Lean in The Supply Chain A Literature Review

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Management and Production Engineering Review

Volume 3 • Number 4 • December 2012 • pp. 87–96

DOI: 10.2478/v10270-012-0037-6


Paschal Ugochukwu, Jon Engström, Jostein Langstrand
Linköping University, Institute of Technology, Department of Management and Engineering, Sweden

Corresponding author:
Paschal Ugochukwu
Linköping University
Institute of Technology
Department of Management and Engineering
Quality Technology and Management
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
phone: +46 739-848-131
e-mail: paschalug@gmail.com

Received: 29 October 2012 Abstract

Accepted: 19 November 2012 “Lean” is a management philosophy that enhances customer value through waste elimina-
tion and continuous improvement in a system, by applying lean principles, practices and
techniques. The focus on lean implementations and research had been on a single company
without extension to the entire supply chain. When the lean concept is implemented across
the entire supply chain, however, it is referred to as a lean supply chain. The purpose of this
paper is to review literature on lean in the supply chain and identify research trends and
issues within the field. The paper involves a comprehensive review of articles on lean in the
supply chain using structured content analysis. The reviewed articles were classified based
on the basic characteristics and contextual issues of the articles.The researchers in the field
agree that the identified benefits of lean in the supply chain, which include reduced cost,
improved quality, faster delivery and flexibility, are linked to the implementation of certain
lean principles, practices and techniques in the supply chain. Most of the reviewed articles
are case studies, and evidence for the benefits of lean in the supply chain is anecdotal. While
the empirical work done in the field is encouraging, quantitative studies to substantiate the
claims for the efficiency of lean in the supply chain are lacking. In the reviewed articles,
the manufacturing sector received much attention, while the service sector received little
attention from researchers in the field. It was generally suggested that the supply chain
members, suppliers and manufacturers should be considered in the implementation of lean
in the supply chain, while the inclusion of distributors and end customers was not discussed
in detail in many of the reviewed articles.
Lean, supply chain, literature review, principles, practices, techniques.

Introduction case examples on how implementation of lean in the

supply chain has resulted in important improvements
As a result of increasing global business compe- [7–10]. Extending lean, which is rooted in automotive
tition, many organizations are looking for ways to manufacturing and shop floor operations, to the en-
gain competitive advantage. Vonderembse et al. [1] tire supply chain and other industry sectors requires
observe that competition has shifted from compa- extensive research and adaptation.Lean is an evolv-
ny orientation to supply chain orientation, thus sup- ing concept [11] with rapidly increasing popularity
ply chain improvement has become a necessity for as a supply chain management approach. Hence, it is
survival. Researchers increasingly propose the im- important to understand researchers’ views of what
plementation of lean in the supply chain as a way makes a lean supply chain, i.e., lean principles, prac-
to achieve the required competitive advantage [2–5]. tices, techniques and benefits regarding the imple-
Agus and Hajinoor [6] argue that lean is the very mentation of lean in the supply chain. The above
basis of supply chain management. There are several observations call for a comprehensive review of pub-

