DN Req 03034 12
DN Req 03034 12
DN Req 03034 12
May 2019
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Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) is responsible for managing and improving the country’s National
Road and light rail networks.
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TII Publication Title The Design of Road Restraint Systems (Vehicle and Pedestrian)
for Roads and Bridges
TII Publication Number DN-REQ-03034
TII Publications
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
5. Terminals ................................................................................................................... 36
6. Transitions ................................................................................................................. 43
....................................................................................................................... 67
Examples of Safety Barrier Parameters............................................................................... 67
....................................................................................................................... 70
Lengths of Flared Barriers ................................................................................................... 70
....................................................................................................................... 72
VRS Justification Sheet ....................................................................................................... 72
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....................................................................................................................... 74
Hazard Ranking ................................................................................................................... 74
........................................................................................................................ 76
prEN 1317 PART 7 .............................................................................................................. 76
........................................................................................................................ 78
Containment Level Assessment Procedure ......................................................................... 78
....................................................................................................................... 82
Containment Level Assessment Procedure - Worked Example .......................................... 82
....................................................................................................................... 89
Parapet Local and Global Effects – Load Designation......................................................... 89
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The Design of Road Restraint Systems (Vehicle and Pedestrian) for Roads and Bridges May 2019
Amendment Details:
The Standard supersedes DN-REQ-03034, Safety Barriers (Including Amendment No. 1, dated
January 2016 (November 2015) and DN-STR-03011, The Design of Vehicle and Pedestrian
Parapets (June 2017).
• The document title has been updated to The Design of Road Restraint Systems
(Vehicle and Pedestrian) for Roads and Bridges to better reflect the updated
document contents.
• DN-STR-03011, The Design of Vehicle and Pedestrian Parapets (June 2017) has
been incorporated into this standard DN-REQ-03034.
• A VRS Design Process has been added to support a Designer in choosing the
applicable standard for the design of VRS in various scenarios i.e. VRS for new
build road schemes and VRS at constrained locations.
• The Risk Assessment Procedure for assessing the need for VRS on online
improvement schemes (previously Chapter 8 of this standard DN-REQ-03034)
has been moved to DN-REQ-03079, Design of Road Restraint Systems for
Constrained Locations (Online Improvements, Retrofitting and Urban Settings).
• Chapters relating to Hazard Mitigation and Clear Zone have been relocated to
DN-GEO-03036, Cross Sections and Headroom so that the provision of a Clear
Zone through hazard mitigation is considered at the very outset of a scheme and
considered as part of the landtake requirements.
• The hazard ranking for Timber Post and Rail Fencing has been increased to High
within Appendix D.
• The minimum containment levels for VRS in various scenarios have been revised
in Table 3.6.
• A separate Containment Level Assessment Procedure has been included to
assess if the minimum containment level prescribed is appropriate for the specific
application. The procedure requires the Designer to consider the site-specific
circumstances and follow a prescribed process to assess if it is appropriate to
increase the containment level.
• The requirements for Crash Cushions as per EN 1317 have been introduced as a
new chapter.
• Guidance on the use of this standard for the design of Temporary Restraint
Systems has been provided.
• Clarification has been included on the appropriate provision of terminals for
various scenarios.
• Clarification has been provided in relation to the Exit Box Class requirements for
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Contents Table
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Implementation ............................................................................................. 1
1.4 VRS Design Process Flow ............................................................................ 2
1.5 Definitions ..................................................................................................... 4
5. Terminals ............................................................................................................. 36
5.1 General ....................................................................................................... 36
5.2 Options for Terminating Barriers ................................................................. 36
5.3 Performance Class ..................................................................................... 38
5.4 Terminal Direction Class ............................................................................. 39
5.5 Impact Severity Level ................................................................................. 39
5.6 Permanent Lateral Displacement Class...................................................... 40
5.7 Exit Box Class............................................................................................. 41
5.8 Compatibility ............................................................................................... 42
6. Transitions ........................................................................................................... 43
6.1 General ....................................................................................................... 43
6.2 Transition between Safety Barriers and Bridge Parapets ........................... 44
6.3 Testing ........................................................................................................ 46
6.4 Removable Safety Barrier Sections ............................................................ 46
8. Vehicle Parapets.................................................................................................. 49
8.1 General ....................................................................................................... 49
8.2 Containment Level ...................................................................................... 49
8.3 Impact Severity Level ................................................................................. 50
8.4 Working Width ............................................................................................ 50
8.5 Height ......................................................................................................... 50
8.6 Form and Aesthetics ................................................................................... 51
8.7 Pedestrian Restraint on Vehicle Parapets .................................................. 51
8.8 Paved Verge ............................................................................................... 53
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.................................................................................................................. 67
Examples of Safety Barrier Parameters.........................................................................67
.................................................................................................................. 70
Lengths of Flared Barriers .............................................................................................70
.................................................................................................................. 72
VRS Justification Sheet .................................................................................................72
.................................................................................................................. 74
Hazard Ranking .............................................................................................................74
.................................................................................................................. 76
prEN 1317 PART 7 ........................................................................................................76
.................................................................................................................. 78
Containment Level Assessment Procedure ...................................................................78
................................................................................................................. 82
Containment Level Assessment Procedure - Worked Example.....................................82
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.................................................................................................................. 89
Parapet Local and Global Effects – Load Designation...................................................89
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The Design of Road Restraint Systems (Vehicle and Pedestrian) for Roads and Bridges May 2019
1. Introduction
1.1 General
This Standard details the design requirements for Road Restraint Systems on National Roads for
roads and bridges, including retaining walls and similar structures where there is a need to prevent
vehicles, equestrians, livestock or pedestrians from falling off the edge of a structure.
The Standard supersedes DN-REQ-03034, Safety Barriers (Including Amendment No. 1, dated
January 2016 (November 2015) and DN-STR-03011, The Design of Vehicle and Pedestrian
Parapets (June 2017).
1.2 Scope
The requirements contained within this document apply to Vehicle Restraint Systems (VRS) in
common situations in the verge and central reserve of roads, vehicle and pedestrian parapets,
retaining walls and similar structures. The requirements for positioning and detailing of vehicle
and pedestrian restraint systems required at wingwalls, headwalls and buried structures are also
included within this document.
The requirements for assessing the need for VRS at constrained locations, and VRS design at
constrained locations where full compliance with this Standard may not be achievable is provided
in DN-REQ-03079 Design of Road Restraint Systems for Constrained Locations (Online
Improvements, Retrofitting and Urban Settings).
1.3 Implementation
This Standard shall be used forthwith on all schemes for the construction and/or improvement of
National Roads.
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Prior to designing a VRS, it is expected that the principles of forgiving roadsides provided within
DN-GEO-03036 will have been adopted and that suitable mitigation and/or removal of hazards
from the Clear Zone has first been attempted. It is intended that this Standard be used when this
has not been achievable and where a VRS is subsequently required on a scheme. Use of this
Standard shall be confirmed by following the process outlined in Section 1.4 and Figure 1.1.
There may be situations where it may be necessary to apply for a Departure from Standards in
respect of the provisions of this Standard. Proposals to adopt Departures from Standards must
be submitted to TII for approval before incorporation into a design layout to ensure that safety is
not unduly compromised. For new schemes, the Designer shall apply for a Departure in the
normal manner. For schemes on existing roads and which fall within the types and categories
described in DN-REQ-03079, the Designer is directed to the guidance provided therein for the
development of such Departure documentation.
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1.5 Definitions
1.5.1 General
For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms defined in I.S. EN 1317-1 and I.S. EN 1317-
3 apply:
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The performance parameters for a particular design of safety barrier, transition, terminal and
crash cushion are established empirically by full-scale testing of representative samples and
simulations. Details of the tests are specified in I.S. EN 1317-2, I.S. EN 1317-3, I.S. ENV 1317-4
and prEN 1317-7.
The zone is measured from the nearest edge of the trafficked lane: i.e. the
hard shoulder or hard strip forms part of the Clear Zone, refer to DN-GEO-
03036 for the required Clear Zone widths.
e) Set-back: The Set-back is the dimension between the traffic face of the
restraint system and the edge of the road pavement, see Section 3.12.
f) Length of Need (LoN): The Length of Need is the length of a restraint system
which provides the full level of protection required for a particular hazard. An
additional length (Intermediate Length) may be required between the start of
the Length of Need and the upstream terminal in order for the system to attain
full performance over the full extents of the Length of Need, see Sections 3.15
and 3.16.
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2. Roadside Hazards
A hazard is any physical obstruction which may, in the event of an errant vehicle leaving the
carriageway, result in significant injury or death to the occupants of the vehicle.
In completing the overall design of a road, the Designer shall consider the long-term implications
of all design features e.g. planting of trees – the mature tree size should be considered rather
than the planted tree size, or seasonal changes in water depths in streams or roadside drainage
• Wooden poles or posts with cross sectional area greater than 25,000mm2 that
do not have breakaway features;
• Tubular steel posts or supports greater than 89mm diameter and 3.2mm thick,
or equivalent strength;
• Road sign posts not certified as passively safe in accordance with I.S. EN
• Lighting columns not certified as passively safe in accordance with I.S. EN
• Gantry poles/columns;
• Road or railway crossings;
• Emergency telephones & surrounding fencing that are not considered
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Steel tubular posts up to 76mm diameter and 3.2mm wall thickness may be used as passively
safe posts where post centres are ≥ 750mm spacing. Steel tubular posts up to 89mm diameter
and 3.2mm wall thickness may be used as passively safe posts where post centres ≥ 1500mm
spacing. All other scenarios shall be considered a hazard. Where passively safe supports are
used, they shall comply with I.S. EN 12767.
Mounting a large sign on passively safe supports may avoid the need for a safety barrier in front
of the sign. However, such posts should not be used in the central reserve, since an impact could
cause the sign to fall into the opposing carriageway. Sign supports and lighting columns shall be
located beyond the working width of all VRS installations even if they are passively safe. Trees
When evaluating new plantings or existing trees within the Clear Zone, the maximum allowable
diameter shall not exceed 100mm or a girth of 314mm (when measured at 0.3m above the
ground). For new plantings, the Designer shall consider the mature size of the tree).
