(Analytical Procedure) Determining Transmissivity of Confined Nonleaky Aquifers by Critically Damped Well Response To Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug)
(Analytical Procedure) Determining Transmissivity of Confined Nonleaky Aquifers by Critically Damped Well Response To Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug)
(Analytical Procedure) Determining Transmissivity of Confined Nonleaky Aquifers by Critically Damped Well Response To Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug)
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D5881 − 18
3 4
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of
www.astm.org. this standard.
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D5881 − 18
5.2 Kipp (1) introduces dimensionless variables and param-
eters in converting these equations to dimensionless form,
solves the equations by Laplace transforms, and inverts the
solution by a Laplace-transform-inversion algorithm.
5.2.1 The following dimensionless parameters are among
those given by Kipp (1):
dimensionless water-level displacement:
w' 5 2w/w o (9)
dimensionless time:
t' 5 ~ tT! / ~ r s 2 S ! (10)
t̂ 5 t'/β ½ (11)
dimensionless storage:
α 5 ~r c ! ~ 2r s 2 S ! (12)
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D5881 − 18
TABLE 1 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level Displacement,
w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction of Type
Curves, ζ = 0.1 and α = 9988.1
t w' t w'
3.162278E−02 −9.994887E−01 3.162278E + 00 7.100277E−01
3.636619E−02 −9.993281E−01 3.636619E + 00 6.204110E−01
3.952847E−02 −9.992086E−01 3.952847E + 00 4.871206E−01
4.269075E−02 −9.990793E−01 4.269075E + 00 3.138511E−01
4.743416E−02 −9.988666E−01 4.743416E + 00 2.218683E−02
5.375872E−02 −9.985483E−01 5.375872E + 00 −3.226809E−01
6.324555E−02 −9.979965E−01 6.324555E + 00 −5.191564E−01
7.115125E−02 −9.974688E−01 7.115125E + 00 −3.413663E−01
7.905694E−02 −9.968794E−01 7.905694E + 00 3.445623E−05
8.696264E−02 −9.962284E−01 8.696264E + 00 2.889492E−01
9.486833E−02 −9.955161E−01 9.486833E + 00 3.712172E−01
1.106797E−01 −9.939077E−01 1.106797E + 01 −1.758246E−02
1.264911E−01 −9.920552E−01 1.264911E + 01 −2.697976E−01
1.423025E−01 −9.899599E−01 1.423025E + 01 2.109260E−02
1.581139E−01 −9.876230E−01 1.581139E + 01 1.919487E−01
1.739253E−01 −9.850456E−01 1.739253E + 01 −2.455328E−02
1.897367E−01 −9.822293E−01 1.897367E + 00 −1.392019E−01
2.213594E−01 −9.758851E−01 2.213594E + 01 9.826209E−02
FIG. 2 Slug-Test Data Overlaid on Type Curves for Three Differ- 2.529822E−01 −9.686026E−01 2.529822E + 01 −7.129166E−02
ent Damping Factors, Modified from Kipp (1) 2.846050E−01 −9.603946E−01 2.846050E + 01 4.976069E−02
3.162278E−01 −9.512748E−01 3.162278E + 01 −3.626029E−02
3.636619E−01 −9.359183E−01 3.636619E + 01 −9.997386E−03
3.952847E−01 −9.259452E−01 3.952847E + 01 7.200932E−03
4.269075E−01 −9.084819E−01 4.743416E + 01 5.892951E−03
6.1.5 The well is 100 % efficient, that is, the skin factor, f, 4.743416E−01 −8.947298E−01 5.375872E + 01 2.737128E−03
and dimensionless skin factor, σ, are zero. 5.375872E−01 −8.632514E−01 6.324555E + 01 −1.254582E−03
6.324555E−01 −8.135785E−01 7.115125E + 01 2.961127E−04
6.2 The assumptions made in defining the momentum bal- 7.115125E−01 −7.673017E−01 7.905694E + 01 −5.757717E−05
ance are as follows: 7.905694E−01 −7.169702E−01 8.696264E + 01 −2.991356E−04
8.696264E−01 −6.629659E−01 9.486833E + 01 −1.835296E−04
6.2.1 The average water velocity in the well is approxi- 9.486833E−01 −6.056883E−01 1.106797E + 02 −1.426791E−04
mately constant over the well-bore section. 1.106797E + 00 −4.829810E−01 1.264911E + 02 −1.249977E−04
6.2.2 Frictional head losses from flow in the well are 1.264911E + 00 −3.522848E−01 1.423025E + 02 −1.115579E−04
1.423025E + 00 −2.171309E−01 1.581139E + 02 −1.001696E−04
negligible. 1.581139E + 00 −8.105198E−02 1.739253E + 02 −9.109389E−05
6.2.3 Flow through the well screen is uniformly distributed 1.739253E + 00 5.974766E−02 1.897367E + 02 −8.347056E−05
over the entire aquifer thickness. 1.897367E + 00 1.802728E−01 2.213594E + 02 −7.152232E−05
2.213594E + 00 4.066508E−01 2.529822E + 02 −6.256450E−05
6.2.4 Change in momentum from the water velocity chang- 2.529822E + 00 5.647406E−01 2.846050E + 02 −5.560200E−05
ing from radial flow through the screen to vertical flow in the 2.846050E + 00 6.811030E−01 ... ...
well are negligible.
