Business Plan & Pitching Workshop: Peter Farrell Cup Entrepreneurial Challenge
Business Plan & Pitching Workshop: Peter Farrell Cup Entrepreneurial Challenge
Business Plan & Pitching Workshop: Peter Farrell Cup Entrepreneurial Challenge
What we would
try to do tonight:
• Plans, Planning and
Business Plans
• Pitching
The business plan - a supported vision
30 secs –
3 mins/ • Elevator Speech
(10-45 minutes)
• Power Point
15-25 pages
• Business
1. The Opportunity
2. The products and business plan
3. The Management Team
4. The Marketing Plan
5. The Operating Plan
6. The Financial Plan
7. Offering
Adapted from: Nuts and Bolts of Business Plan – Joe Hadzima - from the MIT OCW
Why Plan?
“Plans are nothing; planning is everything.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower (US Prez. #34)
1. Traction:
– Problem to be solved
– Your solution (for a typical customer)
– Market size (and total addressable market)
2. Viability & Realism
– Marketing and differentiation from competitors
– Revenue model, incl. expenses and operating costs
– Financial statements
– Your team and plans for growth
– Identification of risks (e.g. competitive responses)
– Why This?
– Why Now?
– Why This Team?
(The 4th Why: Why Won’t This Work/Succeed?)
Manufacturer Retailer
$ 20
Be aware of different segments of consumers, content
of flows and relationships
Deferred Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Investment Capital $200 $150 $150 $0 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0
Owner Equity $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Net Cash From Fin. Act. $200 $150 $150 $0 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0
FlowCash” $68 $68 $23 ($8) $150 $2,298 $3,923 $5,888 $7,867
IS: How the business gives back
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5
Total REVENUES $0 $0 $25 $228 $253 $4,555 $7,289 $10,022 $12,755
Total COGS $0 $0 $18 $101 $119 $1,074 $1,718 $2,362 $3,007
Gross Profit $0 $0 $7 $127 $134 $3,481 $5,571 $7,660 $9,748
Gross Profit Margin - - 28% 56% 53% 76% 76% 76% 76%
Total Wages & Benefits $53 $39 $93 $122 $307 $945 $1,411 $1,535 $1,644
Total Corporate Expenses $6 $5 $13 $20 $44 $265 $264 $264 $264
Total EXPENSES $59 $44 $106 $142 $351 $1,210 $1,675 $1,799 $1,908
EBITDA ($59) ($44) ($99) ($15) ($217) $2,271 $3,896 $5,861 $7,840
EBT ($52) ($37) ($92) ($8) ($190) $2,298 $3,923 $5,888 $7,867
Income Taxes (30%) $0 $0 $919 $1,569 $2,355 $3,147
Net Income ($52) ($37) ($92) ($8) ($190) $1,379 $2,354 $3,533 $4,720
Deferred Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Investment Capital $200 $350 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Owner Equity $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Retained Earnings ($52) ($90) ($182) ($190) ($190) $2,107 $6,030 $11,918 $19,784
Total Liab & S-H Equity $148 $260 $318 $310 $310 $2,607 $6,530 $12,418 $20,284
Retained Earnings
Beginning Balance $0 ($52) ($90) ($182) $0 ($190) $1,188 $3,542 $7,074
Net Income ($52) ($37) ($92) ($8) ($190) $1,379 $2,354 $3,533 $4,720
Ending Balance ($52) ($90) ($182) ($190) ($190) $1,188 $3,542 $7,074 $11,794
Break-Even Analysis
• Break-even:
– Volume of sales until all costs are covered
– .. including total fixed costs (TFC) & variable costs
• Now: Pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch, ... and pitch some
more to:
– reveal assumptions you have not though of
– get feedback or evidence your idea will work
– get practice for when you're in the finals or pitching to
real investors,
• customers, potential employees, partners, ..
• Then ... summarize the latest state of knowledge in your
slide deck and business plan and submit it.
• Different audiences and content:
– Product / Sales pitch
– Investor
– Employee
– Partner
• 3 minutes each
• Judges will be entrepreneurs, maybe others
– No special concerns
• Invite your mentors!
• Main question:
– “Do you have a viable business idea - can you make
– (e.g. at least enough to pay for your time, if non-profit)
Some tips …
• Explain what you do in the first minute
• Always ask yourself, “So what?”
– Not just product features
– Impact + example: “For instance …”
• Know your audience
– What do they want to know from you?
– Why are they attracted to your organization?
– Any special issues you should be aware of?
– What is the background of individuals in audience?
– How much time do you have to talk?
How to Pitch – PRACTICE!
• Set Expectations: Time, Objectives, Q&A
• One person, like most sales pitches, too (debatable)
• Catalyze Fantasy: Show scalability
• Give and TAKE: questions, notes, advice
• Iterate: Don’t be afraid to start from scratch
• Practice: 20+ times to get rid of um’s and ah’s
Show traction
• Even if you’re still pre-revenue, show
– You know which milestones and metrics count
– How well you perform on them
• Some milestones:
– Proof of concept / prototype / wireframe
– Patent filing
– Regulatory approval (FDA, UL/CE/CSA/TŰV, other)
– Time ..
• To complete code, concept, prototype, production, ..
• Awards and recognition (by third parties)
It is what it is, don’t lie …