorating gas exchange and decreasing inspiratory effort. However, the helmet was less
efficient in decreasing inspiratory effort and worsened the patient–ventilator interaction.
Currently, the helmet cannot be recommended as an interface for long-term NIV.
Customised interfaces
Despite the wide use of commercially available masks there are some potential side
effects such as a large mask volume, nasal bridge pressure sores or significant leakages.
In this case, custom-made nasal or facial masks may be an alternative (fig. 4). In a short-
term physiological study, a volumetric ventilator was used to compare commercially
available and custom-made nasal masks during NIV [67]; the nasal mask showed a
higher effectiveness of NIV, most probably since it has a smaller dead space and reduced
air leakage compared with the custom-made mask. In a French population study, masks
were constructed by modelling a mixture of silicone and catalyst to the patient’s face.
The entire mask-making procedure took approximately 30 min and the masks were then
usable for around 6 months [11]. The most-recent trend involves the use of semi-
customised masks consisting of a prefabricated frame in which quick-drying filler is
injected and then moulded to the unique facial contours of each patient.
BACH et al. [68] reported on the use of mouthpieces as an interface that precludes the
necessity of tracheotomy in patients with neuromuscular disease. A commercially
available mouthpiece interface covers the lips and is held in place by straps. Here the
mouthpiece, like the nasal mask, facilitates both communication and secretion
clearance. A simple mouthpiece may be kept adjacent to the mouth for easy accessibility
during the day, with a lip seal added for nocturnal use; the addition of a bite plate may
also facilitate the use of an oral interface. However, this type of interface has been
associated with adverse effects, e.g. air leakage, dry mouth, risk of aspiration, altered
dental occlusion and temporomandibular joint problems.
A recently published study by TOUSSAINT et al. [69] recommends NIV with a
mouthpiece as the interface of choice for additional daytime NIV in end-stage Duchenne
patients. Here, patients who underwent NIV with a nasal mask and were normocapnic
during the night, but developed end-diurnal hypercapnia, were additionally ventilated
with a diurnal mouthpiece. A 7-yr follow-up of 42 patients has been performed and
revealed NIV with a mouthpiece as a safe means of improving daytime gas exchange,
prolonging survival and stabilising vital capacity. The authors also recommended the
addition of a self-supporting harness to aid NIV with a mouthpiece.
Dead space
The increase in dead space, as well as the inherent CO2-rebreathing associated with
mask use, is a crucial aspect. CRINER et al. [63] found the following values for dead
spaces: total face mask, 1,500 mL; oronasal mask, 250 mL; and nasal mask, 105 mL.
Studies in this field are quite rare, but one study of SCHETTINO et al. [27] dealt with CO2-
rebreathing, the position of exhalation port and the design of the mask. In that bench
study, a lung model with a single-limb circuit was used. Within this setting, the full-face
mask, with its exhalation port fitted in the mask, demonstrated less CO2-rebreathing
compared with either the closed full-face mask with a whisper swivel or the total face
mask. A further study investigated the dynamic dead space in 19 commercially available
face masks in a lung model; here, with the use of a face mask, the total dynamic dead
space during spontaneous ventilation was increased above physiological dead space
from 32 to 42% of tidal volume [70]. NIV in either bilevel or CPAP mode that exerts
continuous pressure throughout the expiratory phase led to a reduction in total dynamic
dead space to approach physiological dead space with most face masks, whereas NIV in
PSV mode led to less of a reduction, namely from 42 to 39%. Face masks using
expiratory ports over the nasal bridge resulted in beneficial flow characteristics within
the face mask and nasal cavity. Here, a decrease in total dynamic dead space to less than
physiological dead space from 42 to 28.5% of tidal volume was demonstrated [70]. In
conclusion, more studies on this subject are needed to verify the above findings.
Air leakage
The two major sites of air leakage are: 1) between the skin and the mask and 2) through
the mouth. Leaks, especially mouth leaks, play a major role in the ineffectiveness of NIV.
Leaks should be monitored and quantified and, for the multiple reasons that have been
already mentioned, the potential for leaks should also influence the choice of mask (nasal
or oronasal). The effect of a high rate of leakage on the efficiency of ventilation during
sleep should be monitored, in addition to the potential effect on arousal and the role of
nasal airway resistance.
Leaks may decrease the quality of both ventilation and sleep. BACH et al.
demonstrated, through the use of volume ventilators for NIV, that severe leakage (i.e.
a loss of 33% of the tidal volume) occurred for a median of 55% of sleep time and was
associated with significant hypoventilation. In line with these findings, MEYER et al. [72]
found severe mouth leak during sleep. In that study, a single limb bilevel device was used
to allow for the possible compensation of leaks. In contrast to the study by BACH et al.
[71], oxygenation was well maintained, despite prevalent leaking. Based on polysomno-
graphic studies, it was found that leaks .24 L?min-1 were associated with frequent
arousals during sleep stages 1, 2 and rapid eye movement (REM) and this contributed to
sleep fragmentation; arousals were infrequent during slow-wave sleep.
Indeed, leak-induced deterioration of sleep and ventilation may be compensated by
adequate interfaces. For example, CRF patients who wore mouth tape during NIV
demonstrated a marked reduction in leakage, improved ventilation (i.e. decrease of
PCO2) and improved sleep quality (i.e. reduction of arousal index and increase of REM
sleep), when, compared to patients without mouth taping [73]. In order to prevent
mouth leaks that are associated with wearing a nose mask, the addition of chin straps
can be helpful, and this combination has been shown to be just as effective, in terms of
gas exchange and sleep quality, as the full-face mask in patients with CRF [59].
Although several mechanisms may be potentially involved in the development of
nasal discomfort during NIV, mouth leaks are particularly important because they cause
unidirectional inspiratory nasal airflow and progressive drying of the nasal mucosa. This
mechanism is also known to promote the release of inflammatory mediators and
increase nasal airway resistance [74, 75], which increase mouth breathing and promote
further leakage, respectively.
Furthermore, RICHARDS et al. [74] found that increased nasal resistance can be
prevented by the addition of humidification. Their findings showed that, because of the
high flows, a cold burst of humidification only increased the relative humidity by 6–9%
and thus had no effect on improving airway resistance. However, a hot water bath
humidifier increased the relative humidity to .97%, and changes in nasal resistance
were either greatly attenuated or abolished. Although no consensus has been found
concerning the optimal level of air humidification, it is an issue that deserves much more
attention in NIV.
Due to the lack of trials dealing with air humidification during NIV of CRF patients,
it seems to be feasible to apply to NIV in CRF the central findings of studies of air
humidification during CPAP treating sleep apnoea. Both physiological and long-term
clinical trials support the impact of air humidification.
Thus, in physiological studies it has been clearly shown that even during mouth leak,
heated humidification can significantly increase relative humidity in the airways [76].
Furthermore CPAP treatment in sleep apnoea was associated with the highest rate of
compliance (i.e. hours of CPAP usage) and optimal degree of satisfaction when
supplemented with heated humidification, compared to both non-heated humidification
and no humidification [77].
Finally, the question of when a face mask should be used instead of a nasal mask
could be answered by considering the degree of leak monitoring. Compared to patients
with CRF, those with ARF are more closely monitored for ineffective ventilation and
mouth leaks. This may account for the reason why oronasal masks are preferred in ARF
[61, 62]. Nevertheless, mouth leaks can also be a major problem in CRF. Hence,
monitoring the presence of mouth leaks, especially during sleep, should help to optimise
mask management.
Although there is an immense variety of both ventilators and interfaces for NIV
currently available, this form of therapy is a life-changing treatment in which patients
may still feel uncomfortable during ventilation. Therefore, further dedication to this
matter is needed to ensure the ongoing improvement of ventilators and interfaces.
Many specialists (i.e. physicians, respiratory therapists and skilled nurses), working in
hospitals, specialised centres or home-care companies are well-qualified to adapt
patients to NIV. However, the choice of the ventilator, the interface and the ventilator
are usually based on intuition rather than evidence. Finally, monitoring the patient–
ventilator interaction or air leaks during sleep is rarely performed and the knowledge
about these phenomena, therefore, remains low.
Even though almost 15 years have passed since MEYER and HILL [8] published their
review article, the concluding sentence ‘‘…several issues relating to the use of NIV are
unresolved. The optimal interface and ventilator design have not been determined, and
these may differ among patients’’ remains true.
Negative pressure ventilation (NPV) was the first reported form of noninvasive
ventilation (NIV) to be widely applied to chronic respiratory failure (CRF). However,
during the past decades, NPV has gradually lost its former impact and, apart from in
a few centres, has been almost completely replaced by positive pressure ventilation
(PPV) modes.
The existing plethora of terminology describing NIV modes can sometimes be
confusing, especially with respect to ventilators. Pressure-targeted ventilation (PTV)
and volume-targeted ventilation (VTV) are the main modes of NIV; Both types can be
used in an assisted or controlled setting.
PTV has surpassed VTV in recent years as the treatment option for CRF. Both modes
have been successfully applied to NIV in CRF. However, PTV has become the
preferred mode due to the higher comfort level for the patient, as well as the lower
costs and the compensation it provides for mild-to-moderate mask or mouth leaks.
Recently, hybrid modes of PTV and VTV were introduced.
The choice of ventilator and its setting should address different pathophysiological
aspects of the underlying disease, of which is variable amongst CRF patients; in
patients with COPD, the expiration time should be set at a higher level to avoid air
trapping, while higher pressures may be useful to achieve a sufficient tidal volume.
Furthermore, the addition of an positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) may be
helpful to offset intrinsic PEEP in these patients. Various studies have shown that a
controlled mode of ventilation is useful and well tolerated by all patients, irrespective
of the underlying disease. When a controlled mode of ventilation is favoured, an
assist-controlled mode is suggested to increase the patients’ subjective tolerance.
However, an individualised approach to each patient is beneficial and further studies
investigating ventilator settings are needed to continually improve recommendations.
The interface between patient and ventilator is crucial for the success of NIV. In
various studies, different interfaces have been used with success. However, despite its
high clinical impact, the choice of different interfaces has received little scientific
attention. A variety of masks are now available, and manufacturers continue to
improve mask design. The majority of interfaces is represented by commercial or
custom-made nasal masks and oronasal masks. In special indications, nasal pillows or
mouthpieces are used. It is suggested that nasal masks should be used prior to
oronasal masks in CRF, since there are fewer limitations and communication with the
patients is more convenient. In contrast, if patients are mouth breathers, an oronasal
mask is favoured. In patients using nasal masks, leaks can occur through an open
mouth, especially during night; these leaks can lead to NIV insufficiency, where both
the quality of ventilation and sleep may be reduced. In this case, changing the
interface to an oronasal mask should be considered. In general, mechanical
ventilation can lead to dryness of the upper airway. Therefore, nasal resistance may
be an important reason for reduced compliance, which may be compensated by
additional humidification.
Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank S. Dieni for proofreading the manuscript.
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*Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Eastern Piedmont University ‘‘A. Avogadro’’, Maggiore della Carità
Hospital, Novara, #Spinal Cord Unit, ‘Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hospital, Milan, and "Emergency Dept, CTO-
M.Adelaide Hospital, Turin, Italy.
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV), currently, plays a key role in the treatment of patients
with acute respiratory failure [1–7]. NIV is also used for long-term treatment of patients with
chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure due to thoracic deformities, neuromuscular diseases,
sleep-disordered breathing and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [8–10].
The patient’s comfort is crucial for NIV success in both the acute [11, 12] and chronic
[13] setting. Because a poorly-fitting interface decreases clinical effectiveness and patient
adherence to NIV, the choice of the interface has been recognised as one major
determinant of the success of this form of treatment [14, 15]. The patient’s comfort may be
affected by the interface with respect to many aspects, such as air-leaks, claustrophobia,
facial skin erythema, acneiform rash, eye irritation and skin breakdown [14].
The lack of heating and humidification is a less-recognised cause of discomfort for the
patient receiving NIV. In patients undergoing overnight nasal continuous positive
airway pressure (CPAP) for treatment of obstructive sleep apnoeas (OSAs), in presence
of mouth leaks, cold dry air increases nasal resistance [16], which causes nasal symptoms
[16] and reduces the patient’s compliance to CPAP [17]. Recent work suggests that the
same problems could affect nasal NIV and that heated humidification has the potential
to reduce these adverse effects and improve NIV comfort [18].
General characteristics
Although the availability of interfaces has greatly increased in the recent years and
new products are continuously arriving on the market, the ‘‘perfect interface’’, best for
all patients in all situations, does not exist and will likely never exist. When choosing the
interface for a patient, one has to compromise between different aims, such as leak
minimisation, ease of use and best comfort. The ideal characteristics of the interface for
NIV are presented in table 1.
A large variety of masks, both disposable and reusable, are available in different sizes from
a number of manufacturers. Ready-to-use masks are usually composed of two parts: a stiff
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 338–349. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
shell and a soft cushioned or flailed surface in direct contact with the patient. These two parts
can be either glued in a single block or hooked to one another, in a manner to be easily
attached and detached. In this latter case, the same shell is applicable to soft surfaces of
different size, so that one single shell can fit a wide range of users. A few masks are composed
by a single piece. The shell, commonly transparent, can be made of rigid polyvinyl chloride
(PVC), polycarbonate or Orfit1. The piece directly in contact with patient’s skin can be made
of soft PVC, polypropylene, silicon, silicon elastomer, gel or hygrogel [19].
In the past, especially for long-term home ventilation, custom masks were often
moulded directly on the patient or from a previously obtained impression of their face
contour [20]. Fabrication time and quality are largely operator-dependent; with respect
to the model used, the time required to prepare a mask varies 5–30 mins for a skilled
operator [21]. Recently, one manufacturer has proposed a ready-to-use nasal mask that
can be customised to the patient’s face contour; once removed from the packaging, the
mask is put in boiled water and then cooled and pressed against the patient’s face.
The body mask includes the prongs to anchor the headgear. In principle, more points
of attachment increase the chance of obtaining a good fit and vary the site of maximal
pressure application. Prongs sited more peripherally may result in a more uniform
distribution of pressure on the face [22].
In some masks the upper part is secured on the forehead rather than at the bridge of
the nose. One important feature of these masks is the forehead spacer, made of foam or
gel, that, filling the gap between the forehead and the mask, reduces the pressure exerted
on the bridge of the nose. In order to further decrease the pressure on the nose, the
forehead can be mounted on an adjustable arm.
