Use of IS EN 1991-1-7 For The Design of The Accidental Actions

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Use of IS EN 1991-1-7 for the

Design of the Accidental


April 2017

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TII Publication Title Use of IS EN 1991-1-7 for the Design of the Accidental
TII Publication Number DN-STR-03013

Activity Design (DN) Document Set Standards

Stream Structures (STR) Publication Date April 2017
Document 03013 Historical NRA BD 60
Number Reference

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TII Publications

Activity: Design (DN)

Stream: Structures (STR)
Use of IS EN 1991-1-7 for the Design of the Accidental
TII Publication Title:
TII Publication Number: DN-STR-03013
Publication Date: April 2017
Set: Standards

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1

2. The Requirements ....................................................................................................... 2

3. References ................................................................................................................... 7

......................................................................................................................... 8
HCV/Bridge Collision Photographs ............................................................................... 8

....................................................................................................................... 11
Guidance for steel and steel / composite bridge decks ............................................... 11

....................................................................................................................... 14
Background information to impact loading .................................................................. 14

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Use of IS EN 1991-1-7 for the Design of the Accidental Actions April 2017

Updates to TII Publications resulting in changes to

Use of IS EN 1991-1-7 for the Design of the Accidental Actions DN-STR-03013

Date: April 2017

Amendment Details:
Reference to 4.5m setback has been removed.
Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 added to the document, relating to loading.
References to gantry structures have been removed from this document.

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Contents Table
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 General ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Implementation ................................................................................................... 1

2. The Requirements ....................................................................................................... 2

2.1 General Design Principles .................................................................................. 2
2.2 Supports and Superstructures of Bridges ........................................................... 3
2.3 Foot and Cycle Track Bridges ............................................................................ 4
2.4 Bearings ............................................................................................................. 4
2.5 Foundations ........................................................................................................ 4
2.6 Vehicle impact forces on road and foot/cycle track bridge supports (I.S. EN
1991-1-7:2006, 4.3.1 (1) Note 1) ........................................................................ 5
2.7 Temporary Structures ......................................................................................... 5
2.8 Other Lightweight Structures (I.S. EN 1991-1-7, 3.1(2) Note 5) ......................... 5
2.9 Accidental actions caused by ship traffic: (I.S. EN 1991-1-7:2006, 4.6) ............ 6
2.10 Ship impact for sea waterways (I.S. EN 1991-1- 7:2006, C.4.2) ......................... 6

3. References ................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Transport Infrastructure Ireland Publications. ..................................................... 7
3.2 Standard publications. ........................................................................................ 7

......................................................................................................................... 8
HCV/Bridge Collision Photographs ............................................................................... 8

....................................................................................................................... 11
Guidance for steel and steel / composite bridge decks ............................................... 11

....................................................................................................................... 14
Background information to impact loading .................................................................. 14

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1. Introduction
1.1 General
This Document contains requirements that are not covered by the Eurocodes and has been cited as
reference non-contradictory complimentary information in the Irish National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-
7. Much of the information has been derived from historical research and data formerly contained in
BD 60.

This Standard supersedes the NRA BD60.

Accidental collisions of heavy commercial vehicles (HCVs) with the substructures and superstructures
of road bridges occur quite frequently. There are a number of reported road bridge strikes per year
and it is widely known to Bridge Managers that many more incidents remain unreported. These include
impacts to soffits by overheight vehicles resulting in local damage and spalling to concrete decks and
occasionally more severe and extensive damage to steel bridges as has happened on the N7
Rathcoole Overbridge, which required substantial heat straightening repairs. In the UK one road
bridge has been completely dislodged by collision and several footbridges and sign/signal gantries
have been partly or totally removed from their supports. One such railway bridge strike in Ireland in
1975 resulted in a train derailment in which 5 people were killed. Appendix A shows photographs of
some collisions with bridges.

1.2 Scope
This Document provides non-contradictory complementary information for use in Ireland with I.S. EN
1991-1-7 and it’s Irish National Annex.

This Document gives the following non- contradictory complementary information:

a) requirements of vehicle impact forces on road and foot/cycle track bridge supports;
b) requirements of vehicle impact forces on road and foot/cycle track bridge decks;
c) guidance on accidental actions caused by ship traffic.

For information regarding gantry supports refer to DN-STR-03010.