NOTE 1—The function of wells in any unconfined setting in a fractured
terrain might make the determination of k problematic because the wells dimensionless water level displacement, w', versus dimension-
might only intersect tributary or subsidiary channels or conduits. The less time, t̂, using the same scale as in plotting the observed
problems determining the k of a channel or conduit notwithstanding, the
partial penetration of tributary channels may make a determination of a
water-level displacement.
meaningful number difficult. If plots of k in carbonates and other fractured 8.3 Match the semilog plot of water-level displacement to
settings are made and compared, they may show no indication that there the type curves by translation of the time axis.
are conduits or channels present, except when with the lowest probability
one maybe intersected by a borehole and can be verified, such problems 8.4 From the type curve, record the value of ζ; from the
are described by (5) Smart (1999). Additional guidance can be found in match point, record the values of t̂, and w' from the type curve.
Guide D5717. From the data plot, record the values of time, t, and water-level
displacement, w.
7. Procedure
8.5 Calculate the effective static water column length, Le,
7.1 The overall procedure consists of conducting the slug
from the following:
test field procedure (see Test Method D4044/D4044M) and
analysis of the field data using this practice. t
t̂ 5 (18)
~ L e /g ! 1/2
NOTE 2—The initial displacement of water level should not exceed 0.1
or 0.2 of the static water column in the well, the measurement of L e 5 ~ t/t̂ ! 2 g (19)
displacement should be within 1 % of the initial water-level displacement
and the water-level displacement needs to be calculated independently. The effective static water column length should agree, within
20 %, with the effective length calculated from the system
8. Calculation and Interpretation of Results geometry (Eq 5).
8.1 Plot the normalized water-level displacement in the well 8.6 Calculate the dimensionless inertial parameter, β, itera-
versus the logarithm of time. tively from the following expression:
8.2 Prepare a set of type curves from Tables 1-10 by plotting β 5 @ ~ α 1n β ! /8ζ # 2 (20)
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D5881 − 18
TABLE 2 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level Displacement, TABLE 3 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level Displacement,
w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction of Type w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction of Type
Curves, ζ = 0.2 and α = 19976 Curves, ζ = 0.5 and α = 49940
t w' t w' t w' t w'
3.162278E−02 −9.994902E−01 3.162278E + 00 4.939368E−• 3.162278E−02 −9.994990E−01 3.162278E + 00 9.492086E−02
3.636619E−02 −9.993263E−01 3.636619E + 00 4.349310E−• 3.636619E−02 −9.993397E−01 3.636619E + 00 1.012577E−01
3.952847E−02 −9.992107E−01 3.952847E + 00 3.465758E−• 3.952847E−02 −9.992213E−01 3.952847E + 00 8.820339E−02
4.269075E−02 −9.990815E−01 4.269075E + 00 2.343067E−• 4.269075E−02 −9.990932E−01 4.269075E + 00 6.762111E−02
4.743416E−02 −9.988695E−01 4.743416E + 00 5.160353E−• 4.743416E−02 −9.988829E−01 4.743416E + 00 3.217532E−02
5.375872E−02 −9.985520E−01 5.375872E + 00 −1.543438E−• 5.375872E−02 −9.985688E−01 5.375872E + 00 −8.337546E−03
6.324555E−02 −9.980024E−01 6.324555E + 00 −2.671865E−• 6.324555E−02 −9.980257E−01 6.324555E + 00 −3.647544E−02
7.115125E−02 −9.974810E−01 7.115125E + 00 −1.818502E−• 7.115125E−02 −9.975079E−01 7.115125E + 00 −3.476092E−02
7.905694E−02 −9.968908E−01 7.905694E + 00 −2.600650E−• 7.905694E−02 −9.969310E−01 7.905694E + 00 −2.373581E−02
8.696264E−02 −9.962437E−01 8.696264E + 00 9.764360E−• 8.696264E−02 −9.962956E−01 8.696264E + 00 −1.338713E−02
