Module Chapter 2

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DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

2.1 Respiratory system
2 2.2 Movement and exchange of gases in

RESPIRATIO the human body

2.3 Health of human respiratory system
2.4 Adaptations in respiratory systems
N 2.5 Gaseous exchange in plants



DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

1. ___________________________ is the process of ______________________________ by the lungs.

2. The system in the body that helps us to breathe is known as the ________________________________
3. The function of human respiratory system is to:
- _____________________________ and ___________________________________ from the body
4. Draw and label the structure of human respiratory system

5. Label the structure of lungs

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

6. Complete the direction of air from the nose to the lungs.

7. Complete the diagram below that shows the process of inhalation

- Inhalation or breathing in, is the process by which air is forced into our lungs

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

The higher air pressure

outside forces air to
 The ____________ air
 Intercostal muscles enter the_________
____________ and pull
the rib cage
forces air to __________
____________ and the lungs
Ž The _____________ of
thoracic cavity
causes air __________
in the thoracic cavity
to ________________

 The diaphragm
muscles ____________
and pull the diaphragm
to ___________ and

The volume of thoracic
cavity increases and
8. Complete the diagram below that shows the process of inhalation causes air pressure in the
- Exhalation or breathing out, is the process by which air is forced outthoracic cavity to decrease
of our lungs

 Intercostal muscles
____________ and
 The ____________ air
rib cage moves
____________ and pressure ____________
_______________ pushes the air ______

Ž The ____________
Theof thoracic diaphragm
_________ and
muscles contracts
causes air _______ and
pullinthe diaphragm
the thoracic cavity to
descend and become
 The diaphragm
_____________ and

9. .Draw and label a model of human respiratory system

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

10. .Name the parts of the respiratory system that are represented by this model

Component of the model Part of the human respiratory system

Y-shaped glass tube
Bell jar
Rubber sheet

ACTIVITY: a model of human respiratory system

Aim : To study a functional model of the human respiratory system to show the relationship
between the air pressure in the thoracic cavity and the process of inhalation and

Material and A model of the human respiratory system

apparatus :

Procedures : 1.Set up a simple model as shown in the diagram.

2.Pull the handle down and observe the size of the balloon.
3.Then, push the rubber sheet up and observe the balloon again.
4. Draw your observations of the balloon.
DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

Observation : The rubber sheet is pulled down The rubber sheet is pushed up

 The balloon ______________  The balloon ______________

Analysis : 1. From the observation of the experiment, state the respiratory process that happens
in humans

Rubber sheet is pulled down

Rubber sheet is pushed up

2. Complete the table below to explain the observation that you obtain
Procedures Observation
Volume inside the Pressure inside Changes in the
bell jar the bell jar balloon
Rubber sheet is
pulled down
Rubber sheet is
pushed up

3. Name the parts of the respiratory system that are represented by this model
Component of the model Part of the human respiratory system
Y-shaped glass tube
Bell jar
Rubber sheet

Conclusion ______________________ occurs when the diaphragm moves downwards while

______________________ occurs when the diaphragm curves upwards.

1. Identify the structures in respiratory system. PL

6 1
DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

2. Identify the structure of the human respiratory system based on their functions.
PL 2

Structure Function
 Pathway of air into the nasal cavity
 Covered with sticky mucous which traps bacteria and foreign particles
in inhaled air
 Pathway of air from the nostrils to the bronchus

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
 Supported by cartilaginous rings to ensure it is always open so that air
can pass through it
 Two branches that are the main pathway of air from the trachea to the
 Smaller branches that branch out from the bronchus
 Ends with small airbags known as alveolus
 Place where exchange of respiratory gases occurs
 Surrounded by a network of blood capillaries
 Moves rib cage up and down during respiration
 Controls the volume of thoracic cavity

3. Complete the flow map about the pathway of air in the breathing mechanism.
PL 2

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
4. Name processes X and Y. PL

5. What is the process of inhaling and exhaling air by the body?


6. What is the body system that works to supply oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body cells?



7. Explain the human breathing mechanism by choosing the correct answers

PL 2


DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION


8. PL

Give the actual percentage of oxygen contained in

(a) inhaled air: ______________________ (b) exhaled air:


DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
9. Munirah carried out an experiment to study the oxygen content in inhaled air and exhaled air. She set up
two sets of apparatus, A and B as shown in the diagram below.

