Task Performance-Gov T Acctg - Prelim
Task Performance-Gov T Acctg - Prelim
Task Performance-Gov T Acctg - Prelim
o General Journal
o Cash Receipts Journal
o Cash Disbursements Journal
o Check Disbursements Journal
It is an authorization issued by the DBM to NGAs to incur obligations for specified amounts in legislative
appropriation in the form of budget release documents. It is also referred as Obligational Authority.
Authorization issued by DBM to an agency, through Agency Budget Matrix (ABM) or Special Allotment Release
Order (SARO), which allows the latter to incur obligation for specified amounts contained in a legislative
It is the authority issued by the DBM to agencies to cover the liquidation of their actual obligations
incurred against available allotments for availing proceeds from loans/grants through supplier’s
credit/constructive cash. It is considered as another control mechanism of government accounting system. The
Cash operations of the government under the CDC accounting are limited within the boundaries of the
Appropriations release to government agencies in the form of allotments and any additional amount granted by
the DBM to liquidate or pay existing valid obligations.
12. What accounts are closed at the end of the period? 2 points
The accounts closed at the end of the period are;
o Revenues
o Expenses
13. Give the three methods of Accounting for income in the government- 3 points
The three methods of Accounting for income in the government are;
o Product method
o Income Method
o Expense method
According to Investopedia, A performance budget is one that reflects both the input of resources and
the output of services for each unit of an organization. The goal is to identify and score relative performance
based on goal attainment for specified outcomes. This type of budget is commonly used by government bodies
and agencies to show the link between taxpayer funds and the outcome of services provided by federal, state,
or local governments. It also aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public expenditure by linking
the funding of public sector organizations to the results they deliver, making systematic use of performance
Budgeting is the process of estimating revenue and expenses during a specific period of time. A national
budget is the budget of a country. The government gets money from taxes and fees, and spends it on things like
national defense, infrastructure, grants for research, education, and the arts, and social programs such as Social
Security and Medicare.
17. Give the records of the Department of Budget & Management- 3 points
The records of the Department of Budget & Management are;
o Registry of Appropriations and Allotments (RAPAL)
o Registry of Special Purpose Fund Appropriation (RESPFA)
o Registry of Allotments and NCA (RANCA)
18. What do you call the records of the Bureau of Treasury?. 1 point.
The record of the Bureau of Treasury is called Registry of NCA and Replenishments (RENREP)