9.486833E−02 −9.955360E−01 9.486833E + 00 1.324266E−• 9.486833E−02 −9.956020E−01 9.486833E + 00 −7.681039E−03
1.106797E−01 −9.939399E−01 1.106797E + 01 3.871680E−• 1.106797E−01 −9.940425E−01 1.106797E + 01 −6.737283E−03
1.264911E−01 −9.921040E−01 1.264911E + 01 −7.304361E−• 1.264911E−01 −9.922559E−01 1.264911E + 01 −7.879678E−03
1.423025E−01 −9.900304E−01 1.423025E + 01 −3.623751E−• 1.423025E−01 −9.902461E−01 1.423025E + 01 −6.928157E−03
1.581139E−01 −9.877207E−01 1.581139E + 01 3.430765E−• 1.581139E−01 −9.880166E−01 1.581139E + 01 −5.770595E−03
1.739253E−01 −9.851770E−01 1.739253E + 01 −2.397516E−• 1.739253E−01 −9.855713E−01 1.739253E + 01 −5.154381E−03
1.897367E−01 −9.824014E−01 1.897367E + 01 −2.051297E−• 1.897367E−01 −9.829139E−01 1.897367E + 01 −4.740291E−03
2.213594E−01 −9.761622E−01 2.213594E + 01 8.187383E−• 2.213594E−01 −9.769780E−01 2.213594E + 01 −3.991538E−03
2.529822E−01 −9.690205E−01 2.529822E + 01 −6.259136E−• 2.529822E−01 −9.702398E−01 2.529822E + 01 −3.447316E−03
2.846050E−01 −9.609942E−01 2.846050E + 01 1.402892E−• 2.846050E−01 −9.627300E−01 2.846050E + 01 −3.033006E−03
3.162278E−01 −9.521021E−01 3.162278E + 01 −2.331164E−• 3.162278E−01 −9.544800E−01 3.162278E + 01 −2.706963E−03
3.636619E−01 −9.371834E−01 3.636619E + 01 −1.031248E−• 3.636619E−01 −9.407848E−01 3.636619E + 01 −2.330656E−03
3.952847E−01 −9.262139E−01 3.952847E + 01 −7.347959E−• 3.952847E−01 −9.321798E−01 3.952847E + 01 −2.132780E−03
4.269075E−01 −9.105352E−01 4.269075E + 01 −8.050596E−• 4.743416E−01 −9.053980E−01 4.269075E + 01 −1.966362E−03
4.743416E−01 −8.975464E−01 4.743416E + 01 −6.352422E−• 5.375872E−01 −8.786102E−01 4.743416E + 01 −1.759041E−03
5.375872E−01 −8.673412E−01 5.375872E + 01 −5.870822E−• 6.324555E−01 −8.380771E−01 5.375872E + 01 −1.542575E−03
6.324555E−01 −8.201831E−01 6.324555E + 01 −5.087767E−• 7.115125E−01 −8.014756E−01 6.324555E + 01 −1.302071E−03
7.115125E−01 −7.766091E−01 7.115125E + 01 −4.500425E−• 7.905694E−01 −7.627801E−01 7.115125E + 01 −1.152281E−03
7.905694E−01 −7.295735E−01 7.905694E + 01 −4.046973E−• 8.696264E−01 −7.224138E−01 7.905694E + 01 −1.033361E−03
8.696264E−01 −6.794859E−01 8.696264E + 01 −3.675505E−• 9.486833E−01 −6.807796E−01 8.696264E + 01 −9.366315E−04
9.486833E−01 −6.267637E−01 9.486833E + 01 −3.366208E−• 1.106797E + 00 −5.952065E−01 9.486833E + 01 −8.565071E−04
1.106797E + 00 −5.151022E−01 1.106797E + 02 −2.881191E−• 1.264911E + 00 −5.088214E−01 1.106797E + 02 −7.312991E−04
1.264911E + 00 −3.979593E−01 1.264911E + 02 −2.518280E−• 1.423025E + 00 −4.239899E−01 1.264911E + 02 −6.380141E−04
1.423025E + 00 −2.786373E−01 1.423025E + 02 −2.236385E−• 1.581139E + 00 −3.426759E−01 1.423025E + 02 −5.658156E−04
1.581139E + 00 −1.602887E−01 1.581139E + 02 −2.011471E−• 1.739253E + 00 −2.592066E−01 1.581139E + 02 −5.082956E−04
1.739253E + 00 −3.860371E−02 1.739253E + 02 −1.827551E−• 1.897367E + 00 −1.964942E−01 1.739253E + 02 −4.613954E−04
1.897367E + 00 6.204784E−02 1.897367E + 02 −1.674534E−• 2.213594E + 00 −7.843895E−02 1.897367E + 02 −4.198187E−04
2.213594E + 00 2.492937E−01 2.213594E + 02 −1.434090E−• 2.529822E + 00 −4.874063E−03 2.213594E + 02 −3.613054E−04
2.529822E + 00 3.742380E−01 2.529822E + 02 −1.254123E−• 2.846050E + 00 6.501678E−02 2.529822E + 02 −3.156807E−04
2.846050E + 00 4.694111E−01 2.846050E + 02 −1.113734E−• ... ... 2.846050E + 02 −2.802644E−04
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D5881 − 18
TABLE 4 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level Displacement, TABLE 5 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level Displacement,
w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction of Type w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction of Type
Curves, ζ = 0.7 and α = 69917 Curves, ζ = 1.0 and α = 99881
t w' t w' t w' t w'
