Activity On The Song Entitled Anak by Freddie Aguilar
Activity On The Song Entitled Anak by Freddie Aguilar
Activity On The Song Entitled Anak by Freddie Aguilar
1. The trainees will play the song Anak by Freddie Aguilar. As the
trainees listen to the music, they are expected to internalize the
message of the song. After which, they are asked to proceed to
accomplishing, the ensuing tasks described on the next page.
Based on the song Anak, write at least five positive and
negative traits as observed in its lyrics that relate to the young
generation of today. Should you have identified negative traits
think of ways by which these can be rectified or corrected.
Sincerely yours,
In your capacity as an NSTP trainee, what can you do to support the implementation of R.A.
9165, and what is the importance of Dangerous Drugs Law, specifically to the students and the
community in general? Make an essay at least 100 words.
NSTP teaches students about the role as a citizen of the Philippines, which every Filipino
has possessed sixteen good citizenship values that were categorized into four clusters:
Makabayan, Makadiyos, Makakalikasan and Makabansa. Among the sixteen good citizenship
values, it includes the value in respect of law and government where it states that the citizen’s
principles must not settle to do illegal acts like the Implementation of R.A 9165 also known as
Dangerous Drug Act Law. Moreover, the R.A 9165 is about implementation of the program and
plan on drug prevention and formulates control of people who had addicted to the illegal drugs.
Through NSTP knowledge, students have become aware of this law because it discusses how
drugs turn into illegal, who are likely be influence of illegal drugs, what made them influence
and how can we prevent the person from being a drug addict.
The NSTP program made us open our eyes on the community we are living with but it
always starts inside the family. Family is the basic unit of community. It is where our principles
and personalities is molded but sometimes they are the reasons why we make something isn’t
right or not within the law. One of this is taking or distributing illegal drugs. Drugs became
harmful when it is used excessively because people turn to become aggressive and when they are
aggressive they tend to do something bad like rape, murder, destruction on property, robbery etc.
This is why the administration implements the R.A 9165 or also known as “Dangerous Drug
Act”. It is to arrest the people who are abusing illegal drugs and secure our safety to those
people who might do something bad to us. The law also implement on having programs and
plans about the awareness of drugs at school to prevent the students or youths being influenced
of illegal drugs.
As a NSTP Trainee, the way that could contribute as a help for implementing the law is
to be a good example because some teenagers are most likely to be an addict for it is what they
see and what they think cool due to peer pressure. Being a good example to everyone such as not
using drugs abusively and diverts my attention on something that will keep me busy or makes me
happy. Also ,join an organization whose ideology is to create awareness to the young adults and
that is open to advise any problems that might save them from trying illegal drugs because may
be these individuals need someone to talk to, to share his/her thoughts on something and cry.
Illegal Drugs are not the solution on any problem rather than a way to kill ourselves easily.
Respecting the law and government are one of the good citizenships value that were
discussed during NSTP class. This means that to be a good citizen of our country we must
respect our law and government like the R.A 9165 or Dangerous Drug Act Law. We must not try
the illegal drugs or take drugs excessively because it can affect our health and it is against the
law. It also to prevent any individuals from suffering on the effects and spread knowledge
through the programs and plans inclined with Dangerous Drug Act. Life is precious; do not
exchange it with the little piece of crystalline rocks or a five- finger leaf.