Thermal Unit Operation (Cheg3115) : Lecture 3-Heat Exchanger Design
Thermal Unit Operation (Cheg3115) : Lecture 3-Heat Exchanger Design
Thermal Unit Operation (Cheg3115) : Lecture 3-Heat Exchanger Design
Lecture 3- Heat exchanger design
By Tesfa Nega
Basic design methods of heat exchanger
The goal of heat exchanger design is to relate
the inlet and outlet temperatures,
the overall heat transfer coefficient, and
the geometry of the heat exchanger, to the rate of heat transfer between the two
By Tesfa Nega
Heat exchanger design methodology Problem specification
Optimum solution
Yes No
By Tesfa Nega
Typical design procedures
1. Define the duty: heat-transfer rate, fluid flow-rates, temperatures.
2. Collect together the fluid physical properties required: density, viscosity, thermal
By Tesfa Nega
8. Calculate the individual coefficients.
9. Calculate the overall coefficient and compare with the trial value. If the calculated value
differs significantly from the estimated value, substitute the calculated for the estimated
value and return to step 6.
10. Calculate the exchanger pressure drop; if unsatisfactory return to steps 7 or 4 or 3, in that
order of preference.
11. Optimize the design: repeat steps 4 to 10, as necessary, to determine the cheapest
exchanger that will satisfy the duty. Usually this will be the one with the smallest area.
By Tesfa Nega
HE – Design
Heat-exchanger calculations can be divided into two distinct categories, namely, thermal
and hydraulic calculations on the one hand and mechanical design calculations on the other.
Thermal and hydraulic calculations are made to determine heat-transfer rates and pressure
drops needed for equipment sizing.
Mechanical design calculations are concerned with detailed equipment specifications, and
include considerations such as stress and tube vibration analyses.
First we will see thermal calculations, then hydraulic calculations, but we will not performs
mechanical design calculations which mostly done using software.
By Tesfa Nega
HE – Design
Heat-exchanger problems may also be categorized as rating problems or design problems
Determination of heat transfer and pressure-drop performance of either an existing
exchanger or an already sized exchanger is referred to as a rating problem.
The basic steps involved in the analysis of a rating problem are the determination of
1. Surface geometrical parameters
2. Thermo-physical fluid properties
3. Reynolds numbers
4. Surface characteristics, j and f
By Tesfa Nega
HE – Design
5. Corrections to the temperature-dependent fluid properties
6. Heat transfer coefficients
7. Fin effectiveness and overall surface effectiveness
8. Thermal resistance due to conduction wall
9. Overall heat transfer coefficient
10. NTU, C*, and exchanger effectiveness, ε
11. Heat transfer rate, outlet temperatures, and pressure drop on each side
By Tesfa Nega
HE – Design
Inputs to the sizing problem are the fluid inlet and outlet temperatures, flow rates, fouling
factors, and the pressure drop on each side.
For a given heat duty, the size of the heat exchanger is a function of the following
1. Thermal effectiveness
2. Fluid flow rate
3. Secondary surface area per unit volume
4. Heat transfer surface performance parameters
5. Heat transfer augmentation devices, if any
6. Conductance ratio of the process fluids
By Tesfa Nega
HE- Design
Steady-State-Single-flow- Energy Equation (SSSF-EE)
Vi 2 Vo2
Q gZ i hi W gZ o ho
2 2
Neglecting potential and kinetic energy changes and in the absence of the external work, the
SSSF-EE is reduced to
Q h h , Q h h
i o o i
o i p o i
For the hot fluid side, Q is negative (heat rejected)
. .
Q mh c p,h Th,o Th,i
. .
Q mh c p,h Th,o Th,i ... 1
By Tesfa Nega
HE- Design
For the cold side, Q is positive (heat added)
Q mc c p ,c Tc ,o Tc ,i
. .
... 2
Note that eqns.(1) and (2) are independent of the flow arrangement and heat exchanger type.
Another useful expression can be established using the overall heat transfer coefficient U that
is composed of the thermal resistances of inside flow, separating wall material and outside
flow. This
rate equation is of the form:
Q UA Tm ... 3
By Tesfa Nega
HE- Design
The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
A heat exchanger typically involves two flowing fluids separated by a solid wall.
Heat is transferred
from the hot fluid to the wall by convection,
through the wall by conduction, and
from the wall to the cold fluid by convection.
