Direct Oral Anticoagulants
Direct Oral Anticoagulants
Direct Oral Anticoagulants
From Pharmacology to Clinical
Riccardo Proietti
Ahmed AlTurki
Nicola Ferri
Vincenzo Russo
T. Jared Bunch
Direct Oral Anticoagulants
Riccardo Proietti • Ahmed AlTurki
Nicola Ferri • Vincenzo Russo
T. Jared Bunch
Riccardo Proietti Ahmed AlTurki
Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit Ospedale McGill University
Sacra Famiglia Fatebenefratelli Montreal, QC
Erba, Italy Canada
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Contents
The Coagulative Cascade
Marina Camera
M. Camera (*)
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
2 M. Camera
1 The Coagulative Cascade 3
XIa TF-Bearing Cell
(including platelets)
Amplification &
Va Propagation phase
Prothrombin IXa Xa
Activated Platetet
on these findings, the role of platelets in secondary hemostasis has been revised by
assigning to these cells the task not only to support the activation of clotting factors,
as already known for many years, but also to trigger themselves blood clotting
(Camera et al. 2015). Neutrophils and monocytes, along with circulating microves-
icles are additional sources of TF, whose importance is increasingly been recog-
nized in a variety of thrombotic disorders (von Bruhl et al. 2012; van Es et al. 2015).
Finally, unlike the other cofactors, TF does not require proteolysis for activity.
Once formed, the TF/FVIIa complex then catalyzes the conversion of two down-
stream substrates via limited proteolysis, FIX to FIXa and of FX to FXa (Figs. 1.1
and 1.2, Extrinsic Xase). Formation of FXa is the key step in the “initiation” stage,
formerly known as “extrinsic pathway” or “TF pathway” of the coagulation cas-
cade, because it requires that plasma comes into contact with something “extrinsic”
to the blood, i.e., TF, to trigger it. The TF pathway is the mechanism of triggering
blood clotting that functions in normal hemostasis, and probably also in many types
of thrombosis (Tilley and Mackman 2006).
The initial FXa produced by this mechanism combines with FVa and generates
sufficient thrombin to induce local platelet aggregation. The amount of fibrin pro-
duced through this pathway is however by far insufficient (only 3–5%) for the
4 M. Camera
X Xa
Fig. 1.2 FXa generation through the extrinsic and intrinsic Xase complexes organized on a phos-
phatidylserine expressing (green phospholipids) plasma membrane. The catalytic efficiency of the
intrinsic Xase complex is highlighted by the thicker arrow. FXa assembled into the prothrombinase
complex leads to the explosive generation of thrombin during the propagation phase
1 The Coagulative Cascade 5
The direct anticoagulants (DOACs) are orally active small molecule (<500 MW)
with high specificity and relatively high affinity for a single coagulation protease.
Dabigatran binds at the active site of thrombin and rivaroxaban, apixan and edoxa-
ban bind at the active site of FXa (Fig. 1.3). DOACs are competitive inhibitors, thus
each molecule competes with substrate for binding at the active site of its target
protease. The fact that DOACs interact with the active site of the target protease
means that binding only occurs after the zymogen form of the target protease has
been activated by the coagulation reactions.
The primary physiological inhibitors of thrombin, FXa and FIXa are the plasma
serine protease inhibitors (SERPINs) antithrombin and α-1-proteinase inhibitor,
and the non-SERPIN inhibitor α-2-macroglobulin. FXa within the TF/FVIIa/FXa
complex is also inhibited by TFPI. Like the DOACs, SERPINs and α-2-
macroglobulin only interact with coagulation factors after they have been activated
to functional proteases. However, SERPINs and α-2-macroglobulin inactivate their
target proteases by formation of complexes that are essentially irreversible
(Huntington et al. 2000; Barrett and Starkey 1973). By contrast, DOACs form
reversible complexes with the active site of their target proteases.
Antithrombin and TFPI are large proteins, ≈58 kDa and 34 to 40 kDa, respec-
tively. Thus, antithrombin is sterically hindered from interacting with thrombin that
is sequestered within a fibrin clot or bound to a cofactor, such as thrombomodulin.
Likewise, FXa on a platelet surface is relatively protected from inhibition by either
antithrombin or tissue factor pathway inhibitor. By contrast, DOACs can inhibit
coagulation by acting at sites where the natural inhibitors are ineffective. Indeed,
due to their small molecular weight (<500 MW) DOACs can inhibit thrombin and
FXa at sites on cells surface where they are relatively inaccessible to the plasma
protease inhibitors (Haynes et al. 2012). They can also reach their target proteases
6 M. Camera
Direct Factor Xa inhibition Xa Zymogen
Apixaban II Prothrombin Enzyme
Direct thrombin inhibition IIa Thrombin Inhibition
Fibrin formation
Fibrinogen Fibrin
Fig. 1.3 The cell-based model of the blood coagulation cascade and targets of the oral anticoagu-
lant drugs. Targets of direct oral anticoagulant as well as of Vitamin K Antagonists (VKA)
are shown
within the structure of a fibrin clot. Since dabigatran not only inhibits the procoagu-
lant effects of thrombin but also inhibits thrombin in complex with thrombomodulin
(Kamisato et al. 2016), the reduction in protein C activation could potentially exert
an unintended prothrombotic effect.
Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) interfere with the γ carboxylation of all vitamin
K-dependent coagulation factors (FII, VII, IX, and X) as well as of the antithrom-
botic factors protein C, S, and Z (Jerkeman et al. 2000) (Fig. 1.3). Because multiple
factors are affected, the net effect of any given dose of a VKA is difficult to predict.
By contrast, the relationship between the plasma levels of a DOAC and the degree
of protease inhibition is much more predictable, thus the laboratory monitoring of
their anticoagulant activity is not needed.
The vitamin K-dependent post-translational modification of specific glutamic
acid residues is critical for the activity of the coagulation factors. Thus, while the
proteins are synthesized, their undercarboxylated forms do not have normal activity.
VKAs thereby reduce the levels of active proteases that can be produced in response
to a procoagulant stimulus rather than inhibiting them after they have been acti-
vated. If less FX is available to be activated, then less FXa/FVa complexes will be
available to trigger thrombin formation. The reduced levels of prothrombin further
slow the rate of thrombin generation. Overall, VKAs predominantly impact the
propagation phase of thrombin generation (Dargaud et al. 2013).
1 The Coagulative Cascade 7
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Clinical Indications for Direct Acting Oral
Anticoagulants 2
Ahmed AlTurki and Riccardo Proietti
A. AlTurki (*)
Division of Cardiology, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada
R. Proietti
Cardiac Rehabilyitation Unit Ospedale, Sacra Famiglia Fatebenefratelli, Erba, Italy
10 A. AlTurki and R. Proietti
2 Clinical Indications for Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants 11
stroke or systemic embolism was 2.1% in the rivaroxaban group and 2.4% in the
warfarin group (hazard ratio [HR] 0.88; 95% CI, 0.74 to 1.03; P < 0.001 for nonin-
feriority; P = 0.12 for superiority) and the annual incidence of major and nonmajor
clinically relevant 14.9% in the rivaroxaban group and 14.5% in the warfarin group
(HR 1.03; 95% CI, 0.96 to 1.11; P = 0.44). Intracranial hemorrhage (0.5% vs. 0.7%,
P = 0.02) and fatal bleeding (0.2% vs. 0.5%, P = 0.003) were significantly reduced
in the rivaroxaban group. On the other hand, major bleeding from a gastrointestinal
site was more common in the rivaroxaban group (3.2%), as compared with the war-
farin group (2.2%, P < 0.001).
In the Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events in
Atrial Fibrillation (ARISTOTLE) trial, 18,201 patients with AF and at least one
additional risk factor for stroke were randomized to receive either apixaban or war-
farin (Granger et al. 2011). After a median duration of follow-up of 1.8 years, the
annual incidence of stroke or systemic embolism was 1.27% in the apixaban group,
compared with 1.60% in the warfarin group (HR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.66 to 0.95;
P < 0.001 for noninferiority; P = 0.01 for superiority). In addition, the incidence of
major bleeding was 2.13% in the apixaban group and 3.09% in the warfarin group
(HR 0.69; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.80; P < 0.001), and the incidence of all-cause mortality
were 3.52% and 3.94%, respectively (HR 0.89; 95% CI, 0.80 to 0.99; P = 0.047).
Hemorrhagic stroke was also lower with apixaban (0.24%) than warfarin (0.47%)
(HR 0.51; 95% CI, 0.35 to 0.75; P < 0.001).
In the Effective Anticoagulation with Factor Xa Next Generation in Atrial
Fibrillation–Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 48 (ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48)
trial, 21,105 patients were randomized into one of three groups (warfarin, edoxaban
60 mg, or edoxaban 30 mg) and followed for a median 2.8 years (Giugliano et al.
2013). At completion, the annual incidence of stroke or systemic embolism was
1.50%, 1.18% (HR 0.79; 97.5%CI 0.63 to 0.99; P < 0.001 for noninferiority,
P = 0.02 for superiority), and 1.61% (HR 1.07; 97.5% CI, 0.87 to 1.31; P = 0.005
for noninferiority, P = 0.44 for superiority) in the warfarin, high-dose edoxaban, and
low-dose edoxaban groups respectively. In addition, the annual incidence of hemor-
rhagic stroke was 0.47%, 0.26% (HR, 0.54; 95% CI, 0.38 to 0.77; P < 0.001), and
0.16% (HR 0.33; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.50; P < 0.001) and the annual incidence of
major bleeding was in the warfarin, high-dose edoxaban, and low-dose edoxaban
groups, respectively. Finally, the annual incidence of intracranial bleeding was
0.85%, 0.39%, and 0.26% warfarin, high-dose edoxaban, and low-dose edoxaban
groups, respectively but the annual incidence of major gastrointestinal bleeding was
higher with high-dose edoxaban than with warfarin (1.51% vs. 1.23%), with the
lowest rate with low-dose edoxaban (0.82%).
In summary, compared to warfarin, DOACs reduce major bleeding including
intracranial hemorrhage and are noninferior with regard to prevention of stroke and
systemic embolism. Apixaban and the higher dose of dabigatran, 150 mg, were
superior to warfarin for the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism (Connolly
et al. 2009; Granger et al. 2011). Apixaban was also associated with a reduction in
mortality compared to warfarin. Pooled analyses of the four DOAC trials (Fig. 2.1)
showed that DOACs reduced stroke or systemic embolism by 19% compared with
12 A. AlTurki and R. Proietti
NOAC (events) Warfarin (events RR(95%CI) P
Pooled NOAC Pooled warfarin RR(95%CI) P
(events) (events)
Ischaemic stroke 665/29292 724/29221 0.92 (0.83-1.02) 0.10
Haemorrhagic stroke 130/29292 263/29221 0.49 (0.38-0.64) <0.0001
Myocardial infarction 413/29292 432/29221 0.97 (0.78-1.20) 0.77
All-cause mortality 2022/29292 2245/29211 0.90 (0.85-0.95) 0.0003
Intracranial haemorrhage 204/29287 425/29211 0.48 (0.39-0.59) <0.0001
Gastrointestinal bleeding 751/29287 591/29211 1.25 (1.01-1.55) 0.043
0.2 0.5 1
Fig. 2.1 (a) Pooled analysis of the landmark clinical trials of atrial fibrillation comparing the
incidence of stroke and systemic embolism between those receiving direct oral anticoagulants and
those receiving warfarin. (b) Combined data from the landmark trials across individual efficacy
and safety outcomes in landmark trials of atrial fibrillation that compared direct acting oral antico-
agulants and warfarin. (Used with permission from Ruff et al. (2014))
warfarin (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.73–0.91; P < 0.0001), including a reduction in hemor-
rhagic stroke (RR 0.49, 95% CI 0.38–0.64; P < 0.0001) (Ruff et al. 2014).
Furthermore, DOACs also reduced all-cause mortality (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.85–0.95;
P = 0.0003) and intracranial hemorrhage (RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.39–0.59; P < 0.0001),
but increased gastrointestinal bleeding (RR 1.25, 95% CI 1.01–1.55; p = 0.04).
Current guidelines now recommend that DOACs be used in preference to warfarin
for the prevention of stroke in patients with nonvalvular AF (January et al. 2019;
Andrade et al. 2020).
Subsequent studies have looked at specific clinical situations and patient sub-
groups providing insight for DOAC use in these patients. Dabigatran was a safe
alternative in patients undergoing cardioversion (Nagarakanti et al. 2011). The rates
of periprocedural bleeding was similar to warfarin in those undergoing urgent sur-
gery (Healey et al. 2012). Concomitant antiplatelet use was associated with an
increased incidence of bleeding without improving efficacy, particularly those
receiving the higher dose of 150 mg (Dans et al. 2013). Both dabigatran dosages
displayed significantly lower rates of major bleeding in patients with glomerular
filtration rate ≥80 mL/min (Hijazi et al. 2014). In a sub-analysis of RE-LY, the pres-
ence of mitral regurgitation, aortic regurgitation, aortic stenosis, or tricuspid regur-
gitation did not affect the efficacy and safety of dabigatran compared to warfarin
2 Clinical Indications for Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants 13
(Ezekowitz et al. 2016). In patients undergoing catheter ablation for AF, uninter-
rupted dabigatran was associated with fewer bleeding complications than uninter-
rupted warfarin (Calkins et al. 2017). There have been many questions put forward
as to whether DOACs provide adequate coverage in patients with bioprosthetic
valves. These concerns were addressed in the Rivaroxaban for Valvular Heart
Disease and Atrial Fibrillation (RIVER) trial in which 1005 patients with AF and a
mitral bioprosthetic valve were randomized to either rivaroxaban or warfarin
(Guimarães et al. 2020). Death from cardiovascular causes or thromboembolic
events occurred in 3.4% in the rivaroxaban group and in 5.1% in the warfarin group
(HR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.35 to 1.20). In addition, the incidence of stroke was 0.6% in
the rivaroxaban group and 2.4% in the warfarin group (HR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.07 to
0.88) and major bleeding was observed in 1.4% in the rivaroxaban group and 2.6%
in the warfarin group (HR 0.54; 95% CI, 0.21 to 1.35). Therefore, DOACs appear to
be noninferior to warfarin in patients with AF and bioprosthetic valves.
Venous Thromboembolism
14 A. AlTurki and R. Proietti
2 Clinical Indications for Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants 15
16 A. AlTurki and R. Proietti
Fig. 2.2 Pooled analysis of the landmark trials comparing direct acting oral anticoagulants and
warfarin in patients with venous thromboembolism. (a) recurrent venous thromboembolism; (b)
deep venous thrombosis; (c) fatal pulmonary embolism; (d) nonfatal pulmonary embolism. (Used
with permission from Kakkos et al. (2014))
towards less bleeding with DOACs as well as the ease of administration, DOACs
have become first-line therapy for the treatment of VTE.
The treatment of VTE in patients with active malignancy is another important
consideration. The CLOT trial had established that the standard of care was treat-
ment with low-molecular-weight heparin given its superiority over warfarin.
2 Clinical Indications for Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants 17
Recently, DOACs have been compared to the standard of care to assess for noninfe-
riority; due to the ease of administration, if DOACs were noninferior, they would
become the standard of care similar to the treatment of VTE in the general popula-
tion. In the Hokusai VTE Cancer trial, edoxaban was compared with dalteparin for
the treatment of patients with cancer-associated VTE (Raskob et al. 2017). The pri-
mary outcome, a composite of recurrent VTE or major bleeding at 12 months,
occurred in 12.8% of the edoxaban group and 13.5% of the dalteparin group (HR
0.97; 95%CI, 0.70 to 1.36; P = 0.006 for noninferiority; P = 0.87 for superiority).
Interestingly, there were less recurrent VTE events in the edoxaban group (7.9% vs.
11.3%) but more major bleeding (6.9% vs. 4.0%) compared to dalteparin. In the
Caravaggio trial, apixaban was found to be noninferior to dalteparin for the treat-
ment of patients with cancer-associated VTE (Agnelli et al. 2020). Recurrent VTE
occurred in 5.6% in the apixaban group and 7.9% in the dalteparin group (HR 0.63;
95% CI 0.37 to 1.07; P < 0.001 for noninferiority) and major bleeding occurred in
3.8% in the apixaban group and in 4.0% in the dalteparin group (HR 0.82; 95% CI,
0.40 to 1.69; P = 0.60). DOACs are now used as first-line therapy for the treatment
of patients with cancer-associated VTE.
DOACs have been tested in two settings in patients with coronary artery disease:
acute coronary syndrome and secondary prevention in patients at high risk of recur-
rent major adverse cardiovascular events with stable cardiovascular disease. In the
Anti-Xa Therapy to Lower Cardiovascular Events in Addition to Standard Therapy
in Subjects With Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS 2–Thrombolysis In Myocardial
Infarction 51 (ATLAS ACS 2–TIMI 51) trial, 15,526 patients with a recent acute
coronary syndrome receive twice-daily doses of either 2.5 mg or 5 mg of rivaroxa-
ban or placebo for a mean of 13 months (Mega et al. 2011). Rivaroxaban (8.9%)
significantly reduced the primary efficacy end point, a composite of death from
cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke, compared to placebo
(10.7%) (HR 0.84; 95% CI 0.74 to 0.96; P = 0.008), with significant improvement
using both rivaroxaban doses. However, rivaroxaban increased the rates of major
bleeding (2.1% vs. 0.6%, P < 0.001) and intracranial hemorrhage (0.6% vs. 0.2%,
P = 0.009), without a significant increase in fatal bleeding (0.3% vs. 0.2%, P = 0.66)
compared to placebo. Importantly, rivaroxaban was added to standard of care dual
antiplatelet therapy (>92% of patients). Despite the promising efficacy results in
this trial, rivaroxaban is not considered a therapeutic option in acute coronary syn-
drome due to the important limitations observed. The ATLAS ACS 2–TIMI 51 trial
suffered from a significant proportion of missing data, in particular the vital status
of patients. In addition, the lack of an expected dose response (5-mg dose did not
have greater efficacy compared with the 2.5-mg dose of rivaroxaban) was also trou-
bling. Furthermore, there was divergent effects with the two doses on the primary
outcome; cardiovascular death, but not myocardial infarction, driving the treatment
benefit with 2.5 mg, whereas myocardial infarction, but not cardiovascular death,
18 A. AlTurki and R. Proietti
driving benefit with the 5-mg dose (Krantz and Kaul 2013). Finally, trials using
other DOACs and a meta-analysis of studies failed to show any benefit of adding
low-dose DOAC to standard therapy with regard to major adverse cardiovascular
events (Oldgren et al. 2011, 2013; Alexander et al. 2011).
The second situation is patients at high risk of recurrent cardiovascular events
who have stable disease. These patients are often on aspirin monotherapy though
some may be receiving extended dual antiplatelet therapy; despite this therapy,
many patients have significant residual risk of cardiovascular events. In the
Cardiovascular Outcomes for People Using Anticoagulation Strategies (COMPASS)
trial, 27,395 participants with stable atherosclerotic vascular disease were random-
ized to receive rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice daily) plus aspirin (100 mg once daily),
rivaroxaban (5 mg twice daily), or aspirin (100 mg once daily) (Eikelboom et al.
2017). The primary outcome, a composite of cardiovascular death, stroke, or myo-
cardial infarction, was reduced in patients in the rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group
compared to the aspirin-alone group 4.1% vs. 5.4% (HR 0.76; 95% CI 0.66 to 0.86;
P < 0.001). However, major bleeding events occurred in more patients in the
rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group (3.1% vs. 1.9%; HR 1.70; 95% CI, 1.40 to 2.05;
P < 0.001). Interestingly, rivaroxaban alone did not significantly lower the risk of
major adverse cardiovascular events compared to aspirin alone, with a significantly
higher risk of major bleeding. The finding of this trial has led to recommendations
to consider low-dose rivaroxaban in this patient population.
2 Clinical Indications for Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants 19
Mitral stenosis due to rheumatic heart disease significantly increases the risk of
thromboembolism. Anticoagulation with warfarin has been recommended for
patients with mitral stenosis and AF or prior embolism or left atrial thrombus.
These patients were generally excluded from DOAC trials assessing the utility of
thromboembolic prevention in patients with AF (Biase 2016). Data is limited on
the use of DOACs in rheumatic mitral stenosis. The largest experience was pub-
lished by Kim et al. (2019). There were 2230 patients enrolled from a database in
the Republic of Korea, and it included patients who were diagnosed with mitral
stenosis and AF and either were prescribed DOACs for off-label use or received
conventional treatment with warfarin. Thromboembolic events occurred at a rate
of 2.22%/year in the DOAC group, and 4.19%/year in the warfarin group (HR
0.28; 95% CI 0.18 to 0.45). Intracranial hemorrhage occurred in 0.49% of the
DOAC group and 0.93% of the warfarin group (HR 0.53; 95% CI 0.22 to 1.26).
This result is very promising though only hypothesis generating and clearly a
large, randomized trial is needed.
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
The literature is extremely limited regarding the efficacy and safety of DOACs in
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. In a systematic review, published in 2019, of
104 cases who received DOACs, treatment with DOACs prevented new and recur-
rent thrombosis in 98% (n = 102) of cases, and bleeding complications occurred in
3% (n = 3) (Barlow et al. 2019). These results suggest that DOACs may have a role
in the treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Current hematology guide-
lines give its use a conditional recommendation (Cuker et al. 2018).
20 A. AlTurki and R. Proietti
Although heart failure has been shown to be an important risk factor for stroke,
attempts to lower that risk of with anticoagulation in patients without history of AF
has not borne fruit. Several smaller trials using warfarin in patients with heart failure
and sinus rhythm have not shown any net clinical benefit. This led to the design of
the A Study to Assess the Effectiveness and Safety of Rivaroxaban in Reducing the
Risk of Death, Myocardial Infarction, or Stroke in Participants with Heart Failure
and Coronary Artery Disease Following an Episode of Decompensated Heart
Failure (COMMANDER HF) trial. In this trial, 5022 patients who had chronic heart
failure, a left ventricular ejection fraction of 40% or less, coronary artery disease,
and elevated plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides and who did not have
atrial fibrillation were randomly assigned to receive rivaroxaban at a dose of 2.5 mg
twice daily or placebo in addition to standard care after treatment for an episode of
worsening heart failure (Zannad et al. 2018). After a median follow-up of 21 months,
the primary efficacy outcome, a composite of death from any cause, myocardial
infarction, or stroke, occurred in 626 (25.0%) of 2507 patients assigned to rivaroxa-
ban and in 658 (26.2%) of 2515 patients assigned to placebo (hazard ratio, 0.94;
95% confidence interval [CI], 0.84 to 1.05; P = 0.27). There were no differences in
fatal bleeding or all-cause mortality between the two groups (Zannad et al. 2018).
Therefore, DOACs should not be used solely because of heart failure with
sinus rhythm.
2 Clinical Indications for Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants 21
Mechanical Valves
Mechanical valves are more durable than bioprosthetic valves and are therefore
preferred in younger patients. However, unlike bioprosthetic valves, mechanical
valves require lifelong anticoagulation therapy. Warfarin is the standard of care in
this population but after the publication of the landmark trials in those with nonval-
vular AF, investigators set out to assess the efficacy and safety of DOACs in patients
with mechanical valves. The Randomized, Phase II Study to Evaluate the Safety and
Pharmacokinetics of Oral Dabigatran Etexilate in Patients after Heart Valve
Replacement (RE-ALIGN) sought to shed some light on the feasibility of DOACs
(Eikelboom et al. 2013). The trial was terminated early due to an excess of throm-
boembolic and bleeding events among patients in the dabigatran group: 5% had a
stroke event compared to no stroke events in the warfarin group and major bleeding
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and Pharmacodynamics of DOAC 3
Nicola Ferri
Oral anticoagulants are used for the treatment and prevention of stroke and venous
thromboembolism in patients with chronic non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF).
Until 2010, vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin, were the only oral anticoagu-
lants available in the clinic. However, warfarin therapy is associated with numerous
limitations: (a) delayed onset of action, (b) restricted therapeutic window, (c)
numerous interactions with other drugs or food, (d) variable and unpredictable phar-
macological response, (e) influence of the genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 and
VKORC1, (f) requirements of frequent monitoring of the coagulation. These limita-
tions led to the development of new oral anticoagulants (NAO) or the so-called
direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) (Yeh et al. 2015).
Physico-Chemical Properties
N. Ferri (*)
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padua,
Padua, Italy
28 N. Ferri
N N 2 O
Dabigatran etexilate Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban
Fig. 3.1 Chemical structures of DOACs. Orange boxes highlight the chemical moieties of pro-
drug of dabigatran hydrolyzed by esterases
Rivaroxaban (5-chloro-N-({(5S)-2-oxo-3-[4-(3-oxomorpholin-4-yl)phenyl]-
1,3-oxazolidin-5-yl}methyl) thiophene-2-carboxamide)) and apixaban
tetrahydro- 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridine-3-carboxamide) are both orally adminis-
tered as active drugs.
Finally, the last DOAC that has been approved for clinical use is edoxaban
methyl-6,7-dihydro-4H-[1,3]thiazolo[5,4-c] pyridine-2-carbonyl)amino]cyclo-
hexyl] oxamide;4-methyl benzenesulfonic acid). Differently from the other DOACs,
edoxaban is the only one that is metabolized to form active molecules with similar
potency than parental drug.
Pharmacodymanics of DOACs
Mechanism of Action
3 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of DOAC 29
Intrinsic pathway
Extrinsic pathway
Edoxaban X Xa X
Prothrombin Thrombin
II IIa Dabigatran
Fibrinogen Fibrin
thrombin molecules (Mann et al. 2003). Thus, inhibiting fXa may block this burst
of thrombin generation, thereby diminishing thrombin-mediated activation of coag-
ulation and platelets (Gerotziafas et al. 2007).
Apixaban is the most potent fXa inhibitor with a binding affinity (Ki) of 0.08 nM
(Stangier et al. 2007, 2008). The selectivity of action of apixaban is demonstrated
by the fact that the inhibitory potencies against thrombin, plasma kallikrein, and
chymotrypsin are around 10,000 times higher (Ki ~ 3 μM) (Pinto et al. 2007).
Rivaroxaban inhibits fXa in a concentrated manner (Ki ~ 0.4 nM) (Perzborn et al.
2005). Similarly, to rivaroxaban and apixaban, edoxaban binds the catalytic site of
the fXa with a Ki of 0.56 nM (Furugohri et al. 2008). Apixaban, rivaroxaban, and
edoxaban seem to inhibit also fXa present in the clot.
The antithrombotic effect of DOACs is primarily attributed to the inhibition of
fXa without any significant in vitro effect on platelet aggregation. However, these
drugs may decrease platelet activation in vivo indirectly via inhibition of thrombin
generation and may thereby affect thrombin-induced aggregation.
From a pharmacodynamic point of view, DOACs have a direct effect which is
maximal after 2–3 h from their administration in accordance with the time to peak
concentration (Tmax) (Table 3.1) and with the direct correlation between plasma
concentrations and anticoagulant effect. These characteristics distinguish these
drugs from warfarin, which through the inhibition of the activation of several clot-
ting factors, it takes 3–5 days to manifest its anticoagulant action (Desai
et al. 2013).
30 N. Ferri
Pharmacokinetics of DOACs
3 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of DOAC 31
it is hydrolyzed by liver and serum esterases that produce the active form of the
drug. Its absorption increases in an acid environment and, for this reason, the drug
is formulated in the presence of tartaric acid. Phase I studies with increasing doses
of dabigatran show that low oral bioavailability is not caused by a saturable first-
pass process, considering that plasma concentrations increase linearly and dose-
dependently following a first order kinetic (Stangier et al. 2007; Gong and
Kim 2013).
The capsules containing dabigatran etexilate are designed to release the drug into
the stomach allowing the absorption in the duodenum. Indeed, dabigatran is thought
to be absorbed in the lower stomach and duodenum because of the rapid time to
peak levels. The identification of the site of dabigatran absorption is also supported
by a case report showing reduced absorption in short bowel syndrome contributing
to insufficient anticoagulation and drug levels below published values of therapeutic
doses of dabigatran. The drug not absorbed will remain in the gastrointestinal tract
where could undergo to enzymatic activation dabigatran and eliminated in the feces.
Considering the pH-dependent solubility of the drug, co-administration with H2
antagonists and proton-pump inhibitors, which causes an increase in intestinal pH,
limits dabigatran bioavailability reducing its exposure by respectively 12% and
30% (Heidbuchel et al. 2013). However, this interaction is thought not to be clini-
cally meaningful (Steffel et al. 2018). On the contrary, the pharmacokinetics of
rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban are not altered by drugs that increase
gastric pH.
Co-administration of food resulted in a delay in absorption of dabigatran etexi-
late, with the median Tmax increasing from 2 to 4 h. However, bioavailability (AUC
and Cmax) was essentially unchanged in the fasted state compared with fed condi-
tions (Fig. 3.3). Thus, dabigatran can be administered either in the presence or
absence of food.
Rivaroxaban appears to be absorbed primarily in the stomach, as there is reduced
absorption (29% decrease in AUC and 56% decrease in Cmax) when the drug is
released into the proximal small intestine, with further reduction as the drug is
released more distally into the small intestine and colon (Mani et al. 2013; Douros
et al. 2014). More importantly, the bioavailability of rivaroxaban is not linear with
the administered dose. At the dose of 10 mg, the bioavailability is estimated to be
80–100%, compared to 66% at the dose of 20 mg (Stampfuss et al. 2013). The pres-
ence of food significantly increases the bioavailability of rivaroxaban (20 mg,
Fig. 3.3), and reduces the interindividual variability of its plasma concentrations
(Stampfuss et al. 2013). This effect is probably due to a positive effect of food on
the solubilization and dissolution of the drug. It is important to highlight that food
intake is meant a meal of at least 1300 Cal with a 30–40% fat content. For this rea-
son, it is fundamental to take rivaroxaban after meals (Fig. 3.3).
Apixaban is absorbed primarily in the proximal small intestine, with some gas-
tric absorption and limited colonic absorption and reaches the maximum concentra-
tion (Cmax) after 2–3 h from the oral administration (Frost et al. 2013a, b). Its
bioavailability is approximately 50% and approximately 35% of the unabsorbed
portion is eliminated with feces (Table 3.1). Unlike rivaroxaban, intestinal
32 N. Ferri
a b
rivaroxaban dabigatran
300 100
Plasma concentration
Plasma concentration
rivaroxaban (ng/ml)
rivaroxaban (ng/ml)
Fasted Fasted
200 Fed 60 Fed
50 20
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (h) Time (h)
c d
apixaban edoxaban
180 300
Plasma concentration
Plasma concentration
140 Fasted
edoxaban (ng/ml)
apixaban (ng/ml)
120 Fed 200
60 100
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 3.3 Effect of food on the pharmacokinetic of DOACs. (a) Rivaroxaban; (b) Dabigatran; (c)
Apixaban; (d) Edoxaban. Food determines a significant increase of rivaroxaban exposure (Cmax and
AUC) and a delay of dabigatran absorption (Tmax)
absorption of apixaban is not affected by food (Fig. 3.3) (Frost et al. 2013a, b).
Similar considerations can be made for edoxaban, which reaches its Cmax after 2 h
from the oral administration and its pharmacokinetic profile which is not affected by
the food (Fig. 3.3) (Mendell et al. 2012).
Edoxaban is rapidly absorbed after oral administration with a time to peak
plasma concentration of 1–2 h, and a bioavailability of 62% (Table 3.1). Its absorp-
tion, which is not related to solubility, occurs predominantly in the proximal small
intestine and it is limited in the colon (13%) (Parasrampuria et al. 2015). Edoxaban
has a low intrasubject variability and dose linearity suggesting a predictable and
consistent pharmacokinetic profile.
Terminally ill patients with dysphagia may result in reduced patient adherence to
medications. Therefore, solid oral formulations crushed and mixed into food or pro-
vided as a water suspension via a nasogastric tube are often utilized as alternative
methods of drug administration. However, these manipulations may alter the bio-
availability of a drug. Within this clinical setting, a phase I, open-label, randomized
trial was conducted to assess the pharmacokinetic, safety, and tolerability profiles of
the edoxaban 60-mg tablet in healthy adults when crushed and administered either
via a nasogastric tube or mixed with apple puree and ingested (Duchin et al. 2018).
The results demonstrated that edoxaban tablet crushed and administered either via
a nasogastric tube or with apple puree displays similar total exposure, although time
to maximum plasma concentration was significantly shorter for the nasogastric tube
3 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of DOAC 33
suspension and apple puree vs. the whole tablet (Duchin et al. 2018). Thus, edoxa-
ban can be considered a valid option for patients who are unable to swallow solid
oral dose formulations. In contrast, when rivaroxaban is administered using a naso-
gastric tube followed by a liquid meal, a significant 18% reduction in Cmax was
observed, although the AUC values were similar (Mueck et al. 2014).
Dabigatran, due to the low bioavailability, and rivaroxaban, due to the once-daily
posology, are expected to have a higher variability of peak and trough concentra-
tions and may undergo more easily to clinically relevant drug–drug interaction.
In consideration of the mechanism of drug absorption in the gastrointestinal
track, it is relevant to know that all DOACs are substrate of the P-glycoprotein
(P-gp) and potentially other drug transporters (Gong and Kim 2013). The P-gp par-
tially limits the disposition of the drugs by reducing their intestinal absorption and
facilitating their elimination by the kidney and the liver (Wolking et al. 2015). For
this reason, all DOACs are expected to have important pharmacological interactions
with potent P-gp inhibitors, such as antifungals, macrolides, antiretroviral protease
inhibitors, which significantly increase DOACs absorption and thus the anticoaugu-
lant effect.
Among the cardiovascular drugs, diltiazem, amiodarone, dronedarone, quini-
dine, and verapamil are considered the most potent P-gp inhibitors and potentially
increasing the exposure of all DOACs (Steffel et al. 2018). Considering the inducers
of P-gp, rifampin, most antiepileptic drugs and St. John’s wort, should not be admin-
istered in combination with DOACs (Chap. 4) (Steffel et al. 2018).
34 N. Ferri
Truitt 2016). This difference indicates biliary excretion of edoxaban and a possible
enterohepatic circulation through glucuronidation processes. The relatively high Vd
of edoxaban in comparison to other DOACs is not predicted to have any clinically
relevant implication on the safety or efficacy of the drug according to the large expe-
rience in the phase III trials, including patients with frailty, obesity, older age, and
mild to moderate chronic kidney disease (CKD). Edoxaban shows a relatively low
total plasma protein binding (≈55%), whereas the human-unique metabolite M-4 is
approximately 80% bound to plasma proteins over a concentration range of
0.2–2 μg/mL (Parasrampuria and Truitt 2016).
In general, all DOACs do not undergo to an extensive phase I and phase II metabo-
lism. As an ester prodrug, dabigatran etexilate undergoes two sequential activation
steps to form its pharmacologically active metabolite dabigatran. Following oral
administration, dabigatran etexilate is first metabolized to its intermediate metabo-
lite dabigatran ethyl ester (M2) by carboxylesterase 2 (CES2) in the intestine, and
M2 is further converted to the final active metabolite DAB by carboxylesterase 1
(CES1) in the liver (Blech et al. 2008). Once activated, dabigatran is eliminated
primarily in the unchanged form in the urine, at a rate of approximately 100 mL/min
corresponding to the glomerular filtration rate (Stangier et al. 2007). The cumulative
urinary excretion of dabigatran accounted for less than 5% of the dose (Stangier
et al. 2007).
Dabigatran, being a polar drug, exhibits only a little oxidative metabolism.
