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Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Title :- Landmine detector robotic vehicle

Group member :-

Name id stream

Besufekad Nigussie ETR/2527/03 control

Abraham Kifle ETR/2509/03 communication

Abenezer Manyazewal ETR/2642/03 control

Advisor name: Ato Tizazu Bireda

Sign ________________

Sub date: 17/11/14

Table of content

Title Page
1. Abstract ………………………………………………………………………..2

2. Statement of the problem……………………………………………….3

3. Objective ………………………………………………………………………..4

4. Motivation………………………………………………………………………5

5. Introduction and back ground…………………………………………6

6. Resources required………………………………………………………….8

7. Cost break down ……………………………………………………………..9

8. Thesis time Schedule………………………………………………………..10

9. Reference………………………………………………………………………..11

Our project focuses on detecting a landmine (an explosive mine laid on or just under the surface of
the ground). Land mines buried under the ground causes threat to the lives of many people. As
result, it will affect the economy and the development of a country. Detection and removing these
mines is a dangerous and an invaluable task. We try to use the more economical and safe technique.
So we decided to use metal detector robotic vehicle.

Statement of the problem
Up on completing this thesis we are hopeful to solve problem in demining landmines without any
injuries on the persons and property. Besides any one can modify the way land mines are detected
and make the device applicable for the future.

The main objective of this thesis is to eliminate the dangers and risks that come with detecting
landmines with the help of robotics and communication technologies. And to advance the methods
used on landmine detection in our country and other African countries. The overall outcome of this
thesis is to save the lives of many innocent peoples with a more efficient way.

Now a day the terrorists are the problem for the development of our world, but thanks to
engineering and science we are somehow able to solve some problems. Besides we believe
that we select an interesting problem even though there are modern and expensive ways to
solve the same problem.

Introduction and Background
This landmine detector robotic vehicle project uses a robotic vehicle which will pass obstacles and
detected landmines automatically by sensing and making smart decisions. It uses a metal detector
to detect and sense the landmines. And then when the landmine is present it will get the location
and transmit the coordinates through a communication system to a certain receiver that is
stationed at some other safe location.

So the main purpose and aim of the project is to make mine detection automated and save the life of
the detector person.

Generally, the project has three main parts. These are:

 Control Part :- control of the robotic vehicle motion, interfacing …

 Communication Part :- for tracking and monitoring the vehicle location and the detected
landmine location
 Electronics Part: - on designing the metal detector circuit, the power supply unit…

The overall block diagram representation of the system looks like the following.

Metal detector Signal processor Signal Transmitter Signal Receiver

Location detector


Robotic vehicle

Displaying Unit

One of the problems in land mine detection is FAR (False Alarm Rate), which can only be minimized by
advanced signal processing technology. FAR can be minimized by the process called discrimination. But
here in our project we can only discriminate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Unlike the above
scenario discriminating metal from explosives (covered by alloy) is so difficult.

Resources required
We are not still deep inside the project, but we will use the following resources.

 Books
 Arduino tutorial books
 Metal Detection methods
 Control system and Automation
 Wireless communication books
 Laboratory/test equipment
 Basic measurement equipment(Oscilloscope, Multi meter )
 Development system in hardware and software
 Software (Arduino, Proteus, Mat lab etc.)
 Hardware (Microprocessor, Some Modules )
 Electrical Component
 Capacitor
 Inductor
 Resistor etc…

Cost breakdown

Item Type Cost(estimated)

In birr
Mechanical hardware 500

Microprocessors and sensors 2500

Basic electrical equipment 500

Battery and display module 500

Total 3000

Thesis Time Schedule

Nov Dec Jan Feb March April
Wk. Wk. Wk Wk. Wk. Wk. Wk. Wk. Wk. Wk. Wk.
3-4 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4

Literature Reviewing and

collecting documents

System analysis and

proposing solution

Final week
Mid week

Draft report preparation &


Simulation and analysis of


Final paper preparation&


 Wikipedia
 Electronics Hu3
 Metal detection books and research


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