Micron Supplier Requirements Standard (SRS) : 1.0 Purpose and Scope
Micron Supplier Requirements Standard (SRS) : 1.0 Purpose and Scope
Micron Supplier Requirements Standard (SRS) : 1.0 Purpose and Scope
Micron Supplier
Requirements Standard (SRS)
Previously SQRD
• In the event of any inconsistency between this standard and any commercial Agreement
(including any purchase order) or Statement of Work (“SOW”), the terms in the Agreement or
SOW shall have priority. For any documents that are incorporated by reference into this
standard, in the event of an inconsistency, this standard shall have priority.
• If this standard contemplates future writings between the parties to establish the specifics of a
quality program for a Product or set of Products, that later writing, if agreed upon by the
involved parties, shall have precedence over this standard. If any definitions herein are also
defined in the Agreement or SOW, the definition(s) contained in the Agreement or SOW shall
have priority. Any agreed to exceptions to this standard will be set forth in an equivalent
Supplier Requirements Standard or other commercial document.
2.0 Responsibilities:
• If a Supplier has any questions or concerns regarding the content of this Supplier
Requirements Standard, they should contact their respective Global Category Supplier
Manager within Micron’s Global Procurement Department.
• Suppliers are responsible for adhering to the SRS requirements. Failure to meet these
requirements may result in the loss of existing and/or future Micron business, in addition to
other remedies as agreed upon by the parties in applicable agreements.
• Suppliers are expected to comply with documented material/technical specific requirements.
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• Suppliers are responsible for notifying their respective Micron Procurement Supplier Manager
immediately for any potential Safety/Quality/Supply Chain issue.
3.0 General:
3.1 Exceptions
Any agreed upon exceptions to this standard shall be captured within an equivalent
Supplier Requirements Standard or other commercial document/agreement.
3.2 Confidentiality
Any information requested by or from a Supplier that references content within this
document and is applicable to any Supplier’s facilities, plans, procedures, and processes
shall be deemed to be non-confidential unless it is specifically agreed upon by Micron and
its Supplier(s) to execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”) for such requested
information or access.
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is a key resource in our commitment to
compliance and ethics. Today's laws and standards of business conduct are complex. The
Code explains in a practical, easy-to-understand way many of the basic rules that apply to
our business and supplier relations.
For more information regarding Micron’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, visit
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We believe that our Suppliers’ compliance with the RBA code supports this philosophy.
Micron and its subsidiaries expect Suppliers to comply with the RBA code regardless of
local business practices or social customs, and as may be requested by Micron, to
demonstrate adherence to those codes.
For more information on the RBA and to view the RBA Code of Conduct, visit
Micron requires its Suppliers to source conflict minerals from smelters validated (or on the
path to validation) as compliant with conflict-free sourcing standards like the Conflict Free
Smelter Program. Micron also executes due diligence on the source and chain of custody
of conflict minerals in its supply chain in conformance with the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply
Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas OECD Due Diligence
Guidance, encourages Suppliers to adopt responsible sourcing practices, and collaborates
with industry stakeholders through the Responsible Mineral Initiative. To further
transparency in the conflict mineral supply chain, Micron publicly reports the results of its
due diligence annually and shares its due diligence results directly with its customers.
To learn more about Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative efforts to achieve a Democratic
Republic of Congo Conflict Free supply chain and the Conflict Free Sourcing Program visit:
*Conflict minerals are those minerals regulated by Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. They include columbite-tantalite, also known
as coltan (and its derivative tantalum); cassiterite (and its derivative tin): wolframite (and its
derivative tungsten); and gold.
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*These may pertain to contingency plans for continuity of supply in the event of
any of the following: key equipment failures; interruption from externally
provided products, processes, and services; recurring natural disasters; fire;
utility interruptions; labor shortages; or infrastructure disruptions.
• Suppliers responding and providing timely incident updates, impact
assessments, and/or digital coordination between supply chain partners during
disruptive events.
5.1.2 As part of the QMS, Suppliers shall provide to Micron a Key Contact List and a
current Quality Organization structure upon request. Suppliers shall promptly notify
Micron of any changes to the Key Contact List or the Quality Organization.