Instead, the acylglucuronide of the carboxylate functional group is formed, and this
is the major metabolite in humans (Ebner et al. 2010). After oral administration,
approximately 20% of dabigatran is conjugated by glucuronosyltransferases to the
pharmacologically active glucuronide conjugates. Four positional isomers, 1-O,
2-O, 3-O, 4-O-acylglucuronide exist, each account for less than 10% of total dabi-
gatran in plasma (Ebner et al. 2010). Conjugates of dabigatran in urine represented
0.4% of the dabigatran dose. Thus, CYP3A4 is not involved in the metabolism of
dabigatran, excluding possible drug–drug interactions with inhibitors or inducers of
cytochromes (Heidbuchel et al. 2013).
Conversely, approximately 2/3 of a rivaroxaban dose undergo metabolic trans-
formation. Rivaroxaban is metabolized by CYP3A4/5 by about 18%, while CYP2J2
ensures metabolization of approximately 14% (Mueck et al. 2014). CYP-
independent amide bonds hydrolysis contributes other 14%. About 36% of the drug
is eliminated unchanged with urine: 30% through active renal secretion, 6% via
glomerular filtration. Thus, CYP3A4-dependent elimination is relevantly involved
in the hepatic clearance of rivaroxaban and strong CYP3A4 inhibition or induction
may affect plasma concentrations and should be evaluated in context.
Most of the hepatic clearance of apixaban is as unchanged molecule, with only a
minority being metabolized (in part via CYP3A4), which makes CYP3A4 interac-
tions of low importance for this drug (Wang et al. 2010). In addition, non-metabolic
clearance of apixaban is diverse (including excretion of the unchanged drug by
3 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of DOAC 35
>50%), which reduces the potential for drug–drug interaction (Wang et al. 2010).
Nevertheless, apixaban should be used with caution if co-administered with strong
inducers of both CYP3A4 and P-gp and is contraindicated in combination with
strong inhibitors of both CYP3A4 and P-gp (Steffel et al. 2018).
In healthy human subjects, six phase 1 metabolites (M-1, M-2, M-4, M-5, M-6,
and M-8) and a glucuronide (M-3) metabolites of edoxaban have been detected in
plasma (Parasrampuria and Truitt 2016). M-4 is the major metabolite and it is pro-
duced from the CES1. CYP3A4 mediates the formation of M-5, while a minor
metabolite M-8 derives spontaneously (non-enzymatically) from an intermediary,
hydroxymethyl edoxaban, formed via CYP3A4/5 (Parasrampuria and Truitt 2016).
Three of the metabolites (M-4, M-6, and M-8) have anticoagulant activity, with
IC50 values for anti-FXa of 1.8 nM (M-4), 6.9 nM (M-6), and 2.7 nM (M-8), thus
similar to the parental drug (0.56 nM) (Parasrampuria and Truitt 2016). However,
due to the low plasma concentration and high protein binding, the most abundant
metabolite, M-4, is not expected to contribute significantly to the overall pharmaco-
logical activity of edoxaban. Importantly, the relative increase in edoxaban and M4
systemic exposure is identical, and the AUC ratio (M4 over edoxaban) is constant
over varying kidney function, body weight, and doses; however, a significant
increase of M4/edoxaban ratio is predictable in the presence of drugs that induce
edoxaban metabolism (see Chap. 4). Thus, unlike rivaroxaban, CYP3A4-dependent
elimination is marginally involved in the hepatic clearance of edoxaban
(Parasrampuria and Truitt 2016).
The relative contribution of renal drug excretion varies considerably among DOACs.
Most of a dabigatran dose is excreted by the kidneys unchanged (80%) or in the
form of active glucuronides (4%). Edoxaban, rivaroxaban, and apixaban are excreted
unchanged by 50%, 33%, and 27% of the bioavailable dose, respectively (Heidbuchel
et al. 2013; Ferri and Corsini 2015). Renal clearance of dabigatran amounted to
50–100 mL/min.
The contribution of glomerular filtration, active secretion, and tubular reabsorp-
tion differs among DOACs. In particular, renal clearance of dabigatran is slightly
lower than the glomerular filtration at any level of renal impairment, indicating that
tubular reabsorption does occur to some extent (Padrini 2019). Indeed, dabigatran is
the most lipophilic compound of the group (log P = 2.37) and the only one which
does not undergo tubular secretion by P-gp. Conversely, the renal clearance of riva-
roxaban and edoxaban is four times higher than glomerular filtration rate, most
probably due to extensive tubular secretion by P-gp, as shown by the increase in the
AUCs of rivaroxaban and edoxaban by P-gp inhibitors (Padrini 2019). Lastly, apix-
aban is characterized by nearly coinciding values of renal clearance and glomerular
filtration rate, indicating lack of drug secretion and reabsorption or, rather, a null
sum of the two processes. The latter hypothesis seems more plausible, since apixa-
ban is also a substrate of P-gp but, having lipophilicity similar to that of dabigatran
(log P = 2.23), may also be reabsorbed (Padrini 2019).
36 N. Ferri
The limited involvement of renal excretion for the apixaban elimination path-
way, and a very diversified hepatic clearance, including metabolism, biliary secre-
tion, and direct elimination in the intestine, confers to this drug a greater margin of
safety in patients with partial kidney and hepatic impairment.
The renal clearance of apixaban is also lower than for all DOACs and in particu-
lar with edoxaban (15 mL/min vs. 183 mL/min) (Table 3.1). In fact, the calculation
of the clearance involves the involvement of both the Vd value and the half-life time.
With the same half-life time between edoxaban and apixaban, the much higher Vd of
the former inevitably determines a much higher clearance value. This difference is
caused by the fact that apixaban is eliminated from the kidney exclusively by glo-
merular filtration, or alternatively the active tubular secretion processes are equiva-
lent to those of tubular reabsorption. On the contrary, the renal elimination of
edoxaban involves active tubular secretion processes. These differences are clini-
cally relevant in “so-called hyperfiltration” patients in whom edoxaban loses effi-
cacy precisely because of its excessive renal elimination (Bohula et al. 2016).
The different renal clearance may determine variations of dosage and choice of
DOAC based on the pathophysiological characteristics of the patient. According to
European guidelines (Steffel et al. 2018), dabigatran is contraindicated in patients
with a creatinine clearance <30 mL/min, while rivaroxaban and edoxaban can be
used with caution at lowered dose with a clearance between 15 and 29 mL/min and
with a close monitoring of patient’s kidney function. In patients with moderate renal
insufficiency (creatinine clearance between 30 and 50 mL/min), dabigatran, rivar-
oxaban, and edoxaban can be used at lowered dose (Table 3.2). The choice of the
Table 3.2 Comparison between FDA, EMA, and HC guidelines on dose adjustment recommen-
dations in patients with atrial fibrillation and various degrees of renal impairment
Drug CLcr (mL/min) Recommendations
Dabigatran <15 Not recommended by FDA
<30 Contraindicated by EMA and HC
15–30 Dose reduction (75 mg bid) by FDA
Rivaroxaban <15 Not recommended by FDA and
contraindicated by EMA
<30 Not recommended by HC
15–50 Dose reduction (15 mg qd) by FDA and EMA
30–49 Dose reduction (15 mg qd) by HC
Apixaban Hemodialysis No dose reduction (5 mg bid) by FDA
<15 Contraindicated by EMA and HC
15–29 Dose reduction (2.5 mg bid) by EMA
Crs ≥ 1.5 mg/dL and age ≥ 80 Dose reduction (2.5 mg bid) by FDA, EMA
or body weight ≤ 60 kg and HC if two of the parameters are present
Edoxaban <15 Contraindicated by FDA, EMA, and HC
<30 Contraindicated by HC
15–50 Dose reduction (30 mg qd) by FDA
>95 Not recommended by FDA (reduced efficacy)
CLcr creatinine clearance, Crs serum creatinine, qd once daily, bid twice daily, FDA Food and
Drug Administration, EMA European Medicines Agency, HC Health Canada
3 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of DOAC 37
posology for apixaban is based on the presence of at least two of the following
parameters: serum creatinine ≥1.5 mg/dL, age ≥ 80, or body weight ≤ 60 kg. In the
presence of this condition, apixaban should be used at lower dose with a clearance
≥30 mL/min. With a clearance between 15 and 29 mL/min, the recommended dose
of apixaban is 2.5 mg bid. The elimination characteristics of apixaban entail the
possibility of using the drug at full dose (5 mg bid) even in hemodialysis patients,
as suggested by the FDA guidelines (Table 3.2) (Heidenreich et al. 2016).
Due to the relevant renal clearance, in a pharmacokinetic study of patients
with NVAF, the edoxaban exposure has been shown to be lower in subjects with
creatinine clearance above 90 mL/min. Thus, in patients with a CrCl >95 mL/min
edoxaban has been shown a lower relative efficacy compared to warfarin. On this
basis, the Cardiorenal Division of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
recommended that edoxaban should not be used in patients with a CrCl >95 mL/
min for stroke prevention in NVAF (US Food and Drug Administration 2015).
The position of FDA was not followed by other regulatory agencies both in
Europe by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), as well as in Canada
(Table 3.2).
All DOACs are, however, contraindicated in patients with severe liver impair-
ment (Child–Pugh C), while rivaroxaban is also contraindicated in case of Child–
Pugh B (Steffel et al. 2018). This difference is due to the fact that rivaroxaban is the
DOACs with a higher rate of elimination through CYP-mediated metabolism.
Unlike dabigatran, not metabolized by cytochromes, the dose of apixaban, rivar-
oxaban, and edoxaban must be reduced in case of co-administration with potent
CYP3A4 inhibitors.
Among the characteristics of DOACs, the elimination half-life time deserves
important considerations. This parameter is approximately equal to 12 h for dabiga-
tran, apixaban, and edoxaban, and significantly lower for rivaroxaban, 5–9 h
(Table 3.1). This characteristic suggests a bid administration. The ratio between the
maximum and minimum concentration at steady state in once-daily administration
is equal to 4.5 for dabigatran (Clemens et al. 2012), 10 for rivaroxaban (Mueck et al.
2014), 10 for apixaban (Frost et al. 2013a) and 10–30 for edoxaban (Ogata et al.
2010). The higher the ratio, the greater is the fluctuation of plasma levels in 24 h.
The clinical consequences of these fluctuations can lead to bleeding in the case of
the peak or thromboembolic events at minimum concentrations. It is therefore plau-
sible to minimize these variations by opting for the bid administration. However,
rivaroxaban and apixaban are administered as once daily, modality that leads to a
pharmacokinetic profile with very high peak concentrations compared to dabigatran
and apixaban. The high Cmax peak levels with rivaroxaban, together with a nonlinear
kinetic at dosages higher than 10 mg and the influence by food on its gastrointesti-
nal absorption, are associated to a high pharmacokinetic variability. A cross-over
study that directly compared rivaroxaban to apixaban, clearly demonstrated a lower
variability with a bid administration of apixaban (23% vs. 46% for apixaban and
rivaroxaban, respectively) (Frost et al. 2014). This high variability of rivaroxaban
could be associated to increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding observed com-
pared to warfarin in the clinical trial ROCKET AF (Patel et al. 2011).
38 N. Ferri
The DOACs, on the basis of their pharmacological profile and the results of clinical
trials conducted by a direct comparison to warfarin, represent an important evolu-
tion of the therapeutic armamentarium available for the treatment of patients at risk
of thromboembolic complications.
The pharmacokinetics characteristics of DOAC represent an important tool in
order to customize the treatment based on the characteristics of patients, and to
obtain the best therapeutic efficacy by minimizing adverse effects. Thus, the selec-
tion among the four currently available DOACs should be done by considering
important pathophysiological parameters, such as kidney function, dyspepsia, the
risk of bleeding and ischemic events, as well as other concomitant therapies which
could determine clinically relevant drug–drug interactions. Finally, the compliance
of bid or single daily administration should also be considered.
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F. Apixaban, an oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor: single dose safety, pharmacokinetics, phar-
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40 N. Ferri
Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs
Alberto Corsini and Nicola Ferri
Four direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have been approved for clinical use by
many regulatory medicines’ agencies around the world. The use of these drugs is
increasing in routine practice for the treatment of non-valvular atrial fibrillation
(NVAF) and venous thromboembolism (VTE). AF is the most common sustained
arrhythmia in clinical practice, especially in the elderly (Boriani et al. 2006, 2018;
Lip et al. 2014) and, even if the arrhythmia is asymptomatic, is associated with
adverse outcomes, with a significantly increased risk of stroke, death, and heart
failure (Giuseppe et al. 2014). VTE, categorized as deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
and pulmonary embolism (PE), is associated with high morbidity and a relevant
financial burden on patients and health system. Both acquired and hereditary risks
factors contribute to VTE, in particular VTE is a common complication of cancer
and its therapy (Perera et al. 2020).
Oral anticoagulant therapy significantly reduces the risk of AF-related thrombo-
embolic events and mortality, and is recommended in every patient at risk, accord-
ing to guidelines (Steffel et al. 2018a). The class DOACs are nowadays an effective
treatment with as safer profile compared to vitamin K antagonist (VKA) and are
currently implemented in “real-world” clinical practice, in patients with so-called
NVAF and VTE, settings characterized by patients with complex clinical scenarios,
in terms of comorbidities and polypharmacy. Comorbidity and polypharmacy are at
high prevalence in elderly patients, a population where the estimated prevalence of
A. Corsini
Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
N. Ferri (*)
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova,
Padova, Italy
42 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
NVAF is particularly high (9%–10% at age over 80 years and lower than 0.1% in
patients at age below 55 years) (Go et al. 2001; Lloyd-Jones et al. 2004; Miyasaka
et al. 2006). In addition, NVAF is associated with a four- to fivefold increased risk
of embolic stroke with an estimated increased stroke risk of 1.45-fold per decade in
aging (Go et al. 2014; Coppens et al. 2013). Since VKA warfarin shows many clini-
cal significant interactions with drugs, foods, and herbal medicines (Nutescu et al.
2006; Teklay et al. 2014), resulting in frequent adjustment of its dosage in order to
achieve a safe and effective anticoagulant effect, the use of new DOACs may repre-
sent a significant clinical advantage.
Thus, in view of the need to prescribe oral anticoagulants to patients with various
concurrent diseases and on treatment with various drugs or agents, in the present
chapter, the predicted drug–drug interactions (DDIs) of DOACs will be described.
Considering that many DDIs are not specifically studied, only theoretical pharma-
cological considerations can be done of specific anticoagulant in order to predict if
an interaction is possible. In view of the increasing number of patients with onco-
logical pathologies who need treatment with anticoagulants, for VTE or NVAF
(Perera et al. 2020; Ay et al. 2017), we will include interactions between DOACs
and chemotherapies.
General Considerations
As discussed in Chap. 3, all DOACs are substrates for P-gp, therefore strong inhibi-
tion of P-gp can increase absorption and exposure of DOACs, thus increasing the
bleeding risk. On the other hand, an induction of P-gp can reduce DOACs absorp-
tion, therefore reducing their antithrombotic therapeutic effect. Indeed, an impor-
tant interaction mechanism for all DOACs consists of significant gastrointestinal
re-secretion over a P-gp transporter after absorption in the gut and in their renal
clearance (Gnoth et al. 2011).
The intensity of the inhibition or induction of P-gp transporters can help to pre-
dict the entity of the change in drug exposure (Table 4.1). This approach was adopted
by the recently published “The 2018 European Heart Rhythm Association Practical
Guide on the use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with
atrial fibrillation” (Steffel et al. 2018a). Thus, strong P-gp inhibitors may increase
systemic absorption and decrease elimination of P-gp substrates resulting in
increased exposure. On this regard, it is relevant to consider that the extent of the
inter-individual variability of a drug plasma concentration may have a significant
impact of the interaction with P-gp inhibitors or inducers. For instance, dabigatran
and rivaroxaban, which are expected to have a higher variability of peak and trough
concentrations, in comparison to edoxaban and apixaban, may undergo more easily
to clinical relevant DDI (Gosselin et al. 2018; Testa et al. 2016).
Since edoxaban metabolism, by CES1, CYP3A4 and via glucuronidation, is only
marginally involved in its clearance, inhibitors or inducers of these enzymes are
unlikely involved in clinically relevant interactions with edoxaban (Parasrampuria
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 43
and Truitt 2016). Indeed, unlike other direct anti-Xa inhibitors such as rivaroxaban
and apixaban, edoxaban is minimally involved in hydrolysis, conjugation, and oxi-
dation through CYP3A4 metabolism (< 4%) and theoretically we could expect
fewer DDIs with agents that strongly inhibit or induce cytochrome P450 enzymes,
in particular the CYP3A4 variant.
In the following paragraphs, we will summarize the clinical evidence of DDI of
DOACs with different classes of drugs and also some tools to predict non-studied
DDIs. These predictions are based on the pharmacological profile of DOACs and
the profile of the specific class of drugs that are being considered. The issue of how
to identify and distinguish the clinically relevant DDIs from non-relevant interac-
tions will also be discussed.
Many classes of cardiovascular drugs might interact with DOACs via inhibition of
P-gp and/or CYP3A4, thus leading to increase in exposure and possibly bleeding
risk. Many cardiovascular drugs are commonly prescribed with DOACs in patients
with AF.
Therefore, it is relevant to verify the possible pharmacological interaction with
drugs for the treatment of concomitant cardiovascular diseases, such as antihyper-
tensives and heart failure drugs (Table 4.2). To this end, Frost and collaborators
conducted a pharmacokinetic (PK) study with apixaban in the presence and absence
of digoxin and atenolol. Only 16% of digoxin is metabolized, while 50–70% is
44 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
AUC area under the curve, CYP Cytochrome P450, P-gp = P-glycoprotein. Yellow: consider dose
adjustment or different DOAC if 2 or more “yellow” factors are present. Orange: consider dose
adjustment or different DOAC. Red: contraindicated/not recommended
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 45
46 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
Given the common occurrence of coronary artery disease with NVAF, the possible
interactions of DOACs with antiplatelet drugs could be clinically relevant
(Table 4.3).
Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and P2Y12 antagonist is currently recom-
mended after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stent placement, and
further oral anticoagulation is required for patients with NVAF (Steffel et al. 2018a).
Therapy with a DOAC, aspirin, and clopidogrel (P2Y12 inhibitor) is considered the
standard of care for patients with NVAF following coronary stent placement.
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 47
Table 4.3 Predicted effects of antiplatelet and antithrombotic drugs on DOAC exposure
*Expert opinion, AUC area under the curve, CYP Cytochrome P450, P-gp P-glycoprotein. Yellow:
consider dose adjustment or different DOAC if 2 or more “yellow” factors are present
However, this triple therapy is associated with three- to fourfold increased risk of
bleeding complications (Perera et al. 2020; Steffel et al. 2018a; Lopes et al. 2019).
In detail, no PK or PD interactions were observed when apixaban was co-
administered with high-dose aspirin (325 mg once a day) (Gelosa et al. 2018).
Similarly, low dose aspirin (100 mg once a day) for 5 days does not influence the
PK of edoxaban (60 mg once a day) administered concomitantly (Gelosa et al.
2018). Low dose aspirin (100 mg) did not alter the edoxaban PK parameter, whereas
the combination with aspirin 325 mg increased edoxaban systemic exposure by
approximately 30% (AUC) and 34% for Cmax (Mendell et al. 2013b). The reason for
increased exposure with high-dose aspirin is not clear and unknown, but high-dose
aspirin did not alter the effect of edoxaban on the coagulation biomarkers and the
inhibition of platelet aggregation (arachidonic acid induced) by aspirin was not
affected by edoxaban (Mendell et al. 2013b). Nevertheless, the administration of
edoxaban with aspirin 100 mg (low dose), or aspirin 325 mg (high dose) resulted in
an approximately additive effect of the agents administered alone with a final two-
fold increase in bleeding time, thus suggesting a potential PD interaction between
the two drugs (Mendell et al. 2013b).
48 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
Rivaroxaban does not alter the effect of aspirin on platelet aggregation and aspi-
rin does not alter the effects of rivaroxaban on clotting parameters (inhibition of fXa
activity, prolongation of prothrombin time, aPTT, and HepTest) (Kubitza et al.
2006). However, in patients treated with rivaroxaban for acute VTE, the risk of
clinically relevant bleeding (such as that requiring medical intervention) is increased
in those also taking aspirin, compared with those not taking aspirin (hazard ratio
1.8) (Davidson et al. 2014).
Edoxaban exhibited similar relative efficacy and reduced bleeding compared to
warfarin, with or without concomitant use of antiplatelet therapies, including clopi-
dogrel and ticagrelor (Xu et al. 2016). Nevertheless, a potential PD interaction with
increasing risk of major bleeding is predictable in patients treated with DOACs
under mono or dual antiplatelet therapy. Indeed, some of these drugs are substrates
(clopidogrel, enoxaparin), or inhibitors (ticagrelor, naproxen) of P-gp (Wessler
et al. 2013; Oh et al. 2014; Marsousi et al. 2016), suggesting a possible PK interac-
tion with DOACs.
Concomitant antiplatelet drugs (aspirin or clopidogrel) appear to increase the
risk for major bleeding of dabigatran. This is most likely a PD interaction, indeed
the concomitant administration of dabigatran etexilate (150 mg twice daily) and
clopidogrel (75 mg once daily) in healthy controls did not influence PK and PD
profiles of either agent. However, a single loading dose (300 mg or 600 mg) of
clopidogrel administered concomitantly with dabigatran etexilate (150 mg twice
daily) increased dabigatran AUC and Cmax by 30–40% (Hartter et al. 2013b).
The interaction between ticagrelor and dabigatran has been observed showing a
significant higher exposure of dabigatran when administered simultaneously to
ticagrelor, with an increase of AUC and Cmax by 48.3% and 62.7%, respectively
(Medicines 2015). This interaction was less evident when ticagrelor was adminis-
tered 2 h after morning dose of dabigatran with an increase of AUC and Cmax of
28.8% and 24.1%, respectively. From this evidence, SmPC is indicated to follow
this staggered intake for starting a loading dose of ticagrelor (Medicines 2015). We
could predict a similar behavior also for the other DOACs.
Apixaban co-administered with prasugrel (60 mg followed by 10 mg once daily)
does not increase bleeding time or further inhibit platelet aggregation (Steffel
et al. 2018a).
Patients with NVAF tend to be elderly and to have other inflammatory disorders,
which may require the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
NSAIDs increase bleeding risk with DOACs due to a pharmacodynamics interac-
tion and the chronic use is not permitted by the respective SmPCs.
Mendell et al. conducted a PK study to assess the potential PK/PD interactions
between edoxaban and the NSAID naproxen (Mendell et al. 2013b). Naproxen
undergoes to an extensive metabolism through the CYP1A2 and CYP2C9, there-
fore, the likelihood of PK interaction with edoxaban is minimal, although, a PD
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 49
AUC area under the curve, CYP Cytochrome P450, P-gp P-glycoprotein. Yellow: consider dose
adjustment or different DOAC if 2 or more “yellow” factors are present
Considering the high rate of CVD in the elderly, especially CHD in concomitance
with NVAF, it is quite common the co-administration of a lipid-modifying agent
and DOACs. Several statins interact with P-gp and CYP450 (Gelosa et al. 2018).
For example, atorvastatin, lovastatin, and simvastatin inhibit or compete with
P-gp mediated drug transport and are metabolized by CYP3A4. These character-
istics might lead to an increased absorption of DOACs. Lovastatin is a CYP2C9-
and P-gp inhibitor. In a population-based, nested case-control study involving
45,991 Ontario residents who started dabigatran, the use of lovastatin was associ-
ated with a higher risk of major hemorrhage. Similar effect can also be predicted
for other DOACs.
Simvastatin and lovastatin are associated with a higher risk of major hemorrhage
(compared to other statins) in patients with NVAF and receiving dabigatran.
Relevantly, the adjusted incidence rate for major bleeding was significantly lower
for concurrent use of atorvastatin with dabigatran than dabigatran alone.
50 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 51
It is well established that antibiotic and fungostatic medications have strong inter-
ference with VKAs, but these drugs may also alter DOACs plasmatic concentrations
by interfering with the P-gp pathway and with the CYP3A4 metabolism (Table 4.6).
Given that some antibiotics and antifungal drugs such as erythromycin, clarithro-
mycin, rifampin, ketoconazole, fluconazole, and posaconazole have moderate-to-
strong inhibition or induction of this pathways, patients treated with DOACs and
certain concomitant antibiotic treatments should require accurate evaluation and an
eventual dose adjustment.
Table 4.6 Predicted effects of antibiotics and antifungal drugs on DOACs exposure
52 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 53
the metabolite M4 was higher when edoxaban was co-administered with ketocon-
azole, with approximately 46% higher total exposures, potentially due to increased
bioavailability without a significant alteration of its formation mediated by carboxy-
lesterase 1 (CES-1). On the contrary, both peak and total exposure to the metabolite
M6, derived from the CYP3A4 activity, was decreased by 51% and 43%, respec-
tively (Parasrampuria et al. 2016). The inhibitory effect of ketoconazole on CYP3A4
is also demonstrated by the fact that the metabolite-to-parent drug ratio was decreased
from 4.44 to 1.45 (Parasrampuria et al. 2016). From this analysis, it is indicated to
reduce the dose of edoxaban by 50% in case of a co-administration with antifungals
(itraconazole, ketoconazole, and voriconazole) (Steffel et al. 2018a). Similar indica-
tion has been decided for posaconazole, whereas fluconazole is not expected to inter-
act with edoxaban (Steffel et al. 2018a). While other DOACs are contraindicated in
this eventuality, edoxaban can be used in concomitance reducing the dosage to 30 mg
due to increased exposure (Steffel et al. 2018a; Parasrampuria et al. 2016).
Metronidazole is known for having a major interaction with VKAs and dose
reductions are often necessary to maintain INR in range. There are not any direct
evidences with DOACs but metronidazole has been reported to increase plasma
concentration and toxicities in a number of CYP3A4 substrates (Hashikata et al.
2015). It has been suggested that metronidazole, among other drugs, is a CYP3A4
inhibitor and concomitant administrations of certain CYP3A4 substrates should be
avoided. On the contrary, a pharmacokinetics study provides evidence that metroni-
dazole does not act as an inhibitor of P-gp-mediated disposition in humans. Given
that probably CYP3A4 may account for the major part of metronidazole interac-
tions, we expect that a major DDI between DOACs and metronidazole is unlikely;
nonetheless, caution and a careful monitoring of the patient should be applied in this
Rifampin is one of the most potent inducers of CYP3A4/5 and P-gp. Concomitant
use of rifampin may lead to a decrease in edoxaban and DOACs exposure due to
induction of P-gp and CYP3A4/CYP2J2. The effect of rifampin on edoxaban expo-
sure has been evaluated in a specific pharmacokinetic study of multiple doses of the
antibiotics on a single dose of edoxaban and its active metabolites M4 and M6
(Mendell et al. 2015). Rifampin determined an approximate 34% decrease in total
exposure to edoxaban (AUC), when compared with administration of edoxaban
alone, and unlike other DOACs, a concomitant compensatory five- and fourfold
increase of Cmax values of metabolites M4 and M6, respectively (Mendell et al.
2015). These results suggest that the effect of rifampin on edoxaban was not only to
reduce oral bioavailability and increase excretion through potential induction of
P-gp, but also to increase its metabolism to form the metabolite M6 through
CYP3A4/5. The increase in M4 is likely due to the inhibitory effect of rifampin on
OATP1B1 (Vavricka et al. 2002), which is involved in the transport of the active
metabolite, as well as potential induction of CES-1 through upregulation. These
results demonstrate a drug interaction of edoxaban and its metabolites with rifampin.
However, the compensatory increase of the active metabolite M4 led to the sugges-
tion that the co-administration of the two drugs is possible (LIXIANA 2018).
Edoxaban is the only DOAC that can be used with rifampicin. Nevertheless, since
54 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
not tested prospectively, the EHRA indicated that this combination should be used
with caution, and avoided when possible (Steffel et al. 2018a). Apart from edoxa-
ban, other DOACs are contraindicated with rifampin.
Considering quinolones pharmacokinetics, levofloxacin is a CYP1A2 inhibitor
while ciprofloxacin is a strong inhibitor of CYP1A2 (Di Minno et al. 2017).
Considering that NOACs are minimally involved in CYP1A2, no relevant interac-
tions are predicted. Carbapenem antibiotics such as meropenem are administered
intravenously and are not predicted to have inhibitory or induction activity on intes-
tinal P-gp. In vitro assessments have reported an inhibitory effect on CYP3A4 and
CYP2C19 enzymes (Branchetti et al. 2013). On this premise, it can be predicted
that edoxaban levels should not be significantly altered by the presence of carbape-
nem antibiotics.
Cancer patients are at higher risk for thromboembolic events due to the presence of
comorbidities, surgical interventions, and chemotherapy. Data on the use of DOACs
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 55
in cancer patients is very limited and few clinical information is available when
considering the effect that specific antineoplastic drugs might have on DOAC expo-
sure. However, the results of the Hokusai VTE Cancer and Caravaggio trials clearly
demonstrated that treatment with edoxaban or apixaban is not inferior to treatment
with subcutaneous dalteparin with respect to the composite outcome of recurrent
venous thromboembolism or major bleeding in patients predominantly with
advanced cancer and acute symptomatic or incidental venous thromboembolism
(Raskob et al. 2018; Agnelli et al. 2018).
Patients treated with edoxaban and apixaban were exposed to many different
classes of anticancer drugs, such as antimetabolites, platinum-based chemotherapy,
c, topoisomerase inhibitors, alkylating agents, anthracyclines, vinca alkaloids,
kinase inhibitors, and antitumor antibiotics. These agents might have significant
influence on CYP3A4 and/or P-gp metabolism, thus altering DOAC exposure.
Although there are no pharmacokinetic and clinical studies assessing the interac-
tion between DOACs and specific anticancer agents, it is possible to predict a criti-
cal outcome for those with a well-defined effect on P-gp and CYP3A4 (Table 4.7).
In particular, the vinca alkaloid vinblastine, the antitumor antibiotic doxorubicin,
and the kinase inhibitors vandetanib and sunitinib are strong inducers of P-gp, and
for this reason their combination with edoxaban, as well as all DOACs should be
avoided (Steffel et al. 2018a). In addition, the Bruton’s tyrosine kinase ibrutinib
significantly increases risk of NVAF, with an estimated cumulative incidence of
5.9% at 6 months and increasing to 10.3% by 2 years of treatment. The management
of NVAF induced by ibrutinib is complicated by the fact that this drug is also a P-gp
inhibitor, thereby increasing exposure to substrates such as DOACs.
Similar situation can be envisioned for other chemotherapeutic drugs inducing
NVAF, such as alkylating agents (e.g., cisplatin, melphalan, and cyclophosphamide
(CTX)), anthracycline agents (e.g., doxorubicin), and cancer targeted therapies
(e.g., sorafenib and sunitinib).
Seizures are seen in up to 10% patients after stroke and previous stroke and accounts
for 30–40% of all cases of epilepsy in the elderly. Most of these patients require
long-term antiepileptic drug treatment. Furthermore, the same drugs are also pre-
scribed for neuropathic pain, migraine, headaches, or psychiatric disorders. Thus, it
is conceivable to conclude that a considerable number of patients under treatment
with DOACs would be on concomitant therapy with antiepileptic drugs (Table 4.8).
Few clinical evidences exist regarding interactions between antiepileptic drugs
and DOACs. There are evidences that a number of these drugs induce CYP3A4 and
P-gp leading to reduced DOAC exposure.
Human, animals, and in vitro evidence have demonstrated that carbamazepine,
levetiracetam, phenobarbital, and phenytoin are potent inducers of P-gp, and there-
fore may lead to reduced DOACs plasma concentrations and clinical efficacy.
According to the EHRA practical guide, the use of carbamazepine, phenobarbital,
56 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
Mild CYP3A4
Docetaxel, Vncristine induction; CYP3A4/P No significant effect on AUC predicted
-gp compeitiont
Mild CYP3A4
Vinorelbine induction; CYP3A4/P No significant effect on AUC predicted
-gp competition
P-gp compeittion; no
Metotrexate relevant interaction No significant effect on AUC predicted
Pemetrexed, Purine
No relevant
analogs, Pyrimidine
interaction anticipated No significant effect on AUC predicted
No relevant
Topotecan No significant effect on AUC predicted
interaction anticipated
competition; no
Irinotecan No significant effect on AUC predicted
interaction anticipated
Mild CYP3A4
Etoposide induction; CYP3A4/P No significant effect on AUC predicted
-gp compeittion
Mild CYP3A4
Idarubicin inhibition; P- No significant effect on AUC predicted
P-gp compeittion; no
Daunorubicin relevant interaction No significant effect on AUC predicted
no relevant interaction
Mitoxantrone anticipated No significant effect on AUC predicted
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 57
Mild CYP3A4
Ciclophosphamide inhibition; No significant effect on AUC predicted
CYP3A4 competition
CYP3A4 competition;
Busulfan No relevant interactions No significant effect on AUC predicted
P-gp competition; no
Bendamustine relevant interaction No significant effect on AUC predicted
Carmustine, No relevant effect
Procarbazine, anticipated No significant effect on AUC predicted
No relevant
Mitomycin C No significant effect on AUC predicted
interaction anticipated
Strong P-gp
inhib ition; Moderate
Imatinib, Crizotinib CYP3A4 inhibition; Significant increase in AUC predicted
Moderate-to-strong P-
gp inhibition; mild
Nilotinib, Lapatinib CYP3A4 inhibition; Possible increase in AUC predicted
Moderate CYP3A4
Vemurafenib induction; CYP3A4/ No significant effect on AUC predicted
P-gp competition
Mild CYP3A4
Dasatinib No significant effect on AUC predicted
58 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
CYP3A4 competition;
No relevant
Brentuximab interactions No significant effect on AUC predicted
No relevanteffect
Cetuximab, No significant effect on AUC predicted
Moderate CYP3A4
inhibition; Strong P-
Abiraterone gp inhibition; Significantincrease in AUC predicted
Strong CYP3A4
induction; Strong P-gp
Enzalutamide inhibition; Significant increase in AUC predicted
Moderate CYP3A4
Bicalutamide No significant effect on AUC predicted
Strong P-gp
inhibition; Mild
Tamoxifen Possible increase in AUC predicted
CYP3A4 inhibition
CYP3A4 competition
Mild CYP3A4
Anastrozole No significant effect on AUC predicted
CYP3A4 competition
No relevant
Flutamide interactions No significant effect on AUC predicted
CYP3A4 competition
Letrozole, Fulvestrant
No relevant No significant effect on AUC predicted
Raloxifene, No relevant
No significant effect on AUC predicted
Leuprolide, Mitotane interactions
Strong to moderate P-
gp inhibition,
moderate CYP3A4 Strong increase of Possible increasein Possible increase in
Cyclosporine inhibition; +73% AUC
AUC predicted AUC predicted AUC predicted
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 59
Strong to moderate P-
gp inhibition, mild
Tacrolimus CYP3A4 inhibition; Significant increase in AUC predicted
Moderate CYP3A4
Prednisone induction; CYP3A4 No significant effect on AUC predicted
CYP3A4 competition;
No relevant
Everolimus interactions No significant effect on AUC predicted
AUC area under the curve, CYP Cytochrome P450, P-gp P-glycoprotein. Yellow: consider dose
adjustment or different DOAC if 2 or more “yellow” factors are present. Orange: consider dose
adjustment or different DOAC. Red: contraindicated/not recommended
and phenytoin is only possible with edoxaban and apixaban. In this case, the con-
comitant use should be made with caution if cannot be avoided, because there still
is a decreased absorption that might lead to minor efficacy of these DOACs (Steffel
et al. 2018a).
A more stringent indication was deserved for valproic acid and levetiracetam,
whose co-administration with DOACs is contraindicated (Steffel et al. 2018a),
probably due to their more potent effect on P-gp. However, additional data reported
that levetiracetam does not induce P-gp and thus can be utilized with DOACs
(Mathy et al. 2019). On the contrary, other antiepileptic drugs, that do not affect
P-gp function, such as ethosuximide, gabapentin, lamotrigine, pregabalin, and
zonisamide, are not predicted to interact with DOACs (Steffel et al. 2018a). Finally,
the use of oxcarbazepine and topiramate is possible without relevant DDIs only
with edoxaban and dabigatran due to absence of CYP3A4 metabolism. Unfortunately,
the clinical relevance of these drug interactions is largely unknown since mainly
data from in vitro and animal studies are available.
