Lesson Plan in Org.&Mgt Pest&Swot

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Lupon National Comprehensive High School

Ilangay, Lupon, Davao Oriental


GRADE & SECTION : Grade 12 Socrates

DATE& TIME : May 1 5: 8:30-9:30

CONTENT STANDARD : The learners have an understanding of the role of business in the
environment, and how the environment affects the firm.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD :The learners shall be able to analyze the various environmental forces
affecting the firm and summarize these using Political Economic Social and Technological Analysis
(PEST) and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis Frameworks.

LEARNING COMPETENCY :The learners summarize forces using the PEST and SWOT analyses.

I. Objective: At the end of the lesson the students are expected to use SWOT Analysis as a
tool in evaluating business opportunity.

II. Subject Matter: Organization and Management

practice_a Book.pdf, Organization and Management textbook
Materials: Manila Paper, pentel pen, laptop, power point
Skills: Develop listening skills, equalize learning environment
Values: Participation and cooperation
Subject Integration: Applied Economics- identify and explain different principles, tools,
and techniques in creating a business

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Cleanliness
B. Review of the Previous Lesson
 The students are asked to determine whether the word or words in the
table is an example of Internal or External environment.

Plans & Polices Promotional Strategy

Promotional Strategy Competitor

Image Customers

Relationship with Suppliers


Mangement Government Regulations

Possible Answers:

Plans & Polices Peso Depreciation
Image Suppliers
Management Customers

Relationship with Government

Employees Regulations
Promotional Competitors

C. Motivation:
 Complete the letters of the word by filling up the underlined space.

S ___ R ___ N ___ H ___

W E ___ ___ N ___ S ___
O ___ ___ O ___ T ___ ___ I ___ ___ E ___
T ___ ___ E ___ T ___

D. Presentation of the Lesson

 With the aid of power point presentation, the teacher will discuss the
 SWOT Analyses
is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
it is a planning tool to understand the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats involved in a project/business.
used as framework for organizing and using data and information
gained from situation analysis of internal and external
a technique that enable a group or individual to move from
everyday problems and traditional strategies to a fresh perspective.
 Strengths
this pertains tocharacteristics of the business or a team that give it
an advantage over others in the industry.
Positive tangible and intangible attributes, internal to an
Beneficial aspects of the organization or the capabilities of an
organization, which include human competencies, process
capabilities, financial resources, products and services, customer
goodwill and brand loyalty.
 Weaknesses
a characteristic that place the business or project a disadvantage
relative to others. Identify weaknesses by finding parts of your
operation that cost you money.
 Opportunities
these are the elements in a company’s external environment that
allow it to formulate and implements strategies to increase
 Threats
these are the elements in the external environment that could
endanger the integrity and profitability of the business.
 In Applied Economics subject - How to Use SWOT Analysis as a Tool in
evaluating Business Opportunity. Learned it easy, use the SWOT Template

Strengths Weaknesses

Is the business in demand in your What could you improve?

community? What should you avoid?
Is the product new in your What factors would cause the loss of
community? your sales?
Is it accessible to all?
Will your community patronize it?

Opportunities Threats

Where are the good opportunities What obstacles do you face?

facing you? What is your competitor doing that
What are the interesting trends you you should be worried about?
are aware of? Could any of your weaknesses
What are the external factors that weaken?
can increase profits?

*Weak leadership *Strong competition *Popular Brand

*Competitive Salary *Incompetent Manager *Wide Range of Customers
*Reasonable Price *Money Devaluation *Unskilled Workers
*High cost of important raw materials
*Lockdown due to Covid-19 Pandemic
Activity 1: “Trust Walk”

Group yourselves into 5.

Apply SWOT Analysis by using SWOT Template. Use the following listed
words in the box
With your group, decide a member of each group who will do the trust
walk. One member at a time will go to the isolation area and pick-out a
card board indicating the “chosen word”, then they will paste it to their
group’s cartolina until all informations will be completed. The first to post
the correct answers will be the winner.
Let one member to present and explain the answer.

Key to Answer: SWOT Identification

E. Generalization:
 Let the students answer “Open ended Statements”
 SWOT Analysis
Is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
It is a planning tool to understand the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats involved in a project/business.
It is used as framework for organizing and using data and
information gained from situation analysis of internal and external
It is a technique that enable a group or individual to move from
everyday problems and traditional strategies to a fresh perspective.

F. Application:
Using the SWOT analyses, which is more decisive, internal or external
factor? If internal, why? And external why?
Rubrics on assessing the performance of group activity.
Criteria Points

3 2 1

Relationships Clear relationship between Relationship between Unclear relationship between

between concepts. Hierarchical concepts evident. concepts. Components and
concepts organization from Components and sub- sub-components unorganized.
components to sub components present.

Cross-linkages Logical linkages, Clear Logical linkages, Explanation Linkages do not make sense
thorough explanation of of links unclear. Information is and are not explained.
links. Information is clear, accurate. Information is inaccurate.
accurate and precise.

Presentation Presentation is orderly Presentation is orderly and Presentation is not orderly.

and visually appealing. effective.
Demonstrates effective
use of elements of
graphic design.


 Apply SWOT Analysis by using SWOT Template. Use the following listed
words in the box
Positive Negative

Strengths - Internal Weaknesses - Internal

Opportunity - External Threats - External

Competence and Capabilities Quality and reputation

Strong Competition Loss of Key Staff
Leadership inadequacy Lockdown due to CoVid-19 Pandemic
Market Demand Gap in skills and knowledge
Low morale among team members
Experience and knowledge
Using available gadgets, watch and analyze the video entitled “The Ant’s
Guide to Management Theory” and answer the guide question below.
Youtube link: (https:www.youtube.comwatch?y=dTzSkz9vrWo).(Search in
youtube; see group page fb messenger)
1. Lead your discussion on the point of view of the owner
and identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats, use as tools for management decisions. “Apply
organization theories in solving business cases”.
2. With the video presented prepare a SWOT Analysis.

Prepared by:

Teacher 1

Submitted and Checked By:

Master Teacher 1

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