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• Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (“FMEA”) and Quality Control Plan; As requested by Micron, Suppliers shall provide monthly SPC reports for
specified products, unless agreed upon otherwise. This data shall
include calculated Cp and Cpk for all parameters for which the
calculations apply. The calculation methodology should be aligned with
Micron’s and AIAG SPC requirements. For non-critical Supplier
categories, Micron determines the required frequency based upon a
review of risk and performance. Micron’s expectations are that Suppliers will be able to provide SPC data
demonstrating control of their manufacturing processes.
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Micron Confidential Supplier shall provide a CoA or CoC, as required, to Micron prior to, or at
time of, receipt of the Product by Micron from Supplier. Electronic CoA
or CoC data will be provided a minimum of 24 hours prior to shipment to
Micron. The CoA or CoC must be sent via the Micron defined method,
submission via the eCOA/eSupplier systems are the preferred methods. Upon the initiation of an Agreement, the Supplier and Micron will review
and agree on the “STC CL” and “STN CL” for each material or product. Suppliers shall track and will be asked to provide SPC data on all
measured elements on a pre-defined frequency (no longer than a
quarterly basis). STC/SPC data and control limit reviews shall occur on
a yearly basis, at a minimum, but Micron and/or the Supplier may
request a review for additions or reduction in STC/SPC parameters
based on a process change or significant shift in the data. Unless agreed upon jointly, all measured parameters require analysis
which will produce actual values until a target limit has been established
by Micron and the Supplier.
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Micron Confidential Periodic STC and SPC data review of parameters shall include
calculated Cp and Cpk values for any parameter captured in a Product or
Material Specification. All defined key/control parameters shall meet a
minimum Cpk @ 1.33 and Cpk @ 1.67 for Automotive and critical Direct
Materials. For parameters that do not meet these required Cpk values,
then improvement plans are required. All certified analysis will be done from the shipping container or as close
to the end of the production line as possible depending on the material or
Micron’s expectation is that all Suppliers have systematic controls in place to detect
and prevent shipment of maverick material or product. Micron recommends
referencing JESD50C for a definition of maverick product. No maverick product
can be shipped to Micron or Micron Subcontractors without prior approval or
authorization from Micron.
5.7.2 Direct materials or products received at any Micron site which are non-conforming
to the requirements contained in a Micron Material Product Specification or other
Quality specification, will be rejected by Micron. Micron, as the customer, may
issue a Supplier Quality Notification (“SQN”). Please refer to Section 6 for the
details of this process. Costs incurred by Micron that are attributed to poor Supplier Product
quality may be charged back to the Supplier, as agreed upon by the
parties in an applicable agreement.
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5.7.3 Micron utilizes various business processes and methods for identifying, monitoring,
and addressing non-conforming Product. The following are examples of the
processes or methods that may be used at Micron locations to identify or detect
non-conforming Product:
• In-process SPC
5.10 Traceability
Suppliers shall have a documented process and/or procedure established that provides
identification and traceability on goods or services provided to Micron. Micron’s
expectation is that Suppliers can trace material from incoming raw materials through to
outgoing capturing production tooling and processing information. If agreed upon, it would
be expected that both forward and backward traceability be captured, through serialization,
symbolization, or some other appropriate method.
5.10.1 Unless otherwise agreed upon by Micron, full identification information is required
on the product label.
5.10.2 Each product, manufacturing lot or batch shall be identified with a unique identifier.
5.10.3 This identifier shall have complete traceability through the supplier manufacturing
process, for materials, and equipment.
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5.10.4 Each Supplier shall maintain a record of all materials used in the manufacture of
each product and maintain documentation as evidence of conformance to the
specifications. The documentation must be maintained for the length of time that
the product is active for production & service requirement, plus one calendar year
from the date of manufacture or the date of the material’s shipment to Micron.
5.10.5 For products and materials identified by Micron as Automotive, the Supplier quality
record retention requirement shall be 15 + 1 years.
5.11.3 New Suppliers must complete the applicable registration and qualification process
prior to supplying products to Micron.
5.11.4 For identified supplied materials, a PPAP will be documented and submitted by
supplier to Micron as the process of record for qualification.