Management and Production Engineering Review

lications in the field. The review will help to ascertain detailed approaches on how to implement practices
the extent and trend of research on the implementa- effectively. Some of the widely acknowledged lean
tion of lean in the supply chain. techniques/tools include: poka yoke, just-in-time
(JIT), setup time reduction (SMED), kanban/pull
Lean concept system, production leveling, standardized work,
The lean concept originated with Toyota and 5S/housekeeping, small lot size, total productive
helps companies achieve more with less human ef- maintenance (TPM), supplier involvement, employ-
fort, time and cost [5]. Lean, which was popularized ee involvement, root cause analysis (5Whys), cus-
by Womack et al. [12] in their book The Machine that tomer involvement, value stream mapping (VSM),
Changed the World, was earlier solely implemented cellular manufacturing, kaizen/continuous improve-
on the manufacturing shop floor and usually referred ment, and statistical quality control [2, 13]. Hines
to as “lean production”or “lean manufacturing.” To- et al. [11] explain that lean has two levels: strategic
day, the lean concept is applied across various indus- and operational. The authors argue that the strate-
trial sectors and beyond the shop floor of single com- gic level,which involves the five lean principles or lean
panies [11]. There is no generally accepted definition thinking, addresses issues of value creation and bet-
for the lean concept.Instead there is a great varia- ter understanding of customer value and has unlim-
tion of what lean is and what it is not [13–14]. Shah ited applications. They argue that the operational
and Ward [15], however, describe lean as a manage- level, which involves lean tools, addresses issues on
ment philosophy that is concerned with identification waste elimination, and is mostly applicable to the
and elimination of waste within and beyond organi- shop floor.
zations’ product value chain. It is a way to achieve
cost reduction, quality and efficiency improvement Supply chain concept
with less effort [16]. The desired improvement can A supply chain is a network of facilities and ac-
be achieved by appropriate implementation of lean tivities that performs the function of product devel-
tools and techniques, practices and principles. In the opment, procurement of materials between facilities,
same way that Dean and Bowen [17] claim that to- manufacturing of products, and distribution of goods
tal quality is a management philosophy that can be to customers [20]. Supply chain scopes or members
characterized by its principles, practices and tech- include: suppliers, manufacturers/focal organization,
niques, Shah and Ward [15] claim that lean can be distributors and end customers [20–22]. Suppliers are
understood as a set of principles, practices and tech- the supply chain members who supply raw materi-
niques. Womack and Jones [18] articulated compre- als or components to the manufacturers or focal or-
hensive business logic on lean management, which is ganizations for value creation. Manufacturers or fo-
called lean thinking or lean principles. The five lean cal organizations are the supply chain members that
principles according to Womack and Jones [18] in- produce the core values or products for the end cus-
clude: tomers. Distributors ensure delivery of products from
Specify value from the end customer view : Find the focal organizations to the customers. End cus-
out what the customers desire in a product or ser- tomers are the end users or beneficiaries of value
vice. created by focal organizations.
Map value streams: Identify the value stream Previous research on supply chains suggests that
starting from activities on the suppliers side to the quality, cost, flexibility and delivery are considered
end customers and expose waste. very important issues in the supply chain [6, 23,
Establish flow: Organize the system to avoid de- 24]. In order to perform the activities identified in
lays, down time, scraps. Batch production should be the above definition better, supply chain managers
avoided. and coordinators have been thinking of approaches
Let the customer pull the products: Provide ex- to adopt in order to achieve reduced cost, efficient
act amount of what is required by the customer only delivery, high quality and flexibility with the supply
when it is needed. chain.
Strive for perfection: Improve the system contin-
uously. Always search for problems and solve them Lean in the supply chain
when identified. The focus on lean implementation and research
Each lean principle is implemented by apply- had been within shop floor or core process of sin-
ing certainpractices.Thesepractices, which are activ- gle organizations, not extending to the whole sup-
ities used to improve organizations,are implement- ply chain. Large companies found that it was not
ed by a set of techniques [17, 19]. Techniques are enough to improve performance only within organi-