(a) Predict what will be observed after a while.

The candle in gas jar ______ containing ____________ air
will _____________ first.

PL 2
(b) How can you explain the occurrence in 8(a)?

Inhaled air contains more ____________________ than

that of exhaled air

10. Jason carried out an experiment to

a) PL
Complete the table below to show the observation of the experiment. 1

Type of air passes through limewater Condition of lime water

Inhaled air
Exhaled air

b) What is the function of limewater? PL



c) Which conical flask does the limewater turn cloudy? Explain your observation. PL 2

Conical flask ______ that is passed through with _____________air . This is because ____________ air
contains more ____________________________ than ____________ air.

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
Movement and Exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Human Body
1. With the help of diagram below, Fill in the blanks with suitable words regarding movement and
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the human body. Write the number 1- 8 on the diagram to
shows the correct sequences of the process.
2. Complete the chart that shows the adaptations of the alveolar structure increase the efficiency and

Inhaled air has a __________________ oxygen concentration compared to the surrounding blood

Therefore, oxygen ______________ from the alveolus into the blood capillaries

Upon entering the blood capillaries, oxygen combines easily with the __________________ in the red blood cells to

Blood with oxyhaemoglobin is transported from the lungs to the ______________

From the heart, the blood is______________ to other part of our body

e blood reaches the area around the body cells that has a _____________________ of oxygen, the oxyhaemoglobin being an unstable compound wil

7. In the body cells, the diffused oxygen _____________ glucose molecules into carbon dioxide, water and energy through the process of cellula

________________________ released by the cells diffuses into the blood capillaries and is transported to the alveolus to be r

maximise the exchange of gases in the human body.

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
1. Thickness of the walls of alveolus and blood capillaries
 The alveolus and blood capillaries have
____________ which are made up of only ___
layer of cells.
 This structure facilitates and
_________________________________ across
the walls of the alveolus and blood capillaries

2. Moist wall of alveolus

The adaptations  The moist wall of alveolus allows respiratory
of the alveolar gases to _____________and
structure ______________into the blood capillaries.

3. Surface area of alveolus

 The lungs contain millions of alveoli which
provide a
the exchange of gases.

4. Network of capillaries covering the alveolus

 The alveolus is covered by a
_______________network of capillaries
____between the alveolus and the blood

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION



1. Study the diagram given and answer the questions on the transport of oxygen in the human body.


1. On the above diagram, label structures P, Q, R and S.

2. What are gases X and Y?

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
Gas X:____________________________________ Gas Y:

3. What is the process involved in the movement of gaseous through the wall of the alveoli and blood

4. Explain the importance of gaseous exchange in humans.

PL 2
To supply ____________________for cellular respiration and remove
________________ from the body.

5. Write ‘High’ or ‘Low’ in the boxes provided to show the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide
in the alveolus and blood capillary during inhalation and exhalation. PL

6. Based on the given diagram, explain what will happen to the oxygen in the alveolus.


DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
The concentration of oxygen in the alveolus is _____________ than that in the blood. The oxygen dissolves in
the moist lining of the alveolus and then ____________ into the blood capillary. In the blood, oxygen combines
with__________________ in the red blood cell to form

Oxygen + haemoglobin --------------) Oxyhaemoglobin

This oxygen-rich blood is then transported to the
_____________ and pumped to all parts of the body. In the
body cells, the concentration of oxygen is
_______________ . Thus, oxyhaemoglobin which is an
unstable compound in the blood capillary decomposes to
release ______________ which diffuses into the body cells.

