Question Paper 2 PHM

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Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

Mid Term Examination, March-2017
4 Semester, B.Tech. Chemical Engineering
Sub: Process &Handling of Materials
Max. Marks: 20 Time: 2Hrs.
Note: Answer Q. No. 1 which is compulsory and any three from the rest. Make suitable
assumptions, if necessary.
Q. No. Marks
1 (a) Find the shape factor of a particle in the shape of a cuboid having L: B:H in the 1x5
ratio 1:2:3.
(b) Why sphere is taken as reference shape to define sphericity of a non-spherical
(c) Explain with examples how particle shape and size effects particle properties.
(d) (i)What are the different forces employed in size reduction equipments?
(ii) Why more power is required to grind finer particles than coarser particles?
(e) Why average particle size concept is used to represent the size of a particle used
in screening? Explain the terms oversize and undersize used in screening.

2 Explain with a neat labelled diagram the construction, working principle, 2.5+2.5
advantages and dis-advantages of following industrial screening equipments:-
(a) Trommels
(b) Gyratory screens

3 (a) What are the factors effecting screen effectiveness? Write the 3 laws of 2+3
comminution using generalised expression ?
(b) Derive the expression for screen effectiveness.

4 (a) Derive the expression for specific surface of mixtures and total number of 3+2
(b) Size analysis of a powdered material on a weight basis is given by straight line
from zero mass fraction at 2 μm to 1 mass fraction at 200 μm. Calculate the
volume mean diameter. Take step increment =0.2 for mass fraction.

5 (a)Explain the three laws of comminution. 2+3

(b)A crusher and grinder are connected to the same power drive. About 2500 kg/hr
of limestone passes through the crusher and then through the grinder in succession.
Screen analysis of feed & product obtained from crusher and product from the
grinder indicated the specific surface areas as 2.9, 103, 865 m2/kg respectively.
Calculate the power required in kW by the drive to run the crusher-grinder
assembly, if the ηm of crusher is 20 % and that of grinder is 25 %. Rittinger’s
number for limestone is 77.4 m2/kJ.

6 Powdered coal with following screen analysis is fed to a vibrating screen screen. 4+1
The particle size distribution data of feed, oversize and undersize is shown below in
(a) Determine effectiveness of 48 mesh mesh screen taking undersize as
(b) Ratio of quantity of undersize to oversize. (Table given in next page)
Mesh No % Feed retained % Oversize retained % Undersize
-3 +4 1.07 1.8 0
-4+6 2.35 3.3 0
-6+8 6.72 8.8 0
-8+10 8.64 11.2 0
-10+14 10.87 14.2 0
-14+20 17.59 22.9 0
-20+28 13.97 18.20 0
-28+35 10.77 10.4 11.95
-35+48 10.13 6.5 21.98
-48+65 7.46 2.5 23.91
-65+100 5.01 0.2 18.77
-100+150 3.3 0 14.27
-150+200 2.12 0 9.12

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