5.11.5 Suppliers shall ensure that PPAP documentation and sample submissions are in
accordance with the requirements of the latest edition of PPAP Manual. Suppliers
shall only submit PPAP packages upon qualification completion and production
release. Each Supplier is responsible for meeting all requirements before
submission to Micron, including obtaining Micron approvals for any change
5.11.6 Supplier submission of a non-conforming or late PPAP package will be recorded as
a Supplier performance failure and could affect the Supplier’s performance
scorecard rating. Micron will determine the level of PPAP submission and any
special requirements, if applicable.
5.11.7 When applicable, Suppliers shall include in the PPAP submission the Engineering
Specification (“ES”) test plan and the ES test results. An approved/accredited
laboratory shall conduct the ES tests.
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6.2.4 Supplier Assessment activities are driven through Global Procurement with the
collaboration and involvement between site Procurement teams and other
stakeholder groups according to a global process.
6.2.5 Part of the Supplier assessments include BCP, Supply Chain visibility, sourcing
compliance, and quality to determine a Supplier’s overall risk profile.
6.2.6 Micron utilizes a Supplier Segmentation process to periodically review and classify
Supplier criticality and management plans. Segmentation provides input to
decision making for both incumbent and potential new Suppliers to Micron. The
Supplier Segmentation process assesses these main criteria to weigh and rank
Supplier viability and analyze risk
6.2.7 At Micron’s discretion and with the agreement of both parties, Suppliers with a
high-risk profile shall participate in audits, additional assessments and potential
development plans to ensure the ongoing partnership between Micron and the
Supplier remains sustainable and compliant.
6.3.2 Suppliers shall notify Micron immediately of the loss or suspension of the required
certification(s). Loss of certification will potentially have a significant impact on
business with Micron.
6.3.3 All Suppliers shall, at minimum, maintain and update their certification status once
per year. Suppliers shall immediately communicate any change in certification or
status to their respective Global Category Supplier Manager. Suppliers are to
provide or upload a copy of their quality & other pertinent certifications in the
assigned Micron system. Failure to provide the latest certification may result in
losing qualification status with Micron.
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If the Supplier does not meet the above requirements at the start of an awarded
project, an improvement program much be established to meet Micron
requirements before start of serial production.
6.3.5 Suppliers shall have email, Internet and browser access at a minimum for e-
Business capability. This is required to participate in Micron’s web-based
applications and communications. These include but are not limited to: Meet all commercial and financial requirements of the relevant Micron
product line.
6.3.7 Upon completion of qualification, identified Suppliers shall have prepared evidence
of the PPAP completion and acceptance by Micron. Suppliers shall ensure that any
PPAP documentation and sample submissions are in accordance with the Micron
defined PPAP element list. Any sub-tier PPAP documentation or properties that
influence a designated characteristic must also include, at a minimum, Material
Certification (including bulk material(s), where applicable), PFMEA, MSA study,
Control Plan, and Capability Study. PPAP packages submitted by Suppliers will be
used as a Process of Record (“POR”) for Micron. The established PORs must not
change without prior, written agreement and approval from Micron. Those changes
may include but are not limited to:
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6.3.8 Suppliers are responsible for meeting applicable PPAP requirements. Supplier
submission of a non-conforming or late PPAP package will be recorded as a
Supplier performance failure and could affect the Supplier’s performance rating.
• Sub-Supplier selection
• technology
• background
• production/manufacturing capabilities
• qualification management
• conflict minerals
• financial analysis
• cost competitiveness
6.4.2 To ensure that high-risk sub-tier suppliers are not introduced into the materials or
services that are being provided to Micron, this process should also include
appropriate risk assessment activities, including, but not limited to:
• Sub-Supplier audit,
6.4.3 All Micron Suppliers shall have the capability to manage their suppliers including
PPAP submission, supplier performance, APQP disciplines and periodic auditing.
Micron, may request to audit the critical processes of sub-tier suppliers, as mutually
agreed, to assure that proper controls are in place throughout the entire supply
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stream. Suppliers to Micron shall ensure they audit and manage critical processes
such as heat treating and plating and when directed, use the required format.
Special process audits are to follow the AIAG CQI-9 Heat Treat System
Assessment), CQI-11 (Plating System Assessment), CQI-12 (Coating System
Assessment), CQI-15 (Welding System Assessment) and CQI-17 (Soldering
System Assessment) requirements. These sub-tier supplier certifications and /or
self-assessments must be maintained and shared with Micron upon request.