1.3 Implementation
This Standard should be used for all new or improved national roads and all regional and local roads
affected by national road schemes. This Standard shall be applied to the design of schemes currently
being prepared unless, in the opinion of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), application would result
in significant additional expense or delay progress. In such cases Design Organisations should
confirm the application of this Standard to particular schemes with TII. When directed by TII, the
superseded NRA Addendum to BD60/94 shall continue to apply to those schemes.

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2. The Requirements
Accidental actions caused by road vehicles: impacts on road and
foot/cycle track bridge substructures and superstructures

2.1 General Design Principles

Vehicle collision loads on supports and superstructures shall be considered for the design of bridges
in accordance with I.S. EN 1990 to I.S. EN 1999. The loading requirements are given in I.S. EN 1991-
1-7 and its National Annex and are shown in Tables 2.1 to 2.3 below.

For bridges over carriageways, all supports shall be designed to withstand the vehicle collision loads
given in Table NA.1 of the National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-7 and Table 2.1 of this document. For
the avoidance of doubt, these collision loads shall be applicable no matter the distance of the supports
from the edge of carriageway or the presence (or not) of a vehicle restraint system.

Table 2.1: Equivalent static design forces due to vehicular impact on members supporting structures
over or adjacent to roadways

Force Fdy
Force Fdx
[kN] Point of application on bridge
perpendicular to
in the direction or structure support
the direction of
of normal travel
normal travel
Road bridges + Consequences Class 3 Structure

At the most severe point between

Main load 0.75m and 1.5m above carriageway
1900 950
component level

At the most severe point between

Residual load 950 475 1.0m and 3.0m above carriageway
component (190) (190) level

NOTE Figures in brackets are only applicable to the supports of foot/cycle track bridges where a
concrete plinth has been constructed below to resist the both the main and residual load component
(Refer to section 2.3)

In the particular instance of pedestrian bridge ramps and stairs that are structurally independent of the
main road-spanning structure, their supports may be designed to the reduced loads (i.e. minimum
robustness requirement) specified in Table NA.2 of the National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-7 and Table
2.2 of this document if these supports are outside the clear zone as defined in DN-REQ-03034.

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Table 2.2: Minimum robustness requirements for supports (other than main span supports) of
footbridges and cycle track bridges if such supports are outside the clear zone

Force Fdy
Force Fdx
perpendicular to the Point of application on support
in the direction of
direction of normal
normal travel
At one point between 0.75m and 1.5m
Main load
285 95 above carriageway level
At the most severe point between 1.0m
Residual load
190 190 and 3.0m above carriageway level

In the case of multi-level carriageways, such as those encountered on motorway and national road
interchanges, the collision loads are to be considered for each level of carriageway separately.

Consideration shall be given to the structural form of the abutments and, where sufficient mass is not
present to withstand the collision loads for global purposes, then the loading in Table NA.1 of the
National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-7 and Table 2.1 of this document shall be considered in the design.

The minimum headroom clearance to bridge superstructures shall be in accordance with DN-GEO-
03036. All bridges with a headroom clearance of less than 5.7 metres plus sag radius compensation
and allowance for deflection as described in DN-GEO-03036, shall be designed to withstand the
vehicle collision loads on superstructures defined in Table NA.3 of the National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-
1-7 and Table 2.3 below.

Table 2.3: Equivalent static design forces Fdx and Fdy due to impact on bridge superstructures

Equivalent static design force Fdy [kN]

Equivalent static design force Fdx [kN] in the
perpendicular to the direction (x) of normal travel
Direction (x) of normal travel
950 475

The overall structural integrity of the bridge must be maintained following an impact, whilst local
damage to a part of the bridge support or deck can be accepted.

2.2 Supports and Superstructures of Bridges

Design checks must be carried out as described below in two stages, using load group gr1a to I.S.
EN 1991-2 and all appropriate imposed loads to clause of I.S. EN 1990 using ψ1,1:

a) Stage 1. At the moment of impact. A check is to be made at ultimate limit state

(ULS) only. Local damage is to be ignored. It is to be assumed that full transfer of
the collision forces from the point of impact takes place. The Designer must
determine a likely and reasonable load-path to transfer the impact loads to the
bearings, supports and foundations, in the case of superstructure strikes, or to
foundations, bearings or other supports in the case of support strikes. Each
structural element in the load-path shall be considered, starting with the element
which sustains the immediate impact. If the element that receives the direct impact
is assumed or found to be inadequate, it shall nevertheless be assumed to have
affected the transfer up to the ultimate capacity of the element to the next
element(s) in the load path, but then be neglected in carrying out the Stage 2
check. Each element in the load- path must be considered on the same basis. It