Although all DOACs are considered to interact with P-gp inducers (Steffel et al.
2018a), the influence of these drugs on edoxaban can be considered less problematic
due to the compensatory increase of the active metabolite M4. In addition, the inter-
individual variability of drug plasma concentrations, lower for apixaban and edoxa-
ban and higher for rivaroxaban and dabigatran, is a determining factor for triggering a
clinically significant DDIs. Indeed, in the EHRA guidelines, differently from dabiga-
tran and rivaroxaban, the use of carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and phenytoin is not
contraindicated with edoxaban and apixaban (Steffel et al. 2018a). It can be hypoth-
esized that antiepileptic drugs that do not have an effect on CYP3A4 and P-gp, such
as ethosuximide, gabapentin, lamotrigine, pregabalin, and zonisamide can be used
with all DOACs without relevant pharmacological interaction (Mathy et al. 2019).
60 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 61
AUC area under the curve, CYP Cytochrome P450, P-gp P-glycoprotein. Orange: use with caution
or avoid. Red: contraindicated/not recommended
Several combinations of agents belonging to at least two drug families are recom-
mended for treating HIV. Integrase inhibitors (e.g., dolutegravir or raltegravir) and
non-nucleoside analog polymerase inhibitors (e.g., rilpivirine) are currently the pre-
ferred third agents used along with a two nucleos(t)ide analog backbone, either
abacavir/lamivudine or tenofovir/emtricitabine. The use of HIV protease inhibitors
has progressively been deferred, due to increased potential for DDI and metabolic
complications. Darunavir boosted with ritonavir or cobicistat is the only protease
inhibitor still recommended as first-line HIV therapy. With the exception of tiprana-
vir, all HIV protease inhibitors are inhibitors of CYP3A4, with ritonavir being the
most potent and saquinavir is the least. Ritonavir is also a strong P-gp inhibitor
interfering with many drugs, and it may be expected to increase edoxaban exposure.
Therefore, its co-administration with DOACs is not recommended (Steffel et al.
2018a) (Table 4.9). Similarly, the pharmacoenhancer cobicistat, in addition to be a
potent inhibitor of cytochrome CYP3A4, also inhibits P-gp and BCRP transporters,
and it is predicted to increase DOACs bioavailability.
Among the HCV protease inhibitor, simeprevir is a substrate and inhibitor of
CYP3A4 and P-gp enzymes and through this action may increase the exposure of
substrates for P-gp, such as edoxaban (Table 4.10). Paritaprevir is an HCV protease
inhibitor that is boosted with ritonavir and thus this combination is predicted to
increase the exposure of edoxaban. Grazoprevir is not a P-gp inhibitor based on
in vitro data, and thus it is not expected to interact with edoxaban.
Nonstructural protein 5AB (NS5B) polymerase inhibitors, sofosbuvir depicts an
excellent pharmacokinetic profile, without significant interactions with other drugs
because its metabolism does not involve the CYP450 pathway although it is a P-gp
Daclatasvir was the first-in-class developed HCV nonstructural protein 5A
(NS5A) replication complex inhibitor. Daclatasvir is a substrate for CYP3A4 and
P-gp and moderately inhibits P-gp and OATP1B1. Its interaction with DOACs has
not been evaluated; however, daclatasvir increases rosuvastatin exposure, thus
62 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 63
64 A. Corsini and N. Ferri
similar effect with the OATP and/or BCRP substrates are predicted. Similar effect
has been observed with ledipasvir, a substrate and inhibitor of P-gp/BCRP.
DDIs have received a great deal of recent attention from the regulatory, scientific,
and health care communities worldwide. A large number of drugs are introduced
every year, and new interactions between medications are increasingly reported.
The co-administration of multiple therapies (polypharmacy) in patients with con-
comitant comorbidities may determine a significant and clinically relevant modifi-
cation of drug’s absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion phases.
The different pharmacokinetic properties of each DOACs may significantly
influence the potential DDIs, although exists some similitudes. For instance, all
DOACs are substrate of the P-gp and their bioavailability may be influenced from
the presence of inducers or inhibitors of this drug transporter. For this reason, the
inter-individual variability of drug plasma concentrations, lower for apixaban and
edoxaban and higher for rivaroxaban and dabigatran, is a determining factor for
triggering clinically significant DDIs.
4 Drug–Drug Interaction with DOACs 65
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Direct Oral Anticoagulant Reversal
for Management of Bleeding 5
and Emergent Surgery
During the last decade, direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs, also referred to as new/
novel/non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants [NOACs] and target-specific OACs) have
become widely used within various clinical contexts for which vitamin K antago-
nists (VKAs, warfarin) were previously indicated. Dabigatran, apixaban, rivaroxa-
ban, edoxaban, and betrixaban are currently approved for stroke and systemic
embolism prevention in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF), acute venous
thromboembolism (VTE) treatment, secondary prevention of VTE, VTE prevention
after knee or hip replacement surgery (except edoxaban), and stable coronary dis-
ease or peripheral artery disease (rivaroxaban) (SAVAYSA 2020; Sinnaeve et al.
2016; Xarelto 2018; Pradaxa 2018; Anand et al. 2018; Connolly et al. 2009;
Eikelboom et al. 2017; Giugliano et al. 2013; Granger et al. 2011; Patel et al. 2011).
DOACs are replacing VKAs in most of the above indications (Connolly et al.
2009; Giugliano et al. 2013; Granger et al. 2011; Patel et al. 2011). The reasons for
this global paradigm shift in preference of DOACs include their rapid onset of anti-
coagulant effect, lack of need for routine anticoagulation monitoring, and low pro-
pensity for drug and food interactions. Most importantly, the rates of life-threatening
bleeding were decreased compared to usual anticoagulants and for some indications
this was accompanied by a mortality benefit. A meta-analysis by Ruff et al. of the
four major phase 3, randomized trials for DOACs, reviewing efficacy and safety in
71,683 patients treated for NVAF (42,411 on DOAC; 29,272 on warfarin) showed
72 S. Music et al.
When considering DOAC reversal in a patient with an active or imminent high risk
of bleeding, clinicians should undertake a careful risk stratification regarding poten-
tial bleeding severity, status of anticoagulation, and its indication. The decision to
pursue reversal of DOACs must take into account the thrombotic risk of the under-
lying condition as well as possible risks associated with the reversal agents (Andexxa
2018; Dentali et al. 2011).
5 Direct Oral Anticoagulant Reversal for Management of Bleeding and Emergent… 73
strategies are required to mitigate bleeding prior to and during the intervention
(Connolly et al. 2016, 2019; Pollack et al. 2015, 2017). The bleeding risk and urgency
of the intervention must be assessed in a team approach in consultation with the
appropriate specialists (neurologist, neurosurgeon, gastroenterologist, surgeon).
To select the optimal strategies for anticoagulation reversal in the case of bleeding,
severity must be assessed accounting for site, amount, and rate of blood loss. This
entails a clinical evaluation including thorough history, physical examination, serial
blood tests, close monitoring, and targeted imaging studies if indicated. Bleedings
that may initially appear significant but are generally self-limited (for example, epi-
staxis or hemorrhoidal bleed) may be managed conservatively, without exposing the
patient to potential risks of thrombosis associated with anticoagulation withdrawal
and reversal. The opposite can also be true; an occult bleed can mask a potentially
life-threatening condition (such as retroperitoneal bleeding). Bleedings requiring
more aggressive interventions include bleeding with substantial blood loss or requir-
ing transfusion (fall in hemoglobin of ≥20 g/L or leading to transfusion of ≥2 units
of red cells), symptomatic bleeding in a critical organ (intracranial, intraspinal,
intraocular, retroperitoneal, intraarticular, pericardial or intramuscularly with com-
partment syndrome), and bleeding that is life-threatening (Schulman and Kearon
2005). Bleedings that require therapeutic interventions such as surgery, radiology-
guided embolization, or endoscopic therapy may also need reversal agents.
General Approach
74 S. Music et al.
Table 5.1 Clearance of DOACs (SAVAYSA 2020; Sinnaeve et al. 2016; Xarelto 2018; Pradaxa
2018; Connolly et al. 2009; Giugliano et al. 2013; Granger et al. 2011; Patel et al. 2011; Khadzhynov
et al. 2013; Scaglione 2013)
Rivaroxaban Apixaban (Lixiana®,
Dabigatran (Pradaxa®) (Xarelto®) (Eliquis®) Savaysa®)
Onset Rapid Rapid Rapid Rapid
Tmax (h) 2 2.5–4 1–3 1–2
Half-life 12–17 5–9; elderly: 8–15 10–14
(h) 2.5–3.5 days 11–13 1.5–3 days 1.3–2 days
Five 1–2 days
Renal ~80–85% Dialyzable ~36% ~25% ~50%
clearance (Khadzhynov et al. 2013) Non-dialyzable Non-dialyzable Non-dialyzable
Hepatic ~15% ~30% ~25% ~4% (remainder
clearance Safe in moderate hepatic Not Not biliary/
impairment (Child-Pugh recommended in recommended intestinal)
B) (Stangier et al. 2008); moderate-severe in severe Not
Contraindicated if ALT/ hepatic hepatic recommended in
AST >2× ULN impairment impairment moderate-severe
(Connolly et al. 2009) (Child-Pugh (Child-Pugh C) hepatic
B/C) impairment
ALT alanine aminotransferase, AST aspartate aminotransferase, ULN upper limit of normal, Tmax
time taken to reach the maximum concentration
5 Direct Oral Anticoagulant Reversal for Management of Bleeding and Emergent… 75
Dilute thrombin time (TT) assays and ecarin clotting time (ECT) are linearly
correlated with the concentration of dabigatran (r2 = 0.67–0.99) (van Ryn et al.
2010). Anti-Xa assays are also correlated across a wide range of drug concentra-
tions of rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban (r2 = 0.78–1.00) (Samuelson et al.
2017). If these tests are not available, TT or aPTT is recommended over PT/INR
for assessment of dabigatran, and PT/INR is recommended over aPTT for detec-
tion of factor Xa inhibitors (see Table 5.2). As stated above, a clinical estimation
of the residual anticoagulation effect considering time since last administration,
renal and hepatic function and drug interactions, may be of use when an accurate
and precise test for DOACs effect is unavailable. A normal standard coagulation
profile does not exclude therapeutic anticoagulant effect for which an intervention
may be indicated (Samuelson et al. 2017). It is also important to keep in mind the
differential diagnosis of abnormal coagulation tests in a bleeding patient, which
should include disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) (due to trauma or
sepsis). The possibility of DIC should require additional testing with fibrinogen
and d-dimer levels.
Table 5.2 Results of Standard Coagulation Assays for DOACs (van Ryn et al. 2010; Samuelson
et al. 2017; Cuker et al. 2014)
Coagulation essay/ Edoxaban
clinically relevant drug Dabigatran Rivaroxaban Apixaban (Lixiana®,
levels (no/yes)a (Pradaxa®) (Xarelto®) (Eliquis®) Savaysa®)
No N N N N
Yes N or ↑ N or ↑ N (rarely ↑) N or ↑
No N or ↑ N N N
Yes ↑ N or ↑ N (rarely ↑) N or ↑
No ↑ N/A N/A N/A
Yes ↑ or out of
Dilute TT
No N or ↑ N/A N/A N/A
Yes ↑
No N/A N or ↑ N or ↑ N or ↑
Yes ↑ ↑ ↑
PT/INR prothrombin time/international normalized ratio, aPTT activated partial thromboplastin,
TT thrombin time, N normal, N/A not applicable (insufficient evidence)
Minimum DOAC level that can contribute to bleeding is poorly defined. The International Society
on Thrombosis and Hemostasis recommends considering anticoagulation reversal in serious bleed-
ing with a DOAC level >50 ng/mL, and in invasive procedures with high bleeding risk with a
DOAC level >30 ng/mL (Schulman et al. 2010)
76 S. Music et al.
Clinical Pharmacology
5 Direct Oral Anticoagulant Reversal for Management of Bleeding and Emergent… 77
a b
Dabigatran Factor Xa
Factor Andexanet
IIa alfa
II Ser419
Factor Va Factor Xa
c Ciraparantag
Fig. 5.1 Reversal agents for direct oral anticoagulants. (a) Idarucizumab, an antibody antigen-
binding fragment (Fab) that binds to dabigatran with an affinity >350 times that of thrombin. (b)
Andexanet alfa, a modified recombinant coagulation factor Xa that competitively binds factor Xa
inhibitors (apixaban, betrixaban, edoxaban, and rivaroxaban). Modified to include amino acid sub-
stitutions and deletion of the γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla)-rich membrane-binding domain to pre-
vent assembly of factor Xa and factor Va and creation of the prothrombinase complex. (c)
Ciraparantag, a synthetic inorganic molecule that binds multiple anticoagulation agents through
noncovalent hydrogen bonding and charge–charge interactions. LMWH low-molecular-weight
heparin, UFH unfractionated heparin. (Reprinted with permission from Levy et al. Copyright ©
Springer Nature)
78 S. Music et al.
• Among patients treated for bleeding, 203 out of 301 patients could be evaluated
and the median time to cessation of bleeding was 2.5 h, with 134 patients (68%)
achieving documented hemostasis within 24 h.
• In patients undergoing an urgent procedure (median initiation time of 1.6 h), 197
out of 202 patients were evaluated and 184 patients (~93%) had normal peripro-
cedural hemostasis.
5 Direct Oral Anticoagulant Reversal for Management of Bleeding and Emergent… 79
Since idarucizumab’s approval, there are some post-marketing “real-life” use. For
instance, RE-VECTO was a cross-sectional surveillance program of idarucizumab’s
use, spanning from August 2016 to June 2018, at 61 institutions and involved 359
patients in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific (Fanikos et al. 2020). Clinical
indications of use and population were largely consistent with data collected from
trial settings, with minimal off-label prescribing. Most patients were elderly (75%
over 70 years of age). Life-threatening or uncontrolled bleeding was the most com-
mon indication for idarucizumab (chiefly gastrointestinal and intracranial), fol-
lowed by emergency surgery/urgent procedure (majority gastrointestinal/
abdominal). The recommended 5 g dosing regimen was correctly used in >98% of
dabigatran-treated patients
Kermer et al. (2017) reviewed idarucizumab administration for patients with
intracranial hemorrhage or ischemic stroke eligible for fibrinolysis or at 22 German
hospitals from January to August 2016 (Kermer et al. 2017). Of the 31 patients who
presented with stroke, 19 had ischemic stroke. Following rt-PA, 79% had a positive
outcome with a median 5-point improvement in National Institutes of Health Stroke
Scale (NIHSS). Out of the 12 patients treated for hemorrhagic stroke, two had
increases in the size of the cerebral bleeds, but their overall outcomes were favor-
able with a median NIHSS improvement of 5.5 points (Kermer et al. 2017). In a
80 S. Music et al.
smaller case series where idarucizumab was used for various emergencies including
strokes: the three patients who underwent reversal followed by fibrinolysis had par-
tial (NIHSS 3–5 points) to full neurological recovery (Vosko et al. 2017).
Another specific population in which idarucizumab was evaluated was in patients
undergoing urgent heart transplantation. A case series of 10 patients at the University
Hospitals Leuven showed sustained and complete dabigatran reversal without
thrombotic complications and without interference in heparinization required for
cardiopulmonary bypass (Van Keer et al. 2019). Therefore, dabigatran may be the
anticoagulant of choice for heart failure patients awaiting transplantation (without
ventricular assistance device). Further real-world data and post-marketing analysis
is needed to better assess the generalizability and effectiveness of idarucizumab use,
as well as additional safety outcomes.
Clinical Pharmacology
5 Direct Oral Anticoagulant Reversal for Management of Bleeding and Emergent… 81
fragment 1 and 2 levels, resolving within 24–72 h. Although this raised a theoretical
concern of prothrombotic effect, there were no serious adverse events reported over
a follow-up period of 6 weeks.
Finally, a preliminary report of the pivotal trial ANNEXA-4 (Andexanet Alfa a
Novel Antidote to the Anticoagulant Effects of FXa Inhibitors) indicated a positive
outcome for reversal of factor Xa inhibitors (mostly rivaroxaban and apixaban) in
patients presenting with acute major bleeding (Connolly et al. 2016). In 2018,
andexanet received approval by the FDA for the reversal of rivaroxaban and apixa-
ban in patients with uncontrolled or life-threatening bleeding (Andexxa 2018).
The recommended dosing regimens for andexanet alfa include low and high dose
regimens, each with a bolus followed by a 2-h continuous infusion to achieve ongo-
ing sequestration of factor Xa inhibitors (Andexxa 2018):
Table 5.3 Andexanet alfa dosing according to DOAC regimen (Andexxa 2018)
Factor Xa Inhibitor <8 h or unknown time
Dosage since last dose >8 h since last dose (<18 h)
≤ 10 mg Low dose Low dose
>10 mg or unknown High dose
≤ 5 mg Low dose Low dose
>5 mg or unknown High dose
82 S. Music et al.
• Median anti-Xa activity was reduced by 92% for rivaroxaban (95% confidence
intervals (CI): 88–94) and apixaban (95% CI: 91–93), and by 75% (95% CI:
66–79) for enoxaparin. A very small number of patients received edoxaban (3%,
n = 10 patients). Extension of the study is underway in Japan and is expected to
yield additional data regarding edoxaban’s reversal.
• Excellent hemostasis was achieved in 171 of 249 evaluated patients (69%), and
good in 33 of 249 patients (13%): total of 82% of patients (204 of 249). Subgroup
analysis showed good to excellent hemostasis for 85% of patients with gastroin-
testinal bleeding and 80% of intracranial bleeding. The majority of patients could
resume anticoagulation after resolution of bleeding.
• Anti-Xa activity was increased at 4 and 8 h after administration of andexanet,
albeit it remained relatively low (~60–70% reduced). Reduction of anti-Xa activ-
ity was not found to be predictive of hemostasis overall, except for a possible
correlation in patients with intracranial hemorrhage whereby the hematoma’s
size and volumes were tracked serially. Consequently, the clinical response to
andexanet cannot be reliably predicted with anti-Xa measurement.
5 Direct Oral Anticoagulant Reversal for Management of Bleeding and Emergent… 83
Since its approval in 2018, there has been limited published data about andexanet in
real-life setting. Generalizability of andexanet’s safety and efficacy remains to be
established outside clinical trial settings. For instance, the ANNEXA-4 investiga-
tors included only patients with a Glasgow coma scale >7 and an estimated hema-
toma volume <60 mL of intracranial hemorrhage (Connolly et al. 2019). Andexanet’s
effectiveness is particularly relevant for anti-Xa-associated intracranial hemorrhage
which is associated with high mortality and morbidity (Purrucker et al. 2016).
Additionally, the ANNEXA-4 investigators also excluded patients who required an
invasive intervention within 12 h (Connolly et al. 2019). There is an ongoing ran-
domized, controlled clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of andexanet
versus usual standard of care in patients with intracranial hemorrhage and receiving
a factor Xa inhibitor (NCT03661528) (Karam et al. 2013).
The Mayo Clinic published their experience with andexanet use from July 2018
to April 2019 (Brown et al. 2019). Of 25 patients evaluated, 13 received andexanet
for intracranial hemorrhage. Eleven patients had follow-up cerebral imaging show-
ing stability in ~91% of these patients. Additionally, three patients had effective
hemostasis, and nine patients received therapy for other major bleeding (four gas-
trointestinal). No thrombotic events were recorded, and 30-day mortality was 24%.
Most treated patients in this series would have been excluded from the ANNEXA-4
trial. Larger post-marketing studies are needed to clarify the optimal use of andex-
anet alfa in clinical practice.
Prior to the approval of idarucizumab and andexanet alfa, off-label use of nonspe-
cific pro-hemostatic products for the management of bleeding in patients on DOAC
therapy was endorsed on the basis of studies of animals, healthy volunteers, and
expert consensus as detailed below.
84 S. Music et al.
5 Direct Oral Anticoagulant Reversal for Management of Bleeding and Emergent… 85
In addition to the development of class and drug-specific reversal agents, the recent
years have seen efforts to find antidotes which can reverse the effects of multiple
anticoagulants. The idea of a so-called “universal” antidote is appealing for its prac-
ticality and wider clinical applicability.
86 S. Music et al.
Fig. 5.2 Approach to direct oral anticoagulant reversal PRBC packed red blood cells, TT thrombin
time (dTT diluted thrombin time), ECT ecarin clotting time, PT/INR prothrombin time/interna-
tional normalized ratio, aPTT activated partial thromboplastin
5 Direct Oral Anticoagulant Reversal for Management of Bleeding and Emergent… 87
infusion reactions. In light of the above findings, ciraparantag has been granted
fast track designation by the FDA to facilitate its development (Wong 2013).
There are currently two phase 2 trials in the recruitment phase, for reversal of
rivaroxaban and apixaban by ciraparantag (NCT03172910 and NCT03288454,
During the last decade, DOACs have replaced VKAs for most indications. Although
DOACs are associated with less bleeding and in particular less intracranial hemor-
rhage, uncontrolled or life-threatening bleeding still can occur with DOACs. Patients
anticoagulated with DOAC can also develop acute conditions or endure trauma that
call for emergent surgery.
Supportive management can be offered in the form of transfusions as appropri-
ate, maintenance of fluid balance, interruption of anticoagulation and nonspecific
pro-hemostatic therapies that have limited evidence. In cases of life-threatening
bleeding in closed critical organs (e.g., intracranial), refractory hemorrhage on stan-
dard therapies, and emergency interventions in patients at high bleeding risk, spe-
cific reversal agents should be the treatment of choice when available.
Idarucizumab can provide rapid and sustained reversal of dabigatran for bleeding
patients and those undergoing surgery. Andexanet alfa is a factor Xa inhibitor
approved for reversal of rivaroxaban and apixaban-associated hemorrhage.
Ciraparantag is being studied as a “universal” antidote. It has promising preclinical
data and may be effective for counteracting anticoagulant effect of unfractionated
heparin, low-molecular-weight heparin, fondaparinux, and DOACs including dabi-
gatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban.
The landscape of anticoagulation has changed drastically in the last few years,
and one of the main concerns from clinicians and patients has been the sparsity of
therapeutic options for treatment of DOAC-associated bleeding. This is changing as
well, and future research should yield more information about clinical applicability,
for instance in patients with ischemic stroke for thrombolysis or thrombectomy can-
didacy, presurgical patients, and moderate bleedings failing usual supportive
88 S. Music et al.
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Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC
Therapies for Stroke Prevention 6
in Patient with Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia, with an incidence ranging
from 0.1% in patients <55 years to >9% in octogenarian patients (Caturano et al.
2019). The most important AF complication is represented by a fivefold increased
risk of ischemic stroke, due to a high prevalence of left atrial thrombosis (Fadhlullah
et al. 2016; Bertaglia et al. 2017; AlTurki et al. 2019), hence the major role of anti-
coagulation is in thromboembolism prevention.
Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) have been widely used for decades. However,
currently, with the marketing of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), the therapeutic
scenario has changed. The four available DOAC molecules (dabigatran, apixaban,
rivaroxaban, and edoxaban) have shown a comparable efficacy, with a lower risk of
intracerebral bleeding as compared to well-managed VKAs, as well as an improved
expectancy and quality of life (Caturano et al. 2019; Russo et al. 2020a). These find-
ings were further confirmed by real-world data, also including AF patients with
clinical characteristics excluded from RCTs (Russo et al. 2016, 2018a, 2019a, b,
2020b; Rago et al. 2019a, b; Stabile et al. 2015; Melillo et al. 2020).
The risk of stroke, though common in the AF setting, is extremely variable.
Indeed, diverse risk factors can contribute in different ways to its occurrence. Thus,
a risk stratification algorithm would be mandatory to aid therapeutic decision-
making for thromboprophylaxis.
Framingham score was among the first point-based algorithms, a weighted score
was assigned to each detected risk factor: age (0–10), female sex (6), systolic hyper-
tension (0–4), diabetes mellitus (5), and prior stroke or transient ischemic attack
94 A. Caturano et al.
(TIA) (6) (Schnabel et al. 2009). A total score ≥8 was suggestive of introducing oral
anticoagulant therapy (OAC) (Fang et al. 2008).
Over time, we have witnessed both a refinement and improvement of risk strati-
fication. In 1994, a pooled analysis of five randomized controlled trials by the Atrial
Fibrillation Investigators (AFI) has attempted to detect patients’ features prognostic
of either a high or low risk of stroke (Risk Factors for Stroke and Efficacy 1994). It
emerged that AF patients ≤65 years without a history of hypertension, previous
stroke/transient ischemic attack, or diabetes were at very low risk of stroke, even in
the case thromboembolic prophylaxis was not performed. In 1995, the Stroke
Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation (SPAF) also underlined the role of recent onset
congestive heart failure (CHF), history of hypertension (systolic blood pressure
>160 mmHg), and previous arterial thromboembolism as independent risk factors
(Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Investigators 1995; The Atrial Fibrillation
Investigators 1997).
Over the years, new scores have been developed to stratify both embolic and
bleeding risk in AF patients, which are currently used in the clinical practice.
In 2001, Gage et al. merged AFI and SPAF scoring system to establish the new
CHADS2 score, which includes the following risk factors for stroke: cardiac failure,
hypertension, age, diabetes, stroke. The relative impact of each risk factor on the
incidence of stroke has been assigned a specific score, as follows: 2 points to a pre-
vious stroke/TIA event, while all other variables received 1 point.
CHADS2 predictive value, i.e., its validation as risk stratification system, has
been assessed in about 1700 patients, aged 65 to 95, with non-valve atrial
6 Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC Therapies for Stroke Prevention in Patient… 95
CHADS2 bias was overcome by the spread of another risk stratification system:
CHA2DS2VASc (Lip et al. 2010), which has been firstly included in 2010 ESC
Guidelines (Camm et al. 2012) and later confirmed by current ESC guidelines as the
preferred risk stratification algorithm (Kirchhof et al. 2016a). This novel algorithm,
unlike CHADS2, covers additional risk factors (female gender, age 65–74 years, and
vascular disease) and enhances the importance of the major ones. CHA2DS2VASc
ranges from 0 to 9, assigned as follows: 2 points for previous stroke and age
≥75 years, 1 point to vascular disease (myocardial infarction, aortic plaque, and
peripheral vascular disease), systolic heart failure, hypertension, diabetes and age
65–74 years.
CHA2DS2VASc score was validated in the Euro Heart Survey for AF, a real-
world study conducted on a cohort of over 1000 patients (Lip et al. 2010). Benefits
from using the new algorithm were remarkable especially in those referred to low
risk group (CHA2DS2VASc score equal to 0 in males and 1 in females), with an
annual stroke incidence <1%, later confirmed also by other studies in larger cohorts
of patients (Olesen and Torp-Pedersen 2015; Aspberg et al. 2016; Van Staa et al.
2011; Zhu et al. 2015a). Anticoagulation should be started with a CHA2DS2VASc
score ≥1 for men and ≥2 for women (Kirchhof et al. 2016a).
Role of female sex either alone or associated to another risk factor did not con-
sistently increase stroke risk. Thus, recently, the National Heart Foundation of
Australia and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, to avoid different
gender thresholds for anticoagulation, have proposed a revision of CHA2DS2Vasc
score excluding sex (NHFA CSANZ Atrial Fibrillation Guideline Working Group
et al. 2018). Currently, complete CHA2DS2VASc represents the most common risk
stratification scheme.
96 A. Caturano et al.
R2CHADS2 Score
Kidney impairment plays a major role in the prognosis of stroke. In fact, subjects
with an acute stroke and reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) have a
higher mortality both in the short-term follow-up and over a 2 years period
(Mostofsky et al. 2009; Guo et al. 2013; Fu et al. 2017). A sub-analysis of the
ROCKET-AF trial, in a highly selected population of over 14,000 individuals with
eGFR>30 mL/min, disclosed impaired renal function as a potent predictor of both
stroke and systemic embolism. Hence, kidney impairment was further added to
CHADS2 classification, assigning a score of 2, thus introducing the R2CHADS2.
Conversely, several studies have shown no added value from renal impairment
inclusion either to CHADS2 or CHA2DS2VASc (Abumuaileq et al. 2015; Roldan
et al. 2013; Friberg et al. 2015).
QStroke Score
In the view of a more tailored risk stratification of stroke in the general population
without history of previous TIA/stroke, a new algorithm was proposed, the
QSTROKE (Hippisley-Cox et al. 2013). Considered risk factors were: age, ethnic-
ity, gender, smoking habit, diagnosis of diabetes and type, AF, treated hypertension,
kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, angina, coronary heart disease, congestive car-
diac failure, valvular heart disease, total serum cholesterol to high density lipopro-
tein cholesterol ratio, body mass index, as well as family history of coronary heart
disease in first-degree relatives <60 years. This score was validated in a cohort of
6 Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC Therapies for Stroke Prevention in Patient… 97
approximately 1.9 million individuals from England and Wales, aged between 25
and 84 years and without a positive anamnesis either for TIA or stroke. The stroke
event occurred in about 38,000 cases throughout the follow-up period. Among AF
patients QSTROKE performed better than both CHADS2 and CHA2DS2VASc score,
though not easy in clinical practice.
Garfield AF
The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD
AF study) proposed a web-based tool aimed to better stratify lower risk classes (Fox
et al. 2017). This model successfully managed to predict all-cause mortality, stroke/
systemic embolism and major bleeding, including hemorrhagic stroke, with a higher
accuracy than both CHA2DS2VASc for stroke and HAS-BLED for bleeding, in the
general population, as well as in low stroke risk patients (Fox et al. 2017; Dalgaard
et al. 2019).
Factors included in this algorithm are: age, diastolic blood pressure, history of
bleeding, kidney disease, smoking habit, carotid occlusive disease, weight, ethnic-
ity, history of heart failure or left ventricular heart failure (ejection fraction, EF
<40%), history of coronary artery disease or peripheral vascular disease, dementia,
pulse rate, gender, history of stroke, diabetes, current use of antiplatelet drugs. As
mentioned for QSTROKE, either in this case its complexity may represent a limit
for its application in the clinical practice.
Conclusions Though both GARFIELD AF and ABC stroke scores are promising,
their knowledge on the long term is still poor; thus further studies are needed.
In addition, note that the role of anticoagulant agents is not risk-free, though also
burdened by bleeding risk. Therefore, only an optimal risk-to-benefit ratio between
hemorrhagic and stroke risk would represent the key-point to guide us in a better
clinical decision-making.
In patients with a moderate embolic risk (i.e., CHA2DS2VASc = 1 for men, and = 2
for women), some authors reported a potential risk reduction from the use of OACs
(Steffel et al. 2018; Kirchhof et al. 2016b). Beyond the assessments of embolic risk,
European guidelines also include bleeding risk evaluation (Steffel et al. 2018).
98 A. Caturano et al.
he HAS-BLED Score
HAS-BLED takes the name from the considered parameters: H “hypertension”
(systolic blood pressure >160 mmHg), A “abnormal liver/renal function,” S “stroke,”
B “bleeding history/predisposition,” L “labile international normalized ratio (INR),”
E “elderly” (i.e., age >65 years) and D “concomitant drugs/alcohol.” The HAS-
BLED score allows to classify patients into low-to-moderate risk (if the score is
6 Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC Therapies for Stroke Prevention in Patient… 99
0–2) and high risk (with a score ≥3). Pisters et al. validated in 2010 this practical
and easy to use score, which is able to estimate the risk of major bleeding at 1 year,
in a real-life cohort of AF patients: the EuroHeart Survey population (Pisters et al.
2010). Of note, the HAS-BLED score has also been validated among non-AF sub-
jects, which renders it applicable at all stages of the patient management pathway
(Kooiman et al. 2015; Omran et al. 2012; Smith et al. 2012).
Validation was based on the predictive ability of the score, measured by c-statistic
of 0.72, higher in the case of concomitant antiplatelet therapy (c-stat = 0.91), and
was later performed also on warfarin-naïve patients, on subjects under non-warfarin
anticoagulants and in those receiving both warfarin and aspirin (Lip et al. 2011b).
HAS-BLED score has proven to be better than the HEMOR2RHAGES and with
a good predictive accuracy. Furthermore, unlike some risk factors within the
HEMOR2RHAGES, all HAS-BLED risk factors are easily recoverable either from
the patient’s medical history or from the routine tests (Pisters et al. 2010; Lip et al.
2011b). Of note, HAS-BLED includes the assessment of anticoagulation quality
control by considering as a criterion the “labile INR,” relevant most of all for VKAs
users (Proietti et al. 2016). The superiority of HAS-BLED against both
HEMORR2HAGES and ATRIA in bleeding risk prediction was furtherly confirmed
by two systematic reviews and meta-analyses by Zhu et al. (2015b) and Caldeira
et al. (2014a).
Thus, the usefulness of such a simple and effective bleeding risk stratification
model appears evident, especially in view of the recent introduction of new DOACs.
As an example, patients considered at a higher bleeding risk according to the HAS-
BLED score, could benefit from the lower dose (110 mg × 2) of the direct oral
thrombin inhibitor, dabigatran, while to subjects at lower bleeding risk may be
administered the higher dose (150 mg × 2) of the drug, which offers a higher effi-
cacy, though a bleeding risk similar to that of warfarin (Steffel et al. 2018).
However, the presence of factors associated with both an increased risk of
embolic and hemorrhagic thrombus suggests taking individual decisions based on
the net clinical benefit of the patients (Steffel et al. 2018; Kirchhof et al. 2016b).
100 A. Caturano et al.
According to the most recent guidelines, risk stratification does not change, still
referring to the CHA2DS2VASc Score. From the sub-analyses of both main clinical
trials and post-marketing phase IV studies, further evidence has been provided as
regards both efficacy and safety of DOACs in definite subpopulations.
6 Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC Therapies for Stroke Prevention in Patient… 101
102 A. Caturano et al.
Anticoagulant Selection
6 Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC Therapies for Stroke Prevention in Patient… 103
2016; Almutairi et al. 2017). However, the balance between thrombotic and hemor-
rhagic risk still remains a fragile clinical junction in the choice of the best oral
anticoagulant (OAC) therapy. Evidence about both efficacy and safety of new
DOACs thus represents a crucial element.
DOACs share common characteristics. They are all direct inhibitors of factors
involved in the common path of coagulation, they have a relatively short half-life
(8–15 h) and a rapid absorption (1.5–4 h).
Primary efficacy objective of all registration trials was the prevalence of stroke,
either ischemic or hemorrhagic, plus systemic embolism; while the primary safety
outcome was instead the prevalence of both major and non-major, but clinically
relevant bleeding events (Schulman et al. 2005). Hemorrhagic strokes were included
in both the primary outcome and among the adverse safety events. Outcomes were
assessed after a median follow-up time of 2 years. As first, non-inferiority was
assessed and, subsequently, the potential superiority.
The first DOAC introduced in the marketing was dabigatran. The RE-LY
(“Randomized Evaluation of Long-term anticoagulation theraphY”) study is a pro-
spective, randomized, “open-label” phase III study, part of the “RE-VOLUTION”
clinical study program aimed at evaluating efficacy and safety of dabigatran com-
pared to standard therapy (warfarin) in the prevention of ischemic and hemorrhagic
stroke in AF patients (Connolly et al. 2009).
