Strategic HR Management and Planning

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Strategic HR Management and

Shinta Tikson 2/9/2018 1


Has technology changed jobs in organizations?

What are some HR responses to those changes?

Shinta Tikson 2/9/2018 2

Technological advances have a major impact on organizations. New
methods for communicating, processing information, and
manufacturing have led to economic development around the globe.

The improvements created by technology often mean that people and

organizations must change in order to fully benefit from these advances.
Evolutions in technology will continue to present exciting, but difficult
challenges to managers.

Shinta Tikson 2/9/2018 3

An organization’s proposition for
how to compete successfully and
thereby survive and grow.

Strategy determines the direction in which the organization is

going in relation to its environment.

’The direction and scope of an organization over the longer term,

which ideally matches its resources to its changing environment,
and in particular, to its markets, customers and clients to meet
stakeholder expectations’ (Johnson and Scholes, 1993).
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Strategic HRM provides a clear
connection between the
organization’s goals and the
activities of employees.

An approach to making decisions on the intentions and plans of the

organization in the shape of the policies, programs and practices
concerning the employment relationship, resourcing, learning and
development, performance management, reward, and employee relations.

The use of employees to gain or maintain a

competitive advantage.
Shinta Tikson 2/9/2018 5
Field Study PT. Semen Tonasa
Team Assignment

1. Staffing (Recruitment and

2. Compensation (Total
3. Training and Development
4. Performance Management
5. Career Development
6. Occupational Health and
Safety (K3)

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The process of defining
organizational strategy
and allocating resources
toward its achievement.

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The assessment of internal and external environmental
conditions that affect the organization.

The process of environmental scanning helps to

pinpoint strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
that the organization will face during the planning

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Multinational corporation (MNC) A corporation that has
facilities and other assets in at least one country other than its
home country.

Offshoring The relocation by a company of a business process or

operation from one country to another.

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