88 Volume 3 • Number 4 • December 2012

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lications in the field. The review will help to ascertain detailed approaches on how to implement practices
the extent and trend of research on the implementa- effectively. Some of the widely acknowledged lean
tion of lean in the supply chain. techniques/tools include: poka yoke, just-in-time
(JIT), setup time reduction (SMED), kanban/pull
Lean concept system, production leveling, standardized work,
The lean concept originated with Toyota and 5S/housekeeping, small lot size, total productive
helps companies achieve more with less human ef- maintenance (TPM), supplier involvement, employ-
fort, time and cost [5]. Lean, which was popularized ee involvement, root cause analysis (5Whys), cus-
by Womack et al. [12] in their book The Machine that tomer involvement, value stream mapping (VSM),
Changed the World, was earlier solely implemented cellular manufacturing, kaizen/continuous improve-
on the manufacturing shop floor and usually referred ment, and statistical quality control [2, 13]. Hines
to as “lean production”or “lean manufacturing.” To- et al. [11] explain that lean has two levels: strategic
day, the lean concept is applied across various indus- and operational. The authors argue that the strate-
trial sectors and beyond the shop floor of single com- gic level,which involves the five lean principles or lean
panies [11]. There is no generally accepted definition thinking, addresses issues of value creation and bet-
for the lean concept.Instead there is a great varia- ter understanding of customer value and has unlim-
tion of what lean is and what it is not [13–14]. Shah ited applications. They argue that the operational
and Ward [15], however, describe lean as a manage- level, which involves lean tools, addresses issues on
ment philosophy that is concerned with identification waste elimination, and is mostly applicable to the
and elimination of waste within and beyond organi- shop floor.
zations’ product value chain. It is a way to achieve
cost reduction, quality and efficiency improvement Supply chain concept
with less effort [16]. The desired improvement can A supply chain is a network of facilities and ac-
be achieved by appropriate implementation of lean tivities that performs the function of product devel-
tools and techniques, practices and principles. In the opment, procurement of materials between facilities,
same way that Dean and Bowen [17] claim that to- manufacturing of products, and distribution of goods
tal quality is a management philosophy that can be to customers [20]. Supply chain scopes or members
characterized by its principles, practices and tech- include: suppliers, manufacturers/focal organization,
niques, Shah and Ward [15] claim that lean can be distributors and end customers [20–22]. Suppliers are
understood as a set of principles, practices and tech- the supply chain members who supply raw materi-
niques. Womack and Jones [18] articulated compre- als or components to the manufacturers or focal or-
hensive business logic on lean management, which is ganizations for value creation. Manufacturers or fo-
called lean thinking or lean principles. The five lean cal organizations are the supply chain members that
principles according to Womack and Jones [18] in- produce the core values or products for the end cus-
clude: tomers. Distributors ensure delivery of products from
Specify value from the end customer view : Find the focal organizations to the customers. End cus-
out what the customers desire in a product or ser- tomers are the end users or beneficiaries of value
vice. created by focal organizations.
Map value streams: Identify the value stream Previous research on supply chains suggests that
starting from activities on the suppliers side to the quality, cost, flexibility and delivery are considered
end customers and expose waste. very important issues in the supply chain [6, 23,
Establish flow: Organize the system to avoid de- 24]. In order to perform the activities identified in
lays, down time, scraps. Batch production should be the above definition better, supply chain managers
avoided. and coordinators have been thinking of approaches
Let the customer pull the products: Provide ex- to adopt in order to achieve reduced cost, efficient
act amount of what is required by the customer only delivery, high quality and flexibility with the supply
when it is needed. chain.
Strive for perfection: Improve the system contin-
uously. Always search for problems and solve them Lean in the supply chain
when identified. The focus on lean implementation and research
Each lean principle is implemented by apply- had been within shop floor or core process of sin-
ing certainpractices.Thesepractices, which are activ- gle organizations, not extending to the whole sup-
ities used to improve organizations,are implement- ply chain. Large companies found that it was not
ed by a set of techniques [17, 19]. Techniques are enough to improve performance only within organi-