The thermal resistance network
two convection and
one conduction resistances.
By Tesfa Nega
The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
For a double-pipe heat exchanger, the thermal resistance of the tube wall is
ln D0 Di
Rwall ...........(4)
2 kL
The total thermal resistance
1 ln D0 Di 1
Rtotal Ri Rwall Ro ...........(5)
hi Ai 2 kL ho Ao
When one fluid flows inside a circular tube and the other outside of it, we have
Ai Di L ; Ao Do L
By Tesfa Nega
The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
It is convenient to combine all the thermal resistances in the path of heat flow from the hot
fluid to the cold one into a single resistance R
Q UAT U i Ai T U o Ao T ..........(6)
U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, whose unit is W/m2ºC.
Canceling T, Eq. 11–3 reduces to
1 1 1 1 1 ro 1
R ln( ) ......(7)
UAs U i Ai U o Ao hi Ai 2 kl ri ho Ao
For a cylindrical separating wall as shown in Fig. above, the cross-sectional
area of the heat flow path is not constant but varies with radius.
By Tesfa Nega
The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
It then becomes necessary to specify the area upon which the overall heat transfer co-
efficient is based. Thus depending upon whether the inner or outer area is specified, two
different values are defined for overall heat transfer co-efficient U
1 1
UA U i A i U o A o ..... (8)
R 1 1 ro 1
+ ln( )+
h i A i 2πkl ri h o Ao
By Tesfa Nega
The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
When the wall thickness of the tube is small (i.e. 𝑟𝑖 ≅ 𝑟𝑜) and the thermal conductivity of
the tube material is high (Rwall=0) and the inner and outer surfaces of the tube are almost
identical (Ai≈Ao≈As), Eq. 11–4 simplifies to
1 hiho
U i =Uo = = ............(10)
1 1 hi +ho
hi ho
1 1
When hi>>ho .......(11)
U ho
1 1
When hi<<ho U h ......(12)
Determining the convective heat transfer coefficient very complicated and as a result we
have to study dimensionless groups to determine it.
By Tesfa Nega
Fouling Factor
Fouling is generally defined as the deposition and accumulation of unwanted materials such
as scale, algae, suspended solids and insoluble salts on the internal or external surfaces of
processing equipment including boilers and heat exchangers
By Tesfa Nega
Fouling Factor
The performance of heat exchangers usually deteriorates with time as a result of
accumulation of deposits on heat transfer surfaces.
The layer of deposits represents additional resistance to heat transfer and causes the rate of
heat transfer in a heat exchanger to decrease.
The fouling factor Rf ─ The net effect of these accumulations on heat transfer.
By Tesfa Nega
Fouling Factor
The overall heat transfer coefficient needs to be modified to account for the effects of
fouling on both the inner and the outer surfaces of the tube.
By Tesfa Nega
Pressure drop
Pressure drop in heat exchangers is an important consideration during the design stage.
Since fluid circulation requires some form of pump or fan, additional costs are incurred as a
result of poor design.
Pressure drop calculations are required for both fluid streams, and in most cases flow
consists of either two internal streams or an internal and external stream.
Pressure drop is affected by a number of factors, namely the type of flow (laminar or
turbulent) and the passage geometry.
By Tesfa Nega
Pressure drop
Entrance Loss: due to a sudden reduction in flow area
Core Loss:
the core itself contributes a loss due to friction and other internal losses
if the density changes through the core as a result of heating or cooling an acceleration
or deceleration in flow is experienced.
Exit Loss: fluid exits the core it experiences a loss due to a sudden expansion.
By Tesfa Nega
Analysis of Heat Exchangers
Two different design tasks:
1) Specified:
- the temperature change in a fluid stream, and
- the mass flow rate.
- the designer needs to select a heat exchanger.
2) Specified:
- the heat exchanger type and size,
- fluid mass flow rate,
- inlet temperatures.
- the designer needs to predict the outlet temperatures and heat transfer rate.
Two methods used in the analysis of heat exchangers:
– the log mean temperature difference (or LMTD)
• best suited for the #1,
– the effectiveness–NTU method
• best suited for task #2.
By Tesfa Nega
Analysis of Heat Exchangers
The analysis of heat exchangers can be greatly simplify by making the following
assumptions, which are closely approximated in practice:
The first law of thermodynamics requires that the rate of heat transfer from the hot fluid be
equal to the rate of heat transfer to the cold one.
