Using The Electronic Piezocone Penetrometer Tests For Environmental Site Characterization and Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity
Using The Electronic Piezocone Penetrometer Tests For Environmental Site Characterization and Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity
Using The Electronic Piezocone Penetrometer Tests For Environmental Site Characterization and Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D6067/D6067M − 17
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D6067/D6067M − 17
called the penetrometer tip and measuring devices for deter- 3.4.7 k—Coefficient of hydraulic conductivity or permeabil-
mination of the components of penetration resistance. ity (D18 Standards Preparation Manual).
3.2.13 penetrometer tip, n—the terminal body (end section) 3.4.8 K—Intrinsic (absolute) permeability in area units (D18
of the penetrometer which contains the active elements that Standards Preparation Manual).
sense the components of penetration resistance. 3.5 Acronyms:
3.2.14 piezocone, n—same as electronic piezocone pen- 3.5.1 CPT—Cone Penetration Test.
etrometer. 3.5.2 PCPT or CPTu—Piezocone Penetration Test. D5778
3.2.15 piezocone pore pressure, u, n—fluid pressure mea-
sured using the piezocone penetration test. 4. Significance and Use
3.2.16 push rods, n—the thick walled tubes or rods used to 4.1 Environmental site characterization projects almost al-
advance the penetrometer tip. ways require information regarding subsurface soil stratigra-
3.3 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: phy and hydraulic parameters related to groundwater flow rate
3.3.1 bentonite, n—the common name for drilling fluid and direction. Soil stratigraphy often is determined by various
additives and well construction products consisting mostly of drilling procedures and interpreting the data collected on
naturally occurring sodium montmorillonite. Some bentonite borehole logs. The electronic piezocone penetrometer test is
products have chemical additives that may affect water quality another means of determining soil stratigraphy that may be
analyses. faster, less expensive, and provide greater resolution of the soil
units than conventional drilling and sampling methods. For
3.3.2 dissipation test, n—test where the dissipation of ex- environmental site characterization applications, the electronic
cess pore water pressure generated during push is monitored piezocone also has the additional advantage of not generating
versus time to evaluate depth specific hydraulic conductivity contaminated cuttings that may present other disposal prob-
and final pressure head of the soil when penetration is stopped. lems (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Investigators may obtain soil Discussion—Either complete or 50 % dissipation samples from adjacent borings for correlation purposes, but
time is monitored. Complete dissipation can be used to prior information or experience in the same area may preclude
determine equilibrium pore water pressure and thus hydrostatic the need for borings (11). Most cone penetrometer rigs are
head at a point in the aquifer. The time required for dissipation equipped with direct push soil samplers (Guide D6282/
depends on the soil type. D6282M) that can be used to confirm soil types.
3.3.3 soil behavior type index, Ic, n—Index where the 4.2 The electronic piezocone penetration test is an in situ
normalized cone parameters Qt and Fr can be combined into investigation method involving:
one Soil Behavior Type index, Ic, where Ic is the radius of the 4.2.1 Pushing an electronically instrumented probe into the
essentially concentric circles that represent the boundaries ground (see Fig. 1 for a diagram of a typical cone penetrom-
between each SBT zone on the normalized soil behavior type eter). The position of the pore pressure element may vary but
classification charts. is typically located in the u2 position, as shown in Fig. 1 (Test Discussion—Ic is determined by equation using Method D5778).
normalized tip resistance, friction ratio and is a function and 4.2.2 Recording force resistances, such as tip resistance,
effective confining stresses. For the equation for Ic, refer to friction sleeve resistance, and pore water pressure.
references by Lunne & Robertson (1, 2). 4.2.3 Data interpretation.
3.4 Symbols: The most common use of the interpreted data is
3.4.1 Ic—soil behavior type index. stratigraphy based on soil behavior types. Several charts are
available. A typical CPT soil behavior type classification chart
3.4.2 t50—time for dissipation of 50 percent of the excess
is shown in Figs. 2 and 3 (1, 2). Figure 3 uses tip and friction
pore water pressure during dissipation tests.
sleeve resistance data normalized to the estimated in-situ
3.4.3 ∆u—excess pore pressure. ground stresses. The first step in determining the extent and
3.4.4 qt—Corrected cone resistance—The cone resistance motion of contaminants is to determine the subsurface stratig-
qc corrected for pore water effects. qt = qc + u2(1- an). raphy. Since the contaminants will migrate primarily through Discussion—(Typical CPT an = net area ratio is 0.7 the more permeable strata, it is impossible to characterize an
to 0.8.) environmental site without valid stratigraphy. Cone penetrom-
eter data have been used as a stratigraphic tool for many years.