The Designer should consider whether the grouping of trees with trunk diameters ≤ 100mm and/or
girths ≤ 314mm together may constitute a hazard due to the cumulative impact of the trees on an
errant vehicle. A spacing of less than 1500mm will warrant consideration.
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Embankment Slopes are to be considered a hazard where the slope is steeper than 1:3 and the
height of the embankment is greater than 0.5m, or where slopes are within the range of 1:3 to 1:5
but the embankment height is ≥ 6m; The depth of ditches sited adjacent to the toe of an
embankment shall be included in the earthwork’s height measurement. Refer Figure 2.1.
Definitions for a number of Terrain Classes and the associated clear zone considerations are
provided within DN-GEO-03036 Cross Sections and Headroom. Where safety barriers are not
required due to slope steepness alone, obstacles on the slope may compound the hazard and
thus warrant the provision of a safety barrier or some other safety feature. The Designer shall
consider all factors that may, due to the sum of their parts, form a hazard requiring VRS protection.
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The Design of Road Restraint Systems (Vehicle and Pedestrian) for Roads and Bridges May 2019 Water
Water with a likely depth of 0.6m or more and located within the Clear Zone must always be
considered a hazard. If the water feature forms part of the design (e.g. a balancing pond),
consideration should be given to its relocation. In most cases however, it is likely that the feature
is existing or cannot be moved and a VRS will need to be provided.
Water may be present in the form of ditches, rivers, lakes, canals or small ponds. Ditches
Ditches will often present a continuous hazard running parallel to the roadway and will present
both the potential to act as a destabilising hazard that increases the risk of a vehicle rolling and
the risk of drowning to vehicle occupants.
In general, VRS should not be provided solely to protect pedestrians or cyclists – however, where
they are required to protect other roadside hazards beyond a cycle track, a shared use cycle and
pedestrian facility, or a footpath they should be located between the road and path.
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2.2 Justification for the installation of VRS and the use of the
Once a hazard has been identified as requiring protection by a VRS, the Designer is required to
complete a VRS Justification Sheet as per Appendix C, utilising the suggested hazard rankings
in Appendix D. The VRS Justification Sheet shall be used so that the Designer can systematically
review each safety barrier and confirm its justification for use on the project. The SAVeRS
(Selection of Appropriate Vehicle Restraint System) tool can be used as part of this justification
When assessing the requirements of a VRS or the measures required to implement a forgiving
roadside it is often important to consider the whole life cycle cost analysis of the scheme. While
the initial cost of mitigation measures may be higher than the installation of a VRS, e.g. purchasing
additional land to allow removal of the hazard from the Clear Zone, the whole life costing of a
VRS solution should be considered when carrying out the cost benefit analysis.
The SAVeRS tool was developed as part of the CEDR Call 2012 (Refer to DN-REQ-03079 for a
worked example). It is a spreadsheet-based tool which can be used before a decision has been
made to install a VRS in accordance with this Standard or DN-REQ-03079. The SAVeRS tool
allows the Designer to:
• Potential penetrations
• Potential fatalities
• Whole life costing
The SAVeRS tool, guideline document and user manual are available for download from the
‘Downloads’ Section of the TII publications website.
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The introduction of a safety barrier adjacent to the carriageway shall only be considered where
the elimination of all hazards within the Clear Zone is not reasonably practicable in terms of
engineering, economic, environmental or sustainability considerations. The concept of creating a
forgiving roadside and the mitigation steps outlined in DN-GEO-03036 should be followed by the
Designer prior to designing a VRS. In cases where removal or mitigation of the hazard is not
practicable, the provision of a VRS will be required.
The ideal position of a VRS in relation to the edge of the road will depend, inter alia, on the type
of device being considered and on the type and location of hazards being protected. In general,
the Designer should provide the maximum width of level verge or central reserve in front of the
system as possible to optimise the opportunity for an errant vehicle to regain control without
striking the VRS.
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Normal Containment
N1 TB 31 80 20 1.5 Car
Higher Containment
H2 TB 51 70 20 13.0 Bus
TB 51 70 20 13.0 Bus
TB 32 110 20 1.5 Car
Note: Safety barriers with a Containment Level of N2 or higher shall also be subjected to Test TB 11, using a light vehicle (900kg),
in order to verify that satisfactory attainment of the maximum level is also compatible for a light vehicle.
Impact Severity Level A affords a greater level of comfort for vehicle occupants than Level B
and Level C. Impact Severity Level C is not permitted for VRS. The following Impact Severity
Levels are application for National Roads:
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A ≤ 1.0 ≤ 33km/h
B ≤ 1.4 ≤ 33km/h
C ≤ 1.9 ≤ 33km/h
The Working Width (Wm) is the maximum lateral distance between any part of the safety barrier
on the un-deformed traffic side and the maximum dynamic position of any part of the safety barrier
during the impact. If the vehicle body deforms around the road safety barrier so that the latter
cannot be used for the purpose of measuring the working width, the maximum lateral position of
any part of the vehicle shall be taken as an alternative. Examples of Dynamic Deflection and
Working Width are illustrated in Figure 3.1. Working Width is specified as one of the classes listed
in Table 3.3.
Figure 3.1 Dynamic Deflection (Dm) & Working Width (Wm) Measured Values
(Source: I.S. EN 1317-2:2010)
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Class of Level of
Working Working
Width Width
W1 ≤ 0.6m
W2 ≤ 0.8m
W3 ≤ 1.0m
W4 ≤ 1.3m
W5 ≤ 1.7m
W6 ≤ 2.1m
W7 ≤ 2.5m
W8 ≤ 3.5m
It is a measure of the maximum permanent deflection of any point on a VRS between the original
face-line position on the trafficked face and the final resting position of the corresponding point
on the opposing face of the VRS following impact with an errant vehicle, as shown in Figure 3.2
which illustrates a verge side barrier on a single carriageway. Maximum Permanent Deflection
allows for a safety barrier to rebound from its maximum lateral dynamic displacement extent to its
final resting position.
The VIm shall be evaluated by measuring the position and angle of the vehicle platform. It assumes
that the notional load remains un-deformed and rectangular to the vehicle platform. An illustration
of Vehicle Intrusion is provided in Figure 3.3.
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Class of Level of
Working Vehicle
Width Intrusion
VI1 ≤ 0.6m
VI2 ≤ 0.8m
VI3 ≤ 1.0m
VI4 ≤ 1.3m
VI5 ≤ 1.7m
VI6 ≤ 2.1m
VI7 ≤ 2.5m
VI8 ≤ 3.5m
VI9 > 3.5m
A suitable value of VI shall be specified by a Designer to avoid the potential for a high vehicle
striking a vertical hazard adjacent to the road. Vehicle Intrusion is of particular importance when
installed at structures, tunnel entrances and gantries.
Clearances, both horizontal and vertical, must account for potential vehicle intrusion in the event
of a vehicle coming into contact with the VRS.
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Justification for the proposed VRS installation is to be recorded as per the form located in
Appendix C and utilising the hazard rankings provided in Appendix D.
Table 3.6 outlines the minimum containment levels that shall be provided in various scenarios for
verges. To determine if the minimum containment values specified are appropriate for the site-
specific circumstances, the Designer shall complete the containment level assessment procedure
as described in Section 3.11.
On motorways and Type 1 dual carriageways safety barriers within the central reserve shall be
constructed from concrete. This safety barrier shall have a H2 Containment Level and in general,
requires a Working Width of W2. However, where the safety barrier transforms to provide a
vertical face in line with a bridge, tunnel portal or gantry support in a central reserve, as shown in
the Standard Construction Detail CC-SCD-00405, a working width of zero may be assumed.
Safety barriers on central reserves shall have an Impact Severity Level of A or B. However, on
central reserves wider than 7.5m, provision of Impact Severity Level A is preferred. The Designer
should attempt, in all instances, to provide the lowest Impact Severity Level.
Central reserve VRS shall be fitted with reflectors in accordance with the relevant section of the
Traffic Signs Manual (TSM).
Relaxations of up to two Design Speed steps below the Desirable Minimum Stopping Sight
Distance are permitted for visibility to the low object at the lane segregating VRS, provided
Desirable Minimum Stopping Sight Distance is obtained to a 1.05m high object, see DN-GEO-
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Appendix G includes a worked example to assist the Designer in completing the containment
level assessment procedure. The procedure comprises of four key steps:
The Containment (Record) Assessment Sheet contained within Appendix F shall be used to
record the assessment made at each hazard location.
The Designer's engineering judgement is required when completing the assessment. For online
improvements and VRS retrofit schemes, the Designer is equipped with additional data such as
collision history at the particular location and shall use this in conjunction with engineering
judgement to assess the Increased Risk Factor and inform the decision on the most appropriate
containment level, for the specific site circumstances.
The containment level procedure requires the Designer to assess if an Increased Risk Factor
(IRF) is present at the location in question which can be determined based on the parameters
listed in Table 3.5. Determination of the IRF is fully described in Appendix F.
Depending on the outcomes of the IRF assessment, combined with appropriate engineering
judgment, the minimum containment level for the safety barrier as described in Table 3.6 may
need to be increased.
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1. As per Table 3.1 of this document, L1 containment requires a VRS to be certified to both N2 and H1 containment levels.
This has the benefit of ensuring the VRS remains appropriate for lighter vehicles at high speeds (N2) as well as being
capable of containing the heavier (H1) vehicle.
2. Vehicle intrusion is not a reported parameter for N2 barriers. Therefore, where Vehicle Intrusion (as per Section 3.7) is a
governing parameter, the minimum containment level to be provided is H1.
3. Where the VRS is required to protect property which, if damaged, would result in the instability of a structure, the
containment level shall be increased appropriately in agreement with the road authority.