In this open-label study, 18,113 patients were enrolled, divided into two treat-
ment arms based on the dosage of the drug, respectively 110 mg × 2 (n = 6.015) and
150 mg × 2 (n = 6.076) and a control arm of patients taking warfarin (n = 6.022) at
the dose necessary to keep INR between 2 and 3. The study population had a mean
age of 71 years, for the 60% males. All patients had NVAF and at least one of the
following risk factors: history of stroke/TIA, either EF <40% or clinical signs of
heart failure in NYHA class II, III, or IV in the last 6 months prior to enrollment,
age >75 years (between 65 and 75 years in the presence of T2DM, hypertension, or
coronary artery disease). In other words, all enrolled subjects had a CHADS2VASC
score ≥1. Of note, about the 40% was also under aspirin therapy and only the 50%
was naïve for warfarin. The RE-LY study proved non-inferiority of dabigatran at a
dosage of 110 mg bid with respect to warfarin in the reduction of stroke and sys-
temic embolisms, expressed by a Relative Risk (RR) of 0.91 (95% CI 0.74–1.11).
Conversely, no advantages over warfarin emerged for secondary efficacy outcomes:
stroke, cardiovascular (CV) mortality, and all-cause death. Indeed, at the higher
dosage, even superiority of dabigatran as compared to warfarin was demonstrated
(RR 0.66; 95% CI 0.53–0.82), a lower rate of both stroke and CV deaths, while
myocardial infarctions (MI) were more frequent. As regards adverse events, preva-
lence of minor bleeding was significantly lower, while no difference emerged for
major bleeding events. Finally, gastrointestinal bleeding was more frequent as com-
pared to warfarin. In 2014, mortality outcomes were furtherly reassessed, though
not substantially modifying the previous findings (Connolly et al. 2014).
The ROCKET-AF study (“Rivaroxaban Once-daily oral direct factor Xa inhibi-
tion Compared with vitamin K antagonist for prevention of stroke and Embolism
Trial in Atrial Fibrillation”) focused on the assessment of rivaroxaban for the
104 A. Caturano et al.
6 Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC Therapies for Stroke Prevention in Patient… 105
outcome was compared by stratifying patients into 3 groups based on age (<65,
65–74, and ≥75 years). The older group included almost 8500 patients (mainly
females, with a lower body weight and reduced GFR, hence requiring lower dosage
of edoxaban). No significant differences against warfarin emerged in terms of effi-
cacy and safety, despite the frequently reduced dosage, while major bleeding was
significantly lower (HR 0.83, 95% CI 0.70–0.99). This pre-specified analysis once
again confirms the close relationship between age and both thromboembolic and
hemorrhagic risk in AF patients, even after adjustment for any confounding factors
(Kato et al. 2016; O’Donoghue et al. 2015).
Apixaban is the only DOAC proven as superior over warfarin in terms of both
efficacy and safety for a single dosage, demonstrating a decrease of major bleeding
from 3% (warfarin) to 2% patients/year, as well as a reduction in all-cause mortality.
In addition, apixaban is the only drug, at full dose, not significantly affecting the
rate of major gastrointestinal bleeding. ARISTOTLE efficacy and safety outcomes
are generalizable to all CHADS2VASC and HAS-BLED categories. Furthermore,
the reduction of the dosage for apixaban is indicated in a small minority of patients
(Pelliccia et al. 2016).
Over recent years, efforts have been made to find which DOAC had the most
favorable risk-to-benefit profile according to the recommendations for which they
were registered. Due to the lack of comparative studies between the different
DOACs, but only vs. warfarin, diverse meta-analyses and systematic reviews
attempted to indirectly compare the four DOACs (Ruff et al. 2014; Adam et al.
2012; Dentali et al. 2012).
Real-World Evidence (RWE) studies may provide additional information to that
of registration trials and meta-analyses, proposing a picture closer to daily clinical
practice (Camm et al. 2018; Garrison et al. 2007; Russo et al. 2015, 2017b, 2018b,
2019e; Verdecchia et al. 2019). Prospective non-interventional studies (Larsen et al.
2013; Maura et al. 2015), such as the XANTUS phase IV study, instead provide
highly reliable efficacy and safety information, since they allow to acquire knowl-
edge in real time in different kind of populations. Particularly, the XANTUS study
showed that the enrollment of patients with characteristics similar to RE-LY and
ARISTOTLE studies was associated with a safety profile of rivaroxaban higher than
that observed in the registration study (Camm et al. 2016).
(a) In patients with either mechanical heart valves of any type or with severe mitral
stenosis from any cause (January et al. 2019).
(b) In patients with severe end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or in hemodialysis; even
though apixaban has also been approved in this condition in the United States
(January et al. 2019).
106 A. Caturano et al.
(c) In patients already on warfarin treatment, who are used to INR monitoring, and
whose INR is within the therapeutic time range (TTR) for an interval >65%
(January et al. 2019; McAlister et al. 2018).
(d) In patients with a scarce adherence in taking the appropriate pharmacological
dose of DOAC, thus requiring a closer monitoring of the compliance to the
OAC therapy (Garkina et al. 2016).
(e) In subjects taking antiepileptic drugs (particularly phenytoin, carbamazepine,
phenobarbital, and valproate) and in patients with human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) infection on antiretroviral therapy based on protease inhibitors
(Wigle et al. 2019; Galgani et al. 2018).
Although CHA2DS2-VASc is currently the most used score, as well as the most
recommended by all international guidelines, several studies have disclosed the
presence of other new risk factors, both clinical and laboratory, which could be
independently associated with the occurrence of stroke. These might be comple-
mentary to the CHA2DS2VASc risk scale and increase its discriminatory power.
6 Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC Therapies for Stroke Prevention in Patient… 107
Besides this, new risk scores have been proposed in the last few years, which could
either replace or support CHA2DS2VASc.
From an analysis of the Japanese registers on about 12,000 NVAF patients assessing
the predictive power of the single risk factors for stroke, a statistically significant
positive association both with a low body weight (≤50 kg) and low BMI (<18.5 kg/
m2) emerged (HR 1.55; 95% CI: 1.05–2.29; p = 0.030). This finding was consistent
with two previous studies. However, the same authors observe that, rather than a
risk factor, BMI could represent a risk modifier. In fact, the study population also
included patients with a BMI <18.5 kg/m2 not reaching the outcome. Hence, due to
the inconsistency with other studies and the small sample size, up to now BMI has
been yet considered neither a risk factor nor a modifier. If these findings were con-
firmed by larger studies, BMI could be included in the most part of risk assessment
scales (Yao et al. 2017; Lau et al. 2017; Okumura et al. 2020; Lee et al. 2019; Zhu
et al. 2016).
According to 2016 ESC guidelines for AF, the role of transthoracic echocardiogra-
phy is currently limited to an assessment of overall cardiac function, hence useful to
exclude the presence of thrombi in the atrium in order to practice AF cardioversion
and diagnose structural pathologies more likely associated. However, also thanks to
the presence of new software and echocardiographic parameters (e.g., strain), some
authors suggest that echocardiography might play an important role in identifying
new risk factors for stroke in AF. In a recent study, Galderisi and colleagues argued
that the function of left atrium assessed by means of strain functionality and its
enlargement could represent a stroke risk factor in AF patients (Tufano and Galderisi
2020). Consistent with these findings, another study on about 3000 patients, with a
3-year follow-up, showed that some factors, including the left atrial diameter, were
independently associated with either stroke or systemic embolism. Among these, a
high Relative Wall Thickness (RWT higher than the median) was significantly asso-
ciated with stroke/SE. Thus, the authors suggested that RWT could be associated
with CHA2DS2VASc to improve its discriminatory power (Tezuka et al. 2020).
Recently, Olsen et al. in a study led on patients with paroxysmal AF, the SURPRISE
echo sub-study, observed that the left atrial reservoir strain was altered in patients
suffering from cryptogenic stroke (Olsen et al. 2020).
Despite the evidence, these findings are still divergent and there are still few
studies in the literature to establish with a good certainty whether and which of the
echocardiographic parameters may be associated with CHA2DS2VASc. Therefore,
even in the case of echocardiographic parameters, further studies are needed to
ascertain their validity as risk factors.
108 A. Caturano et al.
New Scores
New scores have been proposed, not to replace, though rather to accompany
CHA2DS2VASc. Among these, the Intermountain Mortality Risk Scores (IMRSs),
which is based on a score calculated from both blood count and biochemical param-
eters. In the past, it has been used to stratify the risk of mortality and cardiovascular
pathologies (myocardial infarction, heart failure, coronary artery disease, etc.). A
recent study assessed the power of the IMRSs in the stratification of stroke risk in
AF patients, both independently of CHA2DS2VASc, and complementarily, to
increase its discriminating power (c-statistic). Individually, the two scores showed a
similar predictive power, while overall IMRSs can further differentiate high and low
risk patients into the groups identified by the CHA2DS2VASc. Thus, such a score
6 Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC Therapies for Stroke Prevention in Patient… 109
could be useful to identify patients at high risk of stroke among those borderlines at
the CHA2DS2VASc (Horne et al. 2010; Graves et al. 2018), hence improving and
enhancing its performance.
Some authors also observe that a liver dysfunction due to the presence of liver
diseases such as HCV related hepatopathy, NAFLD, and cirrhosis is predisposing to
the development of various cardiac diseases, including FA. In fact, it seems that an
autonomic cardiac dysfunction might be related to the inflammatory status typical
of liver disease. Some authors suggest that liver injury indices may be functional for
stratifying the risk of both cardiovascular diseases and embolic events. A study on
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of the degree of fibrosis and liver damage, if combined with the CHA2DS2VASc,
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6 Risk Stratification For and Use of DOAC Therapies for Stroke Prevention in Patient… 119
Use of DOAC in Patients with Kidney
Disease 7
Riccardo Vio, Riccardo Proietti, and Lorenzo Calo’
Atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease are on the rise worldwide. Both disorders
are strictly related to aging population and may coexist in the same patient. Chronic
kidney disease affects 15% of adults, who in turn will suffer from atrial fibrillation in
up to 30% of cases depending on the severity of the renal impairment (Tonelli et al.
2012; Wizemann et al. 2012). The factors predisposing to atrial fibrillation in chronic
kidney disease patients include hypertension, heart failure, and autonomic imbalance,
leading to structural and electrical remodeling of the atria (Kumar et al. 2019).
Moreover, thromboembolic complications typical of atrial fibrillation are ampli-
fied in patients with renal dysfunction, who may have a hypercoagulable state due
to increased platelet activity, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sys-
tem, altered vessel wall contractility and vascular endothelium changes, resulting in
a ≈50% increase of stroke or systemic thromboembolism (Olesen et al. 2012;
Providência et al. 2014; Bansal et al. 2013; Proietti et al. 2018).
Oral anticoagulation therapy, nowadays preferably with direct oral anticoagulants
(DOACs), represents the cornerstone for stroke thromboprophylaxis in high-risk
patients with atrial fibrillation according to CHA2DS2VASc score (Hindricks et al.
2021). The impaired renal function which defines chronic kidney disease directly
R. Vio (*)
Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular and Public Health Sciences, University of Padova,
Padova, Italy
R. Proietti
Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit Ospedale, Sacra Famiglia Fatebenefratelli, Erba, Italy
L. Calo’
Department of Medicine, Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Unit, University of
Padova, Padova, Italy
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 121
R. Proietti et al. (eds.), Direct Oral Anticoagulants,
122 R. Vio et al.
impacts on the anticoagulation regimen, since all four available DOACs are elimi-
nated at least partially by the kidneys. Dabigatran has the highest renal elimination
(80%), whereas edoxaban, rivaroxaban, and apixaban have lower values (50%, 35%,
and 27%, respectively) (Steffel et al. 2018). Cockcroft–Gault formula is commonly
used to calculate, on the basis of serum creatinine levels, the creatinine clearance
(CrCl, expressed in mL/min), that is an estimation of the glomerular filtration rate
(GFR). Other equations express the GFR in mL/min/1.73 m2, such as CKD-EPI,
which is used to classify the severity of chronic kidney disease (Inker et al. 2014). For
the sake of dosing the DOACs on the basis of kidney function (see below), CrCl cal-
culated with Cockcroft–Gault formula should be used as a reference, since it was
adopted by all the randomized controlled trials that led to their commercialization
(Connolly et al. 2009; Patel et al. 2011; Granger et al. 2011; Giugliano et al. 2013).
A correct prescription is fundamental because adverse events due to suprathera-
peutic levels include major bleeding such as hemorrhagic stroke. The alterations of
hemostatic system in chronic kidney disease include not only the possible afore-
mentioned pro-thrombotic state, but also hemorrhagic diathesis led by platelet dys-
function, compromised platelet aggregation, and intercurrent anemia (Hedges et al.
2007). Regular calculation of CrCl during follow-up is required and European
experts recommend monitoring renal function at least yearly, or more often if base-
line CrCl is reduced (i.e., <60 mL/min). The proposed formula for calculating the
rechecking interval in months of the renal function during DOAC therapy is CrCl/10
(e.g., for CrCl 40 mL/min the rechecking interval is 4 months) (Steffel et al. 2018).
Atrial fibrillation favors the progression of chronic kidney disease: in a large study
of patients with moderate to severe loss of renal function, incident atrial fibrillation
was independently associated with a 67% higher rate of progression to the end-stage
phase (Bansal et al. 2013; Winkelmayer 2013). Periodic reassessment of renal func-
tion helps to timely identify further CrCl decline, avoiding DOACs accumulation at
supratherapeutic plasma levels that may cause major bleedings.
In this chapter, we review the current evidence regarding efficacy and safety
profiles of DOACs according to different clinical setting (non-end-stage and end-
stage kidney disease). International recommendations (European and American) are
presented throughout the text and reassumed in Fig. 7.1.
In the past decades, warfarin was the preferred anticoagulant used for stroke preven-
tion in patients with atrial fibrillation. The limitations related to warfarin therapy
(i.e., slow onset of action, variable pharmacologic effects, several food and drug
interactions) were overcome by the advent of DOACs, that in turn demonstrated a
similar efficacy and better safety profile. All DOACs show a predictable pharmaco-
kinetic and do not require regular monitoring of the coagulation to optimize their
clinical management. Warfarin is metabolized by the liver and so it is routinely used
even in patients with end-stage kidney disease. Conversely, DOACs are eliminated
by the kidneys to some extent and their use in patients with impaired renal function
raises some concerns: the RE-LY, ROCKET AF, and ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 trials,
7 Use of DOAC in Patients with Kidney Disease 123
Fig. 7.1 Recommendations for DOACs dosing on the basis of renal function according to
European and American guidelines. European and American recommendations are based on the
latest 2018 EHRA and 2019 AHA/ACC/HRS documents (Steffel et al. 2018; January et al. 2019).
BID bis in die, OD omne in die, EU Europe, US United States
that respectively tested efficacy and safety of dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and edoxa-
ban, excluded patients with severe chronic kidney disease (i.e., CrCl <30 mL/min)
(Connolly et al. 2009; Patel et al. 2011; Giugliano et al. 2013). The inclusion criteria
in the ARISTOTELE trial were slightly less stringent since apixaban has the lowest
renal elimination and patients with CrCl >25 mL/min were enrolled (Granger et al.
2011). Numerous post-hoc analysis of these studies investigated whether or not
DOACs efficacy and safety were confirmed in patients with mild to moderate
chronic kidney disease compared to those with normal renal function.
In the study by Hijazi et al., the efficacy and safety of dabigatran compared to
warfarin were analyzed in relation to baseline renal function (Hijazi et al. 2014).
After estimating the GFR with CKD-EPI formula instead of Cockcroft–Gault equa-
tion used in the trial, he found significant interactions between treatment and renal
function: both dabigatran dosages (150 and 110 mg bis in die - BID) displayed
lower rates of major bleeding in patients with GFR >80 mL/min, while their effi-
cacy was consistent with the overall trial regardless of renal function (Hijazi et al.
2014). In patients with severe renal dysfunction (GFR 15–29 mL/min),
124 R. Vio et al.
7 Use of DOAC in Patients with Kidney Disease 125
of renal function (Hohnloser et al. 2012). Of note, the patients who benefited the
most from reduction of serious bleeding events were those having at least a moder-
ate renal impairment (CrCl <50 mL/min). Corroborative evidence was provided by
a recent post-hoc analysis focusing on the enrolled patients with the lowest CrCl
(25–30 mL/min): in such patients with severe renal impairment apixaban treatment
was associated with a greater reduction in bleedings compared to those having a
CrCl >30 mL/min (Stanifer et al. 2020). In severe kidney disease (CrCl 15–30 mL/
min), apixaban is approved in the US with the same aforementioned criteria for
moderate renal impairment, whether in Europe is permitted at the lowest dosage
(2.5 mg BID) irrespective of age and weight (Steffel et al. 2018; January et al. 2019).
Patients on Dialysis
Patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis have almost a double risk of stroke
compared to non-end-stage counterparts (USRDS 2006). In addition, all nephro-
pathic patients show some degree of platelet dysfunction and impaired platelet
aggregation, that are even more pronounced in end-stage renal disease; the so-called
“uremic platelet dysfunction” further augments the bleeding risk (Seliger et al.
2003; Suzuki et al. 2007).
In this clinical scenario, the side effects of anticoagulation therapy might offset
the desired benefit. Available evidence showed that warfarin increased the rate of
bleeding events without any impact on stroke prevention or death (Harel et al.
2017). A recent meta-analysis gathered all the literature in the field and confirmed
warfarin inefficacy for ischemic stroke prevention among patients on dialysis; hem-
orrhagic strokes were significantly higher in those receiving treatment, but mortality
was comparable between groups (Randhawa et al. 2020). Factors that can explain
these observations include the routine administration of heparin during dialysis and
the interference of uremic state with the metabolisms of warfarin, making difficult
to maintain the international normalized ratio in therapeutic range (Chan et al. 2009;
Marinigh et al. 2011; Leblond et al. 2001; Yang et al. 2017). Apart from growing
concern in the trade-off between harm and benefit, warfarin seems to accelerate the
worsening of renal function either by favoring parenchymal microbleeds or by pro-
moting vascular calcifications (Brodsky et al. 2011; Tantisattamo et al. 2015). All
the above-mentioned considerations raised the urgent need for new therapeutic
126 R. Vio et al.
7 Use of DOAC in Patients with Kidney Disease 127
et al. 2018). New onset of atrial fibrillation in kidney transplant recipients confers a
worse prognosis and is associated with a reduced graft and patient survival
(Malyszko et al. 2018). In high-risk patients according to CHA2DS2VASc score,
the start of oral anticoagulation therapy is indicated (Hindricks et al. 2021). Since
recent years, vitamin-K antagonists have been the only oral anticoagulant agents
available. An analysis performed on a US registry of patients with end-stage kidney
disease failed to show a significant reduction of a composite endpoint of mortality
and stroke in patients who underwent renal transplant and were treated with warfa-
rin for new onset AF (Lenihan et al. 2015). Accordingly, the authors reported that in
the overall population with AF and renal transplant warfarin was underprescribed
possibly due to lack of evidence for a clinical benefit and a perceived increased risk
of bleeding in hemodialyzed patients (Lenihan et al. 2015).
Direct oral anticoagulants provide a potentially safer option in patients who have
had renal transplant. However, they have at least a partial renal excretion and so
exposure can increase in patients with chronic kidney disease, including those who
received kidney transplant. Ischemia-induced injury to the kidney both during the
procurement period and transplant surgery can lead to temporary reduced graft
function in the immediate post-transplant period, with delayed or slow graft func-
tion that require hemodialysis in 25% of deceased-donor recipient and 3–5% of
living donor recipient (Salerno et al. 2017). At the moment, no clinical trial data is
available for DOACs use in patients post renal transplant, a population with a unique
challenge: maintenance of an effective immunosuppression.
Calcineurin inhibitors, tacrolimus and ciclosporin, are among the most com-
monly used immunosuppressants; the use of these drugs is not straightforward.
Both have a narrow therapeutic index and blood concentrations vary considerably
between individuals. A narrow therapeutic index indicates that the blood concentra-
tion range between safe and subtherapeutic values is small. In transplant recipients,
both supratherapeutic and subtherapeutic drug concentrations can have devastating
results. Subtherapeutic levels increase the risk of transplant rejection and suprath-
erapeutic levels (over-immunosuppression) can lead to infection and/or drug-
specific side effects (Lenihan et al. 2015). Vanhove et al. assessed the effect of
DOACs on the disposition of calcineurin inhibitors in patients underwent renal
transplant (Vanhove et al. 2017). The study included 39 kidney recipients (29 on
rivaroxaban and 10 on apixaban). The authors reported an increase (<20%) in calci-
neurin inhibitors through concentration, which was not clinically relevant. A recent
statement of European Heart Association on the basis of known pathways of calci-
neurin inhibitors metabolism, involving CYP3A and efflux pump P-glycoprotein
suggests that apixaban may be used in association with tacrolimus and cyclosporin
with close monitoring and dose adjustment (Steffel et al. 2018). More recently, a
study of drug interaction between apixaban and calcineurin inhibitors has been car-
ried out in a small cohort of healthy volunteers which has shown that the fluctuation
of drug levels is within those observed during the development program of the drug
(Bashir et al. 2018). Therefore, no dose adjustment of the drug was needed during
co-administration of apixaban with calcineurin inhibitors in healthy volunteers
(Bashir et al. 2018).
128 R. Vio et al.
In summary, the use of DOACs in patients with non-end stage kidney disease and
atrial fibrillation is effective for ischemic stroke prevention similarly to warfarin,
showing an overall better safety profile. European and American recommendations
slightly differ with regard to DOACs labeling, particularly in case of severe renal
The observational data regarding the use of warfarin in atrial fibrillation patients
on dialysis warrant caution. Available evidence shows that these patients have no
benefit from warfarin treatment in the prevention of ischemic stroke or in the overall
mortality. Conversely, they are exposed to a significant higher risk of hemorrhagic
stroke. Some retrospective data demonstrated promising results with apixaban, but
years will be needed for the conclusion of the ongoing randomized clinical trials. In
the meantime, the management of stroke risk among patients with atrial fibrillation
on dialysis will remain challenging. Patients who underwent kidney transplant may
benefit as well from the use of DOACs but possible interactions with lifesaving
immunosuppressants raise some concerns.
Bansal N, Fan D, Hsu CY, Ordonez JD, Marcus GM, Go AS. Incident atrial fibrillation and risk of
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7 Use of DOAC in Patients with Kidney Disease 129
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130 R. Vio et al.
Anticoagulation in Elderly Patients
with Atrial Fibrillation Authors 8
Andreina Carbone, Roberta Bottino, Antonello D’Andrea,
Paolo Golino, Gerardo Nigro, and Vincenzo Russo
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice, and age is
one of the strongest predictors for ischemic stroke in AF (Krishnamurthi et al. 2013;
Go et al. 2001; Lin et al. 1996; Miyasaka et al. 2006; AlTurki et al. 2019). Elderly
patients are at higher risk of both ischemic and bleeding events compared to younger
patients, and age is an overlapping factor in both the CHA2DS2-VASc score for stroke
(Lip et al. 2010) and the HASBLED score for bleeding risk assessment (Pisters et al.
2010). Over the age of 80 years, the annual risk of stroke increases to up to 23.5%
(Chatap et al. 2002; Fuster et al. 2001). Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) reduce the risk
of ischemic stroke in patients with AF, especially in the elderly, but increase the bleed-
ing risk and require frequent international normalized ratio monitoring (Perera et al.
2009; Zimetbaum et al. 2010). Furthermore, VKAs have multiple drug and food inter-
actions (Kirchhof et al. 2016). For these reasons, despite the higher risk of ischemic
events, anticoagulants are underused in elderly patients (Hylek et al. 2006; Tulner et al.
2010). Elderly may present with multiple comorbidities including dementia, a ten-
dency to falls, chronic kidney disease, anemia, hypertension, diabetes, and cognitive
dysfunction (Tulner et al. 2010). Such conditions may limit quality of life, and hepatic
and kidney dysfunction, with multiple simultaneous medications, makes drug interac-
tions and adverse drug reactions more likely (Tulner et al. 2010). Integrated AF man-
agement and careful adaptation of drug dosing seem reasonable to reduce the
complications of AF therapy in such patients (Andreotti et al. 2015). Direct oral
132 A. Carbone et al.
The risk scores and the oral anticoagulant (OAC) indications for stroke prevention in
elderly with AF are the same as in younger patients. Both the European Society of
Cardiology (ESC) and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
guidelines (UK) recommend assessment of stroke risk using the CHA2DS2-VASc
score considering OAC prescription for scores of ≥1 in males and ≥ 2 in females
(Hindricks et al. 2020; National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 2014). The
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association/Heart Rhythm Society
(ACC/AHA/HRS) guidelines differ slightly with OAC being recommended for higher
CHA2DS2-VASc scores of ≥2 and ≥ 3 in men and women, respectively (January
et al. 2014). For scores of 1, management options include withholding OAC, or treat-
ment either with an OAC or aspirin (January et al. 2014). Therefore, the age ≥ 75 years
gives 2 score points and female sex 1 score point, and all patients ≥75 years of age,
with AF, are recommended to receive OAC with a class Ia recommendation irrespec-
tive of the presence or absence of additional risk factors (Hindricks et al. 2020).
8 Anticoagulation in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Authors 133
Trial with Irbesartan for Prevention of Vascular Events) trial (Investigators AWGotA
et al. 2006), DAPT with aspirin and clopidogrel was less effective than warfarin for
prevention of stroke, systemic embolism, myocardial infarction, and vascular death
(the annual risk of events was 5.6% vs. 3.9%, =0.0003; mean age 70.2 ± 9.4 years
old), with a similar rate of major bleeding (Investigators AWGotA et al. 2006). Also,
in the ACTIVE-A trial (Investigators et al. 2009), patients unsuitable for anticoagu-
lation had a lower rate of thromboembolic complications when clopidogrel was
added to aspirin compared with aspirin alone, but with a significant increase in
major bleeding (Investigators et al. 2009).
In conclusion, antiplatelet monotherapy was ineffective for stroke prevention and
was associated with a higher risk of ischemic stroke and major hemorrhages in
elderly patients with AF (Mant et al. 2007; Sjalander et al. 2014; Lip 2011), whereas
DAPT is associated with a bleeding risk similar to OAC therapy (Investigators
AWGotA et al. 2006; Investigators et al. 2009). In consequence, antiplatelet therapy
should not be used for stroke prevention in AF patients (Hindricks et al. 2020).
DOACs have been shown to be more effective and safe than VKAs for long-term
stroke prevention in patients with non-valvular AF, either in trial (Granger et al.
2011; Patel et al. 2011; Connolly et al. 2011; Giugliano et al. 2013) or in real-life
setting (Bando et al. 2018; Deitelzweig et al. 2017; Yao et al. 2016; Shinohara et al.
2018; Kwon et al. 2016; Russo et al. 2015, 2017a, b). In a meta-analysis of random-
ized controlled trials comparing DOACs (rivaroxaban, apixaban, and dabigatran;
insufficient data was available for edoxaban) with VKAs therapy in patients aged
≥75 years, DOACs were associated with equal or greater efficacy than conventional
therapy, without causing excessive bleeding (Sardar et al. 2014). Four different ran-
domized controlled trials have evaluated DOACs compared with VKA for stroke
prevention in AF with different inclusion and exclusion criteria, and consequently,
the DOACs cannot be compared directly (Table 8.1).
Table 8.1 Tabella capitolo Russo trial
RE-LY (Connolly
et al. 2009) ROCKET-AF (Halperin et al. 2014) ARISTOTLE (Granger et al. 2011) ENGAGE (Kato et al. 2016)
Drug (vs. VKA) Dabigatran Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban
Reduced dose 150 mg bid 20 mg qd 5 mg bid 60 mg qd
110 mg bid 15 mg qd 2.5 mg bid 30 mg qd
Patients (N) 18,113 14,264 18,201 14,071
Age (mean in years) 72 73 70 72
Patients ≥75 years, 7258 (40) 6229 (44) 5678 (31) 5668 (40)
N (%)
Creatinine clearance • ≥80 mL/min: Creatinine clearance, median • >80 mL/min: 10.5% • >80 mL/min: 12%
in ≥75 years at 12% 55 mL/min (IQR 44, 68) • 51–80 mL/min: 51.5% • 51–80 mL/min: 52%
baseline • 50–79 mL/min: • 31–50 mL/min: 33.6% • ≤ 50 mL/min: 37%
57% • ≤30 mL/min: 3.9%
• <50 mL/min:
Primary safety Major bleeding Composite of major and nonmajor clinically relevant (NMCR) Major bleeding defined by ISTH Major bleeding defined by ISTH
endpoint defined as a bleeding: criteria: criteria:
reduction in the • Major bleeding was defined as clinically overt bleeding • Fatal bleeding • Fatal bleeding
hemoglobin level associated with any of the following: fatal outcome, • Symptomatic bleeding in a • Symptomatic bleeding in a critical
of at least 2 g/dL, involvement of a critical anatomic site (intracranial, spinal, critical area or organs such as area or organ such as intracranial,
transfusion of at ocular, pericardial, articular, retroperitoneal, or intramuscular intracranial, intraspinal, intraspinal, intraocular,
least 2 units of with compartment syndrome), fall in hemoglobin intraocular, retroperitoneal, retroperitoneal, intra-articular or
blood or requiring concentration >2 g/dL, transfusion of >2 units of whole intra-articular or pericardial, or pericardial, or intramuscular with
inotropic agents, blood or packed red blood cells, or permanent disability intramuscular with compartment compartment syndrome
symptomatic • NMCR bleeding was defined as overt bleeding not meeting syndrome • Bleeding causing a fall in
bleeding in a criteria for major bleeding but requiring medical • Bleeding causing a fall in hemoglobin level ≥2 g/dL or
critical area or intervention, unscheduled contact (visit or telephone) with a hemoglobin level ≥2 g/dL or leading to transfusion ≥2 units of
organ physician, temporary interruption of study drug (i.e., delayed leading to transfusion ≥2 units of whole blood or red cells
dosing), pain, or impairment of daily activities whole blood or red cells
A. Carbone et al.
Event rates (DOAC 1.9 (110 mg bid) 2.3 vs. 2.9 1.6 vs. 2.2 1.9 vs. 2.3
vs. VKA %/years) vs. 2.1 0.80 (0.63–1.02) 0.71 (0.53–0.95) 0.83 (0.67–1.04)
and hazard ratios 1.4 (150 mg bid)
(or relative risk for vs. 2.1
Dabigatran) for 0.88 (0.66–1.17)
stroke or systemic (110 bid)
embolism in 0.67 (0.49–0.90)
patients ≥75 years. (150 bid)
HR (OR RR) 95%
Event rates (DOAC 4.4 (110 mg bid) 4.9 vs. 4.4 3.3 vs. 5.2 4.0 vs. 4.8
vs. VKA %/years) vs. 4.4 1.11 (0.92–1.34) 0.64 (0.52–0.79) 0.83 (0.70–0.89)
and hazard ratios 5.1 (150 mg bid)
(or relative risk for vs. 4.4
Dabigatran) for 1.01 (0.83–1.23)
major bleedings in (110 bid)
patients ≥75 years. 1.18 (0.98–1.42)
HR (OR RR) 95% (150 bid)
Event rates (DOAC 2.2 (110 mg bid) 2.8 vs. 1.7 1.3 vs. 1.3 2.2 vs. 1.7
vs. VKA %/years) vs. 1.6 1.69 (1.19–2.39) 0.99 (0.69–1.42) 1.32 (1.01–1.72)
and hazard ratios 2.8 (150 mg bid)
(or relative risk for vs. 1.6
Dabigatran) for 1.39 (1.03–1.98)
gastrointestinal (110 bid)
bleedings in patients 1.79 (1.35–2.37)
Anticoagulation in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Authors
RR) 95% CI
136 A. Carbone et al.
verapamil use) may be associated with superior efficacy and safety compared to
warfarin, presenting a significant reduction in thromboembolic events (HR: 0.74)
and major bleedings (HR 0.85), but not gastrointestinal major bleeding (HR: 1.23)
(Lip et al. 2014).
A recent subgroup analysis for age of RE-LY trial by Lauw et al. (2017) showed
that both doses of dabigatran provide highly consistent protection against stroke and
systemic embolism and much lower rates of intracranial bleeding compared with
warfarin irrespective of ages. In particular, the effects of dabigatran versus warfarin
regarding the stroke/systemic embolism prevention were consistent in patients
≥80 years [dabigatran 110 mg bid (HR = 0.75) and 150 mg bid (HR = 0.67)]
and ≥ 85 years [dabigatran 110 mg bid (HR = 0.52) and 150 mg bid (HR = 0.70)]
(Sardar et al. 2014). Regarding the intracranial bleeding, there was a lower rate in
both patients aged ≥80 years [Dabigatran 110 mg bid (HR = 0.30) and 150 mg bid
(HR = 0.55)] and ≥ 85 years [Dabigatran 110 mg bid (HR = 0.13) and 150 mg bid
(HR = 0.61)] (Lauw et al. 2017).
A propensity score-matched analysis of 134,414 elderly AF patients (43% aged
75–84 years and 16% aged ≥85 years) enrolled in FDA Medicare study, who initi-
ated anticoagulant treatment with dabigatran, showed the dabigatran use was asso-
ciated with a significant reduced risk of ischemic stroke (HR 0.80), intracranial
hemorrhage (HR 0.34), and mortality (HR 0.86); with a significant increased risk of
major gastrointestinal bleeding (HR: 1.28) (Graham et al. 2015). The subgroup
analyses stratified by age and gender showed and increased risk of major gastroin-
testinal bleeding with dabigatran for women aged 75 years and older (HR 1.50) and
for men aged 85 years and older (HR 1.55) compared with warfarin. Below these
ages, gastrointestinal bleeding risk was comparable for both anticoagulants (Graham
et al. 2015). No beneficial effect of dabigatran on mortality was present in women
aged 85 years and older (Graham et al. 2015), where there was a trend for a higher
risk of death with dabigatran compared with warfarin (HR 1.24) (Graham et al.
2015). This shift in hazard ratio between younger and older aged women repre-
sented a statistically significant interaction and suggests that the benefit-risk profile
of dabigatran may be less favorable in women aged 85 years and older than in other
age-gender groups (Graham et al. 2015).
The Rivaroxaban Once Daily Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibition Compared with
Vitamin K Antagonism for Prevention of Stroke and Embolism trial in Atrial
Fibrillation (ROCKET-AF) study compared the factor Xa-inhibitor rivaroxaban to
warfarin (Halperin et al. 2014). The trial included 6229 patients ≥75 years (44%)
and 2595 patients (18%) ≥80 years at baseline. A sub-analysis of ROCKET-AF has
shown that elderly patients (≥ 75 years old; n = 6229) are a particularly high-risk
group for thromboembolic events (2.57% versus 2.05%/100 patient-years;
P = 0.0068) and major bleeding (4.63% versus 2.74%/100 patient-years; P < 0.0001)
respect to younger; however, the effects of rivaroxaban versus warfarin did not
8 Anticoagulation in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Authors 137
The Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events in Atrial
Fibrillation (ARISTOTLE) trial compared the factor Xa-inhibitor apixaban to war-
farin (Granger et al. 2011). The study included 5642 patients ≥75 years (31%) and
2436 patients (18%) ≥80 years at baseline (Granger et al. 2011). The absolute clini-
cal benefits of apixaban were greater in the older population; in particular, in patients
≥80 years a significant reduction of stroke or systemic embolism (HR 0.81), major
bleeding (HR: 0.66), and intracranial hemorrhage (HR 0.36) was showed with apix-
aban compared to warfarin (Granger et al. 2011).
In a sub-analysis of Apixaban Versus Acetylsalicylic Acid to Prevent Stroke in
Atrial Fibrillation Patients Who Have Failed or Are Unsuitable for Vitamin K
Antagonist Treatment (AVERROES) trial, apixaban was more effective than aspirin
for stroke prevention in patients with >85 years old compared to those aged
≥75 years (HR 0.50) (Ng et al. 2016).