3.4.5 Qt—Normalized cone resistance—The cone resistance The pore pressure channel of the cone can be used to evaluate
expressed in a non-dimensional form and taking account of the the presence and hydraulic head of groundwater or to locate
in-situ vertical stresses. Qt = (qt – σv)/ σv’. perched water zones.
3.4.6 Qtn—Normalized cone resistance (dimensionless)— Hydraulic conductivity can be estimated based on
The cone resistance expressed in a non-dimensional form soil behavior type (Figs. 1 and 2). These estimates span two to
taking account of the in-situ vertical stresses and where the three orders of magnitude. Alternately, pore pressure data (4.5)
stress exponent Qtn = ((qt – σv)/ pa) * (pa/σv’)n. can be used for refined estimates of hydraulic conductivity. Discussion—(n) varies with soil type. When n = 1, Robertson proposed the following equations esti-
Qtn = Qt. mating k from Ic and shown on Fig. 4 (11). These equations are
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D6067/D6067M − 17
used for some cone penetration testing commercial software length of time required usually makes it impractical. Soil gas
for estimates of k based on normalized soil behavior type. and water samples can be retrieved much faster from perme-
However, as shown on Tables 1 and 2, the values estimated able zones, such as sands. The cone penetrometer tip and
from Ic are not very accurate for example, the estimated k value friction data generally can distinguish between lower and
may range over two orders of magnitude. higher permeability zones less than 0.3 m [1 ft] very accurately.
4.3 When attempting to retrieve a soil gas or water sample, 4.4 The electronic cone penetrometer test is used in a
it is advantageous to know where the bearing zones (permeable variety of soil types. Lightweight equipment with reaction
zones) are located. Although soil gas and water can be weights of less than 10 tons generally are limited to soils with
retrieved from sediments with low hydraulic conductivity, the relatively small grain sizes. Typical depths obtained are 20 to
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FIG. 2 Simplified Soil Classification Chart for Standard Electric Friction Cone (Robertson and Campanella 1986) (1)
40 m [60 to 120 ft], but depths to over 70 m [200 ft] with pressure indicates the presence of aquitards (clays), and low
heavier equipment weighing 20 tons or more are not uncom- excess pore water pressure indicates the presence of aquifers
mon. Since penetration is a direct result of vertical forces and (sands). This is not always the case, however. For example,
does not include rotation or drilling, it cannot be utilized in some silty sands and over-consolidated soils generate negative
rock or heavily cemented soils. Depth capabilities are a pore pressures if monitored above the shoulder of the cone tip.
function of many factors (D5778). See Fig. 1. The balance of the data, therefore, also must be
4.5 Pore Pressure Data: evaluated. There have been methods proposed to estimate
4.5.1 Excess pore water pressure data often are used in hydraulic conductivity from dynamic excess pore water pres-
environmental site characterization projects to identify thin soil sure measurements (12, 13, 14).
layers that will either be aquifers or aquitards. The pore 4.5.3 Dissipation Tests:
pressure channel often can detect these thin layers even if they In general, since the groundwater flows primarily
are less than 20 mm [1 in.] thick. through sands and not clays, modeling the flow through the
4.5.2 Excess pore water pressure data taken during push are sands is most critical. The pore pressure data also can be
used to provide an indication of relative hydraulic conductivity. monitored with the sounding halted. This is called a pore
Excess pore water pressure is generated during an electronic pressure dissipation test. A rapidly dissipating pore pressure
cone penetrometer test. Generally, high excess pore water indicates the presence of an aquifer while a very slow
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FIG. 3 Normalized CPT Soil Behavior Type (SBTN ) chart, Qt–F (Robertson 1990) (1, 2)
dissipation indicates the presence of an aquitard. Fig. 5 shows normalized for overburden stresses in the ground. This requires
a typical dissipation test showing the t50 determined by waiting the estimation of the wet and saturated density of the soil and
for 50 % of the highest pressure registered to dissipate. In some estimated water table location (2). The data points on the chart
soils there can first be a lag before the peak pore pressure are laboratory test data from correlated samples. Figure 6 is
occurs. This example also shows that sufficient time was developed for 10 cm2 diameter cones and a correction factor is
reached to allow the pore pressure to reach full equalization. required for 15 cm2 cones (multiply k values by factor of 1.5) Fig. 6 shows one proposed relationship between t50 (2).