Masks are connected to the ventilator circuit through connectors, swivels and
adapters that can be externally applied or built into the shell. In some models of nasal
masks, flexible tubing is mounted between the shell and the connector. This approach
improves the comfort, by allowing the patient to move without affecting mask stability
but causes an increase in dead space, which may be relevant at low tidal volumes.
Classification of interfaces
Interfaces can be classified according to the manner in which they are connected to the
patient as: 1) oral interfaces; 2) nasal interfaces; or 3) oro-nasal interfaces. While the
studies performed on acute patients used an oro-nasal mask preferentially, the nasal
mask was preferred in more than 75% of the studies evaluating long-term domicilary
NIV, followed by nasal pillows (11%), facial mask (6%) and mouthpiece (5%) [15].
The continuous development of new products by the manufacturers has definitely
increased the availability of interfaces and the chance of meeting different requirements.
In patients necessitating several daily hours of NIV, however, the rotation of different
interfaces remains, in the present authors’ opinion, the best strategy to avoid or to
reduce to a large extent, the risk of skin breakdown, by alternating the distribution of
pressure upon the skin and varying the site of maximal friction [23].
Oral interfaces. Mouthpieces are commercially available in different types and sizes in
order to meet patient comfort and improve NIV compliance. They can be divided into:
1) standard narrow mouthpieces with different degrees of flexion in order to be grabbed
by patient’s teeth and/or lips; and 2) custom moulded bite-plates. table 2 summarises
advantages and disadvantages of this interface.
Mouthpieces are simple and not expensive. One of their major limitations relies on the
large amount of air leaking, which may compromise NIV efficacy and cause unwanted
alarming of the ventilator. In order to limit air leaks, mouthpieces configured with a lip
seal can be used; some suggest that air leaks can be managed by occluding the nostrils
with nose plugs [14]. Mouthpieces may stimulate salivation, elicit gag reflex and,
ultimately, cause vomiting. Vomit aspiration is potentially a severe complication but it
seems to be more hypothetical than real [14, 24]. Standard mouthpieces may produce
orthodontic deformities over time.
Nasal interfaces. Nasal interfaces can be divided into: 1) full nasal masks; 2) external
nostril masks; and 3) internal nostril masks. Full nasal masks fit at the bridge of the
nose, on the upper lip and at the side of the nostrils. The soft surface can be either
cushioned or flailed. The cushion of the nasal mask can be filled with air or gel. Although
full nasal masks have also been used for the treatment of acute hypercapnic [1, 2] and
hypoxaemic [25] respiratory failure, they are preferentially chosen for chronic patients on
long-term home ventilation. In patients with chronic respiratory failure of mixed
aetiology, full nasal masks are better tolerated than facial masks and nasal pillows, but less
effective in ameliorating gas exchange [23].
External nostril masks are recently developed interfaces that have the advantage to
minimise the bulk of the mask, to eliminate the occurrence of claustrophobia, and to
allow the patient to wear glasses while the ventilator is in use. External nostril masks are
applied around the outer wall of the nostrils, thereby assuring minimal facial contact
and no pressure on the bridge of the nose.
Internal nostril masks, often called nasal plugs, are available from a few
manufacturers and consist of soft plastic plugs inserted into the nostrils. The pressure
applied during inspiration helps to seal the wall of the pillows against the inner surface
of the nasal vestibule. Nasal pillows are held in place with specifically designed
Advantages Disadvantages
Negligible dead space Ineffective if patient cannot maintain mouth seal
Less interference with speech (patient allowed to use the Difficult to use overnight
ventilator intermittently) Nasal leaks
Possible gag reflex, salivation, vomit
Possible orthodontic deformities over time
headgears. The nasal pillows can be as effective as oro-nasal masks in improving gas
exchange but less tolerated than full nasal masks [23].
Dual pressure ports are common for allowing oxygen administration and pressure
check. Most masks are available with exhalation ports directly included in the shell to
eliminate the exhaled air and avoid rebreathing. This apparatus represents a real anti-
rebreathing system and should not be used when the circuit has separated inspiratory
and expiratory limbs or when an expiratory valve or another external device for CO2
elimination is present. In order to avoid erroneous connections between masks and
circuits, some manufactures make a distinction between interfaces with and without vent
holes, using different colours or connections. Advantages and disadvantages of nasal
masks are listed in table 3.
Advantages Disadvantages
Less risk of aspiration Mouth leaks
Less interference with cough Less effective with nasal obstruction
Allow patient to eat and drink Nasal irritation and rhinorrhea
Less claustrophobic Mouth dryness
No risk of asphyxia in case of ventilator malfunctioning Problematic expiratory tidal volume monitoring"
Not pressure over the bridge of the nose#
Allow patient to wear glasses#
: only for external and internal nostril masks; ": only for internal nostril masks.
Table 4. – Advantages and disadvantages of face mask and total face mask
Advantages Disadvantages
No mouth leaks Claustrophobic
Effective in mouth breathers Increased risk of aspiration
More stable airway pressure Difficult communication
Lower resistance to airflow Impossible to eat and drink
Less need for patient cooperation Disconnection necessary to expectorate
Securing system. The use of an appropriate mask is obvious but equal attention
should be also directed to the choice of the headgear. The securing system is an
important determinant of air-leak control, mask stability and overall patient comfort.
The headgear secures the mask by means of hooks or straps, which can be attached on
either the outer edge or the centre of the body mask. Attachment of the headgear to the
outer edge of the mask may result in a better distribution of the pressure and facilitate
the seal. Some styles of headgear are designed as a cap to minimise movement of the
interface. Oro-nasal masks should be rapidly pulled out in emergency by means of
headgear quick-release systems. Table 5 lists the ideal characteristics of the securing
Physiological issues. Air leaks may reduce the efficiency of NIV by reducing tolerance,
increasing patient–ventilator dyssynchrony, altering trigger sensitivity and promoting
arousals that lead to sleep fragmentation [29, 30]. Leaks hinder the achievement of the
inspiration-termination criteria during pressure support [31, 32] and are associated with
daytime hypercapnia in neuromuscular patients receiving nocturnal NIV for treatment
of chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure [33].
SCHETTINO et al. [34] studied air-leak dynamics and mask mechanics and estimated
the pressure determining the adhesion of the mask on the skin (Pmask-occl) as the
difference between the pressure pushing the mask upon the face (Pmask-fit), assessed
as the pressure inside the cushion, and airway pressure (Paw). The air leak was
negligible and nearly constant for Pmask-occl values .2 cmH2O; when Pmask-occl
decreased below that threshold, however, air leaks became relevant [34]. As a
consequence, increasing Pmask-occl promote air-leak containment, which can be
obtained either lowering the overall pressure applied by the ventilator or tightening
the headgear (i.e. increasing Pmask-fit). With the latter approach, however, Pmask-fit
may exceed skin capillary pressure, which impairs tissue perfusion and cause skin
abrasions [14, 35].
The improvement in alveolar ventilation can be limited by an increase in the
dynamic dead space (VD,dyn), which is the physiologic dead space (VD,phys) plus
the dead space of the apparatus (VD,app), which depends on the inner volume of the
interface. Different flow patterns and pressure waveforms may also influence the
dead space of the apparatus. SAATCI et al. [36] found that the face mask produced an
increase in VD,dyn (from 32 to 42% of tidal volume) during spontaneous breathing.
The addition of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) lowered VD,dyn close to
VD,phys [36]. Pressure support without PEEP reduced VD,dyn to a lesser extent, from
42 to 39% of tidal volume, leaving VD,dyn higher than VD,phys. In presence of PEEP,
an exhalation port close to the bridge of the nose made VD,dyn lower than VD,phys.
FERGUSON and GILMARTIN [37] first showed that reducing PEEP, below 4 cmH2O,
significantly increased rebreathing, unless a non rebreathing exhalation valve was
used. In a lung-model study conducted to evaluate the effect of exhalation port
location and mask design on CO2 re-breathing during NIV, SCHETTINO et al. [38]
reported a lower volume of rebreathed CO2 with the exhalation port in the mask,
compared with the exhalation port in the circuit. The authors concluded that masks
with exhalation ports located within the mask minimised rebreathing during NIV. In
a study performed on 7 COPD patients, moving the path for exhalation reduced
CO2 rebreathing to almost zero [39]. Masks that do not have ports sited in the
optimal place, however, may still perform quite well, probably due to unintentional
air leaks [40].
Clinical issues. Mouthpieces are utilised for long-term ventilation in patients affected
by severe chronic respiratory failure due to neuromuscular diseases [24]. In acute
patients, the mouthpiece has been shown to be as effective as the oro-nasal mask in
improving gas exchange [41, 42]; compared with the mask, however, the mouthpiece was
considered less comfortable by the patients [41]. A recent study, still in abstract form,
demonstrated that the mouthpiece is able to reduce inspiratory effort, although to a
lesser extent than facial and nasal masks [43].
During daytime, the mouthpiece can be attached to the wheelchair and mounted
close to the mouth, so that the patients may use the ventilator either intermittently or
breath by breath, according their own needs [14]. During sleep, some patients use
strapless custom mouthpieces and others use strapped-on lip seals [24]. Although a
few individuals have learned to use such mouthpieces during sleep, the majority of
patients use the mouthpiece only during daytime and switch overnight to another
interface [44, 45]. In a retrospective evaluation of a cohort of 257 patients, requiring
continuous or quasi-continuous ventilatory support, BACH et al. [24] reported the use
of mouthpiece alone or in association with other interfaces. The mouthpiece was the
preferential interface for providing daytime ventilatory support for 228 individuals. In
some cases, a narrow flexed mouthpiece was used during the day-time and a nasal
mask overnight, but in 163 individuals, 61 of whom had little or no measurable vital
capacity, a standard mouthpiece with lip seal retention or a custom moulded
orthodontic bite was used also for nocturnal aid [24]. The authors concluded that for
patients with chronic respiratory muscle insufficiency and intact bulbar function,
The importance of heating and humidifying the inhaled air is well recognised for
patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation in both the acute [50] and long
term [51] setting. On the contrary, few studies have, so far, evaluated this aspect
during NIV. Inhaling dry cold air can effect release of inflammatory mediators [52],
increase mucosal blood flow [53], and increase nasal airway resistance [54] In OSAs
patients receiving nocturnal CPAP, the lack of humidification increases nasal
resistance and causes nasal symptoms [16]. These side-effects, which have been
primarily attributed to mouth leaks causing unidirectional inspiratory nasal airflow
and progressive drying of the nasal mucosa, are attenuated by heated humidification,
while the use of cold pass-over humidifier is no beneficial [16]. Dryness of inhaled air
during CPAP is attenuated by heated humidification, even with mouth leaks, and
further reduced by using a face mask in place of a nasal mask [55]. Although heated
humidification of nasal CPAP has been repeatedly demonstrated to reduce upper
airway symptoms [56, 57], its use has produced controversial results with respect to
patient’s compliance to treatment, which resulted in significant improvement in one
study [58], slightly and only initially ameliorated in a second study [56] and unchanged
in a third [57].
Most patients on long-term domiciliary NIV use nasal masks and are, therefore,
subject to air leaking through the mouth [18]. Recently, a daytime study performed on
healthy individuals showed that a short period of mouth leak during nasal NIV increases
nasal resistance, which negatively affects the delivered tidal volume [18]. These effects
were reduced using heated humidification, which improved comfort, both in the absence
of leaks and following a period of increased leak [18]. These data indicate that heated
humidification may improve the comfort by attenuating the adverse effects of mouth
leak in patients on domiciliary NIV.
In acute patients, heated humidification and heat-and-moisture exchanger (HME)
have been compared in two recent studies [59, 60]. Compared with heated
humidification, HME reduced NIV efficiency, resulting in higher Pa,CO2, respiratory
rate and minute ventilation [59], and increased the work of breathing [60]. In principle,
HME should be avoided with nasal NIV because the air leaked through the mouth
makes it less effective or ineffective at all. Furthermore, the additional resistance
imposed by HME [60] may interfere with ventilator triggering. Very recently, NAVA et
al. [61] performed a pilot randomised cross-over 12-month study on 16 patients with
stable chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure who underwent NIV with either heated
humidification or HME. Although a higher number of patients decided to continue
NIV with heated humidification, no significant difference was found with respect to
NIV compliance, airway symptoms, rate of hospitalisation consequent to acute
exacerbation [61].
In conclusion, data from physiological studies suggest a beneficial effect of heated
humidification for patients on long term noninvasive ventilation and, in particular, for
those using a nasal mask who have nasal symptoms. Further randomised controlled
trials are needed to evaluate the long-term effects of heated humidification and the
efficacy of the different humidification devices.
The choice of the interface is crucial for the success of noninvasive ventilation (NIV)
in both the acute and chronic setting. Type (oral, nasal, oro-nasal), size, design,
material and securing system of the interface may affect the patient’s comfort with
respect to many aspects, such as air-leaks, claustrophobia, skin erythema, eye
irritation and skin breakdown. Although the continuous development of new
products has increased the availability of interfaces and the chance to meet different
requirements, in patients necessitating several daily hours of NIV, the rotational use
of different interfaces remains an excellent strategy to decrease the risk of skin
While the importance of heating and humidification for long-term invasive
mechanical ventilation is well known, it is less recognised for the patient receiving
long term NIV. Recent work, however, suggests that, in the presence of airleaks, cold
dry air increases nasal resistance, causes nasal symptoms and reduces the patient’s
compliance to NIV, and that heated humidification has the potential to reduce these
adverse effects.
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*Pulmonary Function Test and Sleep Laboratory, Dept of Rehabilitation and Physiology, and #HP2
Laboratory, INSERM-ERI 17, University Hospital, Grenoble, France, and "Division of Pulmonary Diseases,
Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland.
Correspondence: J-L. Pépin, Pôle Rééducation et Physiologie, CHU de Grenoble, BP 217 X, 38043,
Grenoble, France. Fax: 33 476765586; E-mail:
Sleep is a unique physiological state associated with deep changes in upper airway
(UA) resistance, respiratory control and lung mechanics. In patients with chronic
respiratory diseases, this specific situation induces different categories of consequences.
First, as minute ventilation decreases particularly in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep,
sleep-related hypoventilation is the first sign of respiratory failure, systemically
preceding the development of daytime chronic hypercapnic failure. Secondly, as
abnormal respiratory events occur specifically during sleep, noninvasive ventilation
(NIV) settings which are appropriate for ventilating awake patients may not work
appropriately during the night. Alternatively, sleep itself increases nonintentional leaks,
patient–ventilator asynchrony and periodic breathing or glottic closures, thus justifying
a specific monitoring of NIV efficacy during the night.