In a propensity score-matching short-term observational study, including 7107
AF elderly patients (mean age 78.1 years) in each cohort (apixaban versus warfa-
rin), Deitelzweig et al. (2017) demonstrated that apixaban treatment was associated
with a significant lower risk for stroke/systemic embolism (HR: 0.65, P < 0.001),
ischemic stroke (HR: 0.63, P < 0.001), any major bleeding (HR: 0.53, P < 0.001),
138 A. Carbone et al.
gastrointestinal major bleeding (HR: 0.53, P < 0.001), and other major bleedings
(HR: 0.48, P < 0.001) respect to VKAs therapy (Deitelzweig et al. 2017). These
findings are also consistent with a recent retrospective cohort study conducted by
Yao et al., who reported that treatment with apixaban versus warfarin was associ-
ated with a 33% lower risk for stroke/systemic embolism (HR = 0.67, P = 0.04) and
55% lower risk for major bleeding (HR 0.45, P < 0.001) among AF elderly patients
(median age: 73 years old) (Yao et al. 2016).
Many studies have compared warfarin vs. DOACs in elderly patients (Russo et al.
2019b, 2020c; Verdecchia et al. 2019). A retrospective analysis of Taiwan National
Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD), including 15,756 AF patients
8 Anticoagulation in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Authors 139
≥90 years, showed that the risk of ischemic stroke was similar between elderly
patients treated with warfarin or DOACs (4.07%/y versus 4.59%/y; HR: 1.16;
P = 0.654) but the risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) was substantially lower
with DOACs (0.42%/year versus 1.63%/year; HR 0.32; P = 0.044) (Chao et al. 2018).
Furthermore, Shinohara et al. enrolled 346 AF patients >80 years; 266 (76.9%)
received direct DOACs and 80 (23.1%) received warfarin (Shinohara et al. 2018).
Low body mass index (BMI) (<18.5 kg/m2) was demonstrated the most significant
factor associated with the bleeding in frail octogenarians with AF who were newly
initiated on OACs (Shinohara et al. 2018). The type of OACs was not a risk factor
for the development of bleeding whether its dose was appropriately adjusted or not,
and the rate of the incidence of bleeding events did not differ significantly between
the DOACs and warfarin groups (Shinohara et al. 2018). These findings suggest that
DOAC use in non-severe frail octogenarians with AF may be as safe as warfarin
therapy (Shinohara et al. 2018). Other data suggest the safety and efficacy use of
DOACs in patients aged >80 with low body weight, justified by a reduction in over-
all mortality over VKAs (Russo et al. 2020d).
A retrospective Asian study analyzed 293 consecutive patients aged ≥80 years
with non-valvular AF who had taken either DOACs (148 cases, 50.5%) or warfarin
(145 cases, 49.5%) (Shinohara et al. 2018). The incidence of stroke/systemic
embolic events were low in both groups with no significant differences (1.16% for
DOACs vs. 2.98% for warfarin per 100 patient-years, P = 0.46) (Shinohara et al.
2018). However, major bleeding occurred in a significant number of patients with
both DOACs (8.96 per 100 patient-years) and warfarin (12.46 per 100 patient-years)
treatments, which was not significantly different between the two groups (P = 0.29)
(Kwon et al. 2016).
Data are needed to identify the difference between the DOACs in terms of safety
and benefits and to recognize, “the best anticoagulation” in elderly patients.
140 A. Carbone et al.
8 Anticoagulation in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Authors 141
(Banerjee et al. 2014; Steffel et al. 2016). The reason for these contradictory results
is uncertain.
To evaluate the OAC-associated bleeding risk in AF patients who were at risk of
developing falls, Man-Son-Hing et al. (1999) have showed, in analysis of older
individuals with an average annual stroke risk of 6% and falls risk of 33%, warfarin
was associated with the highest quality-adjusted life expectancy compared to aspi-
rin or no treatment. The study also estimated that an older patient taking warfarin
would need to fall 295 times a year to offset the benefits of OAC. Also, for both
edoxaban and apixaban, the relative safety and efficacy profile compared with war-
farin were consistent in high fall risk patients (Rao et al. 2018; Steffel et al. 2016).
Thus, falls or risk of it alone should not be absolute contraindications to OAC (Man-
Son-Hing et al. 1999; Steffel et al. 2018).
Dementia is another reason for OAC non-prescription in AF (Bahri et al. 2015;
Proietti et al. 2020). However, like falling, dementia should not be a general contra-
indication for OAC (Steffel et al. 2018; Russo et al. 2020e). Anticoagulation in
dementia can be challenging, as therapy adherence and a patients’ ability to make
decisions are often suboptimal (Steffel et al. 2018). Nonetheless, OAC treatment is
correlated with lower ischemic stroke and all-cause mortality rates in these patients
(Subic et al. 2018). Moreover, AF is linked to dementia and cognitive decline, and
OAC in AF has been associated with a lower risk of dementia (Alonso and Arenas
de Larriva 2016; Friberg and Rosenqvist 2018). Anticoagulation treatment is there-
fore encouraged, but attention to therapy adherence is important.
On the basis of current evidence, it is not possible to recommend one DOAC over
another in elderly patients with AF. In general, there are some recommendations to
take into consideration. All DOACs are contraindicated in patients with AF and
hepatic insufficiency Child-Pugh category C; dabigatran, apixaban, and edoxaban
may be used with attention in patients in category B (Steffel et al. 2018). DOACs
are associated with lower incidence of major bleeding compared with VKAs in
patients with liver disease (Pastori et al. 2018; Lee et al. 2019).
In elderly patients with kidney impairment, apixaban is a reasonable choice
(Diener et al. 2017). Dabigatran and rivaroxaban may be used with caution in AF
patients aged ≥75 years for the high risk of gastrointestinal bleeding (By the
American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria Update Expert P 2019).
Apixaban seems to be the drug with the most favorable risk/benefit ratio in older
patients (Kuhn-Thiel et al. 2014; Pazan et al. 2016).
Furthermore, AF patients should be assessed for DOAC-specific dose-reduction
criteria (such as age >80 years, low body weight <60 kg, reduced renal function)
and for other factors with potential effect on DOACs plasma level (nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs interactions with antifungal drugs, quinidine, clar-
ithromycin, erythromycin, verapamil) (Steffel et al. 2018).
142 A. Carbone et al.
The anticoagulant treatment in elderly patients represents a tricky issue in the stroke
prevention. Data currently available in literature showed that the better profile of
clinical efficacy and safety of DOACs in preventing thromboembolic events, versus
VKAs, in AF patients is conserved also in elderly (≥75 year). DOACs showed a
particularly high net benefit versus warfarin but, on the basis of current evidence, it
is not possible to recommend one DOAC over another, considering only the age.
Treatment of elderly patients presents numerous challenges, and an individualized
approach should be taken, taking into consideration the risk of bleeding, other
comorbidities, and the different characteristics of the individual DOACs.
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comes registry for better informed treatment of atrial fibrillation (ORBIT-AF) registry. Am
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Okumura K, Lip GYH, Akao M, Tanizawa K, Fukuzawa M, Abe K, et al. Edoxaban for the
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anticoagulant therapies: rationale and design of the ELDERCARE-AF study. Am Heart
J. 2017;194:99–106.
Okumura K, Akao M, Yoshida T, Kawata M, Okazaki O, Akashi S, et al. Low-dose edoxaban
in very elderly patients with atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med. 2020;383:1735–45. https://doi.
Oqab Z, Pournazari P, Sheldon RS. What is the impact of frailty on prescription of anticoagula-
tion in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation? A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Atrial
146 A. Carbone et al.
8 Anticoagulation in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Authors 147
The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use
of NOAC 9
Roberta Bottino, Andreina Carbone, Biagio Liccardo,
Paolo Golino, Gerardo Nigro, and Vincenzo Russo
150 R. Bottino et al.
weight > 120 kg) (Martin et al. 2016). Interestingly, in addition to the above, it is
important to take into account that evidences in literature support the hypothesis of
an inverse relationship between obesity/overweight and CV outcomes which is
given the name of “obesity paradox” (Elagizi et al. 2018; Lavie et al. 2009), a phe-
nomenon described in patients with hypertension (Uretsky et al. 2007; Stamler et al.
1991; Tuomilehto 1991; Wassertheil-Smoller et al. 2000), heart failure (Horwich
and Fonarow 2002; Fonarow et al. 2007; Powell-Wiley et al. 2018), coronary artery
disease (Gruberg et al. 2002; Romero-Corral et al. 2006; Hastie et al. 2010;
Oreopoulos et al. 2009), and other CV conditions, including AF (Lavie et al. 2009,
2017) and VTE (Bauer 2019; El-Menyar et al. 2018; Karabay et al. 2019). This
chapter aims to review the available evidences of an obesity paradox in NVAF and
VTE to examine the current state of the art of the use of NOACs in obese patients
suffering from these conditions.
Since 2010, several studies focused on the association between NVAF and the obe-
sity paradox.
Three systematic reviews of the literature, of which the most recent published in
2020 (Zhou et al. 2020), investigate the association between obesity and NVAF
outcomes (Zhou et al. 2020; Zhu et al. 2016; Proietti et al. 2017).
The study by Zhu and colleagues included nine studies (Sandhu et al. 2016;
Proietti et al. 2016; Kwon et al. 2017; Inoue et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2015; Pandey
et al. 2016; Overvad et al. 2013; Hamatani et al. 2015; Ardestani et al. 2010) with
49,364 participants and found that the relative risks (RR) of overweight and obese
patients were lower than those of normal weight patients for stroke/systemic embo-
lism (S/SE), all-cause death, and CV death (Zhu et al. 2016) (Table 9.1).
Proietti et al. in a systematic review of 13 studies (5 subgroup analysis of RCTs
(Sandhu et al. 2016; Proietti et al. 2016; Ardestani et al. 2010; Badkeha et al. 2010;
Senoo and Lip 2016) and 8 observational studies (Kwon et al. 2017; Inoue et al.
2016; Wang et al. 2015; Pandey et al. 2016; Overvad et al. 2013; Bunch et al. 2016;
Yanagisawa et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2014)) found an obesity paradox in the overall
results of subgroup analysis of RCTs (Table 9.3) but not in observational studies
after statistical adjustment (Proietti et al. 2017).
Finally, in 2020, Zhou and coworkers in a systematic review and metanalysis of
nine studies (one phase III RCT (Connolly et al. 2009), six post hoc analyses of
randomized clinical trials (RCTs) (Sandhu et al. 2016; Proietti et al. 2016; Pandey
et al. 2016; Boriani et al. 2019; Balla et al. 2017; Hohnloser et al. 2019), and two
retrospective cohort studies (Park et al. 2017; Lee et al. 2019)) confirmed an obesity
paradox in overweight and obese anticoagulated AF patients when compared to
underweight patients for S/SE (overweight: relative risk [RR] 0.81, 95% CI
0.71–0.91; obesity: RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.61–0.78) and all-cause death (overweight:
RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.64–0.83; obesity: RR 0.72, 95% CI 0.66–0.79), while no differ-
ences between BMI groups were found for major bleeding (MB) (Table 9.1).
9 The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use of NOAC 151
The concept of obesity paradox can be applied to VTE patients too with controver-
sial results available in literature.
In 2008, Barba et al. investigated the association between BMI and mortality in
VTE patients based on the “Registro Informatizado Enfermedad TromboEmbólica”
(RIETE) registry data (Barba et al. 2008), an ongoing, international, multicenter,
prospective registry of consecutive patients presenting with symptomatic acute VTE
confirmed by objective tests (RIETE Registry 2020). At the time, the study included
152 R. Bottino et al.
10,114 patients divided into BMI category with 43% of patients being overweight
(BMI 25–30 kg/m2) and 27% of patients being obese (BMI >30 kg/m2). Study
results showed that obese patients with acute VTE have less than half the mortality
rate when compared with normal BMI patients (Barba et al. 2008). Moreover, over-
weight and obese patients demonstrated lower risk of fatal pulmonary embolism
(PE). These results were recently confirmed and demonstrated separately for cancer
and noncancer VTE patients in extreme obese patients (Giorgi-Pierfranceschi
et al. 2020).
The association between mortality and BMI was also the field of investigation of
Stein and coworkers (Stein et al. 2011). From the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, the
9 The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use of NOAC 153
researchers selected obese and nonobese patients diagnosed with PE from short-
stay hospitals throughout the United States from 1998 to 2008 (Stein et al. 2011).
Final results showed that overall mortality was statistically significantly lower in
obese patients with PE compared with nonobese PE patients (4.3% vs. 9.5%,
RR = 0.45, P < 0.0001).
Conversely, in a retrospective analysis of 345,831 in-hospital PE patients strati-
fied for BMI, Keller and colleagues showed that in-hospital mortality was lower for
obesity class I and II patients while underweight and class III obese patients had
higher mortality rate when compared to the reference group (normal weight/over-
weight patients) (Keller et al. 2019) (Table 9.2).
Also, in a retrospective cohort study by El-Menyar and coworkers of 662 DVT
patients (49% obese), BMI >30 kg/m2 was found to be a predictor of survival but
recurrent DVT was higher in obese class I patients (P < 0.01) (El-Menyar et al.
2018). After statistical adjustment for age, sex, PE, and duration of warfarin treat-
ment, authors found that patients with BMI >40 kg/m2 had better survival (El-
Menyar et al. 2018). See Table 9.2 for details.
154 R. Bottino et al.
9 The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use of NOAC 155
156 R. Bottino et al.
NVAF Patients
In a weight-based analysis of the RE-LY trial, BMI subgroups were categorized into
an upper 10% (BMI of >36 kg/m2), a middle 80% (BMI of 22.5 to ≤36 kg/m2), and
a bottom 10% (BMI of ≤22.5 kg/m2) to compare efficacy (S/SE) and safety (MB)
outcomes at 1 year, in relation to BMI and according to treatment assignment (dabi-
gatran 150 mg, 110 mg, or warfarin) (The use of dabigatran according to body mass
index 2020). An obesity paradox was confirmed: 1-year bleeding and S/SE rates
were higher in patients with the bottom 10% BMI values compared to middle and
upper BMI subgroups (all P-values <0.001). One-year S/SE rate was significantly
lower in the dabigatran 150 mg group in the middle and upper BMI category while
bleeding was significantly lower with dabigatran 110 mg in the same BMI groups.
These findings suggest that dabigatran preserves results of the RE-LY trial irre-
spective of BMI category (Table 9.3).
Peterson and colleagues compared the risks of S/SE and MB in 3563 matched pairs
of morbidly obese AF patients (BMI >40 kg/m2 or >120 kg) treated with rivaroxa-
ban or warfarin recruited from two different US databases (Peterson et al. 2019).
Outcomes analyzed were the incidence of S/SE and MB. Final results showed that
outcomes were similar for rivaroxaban and warfarin users (S/SE: 1.5% vs. 1.7%;
P = 0.50; MB: 2.2% vs. 2.7%; P = 0.14) but rivaroxaban administration was associ-
ated with a lower healthcare resource utilization and costs (Peterson et al. 2019).
Later, in a larger cohort study of 35,613 NVAF patients with BMI >30 kg/m2 on
rivaroxaban 1:1 propensity matched with a same number of warfarin patients, Costa
and colleagues could find that compared to warfarin, rivaroxaban was associated
with a reduced risk of S/SE and MB. Subanalysis by BMI groups found no statisti-
cally significant interaction across BMI categories for S/SE (P-interaction = 0.58)
or MB (P-interaction = 0.44) outcomes (Costa et al. 2020a). However, BMI >40 kg/
m2 accounted for 25% of the total rivaroxaban cohort with the majority of patients
having a BMI between 30 and 34.1 kg/m2.
These findings suggest that rivaroxaban can be at least as effective and safe as
warfarin in obese patients (Table 9.3).
Recently, Hohnloser et al. conducted a weight-based post hoc analysis of the
“Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events in Atrial
Fibrillation (ARISTOTLE)” trial to compare efficacy and safety of apixaban versus
warfarin across three different body weight group (≤60, >60–120, >120 kg)
(Hohnloser et al. 2019). Final cohort study included 18,139 patients of which 1985
(10.9%) were in the low-weight group (≤60 kg), 15,172 (83.6%) were in the
Table 9.3 NOACs in NVAF obese patients
1.3% (0.4–2.3)
One Year Major Bleeding Rates
(95% CI)
Dabigatran BMI bottom
110 mg 4.1% (2.5–5.6)
BMI middle
3% (2.5–3.5)
BMI upper
3% (1.6–4.4)
Dabigatran BMI bottom
150 mg 4.7% (3.0–6.4)
BMI middle
3.9% (3.4–4.5)
BMI upper
3.7% (2.2–5.2)
Warfarin BMI bottom
5.1% (3.3–6.7)
BMI middle
3.8% (3.3–4.4)
BMI upper
3.7% (2.2–5.2)
Table 9.3 (continued)
References Study design NOAC (n) Obese patients (%) Outcomes
Petearson et al. (2019) Retrospective propensity Rivaroxaban 3563 3563 S/SE
score match cohort study matched pairs (100) OR (95% CI)
Rivaroxaban vs. warfarin in matched pairs 0.88 (0.60–1.28)
obese patients P = 0.50
OR (95% CI)
0.80 (0.59–1.08)
P = 0.14
Costa et al. (2020a) Retrospective propensity Rivaroxaban 35,613 matched 35,613 S/SE
score match cohort study pairs (100) matched pairs HR (95% CI)
Rivaroxaban vs. warfarin in 0.83 (0.73–0.94)
obese patients P = N/A
HR (95% CI)
0.82 (0.75–0.89)
P = N/A
Balla et al. (2017) Post hoc analysis of the Rivaroxaban 14,030 5206 S
ROCKET AF trial (37.1) HR (95% CI)
Overweight and obese vs. Obese patients (BMI ≥ 35) on 0.62 (0.40–0.96)
normal weight patients rivaroxaban P = 0.033
Obese patients (BMI ≥ 35) on 0.48 (0.31–0.74)
warfarin P < 0.001
Hohnloser et al. (2019) Post hoc weight-based Apixaban 18,139 982 S/SE
analysis of the >120 kg HR (95% CI)
ARISTOTLE trial (5.4%) ≤60 kg 0.63 (0.41–0.96)
61–120 kg 0.85 (0.70–1.05)
Apixaban >120 kg 0.39 (0.12–1.22)
vs. warfarin Interaction P = 0.64
All-cause death
HR (95% CI)
≤60 kg 1.10 (0.85–1.43)
61–120 kg 0.84 (0.74–0.95)
>120 kg 1.19 (0.69–2.04)
Interaction P = 0.36
HR (95% CI)
≤60 kg 0.55 (0.36–0.82)
61–120 kg 0.71 (0.61–0.83)
>120 kg 0.74 (0.37–1.50)
Interaction P = 0.02
R. Bottino et al.
Authors, year, reference Study design NOAC (n) Obese patients (%) Outcomes
Proietti et al. 2017 (2017) Metanalysis Dabigatran 50,031 18,632 (37.2%) NOACs across BMI groups
(3 out of 13 studies included in Rivaroxaban S/SE
the original systematic review) Apixaban OR (95% CI)
Overweight 0.75 (0.66–0.84)
Efficacy and safety of NOACs P < 0.00001
across BMI groups and vs. Obese 0.62(0.54–0.70)
warfarin P < 0.00001
Overweight vs. 0.83(0.73–0.94)
Obese P < 0.003
OR (95% CI)
Overweight 0.84 (0.7–1.01)
P = 0.06
Obese 0.84 (0.72–0.98)
P = 0.03
Overweight vs. (0.92–1.10)
Obese P = 0.95
NOACs vs. warfarin
OR (95% CI)
Normal weight 0.65 (0.53–0.79)
P < 0.00001
The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use of NOAC
OR (95% CI)
Normal weight 0.68 (0.47–0.98)
P = 0.04
Overweight 0.89 (0.73–1.08)
P = 0.22
Obese 1.03(0.9–1.18)
P = 0.7
Table 9.3 (continued)
References Study design NOAC (n) Obese patients (%) Outcomes
Kido and Ngorsuraches Retrospective cohort study Dabigatran 128 128 (100%) S/TIA
(2019) NOACs vs. warfarin in Rivaroxaban (64 for each treatment RR (95% CI)
extremely obese patients Apixaban group) 0.84 (0.23–3.14)
P = 0.80
RR (95% CI)
0.44 (0.15–1.25)
P = 0.11
Zhou et al. (2020) Systematic review and Dabigatran N/A N/A S/SE
meta-analysis Rivaroxaban RR (95% CI)
(9 studies) Apixaban Underweight 0.61 (0.46–0.80)
Efficacy and safety of NOACs Edoxaban P = 0.0004
Normal weight 0.72 (0.58–0.91)
vs. warfarin across BMI groups
P = 0.006
Overweight 0.87 (0.76–0.99)
P = 0.04
Obese 0.87 (0.73–1.04)
P = 0.12
Risk Ratio (95% CI)
Underweight 0.67 (0.55–0.81)
P < 0.0001
Normal weight 0.72 (0.58–0.90)
P = 0.004
Overweight 0.83 (0.71–0.96)
P = 0.01
Obese 0.90 (0.81–1.01)
P = 0.08
NOACs non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants, NVAF non-valvular atrial fibrillation, HR hazard ratio, OR odds ratio, RR relative risk, CI confidential interval, N/A not applicable, S/SE
stroke/systemic embolism, MB major bleeding, S stroke, TIA transient ischemic attack, BMI body mass index in kg/m2. HR, OR, RR are expressed with normal weight or warfarin
as reference category, except where explicitly reported
R. Bottino et al.
9 The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use of NOAC 161
midrange weight group (>60–120 kg), and 982 (5.4%) were in the high-weight
group (>120 kg). Efficacy outcomes were S/SE, all-cause death, and myocardial
infarction, while safety outcomes included MB, clinically relevant nonmajor bleed-
ing (CRNMB), intracranial bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, and any bleeding at
2 years of follow-up. Treatment with apixaban results in lower rate of efficacy and
safety outcome; however, no interaction between body weight, efficacy outcome,
and randomization treatment (apixaban vs. warfarin) was found (interaction
P > 0.05) with the exception of MB, suggesting that warfarin was associated with a
higher risk of MB in the lower weight range group when compared with the higher
weight categories; this was not seen with apixaban use.
These findings suggest that efficacy and safety of apixaban are not affected by
BMI and weight. Table 9.3 shows details on results for S/SE, all-cause death, and MB.
Data on edoxaban in obese AF patients are presented in a post hoc analysis of The
Effective Anticoagulation with Factor Xa Next Generation in Atrial Fibrillation–
Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 48 (ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48) trial (Boriani
et al. 2019). In this analysis, higher BMI was independently associated with lower
adjusted risk of S/SE (hazard ratio (HR) 0.88, P = 0.0001) and death (HR 0.91,
P < 0.0001) in those treated with edoxaban or warfarin, and no significant interac-
tion was observed between BMI analyzed as a categorical variable and the out-
comes of S/SE, all-cause mortality, MB, CRNMB, or the net clinical outcome (P for
interaction >0.16 for each outcome). However, increasing BMI was independently
associated with a greater risk of MB (HR 1.06, 95% CI 1.01–1.12, P = 0.025) and
of CRNMB (HR 1.05, 95% CI 1.02–1.08, P = 0.0007). The effects of edoxaban vs.
warfarin on S/SE, MB, and net clinical outcome were similar across BMI groups.
These findings suggest that edoxaban has comparable clinical profile when com-
pared to warfarin in obese patients with safety characteristics worsening in this
subset of patients.
162 R. Bottino et al.
included in the study with half of them taking a NOAC (dabigatran: 31.3, apixaban:
29.7%, and rivaroxaban: 39.1%). Results show that the incidence rate of S or TIA
was 1.75%/year in the NOAC group compared with 2.07%/year in the warfarin
group (P = 0.80). The incidence rate of MB was 2.18%/year in the NOAC group,
compared with 4.97%/year in the warfarin group (P = 0.11). Interestingly, com-
pared with apixaban and rivaroxaban, use of dabigatran showed a highest number of
ischemic events (dabigatran: 3, rivaroxaban: 1, apixaban: 0). MB rate was numeri-
cally lowest in the dabigatran group (dabigatran vs. rivaroxaban vs. apixaban:
1.34% vs. 2.13% vs. 2.82% per year), but there were two events of life-threatening
bleeding in the dabigatran group and no such events with rivaroxaban and apixaban.
The authors concluded that while apixaban and rivaroxaban seem to be effective and
safe in morbidly obese patients, caution is needed with dabigatran in this subset of
patients (Kido and Ngorsuraches 2019) (Table 9.3).
In the metanalysis of Zhou and colleagues, use of NOACs was associated to bet-
ter efficacy and safety outcomes (S/SE and MB) in underweight, normal weight,
and overweight patients compared to warfarin (S/SE; underweight: RR 0.61, 95%
CI 0.46–0.80; normal weight: RR 0.72, 95% CI 0.58–0.91; overweight: RR 0.87,
95% CI 0.76–0.99; MB; underweight: RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.55–0.81; normal weight:
RR 0.72, 95% CI 0.58–0.90; overweight: RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.71–0.96) while in
obese patients, NOACs and warfarin demonstrated similar efficacy and safety pro-
file with no statistically significant differences between treatment groups for S/SE
and MB (Table 9.3) (Zhou et al. 2020).
Spyropoulos and colleagues conducted a retrospective 1:1 propensity score matched
cohort study addressed to obese VTE patients started with rivaroxaban or warfarin
and followed for 3 months after recruitment. Two thousand eight hundred ninety
9 The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use of NOAC 163
Table 9.4 NOACs in VTE obese patients
P = 0.61
HR (95% CI)
3 months 0.99 (0.68–1.44)
P = 0.71
6 months 0.90(0.64–1.26)
P = 0.72
12 months 1.00 (0.73–1.36)
P = 0.58
R. Bottino et al.
Coons et al. Retrospective 2:1 propensity score Dabigatran 1840 1840 Recurrent VTE
(2020) match cohort study Rivaroxaban (100%) HR (95% CI)
NOACs vs. warfarin in obese patients Apixaban 1.03 (0.71–1.50)
(100–300 kg) Bleeding
NOACs 11 (1.7%) of 632
Warfarin 14 (1.2%) of 1208
P = 0.31
Elshafei et al. Systematic review and metanalysis Rivaroxaban 6585 6585 Recurrent VTE
(2020) (5 studies) (100%) OR (95% CI)
NOACs vs. warfarin in extreme obese 1.07 (0.93–1.23)
patients P = 0.69
OR (95% CI)
0.80 (0.54–1.17)
P = 0.98
The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use of NOAC
NOACs non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants, VTE venous thromboembolism, HR hazard ratio, OR odds ratio, CI confidential interval, MB major bleeding, HR
and OR are expressed with warfarin as reference category, except where explicitly reported
166 R. Bottino et al.
on-treatment rates of clinical outcomes (S/SE, TIA, VTE, MB) were lowest in over-
weight and obese patients (Tittl et al. 2018) (Table 9.5).
The retrospective, single-center analysis of Duperreault et al. (2020) compared
new or recurrent VTE, stroke, and TIA (major outcomes) and incidence of major or
minor bleeding events (minor outcome) between morbidly obese and nonobese
patients prescribed apixaban or rivaroxaban for NVAF or VTE. Obese patients with
BMI from 30.1 to 39.9 kg/m2 were excluded to specifically compare nonobese
patients with extreme obese ones. The cohort included 291 patients, 153 of whom
were morbidly obese and 138 of whom were nonobese. No differences between
groups were observed for major outcomes (P = 0.67) but MB occurred less fre-
quently in morbidly obese patients (P = 0.02).
Choi and colleagues collected data on 390 obese patients (BMI >40 kg/m2) on
OAC treatment for NVAF or prior VTE (Choi et al. 2017). In the final cohort of the
182 apixaban-treated patients, 124 had AF and 58 a prior VTE while of the 212
warfarin-treated patients, 124 had AF and 88 a prior VTE. Authors could not dem-
onstrate a statistically significant difference in the rate of recurrent VTE or in the
rate of stroke in the apixaban group compared to warfarin group (recurrent VTE:
1.7% vs. 1.1%, OR 1.53, P = 0.76; rate of stroke: 0.8% vs. 2.4%, OR 0.33, P = 0.3)
because of the small population size. Regarding bleeding events rate, no statistically
significant difference was found between groups (apixaban group: 8.3% vs. warfa-
rin 12.0%, OR 0.67, P = 0.23), but MB was significantly less common in patients on
apixaban (0.6% vs. 4.3%, OR 0.12, P = 0.02) (Choi et al. 2017).
Kushnir and coworkers conducted a single-center, retrospective analysis on 795
patients with a BMI of at least 40 kg/m2 who were prescribed apixaban (150), riva-
roxaban (326), or warfarin (319) for VTE (n = 366) or NVAF (n = 429) to compare
incidence of recurrence of VTE, stroke, and bleeding between groups. In VTE
patients, no significant differences were found between treatment groups in the inci-
dence of recurrent VTE or for bleeding event. In NVAF patients, while incidence of
stroke was similar between treatment groups, MB occurred more often in warfarin-
treated patients: 3/103 patients on apixaban (29%, 95% CI: 0–6.2), 5/174 on rivar-
oxaban (29%, 0.4–5.4), and 12/152 on warfarin (79%, 3.6–12.2); P = 0.063 (Kushnir
et al. 2019).
Similar results emerged in the retrospective study of 90 obese patients prescribed
apixaban (n = 41, 52%), rivaroxaban (n = 33, 37%), dabigatran (n = 11, 12%), or
warfarin for NVAF or VTE conducted by Kalani et al. No statistical difference
between NOACs and warfarin was found for S/SE (OR 1.11, 95% confidence inter-
val [CI] 0.45–2.78; P = 0.82) and MB events (P = 0.065) (Kalani et al. 2019).
Table 9.5 summarize results from these studies.
morbidly obese vs. nonobese Morbidly obese 2(2.2)
P = 0.67
Number of events (%)
Nonobese 7 (5.1)
Morbidly obese 1 (0.7)
P = 0.02
Table 9.5 (continued)
R. Bottino et al.
Kushnir et al. Retrospective cohort study Rivaroxaban 795 6585 Recurrent VTE
(2019) NOACs vs. warfarin in Apixaban (100%) Incidence rate (95% CI)
morbidly obese patients Apixaban 2.1% (0.0–6.3)
Rivaroxaban 2.0% (0.0–4.2)
Warfarin vs. NOACs 1.2% (0.0–2.9)
P = 0.74
MB (VTE patients)
Incidence rate (95% CI)
Apixaban 2.1% (0.0–6.3)
Rivaroxaban 1.3% (0.0–3.1)
Warfarin vs. NOACs 2.4 (0.1–4.7)
P = 0.77
Stroke (NVAF patients)
Incidence rate (95% CI)
Apixaban 1.0% (0.0–2.9)
The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use of NOAC
MB (NVAF patients)
Incidence rate (95% CI)
Apixaban 2.9% (0.0–6.2)
Rivaroxaban 2∙9% (0.4–5.4)
Warfarin vs. NOACs 7∙9% (3.6–12.2)
P = 0.063
Table 9.5 (continued)
R. Bottino et al.
9 The “Obesity Paradox” and the Use of NOAC 171
172 R. Bottino et al.
et al. 2020d). Even so, it is important to note that all studies we have reported are
retrospective and the majority relatively small with obvious limits related to their
final conclusions.
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Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer
Patients 10
Roberta Bottino, Andreina Carbone, Biagio Liccardo,
Antonello D’Andrea, Paolo Golino, Gerardo Nigro,
and Vincenzo Russo
Roberta Bottino and Andreina Carbone contributed equally with all other contributors.
180 R. Bottino et al.
Literature data for the use of DOACs in AF cancer patients are generally lacking.
The main RCTs of DOACs have included a small number of patients with cancer
due to reduced life expectancy or an excessively high risk of bleeding in patients
with malignancies (Connolly et al. 2009; Granger et al. 2011; Patel et al. 2011;
Giugliano et al. 2013).
Recently several studies have explored the role of DOACs in this subgroup of
patients (Russo et al. 2019a; Deng et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2020).
From the observational and metanalytical results obtained, it was possible to
conclude that DOACs could be a valid alternative to VKAs for stroke prevention in
AF cancer patients (Russo et al. 2019a; Deng et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2020).
From the systematic review including six studies by Russo (Russo et al. 2019a)
and colleagues emerged that efficacy and safety profile of DOACs in AF cancer
patients are maintained when compared to that of general population. Specifically,
some interesting results emerge from this descriptive analysis: (a) the annual inci-
dence of bleedings, ischemic stroke, and thromboembolic events in AF cancer
patients on DOAC therapy is generally small compared with VKAs (range for
bleedings:1.2–4.4% (Melloni et al. 2017; Laube et al. 2017); range for ischemic
stroke and thromboembolic events: 0–4.9% (Ording et al. 2017; Russo et al. 2018));
(b) the risk of thromboembolic and bleeding events in AF cancer patients is similar
to that of non-cancer patients, irrespective of the treatment they are prescribed
(DOACs vs VKAs) (Ording et al. 2017); (c) in DOACs patients, the risk of stroke,
thromboembolic, and bleeding complications is similar between cancer and non-
cancer patients (Melloni et al. 2017; Ording et al. 2017); and (d) when gastrointes-
tinal bleedings occur, clinical characteristics are similar between those occurring on
dabigatran and those on warfarin (hospitalization rate, mean nights in hospital,
10 Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer Patients 181
intensive care unit requirement, transfusion requirement, the need for endoscopic,
and surgical intervention) (Russo et al. 2019a; Flack et al. 2017). Details of the stud-
ies included in Russo et al. analysis are available in Table 10.1.
Deng and Yang’s working groups separately conducted a meta-analysis of five
studies (Deng et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2020) [three post hoc analyses from three
RCTs (Melloni et al. 2017; Fanola et al. 2018; Chen et al. 2019), one retrospective
propensity score-matched study (Shah et al. 2018), and one retrospective population-
based observational data study (Kim et al. 2018)].
The pooled analysis from the three post hoc analyses of the Apixaban Versus
Warfarin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (ARISTOTLE) trial (Melloni et al.
2017), Rivaroxaban Versus Warfarin in Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation
(ROCKET-AF) trial (Chen et al. 2019), and the Edoxaban Versus Warfarin in
Table 10.1 Principal characteristics and results of the studies included in Russo et al. system-
atic review
Cancer patients
on DOACs Outcomes
References Study design n (%) HR (95% CI)
Ording et al. Restrospective cohort 1809 TE eventsa,b VKA
(2017) study (15.2%) n/N Cancer vs. cancer
628/10,046 vs.
(6.5% vs. 5.8%)
HR, 1.0 (0.93–1.1)
Cancer vs. cancer
65/1809 vs.
(4.9% vs. 5.1%)
HR, 0.80 (0.61–1.1)
n/N Cancer vs. cancer
513/10,046 vs.
(5.4% vs. 4.2%)
HR, 1.1 (1.0–1.2)
Cancer vs. cancer
60/10,046 vs.
(4.4% vs. 3.1%)
HR, 1.2 (0.92–1.7)
182 R. Bottino et al.
10 Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer Patients 183
Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (ENGAGE-TIMI 48) trial (Fanola et al. 2018) in
Deng’s metanalysis showed that cancer and non-cancer patients have similar effi-
cacy and safety outcome (all P > 0.05) (Deng et al. 2019). Moreover, results from
the analysis of all studies included showed that cancer patients on DOACs had sig-
nificantly lower risk of stroke/systemic embolism (S/SE) (P = 0.04) and VTE
(P < 0.0001) with a trend toward a lower rate of ischemic stroke (P = 0.05). No
significant differences were found in risk of myocardial infarction (P = 0.26), all-
cause death (P = 0.39), and CV death (P = 0.13). About safety outcomes, use of
DOACs was associated with a decreased risk of intracranial or gastrointestinal
bleeding (P = 0.04) and a tendency toward statistical significance for a reduced risk
of major bleeding (MB) compared with warfarin (RR = 0.73; 95% CI: 0.53–1.00;
184 R. Bottino et al.
Table 10.2 Results on S/SE and MB of the studies included in Deng and Yeng meta-analysis
Cancer patients/DOACs
users with cancer Outcomes
References Study design DOAC studied HR, (95%CI)
Chen et al. Rocket-AF 640/309 S/SE History of cancer
(2019) Post hoc analysis Rivaroxaban n/N Rivaroxaban vs.
