Dyson Innovation Yields Revolutionary Products
Dyson Innovation Yields Revolutionary Products
Dyson Innovation Yields Revolutionary Products
Business challenges
Take vacuum cleaner DYSON
performance to the next
level with revolutionary new
ball technology
Dyson uses digital product development in its R&D
Maintain fast development projects, such as the D15 vacuum cleaner, while
cycles for first-to-market maintaining fast development cycles.
Driven to innovate
Led by its charismatic founder, James Dyson, Dyson
Keys to success is an innovation success story. In 1993 the
Evaluate concepts as company introduced the Dyson DCO1 Dual Cyclone,
3D models the first vacuum cleaner with constant suction.
Over the following decade, Dyson has grown to
Simulate motion and
become the top-selling vacuum cleaner
interaction of parts and
manufacturer in Western Europe and the leading
assemblies in software
vendor of upright vacuums in the USA. It now
Leverage design geometry employs 1,400 people in the UK and sells machines
for rapid prototyping in 38 countries.
Since 1998 Dyson has been a committed user of the NX™ next-generation digital product development
software system. Dyson originally bought five seats of NX. Over the years this has increased to 88
licenses, with the software now being used by more than 100 in the Dyson R&D team: design engineers
who are part of the New Product Development team, which generates ideas and concepts; scientists
involved in testing and developing ideas and technologies; and the engineers responsible for the actual
detail design of the machines.
The modeling features within NX enabled Dyson’s design engineers to work extremely quickly. “With
the 2D CAD software that had been used before, a design engineer could spend weeks on the design of
a complex part. With NX we can produce a 3D model in a fraction of the time,” Myers says.
Fast prototyping of metal components was made possible by NX’s integrated NC machining
functionality, part of NX’s computer aided manufacturing (CAM) portfolio. NX Machining leveraged the
3D design geometry to drive milling and cutting tools. One of the advantages of using NX Machining
was that refinements made to the wdesign were automatically
incorporated into the CNC programs, without the need for
reprogramming. This avoided potentially costly delays to
the creation of successive prototypes.