Havza Li 2008
Havza Li 2008
Havza Li 2008
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In this work, the entropy generation due to the flow of a gravity-driven laminar viscous
incompressible fluid through an inclined channel is investigated. Fully developed flow field is
solved for a Newtonian fluid. Then, temperature field is represented in a purely analytical
expression and subject to isothermal boundary conditions on the walls and constant
rectangular temperature profile at the inlet. This analytical solution is not similar to the already
existing ones in the open literature. Also, the temperature field is numerically resolved by
using the method of lines with the same inlet and boundary conditions. These two solutions
overlap, which indicates the correctness of both solutions. In obtaining both analytical and
numerical solutions, no assumption is made on the initial transition and entrance region. It is
shown that the effect of this region, which has been omitted in previous studies, is highly
dominant on the overall entropy generation. Therefore, the detailed thermal analysis of the
entrance section is outlined.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version.)
x Axial distance m parallel plates has been studied by many researchers [4–10].
x̄ Dimensionless axial distance Analysis of such simple geometries is useful to understand
y Normal distance m the mechanism of heat transfer, fluid flow and their complex
ȳ Dimensionless normal distance interactions for thermodynamic irreversibilities.
With regard to irreversibilities and entropy generation
Greek letters mechanisms, the following studies can be found in the
open literature. A short review of them is, as follows:
α Thermal diffusivity m2 s−1 Saouli and Aiboud-Saouli [11] investigated the heat transfer
θ Inclination angle of channel rad of a laminar falling liquid film along an inclined heated
µ Dynamic viscosity Pa s−1 plate for a Newtonian fluid via second law analysis. They
ρ Density of the fluid kg m−3 considered the upper surface of the liquid film to be free
3 Degenerate hypergeometric function and the lower wall to be fixed with constant heat flux.
8 Irreversibility number In another study, Makinde examined the application of the
Dimensionless temperature difference second law of thermodynamics to the laminar flow of an
incompressible viscous fluid through an inclined channel
1. Introduction with isothermal walls [2]. In their study, based on some
simplifying assumptions and using separation of variables,
For more than three decades, an increasing awareness analytical solutions for the fluid velocity and temperature
has been emerging that the world’s energy resources are were constructed.
limited, which has caused the political climate in almost all For the horizontal channel case, geometry-related
countries to re-examine their energy policies. Governments boundary and symmetry conditions result in having, in most
have felt the need to take drastic measures to eliminate cases, an exact analytical solution. Inclined channel-type flow
waste. The scientific community has started taking a closer field equations also, although a little more difficult than the
look at energy conversion devices and is interested in horizontal channel, have exact solutions. These types of flow
developing new techniques and analysis methods to better fields find wide applications in engineering, particularly in
utilize the existing limited resources. Therefore all the heating and cooling applications. Some analytical studies
energy-producing, -converting and -consuming systems must based on separation of variables with simplifying assumptions
be re-examined carefully and all possible available-work are found in the literature [1]. In these studies, the temperature
destruction mechanisms removed. On the theoretical side, field is solved by simplifying the separation variable approach
this can be done only by utilizing the second law of as a summation of two separate functions. Therefore the
thermodynamics, which is related to entropy generation. solution obtained for the partial differential governing
Efficiency calculation of heat exchange systems has been equation is not a general solution but a special solution.
very much restricted to the first law of thermodynamics. In the present study, flow-field governing equations
Calculations using the second law of thermodynamics, which for a gravity-driven, laminar, viscous, incompressible fluid
is related to entropy generation and efficiency calculation, through an inclined channel are reduced to a simple ordinary
are more reliable than the first-law-based calculations. In differential equation (ODE). Despite many studies of flow
almost all thermal systems, second-law-based efficiency can and temperature field for various types of inclined-channel
be defined in terms of the ratio of the actual thermal efficiency problems [1], none of them have considered the effect of
to reversible thermal efficiency under the same conditions. the initial transition and entrance. These effects are highly
Therefore, the second law of thermodynamics can be applied dominant on the overall entropy generation, which was
to investigate the irreversibilities in terms of the entropy omitted in previous studies. In contrast, in this study, first
generation rate. The determination of entropy generation is the temperature field is represented in a purely analytical
also important for upgrading the system performance, because expression, which is also checked against the governing
the entropy generation is the measure of the destruction of equation with the inlet and the boundary conditions. This
the available work of the system [1]. As entropy generation analytical expression [12] is not similar to the already existing
takes place, the quality of energy decreases. It is important ones, since no assumption on solution function was made.