3.162278E−02 −9.995070E−01 3.162278E + 00 −6.213039E−02 3.162278E−02 −9.995190E−01 3.162278E + 00 −2.219805E−01
3.636619E−02 −9.993420E−01 3.636619E + 00 −3.354664E−02 3.636619E−02 −9.993614E−01 3.636619E + 00 −1.781301E−01
3.952847E−02 −9.992401E−01 3.952847E + 00 −2.515924E−02 3.952847E−02 −9.992445E−01 3.952847E + 00 −1.556584E−01
4.269075E−02 −9.991031E−01 4.269075E + 00 −2.198880E−02 4.269075E−02 −9.991182E−01 4.269075E + 00 −1.371938E−01
4.743416E−02 −9.988941E−01 4.743416E + 00 −2.246330E−02 4.743416E−02 −9.989111E−01 4.743416E + 00 −1.151268E−01
5.375872E−02 −9.985822E−01 5.375872E + 00 −2.597889E−02 5.375872E−02 −9.986024E−01 5.375872E + 00 −9.311931E−02
6.324555E−02 −9.980437E−01 6.324555E + 00 −2.841030E−02 6.324555E−02 −9.980706E−01 6.324555E + 00 −7.022901E−02
7.115125E−02 −9.975307E−01 7.115125E + 00 −2.670372E−02 7.115125E−02 −9.975651E−01 7.115125E + 00 −5.700982E−02
7.905694E−02 −9.969601E−01 7.905694E + 00 −2.343491E−02 7.905694E−02 −9.970039E−01 7.905694E + 00 −4.724055E−02
8.696264E−02 −9.963325E−01 8.696264E + 00 −2.012564E−02 8.696264E−02 −9.963876E−01 8.696264E + 00 −3.986817E−02
9.486833E−02 −9.956483E−01 9.486833E + 00 −1.743141E−02 9.486833E−02 −9.957171E−01 9.486833E + 00 −3.420016E−02
1.106797E−01 −9.941127E−01 1.106797E + 01 −1.389694E−02 1.106797E−01 −9.942169E−01 1.106797E + 01 −2.623916E−02
1.264911E−01 −9.923583E−01 1.264911E + 01 −1.171415E−02 1.264911E−01 −9.925094E−01 1.264911E + 01 −2.105718E−02
1.423025E−01 −9.903899E−01 1.423025E + 01 −1.010995E−02 1.423025E−01 −9.906011E−01 1.423025E + 01 −1.749216E−02
1.581139E−01 −9.882121E−01 1.581139E + 01 −8.865170E−03 1.581139E−01 −9.884982E−01 1.581139E + 01 −1.492222E−02
1.739253E−01 −9.858299E−01 1.739253E + 01 −7.886036E−03 1.739253E−01 −9.862069E−01 1.739253E + 01 −1.299590E−02
1.897367E−01 −9.832480E−01 1.897367E + 01 −7.099991E−03 1.897367E−01 −9.837333E−01 1.897367E + 01 −1.150439E−02
2.213594E−01 −9.775043E−01 2.213594E + 01 −5.916365E−03 2.213594E−01 −9.782635E−01 2.213594E + 01 −9.352879E−03
2.529822E−01 −9.710195E−01 2.529822E + 01 −5.068451E−03 2.529822E−01 −9.721364E−01 2.529822E + 01 −7.879054E−03
2.846050E−01 −9.638311E−01 2.846050E + 01 −4.431953E−03 2.846050E−01 −9.653980E−01 2.846050E + 01 −6.807075E−03
3.162278E−01 −9.559768E−01 3.162278E + 01 −3.936862E−03 3.162278E−01 −9.580927E−01 3.162278E + 01 −5.992307E−03
3.636619E−01 −9.430270E−01 3.636619E + 01 −3.371269E−03 3.636619E−01 −9.461653E−01 3.636619E + 01 −5.080616E−03
3.952847E−01 −9.350272E−01 3.952847E + 01 −3.076362E−03 3.952847E−01 −9.389866E−01 3.952847E + 01 −4.612882E−03
5.375872E−01 −8.853626E−01 4.269075E + 01 −2.828780E−03 4.269075E−01 −9.247502E−01 4.269075E + 01 −4.224055E−03
6.324555E−01 −8.485776E−01 4.743416E + 01 −2.523926E−03 5.375872E−01 −8.944811E−01 4.743416E + 01 −3.749946E−03
7.115125E−01 −8.158209E−01 5.375872E + 01 −2.206660E−03 6.324555E−01 −8.624921E−01 5.375872E + 01 −3.261801E−03
7.905694E−01 −7.816147E−01 6.324555E + 01 −1.856412E−03 7.115125E−01 −8.345350E−01 6.324555E + 01 −2.728883E−03
8.696264E−01 −7.463554E−01 7.115125E + 01 −1.639455E−03 7.905694E−01 −8.058093E−01 7.115125E + 01 −2.401808E−03
9.486833E−01 −7.104052E−01 7.905694E + 01 −1.467850E−03 8.696264E−01 −7.766480E−01 7.905694E + 01 −2.144707E−03
1.106797E + 00 −6.377118E−01 8.696264E + 01 −1.328729E−03 9.486833E−01 −7.473366E−01 8.696264E + 01 −1.937288E−03
1.264911E + 00 −5.657711E−01 9.486833E + 01 −1.213675E−03 1.106797E + 00 −6.891964E−01 9.486833E + 01 −1.767517E−03
1.423025E + 00 −4.963320E−01 1.106797E + 02 −1.034479E−03 1.264911E + 00 −6.328903E−01 1.106797E + 02 −1.501524E−03
1.581139E + 00 −4.307045E−01 1.264911E + 02 −9.013608E−04 1.423025E + 00 −5.794237E−01 1.264911E + 02 −1.305668E−03
1.739253E + 00 −3.625714E−01 1.423025E + 02 −7.985732E−04 1.581139E + 00 −5.294147E−01 1.423025E + 02 −1.152882E−03