By Tesfa Nega
The Log Mean Temperature Difference Method
Assumptions made to derive expression for LMTD:
The overall heat transfer co-efficient, U is constant.
The flow conditions are steady.
The specific heats and mass flow rate of both fluids are constant.
There is no loss of heat to surrounding i.e. the heat exchanger is perfectly
There is no change of phase either of the fluid during the heat transfer.
The changes in potential and kinetic energies are negligible.
Axial conduction along the tubes of the heat exchanger is negligible
By Tesfa Nega
The Log Mean Temperature Difference Method
Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger:
The hot and cold fluid temperature distributions associated with a parallel-flow heat exchanger are
shown in this figure.
The temperature difference T is initially large but decays rapidly with increasing x. The outlet
Substituting for from eqn.(6) into eqn.(8) and integrating across the heat exchanger, we obtain
d T 1 1
2 2
Substituting for Ch and Cc from eqns.(1) and (2) into eqn.(19) , it follows that
T2 T T
ln h , i h ,o
c ,o c , i
1T . .
ln . Th,o Tc ,o Th,i Tc ,i
T1 Q
For the parallel-flow heat exchanger, the endpoint temperature differences are defined as
T1 Th,i Tc ,i , T2 Th,o Tc ,o
T2 T1
lnT2 T1
By Tesfa Nega
The Log Mean Temperature Difference Method
Comparing the above expression with eqn.(3), we conclude that the appropriate average
temperature difference is a logarithmic mean temperature difference (Tlm) or (LMTD)
Q UA Tlm
T2 T1 T1 T2
lnT2 T1 lnT1 T2
h ,i c ,i h ,o Tc ,o
lnT T T
h ,i c ,i h ,o Tc ,o
By Tesfa Nega
The Log Mean Temperature Difference Method
Counter-flow Heat Exchanger:
The hot and cold fluid temperature distributions associated with a counter-flow heat exchanger are
shown in the figure.
Note that the temperature of the cold fluid Tc,o may
now exceed the outlet temperature of the hot fluid Th,o.
The following equations are used for the
counter-flow arrangement
Q m h c p ,h Th,i Th,o
. .
Q mc c p ,c Tc ,o Tc ,i
. .
Q UA Tlm
By Tesfa Nega
The Log Mean Temperature Difference Method
T2 T1 T1 T2
lnT2 T1 lnT1 T2
For the counter-flow heat exchanger the endpoint temperature differences must be now defined as
T1 Th,i Tc ,o , T2 Th,o Tc ,i
Tlm CF
Th,i Tc ,o Th,o Tc ,i
lnTh,i Tc ,o Th,o Tc ,i
By Tesfa Nega
What will happen if U is not constant
Equation (27) has been plotted in Fig.17 in the appendix (Kern- process heat transfer) with
as the parameter, where c and h refers to the cold terminal and hot terminals respectively.
U2 -U1 Uh -Uc
Kc = =
U1 Uc
The caloric fraction Fc can be obtained from Fig. 17 by computing Kc from Uh and Uc and
𝛥𝑡𝑐/𝛥𝑡ℎ for the process conditions.
By Tesfa Nega
Special Operating Conditions
1. Equal Heat Capacity Rates:
The figure shows a counter-flow heat exchanger for which the heat capacity rates are equal
(Cc =Ch), or
. .
m c c p ,c m h c p , h .
The temperature difference T must then be a constant throughout the heat exchanger, thereby
T1 T2 Tlm
By Tesfa Nega
Special Operating Conditions
2. Infinite Heat Capacity Rates:
In case of condensing a vapor, the hot fluid undergoes a change of phase from gas to liquid
phase. Its temperature remains constant throughout the heat exchanger (isothermal process),
while the temperature of the cold fluid increases.
. .
c p ,h
mh Th,i Th,o
. .
mh 0
C h m h c p ,h
During condensation, the hot fluid loses Latent heat ,while the cold fluid gains sensible heat.
By Tesfa Nega
Special Operating Conditions
By Tesfa Nega
Correction Factors for Multi-pass Arrangements
The logarithmic mean temperature difference developed above is not applicable for the heat
transfer analysis of cross-flow and multi-pass heat exchangers.