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should be noted that inadequacy of individual elements is not a cause for concern
at this stage, since such inadequacy generally helps to absorb the impact force. In
order to prevent the whole structure being bodily displaced by the impact, its
bearings or supports must be designed to be fully adequate to resist the impact
loads (see paragraph 2.9).
b) Stage 2. Immediately after the impact. Immediately after the event, the bridge
must be able to stand up whilst still carrying traffic which may be crossing. Since
the requirement is survival and the likely traffic is of every-day intensity, a check
shall be carried out at ULS. For this check, the designer has to judge what local
damage might reasonably have occurred and ignore elements that were assumed
or found to be inadequate at Stage 1. If the structure does not satisfy the Stage 2
check appropriate changes shall be made to the design and the Stage 1 repeated
with revised assumptions regarding the adequacy of the strengthened elements in
the load-path. Guidance on possible local damage and the way impact forces are
transmitted in the case of steel and steel/composite bridge decks is given in
Appendix B.

2.3 Foot and Cycle Track Bridges

Supports to foot and cycle track bridges shall be detailed to include robust plinths of 1.5m height to
carry the supports. These plinths shall be designed to resist the main and residual load components
given in Table NA.1 of the National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-7 and Table 2.1 of this document with
other appropriate loads in accordance with section 2.1. The supports above the concrete plinth should
be designed to the reduced residual load components shown within brackets in Table NA.1 of the
National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-7 and Table 2.1 of this document.

2.4 Bearings
The assumptions made in design of the supports shall be reflected in the design of the bearings, i.e.
if the columns are designed as propped cantilevers then the bearings shall be able to transfer the
resulting load at the ULS. Similarly, the resulting loads shall have a suitable load path back through
the foundations to earth.

For elastomeric bearings, the effects due to vehicle collisions on superstructures need only be
considered at the serviceability limit state (SLS), for which a factor of 1.0/1.9 shall be applied to the
forces given in Table NA.1, Table NA.2 and Table NA.3 of the National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-7
and in Tables 2.1-2.3 of this document.

2.5 Foundations
Foundations shall be designed to resist the impact forces transmitted from the collision on the following

a) Only ULS checks are required, both for structural elements and soil-structure
b) Full loading shall be considered for checking against overturning.

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2.6 Vehicle impact forces on road and foot/cycle track bridge

supports (I.S. EN 1991-1-7:2006, 4.3.1 (1) Note 1)
The design loads given in Table NA.1 of the National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-7 and modified by this
document together with their direction and height of application shall be considered to act horizontally
on bridge supports. Supports should be capable of resisting the main and residual load components
acting simultaneously. Loads normal to the carriageway should be considered separately from loads
parallel to the carriageway. The controlling class of road is the road under the bridge, i.e. the road that
is carrying the Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCV) that might impact on the support.

2.7 Temporary Structures

Temporary structures may be free-standing, attached to other structures, or incomplete structures.
Temporary structures are generally not considered capable of resisting the required collision loading.
Provided the superstructure of a temporary structure has a headroom of 5.41m or more, plus sag
radius compensation and allowance for deflection as described in DN-GEO-03036, collision loading
need not be applied to temporary superstructures. Temporary supports located more than 4.5m from
the edge of carriageway shall be designed to the reduced loads (i.e. minimum robustness
requirement) specified in Table NA.2 of the National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-7 and Table 2.2 of this
document. For all temporary structures with less than the above clearances a lane or road closure will
be required, unless the continued passage of traffic is justified by risk assessment and agreed with
the TII. A temporary structure shall be defined as one which is erected on a site for a period not
exceeding 28 consecutive days or 60 days in any period of 12 months. In the case of superstructures
such risk assessments may take account of nearby structures up-stream of the temporary works with
lesser headroom clearance than the temporary structure. In the case of support structures specific
mitigation measures should be developed as part of the risk assessment, e.g. speed restrictions,
protection from impact utilising barriers and impact protection bunds and/or detailing of the permanent
works to include beam landing shelves with sufficient capacity at ULS to prevent collapse of the
superstructure in the event of failure of the temporary supports. In all cases the risk assessment and
proposed mitigation measures shall be detailed in the Submission for Temporary Works Proposals as
required by Chapter 5 of DN-STR-03001 and shall demonstrate that measures have been taken to
reduce the risk to levels acceptable to the Authority.