1.897367E + 00 −3.142473E−01 1.581139E + 02 −7.168198E−04 1.739253E + 00 −4.759468E−01 1.581139E + 02 −1.035462E−03
2.213594E + 00 −2.201264E−01 1.739253E + 02 −6.502288E−04 1.897367E + 00 −4.408436E−01 1.739253E + 02 −9.383461E−04
2.529822E + 00 −1.617035E−01 1.897367E + 02 −5.949757E−04 2.213594E + 00 −3.675417E−01 1.897367E + 02 −8.578843E−04
2.846050E + 00 −9.684892E−02 2.213594E + 02 −5.085217E−04 2.529822E + 00 −3.213633E−01 2.213594E + 02 −7.322666E−04
... ... 2.529822E + 02 −4.439977E−04 2.846050E + 00 −2.602688E−01 2.529822E + 02 −6.387252E−04
... ... 2.846050E + 02 −3.939470E−04 ... ... 2.846050E + 02 −5.663467E−04
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EMAN AL SHAIR (SOIL FOUNDATION CO LTD) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D5881 − 18
TABLE 6 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level Displacement, TABLE 7 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level Displacement,
w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction of Type w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction of Type
Curves, ζ = 1.5 and α = 149821 Curves, ζ = 2.0 and α = 199761
t w' t w' t w' t w'
3.162278E−02 −9.995363E−01 3.162278E + 00 −3.890578E−01 3.162278E−02 −9.995504E−01 3.162278E + 00 −4.954981E−01
3.636619E−02 −9.993806E−01 3.636619E + 00 −3.398395E−01 3.636619E−02 −9.993964E−01 3.952847E + 00 −4.198530E−01
3.952847E−02 −9.992652E−01 3.952847E + 00 −3.113242E−01 3.952847E−02 −9.992824E−01 4.269075E + 00 −3.936005E−01
4.269075E−02 −9.991407E−01 4.269075E + 00 −2.857245E−01 4.269075E−02 −9.991596E−01 4.743416E + 00 −3.578603E−01
4.743416E−02 −9.989368E−01 4.743416E + 00 −2.520498E−01 4.743416E−02 −9.989589E−01 5.375872E + 00 −3.161236E−01
5.375872E−02 −9.986336E−01 5.375872E + 00 −2.144593E−01 5.375872E−02 −9.986610E−01 6.324555E + 00 −2.640067E−01
6.324555E−02 −9.981127E−01 6.324555E + 00 −1.702739E−01 6.324555E−02 −9.981509E−01 7.115125E + 00 −2.283612E−01
7.115125E−02 −9.976193E−01 7.115125E + 00 −1.419167E−01 7.115125E−02 −9.976692E−01 7.905694E + 00 −1.984082E−01
7.905694E−02 −9.970732E−01 7.905694E + 00 −1.193325E−01 7.905694E−02 −9.971377E−01 8.696264E + 00 −1.731322E−01
8.696264E−02 −9.964754E−01 8.696264E + 00 −1.012090E−01 8.696264E−02 −9.965578E−01 9.486833E + 00 −1.517201E−01
9.486833E−02 −9.958272E−01 9.486833E + 00 −8.656077E−02 9.486833E−02 −9.959308E−01 1.106797E + 01 −1.179834E−01
1.106797E−01 −9.943835E−01 1.106797E + 01 −6.487489E−02 1.106797E−01 −9.945412E−01 1.264911E + 01 −9.327095E−02
1.264911E−01 −9.927509E−01 1.264911E + 01 −5.014254E−02 1.264911E−01 −9.929793E−01 1.423025E + 01 −7.493612E−02
1.423025E−01 −9.909379E−01 1.423025E + 01 −3.9878338E−02 1.423025E−01 −9.912556E−01 1.581139E + 01 −6.116444E−02
1.581139E−01 −9.889526E−01 1.581139E + 01 −3.254993E−02 1.581139E−01 −9.893797E−01 1.739253E + 01 −5.069464E−02
1.739253E−01 −9.868033E−01 1.739253E + 01 −2.719151E−02 1.739253E−01 −9.873613E−01 1.897367E + 01 −4.263949E−02
1.897367E−01 −9.844978E−01 1.897367E + 01 −2.318242E−02 1.897367E−01 −9.852094E−01 2.213594E + 01 −3.142780E−02
2.213594E−01 −9.794484E−01 2.213594E + 01 −1.772176E−02 2.213594E−01 −9.805395E−01 2.529822E + 01 −2.431526E−02
2.529822E−01 −9.738631E−01 2.529822E + 01 −1.426997E−02 2.529822E−01 −9.754347E−01 2.846050E + 01 −1.959156E−02
2.846050E−01 −9.677964E−01 2.846050E + 01 −1.193176E−02 2.846050E−01 −9.699542E−01 3.162278E + 01 −1.631463E−02
3.162278E−01 −9.612998E−01 3.162278E + 01 −1.025528E−02 3.162278E−01 −9.641512E−01 3.636619E + 01 −1.300164E−02
3.636619E−01 −9.508522E−01 3.636619E + 01 −8.479138E−03 3.636619E−01 −9.549461E−01 3.952847E + 01 −1.144921E−02
3.952847E−01 −9.448418E−01 3.952847E + 01 −7.606080E−03 3.952847E−01 −9.498965E−01 4.269075E + 01 −1.023206E−02