88 Volume 3 • Number 4 • December 2012

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zations.Improvement must be extended across the implementation beyond the production/core process
entire supply chain [23]. Considering the benefits, area of focal organizations were not considered (only
lean as a management approach [6, 15] has been pro- articles that discussed lean in relation to at least two
jected by many researchers as a way to make supply members of the supply chain were considered).
chain management more effective. Womack et al. [12] The following information sources were searched
describe lean as a close alignment from raw material for articles on lean in the supply chain: Emerald,
to customer through cooperation. Thus, lean man- ScienceDirect, Scopus, Springerlink, Ebscohost, Wi-
agement can be adopted by organizations seeking to ley, ISI, Business Source Premier, and Google Schol-
integrate their supply chain members and activities. ar. The reference lists of articles found were also
When lean is implemented across the entire supply scanned for more relevant articles. The following key-
chain, the supply chain is referred to as a lean supply words were used for the search: “lean supply chain”,
chain (LSC). “lean management”, “lean enter prise”, and “lean
implementation”. The initial search with keywords
Research Purpose resulted in more than 1000 hits. After limitation of
The purpose of this paper is to review literature the initial search to articles with both lean and sup-
on the implementation of lean in the supply chain. ply chain mentioned in their abstract and titles, the
The objectives of the paper include: First, to sum- number of articles was drastically reduced. Articles
marize the existing articles in the field by identifica- with perceived irrelevant titles were excluded.The
tion of patterns and issues on research in the field. process was repeated for different keywords and data-
Second, to create a structure for quick overview and bases. At a certain stage in the search, it was found
evaluation of research in the field. Third, to uncover that the same set of articles kept reappearing, and
the need for further research in the field. In order to the search process was stopped. A total of 136 per-
actualize the research aim and objectives, the paper ceived relevant articles were selected from the search
focuses on characteristics of lean supply chains, ben- process. Further screening of the articles was made
efits, research approach and lean management ap- by scanning through the abstracts, introduction and
proach in the supply chain. body contents, and articles which did not discuss lean
in relation to at least two supply chain members were
Methodology removed. Thus, the number of articles was reduced
from 136 to 64. After detailed reading of the 64 arti-
cles and removal of articles which did not contain a
The research is based on comprehensive review
good amount of relevant discussion on the lean sup-
of literature on lean in the supply chain. A four-step
ply chain, a total of 40 articles were finally selected
process model proposed for content analysis in liter-
for the review.
ature reviews (Mayring, 2003, p. 54) cited in [25] is
adopted for this review. The four steps are: materi- In the review, nine dimensions relating to the ar-
al collection, descriptive analysis, category selection ticles’ basic characteristics and main ideas were iden-
and material evaluation. Material selection involves tified and organized in two groups. The articles were
definition and delimitation of materials to be collect- classified and analyzed based on the nine dimensions.
ed and search for relevant literature. At the descrip- The two groups and the nine dimensions are present-
tive analysis step, basic characteristics of the select- ed below:
ed materials such as publication distribution across Basic descriptive characteristics of the reviewed
journals, research methods, and number of publica- articles: research methods, journal names, industry
tions per year were examined. Decision on the choice sectors, publication time and research objectives.
of categories and dimensions to be used in structur- The analysis here focuses on research methods used
ing the collected materials was made at the category for exploration of lean in the supply chain by authors,
selection stage. Category selection was followed by insights into distribution of articles across journals,
material evaluation, which involved review and clas- distribution of articles across time, widely adopted
sification of the selected materials according to the research objectives or purposes and research meth-
chosen structural dimensions and categories. Only ods used to achieve them.
journal articles published from 1990 to 2012 that dis- Authors’ views on lean in the supply chain: This
cussed lean in relation to the supply chain were con- covers benefits of lean in the supply chain, character-
sidered. Books, reports and conference papers were istics of lean supply chain, lean supply chain manage-
not considered. Since Womack et al. [12] popularized ment approach (principles, practices and techniques)
lean in 1990, all predating papers were excluded. Ar- and supply chain members involved. The analysis
ticles that did not contain detailed discussion on lean here focuses on what many of the authors acknowl-