Table 3.5 Parameters that may impact on the Increased Risk Factor
Additional Factors
Increased Risk Factor
(requiring engineering judgement)
• Slope/Angle of Run-Off Area
• Location of Hazard within Clear Zone, i.e. Proximity
to Carriageway
• High Design/ Operational Speed of
Section of Road
• Road Geometry / Sinuosity / Bendiness / Located
Outside of Bend
• Collision History
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Table 3.6 Hazard Definition and Minimum Containment Level for VRS
Hazards Minimum
Location Levels
1. Within the Clear Zone:
Slope Angle Slope Height
Steeper than 1:3 ≥0.5 N2
From 1:3 and up to 1:5 ≥6m N2
At steep sided cuttings or earth bunds (steeper than 1:2) within the Clear Zone N2
Verges and Central Reserves:
Protecting bridge piers or abutments H2
At overhead gantry legs and foundations for Type 1 Dual Carriageways /
At individual hazards such as sign posts, gantry legs (on all roads other than Type
1 Dual Carriageways / Motorways) and trees, etc. (see also Note 3)
At lighting columns that are not passively safe N2
At substantial obstructions such as retaining walls which extend more than
150mm above the carriageway level (See Note 6).
At underbridges, underpasses or at retaining walls >0.5m high supporting the
road and a vehicle parapet or vehicle/pedestrian parapet of the required H2
performance class is not provided.
Central Reserves:
At central reserves up to 7.5m wide for Type 1 Dual Carriageways / Motorways H2
At central reserves for Type 2 and Type 3 Dual Carriageways H2
At central reserves greater than 7.5m wide N2
Where the difference in adjacent carriageway channel levels exceeds 1.0m and
the slope across the reserve exceeds 1:4
Parapets (see Chapter 8):
For a minimum of 30m in advance of the approach end and 30m after the
See Note 4
departure end of a vehicle parapet or vehicle/pedestrian parapet.
For a minimum of 30m in advance of the approach end and 30m after the
See Note 4
departure end of a vehicle parapet or vehicle/pedestrian parapet over a railway.
2. Within or Beyond the Clear Zone:
At locations where an errant vehicle may encroach onto an adjacent road (but see H2
Note 5) or impact another significant hazard
At locations where an errant vehicle may encroach onto an adjacent railway H2
At hazardous topographical features within the Clear Zone. N2
1. This Table provides minimum Containment Levels for situations. Higher Containment Levels may be justified in certain
situations as determined through the Containment Level Assessment Procedure included in this document.
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2. Where there is more than one reason for a VRS (e.g. at a central reserve 6m wide with lighting columns that are not
passively safe), the highest of the required Containment Levels shall be provided.
3. Where the hazard is not designed to withstand collision loads and where impact may result in injuries to people other than
those in the errant vehicle, a higher Containment Level shall be specified.
4. The Containment Level of the safety barrier on the approach to and departure from a bridge parapet shall be at least
equal to that of the parapet. The lengths upstream and downstream of a parapet are minimum values. The actual lengths
shall be as per the Length of Need required to protect the given Hazard.
5. A VRS is not required (unless there is another reason) where the adjacent road joins the road under consideration, e.g. at
slip roads and junctions.
6. Retaining walls may incorporate a concrete safety barrier in accordance with CC-SPW-00400 rather than require a
separate safety barrier. In doing so, the Designer shall ensure that the surface of the wall presents a smooth traffic face
for at least 1.5m above the carriageway level and that the Vehicle Intrusion is assessed.
3.12 Set-back
The Set-back is the dimension between the traffic face of the VRS and the edge of the road
pavement. It should be noted that the road pavement includes any hard shoulder or hard strip.
The desirable Set-back on a verge shall be 1.2m. This may be reduced to minimum value of 0.6m
if a hard strip with a width of 1m or more or hard shoulder is present or where the road
design/operational speed is 85km/h or less.
At central reserves, the minimum Set-back shall be 0m (zero) where a hard strip of width 0.6m or
greater is present. If there is no hard strip present, the minimum Set-back shall be 0.6m.
The performance of the VRS must not be compromised by the presence of a filter drain, service
ducts or the like close to the system foundations. The clear distance required between the safety
barrier and any feature which may affect the VRS performance shall be ascertained.
The inclusion of surface water channels in the set-back area is acceptable in accordance with the
requirements of DN-DNG-03068.
Within the limited verge or central reserve widths available with many road cross-sections, it will
be necessary to provide a reasonable compromise between a large Working Width and a
generous Set-back. It must also be ensured that the detailing of the drainage and services within
the verge does not restrict the selection of VRS unduly.
Design decisions regarding the lateral position of the safety barrier and its Working Width are
further complicated by factors such as the Set-back required to achieve the required stopping
sight distance. In some cases, additional verge width may need to be provided in order to
accommodate a higher Working Width safety barrier or a larger Set-back.
For isolated hazards, the VRS should be placed as close to the obstruction as possible and hence
a small Working Width (normally W2 to W4) should be selected. This provides the maximum
available Set-back and maximises the space available for the errant vehicle to be brought under
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For high containment barriers with small Working Widths, it is considered preferable to keep the
Set-back distance as small as possible (subject to compliance with 3.12 above) as this will
minimise the angle of impact and consequently reduce the severity of impact on the occupants of
the errant vehicle.
Where combinations of hazards are to be protected by a single length of VRS, the Set-back of
the safety barrier shall be established by assessing the obstruction nearest to the road as if this
was an isolated hazard. This Set-back shall be retained for the remaining obstructions although
the Working Width can be varied to suit each obstruction. Changes in Working Width, however,
along the length of a safety barrier are subject to suitable transitions being available.
On verges, the Working Width of the VRS shall not allow the traffic face of the system, when
deflected to the full Working Width, to extend beyond the intersection of the embankment or cut
slope and the verge.
On central reserves, the VRS position and Working Width shall be such that under design impact
conditions, no part of the system will deflect into the opposing traffic lane, barring scenarios
described for Type 2 an 3 carriageways in the Section 3.10 of this document.
The total length of VRS will normally comprise the Length of Need plus the length of terminals at
each end, and an ‘intermediate length’ (refer Definitions) in advance of the calculated Length of
Need over which the safety barrier attains full containment.
The length over which various VRS achieve full containment varies. The Designer must specify a
total length of VRS that is sufficient so that commonly used systems attain full containment over
the required extents of the Length of Need for a given hazard. The Designer shall refer to the
VRS performance criteria within various manufacturer’s installation manual for commonly used
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Note: The approach lengths presented above are provided to illustrate the calculation of the Length of Need minimum requirements.
For approach & departure lengths, refer to section 3.17 and 3.19 respectively.
Note: The approach lengths presented above are provided to illustrate the calculation of the Length of Need minimum requirements.
For approach & departure lengths, refer to section 3.17 and 3.19 respectively.
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AL = 7 x DE
Where DE = distance from traffic face of the VRS either to the rear extent of the hazard or to the
back of the Clear Zone, whichever is the less. A typical example is illustrated in Figure 3.7.
Where the hazard is the embankment slope itself, the hazard shall be determined as per that
described in Chapter 2 Roadside Hazards i.e. based on the embankment slope and height. The
Length of Need shall be determined as per the normal approach described in Section 3.16.
AL = 7 x DC
Where DC = distance from traffic face of the VRS to the edge of the Clear Zone.
Additional protection of the obstacle may be provided by the use of dense vegetation or gravel
beds behind the safety barrier to provide a deceleration force on the vehicle. Safety barrier ends
should be returned to the cutting face wherever practicable as per CC-SCD-00409 to CC-SCD-
00411, as this will minimise the risk of end impact by an errant vehicle.
For obstacles which are only a hazard due to a face parallel to the road, such as a rock cutting or
a retaining wall with buried ends, both Approach and Departure Lengths shall be at least 10m and
not less than:
AL = 7 x DF
where DF = distance from traffic face of the VRS to the face of the hazard.
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Figure 3.7 Example of Approach Length with a hazard within the clear zone
Figure 3.8 Example of Approach Length with a hazard extending beyond the clear zone
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Overlapping between safety barriers must not be undertaken within the Length of Need (LON) of
the higher containment barrier. For example, where the hazards are a bridge abutment located
along a length of road with a high containment barrier on approach, and cut slopes in advance of
the bridge are protected by a lower containment barrier and a transition cannot be provided, the
overlapping shall not occur within the length of need of the higher containment barrier.
Gaps of 100m or less between lengths of safety barriers shall be avoided. If the distance between
the ends of terminals is less than 100m, the systems shall be connected to form a continuous
system. Access for maintenance should be considered when determining whether it is acceptable
and logical to connect two sections of safety barrier.
For two-way carriageways, the departure length shall generally be determined using the same
equations as for the Approach Length (but must consider an overtaking vehicle colliding with the
hazard from the opposing lane of traffic) and shall be at least 15m long on non-overtaking sections
and 30m long on overtaking sections (except where the obstacle is only a hazard due to a face
parallel to the road, in which case Section 3.17.2 applies). The Clear Zone for the Departure
Length commences at the divide between opposing traffic flows on non-overtaking sections and
from the edge of carriageway for overtaking sections. Additional consideration shall be given to
the sinuosity of the road when calculating the Departure Length as the road curvature may impact
the effectiveness of the system.
An overtaking section of road is to be considered as any section of road where lane separation is
not defined by a continuous white line.
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Figure 3.9 Departure Length for two-way Trafficked Roads on Non-Overtaking Section
Figure 3.10 Departure Length for two-way Trafficked Roads on Overtaking Section
Where the Set-back is less than 1.5m, the height of the safety barrier shall be related to the edge
of the road pavement. Elsewhere, the height shall be measured from the general ground level in
close proximity to the front of the safety barrier.
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3.21 Kerbs
Kerbs can have a significant impact upon the performance of a VRS and on the stability of a
vehicle impacting upon the VRS. Therefore, the placement of kerbs in front of a VRS should be
avoided. If kerbs in front of the VRS cannot be avoided, they shall be splayed over the full height
by at least 45° to the vertical and not higher than 80mm.
3.22 Flare
VRS should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Where these allow
and wherever practicable, the ends of safety barrier shall be flared. There are three functions of
the flare:
i. To locate the safety barrier end and its terminal as far from the carriageway as
is feasible;
ii. To minimise a driver’s reaction to the introduction of an object adjacent to the
iii. To reduce the Length of Need.
Flaring of safety barriers may be used:
However, a flare increases the angle at which a vehicle may impact the safety barrier. A
compromise between flare and impact angle is needed. Flare rates less than 1:20 shall therefore
not be used.