Action plans to address gaps are to be tracked and shared when required.
6.4.4 Sub-tier Suppliers have a tremendous impact on the quality of the final component.
Whether they provide materials, services or sub-components their influence is so
profound that it is critical for each of Micron’s Suppliers to communicate all of
Micron requirements to their Suppliers and have a supplier performance monitoring
plan in place to ensure compliance. This system shall include a function that
tracks and reports the quality and delivery performance of their sub-tier supply
base. Suppliers may be requested to demonstrate the effective management of
sub-tier Suppliers through documented corrective actions and verification activities.
• A LOW severity SQN is used to document individual incidents but does not
require a root cause analysis or formal corrective action plan from the Supplier.
Multiple or systemic low severity incidents can result in escalation to a medium
or high severity SQN. A Low severity request will typically be automatically
closed and documented for future reference. Micron may choose to initiate a
Global 8D (“G8D” or “8-D”) response from the Supplier for documentation
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6.5.2 Micron requires its Suppliers to adhere to all sections of the G8D. It is expected
that Supplier responses be communicated back to Micron within the timelines
depicted in the table below:
6.5.3 Micron expects its Suppliers to have an established process for addressing non-
conformity issues with its Sub-Tier Suppliers. At a minimum, this process should
utilize the 8-Discipline methodology which is used for performing and
communicating containment, root cause analysis, corrective and preventative
action measures.
• Cost
• Quality
• Safety
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6.8.2 On occasion, as dictated by need, Micron customers or a 3rd party auditor may
participate in an on-site audit led by Micron.
6.8.3 On-site Supplier audits are led by Global Quality through collaboration and
involvement of Global Procurement and technical stakeholders. Supplier risk
assessments and performance-based data are utilized as the foundation for
Supplier audits. Below are examples of the minimum criteria that may be used to
trigger an audit or commercial visit.
• Increase in business
• New Supplier
7.1.1 This requirement shall include maintenance of calibration records, calibration labels,
and calibration frequencies.
7.1.2 Suppliers are expected to ensure that any third-party calibration activities are
managed appropriately in accordance with the ISO 17025 standards.
7.1.3 All calibration or lab service Suppliers to Micron shall be ISO 17025 accredited,
unless a waiver has been formally granted and documented by an appropriate
Micron stakeholder (typically, a procurement agent).
7.1.4 Suppliers who are not accredited to ISO 17025, may be asked to provide supporting
documentation as evidence for meeting or exceeding the intent of ISO 17025
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7.2.1 The Supplier is required to maintain all test equipment according to a recognized
certification and calibration (i.e. ISO17025) program.
7.2.2 The Supplier is responsible to ensure that test equipment and methods meet
applicable measurement sensitivity requirements.
8.2.2 It is expected, when applicable, that any incident of premium freight be submitted to
Micron for review. This submittal should at a minimum include a detailed explanation
of the incurred cost or expense.
8.3.2 Suppliers are expected to meet the terms and conditions for ensuring that all
Products delivered to Micron are adequately packaged and labeled, as agreed upon
with the Micron buyer.
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Micron Confidential Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that products are sufficiently
protected from damage during transit and delivery to Micron. This
requires shipping products that are adequately packed for
shipment. Care should be taken to minimize the potential for damage to
product during transit. Such methods as wrapping smaller packages
together on a pallet, optimizing packaging materials, and carton packing
methods should be considered. It is recommended that packaging be
able to protect the product from a 4-foot drop for 5 different drop
conditions: flat on top, flat on bottom, flat on longest side, flat on shortest
side, and on a corner.
9.2.2 Suppliers and sub-suppliers who are identified as special process (i.e. Automotive)
product or service providers are required to adhere to the specific requirements as
set forth in the IATF 16949.
9.2.3 Micron expects all eligible direct material and outsourced Front-End and Back-End
Suppliers to comply to IATF16949 requirements or have a plan to achieve
conformity to IATF16949 per the guidelines called out in the Minimum Automotive
Quality Management System Requirements (“MAQMSR”).
