Balance of Payments

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Page No.

Auaut aa1A
Bolane te /ynent

6bteaht atctunt uhith vetcnl

all economll tanbathchs betweenreklclentof_A
Vezxbi lounty_ est the erld uring a
t i m e accounting year
pnents r (dd for fa.ex)11i_l lsaply of ed Calanle
pods Vsble oxt o apclLspt a0oda Balante of tracle=
Merchonduse Ea-Machihexy Xf ads-Maf gds
Surplus- K>M
Dejut- YLM

ealanteY M

nnaildehtte alance
05 Sete wpto ciutear ovie isblea
uke sonkiva ins,et (h-D
ntme vent it-rodit, |2Sxentt t
COE vt lnwe divpaicl to kKouw

aansrs ual aft.donatonGfu dmatiens, Balane a_umaton

Lavnilataelhos.t eytemat xdnsoeaqn alu,Yenatengtansacten
emittente to Koul
L&tane h umert

Suyrdny Dinauial
inanial Lonathules_n
Colnty a uea_and
myaxtant p a r he Nahonal inome

Styuctire o ROP
n Y on5achob- QYereuxded in op Al
oh he prinaple oh doubleenh hoekkeeyamg
Page No.

Eadh internatunal haonsathtón hder takern b he

wu veaulk
ancd lebt
Hnu transachon that brIg
that r e
Yeiah exhange utflowo otegn
transauhom thatLACs
o f Al MUSt_ allunu
debut tem
g ALLuntin Sense
ohponenh Bup AL
urrent Hlc Ye cords hourne Lcrecdht) hc w
of on alLounE
Ldebt) prean xthange
Qoods eYULLA and unlateral e
-UnS I urgs. alout a Chanae the LLet
level o national htome
wponends urent alL Are
aExpot| ancd (m 0 qo0cb
exyot nd Import SeiLes
ockoy intome reueved Yom Kow nd pad ROW
dfroesi in kbld andtraensfes ko

Defbie Balance acle

Ansai he dffeente expor of qcod
ancl impoart gotads
Dehine balante urentA l
AsE t h e dtttrente between nflsu and
o r a a n eKthande ion attuht_ flow
gcocs SeYves &hd nilateynl os ers
Q at eantbu Uwreynt Al detut and
Cirent H surau 2 State he Sgnthio"-
Anbi ureht lLJn_defiut ttuatlth
Page No.

OVIed k e n the reLepa e uhres A l
Ltnslou o foreLqhexdhage) ave ess han
paumeris On urentAl In mle worcls,
it Arnes
nhen the Valuec exjont f
Qoods and seVLe less_Chan theeihmp
ogoucds AndEViLe
5rpw asuhuaton tha arLiea
Yeceiyb n urent AlCinfla regn
PXhange) meye than ymenton rmt
Ac Loutflow af fureqh exhange) h Smpe urds
IEaYIe hen he vaue exyor ofngu
and ServLes d MDYehan theValue
import AnddeYNLLe.
uuYYentAl lefiit slgihienthat the hatoh
boYYDIeY rom Kow whereu UrenE
Hl Surplusstghihen hat thenatóh a
lander to Kon

Inuhuth sub atcount a n d On whith6Lde L

uoL Yecord the lowng
mpotomochuney son Rotunone reelud ttm elekas Yelatu
Hnsa> lwmport o machneru will be Yetordec n CurrCnt
Al s bachunen agooc hekCurent AL-
vecoYdsIhtlou and outflow of oxeLgn exthahe
due fo 400da LerVLcea ancd fransfers
e a debuE entru A leadsto
Lputflon foreàn exihangè
E wil be _vetavcled
HronsyeinLme omo Rolwdck urent A l rercch
inlowand Outflaw b farean exchange u eto
Page No.

ionsfes om abyoad
be edttenty lad
nuu oIegn erhang

recorcs SOuYLes Linflou)_ And

aurrent Al-
u utfou) f foveign erchange altoun
transachons phange
hanual aMeh Ard acalkilits
EEbrigs alut aChan4enQaJ stbik_a
tCapal He are
(blunty Cohmponenls
vesment trom and Inestment o Ro
MOLl omHoly nd erding
ddetyeabe th.draulrom sOregh erthanae Vesena
Qyc CYetNe4dd1hon do 0Yeidh exhange ehenea._
on ophlAlL.
the clierentebetueenintlou and aul
outflow veLQh exihange 0h ltount_af ransaition
reyrebenhng Change n tovean inantudl ane ad
labluhesle clue onvestment borowings
Dhange h pxeah exthange Yesenyes

Captun Al
cpowents Chuplu emad
intlous ofor ex) lias J aset Coutytous o e) ak 2
T nt wolwent to Roud th to ko
ca oegner v th lndia uj indta MU_i_abo

Yeal state e a lexnke

r a n h d atdn
-ranth o oreian
shaves onedian o taliriv pxeLa
SAaYA 07 peg
Page No.

