Unit 1

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1) Meaning and Definition

a) Cost - Cost is the amount of resource given up in exchange of some goods or services. It can be
defined as the amount of expenditure (actual or notional) incurred on or attributable to a specified
article, product or activity.

b) Costing- Costing is defined as “the technique and process of ascertaining costs”.

c) Cost Accounting - This is a process of accounting for cost which begins with the recording of
expenditure and ends with the preparation of periodical statement and reports for ascertaining and
controlling cost.

d) Cost Accountancy - Cost Accountancy has been defined as “the application of costing and cost
accounting principles, methods and techniques to the science, art and practice of cost control and
the ascertainment of profitability. It includes the presentation of information derived there from for
the purpose of managerial decision making.”

2) Objectives of Cost Accounting

Difference between Cost Control and Cost Reduction
3) Scope of Cost Accounting
4) Cost Objects
5) Cost Units

6) Responsibility Centres
(i) Cost Centres: The responsibility centre which is held accountable for incurrence of costs which
are under its control. The performance of this responsibility centre is measured against pre-
determined standards or budgets.

(ii) Revenue Centres: The responsibility centres which are accountable for generation of revenue for
the entity. Sales Department for example, is responsible for achievement of sales target and revenue
generation. Though, revenue centres do not have control on expenditures it incurs but sometimes
expenditures related with selling activities like commission to sales person etc. are incurred by
revenue centres.

(iii) Profit Centres: These are the responsibility centres which have both responsibility of generation
of revenue and incurrence of expenditures. Since, managers of profit centres are accountable for
both costs as well as revenue, profitability is the basis for measurement of performance of these
responsibility centres. Examples of profit centres are decentralised branches of an organisation.

(iv) Investment Centres: These are the responsibility centres which are not only responsible for
profitability but also have the authority to make capital investment decisions. The performance of
these responsibility centres are measured on the basis of Return on Investment (ROI) besides profit.
Examples of investment centres are Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna companies of Public Sector
Undertakings of Central Government.

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