Therefore, a correction factor (F) must be introduced so that the simple LMTD for the
counter-flow regime can be adjusted to represent the corrected temperature difference ∆Tcorr
for the cross-flow and multi-pass arrangements as
Th,i Tc ,o Th,o Tc ,i
Tcorr F Tlm counter flow F
ln Th,i Tc ,o Th,o Tc ,i
The rate of heat transfer is given then by
Its value is an indication of the performance level of a given arrangement for the given
terminal fluid temperatures.
The parameter P is the ratio of the rise in temperature of the cold fluid to the difference in the
inlet temperatures of the two fluids
P is the thermal effectiveness of the exchanger and will be always less than 1.
By Tesfa Nega
Correction Factors for Multi-pass Arrangements
The parameter R defines the ratio of the temperature drop of the hot fluid to temperature rise
in the cold fluid regardless of the allocation of through the shell or the tubes.
tco - tci mcp thi - tho
P= and R= =
thi - tci MCp tco - tci
R is the ratio of the thermal capacity of cold and hot fluid
Since no arrangement can be more effective than the conventional counter flow, the
correction factor F is always less than unity for shell and tube heat exchanger.
By Tesfa Nega
Correction Factors for Multi-pass Arrangements
The correction factor is less than unity for cross-flow and multi-pass arrangements. It is unity
for true counter-flow heat exchanger.
It represents the degree of departure of true mean temperature difference from the LMTD for
the counter-flow.
Algebraic expressions for the correction factor F have been developed for various shell-and-
tube and cross-flow heat exchanger configurations, and the results are represented
When a phase change is involved, as in condensation or boiling, the fluid normally remains
at essentially constant temperature. For these conditions, P or R becomes zero and we obtain
𝐹 = 1. By Tesfa Nega
Correction Factors for Multi-pass Arrangements
Fig. Correction-factor plot for exchanger with one shell pass and two, four, or any multiple of tube passes
By Tesfa Nega
Correction Factors for Multi-pass Arrangements
Fig. Correction-factor plot for exchanger with two shell passes and four eight or any multiple of tube passes
By Tesfa Nega
Correction Factors for Multi-pass Arrangements
Fig. Correction factor plot for single pass cross-flow heat exchanger with both fluids unmixed
By Tesfa Nega
Correction Factors for Multi-pass Arrangements
Fig. Correction factor plot for single-pass flow heat exchanger, one fluid mixed and the other unmixed
By Tesfa Nega
The Heat Exchanger Design Procedure using the LMTD
With the LMTD method, the task is to select a heat exchanger that will meet the prescribed
heat transfer requirements.
2. Determine any unknown inlet or outlet temperature and the heat transfer rate using an
energy balance.
3. Calculate the log mean temperature difference 𝛥Tlm and the correction factor F, if
4. Obtain (select or calculate) the value of the overall heat transfer co-efficient U.
(1) if the cold fluid outlet temperature tc.o is less than the hot fluid outlet temperature th.o,
then this condition is referred to as temperature approach;
(3) if tc.o is greater than th.o, the difference (tc.o − th.o) is referred to as the temperature
cross or temperature pinch.
By Tesfa Nega
Temperature Approach, Temperature Meet, and Temperature Cross
The concept of the temperature cross or meet at the exchanger outlet can be utilized to
determine the number of shells in series required to meet the heat duty without having a
temperature cross in any individual shell.
Temperature cross is undesirable for shell and tube heat exchanger because the tube
surface area is not utilized cost-effectively.
By Tesfa Nega
The Effectiveness – Number of Transfer Unit (𝝐- NTU) Method
The concept of LMTD for estimating/analyzing the performance of a heat exchanger unit is
quite useful only when the inlet and outlet temperature of the fluids are either known or can
be determined easily from the relevant data.
In normal practice the useful design is however based on known fluid inlet temperatures
and estimated heat transfer coefficients. The unknown parameters may be the outlet
conditions and heat transfer or the surface area required for a specified heat transfer.
An analysis/estimate of the heat exchanger can be made more conveniently by the NTU
approach, which is based on the capacity ratio, effectiveness and number of transfer units.
By Tesfa Nega
What will happen if U is not constant
Using Caloric Temperature to Account for Varying Overall Heat
Of the assumptions used in the derivation of Tlm– the one which is subject to the largest
deviation –is that of a constant overall heat-transfer coefficient U .
The film coefficients were computed for the properties of the fluid at the arithmetic mean
temperatures between inlet and outlet.