• Vehicles should not be able to pass easily behind the approach flare;
• Anchorages and concrete ramps on central reserves should not be located so
they protrude into the deflection space of the opposite fence.
Where parts of the Approach and/or Departure Lengths are flared, these lengths may be
calculated in accordance with Appendix B. In some circumstances, this will lead to shorter safety
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The section must be specifically designed to match the profile of the central reserve system and
its minimum level of containment must be N2 or the equivalent containment value of the adjacent
safety barrier, whichever is greater. Removable safety barrier sections and adjacent systems may
not differ by more than one containment class. Where containment or dynamic deflections of the
upstream and downstream adjacent systems differ, the section of removable safety barrier is to
match the greater containment value. Refer to Section 6.4 for additional information.
The full length of removable central reserve safety barrier in central reserve crossing points shall
be provided in accordance with the requirements of DN-GEO-03031 as a minimum.
It may be appropriate to provide a VRS in front of such a hazard, even though the safety barrier
will follow the line of the adjacent edge of pavement and may not be parallel to the main road.
The design of VRS at junctions must be assessed on a case by case basis. The type, size and
orientation of the hazard as well as the type and size of junction will affect the choice of VRS
implemented. The Designer must assess each junction on its own merits to provide the most
appropriate design for the given scenario. Some reduction in the crashworthiness of the safety
barrier may be unavoidable in such circumstances, but the installation shall be made as forgiving
as practical.
At junctions, as for typical roadside situations, where possible the hazard shall be removed from
the Clear Zone or modified to provide a forgiving roadside. If the hazard cannot be removed or
mitigated, then Designers shall assess the junction and hazard and provide VRS as appropriate
in order of preference outlined below:
1. Flared safety barriers with flares not exceeding 1:20, can be provided to shield
the hazard. Where appropriate, two flared safety barriers may provide the
required protection for the hazard. In some situations, it may be beneficial to
install an additional shielding safety barrier upstream of the junction as
additional protection of the hazard. The effects on visibility should be a major
consideration in the installation of all safety barriers at all junction scenarios.
(See Figures 3.11 to 3.13 below)
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Figure 3.15 Radius safety barrier with section of high containment safety barrier on radius.
In all instances bar those identified above, care shall be taken to avoid positioning safety barriers
at greater than 20 degrees maximum to the likely approach direction of an errant vehicle. In
particular, safety barriers shall not be turned through sharp radii such that they could be hit head
on and create a greater hazard than the unprotected situation (e.g. at T-junctions and accesses).
Where the above scenarios are applicable, the Designer must assess the risk of applying the
scenario against the risk of striking the unprotected hazard.
VRS are not an appropriate solution to potential hazards at diverge junction nosings (such as at
commencement of free flow egress routes from routes). Alternative arrangements shall be made
to create a forgiving environment.
Hazards which may require the installation of a VRS within an urban setting include but are not
limited to the following:
a) Playgrounds
b) Playing pitches
c) Schools
d) Monuments
e) Electrical/telecommunication sub-stations
f) Bridges with pedestrians
g) Areas with high/regular pedestrian traffic.
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Figure 3.16 Risk Assessment process for assessing the requirements for a VRS in urban
Where provided, the VRS shall be located between the carriageway and the pedestrian/cycle
track as indicated in Figure 3.17.
The minimum distance between the cycle track and the VRS shall be at least equal to the working
width of the VRS and comply with the lateral clearance requirements contained within DN-GEO-
03036 for cyclist safety.
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3.29 Motorcyclists
The installation of a VRS can cause particular risk to motorcyclists as the impact (particularly of
the posts) on dismounted riders can be considerable. However, additional protective measures
such as under riders or motorcycle protection systems can affect the performance of a VRS in
the event of impact with other vehicle types and as such these additional measures shall not be
specified as standard.
At locations identified as particularly high risk to motorcyclists, through historical collision records
and vehicle counts, such as tight bends or sub-standard sections of legacy networks, additional
protective measures shall be considered by the Designer to provide additional protection for
motorcyclists. Examples would include scenic roads with a high volume of motorcyclists where
sub-standard curves may be unavoidable.
The Designer must confirm the adequacy of VRS performance levels with the VRS
manufacturer / supplier when proposing additional protective measures on VRS and will require
a Departure from Standards.
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• The appropriate containment level shall be determined based on the type and
likely speed of vehicles using the road;
• The Working Width and Vehicle Intrusion shall be determined based on the
proximity of any hazards and the minimum set back and lateral safety zones as
detailed within the TSM Chapter 8;
• The Length of Need of safety barriers to be specified shall be appropriate for
the extent of the hazard/ work zone being protected but shall also account for
the additional longitudinal safety zone requirements detailed within Chapter 8 of
the TSM. The location and frequency of site access points needs to be
considered along with any specific manufacturer requirements for the chosen
system such as any requirements for a minimum installation length;
• The Designer shall also assess the requirements for terminating lengths of
temporary safety barriers, particularly where the safety barrier end is in the
direct line of traffic flow.
• Appropriate anchoring shall be determined and provided as per manufacturer’s
installation manual.
• On National Roads, a minimum containment level of N2 shall be provided for all
temporary barriers.
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5. Terminals
5.1 General
A Terminal is the treatment of the beginning and/or end of a VRS. In addition, it can provide an
anchorage for the safety barrier.
All full height terminals proposed for use on the National Road Network must be assessed for
compliance as per the requirements of DN-REQ-03080 - Terminal Assessment Procedure.
Options for terminating safety barriers located in the verge in order of preference include:
a) Ramping the barrier down to ground level and anchoring the safety barrier as
it was anchored during the Initial Type Test (System Anchorage) where the
terminal is located outside of the Clear Zone;
b) Returning the safety barrier such that the end is buried in a cutting face in
accordance with CC-SCD-00409 to CC-SCD-00412; or
c) Terminating with a full height prEN 1317-7 compliant terminal of suitable
performance class for the design/operational speed of the road; the terminal
shall have been assessed for compliance under DN-REQ-03080 and be
included on the TII Compliant Terminal Systems list.
Terminating safety barriers as described in a) and b) above shall have a flare rate of not less than
1:20 away from the road.
Upstream terminals shall comply with the requirements of I.S. ENV 1317-4 and prEN 1317-7 (see
Appendix E) for the performance criteria detailed below.
Downstream terminals may be of types a), b) or c), dependent on the adjacent road environment.
If a full height terminal is used, this shall comply with the requirements of I.S. ENV 1317-4 and
prEN1317-7 (see Appendix E) for the performance criteria detailed below.
Regardless of design/operational speed, the minimum Performance Class for full height terminals
on National Roads is T80.
Based on the above criteria, the following arrangements described within Table 5.1 and further
demonstrated within Figures 5.1 to 5.3 are permissible:
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Upstream T80
Single Lane Carriageway (No
overtaking, < 85km/h) T80 or as per System Anchorage
(refer Note 1)
Upstream T110
Single Lane Carriageway (No
overtaking, ≥ 85km/h) T110 or as per System Anchorage
(refer Note 1)
1. The above table assumes that all upstream terminals are provided within the Clear Zone. A System Anchorage can only
be provided for this scenario if it is outside the clear zone.
1. The speeds noted in the table relate to the Design / Operational Speed of the road as relevant.
2. Safety Barriers which terminate by ramping down to ground level shall be anchored as per the Initial Type Tests of the
system (System Anchorage).
3. The above values are minimum values for given scenarios, the use of higher performance terminals (T100, T110, etc) in
these scenarios is permitted.
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The performance requirements for terminals located in the median are to be specified as per
terminals in the verge with the exception that they are required to be double-sided terminals.
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Table 5.2 Vehicle Impact Test Configurations and Performance Classes for Upstream
Performance Vehicle
Class Approach Velocity Test
Approach Mass
Reference km/h Code
The following terminal direction classes are sub-levels applying to performance classes T80 to
Table 5.3 Direction Classes and Acceptance Tests Required for Terminals
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Da is the maximum permissible deflection in front of the original front face line of the connecting
VRS. Dd is the maximum permissible deflection behind the original front face line of the
connecting VRS.
If the VRS is to be flared to maintain setback to the end terminal, this should be included in the
measurement of Dd and the measurement should still be taken from the original front face of the
connecting VRS.
The Permanent Lateral Displacement Class shall be specified as one of the classes listed in Table
5.4 (e.g. X2/Y2, X1/Y2, etc.). The Permanent Lateral Displacement Class shall be specified to
ensure that the deflected terminal does not encroach onto the traffic lanes (but may be permitted
to encroach onto a hard shoulder or hard strip) and does not encroach beyond the available clear
space behind the terminal.
The distances Da & Dd are shown by the lines Aa & Ad in Figure 5.4 below. The extents of
Permanent Lateral Displacement must remain within these extents.
Figure 5.4 Permanent Lateral Displacement for Terminals in Direct Line of Traffic & Flared
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When defining the values for the Exit Box Class of a terminal, the Designer shall specify a value
for Za and Zd as per the following Table 5.5 and as illustrated in Figures 5.5 and 5.6 for upstream
and downstream terminals. The Designer must consider the list of approved Terminals available
on the ‘Downloads’ section of the TII publications website to ensure the availability of terminals
to meet the specified values of Za and Zd.
Za (as defined within Figures 5.5 and 5.6) is the maximum vehicle redirection in front of the original
front face line of the connecting safety barrier. The value of Za specified by the designer shall
ensure that an errant vehicle does not encroach beyond the first traffic lane adjacent to the safety
barrier, and in the case of dual carriageways, with a central reserve, beyond the hard strip of the
opposite carriageway.
Zd (as defined within Figure 5.6) is the maximum vehicle redirection behind the original front
face line of the connecting safety barrier. In circumstances where the full length of need of a
safety barrier is achieved and the terminal is only protecting the end of the safety barrier, the
value of Zd is not a critical design parameter. At constrained locations, where the full length of
need cannot be achieved, e.g. where a terminal is provided at a field access, the Zd value
chosen shall be appropriate to the available space behind the terminal.