dissipation time and horizontal, hydraulic conductivity re- Included in Fig. 6 is a proposed relationship between
ported by Robertson (2, 11). This chart uses a tip resistance dissipation time, soil type, and hydraulic conductivity proposed
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FIG. 4 Proposed Relationship Between Ic and Normalized Soil Behavior Type and Estimated Soil Permeability, k (Robertson (1))
TABLE 1 Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity (Coefficient of TABLE 2 Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity (Coefficient of
Permeability) from Non-Normalized CPT SBT Chart (1) Permeability) from Normalized CPT SBTN Chart (1)
Zone Soil Behavior Type (SBT) Range of Permeability Zone Soil Behavior Type Range of Permeability
k (m/s) (SBTN) k (m/s)
1 Sensitive fine grained 3 × 10-9 to 3 × 10-8 1 Sensitive fine grained 3 × 10-9 to 3 × 10-8
2 Organic soils 1 × 10 to 1 × 10-6
2 Organic soils 1 × 10 to 1 × 10-6
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FIG. 5 Example Dissipation Test Showing t50 Determination and Equalization of Pore Pressure (Robertson (2))
result, until recently the cone penetrometer was not used very
often for measuring the hydraulic conductivity of sands in
environmental applications. The HRP cone uses special high
resolution hardware and software to allow for high resolution
data collection even in rapidly dissipating sand formations (16,
17), although recent experience indicates that this might be
limited to hydraulic conductivity values less than 10-3 cm/s
(18, 19). Partial drainage can also become an issue for cone
penetration testing in soils where t50 < 50s and the approximate
limits for undrained cone penetration are shown on Fig. 6 (20). A thorough study of groundwater flow also includes
determining where the water cannot flow. Cone penetrometer
pore pressure dissipation tests can be used very effectively to
study the hydraulic conductivity of confining units. However,
long excessive times for dissipation may not be economical in
production CPT. Burns and Mayne (21) have developed
methods to model the pore pressure dissipations tests in clays
considering the stress history of the clays and can predict k and
consolidation characteristics. Their method uses a seismic
piezocone to measure the soil stiffness using down-hole shear
wave velocity measurements. The pore pressure data also can be used to estimate
the depth to the water table or identify perched water zones.
FIG. 6 Relationship Between CPTu t50 (in minutes) and Soil Hy- This is accomplished by allowing the excess pore water
draulic Conductivity (k) and Normalized Cone Resistance, Qtn pressure to equilibrate and then subtract the appropriate head
(After Robertson (2, 11, 15))
pressure. Due to high excess pore pressures being generated,
typical pore pressure transducers are configured to measure
by Parez and Fauriel (15). This relationship is used in pressures up to 3.5 MPa [500 lbf/in.2] or more. Since trans-
by the high resolution piezocone (HRP) (16) for dissipation ducer accuracy is a function of maximum range, this provides
tests in sands. a relative depth to water level accuracy of about 6100 mm [0.5 A pore pressure decay in a clean sand is almost ft]. Better accuracy can be achieved if the operator allows
instantaneous. The hydraulic conductivity, therefore, is very sufficient time for the transducer to dissipate the heat generated
difficult to measure in a sand with a cone penetrometer. As a while penetrating dry soil above the water table. Lower
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D6067/D6067M − 17
pressure transducers are sometimes used just for the purpose of 5. Apparatus
determining the depth to the water table more accurately. For 5.1 Most apparatus required is discussed in Test Method
example, a 175-kPa [25-lbf/in.2] transducer would provide D5778. When using the electronic cone penetrometer test for
accuracy that is better than 10 mm [0.5 in.]. Incorporation of a environmental site characterization purposes, however, other
temperature transducer and appropriate calibration allows for items often are necessary.
high precision and rapid data collection. Caution must be used,
however, to prevent these transducers from being damaged due 5.2 Safety Equipment—Environmental site characterization
to a quick rise in excess pressure. Some newer systems allow often involves exposure to potentially hazardous substances.