4.269075E−01 −9.319204E−01 4.269075E + 01 −6.898443E−03 4.269075E−01 −9.380387E−01 4.743416E + 01 −8.833366E−03
5.375872E−01 −9.073899E−01 4.743416E + 01 −6.056228E−03 5.375872E−01 −9.179758E−01 5.375872E + 01 −7.480425E−03
6.324555E−01 −8.816423E−01 5.375872E + 01 −5.210778E−03 6.324555E−01 −8.968434E−01 6.324555E + 01 −6.093618E−03
7.115125E−01 −8.597084E−01 6.324555E + 01 −4.310538E−03 7.115125E−01 −8.791796E−01 7.115125E + 01 −5.282479E−03
7.905694E−01 −8.376400E−01 7.115125E + 01 −3.768776E−03 7.905694E−01 −8.616598E−01 7.905694E + 01 −4.663663E−03
8.696264E−01 −8.156531E−01 7.905694E + 01 −3.348259E−03 8.696264E−01 −8.444851E−01 8.696264E + 01 −4.175479E−03
9.486833E−01 −7.939129E−01 8.696264E + 01 −3.012294E−03 9.486833E−01 −8.274940E−01 9.486833E + 01 −3.780257E−03
1.106797E + 00 −7.516347E−01 9.486833E + 01 −2.739666E−03 1.106797E + 00 −7.948821E−01 1.106797E + 02 −3.179076E−03
1.264911E + 00 −7.114323E−01 1.106797E + 02 −2.315479E−03 1.264911E + 00 −7.639855E−01 1.264911E + 02 −2.743153E−03
1.423025E + 00 −6.735824E−01 1.264911E + 02 −2.006129E−03 1.423025E + 00 −7.347865E−01 1.423025E + 02 −2.412451E−03
1.581139E + 00 −6.381472E−01 1.423025E + 02 −1.769696E−03 1.581139E + 00 −7.071872E−01 1.581139E + 02 −2.152957E−03
1.739253E + 00 −6.050646E−01 1.581139E + 02 −1.583084E−03 1.739253E + 00 −6.738222E−01 1.739253E + 02 −1.943876E−03
1.897367E + 00 −5.742069E−01 1.739253E + 02 −1.432076E−03 1.897367E + 00 −6.562890E−01 1.897367E + 02 −1.771827E−03
2.213594E + 00 −5.185081E−01 1.897367E + 02 −1.307343E−03 2.213594E + 00 −6.103452E−01 2.213594E + 02 −1.468741E−03
2.529822E + 00 −4.831462E−01 2.213594E + 02 −1.113382E−03 2.529822E + 00 −5.819047E−01 2.529822E + 02 −1.308454E−03
2.846050E + 00 −4.270546E−01 2.529822E + 02 −9.695169E−04 2.846050E + 00 −5.304684E−01 2.846050E + 02 −1.157121E−03
... ... 2.846050E + 02 −8.585304E−04
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Downloaded/printed by
EMAN AL SHAIR (SOIL FOUNDATION CO LTD) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D5881 − 18
TABLE 8 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level Displacement, TABLE 9 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level Displacement,
w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction of Type w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction of Type
Curves, ζ = 3.0 and α = 299642 Curves, ζ = 4.0 and α = 399523
t w' t w' t w' t w'
3.162278E−02 −9.995713E−01 3.162278E + 00 −6.252020E−01 3.636619E−02 −9.994397E−01 3.162278E + 00 −7.016959E−01
3.636619E−02 −9.994208E−01 3.636619E + 00 −5.849806E−01 3.952847E−02 −9.993315E−01 3.636619E + 00 −6.675513E−01
3.952847E−02 −9.992801E−01 3.952847E + 00 −5.599474E−01 4.269075E−02 −9.992153E−01 3.952847E + 00 −6.459305E−01
4.269075E−02 −9.991903E−01 4.269075E + 00 −5.362293E−01 4.743416E−02 −9.990266E−01 4.269075E + 00 −6.252068E−01
4.743416E−02 −9.989957E−01 4.743416E + 00 −5.029083E−01 5.375872E−02 −9.987391E−01 4.743416E + 00 −5.956538E−01
5.375872E−02 −9.987081E−01 5.375872E + 00 −4.623004E−01 6.324555E−02 −9.982789E−01 5.375872E + 00 −5.588830E−01
6.324555E−02 −9.982186E−01 6.324555E + 00 −4.085330E−01 7.115125E−02 −9.978410E−01 6.324555E + 00 −5.087715E−01
7.115125E−02 −9.977595E−01 7.115125E + 00 −3.693645E−01 7.905694E−02 −9.973634E−01 7.115125E + 00 −4.711058E−01
7.905694E−02 −9.972559E−01 7.905694E + 00 −3.345921E−01 8.696264E−02 −9.968485E−01 7.905694E + 00 −4.367299E−01
8.696264E−02 −9.967096E−01 8.696264E + 00 −3.036493E−01 9.486833E−02 −9.962983E−01 8.696264E + 00 −4.053004E−01
9.486833E−02 −9.961227E−01 9.486833E + 00 −2.760565E−01 1.106797E−01 −9.951003E−01 9.486833E + 00 −3.765203E−01
1.106797E−01 −9.948334E−01 1.106797E + 01 −2.293403E−01 1.264911E−01 −9.937850E−01 1.106797E + 01 −3.259029E−01
1.264911E−01 −9.934017E−01 1.264911E + 01 −1.918026E−01 1.423025E−01 −9.923664E−01 1.264911E + 01 −2.831426E−01