1. References 1 to 6 relate to the Test Approaches detailed within prEN1317-7.
2. Figure is indicative and is intended to cover both verge and median VRS scenarios.
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1. References 1 to 6 relate to the Test Approaches detailed within prEN1317-7.
2. Figure is indicative and is intended to cover both verge and median VRS scenarios.
Exit Box Class 3 or 4 (as defined within IS ENV 1317-4) for Za (i.e. Za3 and Za4) are not utilised
in this Standard as their dimensions are the same as Za1 and Za2. Exit Box Class 4 (as defined
within IS ENV 1317-4) for Zd (i.e. Zd4) is not utilised in this Standard as its dimension is the same
as Za3.
Terminals with Exit Box Class Zd3 should be used with caution due to the unlimited dimension of
the Exit Box on the departure side. Terminals with Exit Class Zd3 should not be considered where
limited space or hazards exist on the departure side of a terminal, such as at confined locations,
due to the undefined extents of the exit box in these scenarios.
There may be a number of locations where more than one Z class will meet the needs of the
particular scenario e.g. where a hazard is located greater than 6m behind a Terminal a Zd1 and
Zd2 would be applicable. The Designer shall specify the Z class most closely suited to the available
dimension at the specific location and should not default to specifying Za1 and Zd1 for all
5.8 Compatibility
It must be ensured that the terminal can function adequately in combination with the type of VRS
it is attached to. The TII Compliant Terminal Systems list available in the “Downloads” section of
the TII Publications website lists terminals permitted for use on the National Road Network and
the VRS they are permitted to connect with.
Where it is proposed to connect the terminal to a VRS other than that which it was tested with,
approval shall be sought from TII as per DN-REQ-03080.
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6. Transitions
6.1 General
Transitions are necessary between safety barriers with different Working Widths or Containment
Levels. They are also required between safety barriers and bridge parapets and safety barriers
and terminals.
A Transition is an interface between two VRS of different cross section or different lateral stiffness
to provide a gradual change from the first to the second system, to prevent the hazard of an abrupt
variation, often referred to as “snagging” or “pocketing”. A transition is designed to connect two
specified VRS.
The junction between two safety barriers having the same cross section and the same material
and differing in the Working Width by no more than one class, shall not be considered a transition
and is often referred to as “system progression”. This also applies when connecting an A-profile
barrier to a B-profile barrier of the same containment once the Working Width does not vary by
more than one class.
Where several hazards are located in close proximity to each other and a variety of working widths
are required, the lowest required Working Width value shall be provided throughout the safety
barrier length to avoid multiple changes in working widths over short distances. In such
circumstances, the containment level should also remain the same to meet the highest required
containment level at the location.
The design of transitions shall be such that changes in Working Width and Containment Level
are introduced gradually and evenly along its length. Additionally, the length of the transition
should be sufficient to ensure that no significant changes in the dynamic deflection occur over
short lengths. A length of 8 m or at least 10 to 12 times the change in Working Width (whichever
is greater) shall normally be provided. Where a transition is made to an immovable safety barrier,
the working width should be assumed to be zero for the purpose of this calculation.
Direct connections between a safety barrier and a vehicle parapet shall be treated as transitions
and shall be subject to all transition requirements in this document. So too shall expansion joint
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All transitions proposed for use on the National Road Network must be assessed as per the
requirements of DN-REQ-03081 - Transition Assessment Procedure until such time as there is a
harmonised European Standard. Refer to the TII Compliant Transitions list available in the
“Downloads” section of the TII Publications website for a list of transitions permitted for use on
the National Road Network and the VRS they are permitted to connect.
The definitions of the Containment Level, Impact Severity Level and Working Width for transitions
are the same as specified in I.S. EN 1317-2 for safety barriers (see Chapter 5). The Containment
Level for the transition shall not be lower than the lower Containment Level, nor higher than the
higher, of the two connected systems. Its Working Width shall not be larger than the larger
Working Width of the two connected systems. All transitions shall comply with the requirements
of the impact assessment test criteria specified in I.S. EN 1317-2 for safety barriers and the critical
impact requirements in Section 3.4. Evidence of compliance shall be submitted to TII as per the
requirements of DN-REQ-03081.
On roads with a mandatory speed limit of 50km/h or less, the requirements for safety barriers, in
accordance with the preceding paragraph may be relaxed subject to the approval of TII.
The Containment Level of the safety barrier on the approach to and departure from the parapet
shall be at least equal to that of the parapet.
For bridges over railways the safety barrier requirements on approach and departure shall be
subject to discussion/ agreement with Iarnród Éireann and shall be justified by means of a site-
specific risk analysis.
6.2.2 At the Connection Point Between a Safety Barrier and a Bridge Parapet
Where a safety barrier adjoins a vehicle parapet, a transition shall be provided between the
parapet and the safety barrier which shall be capable of maintaining the continuity of the
Containment Level and provide a gradual transition between the containment level and working
width of the safety barrier and the parapet.
Similar to safety barrier to safety barrier transitions, the Containment Level for the transition
between a safety barrier and parapet shall not be lower than the lower containment level, nor
higher than the higher, of the connected safety barrier or parapet. The Working Width of the
transition shall not be greater than either that of the safety barrier or parapet which it is connecting.
Where a transition is composed of posts and rails, the maximum change in height at any point
shall be 450mm. The projecting end of any terminated upper rail shall be treated so as to avoid
the possibility of an errant vehicle impacting directly with it.
Where it is necessary to transition between a safety barrier and a bridge parapet and the bridge
is narrower or wider than the approach road, it is essential that the change in width is introduced
gradually to prevent increasing the risk of pocketing between the safety barrier and bridge parapet
or of vehicles being redirected into oncoming traffic.
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The change in width shall be introduced at a flare rate of not less than 1:20 in advance of the
transition length required on Approach and Departure as per Figure 6.2 and 6.3 below.
Figure 6.2 Transition between safety barrier and bridge parapet (bridge narrower than
Figure 6.3 Transition between safety barrier and bridge parapet (bridge wider than
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When transitioning from a safety barrier to a bridge parapet, it is of vital importance that the bridge
parapet structure extends upstream and downstream sufficiently into the adjacent embankment
and the embankment is constructed to provide adequate embankment width behind the
VRS/Transition. This embankment width is critical to allow the VRS/transition foundations to
function as designed and tested. This is of particular importance when steepened reinforced earth
embankments are provided which may result in reduced embankment/verge widths.
An embankment/verge width behind the safety barrier less than the working width of the safety
barrier immediately adjacent to bridge abutments may result in the VRS not performing as tested
in the event of an impact due to inadequate ground support behind the post. In such instances a
suitable safety barrier foundation shall be designed to ensure the performance of the system. A
suitably designed detail similar to the foundation detail in CC-SCD-00412 and CC-SCD-00414
may be appropriate.
6.3 Testing
All transitions shall comply with the requirements of the test acceptance criteria specified in I.S.
ENV 1317-4 and be assessed for compliance in accordance with DN-REQ-03081. For a transition
to be approved for use based on its compliance it must pass two tests. These tests are as
specified in I.S. EN 1317-2 for safety barriers, one with a light vehicle for impact severity and
another with a heavy vehicle for maximum containment. Further details and clarification in relation
to testing, including the critical impact points for the specified tests is included within DN-REQ-
A Removable Safety Barrier Section longer than 40m shall be considered a different system,
connected to the normal safety barrier by two transitions. The safety barrier must have passed
the two tests specified in I.S. EN 1317-2 relative to its class. The transition shall be tested as
specified in Section 1.1.
If the Removable Safety Barrier Section is longer than 40m but shorter than 70m, the systems
shall be tested in the Removable Barrier Section configuration, i.e. with the two transitions
installed, and the impact point shall be 1/3 of the Removable Barrier Section length. In this case,
the test with a light car (Test TB11 of I.S. EN 1317-2) on this impact point can be omitted.
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7. Crash Cushions
7.1 General
A crash cushion is a standalone device installed in front of an obstacle to protect the occupants
of a vehicle from colliding with the roadside hazard. They may be provided where a suitable length
or provision of VRS cannot be provided or is not appropriate. Roadside hazards for which the
installation of a crash cushion may be considered appropriate for may include the ends of
retaining walls, abutments, bridge piers, concrete safety barriers, tunnel portals and blunt walls in
tunnels, concrete buffers at toll stations etc. Connections between a crash cushion and a safety
barrier shall be treated as a transition and shall be submitted for assessment in accordance with
DN-REQ-03081 on case by case basis.
Crash cushions must be compliant with the general Test Acceptance Criteria requirements of I.S.
EN 1317-3, entitled, “Road Restraint Systems: Crash Cushions – Performance Classes, impact
test acceptance criteria and test methods” and the following criteria. They are tested and
approved as standalone structures.
Crash cushions are specified by their Performance Class, Redirection Zone Class, Impact
Severity Level and Permanent Lateral Displacement Zone Class.
a) Redirective (R)
b) Non-Redirective (NR)
In a frontal collision, both types will satisfactorily contain and decelerate a vehicle. A redirective
crash cushion will redirect the vehicle and thus perform similarly to a safety barrier in a side col-
lision. A non-redirective crash cushion is not designed to redirect a vehicle in a side impact must
satisfy only some of the tests in EN 1317-3.
Design /
Performance Operational
Level Speed
50 ≤ 50
80 ≤ 80
100 ≤ 100
110 > 100
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Z1 4m 4m
Z2 6m 6m
Approach side Da (m) Departure side Dd (m)
D1 0.5 0.5
D2 1.0 1.0
D3 2.0 2.0
D4 3.0 3.0
D5 0.5 ≥ 0.5, Test 3, Figure 3*
D6 1.0 ≥ 1.0, Test 3, Figure 3*
D7 2.0 ≥ 2.0, Test 3, Figure 3*
D8 3.0 ≥ 3.0, Test 3, Figure 3*
* Refer to EN 1317-3 for Test 3, Figure 3
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8. Vehicle Parapets
8.1 General
Vehicle parapets are required on the edges of all bridges where there is a vertical drop and the
bridge is designed to carry vehicular traffic. Vehicle parapets are also required on the edges of
retaining walls or similar structures where there is a vertical drop in excess of 1m and there is
access for vehicles adjacent to the top of the wall.