In the present chapter, the overall mechanisms for ventilatory changes occurring
during sleep, the ability of NIV to suppress respiratory events during night and improve
sleep quality, and the tools that can be proposed for monitoring NIV efficacy during
sleep, will be successively reviewed. These topics will be covered for patients suffering
from chronic respiratory failure, in stable state and home-ventilated by NIV.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 350–366. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
tension (Pa,O2) decreases by 3–10 mmHg and oxygen saturation drops by ,2% [3–5].
These changes occur despite the reduction in oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide
production during sleep [4]. The decrease in ventilation occurs during all stages of sleep
and worsens during REM, particularly during phasic REM sleep [1, 6, 7]. Phasic REM
sleep is associated with a dramatic reduction in intercostal muscle phasic and tonic
activity and a reduction in diaphragm tonic activity, whereas diaphragmatic phasic
inspiratory activity is preserved [8, 9]. During this period, breathing is more irregular,
rapid and shallow (fig. 1) [10].
Diaphragmatic functioning is absolutely critical in REM sleep because the other
respiratory muscles alone cannot maintain normal alveolar ventilation. Subjects with
diaphragmatic weakness, as in neuromuscular disorders or breathing with a diaphragm
in unfavourable mechanic conditions, as in morbid obesity or chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) with hyperinflated lungs, are highly prone to hypoventilate
during REM sleep.
Sp,O2 s s s s s s s s s s s s
95 94 94 94 95 95 94 94 96 95 95 95
Phasic inhibitions of ventilation during REM sleep
Fig. 1. – Irregular, rapid and shallow breathing during phasic rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Decrease in
ventilation during phasic REM sleep episodes: a sustained reduction in flow and thoracic and abdominal movements
occurs concurrently with rapid eye movements. This occurs to various degrees in normal subjects and is aggravated or
revealing in patients with respiratory failure. Sp,O2: arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry; Tho:
thoracic movements; Abd: abdominal movements; Flow: flow signal; PTT: pulse transit time; ABP: arterial blood
pressure; EM: eye movements.
was 5.45% (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.47–9.44) [20]. In a similar population of
neuromuscular and chest wall disorders, WARD et al. [21] noted that patients with
nocturnal hypoventilation (nocturnal transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension (Ptc,CO2)
.6.5 kPa) but with normal daytime Pa,CO2 at baseline are likely to deteriorate with the
development of daytime hypercapnia and/or progressive symptoms within 2 yrs. Early
introduction of nocturnal NIV, before occurrence of daytime hypercapnia, reduced
levels of nocturnal Ptc,CO2.
O’DONOGHUE et al. [22] documented sleep hypoventilation in .43% of a group of
hypercapnic COPD. Sleep hypoventilation was associated with significant increases in
night-to-morning Pa,CO2 and proposed as contributing to long-term elevations in Pa,CO2.
Accordingly, in a randomised controlled trial, MEECHAM-JONES et al. [23] showed using
Ptc,CO2 measurements that degree of improvement in daytime Pa,CO2 was correlated with
the improvement in mean overnight Ptc,CO2 by using NIV. A meta-analysis, addressing
the issue of efficacy of NIV in COPD patients with chronic respiratory failure, suggested
a detrimental (although nonsignificant) effect of the device in terms of sleep efficiency
[24]. However, the small sample size precludes a definitive statement regarding the
clinical implications of such a result. In another systematic review of NIV in COPD,
sleep-related difficulties were reported in four out of the 15 included studies [25].
In OHS patients, NIV treats associated sleep apnoea syndrome, improves ventilatory
responses and sleep quality, and suppresses REM sleep hypoventilation [11].
Conversely, in a percentage of extremely obese subjects, continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) treatment alone corrected upper airway collapse but severe oxygen
desaturation persisted and NIV was required [26] in this situation in order to treat sleep-
related hypoventilation.
Thus, in different diseases associated with chronic respiratory failure, NIV is capable
of counteracting the different mechanisms associated with sleep-related hypoventilation.
Even though robust data are lacking, it is generally accepted that sleep quality is
improved. However, in the real life of home-ventilated patients, the situation appears
more problematic and sleep hypoventilation or sleep fragmentation is far from being
perfectly corrected [27–29].
eupnoeic Pa,CO2 [38]. If NIV settings lead to hyperventilation, bursts of central apnoeas
or hypopnoeas can occur, particularly during transitions between sleep onset and
wakefulness. The susceptibility to periodic breathing varies considerably among
subjects; its occurrence under NIV is thus difficult to predict and needs to be specifically
monitored (fig. 2). High levels of pressure support are more frequently associated with
this abnormality.
Hyperventilation, associated with NIV use, can also lead to glottis narrowing and
closures [37, 39]. Glottis narrowing seems more related to a controlled mode (both in
volumetric and barometric support). In spontaneous cycles, initiation of inspiration by
the patient may allow an activation of the inspiratory glottis abductors inducing vocal-
cord abduction [40]. High levels of ventilation and hypocapnia are more frequently
associated with these adverse events. During NIV, ventilatory responses to hypoxia are
highly dependent on carbon dioxide levels and can be definitely abolished by severe
hypocapnia (Pa,CO2 ,27 mmHg) [41]. This means that glottis closures can be associated
with severe desaturations before reopening of the glottis and resumption of effective
Profound modifications in the recruitment of the respiratory muscles may occur
during the various stages of sleep, potentially leading to inappropriate triggering.
Patient–ventilator dyssynchrony may be a cause of suboptimal ventilation and sleep
fragmentation (fig. 3) [42]. In a systematic polysomnographic study in OHS, 55% of the
patients exhibited desynchronisation, occurring mostly in slow-wave sleep and REM
sleep and associated with arousals [36]. Auto-triggering was more sporadic and usually
limited to one or two breaths [36]. Similarly, FANFULLA et al. [43], including 48 patients
enrolled in a long term home NIV programme, found a mean of 48¡37 ineffective
efforts per hour during sleep compared with none during wakefulness.
Sp,O2 s s s s s
s s s s
s s
94 88 89 92 s 94 91 93 93 91
85 85 86
Fig. 2. – 5-min epoch of polysomnography with central events induced by noninvasive ventilation. Arterial oxygen
saturation measured by pulse oximetry (Sp,O2) oscillations related to central events occurring in stage-1 sleep. Note the
decrease in respiratory effort during events, identified by pulse transit time (PTT). Tho: thoracic movements; Abd:
abdominal movements; Flow: flow signal measured using a pneumotachograph; Pre: pressure.
s s s s s s s
Sp,O2 s s s s 92 92 91 92 91 91 89 90
83 83 83 83
Fig. 3. – 5-min epoch of polysomnography with patient–ventilator asynchrony. Ineffective efforts (arrows) and
arterial oxygen saturation oscillations related to patient–ventilator asynchrony. Sp,O2: arterial oxygen saturation
measured by pulse oximetry; Tho: thoracic movements; Abd: abdominal movements; PTT: pulse transit time; Flow:
flow signal; Pre: pressure.
Nocturnal pulse-oximetry
The amount of nocturnal oxygen desaturation is considered as one of the major
determinants of adverse neurocognitive and cardiovascular consequences occurring
during chronic respiratory failure and sleep apnoea syndrome [44, 45]. It is obviously an
important item to monitor in home-ventilated patients. It has been suggested that the
morphological pattern of Sa,O2 desaturation could be specific to the different
mechanisms explaining their occurrence [46]. When Sa,O2 measurements are performed
in spontaneous breathing, repetitive episodes of brief desaturation/reoxygenation
sequences with simultaneous acceleration/deceleration of heart frequency (fig. 4a) are
generally accepted as being associated with obstructive or central apnoeas. However,
overnight nocturnal pulse-oximetry cannot distinguish between central and obstructive
events [47]. In patients using NIV at night, repetitive oscillations in Sa,O2 should be
interpreted more cautiously, as they may reflect central events (fig. 2), residual
obstructive events (fig. 5), patient–ventilator asynchrony (fig. 3) or repetitive leaks
interrupted by microarousals. Another characteristic pattern of Sa,O2 recordings in
spontaneous breathing is a prolonged desaturation (10–30 min) with concurrent
acceleration of heart frequency, occurring approximately every 90–120 min, during
the night. This is a typical pattern of REM sleep hypoventilation (fig. 4b). In ventilated
patients, however, the same aspect can result not only from persistent REM sleep
hypoventilation (fig. 6), but also from prolonged leaks or insufficient pressure support
irrespective of sleep stage.
In summary, the occurrence of desaturations is highly sensitive to detect breathing
abnormalities in NIV users but the different patterns are difficult to interpret. When
abnormalities are present, polygraphy or polysomnography is required for under-
standing the relevant mechanisms and adjusting ventilator settings and/or interfaces.
Ptc,CO2 monitoring
Assessing Pa,CO2 overnight is essential for evaluating efficacy of NIV during sleep.
The simplest approach is to measure Pa,CO2 by arterial puncture at the end of the night
to document night-to-morning increases in Pa,CO2 [22]. However, blood is most often
sampled after arousal and thus after a short period of appropriate ventilation. In this
condition a normal morning Pa,CO2 actually does not reflect the abnormal time course of
a) 100
Sp,O2 %
b) 90
fC bpm
00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00
c) 100
Sp,O2 %
d) 120
fC bpm
02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00
Fig. 4. – 4-h recordings of arterial oxygen saturation in spontaneous breathing. a and b) Repetitive episodes of brief
desaturation/reoxygenation sequences with simultaneous acceleration/deceleration of cardiac frequency (fC) generally
accepted as associated with obstructive or central apnoeas. c and d) Persistent desaturation (10–30 min) with concurrent
acceleration of the fC and occurring approximately every 90–120 min during the night. This corresponds to a typical of
pattern of rapid eye movement sleep hypoventilation. Sp,O2: arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry.
Sp,O2 s s s s s s s s
s s
92 95 95 94 s 96 93 93
89 90 88 88
Fig. 5. – 5-min epoch of polysomnography with residual obstructive events. Sp,O2: arterial oxygen saturation
measured by pulse oximetry; Tho: thoracic movements; Abd: abdominal movements; PTT: pulse transit time; Flow:
flow signal measured using a pneumotachograph; Pre: pressure.
s s s
Sp,O2 s s s s s s s 96
94 95
87 88 87 87 87 88 87 86
Fig. 6. – 5-min epoch of polysomnography in a noninvasive ventilation user with a transition from persistent
hypoventilation during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and awakening. See flow reduction during REM sleep with
sustained desaturation. Sp,O2: arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry; Tho: thoracic movements; Abd:
abdominal movements; PTT: Pulse transit time; Flow: Flow signal measured using a pneumotachograph; Pre:
Pa,CO2 during the night. Repeated sampling of arterial blood from a catheter in the
radial artery remains the ‘‘gold standard’’ for estimating Pa,CO2 changes but is not
conceivable for routine assessment in stable state patients. End-tidal carbon dioxide is
unreliable in patients with chronic respiratory failure, particularly in COPD and is
technically difficult to measure with the continuous flow related to bi-level pressure
support. Continuous Ptc,CO2 recordings (fig. 7) show good agreement with arterial
measurements [48–50] even if high levels of Pa,CO2 may increase Pa,CO2/Ptc,CO2 bias [48].
Importantly, further studies [48–53] have reported that the good agreement between
Ptc,CO2 and Pa,CO2 is preserved when patients are treated by CPAP or pressure support.
A limitation of the technique is the requirement for periodic calibration and changes of
membrane in order to ensure sufficient precision of transcutaneous measurements.
Despite these precautions, Ptc,CO2 sensor drift has been reported during overnight
recordings [22]. Compensation of this drift has been proposed by using linear
interpolation but this actually requires two arterial measures of Pa,CO2 (at the beginning
and at the end of Ptc,CO2 recording) [22]. One study, however, showed that, in 28
subjects under NIV, Ptc,CO2 recordings could be performed continuously for 8 h at a
probe temperature of 43uC, without any local discomfort or significant signal drift [51].
a) 9.31
Ptc,CO2 kPa
b) REM
Sleep stage
Fig. 7. – During night evolution of transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension (Ptc,CO2). Note the systematic increase in
Ptc,CO2 (a) concurrently with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (b). Arrows depict significant increase in arterial
carbon dioxide tension night-to-morning. Modified from [22].
More-recent devices, combining Ptc,CO2 and arterial oxygen tension measured by pulse
oximetry (Sp,O2) earlobe sensors, have been validated in acute care and chronic clinical
settings, are designed for continuous recording over 8-h periods without requiring
recalibration and are feasible for routine use [53–55]. All Ptc,CO2 sensors have a lag-time
(y2 min) which precludes monitoring of rapid changes of Pa,CO2 such as those which
could be associated with recurrent apnoeas, hypopnoeas or brief leaks [49].
In summary, nocturnal Ptc,CO2 should be considered as a reliable noninvasive tool to
monitor nocturnal Pa,CO2 for patients treated with NIV on a long-term basis.
Limitations of the technique are the cost of the devices, the increase in bias between
arterial and transcutaneous values at high Pa,CO2 values [48], and the occasional
occurrence of unexplained errant values. Recent devices, however, are easy to use, have
user-friendly software and can be connected to polysomnography software. Finally,
nocturnal Ptc,CO2 reveals the occurrence of episodes of hypoventilation but provides no
information as to their cause (inappropriate settings, leaks, etc.).
Fig. 8. – Synthesis data analysis downloaded from noninvasive ventilation (NIV) device software. Example of data
downloaded from GK 425 Tyco HealthcareTM using Silverlining 3.0 software. Compliance data, mean respiratory
rate and percentage of spontaneous cycles are available.
Table 1. – Specifications of software from noninvasive ventilation (NIV) devices allowing the download of data
SMARTAIR+ LEGENDAIR technical alarms and ventilation inspiratory time/total time, leaks#, pressure/ with SUPPORTAIR monitoring of Sp,O2
SUPPORTAIR alarm time curve, flow/time curve
Airox-Covidien TM (acquisition requires a connection to a compu-
level of leaks, tidal volume, respiratory frequency and/or minute ventilation could be
provided. The second category is ‘‘detailed data analysis’’. Raw data of a given
parameter could be analysed cycle by cycle (fig. 9). The third category provides
‘‘polygraphic data analysis’’. In this situation, by adding an external module connected
to the machine (Reslink; ResmedTM, North Ryde, Australia, or Stardust;
RespironicsTM, Murrysville, PA, USA), physiological parameters such as oxygen
saturation, heart rate and respiratory effort can be recorded and displayed, in addition
to the signals already stored by the device (fig. 10).