This assumption is not always accurate –specifically for very viscous fluids.
In fluid-fluid heat exchangers where the viscosity is a strong function of temperature, the
hot fluid possesses a viscosity on entering which becomes greater as the fluid cools.
However, the cold countercurrent flow fluid enters with a viscosity which decreases as it is
By Tesfa Nega
What will happen if U is not constant
Therefore, the hot terminal T1-t1 and the cold terminal T2-t2, the values of ho and hi
(Ai/Ao) vary over the length of the pipe to produce a larger U at the hot terminal than at the
cold terminal.
Under actual conditions, the variation of U may be even greater than the variation of hi
alone since the outside film coefficient ho will vary at the same time and in the same
direction as hi.
The variation of U can be taken into account by numerical integration of dQ, the heat
transferred over incremental length of the pipe a”dL=dA, and using the average value of U
from point to point in the differential equation d= UavdA∆t.
The summation from point to point then gives Q= UA∆t very closely. This is time
consuming method, and the increase in the accuracy of the result does not warrant the effort.
By Tesfa Nega
What will happen if U is not constant
It can be solving such problem, by assuming the variation of U to be linear with temperature
and by deriving an expression for the true temperature difference accordingly.
The ratio of the LMTD for constant U and the true temperature difference for varying U is
then used as the basis for establishing a single overall coefficient which is the true mean
rather the arithmetic mean.
(T- T2)
Or generalized R=
(t- t1)
The heat balance for the differential area dA is given by
. .
dQ =U(T- t)dA= m c c p,c dt
Where U is the average value for the increment or
dt dA
= .
U(T- t) m c c p,c
By Tesfa Nega
What will happen if U is not constant
From the heat balance obtain expression for T in terms of t and separate into parts
(R-1)dt b’dt dA
a’(R-1- b’T2 +b’Rt1) t1 T2-Rt1+ (R- 1)t - 1+b’t = . ....(20)
m c c p,c
1 T2-Rt1+(R -1)t2 1 +b’t2 A
a’(R-1- b’T2 +b’Rt1) ln
+ (R
- ln
’ = .
T 2-Rt 1 - 1)t 1 1+ b t 1 m c c p,c
Using the subscript 1 to indicate the cold terminal and 2 the hot terminal as therefore
U1=a’(1+b’t1), and U2=a’(1+b’t2)
By Tesfa Nega
What will happen if U is not constant
This is still unsatisfactory, however, since it requires twice calculating both individual film
coefficients to obtain U1 and U2.
By Tesfa Nega
What will happen if U is not constant
Col-burn choose to obtain a single overall coefficient , Ux at which all the surface can be
regarded to be transferring heat at the LMTD. Ux can be defined by
U1Δt2 -U2Δt1) Δt2 -Δt1
= =Ux .....(24)
A ln U1Δt2 ln Δt2
U2Δt1 Δt1
Substituting Ux=a’(1+b’tc),
a’(1+b’t1)Δt2 -a’(1+b’t2)Δt1)
ln a’(1+b’t1)Δt2]
Ux=a’(1+b’tc) =
Δt2 -Δt1
ln Δt2
By Tesfa Nega
What will happen if U is not constant
Let Fc be a fraction. By multiplying the temperature rise of the controlling (film) stream by
Fc and adding the resulting fractional rise to the lower terminal temperature of the stream, a
temperature is obtained at which to evaluate heat transfer properties and calculate hi, ho and
t c - t1
Ux. Fc= ...... (26)
Where tc is the caloric temperature of the cold stream. By definition let
t2 - t1 U2 -U1 Δt1 tc
Kc= = r= =
1/b' +t1 U1 Δt2 th
And substituting the equivalents in Eq.25
1+b't2 1+b'tc
= Kc +1 = KcFc+1
1+b't1 1+b't1
From which 1/kc +
r-1 1
Fc = ....... (27)
ln (kc +1) kc
1+ By Tesfa Nega
ln r
What will happen if U is not constant
By Tesfa Nega
Pipe wall temperature
The temperature of the pipe wall can be computed from the caloric temperatures when hi and
ho are known. Referring the Fig. below it is customary to neglect the temperature difference
across the pipe metal tw-tp and to consider the entire pipe to be at the temperature of the
outside surface of the wall "tw“. If the outer side caloric temperature is Tc and the inside
caloric temperature tc and, 1/Rio=hio= hi(Ai/A)= hi(ID/OD) where the subscript rio
refers to the value of coefficient inside the pipe referred to the out side surface of the pipe.