to study the distribution of the entropy generation within Then, with the same inlet and boundary conditions the
the fluid volume for preserving the quality of energy in temperature field is numerically resolved by using the method
fluid flow processes or reducing the entropy generation. of lines (MOL) without any assumptions. It is observed that
Therefore calculation of the correct entropy generation is these two solutions give the same results, which indicates
of great importance in many engineering fields such as the correctness of both solutions. Therefore the analytical
heat exchangers, cooling of nuclear reactors, energy storage expression obtained can be considered as a general solution.
systems, cooling of electronic devices, etc [2]. The effects of initial transition and entrance on entropy
The entropy generation method as a measure of system generation are presented in terms of entropy generation
performance was first introduced by Bejan in 1980 [3]. number (NS ). Bejan number (Be) is derived and plotted using
Since then, many studies have been published on the second dimensionless velocity and temperature profiles.
law of thermodynamics, entropy generation rates and the For the sake of the reader, the development of heat
irreversibility of basic arrangements. One such essential basic boundary at the entrance is graphically presented. It is found
arrangement is the channel-type geometry flow. The fluid flow that the entrance section has great dominance over the entire
inside a channel with a circular cross section or made of two region.
Phys. Scr. 78 (2008) 045401 M Havzali et al
2. Equation of motion
3. The solution
The gravity-driven, laminar, steady and incompressible flow
of a Newtonian fluid inside an inclined channel is considered. 3.1. Analytical solution
The flow field is assumed to be one-dimensional and isobaric.
The geometry of the problem is presented in figure 1. The The solution for equation (8), together with the boundary
parallel plates located at y = ±h are isothermal and there is conditions in equation (9), is introduced by Polyanin [12]
‘no slip condition’ between the plates and the fluid. as follows:
The governing equations, which are the momentum and
T¯ (x̄, ȳ) = 1 − 1.2 exp −2(1.68)2 x̄ exp − 12 (1.68) ȳ 2
the energy equations, are given in equations (1) and (2):
×3 41 − 14 (1.68), 12 ; (1.68) ȳ 2
∂ u
2 "∞
µ + ρg sin(θ) = 0, where 0 < θ < π/2, (1) X
∂ y2 − (−1)m 2.27(4m + 1.68)−7/6
∂T k ∂ T 2
× exp −2(4m + 1.68)2 x̄ exp − 21 (4m + 1.68) ȳ 2
u = . (2)
∂x ρcp ∂ y 2 #
× 3 4 − 4 (4m + 1.68), 2 ; (4m + 1.68) ȳ ,
1 1 1 2
The boundary conditions for the axial velocity and
temperature are as follows:
u(±h) = 0, (0) = 0, where
dy (3)
T (0, y) = 0, T (x, ±h) = Tw . X∞
β(β + 1) · · · (β + m − 1) z m
3(β, χ; z) = 1 +
The solution of equation (1) with the boundary conditions in m=1
χ (χ + 1) · · · (χ + m − 1) m!
equation (3) leads to the following analytical expression for
is the degenerate hypergeometric function. This solution is
the velocity:
also encountered in mass transfer applications [12].