Detection equipment to determine oxygen content and the
for large burst pressure protection without hysteresis, which
presence of combustible or toxic materials may be required.
enables users to collect data in highly stratified environments
Numerous air monitors are available to detect harmful
without as much concern for transducer damage.
situations, such as the lack of oxygen, excess carbon monoxide When coupled with appropriate models, three di- or carbon dioxide, the presence of methane, or other combus-
mensional gradient can be derived from final pressure values tible gasses. Other devices, such as flame-ionization or pho-
collected from multiple CPT locations. Once gradient distribu- toionization detectors and LELs can be used to monitor vapors
tions have been derived, and hydraulic conductivity and form the rods or the hole, or both, to forewarn the operators of
effective porosity distributions have been generated, seepage potential contamination. Operator protective equipment, such
velocity distributions can be derived and visualized. This type as breathing apparatus and bodily protection, also may be
of information is critical to environmental investigations and required.
remediation design. If contaminant concentration distributions
5.3 Laboratory Equipment—The electronic cone penetrom-
are known, the same software can be used to derive three
eter often is used in conjunction with sampling devices and
dimensional distributions of contaminant mass flux.
field laboratory equipment as part of the expedited site char-
4.6 For a complete description of a typical geotechnical acterization process (see Guide D6235). Since many cone
electronic cone penetrometer test, see Test Method D5778. penetrometer systems are deployed from enclosed, air
conditioned, and heated trucks, these vehicles can also be used
4.7 This practice tests the soil in situ. Soil samples are not as a mobile laboratory. This unique capability provides rapid
obtained. The interpretation of the results from this practice on-site analysis. First, the cone penetrometer data eliminates
provides estimates of the types of soil penetrated. Onboard most guess work in determining where to retrieve samples.
CPT single rod soil samplers (D6282/D6282M) are available Second, the on-site laboratory analysis can provide important
for short discrete interval soil sampling. Continuous soil cores information, such as where to retrieve subsequent samples and
can be obtained rapidly in a separate location using continuous avoids many unnecessary samples. On-site laboratory instru-
direct push dual tube samplers (D6282/D6282M). Investigators ments range from simple portable devices, such as photoion-
may obtain soil samples from adjacent locations for correlation ization devices, to sophisticated gas chromatographs and mass
purposes, but prior information or experience in the same area spectrometers (GC-MS).
may preclude the need for borings for soil samples.
5.4 Steam Cleaning Equipment—When the push rods are
4.8 Certain subsurface conditions may prevent cone pen- withdrawn from the ground, they may be contaminated by
etration. Penetration is not possible in hard rock and usually toxic, combustible, or corrosive compounds. If this is the case,
not possible in softer rocks, such as claystones and shales. the push rods will need to be steam cleaned. Many dedicated
Coarse particles, such as gravels, cobbles, and boulders may be purpose systems have built in chambers that automatically
difficult to penetrate or cause damage to the cone or push rods. steam clean the rods while they are being withdrawn from the
Cemented soil zones may be difficult to penetrate depending on ground and before they enter the vehicle. A typical diagram of
the strength and thickness of the layers. If layers are present an automatic decontamination assembly is shown in Fig. 7.
which prevent direct push from the surface, rotary or percus-
sion drilling methods can be employed to advance a boring
through impeding layers to reach testing zones.
NOTE 1—The quality of the result produced by this standard is
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the
criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are
cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure
reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740
provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
Practice D3740 was developed for agencies engaged in the laboratory
testing or inspection of soils and rock or both. As such, it is not totally
applicable to agencies performing this field practice. However, users of
this practice should recognize that the framework of Practice D3740 is
appropriate for evaluating the quality of an agency performing this
practice. Currently there is no known qualifying national authority that
inspects agencies that perform this practice. FIG. 7 Decontamination Assembly
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5.4.1 Steam Cleaner/High-Pressure Washer—Portable or 5.5.15 Depth-Graduated Tape, for measuring grout levels in
trailer-mounted for cleaning the rods after grouting, with rods.
appropriate hoses for connection to the steam cleaning unit.
5.4.2 Personal Protective Equipments, such as boots, 6. Reagents and Materials4
gloves, glasses, and so forth. 6.1 In addition to the substances described in Test Method
5.4.3 Water Trough Cleaning Tub, for cleaning grout rods D5778, the following may be necessary:
and containing grey water.
6.2 Water—A significant amount of water may be required
5.4.4 Shotgun Bristle Brush, for cleaning inside of cone or
for decontamination purposes. This water may become con-
grout rods.
taminated and need to be evaluated and properly disposed.
