Ogl 343 Mod 2 Essay 1

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Maxwell Smith

OGL 343 Module 2 Essay

27 March 2020

Prompt #1 Response:

A team can be described as a group of people that are interdependent in nature, working

together to accomplish a common goal. Three essential elements that form the internal dynamics

of a team are explained as expertise, engagement, and execution. Along with these elements,

teams must also hold the characteristic of being interdependent. This suggests that no one person

can accomplish the overall goal by themselves. With interdependence, comes team authority.

This is the level that the group can manage their own time and work. Often, when building

teams, managers tend to overlook combining a group of people who can work well together.

Selection of team members is essential in making sure that a team can work as a collective unit.

Different personalities mesh in different ways, so it is crucial to know all of the people on a

personal level who are being put into teams in order to group ‘somewhat’ like-minded people


A consequence of neglecting the internal dynamics of a team often lead to lower

productivity combined with an incredible lack of healthy, effective communication. In order to

create a culture of understanding and boundedness, a team must be willing to accept the people

they are working with and appreciate their input when making decisions. According to Exhibit

2-2, I fall under the category of an Organizer. I like to sort out specific details of a project,

delegate jobs and tasks to teammates, keep to a schedule, and make suggestions on what steps to

follow (Thompson, 2018, p. 37).

Prompt #3 Response:

In reference to Exhibit 4-1, I found myself in strong agreement with all but one of the

statements. I disagreed with the statement suggesting that I would interpret criticism of a team in

which I am participating on a personal level. I feel that in order to be an effective leader, one has

to go into a project with the understanding they must give it their all in order to be successful. If

the team later suffers criticism, it should be taken as a learning experience rather than an insult

on the team itself. With criticism comes a realization that things don’t always go as planned and

can not always reflect what was written or intended on paper. I strongly agree that I have an

attachment style that revolves around people and the importance of maintaining healthy

relationships. When I feel like I am contributing to something with a collective group of people, I

am my happiest and tend to work the hardest (Thompson, 2018, p. 86).

I have a Positive Performance Belief which promotes the benefits of group projects and

thinking collectively. I believe that groups have more substantial results than work that comes

from a single individual. This is because teams require several different people from all different

backgrounds and perspectives to work together to accomplish a common goal. In my experience,

I have always gotten a better grade on something that I worked together with rather than

assignments completed alone (Thompson, 2018, p. 89).


Making the Team: A Guide for Managers.​ Leigh Thompson. (2018). Pearson.

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