Volume 3 • Number 4 • December 2012 89

Management and Production Engineering Review

edge as the benefits of lean in the supply chain and Much research on the service sector is concen-
characteristics of a lean supply chain. It also involves trated on focal organizations without extension to
the study of the extent of research on lean imple- other supply chain members. Only very few articles
mentations across various supply chain members and discussed implementation of lean beyond the focal
authors’ emphasis on lean principles, practices and organizations of service industries. The reviewed ar-
techniques in the implementation of lean in a supply ticles worked on tourism and humanitarian services.
chain. The articles on construction considered civil and me-
chanical engineering projects. Attention is given to
Findings design, material procurement and core construction
activities. It is surprising that despite the importance
Descriptive characteristics and size of the health care industry, it did not receive
of the reviewed articles any attention from the researchers.
This section describes the findings on the basic
characteristics of the reviewed articles. The charac- Distribution of articles across time
teristics include: research methods, journal names, In the article search, publications from 1990 were
industry sectors, research objectives and publication considered, but the first relevant article appeared in
time. 1993 and the increase over the subsequent years was
small and fluctuating. More than half of the reviewed
Research methods
articles were published from 2005 to 2012 with the
Kotzab et al. [26] identify different research meth- highest number of articles published in 2009 and 2011
ods that can be applied in various types of research. respectively. The year 2005 marked the extension of
The methods are: case study, modeling (mathemat- lean to service and agri-food supply chain.Lean be-
ical and simulation), conceptual and survey. These came popular in 1990, but implementation of lean in
methods can be further classified into empirical, the- the supply chain only gained more attention in 1997.
oretical, qualitative and quantitative research [27]. The attention may be attributed to the publication of
Case study research is the most widely used research the book Lean Thinking by Womack and Jones [18].
method on lean in the supply chain, followed by the The book advocates implementation of lean across
conceptual and survey approaches. Modeling is spar- the entire supply chain. Also, the rise in the atten-
ingly used in research work done in this field. How- tion given to lean in the supply chain in 2009 may
ever, some authors combined two methods, with one be attributed to the search for survival strategies in
method serving as the main approach and the oth- the face of the global economic crisis which started
er as supporting approach. Case study and surveys in 2008.
were used as supporting approaches as well as the
main approach; see Table 1. Table 1 below also shows Research objectives
the reviewed articles and the corresponding research
methods used in each article. Descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, and predic-
tive research are different types of research objectives
Distribution of articles across journals or purposes [28, 29]. Usually, the research objective
affects the choice of research methods. Explanatory
The articles were found in 27 different journals. research looks for explanations of the nature of re-
Seven articles were found in Supply Chain Man- lationships between different variables and explains
agement: An International Journal (SCM: IJ) and cause-effect relationships and how activities take
five were found in the International Journal of Op- place. Exploratory research involves identification
erations Management (IJOPM). Two articles each of key issues and variables, operational definitions
were found in the European Journal of Purchasing such as more efficient approaches to handling is-
and Supply Management (EJPSM), International sues and tests for possibility of more extensive study
Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Man- on an issue. Descriptive research provides accurate
agement (IJPDLM) and Integrated Manufacturing. systematic information or description of an obser-
Other journals have one article each. The wide range vation or phenomenon within its context. Predictive
of different journals that contain articles on lean in research tries to predict or forecast short and long
the supply chain shows that it is a diverse and im- term outcome, or behavior as a result of certain ac-
portant research field. The highest number of articles tions taken in a system. Table 1 above shows various
found in SCM: IJ is an indication that supply chain research objectives of the reviewed articles and the
management (SCM) pays attention to the lean man- corresponding research methods used in actualiz-
agement approach. ing the objectives. Case study, survey and concep-

90 Volume 3 • Number 4 • December 2012

Management and Production Engineering Review

Table 1
Articles and the corresponding supply chain scopes, industry sectors, research objectives and methods.
Supply chain Industry Research Research
scope sectors methods Objectives

Publication year

End customer




Case study

Author (s)