u(y) = (ρg sin θ)(h 2 − y 2 ). (4)
2µ 3.2. Numerical solution with MOL
The following dimensionless parameters for the coordinate The MOL is a commonly used technique for solving
system and the system variables are introduced: partial differential equations (PDEs). In this technique, finite
difference relations are used for the spatial derivatives, and the
u y PDE considered transforms to a system of ODEs. By applying
ū = , ȳ = ,
um h the central difference to the ȳ coordinate of equation (8),
x T − T0 we have:
x̄ = , T̄ = ,
h Pe Tw − T0
dT̄i (x̄) 2 T̄i+1 (x̄) − 2T̄i (x̄) + T̄i−1 (x̄)
= ,
where dx̄ 1 − [(i − 1)1 − 1]2 12
ρgh 2 sin θ umh
um = , Pe = . (6) for 2 6 i 6 n, (11)
µ α
In equation (6), Pe = ρgh 3 sin θ/µα is the Peclet number, where n is the number of sections the ȳ coordinate is divided
which is the ratio of the heat transferred to the fluid into and 1 = 2/n is the length of a section. Therefore there
Phys. Scr. 78 (2008) 045401 M Havzali et al
are n + 1 node points. By using the initial boundary conditions from the walls; = (Tw − T0 )/T0 is the dimensionless
in equation (9) for the temperature, the following relations are temperature difference and Ns = SG h 2 T02 /k(Tw − T0 )2 is the
obtained. dimensionless local entropy generation rate. The ratio Br /
is called the group parameter, which shows the relative
T̄i (0) = 0, for 2 6 i 6 n,
(12) importance of viscous effects on heat transfer irreversibility.
T̄1 (x̄) = T̄n+1 (x̄) = 1. The entropy generation given in equation (13) can be written
as follows:
The initial value problem for the system of ODEs presented in Ns = Nh + Nf , (16)
equations (11) together with the conditions in (12) is solved by
using the Runge–Kutta method. In the calculations performed where Nh is the entropy generation due to heat transfer
the number of sections used (n) is 30. irreversibility and Nf is the entropy generation due to
fluid friction irreversibility. Because the entropy generation
4. Entropy generation originates from both heat transfer and viscous friction, these
effects should be separately investigated to see the dominance
The equation of entropy generation for the two-dimensional of one over the other. The Bejan number is the ratio of heat
flow of a Newtonian, incompressible fluid, which obeys transfer irreversibility to the total irreversibility generated by
Fourier law, is as follows [13, 14]: the system and is defined as follows [13]:
" #
∂T 2 ∂T 2 Nh
SG = 2 + Be = . (17)
T0 ∂x ∂y Ns
" ( ) #
µ ∂u 2 ∂v 2 ∂u ∂v 2 Heat transfer irreversibility dominates for Be → 1 and fluid
+ 2 + + + , (13) friction dominates for Be → 0. Heat transfer and fluid friction
T0 ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
contributions to the irreversibility generated in the system are
where, due to the assumptions made for the characteristics of equal when Be = 1/2.
the flow, ∂u/∂ x = 0, ∂v/∂ y = 0 and ∂v/∂ x = 0. Therefore,
equation (13) reduces to the following form [15]:
5. Results and discussion
" #
∂T 2 ∂T 2 µ ∂u 2
SG = 2 + + . (14) As mentioned earlier, equation (8) is solved numerically with
T0 ∂x ∂y T0 ∂ y MOL to validate the analytical solution given in equation (10).
The numerical results for the analytical and numerical
The equation of local entropy generation can be
solutions are presented in tables 1 and 2, respectively.
nondimensionalized by using equation (5) as follows:
Comparision of the results presented in tables 1 and 2
2 2 reveals that both solutions overlap at least up to three digits.
∂ T̄ ∂ T̄ Br ∂ ū 2
Ns = + + , (15) The results show good agreement between the numerical and
Pe2 ∂ x̄ ∂ ȳ ∂ ȳ
the analytical solutions, which proves the correctness of both.
where Br = µu 2m /k(Tw − T0 ) is the Brinkmann number, the For better agreement between these two solutions, the order
ratio of the heat generation due to velocity differences of the numerical scheme or the number of sections (n) can be
in the viscous fluid to the heat conducted to the fluid increased.
Phys. Scr. 78 (2008) 045401 M Havzali et al
Phys. Scr. 78 (2008) 045401 M Havzali et al
Phys. Scr. 78 (2008) 045401 M Havzali et al
6. Conclusion References
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