Oxyhaemoglobin ------------------) oxygen + haemoglobin

At the same time, ________________diffuses out of the

body cells into the blood capillaries and is transported to be

7. Tick ( ✓ ) the characteristics of the alveoli that

increase the efficiency of
gaseous exchange. PL


Substances that are Harmful to the Human Respiratory System

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
Substances Source Harmful effects
Cigarette One of the toxic substances found in  Sticks to and kills
tar _____________________ _________________________________________
_ such as the thorax, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx,
bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli.
 increases the production of __________ and
_____________ in the lungs.
Carbon colourless and odourless gas that is  it will combine chemically with haemoglobin to
Monoxide normally found in cigarette smoke and form ________________ which is a stable
exhaust gases of motor vehicles compound. (compete with oxygen to bind with
Carbon monoxide + haemoglobin ⎯→
 This causes a
______________________________________ in
blood that transports oxygen to the body
 Due to this shortage, the body cells are
_________________to produce the required
amount of _____________________through
cellular respiration.

Sulphur colourless gas with a pungent smell  It

Dioxide that is normally produced by the _________________________________________
combustion of coal from power _ causing cough, difficulty in breathing, bronchitis
stations and lung cancer.

Nitrogen Brown-coloured gas with a pungent  This gas

Dioxide smell that is normally produced by the ____________________________________and
combustion of fuels such as petrol and causes cough, difficulty in breathing and asthma.
diesel in motor vehicles
Haze, Dust - are solid particles which are fine,  Haze, dust and pollen
and Pollen light and suspended in the air. _______________________________________
- Haze and dust are produced from and cause respiratory diseases such as asthma.
open burning and forest fires
-pollen released from anthers into the
air is carried by the wind over long
distances in all directions

Respiratory Diseases and their Symptoms

Emphysema (condition of the alveoli in the lungs
DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
which are damaged by harmful substances in the
Lung cancer
air) Bronchitis (an inflammation of the bronchus)

Caused by:
by: Caused by:

 cancer causing chemical
_________________ substances
in cigarette known
smoke  tar and ______________ in cigarette smoke
as ________________________ such as tar
that can contain in cigarette smoke
 shortness of ____________
 pain when ___________________  shortness of ______________

 persistent _______________
feeling _________ , even a light
from doing  persistent _______________
 task
_____________ in the phlegm  ______________
 feeling __________when breathing


Caused by:

 the presence of dust, ________________,

haze,smoke from cigarette and motor
vehicle exhaust,
__________________and forest fires.


 shortness of ____________,
 _____________ and coughing

Effects of Smoking on the Lungs

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
 Smoking is not only harmful to the respiratory system of smokers but also to the respiratory system of
other people in the _________________________ of the smokers.
 A person who does not smoke but inhales cigarette smoke is known as a
 The __________________________________ of cigarette smoke to the human respiratory system do
not only happening the body of the smoker but also in the body of the passive smoker.

Active smokers and passive smokers

The Effect of Smoking on the Human Respiratory System (Experiment)

Substances Observation Inference

Thermometer Reading of thermometer __________ Cigarette smoke contain __________
White cotton wool Turns from white colour into _______ Cigarette smoke contain __________
Litmus solution Turns from purple to ___________ Cigarette smoke is __________

(Represent lung)
(Purple colour)


1. State the pollutants that are harmful to the respiratory system and match the substances to their harmful
effects. PL 2

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

2. Teacher Milah gives a description and symptoms of respiratory diseases and requires her student, Ali to
identify the types of diseases. Help Ali. PL 2

Study the diagram below.

(a)Name the person who does not smoke but inhales cigarette smoke.

(b)Justify the negative effects of passive smokers in the family shown in the diagram.

Cigarette smoke is _________________to the respiratory PL 3/KBAT

system of a passive smoker and ______________ the risk
of getting ____________


How the respiratory system adapts in different surroundings?