5.5 Grouting Equipment—When multiple groundwater
6.3 Cleaning Agents—Cleaning of the push rods and cone
aquifers have been penetrated, grouting the hole closed after
penetrometer requires a detergent, such as alconox, or solvent,
the test is completed may also be required to prevent cross
such as hexane. Some contaminants cannot be removed by
contamination of one aquifer by another. A detailed explana-
standard methods as described in Practice D5088. The operat-
tion of grouting procedures is discussed in guide D6001. The
ing personnel must be aware of the anticipated contaminants
equipment required includes, but may not be limited to the
and fully understand the required cleaning procedures. Recog-
nize that some cleaning agents, particularly solvents such as
5.5.1 Expendable Grout Tips for the Grout Rods—These tips hexane, also are hazardous substances. Regional protocol and
should be conical in shape and have an outside diameter larger regulations influence the selection of cleaning agents.
than the grout rods. Tip size will be varied to enlarge the hole
and to reduce friction on the push rods. 6.4 Grout—Various types of bentonite and cement often are
5.5.2 Suitable Small-Diameter Grout Rods—These rods required to seal the hole at the end of the sounding. Regional
may be steel or PVC. The type and size depends on the regulations and protocol dictate exactly what grout materials
capability of being pushed back down the same CPT hole. will be required. Usually, the bentonite used is powdered and
5.5.3 Grout Line Connector Assembly™—This assembly is the cement is Portland, though sometimes ultrafine cement is
screwed into the top of the grout rods. A pressure fitting may be used if it is to be pumped through a small tube. See 5.5.
required if gravity placement is unacceptable and pressure is
required to force grout down the rods. Since this fitting must be 7. Hazards
attached and unattached many times it may be preferable to 7.1 Environmental site characterization can present numer-
have a quick-connect coupling. ous hazards to equipment and personnel. It is the responsibility
5.5.4 Foot Clamps/Retraction Jack, for holding and manu- of everyone involved with the environmental site characteriza-
ally extracting rods. tion project to understand fully all potential hazards.
5.5.5 Hoisting Plug, for holding rods by overhead rope or 7.2 Warning—Hazards to personnel include, but are not
cable. limited to, fire; toxicity; heat exhaustion; local vegetation, such
5.5.6 Grout Mixing Equipment—Grouting quantities for as poison ivy; local animals, such as snakes, or simply
cone holes are small with only 20 to 60 L of grout required for accidents due to the cumbersome aspects of safety equipment.
filling. In many cases grout mixing in small tubs with mechani- A complete understanding of the Health and Safety Plan5 is
cal agitation devices are acceptable. required.
5.5.7 Cement, see Specification C150/C150M. Either Type I
7.3 Warning—Hazards to equipment include, but are not
or Type II cements are acceptable. Cement should be supplied
limited to, fire or chemical attack. Seals for the cone penetrom-
in sacks.
eter must be compatible with the local contaminants and
5.5.8 Bentonite, powdered high-yield sodium montmorillo-
decontamination chemicals.
nite or pre-hydrated bentonite. The bentonite should not
contain any particular additives. 8. Procedure
5.5.9 Potable Water, or mixing grout. As long as an accept-
able supply of drinking water is found, the chemical analysis 8.1 The first step of any environmental site characterization
may not be required. project is to understand fully safety issues, such as the Health
5.5.10 Mixing Tubs, 20 to 60-L [5 to 15-gal] plastic mixing and Safety Plan, and having the area cleared and marked for
tubs with rope handles (for mixing grout if an automatic mixer
is not used). 4
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
5.5.11 Drill-Powered Mixing Paddles, for mixing grout in Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not
tubs by hand. Using a hand-powered drill with a stem equipped listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
with blades for mixing. Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia
and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville,
5.5.12 Platform Scale, for weighing mixture proportions. MD.
5.5.13 Personal Protective Equipment, eye protection from 5
Follow NIOSH/OSHA Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, NIOSH/OSHA
splashes of grout. Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards, and NIOSH/OSHA Occu-
pational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities
5.5.14 Flexible Nylon, reinforced 15 or 10-mm [0.5 in.]
available from U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease
outside diameter tubing, for feeding grout by gravity into the Control, U.S. Government Printing Office or other regulatory safety requirements in
grout rods. other countries, unions, regional, and local regulations.
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D6067/D6067M − 17
utilities. A proper Health and Safety Plan addresses the aspects penetrometer without protective gloves. The O-rings in the
that apply specifically to the cone penetration operation and not cone may need to be inspected or changed, or both, after every
just to drilling. sounding. Change the O-rings if they appear to be swollen,
8.2 Upon arrival at the site, review the definition of the stuck to the metal surfaces, or spongy. If they appear to be
project to determine if any safety issues have been overlooked. deteriorating rapidly, use a more impervious compound. O-ring
If any unanticipated hazardous situation exists, notify the deterioration may cause erroneous friction data. A different
proper authorities immediately. An exclusion zone around the compound, however, also may alter the data.
