B - Offshore - en
B - Offshore - en
B - Offshore - en
D e s i g n , B u i l d , M a i n ta i n
The growing demand on energy has led to the increase in term of quantity,
size and production capacity of onshore and offshore oil and gas facilities all
over the world.
Structural advantages :
• low centre of gravity reducing motions and giving better station keeping
• No size limitation of the structures
Ninian, Scotland
Ninian, Scotland
Freyssinet Offshore Prestressing:
innovation and expertise
to reach the best
As a world leader in post-tensioning, Freyssinet has been involved in offshore
projects for more than thirty years and has developed the Freyssinet
Offshore Prestressing in order to meet the specific requirements of these
specialized construction works.
The most optimised design of the structure, the best quality of the materials
and the strongest experience in construction are mandatory to reach the
highest performance and longest durability of the prestressed concrete
Adriatic, Italy structure.
Such engineering contractor culture makes Freyssinet the ideal partner for
specialized construction projects in the respect of the highest quality and
safety requirements. The Freyssinet expertise goes hand-in-hand with the
professionalism of its teams, located all over the world and trained within
the Freyssinet PT Academy.
Reference list of major offshore platforms
with Freyssinet Post-tensioning System
FRIGG TCP 2 Elf Condeep Group Norway Groner 104 m 600 tons 1977
BRAZIL Petrobras Campenon Bernard El Salvador Campenon Bernard 15 m 300 tons 1977
BERYL Mobil Condeep Group Norway Dr. Olav Olsen 120 m 820 tons 1975
BRENT Shell Condeep Group Norway Dr. Olav Olsen 140 m 1 270 tons 1975
EKOFISK 1 Phillips CG Doris Norway EEG for Doris 70 m 3 300 tons 1973