There are large discrepancies in parameters provided by the different software. This
reflects the fact that relevant parameters for monitoring NIV have not been yet clearly
defined by clinicians and that recommendations in this field should be proposed by
scientific societies. Additionally, the validity of several parameters estimated by the NIV
devices (minute ventilation, tidal volume, apnoea hyponoea index) is questionable and
must be validated by independent clinical and/or bench test studies. For pulse-oximetry,
these data should be used as screening tools for identifying, in a large population of
home ventilated patients, those requiring further investigations.
Fig. 9. – Detailed data analysis downloaded from noninvasive ventilation device softwares (5-min epoch). Pressure
(press), flow and leaks monitored respiratory cycle by respiratory cycle (download from Ventimotion WeinmannTM
using Ventisupport 1.01 software) are shown. Owing to the increase of leaks, pressure support move to back-up
frequency (spontaneous cycles are replaced by controlled cycles; widening of inspiratory pressure delay).
Fig. 10. – Polygraphic data by using the noninvasive ventilation (NIV) device associated with an external module (2-
h epoch). Combination of data usually provided by the NIV machine and physiological data (arterial oxygen
saturation measured by pulse oximetry (SpO2) and heart rate); download from VPAP 3 ST ResmedTM using Rescan
5.3 software). Note oxygen desaturation explained by a huge increase in leaks levels.
interpreting polysomnography under NIV is probably one of the most difficult tasks.
Resulting flow and pressure signals are influenced by not only the patients’ ventilation
but also the technical specifications of the device and the ventilatory mode. Specific
recommendations regarding the channels that need to be recorded and consensus criteria
for scoring are highly desirable.
Polygraphy is easier to perform in an outpatient setting and clearly useful for
identifying events such as patient–ventilator asynchrony, periodic breathing, auto-
triggering, and their impact on Sp,O2. Obviously, impact on sleep structure of these
events will not be detected, although integration of signs of ‘‘autonomic arousals’’ in
portable polygraphy recordings may be useful in the near future.
Overall sleep and breathing during NIV are far from ideal. Screening studies using
ventilator software and/or nocturnal pulse-oximetry are useful for identifying patients
with significant problems but these tools may not suffice. Polysomnography (or
polygraphy) under NIV, interpreted by trained specialists, may allow for improved
ventilator settings, respiration during sleep and hopefully sleep quality. Future studies
are needed to establish whether recognition and correction of these abnormalities,
during sleep, positively impact either on long-term efficacy of NIV, compliance or
quality of life.
The present chapter first reiterates the different mechanisms underlying ventilatory
changes occurring during sleep and the capability of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in
correcting abnormal respiratory events and improving sleep quality in different
diseases. In order to ensure long-term NIV efficiency, appropriate strategies for
monitoring ventilation and sleep, during NIV treatment, are proposed. Different
tools, allowing monitoring of chronic respiratory failure patients treated using long-
term home NIV, and their respective interests and limitations are successively
reviewed. Tools only aiming to recognise the consequences of residual events, such as
oxygen desaturations or increases in nocturnal transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension
are distinguished compared with more complex strategies, such as respiratory
polygraphy and polysomnography. Finally, specific software, designed by ventilator
manufacturers for at-home monitoring, and the use of flow signals included in NIV
devices, are remarked upon. These data may provide useful information for clinicians.
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J. Escarrabill
Correspondence: J. Escarrabill, Institut d’Estudis de la Salut, C/ Roc Boronat, 81-95 1st floor, 08005
Barcelona, Spain. Fax: 34 932607576; E-mail:
The continuity of care is one of the key elements in evaluating the quality of
healthcare [1]. There are many difficulties in guaranteeing the coordination of this care.
In the majority of cases, multiple health providers intervene and this intervention can be
unplanned (in some cases as a result of decisions made by the patient or by the health
services) and, what’s more, the interoperability of these information systems is not
guaranteed. In addition, the coordination requires time and a consideration of the
problems in terms of the bigger picture, things that are not systematically promoted in
clinical practice, which focuses mainly on acute problems.
The discharge of a patient who has been admitted to hospital is not an administrative
procedure. The process of discharge has a big impact on the later evolution and progress
of the patient. NEALE et al. [2] observed that 18% of the errors made in clinical practice
to patients admitted to two London hospitals take place during the process of discharge.
In patients with complex needs, such as patients with noninvasive ventilation (NIV),
the coordination of the caregivers and the planning of the process of discharge are
especially important. This planning must be considered in two situations: in the moment
that NIV begins and following hospital admission due to an acute exacerbation. The
process of discharge, having initiated the NIV, determines the future course of
treatment: adaptation to the ventilation, and completion by, and security of, the patient
and the caregiver. From a practical point of view, this process of discharge from the
initiation of the ventilation can be divided into three main periods: 1) evaluation and
adaptation, 2) critical period (moment of discharge and the first few days at home) and
3) progress beyond.
It is difficult to identify the best manner of clinical practice, especially when we refer
to patients with complex needs in very different welfare and social contexts. HAYNES et
al. [3] suggest that good practice depends on diverse factors: the scientific evidence, the
preferences of the patient, the circumstances and the clinical situation and, especially,
the skills of the team. The decisions can vary from one circumstance to the other,
according to the support that the patient has or the accessibility to healthcare
In any case, the organisation of the healthcare services has to be prepared in order to
respond to the needs of the patient. The care team must make sure that the patient (and
the caregiver) is fully informed, that they retain control over the decisions, that they
participate in the care programme and that individual values are respected in the process
of care [4]. In a general way, the basic elements of the ‘‘patient-centred care’’ are
summed up in table 1.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 367–376. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
The six elements that define the quality of the healthcare service are: safety (an unsafe
treatment cannot be a quality treatment), effect (it produces benefits in actual conditions
of use), focus on the needs of the patient, time (waiting does not help to improve the
quality of treatment), efficiency and equitability.
Feasibility has to do with whether a proposed project is practical or not. At the same
time as raising the possibility that NIV is needed, we must respond to the question of
viability. A decisive aspect, obviously, is the clinical criteria that hint at the use of the
NIV, but next we must determine whether the circumstances make this proposal viable.
The clinical criteria refer to the characteristics of the illness, the natural history and
technical aspects and to the physiological response to the ventilation support. The
circumstances refer to the situation in terms of a caregiver, the preferences of the patient,
the characteristics of the household and the availability, or not, of technical home
support. That is to say, the viability depends on both technical and social aspects of the
case. If from the beginning it is clear that the patient will not be able to receive care at
home, it will be necessary to consider alternatives (e.g. hospices), which will affect the
design of the therapeutic plan.
Role Functions/needs
Patient Education
Risk management
Caregiver Education/risk management
Special attention to formal caregivers without direct relationship with the hospital team
Hospital Experience
Case manager
Case manager Integral evaluation of the patient and caregiver
Home conditions
Health service Financial issues
Supplier Technical competence
Relationship with hospital team
Service 24 h/7 days
Outpatient NIV
The possibility of starting the ventilation without the need to admit the patient
depends on the gravity of the patient’s condition, the accessibility to the hospital
(outpatient NIV is more difficult with patients who live very far from the hospital), the
possibility of having a place adapted to running a training programme and, in some
countries, on financial limitations.
According to the circumstances and to the health resources available, it will be crucial
to evaluate the effort and the cost for the patient and the team who will have to carry out
the outpatient treatment. When a patient is admitted, if complications do not arise, the
adaptation takes 4–6 days. Trying to reduce the consumption of resources (hospital
stays) has very little impact (on the whole) on the consumption of resources of the
patients with chronic respiratory illnesses [5].
For patients with serious respiratory insufficiency or for those who are suffering an
acute exacerbation it seems more prudent to carry out the adaptation ‘‘in-house’’ (at the
hospital). For the rest of the patients, either option should be satisfactory: inpatient or
outpatient adaptation.
Problem Resolution
Power supply failure Spare ventilation parts
Additional batteries
Apparatus problems Regular review
Service 24 h/7 days
Mask (fixing) Basic spare parts
Circuits Regular cleaning
Replacement of security
Exacerbation Signs of alarm
Telephone contact
Ambulance contact
Monitoring Telephone contact of the expert team
Regular updates of the knowledge of patient (and caregiver)
Regular review of written care plans
Compliance and consumption of resources
Compliance Regular access to the hours of ventilation
Consumption of resources Repeated alarm calls, technical problems, unclear or unscheduled visits
or emergencies
Data taken from SIMONDS [7].
In a very short space of time, a lot of information must be conveyed and, therefore, it
is advisable that the welfare teams make a check-list with all the information they must
give to the patient, the educational targets and the necessary equipment for the proper
administering of treatment. This systematic action is especially important in the
management of patients with complex needs and involving the coordination of various
cases it is useful for a member of the care team to visit the home of the patient before
they are discharged, so that adjustments can be suggested in order to help with the
installation of the equipment that the patient will need.
From a practical perspective, the discharge plan must contemplate the simplest option
that obtains the maximum benefits.
The care team must take particular care on the first day of NIV at home. A phone call
or a visit after the first night of NIV at home can be especially useful. The strategy of the
discharge plan is simpler than it looks. BERTOYE et al. [9] magnificently described how
the first inpatients who required ventilatory support after long-term acute poliomyelitis
accepted the challenge of returning home with the ventilator. The key elements for a
successful transfer from hospital to home are: 1) agreement between the doctor, patient
and caregiver; 2) clinical stability; 3) a willing and competent caregiver; 4) availability of
technical elements, with the financial coverage necessary; and 5) a good plan for risk
management. Ventilation at home is possible through this agreement between the
patient (and the caregiver) and the doctor, assuming a certain risk and all the work that
will go into the care.
Case manager
The discharge plan is a result of the work of a team, but, in the case of a patient with
complex needs, it is unlikely that the team, spontaneously through the routine work, will
be able to respond to all the requirements of the patient. In the most complex cases it is
easy for duplications or deficiencies to arise, related more to fragmentation of care than
to the knowledge of the team members.
The figure of the nurse case manager plays a vital role in implementing the plan of
care for patients with NIV. It is useful for all patients, but it is imperative for those with
more complex needs, such as constant need for ventilation, major limitations with
autonomy (e.g. for a neuromuscular disease) or where there are doubts about the
competency of the caregiver, or, simply, for those that live far from the expert team.
The nurse case manager is the one who sees the bigger picture of the problem and
identifies the needs. The patient and the caregiver have a competent advisor, the
intervening professionals have a mediator to resolve any doubts or propose changes in
the treatment and the doctor can focus his energy on the clinical problems, with the
reassurance that the overall treatment plan is being executed as planned.
Most of the problems associated with outpatient NIV are the result of mismanage-
ment of the care rather than problems with technical or clinical issues.
The nurse case manager has a broad and diverse field of activity, but table 4
summarises those particular activities or skills that will facilitate the development of the
discharge plan.
1 Identify competences that health professionals need to care for specific patients:
In the course of the diseases there are a lot of professionals that cooperate with the expert team
2 Leading complex care coordination:
Different providers
Social services
3 Proactive management of clinical problems
4 Managing mental well-being (of the patient and the caregiver)
5 Supporting self-management
6 Proactive risk management
7 Managing care at end of life
General needs
Having initiated the NIV, most teams deal with all the respiratory needs of the
patients: ventilators, access to airways, suction cleaners for secretions, supplementary
oxygen, humidification, nebulisation, complementary batteries to counter any failure in
the power supply, etc. However, addressing the needs of the patients to perform the
activities of daily life is just as important as thinking about respiratory needs [10].
The needs of daily life can be grouped into different dimensions as follows.
Communication. The discharge plan must consider the ability of the patient to
communicate and the availability (and ease of operation) of alarms to call the caregiver
when they are not in attendance.
Ensuring patient communication does not exclusively require the use of sophisticated
technology. A poster with photographs or small book with icons may be sufficient for
basic communication. Having alarms (in addition to those of the ventilator) is an
important element in giving confidence to the patient.
Accessibility. The accessibility in the home is an element that can affect the activities of
daily living for the patient and limit or facilitate their autonomy and social relations.
Narrow stairs or the absence of a lift (elevator) facility are factors to be considered with
patients who, in addition to the disability related to their illness, require a wheelchair.
Mobility. With patients who have mobility problems and must move around with the
ventilator, special care must be taken to adapt the unit to the chair. Social services can
be a big help in terms of facilitating travel by public transport or by identifying means to
adapt private vehicles.
Adaptation of the home. The adaptation of the home can be a problem for many
patients. The bathroom and the bedroom are very important because their adjustments
must be mindful of the transferences that the patient will have to undergo.
Technological support. There are countless technological tools that facilitate the
adaptation to the activities of daily life for patients with disabilities. In many cases it is
necessary to resort to expert advice in order to find the best solution to each problem.
With rapidly evolving diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the
technological support needs change rapidly. For the patient and the caregiver this fact is
an inconvenience, both from an economic perspective and in choosing the best option.
The creation of ‘‘banks of material’’ can facilitate a quick solution to the problems
posed by the changing needs for technological support.
cooperation, so that the transmission of information is made in a way that is quick and
complete and there are open discussions about improved therapeutic alternatives, and
accessibility should be the desired formal framework. The community resources are not
there to comply with the orders of the expert team but to contribute to its skill and
knowledge of the treatment plan.
Even once the patient is stabilised and well adapted to their home, the care plan is
incomplete if it does not include a long-term monitoring programme. The European
study on home mechanical ventilation (HMV; Eurovent survey) [12] showed a great
variability in the care plans for patients with HMV: more than half the patients with
HMV did not have a home-care specialist. Access to healthcare alternatives to
conventional hospitalisation was also very heterogeneous. Additionally, there are many
differences between countries and within the same country when it comes to technical
checks on the ventilators [13].
The monitoring of the patients with NIV must be proactive (it is not enough to
facilitate access to a consultation) and plan visits according to the patient’s clinical
condition. The role of the nurse case manager is very important. In the first phase the
patient should be monitored very closely. Most patients to be discharged from the
hospital after beginning the ventilation will not yet have reached the maximum degree of
improvement that can be expected. In fact, most patients do not obtain the maximum
benefits of the NIV until 2 or 3 months after the initiation of treatment [14].