vehicle must be established to prevent unauthorized entry in 8.12 Normally, the dirt seals in the joints around the sleeve
the area. Appropriate flagmen, warning signs, cones, and street jacket contain only a minor amount of soil (less than 1 g) such
markings is required if the work is near a street or parking lot. that there is usually no concern for cross contamination
8.3 Regulations and safety specifications often are generic between sounding sites. In cases where cleaning is required,
in nature and are intended to cover a wide variety of environ- the soil and fluids that the cone was exposed to may be
mental site characterization projects. It is possible that one or considered contaminated; therefore, take the following mea-
more of these procedures could be counterproductive or even sures to clean and decontaminate the cone.
present an alternative hazard. If this is the case, notify the 8.13 Contamination will only be present on the cone body
appropriate authorities immediately. and the seals around the piezo element and friction sleeve.
8.4 Calibrate the cone penetrometer in accordance with Test Place a protective cap over the electrical connector. Wash the
Method D5778. All probe sensors (for example, temperature cone with a brush and warm water and non-phosphate
and pressure) and reference sensors (for example, barometric detergent, such as Alconox, and rinse with deionized water.
pressure) must be calibrated prior to probe advancement. Repeat as necessary to remove any visible soil from o-ring and
quad-ring areas. O-rings, quad-rings, and piezo elements can
8.5 The porous element and pressure transfer chamber must be discarded during disassembly.
be carefully filled with non-compressible fluid such as glycerin
8.14 After pore pressure soundings, the pore pressure ele-
or silicon fluid in a manner that prohibits formation of air
ment may require special attention. Whereas, in geotechnical
cone penetrometer tests, the elements can be used more than
8.6 All cleaning, grouting, and safety equipment must be in one time. In environmental tests, the pore pressure elements
good working order and fully prepared before starting each may need to be replaced and discarded after each test.
cone penetration test.
8.15 Grout the holes closed according to the appropriate
8.7 Perform the electronic piezocone penetrometer test in predetermined method. A complete discussion of grouting
accordance with Test Method D5778. Note any variances to the holes resulting from direct push tools is discussed in Guide
test due to environmental conditions. D6001. Re-entry grouting is the most common method of
8.8 Monitor the pore pressure dissipation at desired loca- grouting (22). The grout rod could be a PVC pipe, a plastic
tions by stopping penetration. If monitoring is done, the cone tube, or another steel pipe, depending on how well the hole
should be saturated fully in accordance with the manufacturer’s stays open. A grout rod will follow the path of least resistance
recommendations. The data acquisition system should begin and often can be pushed to the complete depth of the original
timing automatically the dissipation the instant the rod motion CPT hole. This method is simple and usually very effective.
is stopped. 8.16 There are several methods of grouting during rod
8.9 During the extraction process, monitor for volatile retraction without re-entry. The following discussion is in-
organic compounds with a PID or FID at the top of rods and in tended to discuss advantages and disadvantages of each
the breathing zone and note readings in the scientific notebook. method. Not all methods are discussed, but most methods
Take wipe samples as required in the health and safety plans. include the following principles.
If any chemical constituent exceeds safe limits, as determined 8.16.1 Grouting through the CPT push rod is possible. The
by the health and safety plan, respirators or other appropriate grout can be pumped down the rod and out special ports near
action will be required in the breathing zone. or at the cone tip. Pumping the grout inside the rod smears
grout on the inside of the rod and on the signal cable. The extra
8.10 During disassembly of rods, if there is any free water cleaning time often makes this method impractical. The grout
within the rod column, these rods must be treated carefully. also can be pumped down an inner tube inside the rod. This
Check free water with an FID or PID. If this water registers usually requires a thinner grout mix to flow through a thin tube
PID readings or appears discolored, remove the end rods in the or it requires a larger tube with a larger diameter push rod
string from the cone truck or cleaned appropriately. requiring additional force to push.