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
1. The respiratory structures of most organisms including humans have three features to ensure an efficient
gaseous exchange with the surroundings. These three features are:
a) _________________ surface of respiratory structures
b) ______________ respiratory structures
c) _______________ surface area of respiratory structures

 Moist outer skin

Type of organism :

Respiratory structures :

Adaptations: : 1. The skin of frog is __________ and very _____________ to gas

2. The skin of frog is also always _________________ because it is
covered by a layer of _________________ - causes the respiratory
gases to _____________ and _______________ easily.
3. Under the layers of skin is a ______________ network of
_________________ to increase the ___________________ of
gases between the skin and the blood capillaries.

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

 Gill

Type of organism :

Respiratory structures :

Adaptations: : 1. Gills are made up of two rows of fine _______________ that have
many thin and flat projections known as ____________________
2. The number of filaments and lamellae produces a
_________________________________________ to facilitate
gaseous exchange.
3. The gills are surrounded by water and this causes the respiratory
gases to dissolve and ______________ easily.

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

 Trachea

Trachea system of grasshopper

Type of organism :

Respiratory structures :

Adaptations: : 1. Air enters or leaves the trachea through breathing pores known as
2. The opening and closing of spiracles are controlled by
______________ which allow air to leave and enter the body.
3. Trachea is divided onto fine branches known as ______________
4. Tracheoles:
- Have _______________________________ to increase the
efficiency of gaseous exchange
- The large number of tracheoles also provide
______________________________ to facilitate gaseous
exchange through diffusion.
5. Some insects such as grasshoppers have ___________ that filled
with air to increase the rate of exchange of respiratory gases.

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION


1 Organism with moist outer skin (amphibian)

(a) Besides the lungs, name the organ of the PL 1

amphibian for gaseous exchange.

(b) Choose three characteristics of the skin of for

PL 1
gaseous exchange.
(Moist, thin, dry, thick, very permeable to gas)

(c) What is the function of the mucus layer on the outer skin of frogs? PL 2
Allows respiratory gas to __________and ________ into the blood capillaries beneath the skin

2 Organism with gills (fish)

(a) What is the thin and flat projection on the gill PL 1


(b) What is the function of the filaments and lamella on

the gills of
fish? PL 2
To produce large ______________ for gaseous exchange

3 Organism with a trachea (insect)

(a)Complete the flow map to show
the pathway of air during gaseous
exchange. PL 1

(b) State three characteristics of the tracheole

that improve the efficiency of gaseous
PL 2
tracheoles with ______________ and
____________________ walls.

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

Adaptation and ability of the human respiratory system in different situation

Situations Adaptation
1. Different a) At mountainous region (high altitude)

b) At bottom of the sea (low altitude)

2. Sports

3. Sickle cell

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION


Mechanism of Gaseous Exchange in Plants

1. Most plants carry out the process of gaseous exchange with their surroundings through their
__________,_______________ and ______________.
2. These three parts provide a _________________________________ for gaseous exchange.

Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
The diffusion of carbon dioxide occurs through the __________________according to the
__________________________ in __________________________ in the cells and in the air spaces between
the cells during____________________________

When carbon dioxide is used ________________, the

concentration of carbon dioxide in the cells becomes _________,
compared to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the
_________ between the cells. This difference in concentrations
allows the dissolved carbon dioxide in the moist surface of cells to
__________ from the air space between the cells into the cells.

This causes the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air space between the cells to become ______
compared to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air outside the stoma. This difference in
concentrations causes the diffusion of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the air space between the cells
through the stoma which is open..

Stomatal Pore and Guard Cells

1. Stoma is made up of a _________________ bounded by a pair of _________________

2. Guard cells contain _____________________ to carry out photosynthesis.
3. Stomata of plants _______________ during photosynthesis when there is light and ____________
when it gets dark or when the plant loses a lot of water on a hot day.

Process of Osmosis Affects the Stoma

Concept of Osmosis
1. Osmosis is the process of movement o___________________ from a region of
of water molecules (solution with a low concentration of solutes) to a region of
__________________________ of water molecules (solution with a high concentration of solutes)
a ___________________________.