8/307 vs. 16/329
(1.36 vs. 2.71)a
HR, 0.52 (0.22–1.21)
MB History of cancer
n/N Rivaroxaban vs.
97/309 vs. 96/331
(23.63 vs. 21.59)
HR, 1.09 (0.82–1.44)
10 Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer Patients 185
186 R. Bottino et al.
10 Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer Patients 187
Table 10.3 Principal results of the metanalysis exploring safety and efficacy of DOACs versus
warfarin in cancer patients with AF
Studies included Outcomes
References (n, reference) a
RR/OR, (95% CI)
Deng et al. (2019) Efficacy S/SE
outcome RR, 0.52 (0.28–0.98)
Ischemic stroke
RR, 0.63 (0.4–1.0)
RR, 0.37 (0.22–0.63)
RR, 0.75 (0.45–1.25)
All-cause death
RR, 0.81 (0.49–1.32)
CV death
RR, 0.71 (0.45–1.1)
Safety MB
outcome RR, 0.73 (0.53–1.0)
RR, 1.00 (0.86–1.17)
Intracranial or gastrointestinal bleeding
RR, 0.65 (0.42–0.98)
Any bleeding
RR, 0.93 (0.78–1.10)
188 R. Bottino et al.
10 Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer Patients 189
DOAC direct oral anticoagulant, AF atrial fibrillation, S/SE stroke systemic embolism, VTE venous
thromboembolism, MB major bleeding, CRNMB clinically relevant non major bleeding, CV car-
diovascular, MI myocardial infarction, SUCRA surface under the cumulative ranking area, CI con-
fidential interval
RR in Deng’s results, OR in Yeng results
NOACs are listed near the corresponding outcome from the better SUCRA to the worst
VTE in Cancer Patients: Are the DOACs Always the Best Choice?
VTE, including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), is a
common complication of cancer, and its prevention and treatment is a challenge
because of the drug interactions and varieties of coexisting comorbidities (Khorana
2010). According to a large observational cohort study, the incidence of VTE in
active cancer patients is 5.8 per 100 person-years (Cohen et al. 2017). Cancer
patients are usually in a state of hypercoagulability that results from various factors,
including the type of malignancy, extent of disease, patient age, antitumor treat-
ment, and the presence of coexisting diseases (Zwicker et al. 2007). The highest rate
of VTE was observed among patients receiving systemic cancer therapy for tumors
of the pancreas, stomach, or lung (Khorana et al. 2007; Blom et al. 2006; Chew
et al. 2006; Lyman et al. 2013). VTE is an important cause of death in cancer patients
as it is second only to tumor progression (Khorana et al. 2007). VTE can lead to a
series of comorbidities, such as longer hospitalization, higher risk of bleeding, and
delay or discontinuation of chemotherapy, which may affect patients’ quality of life
and prognosis (Carrier and Lee 2014). For these reasons, the choice of the best anti-
coagulation therapy is mandatory for this group of patients.
Pharmacological prophylaxis can reduce VTE incidence, but it may also increase
the risk of bleeding (Agnelli et al. 2009; Khorana et al. 2017). According to existing
research, the most commonly used anticoagulant drugs are LWMH and warfarin.
Many large RCTs have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of anticoagulants to
reduce the incidence of VTE events in ambulatory cancer patients. The PROTECHT
study, involving 1150 patients, has shown that nadroparin reduces the incidence of
VTE events without significantly increasing bleeding risks (Agnelli et al. 2009).
The SAVE ONCO study involving 3212 patients has shown similar results using the
ultra-LMWH semuloparin (Agnelli et al. 2012). However, current guidelines do not
recommend the routine thromboprophylaxis in patients receiving chemotherapy
(Lyman et al. 2015;
. A systematic review published in the Cochrane Library has indicated some posi-
tive results for thromboprophylaxis, but routine thromboprophylaxis is not
190 R. Bottino et al.
indicated in ambulatory cancer patients, and the evaluation of the risks and benefits
is necessary before its prescription in high-risk patients (Di Nisio et al. 2016). The
risk differs among cancer patients, and the Khorana risk score allows for identifica-
tion of patients with cancer at increased risk for VTE (Khorana et al. 2008).
In recent years, DOACs have played an increasingly important role in clinical
practice (Russo et al. 2015, 2019a, b; Russo et al. 2020a, b, c, d). DOACs have
been shown to be safe, effective, and well tolerated for VTE among non-cancer
patients (Agnelli et al. 2013; Prins et al. 2013). RCTs comparing DOACs with
placebo have been performed for primary prophylaxis in cancer patients with
inconstant results for the incidence of VTE events and bleeding complications
(Khorana et al. 2019; Carrier et al. 2019). Studies of thromboprophylaxis with
LMWH in ambulatory patients with cancer have demonstrated that anticoagula-
tion is associated with a significant relative risk reduction in VTE, but current
clinical guidelines do not recommend routine outpatient VTE prophylaxis (except
for multiple myeloma and select high-risk solid tumors), because the overall ben-
efit-to-risk profile in an unselected patient population is uncertain (Khorana et al.
2019; Carrier et al. 2019). CASSINI trial (Khorana et al. 2020) is a randomized
clinical study that compares the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban with placebo in
the prevention of VTE in high-risk ambulatory patients with cancer receiving sys-
temic cancer therapy, as determined by the validated Khorana risk score. This
study confirms the benefit of rivaroxaban in thromboprophylaxis, but only after
determining the risk/benefit of anticoagulation in high-risk patients with cancer
(Khorana et al. 2020).
Also, apixaban was tested in this setting in the AVERT trial (Carrier et al. 2019).
Apixaban therapy resulted in a significantly lower rate of VTE than placebo among
intermediate-to-high-risk ambulatory patients with cancer who were starting che-
motherapy. The rate of MB episodes was higher with apixaban than with placebo
(Carrier et al. 2019).
High-risk outpatients with cancer (Khorana score of 2 or higher prior to starting
a new systemic chemotherapy regimen) may be offered thromboprophylaxis with
apixaban, rivaroxaban, or LMWH provided there are no significant risk factors for
bleeding and no drug interactions (Lyman et al. 2015). Consideration of such ther-
apy should be accompanied by a discussion with the patient about the relative ben-
efits and harms (Lyman et al. 2015).
At present, no anticoagulant is approved for routinely primary thromboprophy-
laxis in outpatients with cancer.
In the general population, the efficacy and safety of DOACs in the long-term ther-
apy of VTE were demonstrated in six large randomized trials (RECOVER I-II;
sis and meta-analysis suggested efficacy and safety of DOACs in patients with
10 Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer Patients 191
cancer, but these patients were underrepresented, not well identified for the type of
oncological diagnosis and treatment, and finally the definition of “active cancer”
varied greatly from one study to another.
Recent randomized trials have investigated the efficacy of DOACs among cancer
patients with VTE (Agnelli et al. 2020; Raskob et al. 2018; Young et al. 2018;
McBane et al. 2020). These trials have some limitations: one was a pilot trial (Young
et al. 2018), whereas another small trial was prematurely terminated (McBane et al.
2020). Moreover, the two large studies were noninferiority trials and not powered to
evaluate the safety of DOACs in this setting (Agnelli et al. 2020; Raskob et al.
2018). The Table 10.4 summarizes the most important characteristics of these
Furthermore, a sub-analysis of the HOKUSAI-VTE cancer study has evaluated
the occurrence of the composite outcome, recurrent VTE, or MB in subgroups based
on adjudicated cancer diagnoses, including those with gastrointestinal, lung, uro-
genital, breast, hematological, and gynecological cancer. In the gastrointestinal can-
cer group, the benefit–risk trade-off requires careful evaluation because edoxaban
was associated with an absolute 9.2% increase in MB compared with dalteparin.
The absolute risk of recurrent VTE was 3.9% numerically lower with edoxaban.
Oral edoxaban is an attractive alternative to subcutaneous dalteparin for the treat-
ment of the majority of patients with cancer-associated VTE, including those with
urogenital, lung, breast, hematological, and gynecological cancer (Mulder
et al. 2020).
Based on the currently available evidence, the guidelines of European Society of
Cardiology and of American Society of Clinical Oncology (Konstantinides et al.
2020; Lyman et al. 2015) recommend that patients with VTE and cancer, particu-
larly those with gastrointestinal cancer, should be encouraged to continue LMWH
for 3–6 months. This also applies to patients in whom oral treatment is unfeasible
due to problems of intake or absorption, and to those with severe renal disease. In
all other cases, the choice between LMWH and edoxaban or rivaroxaban (the pub-
lication of the CARAVAGGIO trial on apixaban in this setting is subsequent to the
guidelines) is left to the discretion of the physician and the patient’s preference.
Owing to the high risk for recurrence, patients with cancer should receive indefinite
anticoagulation after a first episode of VTE. Renal function and drug–drug interac-
tion should be checked prior to using a DOAC.
Table 10.4 Principal characteristics of the most important RCTs about the treatment of venous thromboembolism (deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism)
in cancer patients
Mean age, Recurrent VTE (events) Major bleeding (events)
n years Male% Metastasis
Prior VTE
groups) groups) groups) Type of tumor groups) groups) DOAC group Control group DOAC LMWH (95% CI) DOAC LMWH (95% CI)
Young et al. 203/203 67/67 57/48 Colorectal, lung, 58/58 NR Rivaroxaban Dalteparin 8/203 18/203 0.44 11/203 6/203 1.83
(Meyer et al. (median) breast cancer 15 mg BID for (CLOT (0.20–1.00) (0.69–
2002) 3 weeks, followed protocol) for 4.86)
SELECT-D by 20 mg QD for 6 months.
TRIAL 6 months.
Raskob et al. 522/524 64.3/63.7 53.1/50.2 Colorectal, lung, 52.5/53.4 9.4/12 Edoxaban 60 mg Dalteparin 41/522 59/524 0.70 36/522 21/524 1.72
(Hutten et al. breast, QD (for (CLOT (0.48–1.02) (1.02–
2000) gynecologic and 6 months) after at protocol) for 2.91)
HOKUSAI- hematologic least 5 days of 6 months.
VTE CANCER malignancies concomitant
STUDY Dalteparin
McBane et al. 150/150 64.4/64.0 72/73 Colorectal, lung, 65.3/66.0 5.4/8.1 Apixaban 10 mg Dalteparin 1/145 9/142 0.11 0/145 2/142 0.20
(Schulman et al. pancreatic and BID for 7 days (CLOT (0.01–0.85) (0.01–
2013) hepatobiliary followed 5 mg protocol) for 4.04)
BID for 6 months 6 months.
Agnelli et al. 576/579 67.2/67.2 50.7/47.7 Lung, breast, 67.5/68.4 7.8/10.5 Apixaban 10 mg Dalteparin 32/576 46/579 0.70 22/576 23/579 0.96
(Hull et al. genitourinary BID for 7 days (CLOT (0.45–1.08) (0.54–
2006) followed 5 mg protocol) for 1.71)
CARAVAGGIO BID for 6 months 6 months.
RCT randomized controlled trial, DOAC direct oral anticoagulants, LMWH low molecular weight heparin, VTE venous thromboembolism, CI confidence interval, CLOT
Comparison of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin versus Oral Anticoagulant therapy for the prevention of recurrent venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer trial
R. Bottino et al.
10 Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer Patients 193
particular attention is needed for the greater risk of bleeding of the cancer patients
during anticoagulant treatment compared to the general population (Hull et al.
2006; Hutten et al. 2000; Meyer et al. 2002; Schulman et al. 2013; Prandoni et al.
2002; Palareti et al. 2000; Hindricks et al. 2020). Especially for AF cancer patients,
evidences are rare and sparse. There are no RCTs available that directly compare
DOACs to warfarin in this subgroup of patients and results emerge only from retro-
spective analysis of RCTs (Melloni et al. 2017; Flack et al. 2017; Fanola et al. 2018;
Chen et al. 2019) and from very small studies (Russo et al. 2018, 2019a; Deng et al.
2019; Yang et al. 2020; Laube et al. 2017; Shah et al. 2018; Kim et al. 2018; Ianotto
et al. 2017). However, in August 2019, the ISTH guidelines recommended the use
of DOAC over VKAs and LMWH in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy with
newly diagnosed NVAF (Delluc et al. 2019) with the exception of patients with
gastrointestinal cancer or the presence of gastrointestinal abnormalities that can
lead to gastrointestinal bleeding events. More evidence is currently available on the
use of DOACs in VTE cancer patients. Rivaroxaban, edoxaban, and recently apixa-
ban were compared directly with LMWH for the treatment of VTE in cancer
patients, demonstrating noninferiority in lowering the rate of VTE recurrence but
with some concern for bleeding events (Khorana et al. 2019; Carrier et al. 2019;
Raskob et al. 2018). Indeed, a higher risk of CRNMB mainly driven by gastrointes-
tinal bleeding events was evidenced with DOAC in cancer patients and VTE, but
such events were almost entirely referable to gastrointestinal cancer patients, which
is why guidelines still suggest the use of LMWH in patients with gastrointestinal
tumors or gastrointestinal abnormalities that may increase the risk of bleed-
ing events.
Agnelli G, Gussoni G, Bianchini C, Verso M, Mandala M, Cavanna L, et al. Nadroparin for the pre-
vention of thromboembolic events in ambulatory patients with metastatic or locally advanced
solid cancer receiving chemotherapy: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study.
Lancet Oncol. 2009;10(10):943–9. PubMed
PMID: 19726226.
Agnelli G, George DJ, Kakkar AK, Fisher W, Lassen MR, Mismetti P, et al. Semuloparin
for thromboprophylaxis in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer. N Engl J Med.
2012;366(7):601–9. PubMed PMID: 22335737.
194 R. Bottino et al.
Agnelli G, Buller HR, Cohen A, Curto M, Gallus AS, Johnson M, et al. Oral apixaban for the
treatment of acute venous thromboembolism. N Engl J Med. 2013;369(9):799–808. https://doi.
org/10.1056/NEJMoa1302507. PubMed PMID: 23808982.
Agnelli G, Becattini C, Meyer G, Munoz A, Huisman MV, Connors JM, et al. Apixaban
for the treatment of venous thromboembolism associated with cancer. N Engl J Med.
2020;382(17):1599–607. PubMed PMID:
Blom JW, Doggen CJ, Osanto S, Rosendaal FR. Malignancies, prothrombotic mutations,
and the risk of venous thrombosis. JAMA. 2005;293(6):715–22.
jama.293.6.715. PubMed PMID: 15701913.
Blom JW, Vanderschoot JP, Oostindier MJ, Osanto S, van der Meer FJ, Rosendaal FR. Incidence
of venous thrombosis in a large cohort of 66,329 cancer patients: results of a record link-
age study. J Thromb Haemostasis : JTH. 2006;4(3):529–35.
j.1538-7836.2006.01804.x. PubMed PMID: 16460435.
Carrier M, Lee AY. Thromboprophylaxis in cancer patients. Semin Thromb Hemost.
2014;40(3):395–400. PubMed PMID: 24599436.
Carrier M, Abou-Nassar K, Mallick R, Tagalakis V, Shivakumar S, Schattner A, et al. Apixaban to
prevent venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer. N Engl J Med. 2019;380(8):711–9. PubMed PMID: 30511879.
Chen ST, Hellkamp AS, Becker RC, Berkowitz SD, Breithardt G, Fox KAA, et al. Efficacy
and safety of rivaroxaban vs. warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and a
history of cancer: observations from ROCKET AF. Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes.
2019;5(2):145–52. PubMed PMID: 30219887.
Chew HK, Wun T, Harvey D, Zhou H, White RH. Incidence of venous thromboembolism and its
effect on survival among patients with common cancers. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(4):458–64. PubMed PMID: 16505267.
Cohen AT, Katholing A, Rietbrock S, Bamber L, Martinez C. Epidemiology of first and recur-
rent venous thromboembolism in patients with active cancer. A population-based cohort
study. Thromb Haemost. 2017;117(1):57–65. PubMed
PMID: 27709226.
Connolly SJ, Ezekowitz MD, Yusuf S, Eikelboom J, Oldgren J, Parekh A, et al. Dabigatran versus
warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(12):1139–51. https://doi.
org/10.1056/NEJMoa0905561. PubMed PMID: 19717844.
Delluc A, Wang TF, Yap ES, Ay C, Schaefer J, Carrier M, et al. Anticoagulation of cancer patients
with non-valvular atrial fibrillation receiving chemotherapy: GUIDANCE from the SSC of the
ISTH. J Thromb Haemostasis : JTH. 2019;17(8):1247–52.
PubMed PMID: 31207027.
Deng Y, Tong Y, Deng Y, Zou L, Li S, Chen H. Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants
versus warfarin in patients with cancer and atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-
analysis. J Am Heart Assoc. 2019;8(14):e012540.
PubMed PMID: 31310583; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6662149.
Di Nisio M, Porreca E, Candeloro M, De Tursi M, Russi I, Rutjes AW. Primary prophylaxis for
venous thromboembolism in ambulatory cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev. 2016;12:CD008500.
PubMed PMID: 27906452; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6463937.
Eichinger S. Cancer associated thrombosis: risk factors and outcomes. Thromb Res. 2016;140(Suppl
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Falanga A, Marchetti M, Russo L. The mechanisms of cancer-associated thrombosis. Thromb Res.
2015;135(Suppl 1):S8–S11. PubMed PMID:
Fanola CL, Ruff CT, Murphy SA, Jin J, Duggal A, Babilonia NA, et al. Efficacy and safety of
edoxaban in patients with active malignancy and atrial fibrillation: analysis of the ENGAGE
AF - TIMI 48 trial. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018;7(16):e008987.
JAHA.118.008987. PubMed PMID: 30369307; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6201390.
10 Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer Patients 195
196 R. Bottino et al.
10 Direct Oral Anticoagulation in Cancer Patients 197
198 R. Bottino et al.
DOACs and Dementia in Patients
with Atrial Fibrillation 11
Ahmed AlTurki, Hasan AlTurki, Riccardo Proietti,
and T. Jared Bunch
A. AlTurki (*)
Division of Cardiology, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada
H. AlTurki
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
R. Proietti
Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit Ospedale, Sacra Famiglia Fatebenefratelli, Erba, Italy
T. J. Bunch
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Utah
School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
200 A. AlTurki et al.
AF and dementia, as well as the effects of oral anticoagulants (OACs) and specifi-
cally DOACs on the risk of dementia in patients with AF.
The association between AF and dementia has been documented by several large
observational studies. Ott and colleagues analyzed data from the Rotterdam study,
which included 6584 participants aged between 55 and 106 years. The authors
found a significant association of AF with dementia (OR: 2.3, 95% CI: 1.4–3.7) and
cognitive impairment (OR: 1.7, 95% CI: 1.2–2.5) (Ott et al. 1997). This association
was stronger in women, more pronounced in the young elderly, and independent of
a prior history of strokes, which was rigorously adjudicated (Ott et al. 1997). Mielke
et al. examined data from a cohort study of 135 elderly patients with incident
Alzheimer’s disease who were followed for a mean of 3 years with cognitive assess-
ments by clinical dementia rating and mini-mental state examinations scores. The
authors reported that participants with AF had a more rapid decline in cognition
compared to patients without AF (Mielke et al. 2007). Bunch and colleagues
explored the relationship between AF and dementia in a study of 37,025 patients
from a large prospective population-based study in Utah, USA using ICD-9 codes
to define dementia (Bunch et al. 2010). Participants had no history of dementia and
at least 5 years of follow-up data. To provide greater rigor on the diagnosis of
dementia, only ICD 9 codes entered by neurology were used. In an age-based analy-
sis, AF independently was significantly associated with all types of dementia with
the highest risk was in participants <70 years of age. Interestingly, these younger
participants (<70 years) with AF had the highest relative risk of developing
Alzheimer’s dementia (OR 2.3, P < 0.001) suggesting that the observed association
went beyond an epiphenomenon due to the common risk factor of advancing age
(Bunch et al. 2010). After dementia diagnosis, the presence of AF was associated
with a marked increased risk of mortality, around 40%, in all subtypes of dementia.
AF has been identified as an independent risk factor for dementia, including
Alzheimer’s, vascular, and senile dementia, both in patients with and without a his-
tory of stroke (Bunch et al. 2010; Kalantarian et al. 2013; Marzona et al. 2012;
Kwok et al. 2011; Santangeli et al. 2012; de Bruijn et al. 2015; Satizabal et al. 2016;
Dublin et al. 2011; Singh-Manoux et al. 2017; Saglietto et al. 2019a; Proietti et al.
2020). One meta-analysis, which included eight population-based studies with
77,668 patients, found that in patients without baseline cognitive impairment or his-
tory of stroke, AF was associated with increased risk of incident dementia (HR 1.42,
95% CI: 1.17–1.72) (Santangeli et al. 2012). Of the patients included, 15% had AF
at baseline; the mean follow-up was 7.7 ± 9.1 years (range 1.8–30 years), and the
incidence of dementia was 6.5%. A systematic review by Kalantarian and col-
leagues, which included 21 studies, demonstrated an increase in relative risk of
cognitive impairment in patients with AF and history of stroke (RR 2.7, 95% CI:
1.82–4.00) and independent of stroke history (RR 1.34, 95% CI: 1.13–1.58)
(Kalantarian et al. 2013). Kwok et al. performed a meta-analysis of 15 studies which
included 46,637 participants with a mean age 71.7 years. This showed that AF was
11 DOACs and Dementia in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation 201
associated with significant increase in dementia overall (OR 2.0, 95% CI: 1.4–2.7,
P < 0.0001) (Kwok et al. 2011). Interestingly, one of the included studies showed
that conversion of mild cognitive impairment to dementia had a significant associa-
tion with AF (OR 4.6, 95% CI: 1.7–12.5).
Sinus rhythm
Genetic Factors
Reduced Cerebral Blood Flow
Reduced Cerebral Mass
Blood Stasis
Prothrombotic state
Fig. 11.1 Mechanisms involved in cognitive dysfunction in patients affected by atrial fibrillation.
Gallinoro E, D’Elia S, Prozzo D, Lioncino M, Natale F, Golino P, et al. Cognitive Function
and Atrial Fibrillation: From the Strength of Relationship to the Dark Side of Prevention. Is
There a Contribution from Sinus Rhythm Restoration and Maintenance? Medicina
(Kaunas). 2019;55(9)
202 A. AlTurki et al.
risk of stroke in patients with AF, it also carries the risk of microvascular brain bleeds
which may increase the risk of cognitive impairment (Saito et al. 2014). In a study of
patients with AF on both warfarin and an antiplatelet agent, patients who had an INR
over 3 for more than 25% of the time were 2.40 times more likely to develop dementia
(P = 0.04), with no difference in risk seen in those who spent less than 25% of the time
with an INR over 3. This supports the hypothesis that microvascular bleeds leading to
chronic cerebral injury play a role in the association between AF and dementia (Jacobs
et al. 2015a). Additionally, in patients on warfarin, the risk of dementia increased with
increasing CHADS2 scores, and AF was associated with increased risk of dementia
across all CHADS2 score strata. This suggests that the risk of dementia attributed to AF
is not solely secondary to OAC use (Graves et al. 2017).
Another possible mechanism relates to AF associated cerebral hypoperfusion
(Petersen et al. 1989; Lavy et al. 1980; Anselmino et al. 2016). Gardarsdottir and
colleagues assessed the blood flow in the cervical arteries, which was measured
with phase contrast MRI and brain perfusion, in 2291 participants who were divided
into three groups: persistent AF, paroxysmal AF but were in sinus rhythm at the time
of imaging AF, and no history of AF (Gardarsdottir et al. 2017). Those in the persis-
tent AF group had significantly lower total cerebral blood flow, both when com-
pared with the paroxysmal AF group (P < 0.05) and the no AF group (P < 0.001).
Brain perfusion was lowest in the persistent AF group compared with the paroxys-
mal AF group (P < 0.05) and those with no AF (P < 0.001) (Gardarsdottir et al.
2017). There is evidence to suggest that higher ventricular rates during AF is associ-
ated with higher rates of cerebral hypoperfusion events in a computational model
(Saglietto et al. 2019b). One study has shown that AF associated cerebral hypoper-
fusion is more pronounced in patients under 50, compared to those over 65 (Lavy
et al. 1980). This may partly explain the age-dependent risk of developing dementia
in patients with AF, as one study showed that incident AF was associated with
increased risk of dementia in those aged less than 67 but not in those aged 67 over,
with a strong association between the duration of exposure to AF in the younger age
group (de Bruijn et al. 2015). It has also been observed that patients with AF who
underwent catheter ablation had significantly lower rates of dementia than those
with AF who did not undergo ablation and were comparable to the dementia rates in
patients without AF (Bunch et al. 2011).
There have been several observational studies demonstrating that OAC is associated
with reduced incidence of dementia in patients with AF. One retrospective study
showed that in patients with AF and without dementia at baseline, OAC was associ-
ated with a 29% lower risk of dementia (HR 0.71, 95%CI: 0.68–0.74) (Friberg and
Rosenqvist 2018). In another analysis using data from the same registry, in patients
with AF, low stroke risk (CHADSVASC 1 or 0), and no baseline dementia, OAC
was associated with a 38% lower risk of CI (HR 0.62, 95% CI: 0.48–0.81) (Friberg
et al. 2019). In a UK registry, OAC was associated with lower risk of dementia when
11 DOACs and Dementia in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation 203
compared to no treatment (HR 0.90, 95% CI: 0.85–0.95, P < 0.001) or antiplatelet
therapy alone (HR 0.84, 95% CI: 0.79–0.90, P < 0.001). However, in patients on
both an OAC and an antiplatelet agent, the risk of dementia was higher than with no
treatment (HR 1.17, 95% CI: 1.05–1.31, P = 0.006) (Mongkhon et al. 2020). This
may be due to an increased risk of cerebral microbleeds.
The association between OAC therapy and a reduction in dementia has been
shown in different populations globally. A longitudinal Swedish-based study dem-
onstrated that AF was a risk factor for developing dementia and that use of an OAC
in patients with AF was associated with a reduced risk of developing dementia (HR
0.40, 95% CI: 0.18–0.92) (Ding et al. 2018). A Korean-based study showed similar
results with AF being associated with increased risk of dementia and those on OAC
having lower risk of developing dementia (HR 0.61, 95% CI: 0.54–0.68, P < 0.001).
The study also showed an increase in the incidence of dementia with increasing
CHADSVASc scores independent of AF status (Kim et al. 2019).
The quality of anticoagulation is also important; when using warfarin, this can be
assessed via measures such as time in therapeutic range. In a study of patients with
AF and no baseline cognitive impairment who were receiving warfarin, longer
times spent out of the therapeutic range were associated with increased risk of
developing cognitive impairment. Patients who were in the therapeutic range
51–75% of the time had a two-and-a-half-fold increase in risk of cognitive impair-
ment (hazard ratio 2.57, P = 0.001), those in therapeutic range between 26% and
50% of the time had a fourfold increase in risk of cognitive impairment (hazard ratio
4.10, P = 0.001), and those who were at therapeutic range < 25% of the time had a
fivefold increase (hazard ratio 5.34, P = 0.001) (Jacobs et al. 2014). This matches
the findings of another observational study which showed that both a 10% reduction
in time spent in subtherapeutic range (HR 0.71, 95% CI: 0.64–0.79) and time spent
in supra therapeutic range (HR 0.67, 95% CI: 0.57–0.79) reduced risk of dementia
(Madhavan et al. 2018). Mechanistically, this potentially reflects a reduction in the
risk of micro thromboembolisms and microvascular bleeds, respectively. In a recent
study, Petroni and colleagues also found similar results: there was a higher risk of
dementia in patients who spend less than 60% of time in therapeutic range (OR
21.71, 95% CI: 4.35–108, P < 0.001). In addition, the authors found that use of
aspirin instead of an OAC (OR 24.74, 95% CI: 1.27–482.12, P = 0.034) and the
presence of an average daily heart rate over 100 or under 60 (OR 6.04, 95% CI:
1.09–33.29, P = 0.039) were independent risk factors for dementia (Petroni
et al. 2020).
These findings were confirmed by meta-analyses. One meta-analysis, consisting
of one randomized controlled trial and five observational studies found that patients
with AF on OAC had reduced risk of developing dementia (RR 0.79, 95% CI:
0.67–0.93) and that the benefit was greatest in those with a high percentage of time
spent in therapeutic range (Mongkhon et al. 2019). In another meta-analysis,
patients with AF on OAC were 29% less likely to develop dementia (HR 0.71, 95%
CI: 0.69–0.74, P < 0.00001) (Cheng et al. 2018).
Patient age at the time of initiating anticoagulation may also be an important fac-
tor. In one RCT of patients aged 75 and over with AF, warfarin did not show any
204 A. AlTurki et al.
significant benefit in reducing dementia compared to aspirin, although the study was
limited by the follow-up period of 33 months (Mavaddat et al. 2014).
a b c
Micro Micro
Macro Emboli Micro Emboli
Emboli Bleed
Fig. 11.2 Three separate cranial images with the mechanisms that impact cognition that may be
reduced with direct acting oral anticoagulants: (a) diffusion-weighted axial magnetic resonance
images showing large ischemic injury in the left posterior parietal lobe. Multiple emboli are also
seen; (b) axial magnetic resonance image in which the ventricles and cortical sulci demonstrate
generalized atrophy and resultant enlargement in cerebral spinal fluid spaces as well as white mat-
ter disease; (c) non-contrast computed tomographic scan showing a subdural hematoma as well as
intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Used with permission from Jacobs et al. (2015b). Jacobs V, Cutler
MJ, Day JD, Bunch TJ. Atrial fibrillation and dementia. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine.
11 DOACs and Dementia in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation 205
Future Directions
There are several pending RCTs which aim to evaluate the efficacy of a DOAC
when compared to warfarin for dementia prevention in patients with AF. The
Cognitive Decline and Dementia in Atrial Fibrillation Patients (CAF) trial
(NCT03061006) is an ongoing clinical trial designed to evaluate whether patients
on dabigatran will be less likely to develop dementia when compared to patients on
dose-adjusted warfarin (target INR 2.0–3.0). The trial will also examine the effects
in serial cognition scores. The study population includes patients with non-valvular
AF and a CHADS2 or CHADSVASC score of 2 or more, who were being initiated
on OAC. Those with a history of moderate to severe cognitive impairment were
excluded (Bunch et al. 2019). Several biomarkers of cerebral neurologic injury have
been found to be elevated in patients with AF. These include circulating Tau,
GDF15, and GFAP, and these will also be evaluated in the CAF trial to look for cor-
relation with cognition (Galenko et al. 2019). The Anticoagulants and Cognition
(ACCOG) trial (NCT04073316) is a randomized controlled trial which aims to
compare cognitive performance in patients aged 70 years and older with non-
valvular AF, and without baseline dementia, randomized to receive either rivaroxa-
ban or warfarin. The primary outcome will be change in global cognitive performance
at 6 months to 1 year. The Trial of Apixaban vs. Warfarin in Reducing Rate of
Cognitive Decline, Silent Cerebral Infarcts and Cerebral Microbleeds in Patients
with Atrial Fibrillation (ARISTA) (NCT03839355) is a randomized controlled trial
206 A. AlTurki et al.
which aims to compare apixaban and warfarin in patients with non-valvular AF,
aged 60 and older, and with CHADSVAS 2 and above. The primary outcomes
include a standardized neurocognitive function score as well as the incidence of
silent cerebral infarcts and microbleed detected by MRI. The Cognitive Impairment
Related to Atrial Fibrillation Prevention trial (GIRAF) (NCT01994265) will com-
pare warfarin to dabigatran in patients aged 70 and older with non-valvular AF and
CHADSVAS 1 or more in reducing risk of cognitive decline. The Blinded
Randomized Trial of Anticoagulation to Prevent Ischemic Stroke and Neurocognitive
Impairment in AF (BRAIN-AF) (NCT02387229) is an upcoming randomized con-
trolled trial that will enroll 3250 participants aged 30–62 with non-valvular AF and
low risk of stroke (CHADS 0). Participants will be randomized to rivaroxaban,
when compared to standard of care, with neurocognitive decline as part of a com-
posite primary endpoint, which includes stroke and transient ischemic attack, as
well as a secondary endpoint (Rivard et al. 2019).
Alonso A, Arenas de Larriva AP. Atrial fibrillation, cognitive decline and dementia. Eur Cardiol.
Anselmino M, Scarsoglio S, Saglietto A, Gaita F, Ridolfi L. Transient cerebral hypoperfusion and
hypertensive events during atrial fibrillation: a plausible mechanism for cognitive impairment.
Sci Rep. 2016;6:28635.
Arvanitakis Z, Shah RC, Bennett DA. Diagnosis and management of dementia: review.
JAMA. 2019;322(16):1589–99.
Benjamin EJ, Wolf PA, D’Agostino RB, Silbershatz H, Kannel WB, Levy D. Impact of atrial fibril-
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Bunch TJ, Crandall BG, Weiss JP, May HT, Bair TL, Osborn JS, et al. Patients treated with catheter
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Bunch TJ, May HT, Bair TL, Crandall BG, Cutler MJ, Day JD, et al. Atrial fibrillation patients
treated with long-term warfarin anticoagulation have higher rates of all dementia types com-
pared with patients receiving long-term warfarin for other indications. J Am Heart Assoc.
Bunch TJ, Jacobs V, May H, Stevens SM, Crandall B, Cutler M, et al. Rationale and design of
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Jacobs V, Cutler MJ, Day JD, Bunch TJ. Atrial fibrillation and dementia. Trends Cardiovasc Med.
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January CT, Wann LS, Calkins H, Chen LY, Cigarroa JE, Cleveland JC, et al. 2019 AHA/ACC/HRS
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208 A. AlTurki et al.
11 DOACs and Dementia in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation 209
Non-vitamin K Antagonists and Cardiac
Implantable Electronic Devices 12
Ahmed AlTurki, Riccardo Proietti, and Vidal Essebag
212 A. AlTurki et al.
Pocket Hematomas
Device pocket hematomas are an important major adverse event complicating CIED
surgery. The incidence of pocket hematomas ranges from 1.2% when no anticoagu-
lant is present, 2.3–6.5% on continued-warfarin therapy, and 7–16% during heparin
bridging (Birnie et al. 2013; Sant’anna et al. 2015). Pocket hematomas may lead to
significant morbidity, prolong hospitalization, and may require reoperation for
evacuation (Birnie et al. 2013; Sridhar et al. 2015; Sticherling et al. 2015). Most
importantly, pocket hematomas are associated with a significantly increased risk of
device infection (Essebag et al. 2016). A clinically significant hematoma (CSH),
which has been defined as a hematoma that required reoperation or resulted in pro-
longation of hospitalization or required interruption of oral anticoagulation, was
associated with an >sevenfold increase in the subsequent risk of serious device
infection in BRUISE CONTROL (Bridge or Continue Coumadin for Device Surgery
Randomized Controlled Trial) (Essebag et al. 2016). Therefore, it is crucial to pre-
vent the occurrence of pocket hematomas, and perioperative antithrombotic man-
agement is an integral component of this management.
Vitamin K Antagonists
Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) were the main therapeutic option for oral anticoagu-
lation prior to the introduction of NOACs. Krahn and colleagues showed that the
periprocedural management of VKA anticoagulation varied among electrophysiolo-
gists in Canada (Krahn et al. 2009). Most clinicians chose to withhold oral antico-
agulation without initiating heparin bridging in those at low risk of thromboembolism
and to use a form of heparin bridging in those at medium to high risk of thrombo-
embolism. Observational studies suggested that continued anticoagulation with
warfarin was associated with 70% lower odds of a pocket hematoma with a similar
risk of thromboembolic events (Sant’anna et al. 2015). The BRUISE CONTROL
trial was conducted to resolve the debate whether continued VKA was superior to
heparin bridging with regard to CSH in those at moderate or greater risk of throm-
boembolism (Birnie et al. 2013). This trial randomized 681 patients, with moderate
to severe risk of thromboembolism (estimated annual risk of 5% or greater) to either
continued-warfarin treatment or bridging therapy with heparin. CSH occurred in
3.5% in the continued-warfarin group, compared to 16.0% in the heparin-bridging
group (relative risk, 0.19; 95% confidence interval, 0.10–0.36; P < 0.001).