Oliver [3] 1993 x x x x x x x
Karlsson & Norr [32] 1994 x x x x x x
Womack & Jones [5] 1994 x x x x x x x
Lamming [33] 1996 x x x x x
Karlsson & Ahlström [19] 1997 x x x x x x x
Levy [34] 1997 x x x x x x x
New & Ramsay [35] 1997 x x x x x
HUallacháin &Wasserman [36] 1999 x x x x x
Michaels [37] 1999 x x x x x
Taylor [9] 1999 x x x x x
Arkader [38] 2001 x x x x x
Pheng & Chuan [39] 2001 x x x x x
Arbulu et al [40] 2003 x x x x x
Wu [41] 2003 x x x x x x
Mohan & Sharma [14] 2003 x x x x x
Cox & Chicksand [42] 2005 x x x x x x x x
Mistry [43] 2005 x x x x x x
Simpson &Power [44] 2005 x x x x x
Taylor [45] 2005 x x x x x x x
Cagliano et al [46] 2006 x x x x x x
Taylor [4] 2006 x x x x x x x
Cox et al [47] 2007 x x x x x x x x
Eisler et al [48] 2007 x x x x x x
Matson & Matson [49] 2007 x x x x x x x
Julien &Tjahjono [50] 2009 x x x x x x
Jorgensen & Emmitt [51] 2009 x x x x x x x
Sezen & Erdogen [16] 2009 x x x x x x
Taylor & Pettit [52] 2009 x x x x x x x
We & Wu [10] 2009 x x x x x x x
Eriksson [7] 2010 x x x x x x
Perez et al [8] 2010 x x x x x x
So & Sun [53] 2010 x x x x x x x
Behrouzi & Wong [23] 2011 x x x x x x
Cudney & Elrod [2] 2011 x x x x x x x
Kisperska-Moron & Haan [54] 2011 x x x x x x
Ma et al [55] 2011 x x x x x x x
Zarei et al [56] 2011 x x x x x x
Zhou & Kelin [57] 2011 x x x x x x x
Agus & Hajinoor [6] 2012 x x x x x x x
Baladhandayuthan & Venkatesh [58] 2012 x x x x x x
Total number of articles 40 37 40 15 19 23 5 2 5 5 26 7 8 2 17 22 10 2

Volume 3 • Number 4 • December 2012 91

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tual methods were used by various authors to actu- to facilitate effective communication and information
alize different research objectives such a sex plana- sharing. Also, in order to achieve an integrated sup-
tory, exploratory and descriptive research. Predic- ply chain, effective communication and information
tive objective was achieved using modeling; however, sharing, there is a need to have few suppliers. The
predictive research is not popular in the field (Ta- idea of keeping few suppliers will help for effective
ble 1). The argument by Woodside et al. [29] that communication and coordination across the entire
case study research method can be used to achieve supply chain. Some of the authors explain that sup-
explanatory, exploratory and descriptive research ob- ply chain integration, effective communication and
jectives is supported by the findings. The review re- information sharing are the basis to achieve contin-
sult shows that many of the exploratory research uous flow, low inventory, end customer focus and ef-
objectives were achieved using the survey research fective demand management.
Supply chain members involved
Authors’ views on lean in the supply chain According to Stevens [21], supply chain scope or
This section presents the authors’ views on what members are: suppliers, manufacturers, distributors
characterizes a lean supply chain, benefits of lean in a and end customers. Only very few of the articles dis-
supply chain and approach to lean in a supply chain cussed lean in the supply chain in relation to all sup-
in terms of lean principles, practices and techniques. ply chain members. About half of the articles dis-
It also studies the extent of research on lean imple- cussed lean in the supply chain in relation to only
mentations across various supply chain members. two out of the four identified members of a supply
chain (see Table 1). The supply chain scope, sup-
Characteristics of lean supply chain ply and manufacture were extensively discussed in
The following are widely acknowledged charac- many of the reviewed articles while distribution and
teristics of a lean supply chain by many authors of end customers were not discussed in detail in many
the reviewed articles: Integrated supply chain mem- of the articles. The discussion on manufacture cen-
bers (mentioned in 24 articles); effective communica- tered on waste reduction, problem search and prob-
tion and information sharing (mentioned in 13 arti- lem solving by applying lean techniques/tools such
cles); effective demand management (mentioned in as TPM, small lot size, 5S, cell manufacturing, em-
seven articles); end customer focus (mentioned in ployee involvement, VSM and 5Whys. Discussion on
five articles);continuous improvement (mentioned in supply centered on using supplier integration and
six articles); low inventories and few suppliers (men- JIT to achieve waste reduction, effective communi-
tioned in four articles each); and continuous flow and cation and information sharing, and a strong and
long-term contracts between supply chain members effective relationship. The scant discussion on distri-
(mentioned in five articles each). Only characteris- bution called for efficient delivery, cost and waste re-
tics acknowledged by at least four authors were se- duction in transportation and warehousing. Empha-
lected. However, integrated supply chain members, sis was on the appropriate choice of transportation
effective demand management (demand pull), and modes, lot size, warehouse locations, number and
effective communication and information sharing are size. Many authors acknowledged the importance of
very popular among the authors. The popularity of focusing on end customers, but did not discuss this
integrated supply chain members among the char- in detail. Some of the authors argue that through
acteristics is in agreement with the description by customer involvement such as market research on
Womack et al. [12] of lean as a close alignment from customer needs and value chain analysis, customer-
raw material to customers through cooperation. The oriented process and products will be achieved. Ta-
authors emphasized that the identified characteris- ble 1 above shows the supply chain members or scope
tics are the requirements for attaining the desired covered by various authors in their discussions on the
benefits in lean supply chain management. From the implementation of lean in the supply chain.
authors’ descriptions of the characteristics,it is inter-
esting to note that there is strong linkage or depen- Benefits of lean in the supply chain
dency among the identified characteristics. They ex- The following are the widely acknowledged bene-
plain that supply chain integration involves dealing fits of lean in the supply chain by many authors of the
with other supply chain members as extended parts reviewed articles: Low inventories (mentioned in 20
of the focal organization. The integration, which may articles); customer satisfaction (mentioned in 12 ar-
involve signing long-term contracts with other sup- ticles); optimized efficiency (mentioned in four arti-
ply chain members by the focal organization,will help cles); high quality (mentioned in 22 articles); reduced