8.11 Clean the equipment according to predetermined ap- 8.16.2 It is possible to grout during rod retraction by
propriate methods. Inspect the equipment regularly for chemi- pushing an expendable ring under the friction reducer. The
cal attack and seal deterioration. First, externally clean and dry cone penetrometer would be pushed through a reservoir of
the cone. This will help prevent contaminants from intruding grout, dragging the grout down the annular area of the
during disassembly for a more thorough cleaning. If only expendable ring. The expendable ring drops off the end when
limited contamination exists and no cleaning is required, store the rods are retracted allowing the grout to fill the hole from the
the penetrometer in plastic or foil, and do not handle the bottom up. The ring increases the hole size, however, requiring
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D6067/D6067M − 17
additional push force. The outside of the push rods will need to ization projects. Report the presence of known tar, waste,
be cleaned of the grout, but this may take less time than debris, landfill deposits, and so forth, that are not normally
cleaning the inside of reentry rods. deposited soils. For example, oily and greasy soils have less
8.16.3 It is possible to grout during rod retraction by local friction, and landfills may have voids and numerous items
pushing a casing over the push rod, withdrawing the push rod, that are not soils. Voids will be indicated by zero tip and
and then routing through the open casing. This, too, requires a friction values and should be identified as such so the engineer
larger hole, but is often used in soft soils where the outer casing does not think the data indicates depth counter problems. Some
also can provide lateral rod support for the CPT rod. landfill items can be identified by sound. The breaking of metal
8.16.4 In some cases, it is possible to simply grout the hole objects or timbers, or both, produces distinct noises that can be
by pouring grout or granular bentonite into the open hole. This identified and noted in the report.
is normally only permitted if the hole does not extend into the 9.2.4 The cone penetrometer process is a valuable method
water table. for deploying alternative sensors such as Practice D6187. An
in-depth discussion of alternative sensors is beyond the scope
9. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) of this practice. Report the type of sensor and data from the
9.1 The methodology used to specify how data are recorded sensor. Report the location and physical shape of the sensor
on the test data sheet(s)/form(s), as given below, is covered in since this may affect the cone penetrometer data. Include a
1.7. The methodology used to specify how data are recorded in complete description of the sensor technology, equipment, and
the CPT test data acquisition system is covered in Test Method procedures.
D5778. 9.2.5 As indicated in 8.15, include the grouting procedure
9.2 Record as a minimum the following general informa- and anomalies.
tion: 9.3 Record as a minimum the following data:
9.2.1 Include information that may alter the cone penetrom- 9.3.1 Record all penetration depths, and dissipation test
eter data. depths, the nearest 20 mm [1 in.] or better.
9.2.2 Chemical attack of seals may cause failure and leaks 9.3.2 Record all pressures to the nearest 5 kPa [0.5 lbf/in.2]
or high friction if the seals become sticky. If alternate seals are or better.
used to prevent this from happening, document this informa-
tion since different seal types have different friction character- 10. Keywords
istics that may affect the data. 10.1 cone penetrometer; cone penetrometer test; direct
9.2.3 The data obtained by the electronic piezocone pen- push; explorations; groundwater; hydraulic conductivity; pen-
etrometer test is assumed to pertain to normal soils. This may etration tests; piezocone; soil investigations; soundings; water
not be the case, necessarily, in environmental site character- sampling; well point
(1) Lunne, T., Robertson, P.K., and J.J.M. Powell, Cone Penetration door Action Conference , 1992, pp. 327–341.
Testing in Geotechnical Practice, (1997), Blackie Academic & (7) Practical Handbook of Environmental Site Characterization and
Professional, London. Ground-Water Monitoring, (2006), Nielsen, David M, Editor, Taylor
(2) Robertson, O.K., and Cabal, K.L, (2010), “Guide to Cone penetration and Francis, New York, pg 416-500.
Testing for Geo-Environmental Engineering,” Gregg Drilling and (8) Robertson, P.K., Lunne, T., and J.J.M. Powell, (1998), “Geo-
Testing Inc., Signal Hill, California, USA, http:// environmental Applications of Penetration Testing,” Geotechnical Site, September. Characterization, Proceedings of the First International Conference on
(3) Auxt, J. A., and Wright, D. E., “Environmental Site Characterization Site Characterization—ISC-98, Atlanta GA, AA Balkema,
in the United States Using the Cone Penetrometer,” Proceedings of Rotterdam., pg 35-48.
CPT ’95—International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Vol
(9) Tumay, M.T., Acar, Y.B., and Boggess, R. (1981),“Subsurface Inves-
2, 1995, pp. 387–392.
tigation with the Piezocone Penetrometer,” ASCE Special Publication
(4) Smolley, M., and Kappemyer, J., “Cone Penetrometer Tests and
on Cone Penetration Testing and Experience, American Society of
Hydropunch Sampling—An Alternative to Monitoring Wells for
Plume Detection,”Proceedings of the Hazmacon 1989 Conference, Civil Engineers, pp. 325-342.