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
2. This membrane is ______________ to water but not permeable to some solutes such as sucrose

Process of Osmosis in Guard Cells Effects of Osmosis on Stoma

 When there is _______, guard cells carry out  The stoma open
photosynthesis to produce ________.
 The concentration of glucose in guard cells
________ and causes water from surrounding cells to
_______ the guard cells through osmosis.
 Hence, the guard cells become ______ and _____________

 Conversely, at ______________________, water  The stoma close

______________of the guard cells also through
osmosis and causes the guard cells to become
_____________ and ______________

Importance of Unpolluted Environment for the Survival of Plants

The environment, especially _________________, is very important to ensure the _______ and ________ of

Effects of Haze and Dust on the Survival of Plants

1. Reducing _____________ from reaching the plants and reducing the rate
2. Haze and dust that settle on stomata _________________________ between plant and their

Effects of Acidic Gases in the Air on the Survival of Plants

1. Air pollutant gases which are acidic such as ________________ and ______________ dissolve in
rainwater to produce ________________.
2. Acid rain _____________ plant cells and causes ____________to be acidic and _____________
3. Most plants _______________ in highly acidic soil.
4. This will reduce ___________________produce and cause ___________________.

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

The Preventive Measures Against the Effects of Pollution on Plants

The preventive measures against the effects of pollution on plants in the local and global context are as follows:

 Ban _________________________ in Indonesia and Malaysia

 Limit the number of ___________________________ on the road in Beijing, China
 Encourage the use of _________________________ such as solar energy



1. Write the word ‘High’ or ‘Low’ in the boxes to show the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide
inside and outside the leaf, that enables diffusion to take place through the leaf stomata during daytime.
PL 1

2. Complete the statements below. PL 2

When carbon dioxide is used in the process of _________________ during a day time, the
concentration of carbon dioxide in the cell becomes ______________ than that of the concentration of
carbon dioxide in the air space between the cells. This _______________ in the concentration of carbon
dioxide allows carbon dioxide to ____________ from the air space between the cell into the cells.

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the air space between the cells is ______________ than
the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air outside the stoma, causing carbon dioxide gas to

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
___________ from the _________________ into the air space between the cells through the open
___________ pore.

Oxygen released during the process of ________________ causes the concentration of oxygen
in the cells is _________ than the concentration of oxygen in the air space between the cells. The
______________ in the concentration of oxygen causes oxygen to ______________ from the cell into
the air space between the cells and then is released through the ____________ into the atmosphere

3. Study the statement and diagram about the process that takes place in the guard cells.

(a) What is the process? PL 1


(b) When is the stoma open and closed?

PL 1
The stoma is open when there is ______________and closed when the condition becomes
__________ or when the plant _______________ a lot of water.

(c) Why is stoma opened during the day?

PL 1
To carry out the process of ____________________________

4. Answer the questions about the effects of osmosis on the stoma pores. PL 2

(i) Why is the concentration of glucose

in the guard cells high in the
presence of light?
The guard cells carry out
_____________ to produce

DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

(ii) What will happen if the concentration of

glucose in the cell increases?
Water ________________ into the cell through
_____________ . The guard cells
become____________ , curved and they
___________ the stoma.

(i) At night or on a hot day, the stoma closes.

Explain why.
The concentration of glucose in the guard cells
is __________. Water _____________ out
from the guard cells through __________ and
causes the guard cells to become ___________
and straight . The stoma is _______________.