One very important aspect is the quality control of the ventilators. FARRÉ et al. [15]
noted that the prescribed parameters did not coincide with the parameters observed
during surveillance of the ventilators in the home. A larger study confirmed these
discrepancies between the prescribed and observed parameters, although they did not
observe any negative impact on the number of admissions [16] or the clinical condition
of the patients. The control of the ventilators and complaints from patients regarding
their operation is not a subject that has been studied in depth, but it is possible that in
addition to the routine checks it will be necessary to pay closer attention to the patient/
ventilator interrelationship.
The monitoring of the patients must be planned in accordance with the available
resources. Information and communication technology could facilitate this monitoring [17],
especially in the case of patients who live far from the hospital. However, in general, these
technologies are there to compliment the care and they do not completely replace home
visits or external consultation visits.
In patients with complex needs, such as patients with noninvasive ventilation (NIV),
the coordination of the caregivers and the planning of the process of discharge are
especially important. The care team must make sure that the patient (and the
caregiver) is fully informed, that they retain control over the decisions, that they
participate in the care programme and that individual values are respected in the
process of care.
The adaptation to the ventilation is a process that can take several days and it requires
the collaboration of the patient and the caregiver. The discharge plan is defined as
designing a customised plan for each patient that takes place before leaving the
hospital (or before starting independent treatment at home). The discharge plan must
contemplate the simplest option that obtains the maximum benefits. The figure of the
nurse case manager plays a vital role in implementing the plan of care for patients
with NIV.
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*University of Modena, Dept of Oncology, Haematology and Pneumology and #Ospedale Villa Pineta, Dept
of Rehabilitation, Pavullo, Modena, Italy.
Correspondence: E.M. Clini, Dept of Oncology, Haematology and Pneumology, University of Modena,
Ospedale Villa Pineta, Via Gaiato 127, 41026, Pavullo n/F (MO), Italy. Fax: 39 053642039;
Home mechanical ventilation (HMV) is an established therapy for severe chronic
hypercapnic respiratory failure (HRF). The 1990s saw a substantial rise in the HMV
attributed to: 1) increased numbers of patients surviving the critical care; 2) increased
awareness and experience with indications and technologies; and 3) improved life
expectancy and reduced morbidity of treated patients, especially those with chest wall
and neuromuscular disease [1]. In particular, HMV delivered noninvasively (either with
positive or negative modalities) has received growing interest. The expansion of HMV in
the last 15 yrs was stimulated by the introduction of noninvasive mask ventilation and
the recognition that more patient groups could benefit [2].
A report in France has shown that most of the population of ventilated individuals
were using tracheostomy HMV during the 1990s; this figure has changed in the last
decade, showing a progressive increase of noninvasive HMV, thus paralleling the
numbers of tracheostomised patients [3].
The rapidly growing number of patients on noninvasive HMV in France mirrors the
development in other countries; in particular, a recent European survey has reported
updates on centre characteristics, user demographics and equipment choice for 329
centres and 21,526 users [4]. In this survey, an estimated HMV prevalence of about 6 per
100,000 citizens (range 0.1–17 per 100,000 for different countries) was shown; the
presence of detailed observatories or national registers might have explained the highest
prevalence of HMV in countries nearer the northern borders of Europe. Moreover, the
vast majority of patients were treated noninvasively; 34% of users (.7,000 people) had
parenchymal lung disorders, the majority of whom probably represented chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 377–391. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
Table 1. – Mechanisms of action of ventilatory support in respiratory failure due to restrictive disease
restrictive and obstructive patients treated by noninvasive HMV. Tables 1 and 2 report
the mechanisms of action which have been suggested in noninvasive HMV.
Restrictive disorders
Since the 1980s, extensive experience has been gained in using all forms of home
ventilatory support in chest wall and neuromuscular disorders. Nowadays, noninvasive
mask ventilation is a well-established long-term treatment in patients with symptomatic
HRF secondary to restrictive thoracic disease [20].
Hypercapnia develops in restrictive ventilatory disorders when the force that can be
generated by the respiratory muscles is outweighed by the extra load placed on them by
Table 2. – Mechanisms of action of ventilatory support in respiratory failure due to chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
the reduced compliance of the respiratory system. The increased work of breathing and
reduced respiratory muscle activity leads to hypercapnia during sleep and, later,
wakefulness [21]. Improvement in arterial blood gases in these individuals rests on three
main hypotheses: 1) increased ventilatory sensitivity to carbon dioxide during
spontaneous breathing; 2) resting of the fatigued respiratory muscles; and 3) improved
pulmonary mechanics [22]. In particular, NICKOL et al. [7] found a relationship between
hours of use and fall in arterial carbon dioxide tension (Pa,CO2) and sleepiness score.
Nonetheless, the respiratory muscle resting with noninvasive positive pressure
ventilation still remains a controversial hypothesis [8–10].
The most common chest skeletal abnormalities leading to respiratory failure include
scoliosis and, less frequently, kyphosis with rib deformity, sequelae of thoracoplasty and
(although rarely) spinal disorders (i.e. ankylosing spondylitis). There is considerable
evidence that long-term HMV improves physiological measures, survival, quality of life
and psychosocial functions [23, 24] in these patients. Very interestingly, the probability
of survival in patients with kyphoscoliosis using noninvasive HMV greatly exceeds that
provided by the use of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) [25].
Several neuromuscular conditions, either nonprogressive (e.g. poliomyelitis), slowly
progressive (e.g. some myopathies and muscular dystrophy variants) or rapidly
progressive (e.g. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) may take advantage of HMV
when in the stage of respiratory failure.
Recent advances in the respiratory care of neuromuscolar diseases have improved the
outlook for these patients, and many caregivers have changed from a traditional
noninterventional approach to a more aggressive, supportive approach. Significant
improvements in nocturnal and diurnal gas exchange, mortality and quality of life are
reported in patients with slowly progressive conditions, especially when HMV is
delivered by mask ventilation [24].
Patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, who are at substantial risk for sleep-
disordered breathing, may benefit from noninvasive HMV, since improvement in
quality of life and reduction in morbidity and early mortality have been reported [26].
This benefit is likely to be due to a slower rate of decline in pulmonary function
compared with the untreated control subjects. In patients with ALS, where even a small
elevation in diurnal Pa,CO2 indicates high risk for incumbent decompensation, noninvasive
HMV should be prompted by the occurrence of early symptoms of nocturnal
hypoventilation or lung function impairment, thus favouring both survival [27] and
residual life quality [28].
Obstructive disorders
The possibility that noninvasive HMV might aid patients with stable hypercapnic
COPD has intrigued clinicians and researchers for decades. At least theoretically,
ventilation could be beneficial in these patients through the following mechanisms:
1) reduction of hyperinflation; 2) improved CO2 response of the respiratory centre; and
3) improved respiratory muscle function. Notwithstanding, these suggested mechanisms
for improvement still remain controversial [11–19].
Due to the high prevalence of associated sleep-disordered breathing (e.g. obstructive
sleep apnoea or hypoventilation) in these patients [29], the use of long-term ventilatory
support is likely to be successful when adopted during night. Indeed, early studies
reported favourable effects in this condition [11, 30]. In addition, the beneficial effect of
noninvasive HMV in stable hypercapnic COPD has proven effectiveness by reducing
lung hyperinflation [15], improving the inspiratory muscle strength [18, 19] and lowering
the diaphragmatic fatigue threshold [31].
From a clinical point of view, the efficacy (quality of life, survival and hospitalisation
rate) of noninvasive HMV in COPD patients still remains controversial [5]. Both
observational and controlled studies on small case series with short follow-up did not
completely answer the question [5]. Many factors, such as sample characteristics, degree
of severity and setting of ventilator used, could explain these differences. A 2-yr
prospective, randomised Italian study [32] is the largest trial showing that the addition of
nocturnal mask ventilation to LTOT in stable hypercapnic COPD patients may improve
daytime Pa,CO2, dyspnoea and health-related quality of life compared with oxygen
alone. Although, at present, the data do not clearly demonstrate a definitive benefit (i.e.
improved survival) due to chronic ventilatory support in these patients, this approach
has become popular in several European countries [4]. This optimistic attitude could be
supported by clinical evidence and experimental data showing that noninvasive HMV is
associated with a reduction in hospitalisation for acute-on-chronic ventilatory failure in
the most severe hypercapnic COPD [33].
Analysis of costs
In the management of healthcare resources, cost-analysis currently represents a
method for evaluation of the expenditure due to the effects on health of a new (or
specific) intervention and for assessing it in the economic perspective [34].
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is a systematic methodology that measures
health outcomes expressed in ‘‘natural units’’, i.e. the number of cases of disease
prevented, the number of lives saved or the number of life-yrs gained by a new
medical act [35]. However, the costs and the benefits in CEA are considered in
‘‘noncomparable units’’ and their ratio provides a yardstick with which to assess the
productive efficiency [36]. For example, if an intervention is both more expensive and
more effective than an alternative, then the criterion for efficiency becomes the ratio
of the net increase in costs to the net increase in effectiveness (the incremental cost-
effectiveness ratio).
In cost-benefit analysis (CBA), it is possible to establish, first, whether an individual
intervention offers an overall net welfare gain and, secondly, how the welfare gain from
that intervention compares with that from alternative interventions. Increased use of
interventions with the greatest net gain will increase efficiency. Therefore, by valuing all
costs and benefits in the same units, CBA compares diverse interventions using the net
benefit criterion.
To complete the analysis of costs in healthcare, cost-utility analysis (CUA) could also
be used [37]. This is an adaptation of CEA that measures an intervention’s effect on both
the quantitative and qualitative aspects of health (i.e. morbidity and mortality). This
ratio provides a yardstick based on outcomes such as quality years of life gained; the
relative efficiency is here assessed using the incremental cost-utility ratio. An
intervention is deemed productively efficient, relative to an alternative, if it results in
higher (or equal) benefits at lower costs. Therefore, CUA can address both productive
and allocative efficiency.
In general, these three types of analysis (CEA, CBA and CUA) should be performed
in more than one perspective, thus comparing all the costs, effectiveness and benefits
deriving from a intervention. This would allow selection of the mix that can maximise
health for a given set of resources. More often the cost-analysis studies are conducted at
a complex level (involving more than just a local programme) and with periods of
follow-up to look at the long-term impact of interventions [38].
Application of a cost-analysis
Most cost-analysis studies pursue an incremental approach that compares the additional
costs of an intervention over the current practice with additional health benefits [39, 40].
The overall philosophy is that a new strategy intervention is being compared with the
existing practice (‘‘gold standard’’) or any other relevant alternative (best-available, low-
cost or do-nothing) in the calculation of the cost-effectiveness ratio:
Cost(with new strategy) {Cost(with current practice)
Cost-effectiveness ratio~
Effect(with new strategy) {Effect(with current practice) (1)
The first step is needed in order to compare a set of interrelated interventions with the
same target (e.g. to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve the health of
children under 5 yrs of age, etc.) and then to provide information, which involves
comparison of costs and outcomes of all the different types of possible interventions,
and is useful to the decision on how to allocate resources. This requires cost-
effectiveness to be estimated using an outcome indicator that measures changes in
health, taking into account fatal and nonfatal outcomes. Disability-adjusted life-yrs
(DALYs), healthy-yr equivalents (HYEs) and quality-adjusted life-yrs (QALYs) are all
time-based measures of health that include the impact of interventions on years of life
lost due to premature mortality and years of life lived with a nonfatal health outcome,
weighted by the severity of that outcome [41, 42]. A CEA is, therefore, expressed as the
cost spent for a DALY, HYE or QALY unit of measurement.
GOLD et al. [43] argue that people take into account the impact of an intervention on
their future production when providing utility weights for QALYs, so that the effects are
implicitly included in the denominator of the CEA ratio.
DALYs were first used jointly by the World Bank, the World Health Organization
(WHO) and Harvard School of Public Health in the Global Burden of Disease (GBD)
study [44, 45]. This study began in 1988 with the objectives of quantifying the burden of
disease and injury of human populations and of defining the main health challenges at
the global level using a measure that could also be used for CEA. Using DALYs, the
GBD calculated by 1990 was projected up to 2020. Moreover, DALYs were used in 1993
to estimate the disease burden combined with cost-effectiveness in the World
Development Report [46], in order to define priorities for investments in health. This
summary measure of population health was then refined and it is now used routinely by
WHO as a measure of CEA and to report health status in populations [47].
Pros Cons
Promotes fiscal accountability in programmes Requires a great deal of technical skill and knowledge
Difficult to assign a value in money to social programme
Establishes priorities when resources are limited (as human lives saved) independently of any moral
Extremely useful to the legislators, policy makers Market costs (what people actually pay for something)
and other funders don’t always reflect ‘‘real’’ social costs
Sometimes there are multiple competing goals, thus need
to weight or prioritise them in some way
The best-known cost-benefit studies have looked at long-
term outcomes, but most programme evaluations don’t
have the time or resources to conduct long-term follow-
up studies
Fig. 1. – Integrated assessment for healthcare costs calculation. QOL: quality of life. Data tahen from TORRANCE [37].
Different problems and perspectives can be addressed when considering the use of
NIV as a long-term treatment in those candidates suffering from chronic respiratory
Although the effectiveness of noninvasive HMV has been addressed [20], and this
treatment has been recognised in the last decades as useful in terms of individual
physiological improvement and/or survival [51–54], the impact of this treatment on the
overall costs has not been clearly reported or demonstrated.
So far, the cost of a formal home-care service for ventilator-dependent individuals in
the USA has been estimated at yUS$6,000?month-1?patient-1 [55]. However, it is rather
difficult to compute costs related to the prolonged use of mechanical ventilation. Indeed,
in contrast to the costs related to hospital care, several different factors related to the
patient (including the family burden) and even to the local organisation may contribute
to this calculation. In actual fact, the majority of data related to costs of noninvasive
HMV in patients suffering from chronic respiratory failure relate to COPD.
A list of both direct and indirect costs related to NIV is included in table 4.
Direct costs
When chronic respiratory patients develop HRF, they report incremental use of
healthcare resources. Indeed, they are more likely have increased exacerbations, access
to primary care, use of medications and hospital and intensive care admissions [56], as
well as a further deterioration of their health-related quality of life [57].
Most of these individuals, especially those with COPD, have been prescribed LTOT,
which is known to provide better survival [58]. Notwithstanding, it is still unclear
whether the addition of noninvasive HMV may be associated to further benefits in these
patients [5], as already mentioned. Nevertheless, due to some recognised physiological
and clinical advantages, which also include the improvement of individual physical
performance [59], noninvasive HMV is currently popular among physicians [4].