1.423025E−01 −9.918402E−01 1.423025E + 01 −1.614586E−01 1.581139E−01 −9.908572E−01 1.423025E + 01 −2.468765E−01
1.581139E−01 −9.901608E−01 1.581139E + 01 −1.367944E−01 1.739253E−01 −9.892689E−01 1.581139E + 01 −2.160073E−01
1.739253E−01 −9.883746E−01 1.739253E + 01 −1.166434E−01 1.897367E−01 −9.876121E−01 1.739253E + 01 −1.896467E−01
1.897367E−01 −9.864919E−01 1.897367E + 01 −1.000984E−01 2.213594E−01 −9.841292E−01 1.897367E + 01 −1.670685E−01
2.213594E−01 −9.824744E−01 2.213594E + 01 −7.513561E−02 2.529822E−01 −9.804724E−01 2.213594E + 01 −1.309732E−01
2.529822E−01 −9.781767E−01 2.529822E + 01 −5.783395E−02 2.846050E−01 −9.766928E−01 2.529822E + 01 −1.040662E−01
2.846050E−01 −9.736570E−01 2.846050E + 01 −4.561932E−02 3.162278E−01 −9.728306E−01 2.846050E + 01 −8.380617E−02
3.162278E−01 −9.689648E−01 3.162278E + 01 −3.683581E−02 3.636619E−01 −9.669495E−01 3.162278E + 01 −6.840166E−02
3.636619E−01 −9.616917E−01 3.636619E + 01 −2.783159E−02 3.952847E−01 −9.630034E−01 3.636619E + 01 −5.170694E−02
3.952847E−01 −9.580948E−01 3.952847E + 01 −2.365551E−02 5.375872E−01 −9.453851E−01 3.952847E + 01 −4.360799E−02
5.375872E−01 −9.340335E−01 4.269075E + 01 −2.045240E−02 6.324555E−01 −9.339662E−01 4.269075E + 01 −3.723898E−02
6.324555E−01 −9.189910E−01 4.743416E + 01 −1.690262E−02 7.115125E−01 −9.246968E−01 4.743416E + 01 −3.004421E−02
7.115125E−01 −9.066885E−01 5.375872E + 01 −1.366930E−02 7.905694E−01 −9.156473E−01 5.375872E + 01 −2.343231E−02
7.905694E−01 −8.946509E−01 6.324555E + 01 −1.061295E−02 8.696264E−01 −9.068039E−01 6.324555E + 01 −1.727746E−02
8.696264E−01 −8.828959E−01 7.115125E + 01 −8.959150E−03 9.486833E−01 −8.981501E−01 7.115125E + 01 −1.407907E−02
9.486833E−01 −8.714239E−01 7.905694E + 01 −7.762188E−03 1.106797E + 00 −8.813505E−01 7.905694E + 01 −1.186523E−02
1.106797E + 00 −8.492890E−01 8.696264E + 01 −6.854400E−03 1.264911E + 00 −8.651446E−01 8.696264E + 01 −1.025799E−02
1.264911E + 00 −8.281398E−01 9.486833E + 01 −6.140890E−03 1.423025E + 00 −8.494578E−01 9.486833E + 01 −9.042727E−03
1.423025E + 00 −8.078648E−01 1.106797E + 02 −5.088277E−03 1.581139E + 00 −8.342370E−01 1.106797E + 02 −7.328027E−03
1.581139E + 00 −7.883699E−01 1.264911E + 02 −4.346830E−03 1.739253E + 00 −8.194373E−01 1.264911E + 02 −6.172593E−03
1.739253E + 00 −7.623399E−01 1.423025E + 02 −3.795249E−03 1.897367E + 00 −8.050439E−01 1.423025E + 02 −5.337797E−03
1.897367E + 00 −7.514388E−01 1.581139E + 02 −3.368423E−03 2.213594E + 00 −7.773380E−01 1.581139E + 02 −4.704649E−03
2.213594E + 00 −7.169161E−01 1.739253E + 02 −3.028188E−03 2.529822E + 00 −7.509616E−01 1.739253E + 02 −4.207132E−03
2.529822E + 00 −6.978197E−01 1.897367E + 02 −2.750489E−03 2.846050E + 00 −7.257946E−01 1.897367E + 02 −3.805443E−03
2.846050E + 00 −6.540089E−01 2.213594E + 02 −2.324282E−03 ... ... 2.213594E + 02 −3.168381E−03
... ... 2.529822E + 02 −2.755521E−03
... ... 2.846050E + 02 −2.421855E−03
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Jun 25 05:33:39 EDT 2020
Downloaded/printed by
EMAN AL SHAIR (SOIL FOUNDATION CO LTD) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D5881 − 18
TABLE 10 Values of the Dimensionless Water Level
Displacement, w', Versus Dimensionless Time, t, for Construction
of Type Curves, ζ = 5.0 and α = 499404
t w' t w'
3.162278E−02 −9.995993E−01 3.162278E + 00 −7.522230E−01
3.636619E−02 −9.994555E−01 3.636619E + 00 −7.227334E−01
3.952847E−02 −9.993500E−01 3.952847E + 00 −7.039170E−01
4.269075E−02 −9.992370E−01 4.269075E + 00 −6.857313E−01
4.743416E−02 −9.990540E−01 4.743416E + 00 −6.595645E−01
5.375872E−02 −9.987858E−01 5.375872E + 00 −6.266026E−01
6.324555E−02 −9.983344E−01 6.324555E + 00 −5.809008E−01
7.115125E−02 −9.979164E−01 7.115125E + 00 −5.458994E−01
7.905694E−02 −9.974631E−01 7.905694E + 00 −5.134182E−01