Unless particular circumstances apply which require the use of a bespoke parapet, vehicle
parapets shall be fully crash tested in accordance with I.S. EN 1317-2 and meet the acceptance
criteria of I.S. EN 1317-2 for the performance requirements specified below. The use of a bespoke
parapet requires the written agreement of the TII Structures Section.
All structures not otherwise explicitly dealt with in this table H2
Structures in urban areas where the legal speed limit is 60km/h or less, except
• The structure crosses or adjoins a road or railway
• The structure is on a horizontal curve and / or gradient and the radius and /
or gradient does not comply with relevant desirable minimum standards. N2
Relevant desirable minimum standards are described in DN-GEO-03031.
The containment levels in Table 8.1 are minimum requirements only. The responsibility rests with
the Designer to provide the appropriate containment level taking account of the following factors:
The Designer is required to obtain the agreement of Iarnród Éireann to any proposed road safety
barrier either over or alongside an existing (or proposed) railway.
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With the exception of bridges over the railway, vehicle parapets of Very High Containment Level
(H4a) shall only be considered in high risk locations where the consequences of parapet
penetration are judged to outweigh the hazards to vehicle occupants or other road users resulting
from the effects of the very high containment parapets. Such cases shall be considered (by the
Designer) on their merits and submitted for consideration (by TII) as part of the structure’s
Technical Acceptance process (refer DN-STR-03001).
8.5 Height
The height of the parapet shall be measured above the adjoining paved surface and shall not be
less than the highest of the minimum parapet heights given in Table 8.2 for the criteria relevant
to the structure in question.
Structure Criteria Parapet Height
Structures carrying motorways or roads to motorway standard
from which pedestrians, animals and cyclists are excluded by 1000
Other road structures not otherwise explicitly dealt with in this
Where a cycleway is adjacent to the parapet 1400
Accommodation bridges 1500
Very High Containment Level applications except railway
All structures over railways 1800
Bridleway bridges 1800
Notwithstanding the above, the heights of parapets over railways shall be subject to the approval
of Iarnród Éireann.
Special conditions at particular sites may signify the need for higher parapets. Such cases should
be considered (by the Designer) on their merits and submitted for consideration (by TII) as part
of the structure’s Technical Acceptance process (refer DN-STR-03001).
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The aesthetic effects of the vehicle parapet would include both the appearance (and detailing) of
the vehicle parapet itself as well as the inter relationship of the parapet with the main structure
(e.g. the setting out of the parapet posts with respect to bridge supports and/or joints in deck
fascia etc.).
Signature structures and long span bridges greater than 60m shall include open post and rail type
parapets that add to the aesthetic merit of the structure. The designer shall include aesthetic
requirements for parapets within the contract specific Appendix 4/1.
Parapet posts shall be set out symmetrically with respect to bridge supports (piers and abutments)
and any joints in the deck fascia.
It is not practical to make vehicle parapets completely unclimbable but, where pedestrians have
access, infilling shall be provided such that the parapet will not have footholds.
Since pedestrians are excluded, infilling will not normally be required on motorway underbridges
or structures adjacent to motorway carriageways, except where they cross or are adjacent to
Pedestrian restraint shall be provided as an integral part of the vehicle parapet. Separate vehicle
and pedestrian parapets shall not be used.
Infilling of the traffic face of solid parapets shall conform to the following:
On road bridges where provision is made for other road users, such as cyclists, equestrians or
livestock, pedestrian restraint in accordance with the preceding paragraphs of this Section shall
be provided.
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There may be a need for mesh infilling to part height on parapets with or without pedestrian
restraint, in order to prevent loose debris, stones or snow from falling onto the area beneath the
Similarly, there may be a need for solid infill in order to prevent splash, reduce noise, screen
railway electrification equipment or, on accommodation bridges, to avoid frightening livestock
crossing the bridge. Such cases should be considered (by the Designer) on their merits and
submitted for consideration (by TII) as part of the structure’s Technical Acceptance process (refer
At locations subject to vandalism, there may be a need for a significant increase in height in the
pedestrian restraint. Mesh screening should be inclined away from the traffic and positioned such
that it cannot be struck by an errant vehicle. Also, at some bridges the parapet may need to
incorporate environmental barriers. Such cases should be considered (by the Designer) on their
merits and submitted for consideration (by TII) as part of the structure’s Technical Acceptance
process (refer DN-STR-03001).
On all bridges over or adjacent to railways, irrespective of whether pedestrians have access to
the bridge, infill or other restraint for pedestrians or other road users will be required in accordance
with the preceding paragraphs of this Section and with the following additional requirements:
a) On all bridges over railways, solid infill shall be provided over the full height of
the traffic face of the parapet. Infill shall extend so as to be no more than 3mm
above the plinth at the traffic face. Metal infill panels shall be of a type
approved by Iarnród Éireann and shall be at least 3mm in thickness;
b) In order to discourage walking on top of the parapet, either the overall width of
the top of the parapet shall be no greater than 100mm or the top shall have a
steeply inclined face at an angle not less than 45 degrees to the horizontal;
c) Metal parapets over railways shall also be provided with solid sheeting or
mesh on the outer face of the parapet, extending to the full height of the
parapet and with the lower part shaped to cover the outer ledge of the parapet
beam. The outer face sheeting shall deny access to the outer ledge and
extend along the length of the parapet for the width of the railway tracks plus
one parapet panel or 2.0m, whichever is the greater. In cases where overhead
electrification equipment is present, the sheeting shall extend to at least 3.0m
from the outside edge of the nearest rails or from any overhead electrification
equipment, whichever is greater. It shall also be provided at the ends of the
parapet for a distance of 2.0m, see Figure 8.1;
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d) The outer face sheeting at the ends of the parapet shall be extended in length
in locations where the outer ledge is deemed to be readily accessible from any
area adjacent to the bridge;
e) Any other method of denying access to the outer ledge of the parapet shall be
subject to the agreement of Iarnród Éireann.
Where these provisions are impractical or the gap is greater than 2m, vehicle parapets shall be
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9. Bespoke Parapets
9.1 General
As stated in Section 8.1, vehicle parapets shall wherever possible be tested to and conform to
the requirements of I.S. EN 1317-2. However, it is acknowledged that, in certain limited
circumstances, suitable crash tested vehicle parapets may not be available and that a designed,
non-crash tested, bespoke vehicle parapet may be appropriate. This section provides specific
requirements for bespoke parapets which are to be considered as additional to the general
requirements for all parapets specified elsewhere in this Standard.
The need for bespoke vehicle parapets may arise, inter alia, for bridges over a railway, where
particular safety criteria apply, for heritage structures where particular aesthetic criteria may apply,
or in urban areas where traffic speeds are low and aesthetic criteria may apply. Wherever possible
safety barriers tested in accordance with I.S. EN 1317 should be used in these circumstances
and only as a last resort should a bespoke vehicle parapet be provided.
Subject to the above paragraphs, bespoke vehicle parapets shall be provided on bridges and
retaining walls at the locations described in Section 8.1.
Design of bespoke vehicle parapets shall be in accordance with the relevant Part of BS 6779 as
amended by this Standard. It will not be necessary for parapets designed to BS 6779 to be tested
to demonstrate the Impact Severity Level.
Containment level N1 in I.S. EN 1317 shall be taken as equivalent to Low Level of Containment
in BS 6779. Containment level N2 in I.S. EN 1317 shall be taken as equivalent to Normal Level
of Containment in BS 6779. Containment level H4a in I.S. EN 1317 shall be taken as equivalent
to High Level of Containment in BS 6779.
There is no containment level in BS 6779 equivalent to the H2 containment level specified in I.S.
EN 1317. Where bespoke parapets of containment level H2 are required, these shall be designed
from first principles for the vehicle impact criteria specified in I.S. EN 1317.
The design requirements given in this Standard for vehicle parapets are based on cantilever
action from the bridge deck. Main structural members of bridges shall not be designed to act as
vehicle parapets.
Transitions between safety barriers and bespoke parapets, provided in accordance with Section
6 of this Standard, shall be designed to meet the requirements of Section 6.2.2. The requirements
of Section 6.3 do not apply in these circumstances.
9.2 Materials
Bespoke vehicle parapets may be steel, aluminium, reinforced concrete (precast or in-situ) or a
combination of these. Where it is necessary to harmonise with local conditions, the outer face of
concrete vehicle parapets may be clad in masonry provided the cladding is securely fixed to the
Masonry vehicle parapets shall not be used on new bridges over, under or adjacent to National
Roads. However, where it is necessary to replace parapets on existing masonry bridges,
reinforced or unreinforced masonry parapets may be used. Masonry parapets shall be designed
in accordance with BS 6779: Highway Parapets for Bridges and Other Structures, Part 4:
Specification for Parapets of Reinforced and Unreinforced Masonry Construction, as amended by
this Standard.
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Designers shall also take account of the relevant guidance contained within the UK Department
of Transport’s 2012 document “Guidance on the Design, Assessment and Strengthening of
Masonry Parapets on Highway Structures”.
Where a reinforced concrete core with masonry cladding parapet detail is used to replace
parapets on existing masonry bridges, and there is a connecting safety barrier, the Safety Barrier
to Concrete Parapet connection detail as detailed in CC-SCD-00412 to CC-SCD-00414 may be
used subject to the conditions listed within the SCDs.
Metal vehicle parapets of open frame design, such as post and rail or post and beam shall be
designed for durability in accordance with BS 6779: Highway Parapets for Bridges and Other
Structures, Part 1: Specification for Vehicle Containment Parapets of Metal Construction Section
6.4, as amended by this Standard.
Joints shall be provided in metal vehicle parapets in accordance with BS 6779: Highway Parapets
for Bridges and Other Structures, Part 1: Specification for Vehicle Containment Parapets of Metal
Construction Section 6.5, as amended by this Standard.
The parapet shall consist of at least two effective longitudinal members. The overall depth of each
longitudinal member, measured as the depth of its projection onto a vertical plane, shall be not
less than 50mm or more than 150mm for Low or Normal Levels of Containment and not less than
100mm or more than 200mm for High Level of Containment. The clear gap between longitudinal
members and between the lowest longitudinal member and the top surface of the concrete plinth
shall be not more than 300mm. For parapets on accommodation bridges, the clear gap may be
increased to not more than 400mm.