Thromboembolic complications were rare and similar in both groups (Healey et al.
2012). Furthermore, continued-warfarin therapy was found to be cost effective com-
pared with bridging-heparin therapy in patients at high risk of thromboembolic
events undergoing device surgery, with a cost savings of approximately $1800 per
patient treated (Coyle et al. 2015). The BRUISE CONTROL trial led to a change in
guideline recommendations and clinical practice (Birnie et al. 2014).
12 Non-vitamin K Antagonists and Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices 213
The introduction of NOACs, starting in 2009, has transformed the landscape of oral
anticoagulation including its perioperative management. The perioperative manage-
ment of NOACs involves one of the two following approaches: (1) appropriate tim-
ing of the cessation and reinitiation of the drug based on the predicted clearance,
mainly taking into account patients’ renal function; (2) continued anticoagulation
based on low patient and surgical risk of bleeding (AlTurki et al. 2016). However,
given their relatively recent use, there has been limited data on outcomes in patients
undergoing CIED surgery who are receiving NOACs. Prior to the publication of
relevant studies on this matter, in a Canadian survey involving 22 centers, which
performed approximately 14,971 device implants of which around 10% involved
NOACs at the time, NOAC were discontinued in anticipation of device implantation
in 82% of centers with 73% of these centers not utilizing heparin bridging
(Nascimento et al. 2014). In the Outcomes Registry for Better Informed Treatment
of Atrial Fibrillation (ORBIT-AF) registry, among 9129 AF patients, 416 (5%)
underwent CIED surgery during a median follow-up of 30 months. Oral anticoagu-
lation therapy was commonly interrupted for CIED surgery in 64% of warfarin
patients and 65% of NOAC patients. A substantial proportion of patients, 18% on
interrupted warfarin and 10% on interrupted NOAC, received intravenous bridging
anticoagulation. Major bleeding or stroke was a very rare occurrence in either group
of this analysis (Black-Maier et al. 2017).
The best observational data was derived from secondary analyses of the large
landmark randomized trials that compared NOACs to VKAs in patients with non-
valvular AF. A sub-analysis of the RELY trial, which compared dabigatran to war-
farin, that included 611 patients who underwent CIED surgery offers was the first to
be reported (Essebag et al. 2017). Warfarin was interrupted for a median of 144 h
with 18.4% of patients undergoing heparin bridging. On the other hand, the duration
of dabigatran interruption was a median of 96 h. Pocket hematomas occurred in
2.2% of patients on dabigatran and 4.0% patients on warfarin (P = 0.218). Pocket
hematoma incidence was lower in those who received dabigatran compared to those
who received warfarin with heparin bridging but not when compared with warfarin
without bridging. Thromboembolic events were similar between the two groups
(Essebag et al. 2017). In data from Rivaroxaban Once Daily Oral Direct Factor Xa
Inhibition Compared with Vitamin K Antagonism for Prevention of Stroke and
Embolism Trial in Atrial Fibrillation (ROCKET AF), during a median follow-up of
2.2 years, 453 patients underwent CIED surgery (Leef et al. 2017). Most patients
had the study drug interrupted for the procedure without intravenous bridging anti-
coagulation. The rate of adverse events was low in both groups: 11 patients (4.6%)
in the rivaroxaban group experienced bleeding complications compared with 15
(7.1%) in the warfarin group, and thromboembolic complications occurred in 3
patients (1.3%) in the rivaroxaban group and 1 (0.5%) in the warfarin group (Leef
et al. 2017). In the Effective Anticoagulation with Factor Xa Next Generation in
Atrial Fibrillation-Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 48 (ENGAGE AFTIMI
48) trial that compared edoxaban and warfarin, CIED surgeries were performed in
214 A. AlTurki et al.
943 patients who were receiving study drug; in the majority (n = 728, 74%), study
drug was interrupted >3 days (median 5 days, interquartile range 0–11 days) (Steffel
et al. 2019). Again, the event rates were very low: six strokes/systemic embolic
events (three each in the lower dose edoxaban arm and warfarin arm) and one major
bleeding event (in the lower dose edoxaban arm) occurred; two of the six strokes
and the major bleeding event occurred in patients in whom procedures performed
with <3 days periprocedural interruption of study drug (Steffel et al. 2019).
The BRUISE CONTROL 2 trial randomized 662 patients with AF and risk of
thromboembolism (CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥ 2), to continued vs. interrupted
NOAC (Birnie et al. 2018). For the interrupted NOAC approach, rivaroxaban or
apixaban was discontinued after the last dose taken 2 days before surgery, while
dabigatran was discontinued drug based on a time interval dependent on glomerular
filtration rate. All three drugs were resumed at the next regular dose timing ≥24 h
after surgery. The median time between pre- and postoperative NOAC doses was
12 h in the continued NOAC arm compared to 72 h in the interrupted NOAC arm.
The trial was terminated early due to futility. CSH occurred in 2.1% of patients in
the continued NOAC arm and 2.1% of patients in the interrupted NOAC arm
(P = 0.97) (Birnie et al. 2018); the incidence of thromboembolic events was also
very low with one stroke occurring in each arm. Therefore, either approach is rea-
sonable with the choice dependent on the clinical scenario. This was subsequently
confirmed in a systematic review of two trials and three observational studies that
showed similar findings: continuing DOAC for device implantation compared to
interrupting DOAC resulted in no significant difference in CSH (2.1% vs. 1.8%; RR
1.15; 95%CI: 0.44–3.05) or thromboembolism (0.03% vs. 0.03%; RR 1.02; 95%CI:
0.06–16.21) (Mendoza et al. 2020).
The general principle is that CIED surgery is considered a low bleeding risk proce-
dure (AlTurki et al. 2016). Due to the predictable waning anticoagulant effects of
NOACs, bridging anticoagulation is not required and has been shown to increase the
risk of bleeding in all surgeries (Douketis et al. 2015) as well as CIED surgery spe-
cifically (Birnie et al. 2013). Therefore, NOAC interruption involves timing the ces-
sation and reinitiation of the drug based on the predicted clearance, which takes
renal function into account (AlTurki et al. 2016; Spinler and Shafir 2012). In patients
with normal renal function undergoing a low bleeding risk procedure, the usual
practice is to discontinue the NOAC 24 h prior to the procedure and to reinstate the
drug 24 h after, provided no significant bleeding has occurred (Sticherling et al.
2015). Figure 12.1 shows the timeframe for NOAC interruption in those undergoing
CIED surgery. The specific information for each specific NOAC is provided below
(AlTurki et al. 2016; Sticherling et al. 2015; Birnie et al. 2014):
1. Dabigatran
(a) Twice-daily drug with a half-life of 14 h.
12 Non-vitamin K Antagonists and Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices 215
Resume DOAC
24-48 hours
Hold 1day before the
CrCI ≥ 50 postoperatively
(if no significant
Fig. 12.1 Strategy for NOAC interruption in patients undergoing CIED surgery. AlTurki A,
Proietti R, Birnie DH, et al. Management of antithrombotic therapy during cardiac implant-
able device surgery. J Arrhythm. 2016; 32:163–169
(b) When CrCl is >50 mL/min, hold the day before surgery, i.e., missing 2 doses
before the day of surgery (12–25% residual anticoagulant effect at the time
of surgery).
(c) When CrCl is between 30 and 50 mL/min (half-life of 15–18 h), hold 2 days
before surgery, i.e., 4 missed doses to give the same residual anticoagulant
effect (12–25%).
(d) Should not be used in patients with a CrCl of ˂30 mL/min.
(e) Resume 24 h postoperatively.
2. Rivaroxaban
(a) Once-daily drug with a half-life of 9 h.
(b) Hold the day before surgery, i.e., missing one dose before the day of surgery
(12–25% residual anticoagulant effect at the time of surgery).
(c) Should not be used in patients with a CrCl less than 30 mL/min.
(d) If used in patients with a CrCl between 15 and 30 mL/min, at least 36 h of
drug interruption is advised.
(e) Use of the drug should be resumed 24–48 h postoperatively.
3. Apixaban
(a) Twice-daily drug with half-life of 9 h.
(b) Hold the day before surgery and resume 24–48 h postoperatively, if renal
function is >30 mL/min.
(c) If apixaban is used in patients with a CrCl between 15 and 30 mL/min, then
at least 36 h of drug interruption is advised.
4. Edoxaban
(a) Once-daily drug with a half-life of 10–14 h.
216 A. AlTurki et al.
(b) Hold the day before surgery and resume 24–48 h postoperatively, if renal
function is >30 mL/min (Ferretto et al. 2020; Wong et al. 2018).
(c) Should not be used in patients with a CrCl ˂ 30 mL/min.
In patients receiving NOACs, it is important to assess for risk factors that increase
the risk of CSH. The presence of these factors should lead to consideration of inter-
ruption of NOAC therapy or a greater duration of interruption. Bridging anticoagu-
lation and concomitant antiplatelet therapy have already been discussed. Device
type and left ventricular ejection fraction <30% have been shown to be strong pre-
dictors of pocket hematoma in single-center studies (Ferretto et al. 2020;
Notaristefano et al. 2020). Implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation car-
ries an increased risk of CSH. In an analysis of the SIMPLE trial which included
2500 patients who received a defibrillator, CSH occurred in 2.2% of patients, of
whom 10.7% developed a device-related infection (Masiero et al. 2016). Independent
predictors of wound hematoma on multivariable analysis included subpectoral loca-
tion of the device, older age, previous stroke, and an upgrade from a previous
12 Non-vitamin K Antagonists and Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices 217
Burden of SCAF
The burden of SCAF (i.e., longer and more frequent episodes) is thought to be an
important predictor of stroke. Proietti and colleagues assessed this relationship in a
systematic review and meta-analysis (Proietti et al. 2016). The analysis was limited
by a small number of studies that reported such data and the varying cutoff points
used in the studies. The authors concluded that a direct correlation between burden
of asymptomatic AF and HR for stroke cannot be confirmed (Proietti et al. 2016).
Van Gelder et al. performed an important sub-analysis of the ASSERT study and
found that SCAF episodes lasting 24 h and longer were associated with an increased
risk of ischemic stroke or systemic embolism (Van Gelder et al. 2017). Patients
were divided into one of the following groups on the basis of the duration of the
single longest episode of SCAF: >6 min to 6 h (19%), >6 to 24 h (7%), and >24 h
(11%), while those who had no SCAF or SCAF for <6 min were excluded from this
analysis. There was a threefold increase in the associated risk of stroke (adjusted
HR 3.24, 95% CI: 1.51–6.95, P = 0.003) in those with episodes of 24 h or more with
an absolute stroke risk of around 5% which approximates the risk of stroke seen in
clinical AF (AlTurki et al. 2019). In contrast, in those with SCAF between 6 min
and 24 h, the risk of stroke was not significantly different from patients without
SCAF (Van Gelder et al. 2017). Similar results were reported in another registry;
those with SCAF episodes of 24 h or longer had a significantly increased risk of
stroke (OR 3.1, 95% CI: 1.1–10.5, P = 0.044) (Capucci et al. 2005). While these
studies clearly identified a high-risk group, it remains unclear whether those with
218 A. AlTurki et al.
episodes lasting between 6 min and 24 h have a significantly increased risk of stroke
and in particular those with episodes longer than 6 h (AlTurki et al. 2019).
Progression of SCAF
Predictors of SCAF
Through several studies, predictors of SCAF have been identified. A high propor-
tion of right ventricular pacing predicted SCAF in those with sinus node dysfunc-
tion and hypertension predicted SCAF in those with pacemakers for atrioventricular
block (Cheung et al. 2006). In ASSERT, sinus node dysfunction and a lower resting
heart rate predicted SCAF (Healey et al. 2012). In another study, older age and dia-
stolic blood pressure predicted SCAF (Glotzer et al. 2009). In addition, prior HF,
sinus node disease, and increased left atrial volume index independently predicted
SCAF (Kim et al. 2016). In a meta-analysis of ten studies, only heart failure reliably
predicted SCAF (Belkin et al. 2018). In patients older than 65 years of age with at
least two stroke risk factors who received an implantable loop recorder, independent
predictors of AF included increased age and increased left atrial size (Healey
et al. 2017).
12 Non-vitamin K Antagonists and Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices 219
Ongoing Trials
220 A. AlTurki et al.
If confirmed, initiate
Attempt to document
anticoagulation if patient
on 12-
has a risk
lead electrocardiogram
factor for stroke*
If confirmed, consider
Any episodes lasting anticoagulation if patient
for ≥ 24 hours has a risk
factor for stroke**
Continue to
from 230 international clinical sites and is expected to have 36 months of follow-up
until 248 adjudicated primary outcome events have occurred (Lopes et al. 2017).
NOAH-AFNET 6 is an investigator-driven, prospective, randomized trial
(Kirchhof et al. 2017). The trial enrolled patients with SCAF and one or more risk
factors for stroke. Inclusion criteria include: (1) SCAF; (2) age ≥65 years; and (3)
12 Non-vitamin K Antagonists and Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices 221
at least one other stroke risk factor. Exclusion criteria include: (1) documented AF
or (2) an indication for oral anticoagulation. Broad inclusion/exclusion criteria used
to replicate clinical practice. NOAH-AFNET 6 will randomize 3400 patients to
edoxaban or no anticoagulation in a superiority trial; aspirin may be used depending
on the clinical indication. The primary efficacy outcome is stroke or cardiovascular
death, and the primary safety outcome will be major bleeding and all patients will
have follow-up until the intended 222 target primary outcomes are reached. Patients
who develop AF will be censored and offered open-label anticoagulation instead
(Kirchhof et al. 2017).
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12 Non-vitamin K Antagonists and Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices 223
Sant’anna RT, Leiria TL, Nascimento T, et al. Meta-analysis of continuous oral anticoagulants
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study. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2015;38:417–23.
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Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Atrial
Fibrillation Ablation 13
Ahmed AlTurki, Riccardo Proietti, and Vidal Essebag
Catheter ablation (CA) for atrial fibrillation (AF) is increasingly used as a strategy
for rhythm control due to expanding indications (AlTurki et al. 2020). Improvements
in operator experience, techniques, and equipment have resulted in greater efficacy
and safety (Calkins et al. 2017a). The incidence of major adverse events due to CA
is low (Samuel et al. 2017); however, thromboembolism remains a major concern
with targeted strategies to mitigate that risk. The periprocedural management of
anticoagulation is of great import as it impacts the incidence of major bleeding and
has a central role in preventing thromboembolism.
In the aftermath of CA, the decision to continue anticoagulation has important
implications in the short and longer term. Patients often desire an end to oral antico-
agulation. Data from the AFFIRM trial suggested that discontinuing anticoagula-
tion in those receiving rhythm control with an antiarrhythmic drug is ill-advised
with a notable increase in the risk of thromboembolism (Sherman et al. 2005). CA
is much more efficacious at establishing rhythm control and lowering the burden of
AF than AADs (Calkins et al. 2017a; AlTurki et al. 2019a). A lower burden of AF
has been suggested to decrease thromboembolism risk (AlTurki et al. 2019b).
In this chapter, we will review the evidence for the periprocedural management
of anticoagulation in patients undergoing CA as well as the short and long-term
postprocedural management. We will focus on the role of direct acting oral antico-
agulants in these contexts.
226 A. AlTurki et al.
Warfarin had been the mainstay for stroke prevention AF. Initially, the standard
practice was to interrupt warfarin 5 days prior to the procedure and then bridge
patients with low molecular weight heparin. The rationale for this approach was the
notion that an uninterrupted anticoagulation strategy would lead to an increased risk
of major bleeding especially pericardial tamponade. However, in a prospective mul-
ticenter, Di Biase et al. showed that uninterrupted anticoagulation with warfarin
periprocedurally was associated with a lower risk of periprocedural stroke (0% vs.
0.9%; P < 0.05) (Biase et al. 2010). In addition, there was no observed increase in
the risk of bleeding complications. This study was seminal to the concept that an
13 Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Atrial Fibrillation Ablation 227
228 A. AlTurki et al.
13 Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Atrial Fibrillation Ablation 229
230 A. AlTurki et al.
Intraprocedural Anticoagulation
13 Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Atrial Fibrillation Ablation 231
Fig. 13.1 Forest plot comparing the risk of major bleeding with an uninterrupted direct oral anti-
coagulant strategy versus an uninterrupted vitamin K antagonist strategy. Used with permission
from Romero et al. (Elsevier) (Romero et al. 2019)
Postprocedural Anticoagulation
AF ablation has clearly been shown to improve rhythm control of AF and results in
a lower burden of disease (AlTurki et al. 2020). In a recently published trial with
2789 patients that compared early rhythm control including AF ablation to usual
care, early rhythm control led to a reduction in the primary endpoint which was a
composite of death from cardiovascular causes, stroke, or hospitalization with wors-
ening of heart failure or acute coronary syndrome (hazard ratio, 0.79; 96% CI:
0.66–0.94; P = 0.005); there was also a significant reduction in stroke (hazard ratio
0.65; 95% CI: 0.44–0.97) (Kirchhof et al. 2020). The optimal long-term anticoagu-
lation strategy in those who undergo AF ablation is unclear and is an area that is
lacking in high-quality data. The current standard of care is to provide at least 8–12
weeks of oral anticoagulation post ablation and then decide on longer term antico-
agulation based on the patient’s overall stroke risk; this is in keeping with current
international AF ablation guidelines (Calkins et al. 2017a). Bunch et al. showed that
in select patients with low stroke risk (CHADS2 = 0–1) who undergo AF ablation
using an aggressive anticoagulation strategy with heparin as well as an open-
irrigated tip catheter scores have a low risk of thromboembolism when discharged
on aspirin alone compared to warfarin (Bunch et al. 2009). Saad and colleagues
examined a cohort of 327 patients, the majority of whom had a CHADS2 score of
2–3, who underwent AF ablation and discontinued oral anticoagulation 6–12
months post ablation and were then followed up for 46 ± 17 months. There were no
symptomatic ischemic cerebrovascular events despite 91% of patients not receiving
anticoagulation (Saad et al. 2011). In a large multicenter observational study of
232 A. AlTurki et al.
3355 patients that compared those who discontinued anticoagulation versus those
who continued, there was a very low risk of thromboembolism in both groups
(0.07% off anticoagulation vs. 0.45% on anticoagulation) that was not statistically
significant (P = 0.06) (Themistoclakis et al. 2010). A major hemorrhage was
observed in 0.04% of those off anticoagulation compared to those on anticoagula-
tion (2%; P < 0.0001). Proietti et al. performed a meta-analysis of 16 studies that
included 25,177 patients (Proietti et al. 2019). There was no significant difference
in the incidence of thromboembolic events between patients on and off oral antico-
agulants AF ablation (RR 0.66; 95% CI: 0.38–1.15). The Optimal Anti-Coagulation
for Enhanced-Risk Patients Post–Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation (OCEAN)
trial is an ongoing study that aims to assess whether using a DOAC (rivaroxaban) is
superior to acetylsalicylic acid in reducing the risk of clinically overt stroke, sys-
temic embolism, or covert stroke (primary composite outcome) in patients who
have not had an apparent recurrent atrial arrhythmias for a minimum of 1 year after
AF ablation (Verma et al. 2018). Major bleeding including intracranial hemorrhage
will also be assessed. This trial may help identify the optimal long-term anticoagu-
lation strategy after AF ablation.
AlTurki A, Proietti R, Dawas A, et al. Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation in heart failure with
reduced ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled tri-
als. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2019a;19:18.
AlTurki A, Marafi M, Russo V, et al. Subclinical atrial fibrillation and risk of stroke: past, present
and future. Medicina (Kaunas). 2019b;55:611.
AlTurki A, Joza J, Bernier ML, et al. Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: current and evolving
indications. Can J Cardiol. 2020;36:1685–9.
Aryal MR, Ukaigwe A, Pandit A, et al. Meta-analysis of efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban com-
pared with warfarin or dabigatran in patients undergoing catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation.
Am J Cardiol. 2014;114:577–82.
Bassiouny M, Saliba W, Rickard J, et al. Use of dabigatran for periprocedural anticoagulation
in patients undergoing catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol.
13 Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Atrial Fibrillation Ablation 233
Biase LD, Burkhardt JD, Mohanty P, et al. Periprocedural stroke and management of major bleed-
ing complications in patients undergoing catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. Circulation.
Biase LD, Burkhardt JD, Santangeli P, et al. Periprocedural stroke and bleeding complications in
patients undergoing catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation with different anticoagulation man-
agement. Circulation. 2014;129:2638–44.
Bin Abdulhak AA, Khan AR, Tleyjeh IM, et al. Safety and efficacy of interrupted dabigatran for
peri-procedural anticoagulation in catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. EP Europace. 2013;15:1412–20.
Blandino A, Bianchi F, Biondi-Zoccai G, et al. Apixaban for periprocedural anticoagulation during
catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 1691 patients. J
Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2016;46:225–36.
Bunch TJ, Crandall BG, Weiss JP, et al. Warfarin is not needed in low-risk patients following atrial
fibrillation ablation procedures. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2009;20:988–93.
Calkins H, Hindricks G, Cappato R, et al. 2017 HRS/EHRA/ECAS/APHRS/SOLAECE expert
consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm.
Calkins H, Willems S, Gerstenfeld EP, et al. Uninterrupted dabigatran versus warfarin for ablation
in atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med. 2017b;376:1627–36.
Cappato R, Marchlinski FE, Hohnloser SH, et al. Uninterrupted rivaroxaban vs. uninterrupted
vitamin K antagonists for catheter ablation in non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Eur Heart
J. 2015;36:1805–11.
Di Biase L, Gaita F, Toso E, et al. Does periprocedural anticoagulation management of atrial
fibrillation affect the prevalence of silent thromboembolic lesion detected by diffusion cerebral
magnetic resonance imaging in patients undergoing radiofrequency atrial fibrillation ablation
with open irrigated catheters? Results from a prospective multicenter study. Heart Rhythm.
Di Biase L, Lakkireddy D, Trivedi C, et al. Feasibility and safety of uninterrupted periproce-
dural apixaban administration in patients undergoing radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial
fibrillation: results from a multicenter study. Heart Rhythm. 2015;12:1162–8.
Dillier R, Ammar S, Hessling G, et al. Safety of continuous periprocedural rivaroxaban for
patients undergoing left atrial catheter ablation procedures. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol.
Giugliano RP, Ruff CT, Braunwald E, et al. Edoxaban versus warfarin in patients with atrial fibril-
lation. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:2093–104.
Granger CB, Alexander JH, McMurray JJV, et al. Apixaban versus warfarin in patients with atrial
fibrillation. N Engl J Med. 2011;365:981–92.
Hohnloser SH, Camm J, Cappato R, et al. Uninterrupted edoxaban vs. vitamin K antagonists for
ablation of atrial fibrillation: the ELIMINATE-AF trial. Eur Heart J. 2019;40:3013–21.
Kaess BM, Ammar S, Reents T, et al. Comparison of safety of left atrial catheter ablation pro-
cedures for atrial arrhythmias under continuous anticoagulation with apixaban versus phen-
procoumon. Am J Cardiol. 2015;115:47–51.
Kirchhof P, Haeusler KG, Blank B, et al. Apixaban in patients at risk of stroke undergoing atrial
fibrillation ablation. Eur Heart J. 2018;39:2942–55.
Kirchhof P, Camm AJ, Goette A, et al. Early rhythm-control therapy in patients with atrial fibrilla-
tion. N Engl J Med. 2020;383:1305–16.
Kottmaier M, Bourier F, Pausch H, et al. Safety of uninterrupted periprocedural edoxaban ver-
sus phenprocoumon for patients who underwent left atrial catheter ablation procedures. Am J
Cardiol. 2018;121:445–9.
Kuwahara T, Abe M, Yamaki M, et al. Apixaban versus warfarin for the prevention of periproce-
dural cerebral thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation ablation: multicenter prospective random-
ized study. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2016;27:549–54.
234 A. AlTurki et al.
Lakkireddy D, Reddy YM, Di Biase L, et al. Feasibility and safety of dabigatran versus warfarin for
periprocedural anticoagulation in patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibril-
lation: results from a Multicenter Prospective Registry. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;59:1168–74.
Lakkireddy D, Reddy YM, Di Biase L, et al. Feasibility and safety of uninterrupted rivaroxaban for
periprocedural anticoagulation in patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibril-
lation: results from a Multicenter Prospective Registry. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;63:982–8.
Naito K, Nakano M, Iwasa A, et al. Safety and efficacy of uninterrupted treatment with edoxa-
ban or warfarin during the peri-procedural period of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. J
Arrhythm. 2020;36:634–41.
Page SP, Herring N, Hunter RJ, et al. Periprocedural stroke risk in patients undergoing cath-
eter ablation for atrial fibrillation on uninterrupted warfarin. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol.
Patel MR, Mahaffey KW, Garg J, et al. Rivaroxaban versus warfarin in nonvalvular atrial fibrilla-
tion. N Engl J Med. 2011;365:883–91.
Piccini JP, Stevens SR, Lokhnygina Y, et al. Outcomes after cardioversion and atrial fibrillation
ablation in patients treated with rivaroxaban and warfarin in the ROCKET AF trial. J Am Coll
Cardiol. 2013;61:1998–2006.
Proietti R, AlTurki A, Di Biase L, et al. Anticoagulation after catheter ablation of atrial fibrilla-
tion: an unnecessary evil? A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol.
Reynolds MR, Allison JS, Natale A, et al. A prospective randomized trial of apixaban dosing
during atrial fibrillation ablation: the AEIOU trial. JACC Clini Electrophysiol. 2018;4:580–8.
Romero J, Cerrud-Rodriguez RC, Alviz I, et al. Significant benefit of uninterrupted DOACs versus
VKA during catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2019;5:1396–405.
Saad EB, d’Avila A, Costa IP, et al. Very low risk of thromboembolic events in patients undergo-
ing successful catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation with a CHADS2 score ≤3: a long-term
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Samuel M, Almohammadi M, Tsadok MA, et al. Population-based evaluation of major adverse
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Verma A, Ha ACT, Kirchhof P, et al. The Optimal Anti-Coagulation for Enhanced-Risk Patients
Post–Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation (OCEAN) trial. Am Heart J. 2018;197:124–32.
DOAC Therapy in Patients Post Left Atrial
Appendage Occlusion or Isolation 14
T. Jared Bunch
T. J. Bunch (*)
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Utah
School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
236 T. J. Bunch
Multiple technologies for LAA occlusion are available, but for this chapter the
focus will be primarily on the Watchman device (Boston Scientific. Marlborough,
MA) as the data to date comprise the largest enrolled LAA occlusion populations
with the longest follow-up durations.
The PROTECT AF (Watchman Left Atrial Appendage System for Embolic
Protection in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation) trial included 542 patients and an
additional 460 in a continued access protocol registry that underwent attempted
LAA occlusion. In 91% of patients, the device was successfully implanted.
Procedure- or device-related safety events within 7 days were commonly initially
(7.7%) and declined with experience (3.7%), including procedure-related stroke
(0.9% and 0%, respectively) (Reddy et al. 2011). The LAA occlusion device com-
pared favorably to warfarin in regard to incident strokes (1.8 versus 4.3 events per
100 patient-years).
In a second randomized trial, PREVAIL AF (Evaluation of the Watchman LAA
Closure Device in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Versus Long Term Warfarin
14 DOAC Therapy in Patients Post Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion or Isolation 237
Although most patients who receive LAA occlusion have an absolute or relative
contraindication to anticoagulation, antithrombotic therapy post-procedure is rec-
ommended for a specified period of time to prevent device-associated thrombus.
However, the type of therapy, duration of therapy, and in what combination to use
are not well defined. In addition, all of these questions may differ as individualized
approaches based upon actual or perceived risk are required for long-term
Table 14.1 Comparison of clinical data from the PROTECT AF and PREVAIL AF and DOAC trials
PROTECT AF PREVAIL AF PROTECT AF Apixaban Rivaroxaban Edoxaban Dabigatran
LAA closure LAA closure Warfarin (ARISTOTLE) (ROCKET AF) (ENGAGE AF) (RELY)
Age, years 72 74 73 70 73 72 72
CHADS2 2.2 2.6 2.3 2.1 3.5 2.8 2.1
Major or minor – – – 18.1 14.9 16.9 16.4
bleeding (%)
Major bleeding (%) 3.5 – 4.1 2.1 3.6 2.8 3.1
Stroke/systemic 2.3 2.3 2.7 1.3 1.7 1.6 1.1
embolism (%)
T. J. Bunch
14 DOAC Therapy in Patients Post Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion or Isolation 239
240 T. J. Bunch
Pulmonary vein isolation is the cornerstone of ablation strategies for patients with
atrial fibrillation (Calkins et al. 2017). However, in some patients, particularly those
with advanced AF subtypes, the left atrial appendage can serve as a trigger for
recurrent arrhythmias. The BELIEF trial was a randomized trial in longstanding
persistent AF patients between a standard “extensive” ablation versus standard abla-
tion with LAA isolation. At 12-month follow-up, 48 (56%) patients in LAA isola-
tion group vs. 25 (28%) in extensive ablation alone group were recurrence free of
atrial arrhythmias after a single procedure (HR1.92; 95% CI: 1.3–2.9; p = 0.001)
(Di Biase et al. 2016).
Despite a potential value in rhythm control with LAA isolation, the mechanisms
surrounding thrombus formation in the LAA, hemostasis, hypercoagulability, and
endothelial injury are augmented in patients that undergo persistent electrical isola-
tion of the LAA with mechanical uncoupling. As such it was not surprising to find
patients such as the one illustrated in Fig. 14.1 that presented with stroke, despite
adequate anticoagulation. In a registry study of 50 patients that underwent LAA
isolation, transesophageal echocardiography was performed during follow-up in
47/50 (94%) patients independent of symptoms. LAA thrombus was identified on
transesophageal echocardiography in 10 (21%) patients (on oral anticoagula-
tion = 9; no oral anticoagulation = 1) (Rillig et al. 2016). Among these nine patients,
three were on vitamin K antagonists, one on dabigatran (200 mg/day), four on
14 DOAC Therapy in Patients Post Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion or Isolation 241
Fig. 14.1 The figure shows the CT images at the time of admission for an acute stroke. The INR
findings show the values recorded 4 months prior to admission. The case is of 56-year-old female
with hypertension, grade ¾ diastolic dysfunction, two prior ablations, the second with extensive
substrate modification for non-PV triggers (4 months prior) with left atrial appendage isolation
rivaroxaban (20 mg/day), and one on apixaban (10 mg/day). If a thrombus was
found on DOAC therapy, these patients were transitioned to a vitamin K antagonist
with a goal INR of 2.5–3.5. Among the 50 patients that underwent LAA isolation,
three (6%) suffered a stroke.
A second larger study examined the impact of post LAA isolation occlusion or
long-term oral anticoagulation on risk of LAA thrombus at 6 months post LAA
isolation (Di Biase et al. 2019). In this study, 1854 consecutive post-LAA isolation
patients with follow-up transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) performed in
sinus rhythm at 6 months to assess LAA function was included. In the post-ablation
period, 336 patients with preserved LAA function were off oral anticoagulation
with very low stroke events. In the 1518 patients with abnormal LAA contractility,
1086 remained on oral anticoagulation with incident stroke/transient ischemic
attack rate of 1.7% versus 16.7% in those off oral anticoagulation (p < 0.001). In 81
patients with impaired LAA function, an LAA closure device was placed with stan-
dard post device anticoagulation with no observed strokes.
This second study highlights the significant iatrogenic stroke risk with LAA iso-
lation that results in impaired LAA function. In the group without impaired LAA
function, it is unclear if there was durable isolation, if the flow measurements were
reproducible, or if there was some benefit to the enhanced mechanical atrial func-
tion. What is very concerning about the observed strokes in this population is that
they often occurred rapidly, within 1–10 days, of a held or missed dosed of antico-
agulation, highlighting the potential challenges with long-term anticoagulation use
in patients that undergo LAA isolation and the likely value of LAA occlusion
despite the limitations discussed previously.
There are a number of trials actively recruiting in this space that will provide addi-
tional clarity regarding the role of LAA occlusion in patients with AF compared to
DOACs, but there are none to compare postimplantation anticoagulation strategies.
242 T. J. Bunch
The Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion versus Novel Oral Anticoagulation for
Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation (Occlusion-AF,
NCT03642509) is a randomized (1:1) trial of 750 patients that will compare out-
comes between the Amulet or Watchman devices and DOACs. The primary out-
come is a composite of stroke (hemorrhagic or ischemic), systemic embolism,
major bleeding, or all-cause mortality assessed after at least 2 years follow-up for
the last enrolled patient.
Comparison of Anticoagulation with Left Atrial Appendage Closure After AF
Ablation (OPTION, Identifier: NCT03795298) is a randomized
(1:1) trial of 1600 patients that will compare outcomes post atrial fibrillation
between patients treated with the Watchman FLX device sequential or planned at
the time of ablation and DOACs. The primary endpoints are noninferiority for
stroke, all-cause death, and systemic embolism and then for superiority for non-
procedural bleeding over 36 months of follow-up.
Left Atrial Appendage Closure in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Compared to
Medical Therapy (CLOSURE-AF, NCT03463317) is a random-
ized trial of 1512 patient to CE-mark–approved LAA closure devices followed by
post-procedure treatment (antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid and clopido-
grel) versus DOAC or vitamin K antagonist therapies. The primary endpoints are
sought at 24 months, but the trial is designed to be an event driven with a noninferi-
ority test, if significant, followed by superiority test. The primary endpoint is a com-
posite of stroke, systemic embolism, major bleeding, and cardiovascular or
unexplained death.
Amplatzer Amulet LAAO vs. NOAC (CATALYST,
NCT04226547) randomized trial (1:1) of 2650 patients randomized to the Amplatzer
Amulet LAA Occluder versus DOAC therapy with follow-up of 2 years. The end-
points are that the device will be noninferior for the composite of ischemic stroke,
systemic embolism, or cardiovascular mortality and superior for major bleeding or
clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding.
In consideration of these trials, most are anticipating low stroke event rates and
are focused on a noninferior design to show noninferiority to anticoagulation
approaches. The follow-up periods when considering the score and duration of man-
agement of a patient with AF are brief. However, many of these trials are designed
not to answer the way to manage patients with AF long term, but to try to answer the
prevalent question can LAA closure approach the benefit shown by DOAC therapies
alone in a scientifically acceptable manner for therapy adoption into practice.
Next, the field of electrophysiology remains plagued by the continued use of
clinical stroke, often with disability, as the primary endpoint for brain health. This
endpoint provides a myopic understanding of the actual impact of atrial fibrillation
on brain health and function and relies for the most part on a clinical presentation of
a frequently clinically silent event, whose true impact may become apparent
years later.
Finally, there remains a critical need to explore the role of different long-term
antithrombotic strategies in patients that receive an LAA closure device. The reli-
ance on long-term antiplatelet strategies is not supported by quality data, and these
agents are far from benign for both macro- and micro-brain injuries.
14 DOAC Therapy in Patients Post Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion or Isolation 243
Alkhouli M, Busu T, Shah K, Osman M, Alqahtani F, Raybuck B. Incidence and clinical impact
of device-related thrombus following percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion: a meta-
analysis. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2018;4:1629–37.
Bergmann MW, Betts TR, Sievert H, Schmidt B, Pokushalov E, Kische S, Schmitz T, Meincke F,
Stein KM, Boersma LVA, Ince H. Safety and efficacy of early anticoagulation drug regimens
after WATCHMAN left atrial appendage closure: three-month data from the EWOLUTION
prospective, multicentre, monitored international WATCHMAN LAA closure registry.