Recently, a retrospective study in chronically ventilated COPD patients reported an
analysis of direct costs of care [33]. The authors calculated the cost?day-1?patient-1 of
major healthcare charges (oxygen, drugs and hospitalisations) over 2 yrs in COPD
patients treated by nocturnal noninvasive HMV in addition to the usual LTOT regimen
compared with similar patients continuing LTOT alone. They were able to show that the
addition of HMV is associated with a 20% saving of these direct costs compared with
LTOT alone; in particular, they reported that the burden of costs due to the ventilatory
equipment provision and management increased the whole costs up to the same limit
reached by those patients using LTOT alone.
Table 4. – List and categories of main costs related to noninvasive mechanical ventilation
Direct Indirect
Medical Nonmedical
Ward (capital, nursing workload, pharmacy) Transportation Loss of productivity and other financial issues
Intensive care (daily costs) Childcare Unemployment
Equipment (ventilator, humidifier, Time spent in appointments
consumables, annual servicing,
Drugs Disability
Outpatient attendance (scheduled and Professional relationships
unscheduled visits)
Social isolation
However, it seems difficult to compare this analysis of direct costs with others that
have been previously published [50, 60]. Indeed, different healthcare systems and
reimbursement policies in different countries might have biased the results, making
comparisons rather difficult to draw.
Among the results that arose from the Italian randomised trial [33], it was interesting to
note that a reduction in the use of healthcare resources in terms of hospital readmission
was fairly well correlated with the use of NIV in these individuals. This research has
confirmed that the overall burden of care costs is not increased when noninvasive HMV is
adopted and that this regimen is associated with a 34% cost saving related to the re-
hospitalisation rate, in particular. Very interestingly, this saving of costs was associated
with a significant reduction in the high-cost admissions in the critical care areas.
The use of medications is another important category of direct costs in COPD. It has
been calculated that costs due to drug acquisition account for y40% of direct costs in
these patients, with a proportional increase according to severity of the disease [61].
In the Italian study [33], the mean percentage cost of drugs out of the total direct costs
was less than approximately 15%. This is not surprising, since this particular subgroup
of patients with a very advanced disease are likely to have reached a threshold limit in
their standard (evidence-based addressed) pharmacological treatment, which therefore
accounts for a proportionally lower amount of the total cost that includes other
advanced nonpharmacological therapies (including oxygen) or different direct costs.
Additionally, the computed cost for medications in that group of COPD patients did not
take into account the increased use of pharmacological resources during hospital
admissions. As a matter of fact, CLINI et al. [33] did not find any difference in the current
cost of medications between the two study groups, thus underlining the fact that this
part of the direct cost is less likely to influence the overall burden in these patients.
These particular individuals suffering from COPD therefore represent patients for
which a third part’s payment decision making should not be exclusively based on a
rough rather than on a precise cost-effectiveness analysis of cost [62].
Indirect costs
Direct cost gives only a partial estimate of the total costs. Indeed, this view limits the
logical and more important burden of indirect costs often associated with the use of
noninvasive HMV.
Among these, the indirect costs related to the family caregivers may be extremely
relevant and may even further affect the efficacy of any domiciliary programme,
especially in those individuals who are totally home-bound or confined to bed. Indeed,
patients with COPD and neuromuscular disorders under noninvasive HMV have
important burdens (e.g. high dependency, high levels of pre-morbidity score, recurrent
exacerbations with following hospitalisation), which in turn may impact on the quality
of their families’ lives. Overall, more than 50% of ventilator-dependent patients at home
suffer from two or more burdens needing specific family care [63].
In a cross-sectional survey conducted among primary family caregivers of patients
who were ventilator dependent and who were living at home, it was shown that the total
cost of home-care services was substantial (.US$6,000?month-1?patient-1 in the mid-
1990s) [55, 60]. Very interestingly, the monthly cost increased up to two-fold when
various values of caregiver effort were incorporated into this calculation [55]. The
incorporation of the caregiver’s time value into cost estimates did not substantially
reduce the proportion of patients for whom home care was the least expensive
alternative, except when caregiver effort was valued at a registered nurse’s wage rate.
However, the long-term economic impact on caregivers who reduce their work hours or
forego employment or educational opportunities may further increase the burden, but
this has never been strictly calculated.
Therefore, home care for these patients is labour intensive and costly. Thus, although
models of home-care programmes in patients with noninvasive HMV may merely prove
clinical effectiveness [64, 65], the development of policies and programmes to support
home placement is still lacking. Since the use of main public healthcare services for
ventilator-dependent patients may be significantly affected by factors related to
caregivers, the situation of caregivers should be considered when implementing the
use of resources and should be included in the policy making [66].
In a recent study, the subjective and objective burdens imposed on families of 50
patients under noninvasive HMV were explored [67]. It was found that profound
objective burden was reported in the field of social relations (49% of cases), household
management (43%), financial issues (32%) and employment issues (29%). Interestingly,
family members of these patients experienced a lower subjective burden and they were
used to adopting several strategies to cope with the imposed burden, including re-
orientation of life goals (92% of cases), resignation (88%), passivity (63%), hopefulness
(45%), ambivalence (20%) and guilt (14%). Therefore, clinicians caring for patients with
chronic respiratory failure should consider the family’s needs when noninvasive HMV is
prescribed. The domains causing major distress in the family (financial issues,
professional relationships and housekeeping) are sectors commonly faced by the
caregivers. Their impact should be taken into account by policymakers when home care
is organised and/or implemented.
Additional research regarding indirect factors that may affect the global burden, as
well as the ability or willingness of family members to accept the cost and to share the
responsibility for caring for the patients, is now required. Indeed, it has been calculated
that the use of major services and resources may be decided more by the needs of
caregivers than by the care level of the applicants [66].
Another aspect, which is still far from being considered in the evaluation of indirect
costs, is the estimation of those charges needed for initiating domiciliary ventilation. For
example, it could be important to calculate how many patients have to try the
noninvasive HMV equipment before the staff could find that the patient is likely to
accept the treatment. Moreover, it could also be important to include among the indirect
costs the time and effort spent by the staff to train the patient and his/her relatives
during the hospital stay.
Only one observational study refers to costs related to patient training during hospital
care [68], comparing periods without or with noninvasive HMV. Based on a previous
economic analysis [69], the ongoing training of ward nursing staff showed similar
charges in the two periods.
Similar analysis specifically related to personnel involved in training patients and
relatives outside acute care and before discharging home with noninvasive HMV has not
yet been reported, but it is likely that this cost may also contribute substantially to the
global burden of this treatment even in the long term.
Economic analysis
To date, very few data based on true economic analysis in patients under noninvasive
HMV have been published. To the best of our knowledge, the most recent and
retrospective audit on the cost of noninvasive HMV in hypercapnic COPD has been
conducted in a very small sample of patients in the UK [68].
The analysis performed in this study was based on the costs data (hospital admissions
in a ward or in an intensive care unit, healthcare personnel charges, equipment, training
Thus, new information on stable chronic patients with noninvasive HMV is welcomed
from this point of view. It is likely that this kind of analysis might further help the
overall decision making and selection of candidates for noninvasive HMV.
The indication and use of noninvasive HMV have become popular in the last decades,
since it has been proven effective on both physiological and clinical grounds in a large
population of patients suffering from chronic respiratory failure.
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation has been described as a labour-intensive
treatment in these patients. Notwithstanding, there is lack of accurate calculations of
costs and specific analysis of costs in this population.
Direct and (partially) indirect cost calculations have been observed and reported,
especially in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients under noninvasive home
mechanical ventilation. The most recent data underline the large impact of noninvasive
home mechanical ventilation on both patient outcome (reduction of recurrent
admissions and increase in quality of life) and family burden (unemployment, financial
and social issues), thus prompting further studies with appropriate cost-effectiveness
and/or cost-utility analysis which, at present, are still lacking. This would better help in
addressing the overall policy on decision making and selection of candidates.
The expansion of home mechanical ventilation (HMV) in the last 15 yrs was
stimulated by the introduction of noninvasive mask ventilation and the recognition
that more patient groups could benefit.
In the management of healthcare resources, cost-analysis currently represents a
method for evaluation of the expenditure due to the effects on health of a new (or
specific) intervention and for assessing it in the economic perspective. Disability-
adjusted life-yrs, healthy-yr equivalents and quality-adjusted life-yrs are all time-based
measures of health that include the impact of interventions on years of life lost due to
premature mortality and years of life lived with a nonfatal health outcome, weighted
by the severity of that outcome.
Although the effectiveness of noninvasive HMV has been addressed, the impact of
this treatment on the overall costs has not been clearly reported or demonstrated and
very few data based on a true economic analysis in patients under noninvasive HMV
have been published. Direct and (partially) indirect cost calculations have been
observed and reported, especially in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
under noninvasive HMV. The most recent data underline the large impact of
noninvasive HMV on both patient outcome (reduction of recurrent admissions and
increase in quality of life) and family burden (unemployment, financial and social
issues), thus prompting further studies with appropriate cost-effectiveness and/or
cost-utility analysis.
Support Statement: E.M. Clini has received an unrestricted research grant (project no. 21 of the
research programme 2005/2006) from the Italian Association of Pulmonologists (Salerno, Italy).
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J. Goldring, J. Wedzicha
Academic Unit of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, UK.
Correspondence: J.A. Wedzicha, Academic Unit of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Free and University
College Medical School, Rowland Hill Street, London, NW3 2PF, UK. Fax: 44 2074726141;
The prevalence of chronic respiratory failure in Europe continues to rise, mostly
because of an aging population demographic but also because of an increase in the
uptake of smoking in Russia and the former Eastern Bloc countries [1, 2]. This has been
accompanied by the expansion [3–5] over the last three decades in the use of home
mechanical ventilation (HMV) to treat chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure. HMV is
usually delivered as noninvasive ventilation (NIV), with the majority of patients using
only nocturnal or nocturnal plus part-daytime NIV, and in many cases has been shown
to reduce mortality and morbidity [6, 7] and to improve quality of life [8].
The magnitude of the rise in HMV is impressive, with the numbers of patients
receiving home ventilatory support increasing from 130 patients, in one survey, in 1988
to 3,120 patients in 1998 [3]. This expansion has been driven by not only the growing
population of individuals with chronic respiratory failure but also the increasing
recognition that NIV can be of benefit in many different causes of ventilatory failure [9].
Technological advances have meant that ventilators are easier to use and that the
interfaces are more comfortable. Additionally, HMV offers the individual the advantage
of retaining an independent lifestyle and it offers the state a health–economic benefit as
it is less costly when compared with invasive mechanical ventilation [10]. As well as the
patient, there are industrial manufacturers and distributors of the machines, who will
also benefit from the increasingly widespread use of HMV. It is, of course, important
that the growth of HMV in Europe is on a properly planned basis and not simply driven
by market considerations. However, it will be seen from the present chapter that the use
of HMV in Europe is not presently standardised, regulated or consistent.
The present chapter will describe and explore the wide variation in practises that
occur within and between the countries of Europe with regards to HMV. Firstly, it will
look at predominantly national surveys which took place in the 1990s before progressing
to the most recent pan-European survey which took place in 2001–2002.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 392–399. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
positive airway pressure (CPAP) and long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) in 13 European
countries. The group were well aware that differences existed between the countries and
the stated aim was to characterise these variations and to allow the individual countries
to benefit from the comparison of data. The group’s efforts were hampered by
information that was ‘‘incomplete, erratic in detail and characterised only by its paucity
in outcome modalities’’. Only France, with its Association Nationale pour le Traitement à
Domicile del’Insuffisance Respiratoire Chronique (National Association for Home Care
Patients with Chronic Respiratory Insufficiency; ANTADIR), and Switzerland (Swiss
Lung Association) had national registers at that time for HMV and which facilitated
comprehensive data gathering. Since 1981, ANTADIR have been responsible for
managing y70% of patients receiving HMV in France and, since 1984, a subgroup of
these patients have been surveyed annually [12]. The group were also able to obtain
complete information on HMV from Denmark and Belgium via health-service data and
commercial supply companies. The information gleaned from the remaining countries
was much patchier and was generally easier to obtain for LTOT than for mechanical
ventilation (MV) or CPAP, perhaps because, on the whole, LTOT has been established
for longer in most of the countries studied.
The main findings from that survey were that HMV was being used substantively
for chronic lung disease, chest wall deformities (CWD) and neuromuscular disease
(NMD) in all of the countries, apart from Poland, which had a negligible number of
ventilated patients being treated at home. This latter observation could probably be
extrapolated to other European states that have recently joined the European Union
[13]. The majority of ventilators in use were positive pressure and of those, most were
volume-cycled as opposed to pressure-cycled. Italy and Belgium used volume-cycled
machines exclusively. Prescriptions for HMV were being written by both respiratory
physicians and nonspecialist physicians. Prescription rules existed in only a few
countries with most having no regulation of prescribing whatsoever. The ventilators
were supplied through commercial companies or nationalised health services and paid
for, primarily, by the latter. Specific details on supervision and technical support for
HMV were difficult to extract from the article because the data were combined with
those for LTOT.
The authors concluded that major differences occurred between the 13 European
countries and that these were probably explained by the ‘‘historical origin of home care
in each country, the different impact of commercial companies and the supervision of
insurance companies on doctor’s prescriptions.’’ In order to improve the uniformity and
quality of HMV provision they proposed: the establishment of further national registries
to improve data collection; a standardised Europe-wide set of guidelines to advise
clinicians; and a system that would ensure adequate equipment performance and
There are other notable single European country reviews of home respiratory care
from the 1990s. A follow-up study between 1992 and 2000 provided longitudinal data on
changes in HMV practice in Geneva [5]. JANSSENS et al. [5] noted that, during the course
of the study, there was a marked increase in the proportion of patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS)
from 0 and 14% at the outset to 25 and 39%, respectively, by the end of the study. The
advent of cheaper, smaller and arguably easier to use pressure-cycled ventilators also
heralded a change from the exclusive use of volume-cycled ventilators in 1992 to
predominantly pressure-cycled ventilators by the end of the study. A similar longitudinal
study in Sweden [4] also highlighted the rapid growth of HMV prescription for patients
with OHS.