2.8 Other Lightweight Structures (I.S. EN 1991-1-7, 3.1(2) Note 5)

Collapse under impact of lighting columns, CCTV poles and cantilevered traffic signal mast arms may
be acceptable (subject to agreement with TII); however consideration should be given to passive
safety and the provision of vehicle restraint systems.

Accidental actions on lightweight structures (I.S. EN 1991-1-7, 4.1 (1) Note 1)

To mitigate the effects of their lightweight nature, the superstructures of foot/cycle track bridges,
gantries and lighting columns are required to have headroom exceeding that defined in section 2.1.
As such they are not required to be designed to withstand impact loads. However, adequate restraint
to the deck of foot/cycle track bridge must be provided to prevent the deck being removed from the
support under the action of vehicle collision forces given in Table NA.1 of the National Annex to I.S.
1991-1-7 and Table 2.1 of this document.

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2.9 Accidental actions caused by ship traffic:

(I.S. EN 1991-1-7:2006, 4.6)
Combination of actions for ship impact (I.S. EN 1991-1-7:2006, Section 2 (1)P Table 2.1)
Whilst there may be a correlation between an off-course ship and high winds, i.e. ship impact is more
likely in high wind, it is usually unnecessary to combine a ship impact force with wind loading because
the collision forces are large compared with wind forces. It is also unlikely that a peak gust would
occur at the same instant as the actual ship impact.

Ship impact is considered in the accidental combination in accordance with clause of I.S. EN
1990 and does not therefore require consideration of wind in combination with ship impact since the
value of ψ2 for wind is set to zero in Annex A2, Tables A.2.1 and A.2.2. Additionally, in accordance
with clause A2.2.5(1) of I.S. EN 1990:2002, wind action need not be considered in the combination of
actions for accidental design situation.

2.10 Ship impact for sea waterways (I.S. EN 1991-1- 7:2006, C.4.2)
The design ship impact frontal force Fdx for sea waterways shall be taken from Table C.4 of I.S. EN
1991-1-7:2006. For intermediate values of ship mass, the following formulae shall be used:

F = v (mK)½
K = 12 MN/m for 0 < m ≤ 3000 ton
K = 25.6 MN/m for 3000 < m ≤ 10000 ton
K = 57.6 MN/m for 10000 < m ≤ 40000 ton

The lateral force Fdy shall be taken as half the values above for Fdx

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3. References
3.1 Transport Infrastructure Ireland Publications.
DN-GEO-03036: Cross sections and headrooms.

3.2 Standard publications.

I.S. EN 1990-:2002, Eurocode - Basis of structural design.

National Annex to I.S. EN 1990:2002, National Annex for Eurocode 1– Basis of structural

I.S. EN 1991-1-7:2006, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-7: General actions –

Accidental actions.

National Annex to I.S. EN 1991-1-7:2006, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-7:

General actions – Accidental actions.

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HCV/Bridge Collision Photographs

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Plate 1: Collision of HGV with reinforced concrete support | M20 Moxley Road Bridge

(Photograph by kind permission of Director of Highways and Transportation, Kent County Council)

Plate 2: Collapse of a deck span following a collision from an excavator transported on a low
loader – A2 Park Pale accommodation bridge

(Photograph by kind permission of Director of Highways and Transportation, Kent County Council)

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Plate 3: Collision damage to reinforced concrete central support – M74 Lairs Flyover – B7078

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Guidance for steel and steel /

composite bridge decks

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The following guidance on possible local damage in various types of steel and steel/composite bridge
decks is based on advice from the Steel Construction Institute.

Composite Girder and Slab Bridge

For a conventional girder-and-slab bridge with intermediate transverse bracing, impact on a bottom
flange is likely to cause local plastic deformation and possibly a small amount of tearing of the flange.
The flange may also be torn locally from the web. There may be considerable twisting (rotation) of the
flange about its line of fixture to the web, or, in some cases, of the flange and the web about a line
some distance up the web. If impact occurs at a ‘hard point’ (e.g. at transverse crossbracing) there
may be slightly more local deformation than at ‘softer’ positions (e.g. between bracing).