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Blackshear JL, Odell JA. Appendage obliteration to reduce stroke in cardiac surgical patients with
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Boersma LV, Ince H, Kische S, Pokushalov E, Schmitz T, Schmidt B, Gori T, Meincke F, Protopopov
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patients with or without contraindication to oral anticoagulation: 1-year follow-up outcome
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Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement 15
Andrea Scotti, Mauro Massussi, Antonio Landi,
and George Besis
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has emerged as the standard of care
for patients with symptomatic severe, aortic stenosis (Nishimura et al. 2021;
Baumgartner et al. 2017). Since the completion of large randomized clinical trials
on low-risk patients treated with transfemoral TAVR, a number of approximately
270,000 candidates may benefit from this procedure in European Union and North
America annually (Durko et al. 2018). Similarly to percutaneous coronary interven-
tion (PCI), a balance between bleeding and thrombotic complications has to be
taken into consideration. The optimal antithrombotic therapy is determined by pro-
cedural and clinical considerations. Current evidence and the future perspectives on
the use of anticoagulants after TAVR will be presented.
The available transcatheter bioprosthetic heart valves (BHVs) consist of three leaf-
lets of bovine or porcine pericardium attached to a stent frame. Despite some com-
mon features, BHVs differ from their surgical counterparts due to some unique
features that must be considered for appropriate selection of antithrombotic therapy.
The stents are uncoated and are directly exposed to blood flow. Comparisons
among different materials are not available but, extrapolating knowledge from coro-
nary stent research, nitinol frames (self-expandable BHVs) might offer better hemo-
compatibility and lower thrombogenicity potential compared to stainless steel
248 A. Scotti et al.
Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common rhythm disorder associated with severe
aortic stenosis; the STS/ACC TVT Registry reported a prevalence of 40% in
patients undergoing TAVR (Holmes et al. 2015). An additional 10% of new onset
AF cases has been detected (Mojoli et al. 2017). Therefore, up to half of the patients
undergoing TAVR potentially need oral anticoagulation (OAC) as part of the anti-
thrombotic therapy. A recent study investigated the impact of OAC type on 1-year
clinical outcome after TAVR (Jochheim et al. 2019). Although bleeding risk was
15 Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement 249
comparable, a higher ischemic event rate was found among patients taking non-
vitamin K OAC (NOAC) compared to those on vitamin K antagonists (VKAs);
composite outcome of all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, and cerebrovascu-
lar event at 1-year was 21.2% with NOAC vs. 15.0% with VKAs (hazard ratio [HR]
1.44, p = 0.050). Opposite results emerged from an analysis of the PARTNER
(Placement of AoRTic TraNscathetER Valve) II registries where patients discharged
on NOAC did not differ from those on VKAs in the following outcomes: overall
death 21% vs. 27.6%, stroke or TIA 11.6% vs. 8.8%, bleeding 23.1% vs. 22.4%, in
NOAC vs. VKAs, respectively (Kosmidou et al. 2019). However, when OAC was
added to a minimum 6 months regime of DAPT, a significant reduction in strokes
was observed. This finding was maintained after analyzing only acute/subacute
(procedure related) and late events (diffuse inflammatory and atherosclerotic pro-
cess). For this reason, Kosmidou et al. (2019) suggest the use of OAC (regardless of
type) in conjunction with APT for at least 6 months in patients with AF undergoing
TAVR. The absence of a significant difference between NOAC and VKAs in term of
bleeding could be attributed to the aetiology of post-TAVR hemorrhages that are
mostly mechanically provoked. Another possible explanation may be found in the
advanced age of patients undergoing TAVR. The reduction of major bleeds with
NOAC becomes nonsignificant when analyzing patients with AF and ≥75 years old
(Ruff et al. 2014).
Cerebrovascular Complications
Stroke is the most feared complication after TAVR. In the first year, it can occur in
up to 7% of intermediate or high-risk patients, similarly to what is observed in the
surgical counterpart (Vranckx et al. 2017). This 1-year time window can be further
divided into three parts, classifying stroke occurrence as acute, subacute, or late.
Acute stroke (on the first day) results from the mechanical deployment of the device
which interacts with the calcified aorta and degenerated valve. The consequence of
the embolization of tissue-derived debris is the finding of new cerebral emboli on
neuroimaging. This phenomenon has been observed in two-thirds of the patients but
does not correlate with clinical events (Giustino et al. 2016). A careful advancement
of the TAVR system and the use of embolic protection devices can attenuate this
complication. After the procedure and up to 30 days, we can define stroke occur-
rence as subacute. It is mainly caused by new-onset AF, which, as previously men-
tioned, can be detected in up to 10% of the patients (Mojoli et al. 2017). Finally, late
strokes are those reported in the 30 days–1 year period after the procedure. These
events are mainly related to systemic atherosclerosis with peripheral arterial disease
and preexisting AF. In some series, the role of anticoagulants in protecting from late
strokes caused by AF has been reported (Chopard et al. 2015).
250 A. Scotti et al.
15 Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement 251
Table 15.1 Current society guidelines for antithrombotic therapy after transcatheter aortic valve
Indication for OAC
Society guidelines Timing NO YES
ACC/AHA 2020 Short – DAPT for 3–6 months – VKAs in new-onset (≤ 3
term (IIb/B) if low bleeding risk months) AF (IIa/B)
– VKAs (INR 2.5) for 3
months (IIb/B-NR) if low
bleeding risk
– Rivaroxaban (10 mg daily)
plus aspirin (75–100 mg) is
contraindicated (III/B)
Long Aspirin 75/100 mg (IIa/B) – NOAC or VKAs after
term 3 months (I/A)
ESC/EACTS 2017 Short – DAPT for 3–6 months – OAC + aspirin/
term (IIa/C) thienopyridine for 3
– SAPT if high bleeding risk months (IIa/C)
(IIb/C) – OAC if high bleeding risk
Long Aspirin/thienopyridine OAC (I/C)
term (IIb/C)
OAC oral anticoagulation, ACC/AHA American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association, NOAC non-vitamin K OAC, DAPT dual antiplatelet therapy, VKAs vitamin K antago-
nists, INR international normalized ratio, ESC/EACTS European Society of Cardiology/European
Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, SAPT single antiplatelet therapy
patients with low-bleeding risk. In fact, a recent randomized clinical trial demon-
strated an advantage of single antiplatelet therapy (SAPT) over DAPT in reducing
the risk for major or life-threatening events while not increasing the risk for myo-
cardial infarction or stroke (Rodés-Cabau et al. 2017). Therefore, provided that
larger studies support this approach, a single antiplatelet agent could be a safer
alternative to DAPT in patients without an indication to OAC.
The issue of bleeding complications was not addressed by clinical trials on trans-
catheter procedures until the REPLACE-2 (Randomized Evaluation in PCI Linking
Angiomax to Reduced Clinical Events 2) trial. Bleeding was found to be a predictor
of death at 1 year that was as powerful as myocardial infarction (Feit et al. 2007).
This strong evidence impacted all subsequent studies that considered this complica-
tion worthy of being a primary outcome. The Global Study Comparing a
rivAroxaban-based Antithrombotic Strategy to an antiplatelet-based Strategy after
Transcatheter aortic vaLve rEplacement to Optimize Clinical Outcome (Galileo,
n = 1520) study randomized TAVR patients who did not have indications for OAC
in receiving 10 mg of rivaroxaban up to 25 months plus low-dose aspirin during the
first 3 months vs. 3 months DAPT followed by aspirin alone (NCT02556203).
Addition of OAC was found to be associated with increased risk of death, thrombo-
embolic as well as bleeding complications and resulted in premature termination of
the study (Dangas et al. 2020). The Anti-Thrombotic Strategy after Trans-Aortic
Valve Implantation for Aortic Stenosis (ATLANTIS, n = 1509) trial will provide
252 A. Scotti et al.
more data on the use of NOAC comparing the standard of care (DAPT or VKAs)
with an anticoagulant-based strategy with apixaban 5 mg bid, stratifying for the
need or not for OAC other than TAVI (NCT02664649).
In the setting of preexisting OAC indication, The Antiplatelet Therapy for Patients
Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (POPular TAVI, n = 1000) trial
was designed to provide randomized data on OAC vs. OAC plus clopidogrel for 3
months (NCT02247128). The investigators of this study reported a lower incidence
of serious bleeding over a period of 1 month or 1 year with OAC alone than with
OAC plus clopidogrel (Nijenhuis et al. 2020). In the same context of OAC indica-
tion but with the use of different NOAC, the Aortic Valve Replacement Versus
Conservative Treatment in Asymptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis (AVATAR) trial
will report on the net clinical benefit of OAC alone (VKAs or Apixaban/Edoxaban)
vs. OAC plus aspirin at 1 year (NCT02735902).
While the use of OAC is undisputed among patients with AF, the need to add an
antiplatelet agent is still debatable. As previously mentioned, conflicting evidence
complicate the final selection. Therefore, the choice of appropriate therapy needs to be
characterized by an approach that will favor OAC alone in case of enhanced bleeding
risk and, on the contrary, will suggest OAC plus aspirin if the thrombotic risk prevails.
Triple antithrombotic therapy (OAC plus DAPT) is not addressed by current guide-
lines and should be considered only in special situations (e.g., recent PCI and con-
comitant AF). In addition to the previously mentioned ATLANTIS trial, the Edoxaban
Compared to Standard Care after Heart Valve Replacement Using a Catheter in
Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (ENVISAGE-TAVI AF; NCT02943785; n = 1400)
and the Anticoagulant Versus Dual Antiplatelet Therapy for Preventing Leaflet
Thrombosis and Cerebral Embolization After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
(ADAPT-TAVR; NCT03284827; n = 220) trial will provide more evidence on the
efficacy and safety of NOAC (edoxaban) vs. VKAs or vs. DAPT, respectively.
At the moment, subclinical leaflet thrombosis is not addressed by current guide-
lines. Particular attention must be paid to this complication which can be effectively
treated with the use of anticoagulation therapy.
To conclude, we can affirm that, to date, there are several gaps that need to be
filled. In the absence of risk prediction models, a careful clinical judgement has to
guide the choice of the appropriate antithrombotic therapy. Ongoing studies will
provide better knowledge and more robust recommendations.
Disclaimer None.
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Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 16
Antonio Landi, Mauro Massussi, Andrea Scotti,
and George Besis
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac rhythm disorder with an esti-
mated prevalence of 1.5–2% in the general population (Moti et al. 2015). The bur-
den of this emerging arrhythmia is predicted to further expand in the next years due
to growing ageing population, with a major increase in healthcare cost (Virani et al.
2020). The cornerstone of AF-related thromboembolic prevention is represented by
oral anticoagulation (OAC) with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) and more recently
with direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) (Steffel et al. 2018). In this setting, OAC is
essential for preventing cerebral and systemic embolization arising from left atrial
appendage thrombus, where blood stasis and low shear-stress promote formation of
less platelet-rich thrombi.
However, about 30% of AF patients present with concomitant coronary artery
disease (CAD), often requiring percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
(Michniewicz et al. 2018; Nieuwlaat et al. 2005). Moreover, indications for lifelong
OAC occur in up to 10% of patients undergoing coronary angiography (Michniewicz
et al. 2018). In this context, dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) is needed to prevent
stent thrombosis (ST) and coronary events due to platelet-rich thrombi in high
shear-stress regions.
A sizeable proportion of patients presents with multiple comorbidities, which
may require the combination of OAC and DAPT, a treatment also known as triple
antithrombotic therapy (TAT). On one hand, this regimen is “theoretically” required
in order to prevent ischemic complications with different pathophysiological mech-
anisms (systemic, cerebral, and coronary ischemic events); on the other hand, the
256 A. Landi et al.
risk of major and fatal bleedings is markedly increased in patients on TAT, in par-
ticular in those patients with high bleeding risk at baseline. The growing interest of
the scientific community has led to several randomized controlled trials (RCTs),
evaluating different strategies of combining OAC and antiplatelet therapy. However,
the optimal management of AF patients requiring PCI is still debated, and ongoing
studies and meta-analyses will probably change the landscape in the near future
(Capodanno and Angiolillo 2014; Capodanno et al. 2019).
In this chapter, we summarize current evidence coming from large RCTs and
recent recommendations about management of antithrombotic therapy in AF
patients undergoing PCI. We also discuss the pivotal role of personalized ischemic
and bleeding risk assessment in order to offer a tailor-made treatment for those
patients. Finally, we will present emerging interventional strategies in high bleeding
risk patients, such as left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO) and newer generation
drug-eluting stents (DES).
The advent of DOAC in clinical practice and evidences from landmark trials has
brought about a paradigm shift in the optimal treatment strategies in AF patients
undergoing PCI.
An antithrombotic regimen consisting of OAC, aspirin, and P2Y12 inhibitors
(TAT) has been initially endorsed by international guidelines to ensure a compre-
hensive protection against ischemic events (thromboembolism and coronary throm-
bosis). However, TAT is associated with a higher risk of bleeding, particularly in
protracted administration. Sørensen et al. have clearly outlined that TAT fourfold
increases the risk of fatal and nonfatal bleedings in patients with myocardial infarc-
tion (MI) when compared to treatment with aspirin alone (Sørensen et al. 2009).
Moreover, it is important to emphasize that high bleeding risk (HBR) patients are
excluded or underrepresented in clinical trials, and the reported rates of major and
minor bleeding represent only the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, in major DAPT trials,
1-year major bleeding rates range from 0.3 to 2.8% (Fig. 16.1). Thus, the recogni-
tion of HBR patients is of paramount importance in daily clinical practice as well as
its impact on prognosis, which is emerging as a major issue. Data from ARISTOTLE
(Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events in Atrial
Fibrillation) trial demonstrated that major bleedings occurrence 12-fold increases
the risk of death, stroke, and MI within 30 days (Held et al. 2014).
This increased bleeding risk associated with TAT and its impact on clinical out-
comes has generated great interest in this complex clinical scenario, and main
research initiatives aim to identify alternative antithrombotic strategies and deter-
mine their optimal duration. Indeed, antithrombotic treatment and its duration
should take into account the dynamic nature of ischemic hazard (thromboembolism
and coronary thrombosis) and the individualized stratification of ischemic and
bleeding risk.
16 Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 257
1-year bleeding (%)
3 2.8
2.0 1.9
0.9 1.0
1 0.7
Fig. 16.1 One-year bleeding rates in dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) trials according to different
bleeding scores. As we can see from the bar chart, high bleeding risk patients are excluded or
underrepresented in DAPT trials. Bleeding events were evaluated according to different risk
scores. BARC Bleeding Academic Research Consortium, TIMI thrombolysis in myocardial infarc-
tion, GUSTO Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Arteries, STEEPLE Safety and Efficacy
of Enoxaparin in PCI Patients, an International Randomized Evaluation
Temporal evolution of ischemic risk represents a key point and different trends,
and pathophysiological mechanisms are recognized in the context of thromboem-
bolic and coronary events. Indeed, in AF patients requiring OAC, it has been well
established that stroke risk continues to increase over time. This continuous increase
may be related to structural remodeling of left atrium, which undergoes progressive
enlargement and loss of contractile function, with consequent increase of AF bur-
den, blood stasis, and thromboembolic risk. On the other hand, pathophysiological
mechanisms of ST are quite different and its risk seems to follow a more predictable
temporal pattern. Indeed, the majority of ST events occurs in the early phases after
coronary stenting, a temporal window of high thrombotic hazard in which a more
aggressive antiplatelet therapy is needed. Following this vulnerable period, lower-
ing the intensity of antiplatelet treatment has been demonstrated to be a safe option
in patients at high bleeding risk.
Current guidelines and consensus documents underline the importance of indi-
vidual stratification of ischemic and bleeding hazard (Angiolillo et al. 2018;
Neumann et al. 2018; Valgimigli et al. 2017). In recent years, several scores have
been proposed to predict the risk of ischemic or bleeding events in AF patients or
those undergoing PCI. For instance, in AF patients, CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-Vasc
258 A. Landi et al.
are well-established scores for ischemic risk assessment, while HAS-BLED, ABC,
and ATRIA are used for bleeding risk stratification. On the other hand, in patients
undergoing PCI, DAPT and PRECISE-DAPT scores have been proposed for isch-
emic and bleeding risk stratification, respectively (Saito and Kobayashi 2019).
However, no scoring system has been validated in AF patients undergoing PCI and
tested in RCT. Moreover, some of these scores are limited by considerable overlap
among risk factors for ischemic and bleeding events. Initial evidence seems to sup-
port the predictive ability of CHA2DS2-Vasc (with cutoff value of 5) and HAS-
BLED scores towards ischemic and bleeding events, respectively, in anticoagulated
patients undergoing PCI (Fauchier et al. 2016; Yoshida et al. 2019).
Currently, antithrombotic therapy, its composition and duration, is left to clini-
cian’s discretion and should take into consideration not only scoring systems and
clinical factors but also anatomical and PCI features (Giustino et al. 2016). Further
studies are warranted to develop or validate novel scoring systems, aiming to guide
antithrombotic therapy in AF patients undergoing PCI.
16 Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 259
WOEST and ISAR TRIPLE trials outlined that TAT should be as short as possible,
and a less intensive antithrombotic regimen is a safe option in patient requiring
OAC and antiplatelet therapy.
Dabigatran Rivaroxaban Apixaban
ASA 32% 37% 24% 29%
2% <2% 2% 2%
5% Excluded Excluded Excluded
Fig. 16.2 Antiplatelet therapy in direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) trials. In DOAC trials,
patients receiving P2Y12 inhibitors or DAPT are excluded or underrepresented. ASA acetylsalicylic
acid, DAPT dual antiplatelet therapy
Table 16.1 Study design and key outcomes of trials investigating DOAC in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interven-
tion (PCI)
(Gibson et al. 2016) 2017) AUGUSTUS (Lopes et al. 2019b) (Vranckx et al. 2019)
Year 2016 2017 2019 2019
Design Open label RCT Open label RCT RCT, 2 × 2 factorial design Open label RCT
Size (no. of patients) 2.124 2.725 4.614 1.506
Time to randomization ≤3 ≤5 ≤14 ≤5
ACS (%) 52 51 61 52
DOAC dose • Low-dose Both doses of APIXABAN 5 mg bid; 2.5 mg bid EDOXABAN 60 mg od;
RIVAROXABAN (15 mg DABIGATRAN approved with ≥2 of the following criteria: 30 mg if one or more
od) for thromboembolic factors:
prevention in AF • Age ≥ 80 years • Creatinine clearance
15–50 mL/min
• Very-low-dose • Weight ≤ 60 kg • Body weight ≤ 60 kg
RIVAROXABAN (2.5 mg • Creatinine ≥ 1.5 mg/dL • Concomitant use of
bid) specific potent P-GPI
Comparison 1. Low-dose 1. DABIGATRAN 1. APIXABAN + P2Y12i + placebo 1. EDOXABAN + P2Y12i
RIVAROXABAN + P2Y12i 110 mg + P2Y12i
2. Very-low-dose 2. DABIGATRAN 2. VKA +P2Y12i + placebo
RIVAROXABAN + DAPT 150 mg + P2Y12i
3. VKA + DAPT 3. VKA + DAPT 3. APIXABAN + P2Y12i + ASA 2. VKA + P2Y12i + ASA
4. VKA + P2Y12i + ASA
Primary End-point Major or minor TIMI Major or clinically relevant Major or clinically relevant minor Major or clinically
bleeding or bleeding minor bleeding bleeding relevant non-major
requiring medical attention bleeding
A. Landi et al.
Duration of DAPT in 1, 6 or 12 months 1 month after BMS 3 6 months 1–12 months
the triple therapy months after DES
Follow-up duration 12 months >12 months 6 months 12 months
RCT randomized controlled trial, ACS acute coronary syndrome, VKA vitamin K antagonist, P-GPI P-glycoprotein inhibitors, od once daily, bid twice daily,
BMS bare metal stent, DES drug-eluted stent; other abbreviations as in Figs. 16.1 and 16.2
16 Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
262 A. Landi et al.
In the AUGUSTUS trial, 4614 patients (61% with ACS, of whom 24% medically
treated) were first randomized (2 × 2 factorial design) to receive apixaban or VKA
(first randomization) and, then, randomized again to receive aspirin or placebo
16 Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 263
(second randomization) (Lopes et al. 2019a). The study was designed to compare
safety of apixaban versus VKA and to assess the effect of aspirin withdrawal.
Median time from index event to randomization was 6.6 days. At 6-month follow-
up, the results may be summarized as follows: (1) apixaban was associated with
lower risk of major or clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding events compared to
VKA (HR 0.69; 95% CI: 0.58–0.81; p < 0.001); (2) additional aspirin resulted in
higher risk of bleeding (HR 1.89; 95% CI: 1.59–2.24; p < 0.001); (3) the rate of
death or ischemic events did not significantly differ between placebo and aspirin
group (HR 1.12; 95% CI: 0.9–1.41). Although definite conclusions on efficacy end-
points could not be drawn, AUGUSTUS trial provide interesting insights into the
effect of aspirin removal. It should be noted that in all three previous trials, there is
a temporal window to randomization from 3 to 14 days (Table 16.1), during which
patients were treated with TAT. Thus, it remains debatable if aspirin could be with-
drawn in the early period after PCI, when the risk of coronary events is higher.
In order to further explore this relevant issue, Lopes et al. conducted a network
meta-analysis involving more than 10,000 patients from four RCTs (WOEST,
PIONEER AF-PCI, RE-DUAL PCI, and AUGUSTUS) (Lopes et al. 2019b). They
found that DAT (consisting of DOAC and a P2Y12 inhibitor) significantly reduced
bleeding events (odds ratio 0.49; 95% CI: 0.30–0.82) with a similar rate of ischemic
outcomes (odds ratio 1.02; 95% CI: 0.71–1.97).
Another recent meta-analysis pooled aggregate data from four DOAC-based
showing that DAT and in particular DOAC instead of VKA is associated with less
bleeding events, including minor and intracranial hemorrhages (Gargiulo et al.
2019). However, there was a trend toward increased risk of MI with a statistically
significant increase in ST with DAT.
Finally, evidence coming from RCT and meta-analysis provided interesting
pathophysiological and clinical implications. First, DOAC use should be preferred
over VKA in all AF patients undergoing PCI, since the superior safety profile in
terms of bleeding seems to be a class effect. Second, efficacy profile of DAT for
ischemic outcomes has been evaluated in all RCTs as secondary endpoint, and a
264 A. Landi et al.
Current Recommendations
16 Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 265
effective for stroke prevention should be considered. All the above recommenda-
tions are class IIa with varying level of evidence. When rivaroxaban is used in com-
bination with aspirin and/or clopidogrel, rivaroxaban 15 mg od may be used instead
of rivaroxaban 20 mg od (class IIb, Level of evidence B). Ticagrelor or prasugrel
should be avoided as part of TAT because of lack of data and high bleeding risk
(class III, level of evidence C) (Sarafoff et al. 2013). Figure 16.3 provides a practical
algorithm of antithrombotic management in AF patients undergoing PCI, based on
European recommendations.
In summary, European perspective highlights the importance of: (1) keeping
TAT duration as short as possible and DAT after PCI should be considered as an
option only in very selected patients; (2) ischemic and bleeding risk assessment
using validated risk predictors (e.g., CHA2DS2-VASc, ABC, and HAS-BLED); (3)
considering a target INR in the lower part of the recommended target range when a
VKA is used, in order to avoid bleeding complications; (4) using low-dose aspirin;
and (5) using routinely proton pomp inhibitors.
266 A. Landi et al.
Nowadays, PCI has become a safe and well-established procedure, with widely
adopted use of radial access and very low rates of stent-related complications with
contemporary DES, such as ST. Moreover, an appropriate risk and benefit stratifica-
tion and the increasingly standardized management of OAC in patients undergoing
elective or urgent PCI, together with selected use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors
only for bailout indications, have contributed to consistent reduction in bleeding
events in current clinical practice.
According to guidelines and consensus documents (Neumann et al. 2018;
Valgimigli et al. 2017), DAPT duration should be irrespective of stent type, opting
for contemporary DES over BMS. However, as mentioned above, the management
of aspirin removal represents a major issue. Based on ISAR-TRIPLE trial and other
observational studies, many clinically relevant bleeding events occurred during the
early period after PCI due to the use of multiple periprocedural antithrombotic med-
ications (Fiedler et al. 2015). All DOAC trials investigating safety of DAT versus
TAT randomized AF patients undergoing PCI to an aspirin-free strategy with a time
(from index procedure to randomization) of up to 3 days in PIONEER AF-PCI
(Gibson et al. 2016), 5 days in RE-DUAL PCI (Cannon et al. 2017) and ENTRUST
AF-PCI (Vranckx et al. 2019) trials, and 6 days in AUGUSTUS trial (Lopes et al.
2019a). Consequently, North American guidelines suggest DAT as default strategy
(Angiolillo et al. 2018; January et al. 2019), whereas European guidelines recom-
mend DAT (keeping aspirin in the peri-PCI period or until hospital discharge) only
for patients at very-high bleeding risk (Neumann et al. 2018).
European and American guidelines strongly recommend preferring DOAC use over
VKA, due to the lower bleeding risk. Moreover, in case of VKA use, the dose inten-
sity should be carefully modulated with a target INR in the lower part of the target
range aiming for a time in the therapeutic range (TTR)>65–70%. It should be noted
that, in the AUGUSTUS trial, median percentage of time of INR <2 was nearly 25%
and TTR was only 59% (Lopes et al. 2019a).
When a DOAC is used in TAT regimen, the lowest approved dose effective for
stroke prophylaxis should be considered (i.e., dabigatran 110 mg bid, rivaroxaban
15 mg od, according to 2018 ESC guidelines on myocardial revascularization
(Neumann et al. 2018)). After antiplatelets discontinuation, OAC should be contin-
ued at full dosage approved for stroke prophylaxis.
The duration of TAT should be as short as possible and up to 1 month. Indeed,
ISAR-TRIPLE trial showed no significant differences between 6-week and 6-month
TAT in anticoagulated patients undergoing PCI in terms of ischemic and bleeding
complications. Moreover, a landmark analysis of this study has clearly outlined a
16 Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 267
DOAC use should be preferred over VKA in patients treated with TAT. However,
there is still room for VKA in selected patients requiring triple therapy; in particular,
patients with:
268 A. Landi et al.
single antiplatelet agent) versus triple antithrombotic therapy. However, the efficacy
profile of these strategies for reduction of ischemic events has been evaluated as
secondary endpoints and no definite conclusions can be drawn in this regard.
Nevertheless, based on current evidence, the protection against ischemic complica-
tions offered by TAT seems to be outweighed by an increased bleeding rate, sug-
gesting keeping on TAT as short as possible and for no longer than 6 months (in
patients with high ischemic risk). In conclusion, a one-size-fits-all strategy cannot
be applied, and an individualized approach should guide the complex management
of these patients in a fine balance between ischemic and bleeding complications.
Disclaimer None.
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Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Left
Ventricular Thrombosis: The Evidence 17
for a Good Therapeutic Approach
The formation of thrombus in the left ventricle represents a serious condition lead-
ing to significant risk of stroke and systemic embolization. In the thrombolytic era,
intraventricular thrombus has been reported in up to 40% of patients after anterior
myocardial infarction (Nihoyannopoulos et al. 1989). Along with the improvement
of the revascularization technique (primary percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI)) and wide introduction of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT), the occurrence of
left ventricular thrombosis (LVT) has substantially decreased. However, a preva-
lence ranging between 4 and 9% after acute myocardial infarction (MI) is still
described (Robinson et al. 2016). A marked prevalence of LVT has also been
recorded among patients affected by heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
While conspicuous data are available regarding the prevalence of LVT among
patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, only a few have been published regarding
nonischemic cardiomyopathies (Zabczyk et al. 2019).
Numerous pathophysiological mechanisms contribute to the genesis of LVT and
can be classified among the three components of Virchow’s triad: blood stasis,
hypercoagulability, and tissue injury. While many of these factors have been well-
extensively described, others derive from contradictory studies and need further
The management of LVT poses unique challenges; though current recommenda-
tions indicate anticoagulation as the mainstay treatment, in this specific clinical
setting direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are not a plausible alternative to warfa-
rin due to the paucity of evidence available, thus more evidence is needed to justify
272 M. Massussi et al.
their use in clinical practice. The aim of this chapter is to describe the epidemiology
and the factors exposing to increased risk of LVT along with a review of the current
clinical evidences and the new pharmacological perspectives.
In clinical practice, the vast majority of left ventricular thrombi are diagnosed after
MI. In older series, LVT was described in almost 30% of patients after acute ante-
rior transmural MI (Johannessen et al. 1984; Lamas et al. 1988; Asinger et al. 1981);
while in the current era of PCI, there still remains a wide distribution of the preva-
lence, ranging from 0.4% reported by Ram et al. (2018) up to 26% recorded by
Meurin et al. (2015) (Fig. 17.1). These epidemiological observations are mostly
explained by patient selection criteria and chosen diagnostic techniques.
Fig. 17.1 Incidence of left ventricular thrombus after ST-elevation myocardial infarction. On the
left side of the graph are reported older studies, accomplished during pre-PCI era while on the right
side there are more recent studies
17 Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Left Ventricular Thrombosis: The Evidence… 273
High-Risk Patients
The formation of LVT is mostly influenced by the location and the size of the isch-
emic injury, and patients with the highest risk are those with anterior-apical MI
associated with severe wall motion abnormality (Greaves et al. 1997). There are
extensive evidence pointing out that the main risk factors related with LVT after
AMI are both the presence of an anterior-apical scar and the reduction of systolic
function (Shacham et al. 2013; Gianstefani et al. 2014). According to many authors,
LV dysfunction has the strongest impact on LVT formation, and this finding is sup-
ported by the LVEF, which is significantly lower in the subgroup of LVT patients.
Furthermore, the apex of the left ventricle is largely considered as the region where
more likely thrombi occur. The formation of LVT is strongly associated with apical
LV dysfunction, thus underlining the role of blood stasis due to regional myocardial
dysfunction as an important cause of development of cardiac thrombus (Weinsaft
et al. 2016). In addition to the main clinical predictors of LVT, numerous studies
have emphasized the impact of mitral regurgitation (MR) on the formation of
thrombi within the left heart chambers proposing a protective effect of MR in LVT
formation as a consequence of the decreased blood stasis (Kalaria et al. 1998),
although clinical results are discordant.
Intriguingly researches have explored the link between CHF and pro-
inflammatory and hypercoagulability state (Serebruany et al. 2002).
Diagnostic Modalities
274 M. Massussi et al.
a b
c d
Fig. 17.2 Left ventricular thrombus with different diagnostic tools. Small-size apical LVT
appears as an echo-dense mass on transthoracic echocardiography (a) and more delineated after
intravenous contrast medium (b). Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: LVT on delayed-
enhancement image, four-chamber view (c), and turbo inversion recovery magnitude (TIRM)
sequence of the same view on showing high signal in the apical segments of the left ventricle
consistent with myocardial edema and apical thrombus (d)
TTE detection rate of LVT correlate with thrombus size, and overall sensitivity may
vary according to the thrombus size and to the clinical pretest probability.
If the acoustic window is suboptimal, the addition of intravenous contrast
medium improves endocardial border delineation and has a documented higher
diagnostic accuracy for LVT (Weinsaft et al. 2016) (Fig. 17.2).
CMR is considered the gold standard imaging modality for assessing the pres-
ence, size, and location of intracardiac thrombi. LVT is identified as low-signal
intensity intraventricular filling defects, generally sticking to areas of hyper-
enhanced LV myocardial scarring (Fig. 17.2).
17 Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Left Ventricular Thrombosis: The Evidence… 275
Treatment Options
LVT provides a substrate for systemic embolism; however, the true incidence of
embolic events is still to be unequivocally defined. A recent study, aimed at deter-
mining the incidence of systemic embolism linked to LVT, proved that patients had
a 3.7% annual for the composite endpoint of transitory ischemic attack, stroke, and
systemic arterial embolism over a median follow-up of 3 years, four times higher
when compared with matched non-LVT patients (Velangi et al. 2019). Older studies
documented a particularly elevated range of embolic risk up to 22%, proving that
thrombus mobility and thrombus protrusion were the main risk factors for emboli-
zation with a reported sensitivity in predicting embolism of 58% and 88%, respec-
tively (Visser et al. 1985). Of note, studies that included few patients with a relatively
short-term follow-up (<12 months) recorded almost no embolic events (Table 17.1).
Table 17.1 Embolic events rate in published studies of LV thrombus detected by late gadolinium
enhancement CMR
Patients with Follow-up, Embolic Annualized rate of
LVT, n years events, n embolism (%)
Weinsaft et al. 55 0.5 3 –
Weir et al. 15 0.5 0 –
Meurin et al. 19 0.7 1 –
Delewi et al. 17 2 0 –
Poss et al. 26 1 1 3.8
Cambronero- 27 3.5 0 –
Cortinas et al.
Merkel et al. 33 In-hospital 3 –
Velangi et al. 155 3.3 19 3.7
Robinson et al. 514 0.9 54 10.9
CMR cardiac magnetic resonance, LVT left ventricular thrombosis
276 M. Massussi et al.
Shavadia et al. 2017). Also, the COMMANDER-HF trial failed to demonstrate the
benefit of low-dose oral anticoagulation in patients with severe HF in sinus rhythm,
but a post hoc analysis of the same trial with an outcome measure more specific for
thromboembolic events supported the hypothesis that low-dose rivaroxaban may
reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, sudden death, and symp-
tomatic pulmonary embolism/deep vein thrombosis (Greenberg et al. 2019).
The introduction of potent platelet P2Y12 receptor inhibitors in clinical practice
may have contributed to a reduction of LVT incidence after AMI, as suggested by a
retrospective analysis comparing ticagrelor to clopidogrel (Altıntaş et al. 2019).
Despite being biologically plausible, there is no trial in literature confirming that
DAPT plays a protective role against the formation of LVT and subsequent emboli-
zation, thus antiplatelet therapy cannot be considered as a substitute for anticoagula-
tion to prevent embolization of LV thrombus.
17 Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Left Ventricular Thrombosis: The Evidence… 277
enrolling patients affected by AF confirmed that all DOACs are superior to warfarin
in terms of safety and are not inferior in terms of effectiveness. All the studies evalu-
ating triple therapy with warfarin reported an increased elevated rate of clinically
significant bleeding (major bleedings and clinically relevant nonmajor bleedings).
Even though contemporary trials evaluating triple vs. double antithrombotic regi-
mens (RE-DUAL PCI (Cannon et al. 2017), PIONEER AF (Gibson et al. 2016),
AUGUSTUS (Lopes et al. 2019), and ENTRUST AF PCI (Vranckx et al. 2019))
were not powered to definitively assess these ischemic efficacy endpoints, since it
would require much larger samples followed for prolonged duration, double therapy
was associated with similar rates of composite thromboembolic events (unplanned
revascularization, MI/stent thrombosis, and death) compared with triple therapy.
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282 Index
Index 283
G Mechanical valves, 21, 22
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, 54 Metronidazole, 53
Global Anticoagulant Registry in the Mitral regurgitation (MR), 273
FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), 64
(GARFIELD AF study), 97 Myocardial infarction (MI), 256, 271, 276
Myocardial injury after non-cardiac
surgery, 19, 20
Heart failure (HF), 20, 100
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, 19 N
High bleeding risk (HBR), 256 Non-end-stage kidney disease, 122–125
Hypertension, 101 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Hypoattenuating leaflet thickening (NSAIDs), 48, 49
(HALT), 248 Nonstructural protein 5AB (NS5B)
polymerase inhibitors, 61
Non-valvular AF (NVAF), 149–152,
I 157–163, 166–170
Idaracizumab apixaban, 156, 161
clinical pharmacology, 76, 77 dabigatran, 156
in clinical practice, 79, 80 edoxaban, 161
dosage and administration, 78 rivaroxaban, 156
284 Index
Index 285