MIDGREN et al. [14] reported on cross-sectional data from the Swedish register of
HMV, which was established in 1996 by the Swedish Society of Chest Medicine. The
salient findings were that: the prevalence of HMV use varied widely between healthcare
regions from 1.2 to 20 per 100,000 inhabitants and only 3% of patients had COPD as the
indication for HMV. The authors believed that the difference in prevalence of HMV
between healthcare regions could be because ‘‘the indications for HMV are not well
defined, which may make room for more individual decision making’’. Further analysis
by LAUB et al. [4] demonstrated that the disparity between the regions could not be
explained by socioeconomic or demographic differences. The under-representation of
COPD patients was ascribed to a lack of ‘‘enthusiasm among Swedish physicians to
offer patients with these diagnoses, HMV’’, perhaps because of the conflicting evidence
of a long-term benefit for ventilation in this patient group [15, 16]. Another finding
reported from the Swedish registry was that the age distribution was bimodal. The
authors contrasted this discovery to Denmark, whose age distribution was unimodal
because of a heavy bias towards young patients with muscular dystrophy. The bias was
attributed in part by MIDGREN et al. [14] to the high profile Danish Muscular Dystrophy
fund. Finally, with regards to the Swedish registry, there were some similarities with the
Geneva study [5] in that prospective analysis of the registry data suggested that the
choice of ventilator was changing from volume- to pressure-cycled.
a) 2000
l l l l
l l l
l l l
1990 l l
Year of starting HMV
l l
b) 300
Users n
100 l
l l l
0 l l l
l l
l l
Fig. 1. – a) Year of starting home mechanical ventilation (HMV) and b) centre size for each country. Data are
presented as median¡interquartile range. #: median and full range shown due to only two centres being included;
: median only, range 250–253 for the two centres. AT: Austria; BE: Belgium; DK: Denmark; FI: Finland;
FR: France; DE: Germany; GR: Greece; IE: Ireland; IT: Italy; NL: the Netherlands; NO: Norway; PL: Poland;
PT: Portugal; ES: Spain; SE: Sweden. Reproduced from [17] with permission from the publisher.
Users %
Fig. 2. – Percentage of users in each disease category by country. &: lung/airways (chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis and paediatric diseases); &: Chest wall deformities
(kyphoscoliosis, old tuberculosis, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, surgical resection); h: neuromuscular (muscular
dystrophy, motor neurone disease, post-polio kyphoscoliosis, central hypoventilation, spinal cord damage and
phrenic nerve palsy). AT: Austria; BE: Belgium; DK: Denmark; FI: Finland; FR: France; DE: Germany; GR: Greece;
IE: Ireland; IT: Italy; NL: the Netherlands; NO: Norway; PL: Poland; PT: Portugal; ES: Spain; SE: Sweden.
Reproduced from [17] with permission from the publisher.
a) 70
In charge of servicing %
Comp Tech Other Phys Comp+ Comp+ Tech+
tech Phys Phys
Person or company
b) 100
Serviced by a company %
c) 12
Routine servicing periodicity
Fig. 3. – a) Answers to the question ‘‘who is in charge of the servicing and repair of ventilators in your centre?’’,
b) centres answering that ventilator servicing was carried out by an external company, and c) answers to the question
‘‘how often is your equipment routinely serviced?’’ by country. Comp: ventilator company; Tech: hospital technical
service; Other: other hospital department; Phys: physician in charge of the patient; AT: Austria; BE: Belgium; DK:
Denmark; FI: Finland; FR: France; DE: Germany; GR: Greece; IE: Ireland; IT: Italy; NL: the Netherlands; NO:
Norway; PL: Poland; PT: Portugal; ES: Spain; SE: Sweden. Reproduced from [21] with permission from the publisher.
categories [7] and partly by the fact that some centres had only recently begun recruiting
COPD patients.
Pressure-cycled machines predominated in 2002 (70.6% of the total) and only a very
small percentage of patients (0.005%) were using variants of negative-pressure
ventilators. Ventilation was performed via a tracheostomy in just 13% of the overall
survey population, and the patients with NMD accounted for most of these.
a) 100
Informed of problems %
b) 100
Updated on
c) 100
without agreement %
Possible change
Fig. 4. – Answers to the questions: a) ‘‘Are you regularly informed of any problems with home mechanical
ventilation by the person/company responsible for the maintenance of the equipment?’’; b) ‘‘are you regularly updated
on the specific control/maintenance of the equipment performed by the person/company responsible?’’; and c) ‘‘can
the person/company providing the ventilator change the model of ventilator without asking for your agreement?’’ by
country. AT: Austria; BE: Belgium; DK: Denmark; FI: Finland; FR: France; DE: Germany; GR: Greece; IE: Ireland;
IT: Italy; NL: the Netherlands; NO: Norway; PL: Poland; PT: Portugal; ES: Spain; SE: Sweden. Reproduced from
[21] with permission from the publisher.
Tracheostomy ventilation was more common in France, Greece, Italy and Belgium and
probably reflects local expertise in this area [18].
As an extension of the pan-European study of 2002, FARRÉ et al. [21] investigated the
quality control procedures employed at the 329 HMV centres. Predictably, wide
variations existed both within and between countries. The salient findings from the
study were as follows. There was a wide variation between countries as to whether the
ventilator company, a hospital technician or both took a role in servicing the machine
and also in the periodicity of routine servicing (fig. 3). The timing of the servicing was
unlikely to be related to technical factors so it can only be assumed that it was due to
economic or administrative differences. There was also evidence for poor communica-
tion between the servicing provider and the clinician (fig. 4). An example of this is that
in Sweden, it was relatively common for the ventilator to be changed without the explicit
agreement of the prescriber. This might be a problem for patients whose ventilatory
demands are sometimes suited to a specific ventilator model. There also appeared to be
some ambivalence on the part of the prescribers to involve their patients in quality
control; on average, only 56% of centres assessed whether or not the patients or their
caregivers correctly maintained the equipment and only 21% gave the patients or their
caregivers written information about quality control items pertaining to their particular
ventilator. This is perhaps a missed opportunity, as patient self-management is now
widely encouraged because of evidence of improved patient satisfaction and more
importantly improved patient outcome [22].
The number of patients receiving HMV in Europe will continue to rise due to the
combination of an aging population demographic, improved survival of patients with
chronic respiratory disease and a shift towards treating more people with COPD and
OHS. Indeed, in the short-to-medium term, the prevalence of COPD and OHS
themselves are also expected to increase.
Other than consensus opinion on when to initiate home mechanical ventilation [23],
there are as yet very few guidelines within Europe on how to practically implement it. It
is probably for this reason that there is little standardisation and regulation of home
mechanical ventilation between or even within European countries. This lack of
uniformity extends to quality control of the equipment itself and this may impact on
patient safety as well as satisfactory patient outcomes.
There has been a dramatic rise in the use of home mechanical ventilation (HMV) in
Europe over the last two decades driven by the widening indications for HMV and
increasing prevalence of chronic respiratory failure. The implementation of HMV
differs widely among European countries and it would be desirable to standardise
provision in order to provide equitable patient outcomes.
1. Perlman F, Bobak M, Gilmore A, McKee M. Trends in the prevalence of smoking in Russia
during the transition to a market economy. Tob Control 2007; 16: 299–305.
2. Helasoja VV, Lahelma E, Prättälä RS, et al. Determinants of daily smoking in Estonia, Latvia,
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3. Association Nationale pour le Traitement à Domicile del’Insuffisance Respiratoire Chronique.
[National Association for Home Care Patients With Chronic Respiratory Insufficiency.] 1998
yearly statistics. Observatoire, 1998.
4. Laub M, Berg S, Midgren B, Swedish Society of Chest Medicine. Home mechanical ventilation in
Sweden – inequalities within a homogenenous health care system. Respir Med 2004; 98: 38–42.
5. Janssens JP, Derivaz S, Breitenstein E, et al. Changing patterns in long-term noninvasive
ventilation: a 7-year prospective study in the Geneva Lake area. Chest 2003; 123: 67–79.
6. Leger P, Bedicam JM, Cornette A, et al. Nasal intermittent positive pressure: long-term follow-up
in patients with severe chronic respiratory insufficiency. Chest 1994; 105: 100–105.
7. Simonds AK, Elliott MW. Outcome of domiciliary nasal intermittent positive pressure in
restrictive and obstructive disorders. Thorax 1995; 50: 604–609.
8. Meecham Jones DJ, Paul EA, Jones PW, Wedzicha JA. Nasal pressure support ventilation plus
oxygen compared with oxygen therapy alone in hypercapnic COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
1995; 152: 538–544.
9. Simonds AK. Home ventilation. Eur Respir J 2003; 22: Suppl. 47, 38s–46s.
10. Bach JR, Intintola P, Alba AS, Holland IE. The ventilator-assisted individual. Cost analysis of
institutionalization vs rehabilitation and in-home management. Chest 1992; 101: 26–30.
11. Fauroux B, Howard P, Muir JF. Home treatment for chronic respiratory insufficiency: the
situation in Europe in 1992. The European Working Group on Home Treatment for Chronic
Respiratory Insufficiency. Eur Respir J 1994; 7: 1721–1726.
12. Muir JF, Voisin C, Ludot A. Organization of home respiratory care: the experience in France
with ANTADIR. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 1993; 48: 462–467.
13. Lloyd-Owen SJ. Organisation of home mechanical ventilation in Europe. In: Simonds AK ed.
Noninvasive Respiratory Support: A Practical Handbook. 3rd Edn. London, Edward Arnold,
2007; pp. 375–380.
14. Midgren B, Olofson J, Harlid R, Dellborg C, Jacobsen E, Nørregaard O. Home mechanical
ventilation in Sweden with reference to Danish experiences. Respir Med 2000; 94: 135–138.
15. Casanova C, Celli B, Tost L, et al. Long-term controlled trial of nocturnal nasal positive pressure
ventilation in patients with severe COPD. Chest 2000; 118: 1582–1590.
16. Clini E, Sturani C, Rossi A, et al. The Italian multicentre study on noninvasive ventilation in
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Eur Respir J 2002; 20: 529–538.
17. Lloyd-Owen SJ, Donaldson GC, Ambrosino N, et al. Patterns of home mechanical ventilation use
in Europe: results from the Eurovent survey. Eur Respir J 2005; 25: 1025–1031.
18. Muir JF, Girault C, Cardinaud JP, Polu JM. Survival and long-term follow-up of
tracheostomized patients with COPD treated by home mechanical ventilation. A multicenter
French study in 259 patients. French Cooperative Study Group. Chest 1994; 106: 201–209.
19. Srinivasan S, Doty SM, White TR, et al. Frequency, causes, and outcome of home ventilator
failure. Chest 1998; 114: 1363–1367.
20. Farré R, Navajas D, Prats E, et al. Performance of mechanical ventilators at the patient’s home: a
multicentre quality control study. Thorax 2006; 61: 400–404.
21. Farré R, Lloyd-Owen SJ, Ambrosino N, et al. Quality control of equipment in home mechanical
ventilation: a European survey. Eur Respir J 2005; 26: 86–94.
22. Holman H, Lorig K. Patient self-management: a key to effectiveness and efficiency in care of
chronic disease. Public Health Rep 2004; 119: 239–243.
23. Clinical indications for noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in chronic respiratory failure due
to restrictive lung disease, COPD, and nocturnal hypoventilation – a consensus conference report.
Chest 1999; 116: 521–534.
D. Robert, L. Argaud
Medical Intensive Care Dept, Université Claude Bernard, Hôpital Edouard Herriot, 5 Place d’Arsonval 69003
Lyon, France. Fax: 33 472110042; E-mail:
The modern form of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) using a facial
interface as opposed to negative pressure ventilation, which appeared in the 1980s as an
advantageous mode of ventilatory support for some patients needing long-term
assistance; either with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for obstructive
sleep apnoea [1] or with intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) for chronic
respiratory insufficiency related to neuromuscular or parietal disorders [2–6].
Since this pioneering time, the evolution of the medical knowledge and of the
technical aspects concerning NIPPV are continuously growing, with many studies
opening new areas for the application of NIPPV or bringing clinical evidence of its
efficacy [7–12].
Indications of NIPPV may be considered according to their clinical usefulness as
‘‘clearly validated’’, as ‘‘probably interesting but needing additional studies’’ or as ‘‘new
possible fields of interest’’. Besides clinical considerations, NIPPV, compared with
invasive ventilation, has the risk of becoming less efficient in relation to the difficulty in
continuously mechanically ventilating for long periods and to inevitable nonintentional
leaks, between the mask and the skin [13, 14]. So, the final results are a balance between
negative and positive effects; the way to progress is to decrease the negatives and to
improve the positives.
NIPPV was first used at home and in the intensive care unit (ICU) but as evidence of
its efficacy emerged, NIPPV was progressively used in other places, such as emergency
department, intermediary unit, medical ward and step-down unit [15–18].
The present chapter will review many points which might progress in an attempt to
anticipate the future.
Eur Respir Mon, 2008, 41, 400–414. Printed in UK - all rights reserved. Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 2008; European Respiratory Monograph;
ISSN 1025-448x.
an ICU, the invasiveness, the potential weaning difficulties and the difficulty in
extubating a patient as a process to die. In spite of respiratory failure theoretically
indicating intubation, its achievement may be contraindicated in three main situations,
coming either from patient willingness or from the medical situation. In the first
situation, the patient could have expressed an advanced ‘‘do not intubate’’ directive or
could express refusal to be intubated [57]. Potential difficulties may occur when the
physician in charge of the patient is convinced that the use of intubation is the only
technique which may cure the patient. A typical example could be observed in a suicide
attempt; the issue would depend on the national regulations, habits, religions and
philosophical points of view. In North America, the advanced directives must be
followed, while in Southern Europe, the decision of the physician and his personal
conviction may be predominant at least when the patient has lost the ability to confirm
possible advance directives.
In the second situation, the physician may estimate that invasive ventilation is not
indicated but NIPPV may afford reasonable chances without the risks of an intubation
[58]. The role of the physician is to explain to the patient and his relatives why NIPPV is
the right choice.
In the third situation, the use of NIPPV has the only objective of palliation, comfort
and relief of dyspnoea for patients with a very short-term poor prognosis, independent
of an efficient ventilatory assistance. NIPPV may be considered either as an acceptable
end point or as an inacceptable way to prolong the dying process [59, 60]. We may
anticipate, in the future, new studies and recommendations, aimed to clarify the
different clinical situations in which NIPPV may be applied as a ceiling treatment taking
in account cultural and religious habits.
atelectasis, which are the major complication and reason to die in late-stage
neuromuscular disorders. In those patients, the inability to generate an effective cough
can be due to low vital capacity, impaired bulbar function and expiratory muscle
weakness. The goal is to reproduce cough by inflating the lung up to its maximal
inspiratory capacity in order to increase the expiratory peak flow to values up to 300–
400 L?min-1. Different devices and methods have been proven to promote this effect:
glossopharyngeal breathing (frog breathing), volume targeted ventilators, intermittent
positive pressure breathing (IPPB) devices and the in-exsufflator (cough assist). The
systematic use of such techniques, twice daily, has been proposed when the spontaneous
expiratory peak flow is lower than 160 L?min-1, and more frequently in cases of clinical
mucus retention and when the arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry
(Sp,O2) is ,95% [69–74]. These approaches are not new but they are not routinely
practiced; so they may become most popular and new indications and recommendations
about the techniques will appear in the future. These techniques will continue to allow
less possibility for long-term tracheostomy, at least in the adult population [75].