9.2.4 Unless otherwise authorized by Micron a QMS certified to ISO 9001 is the initial
minimum acceptable level of development. Based on current performance and the
potential risk to the Micron, the objective is to move suppliers through the following
QMS development progression:
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Micron Confidential Current certification to ISO 9001 with compliance to IATF 16949 through
second-party audits; Current certification to IATF 16949 through third-party audits (valid third-
party certification of the supplier to IATF 16949 by an IATF-recognized
certification body).
9.3.2 Such information shall include full disclosure of the exact identity (CAS#) of all
materials, chemical substances and constituents present in any product or material
provided by Supplier to Micron.
9.3.4 Supplier shall also disclose and provide any known existing data regarding product
and chemical safety to Micron chemical management/compliance and safety
9.4.3 Products supplied to Micron must conform to all applicable product content legal
requirements and Micron requirements.
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Micron Confidential Supplier’s products must comply with all requirements set forth in Micron’s
Product Content Specification document, and amendments thereto. A
copy of this document is available in the Registered Supplier section on
www.micron.com or upon request. Micron requires 100% disclosure to ensure personnel health and safety
analysis. Supplier must monitor and understand existing and emerging Chemical
Substance Laws to ensure that the products are and remain compliant.
Supplier shall provide Micron prompt, written notice of any limitation on
Micron’s use, storage, distribution, transport, import, export, sale,
recycling, and/or disposal of any products arising under Chemical
Substance Laws, including limitations that arise during the expected life of
the products, or within ten (10) years of Supplier’s final sale of the product
to Micron, whichever is later. Supplier shall provide Micron proof of compliance with all Chemical
Substance Laws and Micron product content requirements, upon request.
Proof of compliance includes but is not limited to: written certifications
executed by Supplier verifying compliance, documentation and
information relating to the composition and content of the products and/or
testing documentation. At initial qualification and/or upon request by the
Micron Product Compliance team or other Micron representative,
suppliers shall provide an FMD (“Full Material Declaration”) for all
homogenous substances making up a specific product. Notification to
Micron (through SCM) of any material composition changes shall be made
prior to implementation. Suppliers shall annually provide 3rd party ICP
(inductively couple plasma) test reports for all homogenous substances
listed in the FMD Bill of Materials (“BOM”). Micron may utilize a 3rd party
managed service provider to collect documentation. Supplier is required
to support these requests within a reasonable timeframe.
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9.4.4 Supplier shall act as the importer of record for all products sold and delivered to
Micron, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties in an applicable agreement.
9.5.2 If you have questions on any Micron Product compliance related topic please,
please contact a Product Compliance stakeholder at
10.1.2 Unless otherwise agreed upon, Suppliers are required to notify and obtain
approval from Micron, utilizing the Supplier Change Management (“SCM”) process
prior to any changes being implemented to procured goods or services being
supplied to Micron, as referenced in Micron’s Supplier Change Management
Policy available in the Registered Supplier section on www.micron.com.
10.1.4 For any changes that fall outside the Supplier Change Management Policy, it is
expected that the Supplier use reasonable efforts to notify Micron of any
10.1.5 If there are any questions regarding Supplier Change Management, please
contact: CP_SQEG@micron.com or SCN_Admin@micron.com.
• PPAP packages
• Tooling records
• Traceability records
• Engineering records
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• Amendments
11.2.2 The above time periods are considered “minimum”. All retention times shall meet
or exceed the above requirements and any governmental requirements.
11.3.3 A record of any exception granted by Micron will be kept by the supplier for the
length of time that the part is active for production and service requirements plus
one calendar year or a minimum of 15 years whichever is longer.
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12.0 Training
12.1 Personnel Training
Suppliers are expected to provide periodic training to all personnel that are involved with
the manufacturing, inspection, test, and quality assurance of any goods produced for or
services provided to Micron. Training material for above personnel must be documented
and maintained through a formal document control process (i.e. periodic document review,
change approval and review workflow).
12.2 Certification
Suppliers are expected to maintain certification and de-certification procedures and
records for all personnel involved with the manufacturing of goods or services being
procured by Micron. These procedures should include periodic re-certification activities
where applicable.
13.0 Definitions
• “Agreement” shall mean any agreement executed by the parties or the purchase order and any
accompanying documents governing Micron’s purchase(s) from Supplier.
• “Backend” is a reference to those processes contained with the assembly, test, and packaging
areas of manufacturing.
• “Cp” measures the process capability with respect to its specification using Upper Specification
Limit (USL) and Lower Specification Limit (LSL).