8.696264E−02 −9.969772E−01 8.696264E + 00 −4.832304E−01
9.486833E−02 −9.964608E−01 9.486833E + 00 −4.551380E−01
1.106797E−01 −9.953459E−01 1.106797E + 01 −4.045587E−01
1.264911E−01 −9.941348E−01 1.264911E + 01 −3.604938E−01
1.423025E−01 −9.928421E−01 1.423025E + 01 −3.219817E−01
1.581139E−01 −9.914807E−01 1.581139E + 01 −2.882303E−01
1.739253E−01 −9.900617E−01 1.739253E + 01 −2.585794E−01
1.897367E−01 −9.885951E−01 1.897367E + 01 −2.324735E−01
2.213594E−01 −9.855521E−01 2.213594E + 01 −1.890850E−01
2.529822E−01 −9.824077E−01 2.529822E + 01 −1.550702E−01
2.846050E−01 −9.792032E−01 2.846050E + 01 −1.282238E−01
3.162278E−01 −9.759688E−01 3.162278E + 01 −1.069007E−01
3.636619E−01 −9.711069E−01 3.636619E + 01 −8.264429E−02
3.952847E−01 −9.678791E−01 3.952847E + 01 −7.033634E−02
4.269075E−01 −9.607577E−01 4.269075E + 01 −6.035508E−02
5.375872E−01 −9.536742E−01 4.743416E + 01 −4.871115E−02
6.324555E−01 −9.445502E−01 5.375872E + 01 −3.762513E−02
7.115125E−01 −9.371475E−01 6.324555E + 01 −2.698853E−02
7.905694E−01 −9.299074E−01 7.115125E + 01 −2.139780E−02
8.696264E−01 −9.228118E−01 7.905694E + 01 −1.755806E−02
9.486833E−01 −9.158457E−01 8.696264E + 01 −1.482285E−02
1.106797E + 00 −9.022552E−01 9.486833E + 01 −1.280765E−02
1.264911E + 00 −8.890648E−01 1.106797E + 02 −1.007026E−02
1.423025E + 00 −8.762274E−01 1.264911E + 02 −8.316009E−03
1.581139E + 00 −8.637098E−01 1.423025E + 02 −7.096335E−03
1.739253E + 00 −8.442461E−01 1.581139E + 02 −6.196777E−03
1.897367E + 00 −8.395387E−01 1.739253E + 02 −5.503989E−03
2.213594E + 00 −8.164029E−01 1.897367E + 02 −4.952866E−03
2.529822E + 00 −8.075058E−01 2.213594E + 02 −4.129436E−03
2.846050E + 00 −7.728430E−01 2.529822E + 02 −3.542355E−03
... ... 2.846050E + 02 −3.102085E−03
(1) Kipp, K. L., Jr., “Type Curve Analysis of Inertial Effects in the Research, Vol 12, No. 1, 1976, pp. 71–77.
Response of a Well to a Slug Test,” Water Resources Research, Vol 21, (5) Smart, C.C., 1999, Subsidiary conduit systems: a hiatus in aquifer
No. 9, 1985, pp. 1397–1408. motoring and modeling, in, Palmer, A.N., Palmer, M.V., and
(2) Bird, R. B., W. E. Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, Sasowski, I.D., (eds) Karst Waters Institute Special Publication, No.
John Wiley, New York, 1960. 5., Proceedings of the symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia, p. 146-
(3) Cooper, H. H., Jr., Bredehoeft, J. D., and Papadopulos, I. S., 157.
“Response of a Finite-Diameter Well to an Instantaneous Charge of (6) Worthington, S.R.H., Davies, G.J., and Alexander, E.C., jr, 2016,
Water,” Water Resources Research, Vol 3, No. 1, 1967, pp. 263–269. Enhancement of bedrock permeability by weathering, Earth Science
(4) van der Kamp, Garth, “Determining Aquifer Transmissivity by Means Reviews160: 188-202, Elsevier, http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016/
of Well Response Tests: The Underdamped Case,” Water Resources j.earscirev.2016.07.002.
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EMAN AL SHAIR (SOIL FOUNDATION CO LTD) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D5881 − 18
Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D5881 – 13) that may impact the use of this standard. (December 1, 2018)
(1) Revised standard from a Test Method to a Practice in (4) Section 9—Reports: Revised title and added D6026 stan-
accordance with ASTM Form and Style Manual and D18 dard wording.
Procedures. (5) Section 10—Deleted Precision and Bias section.
(2) Section 1—Scope: Added D6026 standard paragraph. (6) General—Removed or revised jargon and superlatives
Added professional judgment caveat. throughout.
(3) Section 6—Significance and Use: Removed Note 1 on
D3740. Added note on fractured terrain.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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