t Tc -tc tw -tc
Q= = = ......... (30)
R Ro +Rio Rio
Replacing the resistance in the last two terms by film coefficients,
Tc -tc tw -tc
1/ho +1/hio 1/hio
By Tesfa Nega
Pipe wall temperature
Solving for tw,
tw = tc + (Tc -tc) ......... (31)
ho +hio
tw = T c - (Tc -tc) ......... (32)
ho +hio
When the hot fluid is inside in the pipe these becomes
t w = tc + (Tc -tc) ......... (31a)
ho +hio
tw = Tc - (Tc -tc) ......... (32a)
ho +hio
By Tesfa Nega
Isothermal representation of heating and cooling
In streamline flow when a fluid flow isothermally, the velocity distribution is assumed to be
When a given quantity of liquid is heated as it travels along the pipe, the viscosity near the
pipe wall is lower than that of the bulk fluid.
The fluid near the wall travels at a faster velocity than it would in isothermal flow and
modifies the parabolic velocity distribution as indicated by the heating curve shown in Fig.
By Tesfa Nega
Isothermal representation of heating and cooling
If the liquid is cooled, the reverse is occur: The fluid near the wall travels at a lower velocity
than in isothermal flow, producing the velocity distribution indicated for cooling.
For the liquid to flow more rapidly at the wall during heating some of the liquid near the
center axis of the pipe must flow outward toward the wall to maintain the increased velocity.
This is a radial velocity component which actually modifies the nature of the streamline flow.
By Tesfa Nega
The Effectiveness – Number of Transfer Unit (𝝐- NTU) Method
By Tesfa Nega
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
How do we determine qmax?
and zero flow leakages from one fluid to the other fluid,
operating with fluid flow rates and fluid inlet temperatures the same as those of the
actual heat exchanger
Based on EQ.3, for Ch >Cc, Th,in -Th,out > T c,out -Tc,in
over the infinite flow length the hot fluid temperature will approach the inlet temperature
of the cold fluid, resulting in Th,in =Tc,𝑖𝑛
By Tesfa Nega
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
Based on Eq.3, for Ch <Cc, Th,in -Th,out > Tc,out -Tc,in
over the infinite flow length the hot fluid temperature will approach the inlet temperature
of the cold fluid, resulting in Th,in =Tc,𝑜𝑢𝑡 .
Thus for an infinite area counter flow exchanger with Ch < Cc, we get qmax as
Qmax Ch Th ,in Tc ,in =ChTmax
In similar way, based on Eq.3, for Ch >Cc, Th,in -Th,out < T c,out -Tc,in
Hence, Tc,𝑜𝑢𝑡 will approach Th,in over the infinite length, and therefore
By Tesfa Nega
Fig. Temperature distributions in a counter flow exchanger of infinite surface area (From Shah 1983)
By Tesfa Nega
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
By Tesfa Nega
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
The effectiveness of a heat exchanger depends on:
UA Cmin
ε=f , , flow arrangment, geometry f NTU,C, flow arrangment, geometry
Cmin Cmax
- Number of transfer unit (NTU), It is a measure of the (heat transfer) size of the heat
By Tesfa Nega
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
Effectiveness of double-pipe heat exchanger is
UA s C min
1-exp - 1+
min Cmax
C 1-exp -NTU 1+C
ε parallel flow = =
C 1+C
1+ min
C max
UA s Cc
1-exp - 1-
C c C h 1-exp -NTU 1- C
εcounter flow= =
C min Cc UA Cc 1-Cexp -NTU(1-C)
1- exp - (1- )
Cc Ch Cc Ch
By Tesfa Nega
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
Effectiveness of double-pipe heat exchanger is
UA s C min
1-exp - 1+
C min Cmax 1-exp -NTU 1+C
ε parallel flow = =
C 1+C
1+ min
C max
UA s Cc
1-exp - 1-
C c C h 1-exp -NTU 1- C
εcounter flow= =
C min Cc UA Cc 1-Cexp -NTU(1-C)
1- exp - (1- )
Cc Ch Cc Ch
By Tesfa Nega
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
By Tesfa Nega
Effectiveness Heat Exchangers Plots
By Tesfa Nega