April 18–20, 1989, Santa Clara, CA, pp. 71–80. (10) Manchon, R. G.,“Introduction to Cone Penetrometer Testing and
(5) Strutynsky, A., and Bergen, C., “Use of Piezometric Cone Penetration Ground Water Samplers,” Workshop presented at the Fifth National
Testing and Penetrometer Ground Water Sampling for Volatile Or- Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water
ganic Contaminant Plume Detection,” Proceedings of the National Monitoring and Geophysical Methods, IT Corp., Martinez, CA, May
Water Well Association Petroleum Hydrocarbons Conference, Oct. 1991.
31–Nov. 2, 1990, Houston, TX, pp. 71–84. (11) Robertson, P.K.,(2010), “Estimating in-situ soil permeability from
(6) Berzins, N. A.,“Use of the Cone Penetration Test and BAT Ground CPT & CPTu,” Paper 2-51, Proceedings of 2nd International
Water Monitoring System to Assess Deficiencies in Monitoring Well Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, May 9-11, Huntington
Data,” Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association Out- Beach CA,
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Al muhandis nizar Al kurdi al milli (Al muhandis nizar al kurdi al milli engineering consultants) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D6067/D6067M − 17
(12) Elsworth, Derek, and Dae Sung Lee, 2005. Permeability Determi- 3-06, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Cone Pen-
nation from On-the-Fly Piezocone Soundings, Journal of Geotech- etration Testing, May 9-11, Huntington Beach CA,
nical and and Geoenvironmental Engineering, May, 2005, p. 643- cpt10pdfpapers.html
653. (18) Vienken, T. Kreck, M., and Diedrich, P., (2014)“Evaluation of CPT
(13) Lee, D.A, Elsworth, D., Hryciw, R, “Hydraulic Conductivity Mea- based methods for asseesment of hydraulic conductivity,” Paper
surement from On-the-Fly uCPT Sounding and from VisCPT, 2-25, 3rd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Las
”Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vegas, Nevada, USA - 2014
ASCE, Vol 134, No. 12, December 1, 2008. (19) Riyis, M.T., et. al., (2014) “The Use of the resistivity piezocone as
(14) Song, C.R., Voyiadjisk, G.Z., and Tumay, M.T., (1999), “Determi- a high resolution site characterization in Brazil,” Paper 3-45, 3rd
nation of Permeability of Soils Using the Multiple Piezo Cone International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Las Vegas,
Penetrometer,” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Nevada, USA - 2014
Methods in Geomechanics, Special Issue in Poroelasticity, Vol 23, pp (20) CPTu Dissipation Tests - Theory and practice - Presented by Dr.
1609-1629. Peter K. Robertson, Webinar, Friday, November 15, 2013. http://
(15) Parez and Fauriel(1988). “Le piezocone ameliorations apportees a la
reconnaissance de sols.” Revue Francaise de Geotech 44: 13-27. theory-and-practice
(16) Kram, Mark L., Gary Robbins, Jessica Chau, and Amvirossious (21) Burns, S., E., and P. W. Mayne, (2002), “Interpretation of seismic
Bagtzoglou, 2008. Detailed Hydraulic Assessment Using a High- piezocone results for estimation of hydraulic conductivity of clays,”
Resolution Piezocone Coupled to the GeoVIS, Final Report, ESTCP Technical Note, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol 25, No. 3, Paper
ER-0421, April, 2008, 99pp. ID GTJ2002103395_253
1558/ (22) Lutenegger, A. J., and DeGroot, D. J., “Techniques for Sealing Cone
(17) Kram, M., Dalzall, T.D. and P. Ljunggren, (2010),“Use of the high Penetrometer Holes,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol 32, No.
reosolution piezocone for geo-environmental applications”, Paper 5, pp. 880–891.
Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this practice since the last issue, D6067–10,
that may impact the use of this practice. (December 15, 2017)
(1) Added significant digits and reporting requirements of (6) Added example of a dissipation test.
committee D18. (7) Added chart and equations proposed by Robertson to
(2) Changed to SI metric with rationalized in-lb units. estimate k based on IC the soil behavior type index.
(3) Changed terminology section to replicate the terms of (8) Added Robertson’s T50 k Qtn dissipation chart for estimat-
D5778 on CPT test method, added definition of dissipation test ing k from T50 dissipation testing.
and soil behavior type index IC. (9) Added new research on high resolution piezocone and
(4) Added Robertson’s Geoenvironmental CPT Guide pub- direct injection logging.
lished in 2010. (10) Added new reference for fine grained soils dissipation
(5) Changed the normalized soils behavior chart Fig. 3 to Qtn testing by Burns and Mayne.
F chart
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