On roads with a mandatory speed limit not greater than 50km/h, the vehicle parapet may, as an
alternative, be a design incorporating two longitudinal members and closely spaced vertical
members. The clear space between adjacent vertical members shall not exceed 100mm.
Parapets shall incorporate a reinforced concrete plinth (of height 50-100mm) and the front faces
of the effective metal longitudinal members shall be in the vertical plane containing the top edge
of the front face of the reinforced concrete plinth.
Metal rails or beams shall present smooth surfaces on the traffic face and on the top and bottom
faces and be free from sharp edges or corners on the front face.
Projections or depressions on the front, top and bottom faces shall only be allowed at joints in
rails and at connections to posts and shall be within the following limits:
a) Front face and top and bottom faces within 15mm of the front face: a
maximum of 15mm including the heads of any fastenings, which shall be of a
well-rounded shape.
b) Top and bottom faces beyond 15mm from the front face: a maximum of 25mm
including the heads of any fastenings.
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c) Tops of posts, including any caps or straps, shall not project above the level of
the top of the top rail by more than 16mm and the heads of any fastenings to
the top of the posts shall not project above the top face of the top rail by more
than 35mm, making allowance for sloping rails.
On post and rail type parapets with an overall height of 1.5m or more, the top rail may be a ‘non-
effective longitudinal member’. Such a member shall be designed to withstand a horizontal
ultimate load of at least 1.4kN/m and the parapet posts shall be designed to ensure that they are
capable of providing support for the consequential effects.
This loading need not be considered co-existent with the loading required for vehicle containment.
In the case of an application of such a rail to a High Level of Containment parapet, the post
extensions to carry the non-effective rail shall be designed for this purpose only.
On post and rail type parapets with an overall height of 1.5m or more over railways, the top rail
shall be of the same section as the main longitudinal members of the parapet. Where a small
extension in height is required, consideration may be given to the provision of a steeple coping
profile continuously attached to the top rail.
Bespoke metal parapets over the railway shall, in addition to the above requirements, comply with
the requirements of Section 8.7 of this Standard.
Vehicle parapets of insitu reinforced concrete construction shall be designed in accordance with
BS 6779: Part 2 as amended by this Standard and I.S. EN 1991-2.
All reinforced concrete parapet panel walls shall have a minimum thickness of 180mm for Normal
Level of Containment Level and 325mm at the critical design section for High Level of
All reinforced concrete parapet panel walls shall have a minimum panel length of 1.5m and a
maximum panel length of 1/5th span or 3.5m whichever is lesser.
γm for the reinforcement in the in-situ and precast parapet panel wall shall be 1.0, not 0.8 as given
in Table 4 of BS 6779: Part 2.
Concrete parapets for Normal Level of Containment shall be designed for an equivalent static
nominal load (for calculating panel nominal bending moment) of 100kN over 1.0m, not 50kN over
1.0m as given in Table 2 of BS 6779: Part 2.
Concrete panel walls of parapets for Normal Level of Containment shall be designed with shear
transfer provision between panels. An equivalent static nominal load of 50kN shall be transferred
between panels within the top 0.5m of the panels.
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γm for the reinforcement in the in-situ and precast parapet panel wall shall be 1.0, not 0.8 as given
in Table 6 of BS 6779: Part 3.
In addition to the requirements of BS 6779: Part 3, concrete panel walls and bases for vehicle
parapets of combined metal and concrete construction for Normal Containment Level (or more
severe) shall have a capacity not less than that required to satisfy BS 6779: Part 2, as modified
by this Standard, for a vehicle parapet of equivalent overall height.
Concrete panel walls of parapets shall be designed with shear transfer provision between panels.
An equivalent static nominal load of 50kN shall be transferred between panels within the top 0.5m
of the panels.
Bespoke parapets of combined metal and concrete construction over the railway shall, in addition
to the above requirements, comply with the requirements of Section 8.7 of this Standard.
a) Fixings shall be spaced at not more than 450mm horizontally and 300mm
b) Fixings shall be in stainless steel and shall not be placed in contact with
carbon steel reinforcement;
c) Uncoursed work will only be permitted where there is a low probability of
detached masonry presenting a hazard to the public. Such cases should be
considered (by the Designer) on their merits and submitted for consideration
(by TII) as part of the structure’s Technical Acceptance process (ref DN-STR-
Masonry cladding to the front face of a parapet will only be permitted in exceptional cases (based
principally on aesthetic considerations). Pointing shall be flush. Masonry on the front face may
have an irregular surface subject to the maximum amplitude of the steps and undulations in the
surface not exceeding 30mm when measured with respect to a plane through the peaks. The
plane shall be flat for straight parapets and curved to follow the nominal parapet curvature for
parapets which are curved on plan.
The above requirements of this Section 9.6 do not apply to the replacement of existing masonry
parapets on existing bridges.
Stone or precast concrete copings may only be used with vehicle parapets of concrete
construction where the mandatory speed limit is 50km/h or less. Such copings shall be fixed to
the concrete core by fixings capable of resisting, at the ultimate limit state, a horizontal force of
33kN per metre of coping.
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The requirements in this Chapter for infill to pedestrian parapets are equally applicable to infill on
vehicle parapets where pedestrian restraint is also required, subject to the requirements of
Chapter 8 of this Standard.
This Chapter should be read in conjunction PD CEN/TR 16949:2016 Road restraint systems -
pedestrian restraint system - pedestrian parapets.
Minimum Parapet
Structure Criteria Height, Ho
Footbridges except over railways 1250
Cycleway bridges except over railways 1250
Where a cycleway is adjacent to the parapet 1450
Bridleway bridges 1850
All non-vehicular bridges over railways 1850
Notwithstanding the above, the heights of parapets over railways shall be subject to the approval
of Iarnród Éireann.
The height requirements given in Table 10.1 shall include for a plinth of minimum height 50mm.
The design working life for pedestrian parapets shall be as given in CC-SPW-00400.
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For designed parapets, horizontal uniformly distributed traffic loads shall be calculated in
accordance with Method 2 in PD CEN/TR 16949:2016. For all other traffic loads, the minimum
values given in PD CEN/TR 16949:2016 shall be used.
Pedestrian parapets of concrete construction shall be designed in accordance with I.S. EN 1992.
The horizontal traffic loads in PD CEN/TR 16949:2016 shall be assumed to act within 25mm of
the top of the parapet.
Snow and wind loads on pedestrian parapets shall be in accordance with I.S. EN 1991-1-3 and
I.S. EN 1991-1-4.
Pedestrian parapets shall be provided with infilling such that the parapet will not have footholds.
Infilling shall comply with the requirements of Section 8.7 of this Standard. Unless solid infilling is
required to meet other requirements of this Standard, the infilling shall contain spaces or voids
with a maximum Ds equal to 30mm in accordance with PD CEN/TR 16949:2016. Notwithstanding
this, vertical bar infilling shall have a maximum Ds equal to 100mm.
Stone or precast copings used with pedestrian parapets should be secured to the concrete
backing by fixings capable of resisting a horizontal force of 10kN at the ultimate limit state per
metre of coping.
Suitable protective safety barriers or pedestrian guardrails should be provided at these locations
in accordance with the following:
The type of pedestrian protective measure to be used will need to be determined for each specific
location depending on the ease of pedestrian access to the hazard in question. It could be a
pedestrian guardrail, a pedestrian parapet or an appropriate type of boundary fencing (in
accordance with the TII Publications Series 300 SCDs). It will need to be in keeping with any
structural, drainage, environmental and aesthetic considerations of the site in question. The
choice of pedestrian protective measure shall be supported by a site-specific risk assessment.
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Anchorages and attachment systems for concrete parapets shall meet the requirements for the
tested vehicle parapet system and unless otherwise specified in this Standard or I.S. EN 1991-2,
shall comply with the requirements of BS 6779: Part 2 Clauses 6.2 and 10.
Reinforcement used to tie precast concrete parapets to the bridge deck or other supporting
structure (e.g. kentledge slab) shall comply with one of the following:
Where the Contractor has the facility to choose the vehicle parapet system to be used on a
particular structure, the parapet system to be used will not be known at the time that the detailed
bridge design is prepared. Accordingly, it will not be possible to design fully the corresponding
anchor requirements, nor to specify the requirements in terms of either the design resistance or
the characteristic resistance. The Designer will, therefore, need to check the adequacy of the
selected anchors after the Contractor’s proposals are known.
The Designer is responsible for assessing the condition and proving the strength sufficiency of
an existing structure on which a new or replacement vehicle parapet is to be erected and for
evaluating the factors to be used in determining the design resistance value of the Contractor’s
chosen anchorage. Since the parapet system to be used may not be known at the time of
preparing the design, the Designer will be required to make assumptions relating to the loads
applied to the supporting structure.
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If these loads are incapable of being carried by the structure then it will be necessary for the
Contractor to propose an alternative parapet design so as to not exceed the limitations of the
structure. Any limitations to the design of the parapet that emanate from this assessment will be
made clear to the Contractor as soon as they are known.
Information shall be included in the Appendices to the Specification to enable the Contractor to
make an initial selection of the parapet and its anchorages.
Approval to a proposed system will not be given by TII until the results of the above bridge
inspection / assessment are known and the Contractor has verified suitability of their proposed
system. In the event of failure to meet the specified criteria the Contractor will be required to
consider, and submit for approval, an alternative which maintains the specified containment level.
In the event that no alternative system that meets the specified containment level is available or
viable, a risk-based approach, including a cost benefit analysis, for identifying the appropriate
containment level shall be used.
The Designer will specify site tests which the Contractor has to carry out on anchors to
demonstrate that they have been installed correctly.
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12. References
12.1 TII Publications (Standards):
• DN-STR-03001 Technical Acceptance of Road Structures on Motorways and
Other National Roads
• DN-GEO-03030 Guidance on Minor Improvements to National Roads (including
Erratum No. 1, dated April 2013 and Erratum No. 2, dated June 2013)
• DN-GEO-03031 Road Link Design
• DN-GEO-03036 Cross Sections and Headroom
• DN-REQ-03079 Design of Road Restraint Systems for Constrained Locations
(Online Improvements, Retrofitting and Urban Settings).