5. What is the effect of the following substances on the growth and survival of plants? PL 1

(a) Haze and dust:


(b) Acidic gases (sulphur dioxide)


OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS A Bronchus ----) bronchiole ----)

nasal cavity ----) trachea
1. Which gas is produced during human B Bronchus ----) bronchiole ----) Trachea
respiration? ----) nasal cavity
A Oxygen C Hydrogen C Bronchiole ----) bronchus -----)
B Nitrogen D Carbon dioxide nasal cavity ----) Trachea
D Bronchiole ----) bronchus -----) trachea
2. Which of the following is the pathway of ----) nasal cavity
carbon dioxide when leaving the alveolus?
DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION

3 The diagram shows the pathway of air while


Nostril ---)P ---) Bronchus ---) Q ----) R

What is represented by M?
A Bronchus C Diaphragm
B Lungs D Ribcage
What is represented by P, Q and R?
7 The diagram shows a structure in the
P Q R human lungs.
A Trachea Alveolus Bronchiole
What is
B Alveolus Bronchiole Trachea
C Alveolus Trachea Bronchiole
D Trachea Bronchiole Alveolus

4 The diagram shows two processes P and Q

in breathing mechanism.
structure shown above?
A Alveolus C Bronchiole
B Bronchus D Trachea

8 The diagram shows the human respiratory


Which statement is correct about P and Q? J K L M

P Q A Bronchus Bronchiole Trachea Alveolus
A The volume of The volume of B Trachea Bronchus Alveolus Bronchiole
thoracic cavity thoracic cavity Trachea Bronchiole Bronchus Alveolus
decreases increases C
D Alveolus Bronchus Bronchiole Trachea
B The air pressure of The air pressure of
thoracic cavity thoracic cavity
increases decreases 9 The diagram shows the process of gas
C Air is forced into Air is forced out of diffusion in the alveolus
lungs lungs
D Diaphragm relaxes Diaphragm

5 The diagram shows the gaseous exchange in

blood capillaries through process X.

Which statement is correct about the

process of gas diffusion?
A The concentration of carbon dioxide is
What is process X? higher in the alveolus, so it diffuse into
A Excretion C Absorption the blood capillaries.
B Diffusion D Assimilation B The oxygen dissolves in moist surface
of the alveolus wall and then diffuse
6 The diagram shows a model of human into the blood capillary
respiratory system. C The concentration of oxygen is lower in
the alveolus, so it diffuse into the blood
DATE: ______________ DAY: ____________________ CHAPTER 2: RESPIRATION
D The carbon dioxide dissolves in moist 16 What control the opening and closing of a
surface of the alveolus wall and then stoma?
diffuse into the blood capillary A Stomatal pore C Vacuole
B Chloroplast D Guard cells
What happen to the oxygen after it diffuses
into blood capillary? 17 What make the stoma open during the day?
A It will flow into the heart A Water diffuses out of the guard cells
B It will combine with carbon dioxide through osmosis and causes both the
C It will combine with haemoglobin in guard cells to become straight.
the red blood cells B Water diffuses into the guard cells
D It will diffuse into the cells through osmosis and causes both the
guard cells to curve and open the
10 Why is carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke stoma
dangerous? C Water diffuses out of the guard cells
A Cause addiction through diffusion and causes both the
B Cause lung cancer guard cells to become straight
C Cause asthma D Water diffuses into the guard cells
D Competes with oxygen to combine through diffusion and causes both the
with haemoglobin guard cells to curve and open the
11 Which of the following are not the diseases
of respiratory system 18 What is the effect of haze and dust on the
A Lung cancer survival of plants?
B Anaemia A Reduce the sunlight from reaching the
C Bronchitis plants
D Emphysema B Make the plants grow healthy
C Cause acid rains
12 Which of the following is correct about the D Plants become taller
respiratory structure of a frog, a fish and a
Frog Fish Grasshopper
A Moist skin Trachea Gills
B Gills Moist skin Trachea
C Trachea Gills Moist skin
D Moist skin Gills Trachea

13 Which of the following is not the

characteristic of alveolus that make it
suitable for gaseous exchange?
A Moist C Thick
B Thin D Have large
surface area

14 Which part of plants does not involve in

gaseous exchange?
A Flowers C Stems
B Roots D Leaves

15 The diffusion of carbon dioxide in plants

occurs through
A Cuticle C Stoma
B Palisade D Xylem
mesophyll cell


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