• “Cpk” a measure of process capability. Measures the process variation with respect to its sample
mean, which is also considered to be the process mean.
• “Direct Materials” is material that is consumed as part of the production process and becomes
part of the product. Also includes those outside services that apply directly to the product such as
plating or assembly which is then returned to Micron before becoming a saleable product.
(Examples: Wafers, Lead-frames, Molding Compound, Packaging)
• “External direct material/service suppliers” are suppliers to Micron who provide direct material
or manufacturing services that directly result in a finished product which is shipped on behalf of
Micron Technology, Inc.
• “Frontend” also known or referred to as the Fab, is a reference to those process contained in
the wafer fabrication areas of manufacturing.
• “Indirect Materials” Material used to support business operation, equipment operation or the
production process, but not as a component of the production process. (Examples: Quartz, Trays,
Gloves, paper)
• “Indirect material/service suppliers” are suppliers to Micron who provide indirect material or
manufacturing services to Micron that do not directly result in a finished product which is shipped
on behalf of Micron Technology, Inc.
• “Materials Specification Document” shall mean the document that defines standard
requirements mutually agreed upon by the parties as applicable to the procurement of materials
or services. These may be commonly referenced as material/technical specific requirements.
• “Maverick Product” is defined in EIA/JESD 50 as atypical product exhibiting anomalistic
characteristics which cause higher than normal level of failure in the end user application.
• “Non-conforming Product” is defined as any deviation from baseline process of record (POR).
In addition, it can be considered 1) Predicted or observed defectiveness which does not meet the
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set quality and reliability requirement(s); 2) Material that does not meet the product data sheet
specification or customer requirements; or 3) Material which is questionable when it could
potentially become discrepant anywhere in the supply line.
• “Out of Control Product” shall mean a condition within a process where the variations among
the observed or recorded data values cannot be attributed to random variation .
• “Products” means the goods and/or services described in the applicable sale/purchase
Agreement between Supplier and Micron.
• “Specifications” shall mean the document or set of documents that are mutually agreed by the
parties that describe the products and all associated requirements for the products. This may also
be referenced as technical specific requirements.
14.0 Acronyms
• “APQP”: Advanced Product Quality Planning. A structure activity which plans, tracks and reports
the development of a process to manufacture a component/material/assembly to meet customer
• “AIAG”: Automotive Industry Action Group.
• “BOM”: Bill of Materials
• “CAPA”: Corrective Action / Preventive Action
• “CFSI”: Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative
• “CIP”: Continuous Improvement Program
• “CMRT”: Conflict Minerals Reporting Template
• “CoA”: Certificate of Analysis
• “CoC”: Certificate of Conformance
• “ES”: Engineering Specification
• “FMD”: Full Material Declaration
• “FMEA”: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
• “G8D”: Global 8D (“8-Discipline”)
• “IATF”: International Automotive Task Force
• “ICP”: Inductively Couple Plasma
• “IQC”: Incoming Quality Control
• “KMG”: Key Material Group
• “KPI”: Key Performance Indicator
• “MAQMSR”: Minimum Automotive Quality Management System Requirements
• “MCT”: Materials Central Team
• “MPE”: Maverick Product Elimination
• “MRB”: Material Review Board
• “NDA”: Non-disclosure agreement
• “OCT”: Operations Central Team
• “OOC”: Out of Control
• “PCN”: Process Change Notification
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• “PFMEA”: Process Failure Modes Effects Analysis. A team process that identifies and controls
potential failures before the product goes into production
• “POR”: Process of Record
• “QMS”: Quality Management System
• “REACH”: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals
• “RBA”: Responsible Business Alliance (formerly EICC)
• “RMI”: Responsible Minerals Initiative
• “RoHS”: Restriction of Hazardous Substances
• “SCM”: Supplier Change Management
• “SPC”: Statistical Process Control
• “SQN”: Supplier Quality Notification
• “SRS”: Supplier Requirements Standard
• “STC”: Ship-to-Control
• “SVHC”: Substances of Very High Concern
• “TSCA”: Toxic Substances Control Act
• “WIP”: Work-in-Process.
• “PPAP”: Production Part Approval Process. A defined process for the validation of new
materials and subsequent process changes.
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