lendtna to Ko
ea-Ind vEbcrrauhom MÉ mdgevt qivirq loant o

Kepay ment loan

Ketovery oj loan 0om fegn India ( iab
gOVE ( Asset) esesye
tmarash ompaeiy Ad to JY ex
rthanae Yebexve A ) 1 t Aseb
um -
Sum o D G
balonte on (apital Al =_m o o apital Hk_
Lapital alL

Aacmodatti transathèns llantalH

Aukonomou dronsaukiondlurnent Al).
laeNcne) lelahe tine bansactrisnset)
Akre te luine ancatti deyenclent o state 7 bor
ndepevedlert oskake o Bo
cover detiut p
hve op) undertaken d
nde bken as comGmi& DenRof => tbchrausl
saplus ledina unds
al ouo. bons Yepament
Auto:ret Autopay
de h O
Re men
n_unent Al 2SuLpus un maAle
defiu't in ayiul M
Surpns h aument al

hat d uc Meanbu deut in of 22

tiaEathins and
C0tegorided as_autvamob
Bofoathians- (an e
almcclatva dhansathiou. fekind ben
mve omeetoUsnC mate
AlkoronoUA rrinearHtN
ndeyendont of stke sq 0
Suh aMoit marimahion e u
a v e

oLunt f auhnomua ma
| Lohen tnl joreian KhangeAh
eKthonne t aLount
cutflLs etn
id less than
t leada Au dehist n of.
Page No.


a supis aUn
h a n s a t t u p undeloken
th coKeY Suth dejNut
auomdakti aiveartóas me oe dep:on ate o 13o
Timsaghta ave_called botwkgsfom Inf
Bofan le toaMtel through
hbs d e u t
romprean exthakge rexenes

ukn lo o.ekon
alcount ej autovt
supllustn or-

kady to sul n Kof. Suplus in Bt n be_do endiu


add to er. jerwee

luhst weaut by 4hiuval exane dansachiua? buzus
hb ovnsnchicns a cenbal Gauk ho caites tharge in
A ecial rosNa
are alkdl veseave harahioa Tha ave uually puckae ehsaluen
DuntACnU B e exthanse kt fer exthange
enlibrum i AuiMCMDD tavachonu mau led b detiut SLaply
K.0ua Ee there
tamachtua are uwel te cve these ceut wsiopku_
in .ben heiv is dejiut tn borLnbal ank hiluu uthodou pn_r
1EbenNe) o4yluu or-exu adda_b er-ex yeeN

arowag dom aboad

3 hdinys lendiug asoacd
4anyer o ondb to relakiva abcup

Q_Duatinqth Jeteen
Kabwe on ade laceoturent qc
falone_on ade o?
d Alnob Actomadatq rctnsaecht
Page No.

bewioncl O Oxe1qn exthanae

R Kent dwiderdd Seauite
3 interest to Koly
ansfr yanertu T end Gth
2IYchone ProperuYeal eatate abrooddouabione
exake Yake dd forex
sy ex
Kubpandhing +0
- US q0ods
mpoted Gpods beceme checpey ondua
Mn QM del for ar exforex

ex Yate dd
By spendivy 60 qo0cA
o Dy-Syndlg 70
LOst o
) exyens ive to buy oreihh 42Mh
dd 0qmdo y

mpostecl go AYe exp. p don.tounly
7o M
Page 'No.

Kate at whichunenl4eah
avean eXChange Yate
lan be (oMveyted Lqovwiu deuiclehe
ss offo ex
Fed hdinae of-ddk
enkangYate ho nle
IE hauutaius uptiuentstock
oentral bauk prevailk
e vail
hat extharae
SLslem E termined
a e extanga vate
ord p anc o y o l e o gaut

govened b dd sippy hut

3 MaMaged ank(an tohiwg
Cektnal_ Inteyvine,

bouceb supyly e oein exthangeInglou)

Export Gda and Lexuley+
faxlk intome KDD_
Yont terøt_Pretk, (De ditdand
aifb aeceivad rom khw
Toeiqnersox lwveahina da dometir (oundn keal ente,h_
2. Evicowtnaa on o

Supyl uxve upuarcl sloytngie

dixect relaticn eltueen q er y~te
rrute ate 2suply 4P-
Sgoau ex
60 wouth indian oedy
ingia apodbetDme heapero
>dcmesi twty atada oretghers
ncS u-becont chegper fo foreu
huuee domeshte (ountr
Unpr e tute Sup oil d
meN unba qpodtes i l betome xy foueme
tha sill es dum. Gocls-
u leads o decltne erarb clins to decreox

AYYonu depreuatin
th t r exYate
jal n volue of maahi lhreu wit aoreigh Luneny ud
lende erthonge rate sadam
betoma Lkaker
n domehc_LUents rie of toegn_tuoenu
epreerat Dealuabcn
a l n value odmehicLuenuy dermsoall
turertiesIEba deiberate atton 40vt (uda_firetl. er.xate
leacls to 1 expo
Amen Appreutction
oy er Yat
h value o r t foreh
undertlexibe exchange _ake sslea
etone strongar
domeshicUrenuyyrie oyreign_auohas
leacs to 1 p lmab
kevaluakton n terms a l l
umenuy te
intYease h valueo dovmeshc
LUlenuLes_lt a Aellerake tron _qput

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