Design against impact for such a bridge could therefore assume that in Stage 1 the specified impact
force is carried as follows:

a) Horizontal force is spread from the point of impact along the length of the girder, by
bending and shear in the plane of the bottom flange, to points of lateral restraint,
i.e. at transverse bracing. From such positions it is transferred through the bracing
members to connected members. If inclined bracing members are present the
impact forces will be transferred to the top flanges of the girders and into the plane
of the deck slab. At the supports the force is carried down through the support
bracing to the bearings and into the substructure if transverse fixity is provided.
b) Vertical force is applied upward in the line of the web and transferred by global
bending, of the whole deck, back to the supports.
c) Inclined forces are simply resolved into components of horizontal and vertical
forces. Local effects from an inclined force on the tip of a flange may cause only
local damage, and this need not be checked.
The possibility of damage to more than one main beam should be considered.

For survival in Stage 2, the effect of the damage could be as follows. As a tension element, the flange
is likely still to be quite effective. It would be reasonable for a designer to make only a small allowance
for loss of effective section although the moment of inertia may be significantly reduced due to the
twisting described in B.2. However, as a compression element, i.e. in the region close to an
intermediate support, the local damage may be sufficient to initiate large deflection local buckling,
particularly if the flange is torn from the web locally. It may be prudent to presume the creation of a
pin joint in the beam which has been struck and carry out a global analysis accordingly. The shear
capacity of the webs should be considered carefully, presuming an ineffective flange and possibly a
small reduction of web area; the effects of web rotation on shear capacity may be considerable.

Provided that the design of the bracing and its attachment is adequate for the Stage 1 check, there
should be no significant damage to those members.

Box Girder Bridge

For a box girder bridge, local deformation of the web-flange junction is likely, possibly with minor local
tearing. If the impact is at or very close to an internal diaphragm or cross-frame, some internal damage
may also result.

In Stage 1 the forces would be transferred by distortional behaviour back to diaphragm or cross-frame
positions and then by torsion and bending back to the supports.

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Under Stage 2 for mid-span regions there should be little reduction in ultimate moment capacity, as
for the beam-and-slab bridge; torsional capacity is also likely to be largely retained. Adjacent to
supports the deformation of the web-flange junction will lead to some loss of moment capacity, but it
is likely that the other lower corner will continue to provide some bending strength. The designer will
have to judge, depending on proportions and plate thicknesses, what capacity might remain.

Half-through Bridge
The deck of a half-through bridge will provide continuous and direct restraint to the bottom flange
against impact forces. Some tearing of the bottom flange might occur. If the connection or cross-beam
which provide U-frame restraint could be damaged by the impact, then Stage 2 should consider the
structural action without that restraint at one cross-beam. As for girder and slab bridges, the effective
area of the tension flange should be reduced appropriately.

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Background information to impact


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Static design forces due to vehicular impact on members supporting bridge structures are provided
within Tables 2.1 and Table 2.2 of this design standard. The table below provides details of different
vehicle types and masses that may give rise to these design collision loads parallel and perpendicular
to the normal direction of travel. Based on the vehicle types and masses below associated velocities
have been back calculated using the dynamic analysis procedure provided within Annex C to IS EN
1991-1-7. These details are provided as background information only. Certain assumptions with
respect to mass of vehicle; dimensions of the vehicle; and angle of impact have been made. Figures
C.1 and C.2 show the forces concurrently applied to a typical column.

Static Impact Design Load – Table NA.1 of IS EN1991-1-7/Table 2.1 DN-STR-03013

Fdx Velocity Fdy Velocity
Saloon car
(1900 + 950) kN >580 km/h (950 + 475) kN >290 km/h
M = 1500kg
(1900 + 950) kN >260 km/h (950 + 475) kN >130 km/h
M = 7500kg
Articulated Lorry
(1900 + 950) kN >100 km/h (950 + 475) kN >55km/h
M = 45000kg
Minimum Static Impact Design Load – Table NA.2 of IS EN1991-1-7/Table 2.2 DN-STR-
Saloon car
(285 + 190) kN >100 km/h 285 kN >55 km/h
M = 1500kg
(285 + 190) kN >45 km/h 285 kN >25 km/h
M = 7500kg
Articulated Lorry
(285 + 190) kN >20 km/h 285 kN >10 km/h
M = 45000kg

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Figure C.1: Application of Collision Forces Parallel to Direction of Normal Travel

Figure C.2: Application of Collision Forces Perpendicular to Direction of Normal Travel

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