In thoracic cage disorders, NIPPV will remain the uncontested method but a
continual decrease in the number of cases due to the spine surgery performed during
childhood may be anticipated [76–81]. Nevertheless, future physiological studies will
probably confirm the specific complex mechanisms of efficacy in such patients,
combining the resetting of the respiratory centres, muscle rest, better oxygenation and
lung recruitment [80, 82].
In COPD, the results of NIPPV are still disappointing even if, over time, COPD with
concomitant chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure has become a major indication for
domiciliary NIPPV [61]. Positive effects have been reported in blood gas levels;
particularly a reduction of hypercapnia but the role in long-term survival is still a topic
of controversy [79, 83–85]. A meta-analysis of clinical trials does not support this form
of therapy [86]. Due to these uncertainties and the important and growing number of
COPD prospective trials will probably bring new information in the future.
Nevertheless, considering the patho-physiology of COPD, which gradually and
continuously destroys the lung with a chronic inflammatory state and a general disease,
it seems unlikely that NIPPV may significantly alter the natural evolution of this
devasting disease.
NIPPV during exercise in COPD has been investigated and could be a future
development, with the main aim being to improve exercise capabilities in daily life [87–
89]. The development of a smaller portable ventilator would facilitate use during
walking. Arterial oxygen tension decreases during walking in these patients when only
supplemental oxygen is given but increases when NIPPV is added to the oxygen. There is
also significantly less dyspnoea and a longer walking distance. Therefore, NIPPV during
walking may be developed in order to provide an additional role for palliative treatment
of COPD patients with hypercapnic chronic respiratory failure. Following this,
forthcoming studies may be anticipated which determine the role of NIPPV during
exertion and walking in addition or not of nocturnal NIPPV.
In symptomatic obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the use of CPAP during sleep is now
strongly validated with many positive effects on cardiac, vascular, cognitive, metabolic
disorders and finally on survival [90]. The use of a true NIPPV, which provides
inspiratory assistance, is controversial and has been advocated in case of CPAP failure.
NPPV using a bilevel device has been proposed as an optional therapy in some cases
where high pressure is needed and the patient experiences difficulty exhaling against a
fixed pressure [91]. It may be anticipated that, in cases of OSA not combined with other
abnormalities, new clinical data will have few chances to report a better efficacy of
NIPPV. In cases of OSA associated with other causes of respiratory impairment
featured by hypercapnia, such as obesity hypoventilation syndrome [92–95],
neuromuscular diseases (myotonic dystrophy, muscular dystrophy, etc.) or COPD, the use
of NIPPV is usually recommended even if CPAP alone could also be beneficial [91]. New
clinical data will probably be reported bringing new insights for these complex cases.
In the most severe form of chronic cardiac insufficiency, periodic breathing or
Cheyne–Stokes breathing is present in y50% of cases and has been shown to be an
indicator of a worsening prognosis. The main therapeutic approaches, besides the
treatment of cardiac insufficiency, are nocturnal oxygen therapy, CPAP or NIPPV [96–
98]. Small studies usually report equal efficacy of CPAP or NIPPV on cardiac function,
exercise tolerance and quality of life. Unfortunately, a recently published trial showed
no difference in survival between CPAP and medical treatment alone [99], so there are
few chances to admit indication of NIPPV in this context. Nevertheless, according to the
strong rationale for using CPAP or NIPPV, it is certain that new trials will be
performed. Additionally, new modes combining CPAP and NIPPV have been proposed
and will also be specifically studied [100–104]. Nevertheless, whatever the results of
future clinical trials, it seems unlikely that important improvements of the prognosis will
be observed, if we consider the extreme severity of the underlying cardiac insufficiency in
such patients. The possibility of using NIPPV in the most severe cases as a bridge to
heart transplantation in selected patients is also a potential issue.
Obesity is considered to be an increasingly epidemic disease with relatively modest
respiratory symptoms, except in a minority of patients who present the so called obesity
hypoventilation syndrome. Long-term domiciliary NIPPV normalises hypercapnia and
markedly improves hypoxaemia as well as polycythaemia [105]. Additionally, NIPPV leads to
a significant reduction in restrictive ventilatory disturbances, predominantly by increasing the
expiratory reserve volume [106]. Nevertheless, the necessity to definitely continue NIPPV is
not clearly established and would necessitate long-term comparative studies [94].
Technical trends
The application of NIPPV to treat acute and chronic respiratory failure is increasing
tremendously in many different settings from the hospital ward and units to home. The
choice of the ventilator, setting and interface is crucial for NIPPV success because poor
tolerance and excessive air leaks are significantly correlated with NIPPV failure [14,
116–120]. So, in addition to the progress afforded by the manufacturers, the clinician
must understand and apply all the finer points to optimise patient–ventilator synchrony
to adequately set NIPPV to respond to the patient’s ventilatory demand. Many
advances have been recently made and will continue to appear in the forthcoming years.
In order to anticipate the possible evolution of the ventilators in the future the best
way is to consider the progress made since the introduction of NIPPV and to continue
the trail [121].
In 1990, the available ventilators were ICU ventilators and home ventilators. ICU
ventilators were big, powered by high pressure air and oxygen sources and offered volume
preset modes (control, assist, intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) and pressure preset
modes (control, assist, spontaneous or pressure support, IMV) [122]. Home ventilators were
portable, powered by inside electrical motor (some with an internal battery) and offered
volume preset modes.
The main progresses come from conceptual and technical advances for home
ventilators able to deliver enough tidal volume in spite of inevitable and jolting leaks
observed during NIPPV [123–125]. Home ventilators have progressively taken the place
of ICU ventilators and allow mechanical ventilation anywhere in hospital, not just the
ICU [126, 127]. At the present time, the main features concern the mode, the pressure
source, the alarms and the monitoring. The available modes were enriched with bi-level
positive airway pressure (BiPAP) in 1990 [123]. BiPAP is a pressure targeted mode with
an expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) and a higher inspiratory positive airway
pressure (IPAP) alternatively established in a leaking one limb circuit with a risk for
CO2 rebreathing [128, 129]. Specific algorithms, aimed at correctly detecting the start
and end of inspiration, in order to improve the patient–ventilator synchrony, have been
proposed allowing the use of spontaneous mode i.e. pressure support [130]. Very small
high-speed turbines, used as pressure sources, are able to produce enough flow to face
the leaks observed during NIPPV. The use of microprocessors and screens allows the
setting of minimal or maximal functions concerning alarms and monitoring displays
reaching the level of sophistication used in the ICU.
It may, therefore, be anticipated that, in the future, most NIPPV would be delivered
by these small and portable ventilators able to deliver high quality ventilation in any
place leading to fewer places using the conventional ICU ventilators [121].
The quality of the different interfaces has continuously increased in order to combine
minimum leaks, to improve the ventilation, and comfort, to improve the tolerance and the
continuity of NIPPV when necessary. In acute situation naso-facial masks are recommended
as the first-line interface and full-face as the second line [7, 9, 147–149]. Nevertheless the place
of ‘‘full-head’’ interface as the helmet is not yet clearly known [150, 151]. Additional
physiological and clinical studies are necessary. In chronic failure and long-term ventilation
nasal mask is considered as better tolerated [152]. In case of inadequate ventilation, the place
of other interfaces like naso-facial, oral or nasal pillow is not clearly established [153].
Numerous studies combining comfort and efficacy criteria will be published in the future.
It is now evident that NPPV has a place as a major tool in treating chronic and acute
respiratory failure. Its application is still in progression and new important studies and
knowledge appear every year concerning clinical indications, the way to use NIPPV and
the quality of the ventilators and the interfaces. A main development concerning the
ventilators used in the intensive care unit will probably occur by using the progresses
made on the portable ventilators designed for home, which are smaller and cheaper.
Another development will further the possibility of applying NIPPV outside the
conventional ICU and thus save ICU resources and allow the use of NIPPV early in
respiratory failure. Nevertheless, NIPPV will always demand well-trained teams and
dedicated organisations in order to avoid accident and offer the whole efficacy of this
relatively new therapeutic approach.
Noninvasive ventilation using intermittent positive pressure (NIPPV) which appeared
in the 1980s for long-term home ventilation is now routinely used both at home and in
hospital for chronic and acute respiratory failure. New indications for NIPPV have
been validated but many remain to be better known with forthcoming studies. In the
long term, the role in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in obesity-hypoventi-
lation syndrome and in periodic breathing due to severe cardiac insufficiency, will be
clarified. In acute situations, the place to apply NIPPV according to the severity is an
important issue for hospital organisations. Clinical indications will be established and/
or clarified, such as pneumonia occurring on normal lung, severe asthma, immune
compromised patients, weaning from invasive ventilation and NIPPV as the ceiling to
offer ventilatory assistance. Technical progress will also continue to appear
concerning the ventilators both for chronic and acute using. New ventilators will
provide a better synchronisation between patient and ventilator and would confirm
the predominant use of high speed turbine as the pressure and flow generator.
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Statements of interest.qxd 03/12/2008 10:52 Page 1
Statements of interest
N. Ambrosino received reimbursement, fee and/or funds from: AstraZeneca; GSK, Boehringer-
Ingelheim; Novartis; Pfizer; Menarini; Vivisol. (Author of Introduction, and Chapters 2 and 18)
J.C. Borel has received a research grant from Covidien for NIV in obesity hypoventilation syndrome.
In addition, J.C. Borel has also received a research grant from AIROX, a subsidiary of Covidien, for
NIV and exercise. (Author of Chapter 24)
L. Brochard has received research grants from: Drägen for studies on SmartCare®; from
Respironics for studies on NIV; from Genereal Electrics Healthcare Systems and from MAQUET for
clinical trials. (Author of Chapter 11)
E. Clini has received an unrestricted research grant (Project No 21 of the Research Program
2005/2006) from the Italian Association of Pulmonologist (AIPO). (Author of Chapter 26)
A. Corrado received a bursary from Vivisol in 2007 and 2008. (Author of Chapter 3)
N. Delvau received a fund from Brussels City for study physiotherapy in NIV application during
2005–2006. (Author of Chapter 9)
M. Dreher has received speaking fees from: Drager Medical (Germany); Weinmann Medical
(Germany); Vital Aire Medical (Germany); and Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany). M. Dreher has
been reimbursed from local provider of home ventilators Werner an Muller Medizintechnik
(Germany) for attending the annual German conferences on home mechanical ventilation in 2003,
2005, 2006 and 2007. M. Dreher states that none of the discussed issues in the submitted work was
dependent on or influenced by support funding. (Author of Chapter 16)
C. Girault received a reimbursement for attending a symposium, received fees for a workshop and
logistics support for clinical research from Respironics (France). (Author of Chapter 10)
C. Gregoretti has received a consultant fee from Koo Company and travel reimbursment to the ERS
congress was funded by Vivisol. (Author of Chapter 23)
P. Jolliet has received funding for research projects in the form of unrestricted grants over the past
three years from ResMed and Draeger. (Author of Chapter 21)
P. Lévy has received consulting fees from Covidien for obesity hypoventilation syndrome. In addi-
tion, travel expenses have been reimbursed by Weinmann, ResMed, Respironics and Covidien.
(Author of Chapter 24)
J-F Muir. None declared (Author of Introduction, and Chapters 4 and 14)
S. Nava has received reimbursement for symposiums from: Draefer-Fiscker; Paykel; Respironics;
BREAS; and ResSMed. He has received speaking fees from: ReSMed and Respironics. He also
received funds for research from Fyscrer, Payrel, ReSMed and Respironics and received funds for a
member of staff from Actelion. (Author of Chapter 20)
P. Navalesi has received a fee for lectures from Airliquide and ResMED, and a travel grant for an
ERS Congress from Vivisol. In addition, the author has received: one ICU ventilator, PC, data acqui-
sition software for research purposes from Maquet Critical Care; one ICU ventilator for research pur-
poses from General Electrics; other equipment from Vivisol; one PhD student financed by Covidien
and a second PhD student funded by General Electrics. (Author of Chapter 23)
J-L. Pépin received research grants from Respironics for NIV for COPD patients, and from ResMed
for NIV in obesity hypoventilation syndrome. J-L. Pépin
has also received a consulting fee from COVIDEN for obesity hypoventilation syndrome. In addi-
tion, the author has received speaking fees from Respironics for NIV in COPD patients. Travel
expenses have also been reimbursed by ResMed, Respironics and COVIDIEN. (Author of Chapter
17 and 24)
A.K. Simonds has received research grants from ResMed Co. and Breas Medical. (Author of
Introduction and Chapter 15)
J.H. Storre has received speaking fees by Werner Müller Medizintechnik. Travel funding for
international research congresses was supplied from Respironics International, Respironics
(Germany) and Werner und Muller Medizintechnik. The author states that none of the discussed
issues in the submitted manuscript were dependent on or influenced by support and funding. (Author
of Chapter 22)
Statements of interest.qxd 03/12/2008 10:52 Page 4
J.C. Winck has received: a reimbursment for attending a sleep congress, a fee for speaking at an NIV
meeting, and a fee for organising a postgraduate course on NIV, all from Respironics. (Author of
Chapter 3)
W. Windisch was reimbursed by BREAS Medical AB (Sweden) for attending the annual ERS con-
ferences between 2003 and 2005. W. Windisch has also been reimbursed from the local provider of
home ventilators Werner and Muller Medizintechnik (Germany) for attending the annual German
conferences on home mechanical ventilation between 2003 and 2007. W. Windisch received speak-
ing fees from Dräger Medical (Germany); Heinen und Lowenstein (Germany); Werner und Müller
Modizintechnik (Germany); VitalAire (Germany) Respironics Inc., (US); and Weinmann (Germany).
W. Windisch is the leader of a research group, which has received open research grants from
Respironics Inc. (US), Heinen and Lowenstein (Germany), SenTec AG (Switzerland), Werner und
Müller Medizintechnik (Germany), and BREAS medical AB (Sweden). (Author of Chapter 16)
monograph list.qxd 02/12/2008 15:28 Page 1