• CC-SPW-00400 Specification for Road Works Series 400 - Road Restraints
Systems (Vehicle and Pedestrian)
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Examples of Safety Barrier
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Type 2 and
Type 3 Dual
Carriageway Assumes safety
barrier is
1.2 -
or 3.0 No
N2 A W4 100mm wide
when deflected
Reduced (see Note 1)
2. At Isolated Obstruction
Pier 2.0
2.0* Yes 0.6 H2 A W4
(Note 2)
1. Traffic face of safety barrier must not extend beyond the top of the embankment slope.
2. * = distance from edge of road pavement to obstruction.
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System 0.6m
wide on 2.6 0 H2 B W4
System 0.8m
wide on 2.8 0 H2 B W5
System 1.0m
wide on 3.2 0.1 H2 B W6
System 1.0m
wide on 4.5 0.75 H2 B W7
System 1.0m
wide offset or on 9.0 0.6 - 3.0 N2 A W7
At 2.0m wide
bridge pier on 9.0 0.6 N2 A or B W5
2. On motorways and type 1 dual carriageways the requirement to use safety barriers constructed from concrete will typically
provide a reduced working width.
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Lengths of Flared Barriers
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For safety barriers with flares, the Approach and Departure lengths can be calculated as follows:
𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 (𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷) =
+ 0.141
D= DE, DC or DF in accordance with Sections 3.17.1 and 3.17.2.
F= Flare rate (e.g. use 20 if flare is 1:20)
L= Distance from end of hazard to start of flare.
Figure B.1: Determination of Approach Length for Safety Barrier with Flare
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VRS Justification Sheet
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Is Hazard
Hazard Type Can the Has Lifetime Cost
within the Hazard Barrier to be Installed Reasons for
/Description Mitigation/Modification Hazard be Analysis of Barrier Length of
Clear Ranking (Y/N) Start and End Installing the Safety
(Start and End Co- Options Considered* Mitigated? Been Carried Out? Hazard (m)
Zone? (Appendix D) Coordinates Barrier
ordinates) (Y/N) (SAVeRS)
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Hazard Ranking
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Hazard Ranking
Hazard Description
• Steep Embankment Slopes, steeper than 1:2 and between ≥ 0.5m and < 1m
• Embankment Slopes between 1:2 and 1:3 (inclusive) and ≥ 2m height.
• Slopes to ditches
• Drainage items such as culvert headwalls and transverse ditches that are not
detailed to be traversed safely
• Hazardous topographical features outside the Clear Zone
Medium • Single cross culvert opening exceeding 1000mm measured parallel to the
direction of travel
• Culvert approximately parallel to the roadway that has an opening exceeding
600mm measured perpendicular to the direction of travel
• Steep sided cuttings or earth bunds (steeper than 1:2) within the Clear Zone
• Multiple cross culvert openings exceeding 750mm each, measured parallel to
direction of travel
• Linear V-ditches alongside the scheme
• Environmental Barriers
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prEN 1317 PART 7
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The current Draft of prEN 1317 Part 7 is available for download from the ‘Downloads’ section of the
TII Publications website https://www.tiipublications.ie/downloads/.
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Containment Level Assessment
TII Publications DN-REQ-03034
The Design of Road Restraint Systems (Vehicle and Pedestrian) for Roads and Bridges May 2019
The designer shall assign a Hazard Proximity Ranking based on the percentage of Clear Zone width
available based on the following and record it in the Containment Assessment (Record) Sheet:
For continuous hazards, or in a case of multiple isolated hazards in close proximity, the proximity of
the hazard to the road edge is to be considered for the worst-case scenario and applied to the entire
length of need of the VRS.
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Medium Yes No No
Low Yes No No
Upon completion of the Containment Level Assessment Procedure, the designer shall record the
results in the Containment Record Assessment sheet on the following page.
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'*' Denotes key steps/parameters in the containment level design process that may influence the final Increased Risk Factor.
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Containment Level Assessment
Procedure - Worked Example
TII Publications DN-REQ-03034
The Design of Road Restraint Systems (Vehicle and Pedestrian) for Roads and Bridges May 2019
The hazard in question is a directional informational sign with tubular Steel Posts > 89mm diameter
and 3.2mm thick, located on the outside of a 720m radius bend and provided as part of an Offline /
Green Field Project. The arrangement is as per Figure G.1 below. As per Table 3.6 the minimum
containment level to protect individual hazards such as sign posts within the verge is N2. To assess
if the minimum N2 requirement is appropriate at this location, the Designer shall complete the
containment level assessment procedure as described in the Steps below.
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• Hazard proximity ranking (distance to hazard and clear zone availability); and
• Risk Ranking (sinuosity ranking and hazard proximity ranking).
Hazard proximity ranking
The appropriate clear zone as described in DN-GEO-03036 is 10.4m for a 720m horizontal centreline
radius curve and a design speed of 100 km/h, as replicated in Figure G.2. This value is denoted A in
Figure G.3
There are two additional dimensions, B and C in Figure G.3, which need to be considered.
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B = Lateral distance to hazard (from the edge of the trafficked lane to the face of the hazard)
Assuming that the hazard is 2.4m set back from the edge of carriageway pavement and there is a
0.5m hardstrip, the percentage of clear zone available is calculated as follows:
× 100 = 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 ℎ𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎
2.4 + 0.5
= 28%
Risk Ranking
Following a sinuosity index calculation procedure performed as described in the Risk Assessment
Procedure within DN-REQ-03079, a Low Sinuosity Ranking is applicable.
Combining the High Hazard Proximity Ranking with the Low Sinuosity Ranking the Increased Risk
Ranking is calculated as Medium, see Figure G.4.
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A Medium Increased Risk Ranking combined with a High hazard type ranking indicates there is an
Increased Risk Factor to be applied as shown below in Figure G.5.
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Figure G.6 – Use of Containment Level Assessment Procedure Flowchart for Worked Example
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Parapet Local and Global Effects
– Load Designation
TII Publications DN-REQ-03034
The Design of Road Restraint Systems (Vehicle and Pedestrian) for Roads and Bridges May 2019
H1.1 General
Global Effects are defined as effects which relate to the response of the structure to the applied loads.
Examples of relevant global effects are as follows:
• Load effects in structural elements due to the overall deformation of the structure.
An example of elements of interest typically include (but are not limited to) deck
cantilevers, longitudinal beams, piers, piled foundations, etc.
• Stability of the structure. Elements impacted by stability issues include (but are not
limited to) the overall stability of the structure (sliding, overturning, bearing etc),
bearing deformation, superstructure dislodgement, etc.
Local Effects are defined as effects which relate to the portion of the structure directly supporting the
bridge parapet. Local effects are typically associated with parapet anchorages and the supporting
deck structure to which they are attached.
The loads applied directly to the parapet and the Simultaneous Vertical Axle Load are to be treated
as a single load event and represent the Accidental Action, Ad, as defined in Table NA.11 of I.S. EN
These loads are to be applied in accordance with Table NA.11 of I.S. EN 1990.
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Table H.1. Global Effect Assessment of Accidental Loads due to a Vehicle Collision with a Bridge
Accidental Action – due to collision with vehicle safety barriers for determining global
Transverse Longitudinal Vertical
Vertical Axle
Class Force Force Force(b) Examples of Applications
(kN) (kN) (kN)
Normal Containment (N1 & N2
A 100 - - 225 Level) flexible e.g. metal post and
rail parapets
Normal Containment (N1 & N2
B 200 - - 225 Level) rigid e.g. reinforced concrete
Very High Containment (H4a &
C 400 100 175 225 H4b) flexible e.g. metal post and rail
Very High Containment (H4a &
D 600 100 175 225 H4b) rigid e.g. reinforced concrete
(a) the collision load shall be applied 100mm below the top of the selected vehicle restraint system or at a
height of 1.25m above the level of the adjacent carriageway/raised verge whichever is the lower over a length
of 3m.
(b) the direction of application is to be the most onerous for the loadcase considered.
(c) Accompanying Variable Actions shall be applied in accordance with NA 2.31 of the National Annex to I.S.
EN 1991-2
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For clarity, bridge parapets are divided between those of Metal Construction and those of Concrete
The support posts, which form part of the metal parapet system, are to be supplier designed to provide
the certified level of containment.
The section directly beneath the anchorages should have a minimum capacity of 1.25 times the lesser
of the characteristic capacity of the anchorage or the parapet post.
Any reinforcement required to resist the forces should be adequately anchored into the next element
in the structural system (bridge deck or parapet support slab foundation) beyond the post anchorages.
Structural elements beyond the connection i.e. the bridge deck or parapet support slab foundations
should be designed to resist the greater of either the effects of the global loads described previously
in this document or 1.25 times the lesser of the characteristic capacity of the anchorage or the parapet
Engineering judgement must be used to ensure that the correct hierarchy of failure is maintained along
the load path of the collision forces through the structure.
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The concrete section directly beneath the parapet section should have a minimum capacity of 1.25
times the characteristic capacity of parapet section itself.
Any reinforcement required to resist the forces in the point above should be adequately anchored into
the next element in the structural system (bridge deck or parapet support slab foundation) beyond the
bottom of the parapet;
Concrete sections beyond this point i.e. the bridge deck or parapet support slab foundations should
be designed to resist the greater or either the effects of the global loads described previously in this
document or 1.25 times the characteristic capacity of parapet section itself;
Engineering judgement must be used to ensure that the correct hierarchy of failure is maintained along
the load path of the collision forces.
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Table H.2. Loads for Assessing the Local Effects of Bespoke Concrete Parapets
Accidental Action – Equivalent Local Loads for in-situ and precast concrete parapets
applicable for parapets with a length of (L) 1.5m to 3.5m
Panel Joint
Panel Nominal
Panel Normal Nominal Shear
Examples of Applications Shear(b)
Bending(a) Transfer(c)
(c) minimum ultimate transverse shear resistance to be provided within the top 1.2m of the panel wall.
(d) shear transfer provision between panels of normal containment parapets is not recommended because of
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