92 Volume 3 • Number 4 • December 2012

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cost and improved delivery regarding time, quantity discussion. Only a few authors considered all five
and quality specifications (mentioned in 26 articles principles in their discussion. Map the value stream
each); and high flexibility (mentioned in ten articles). of products and establish flows are the principles
Many of the authors agree that the identified bene- most often considered.The implementation of prin-
fits are linked to lean management practices such as ciples requires implementation of some practices [17,
value chain analysis, waste elimination, system orga- 19]. From the reviewed literature, the practices, tech-
nization, end customer focus, problem solving, and
strong and effective relationships. Improved deliv- Table 2
ery, which involves delivery of exact customer spec-
ifications in terms of quantity and quality at the re- Lean principles with corresponding practices and techniques.
quired time, is possible through the implementation Principles Practices Techniques
of lean practices. Through implementation of just- 1. Specify value Source Customer
in-time and pull production, accumulation of inven- from the end cus- information involvement
tomer view on customer
tories in the system is avoided, hence cost of holding need
inventories is reduced. Besides reduction of lead time Value chain Value stream
by avoiding unnecessary processes, waste elimination analysis and end mapping (VSM)
has also helped in cost reduction by avoiding over- customer focus
production, unnecessary transportation, inventory 2. Map value to Value chain VSM
and processing. By focusing on the end customers expose and elimi- analysis
nate waste
and application of value chain analysis across the
Waste reduction JIT, TPM, small
entire value chain, waste and value-adding activities lot size, 5S, SMED
are identified. Identification of value-adding activi- 3.Establish flow System organisa- 5S, cellular manu-
ties and waste elimination helps in the achievement tion facturing
of customer satisfaction. Continuous problem search Strong and effec- Supplier integra-
and solutions help to increase operational efficiency tive relationship tion
and quality of products or services. The improvement Waste reduction JIT, small lot
can be achieved by implementation of some lean tech- size, TPM, and 5S,
niques such as TPM, 5Whys, VSM and employee in-
4. Let the cus- Production JIT, pull/kanban
volvement. Few authors acknowledged poka yoke, vi- tomer pull the of exact customer system
sual control and statistical quality control (SQC) as products needs only when
ways to achieve high quality, but many of the authors needed
emphasized supplier involvement as a way to achieve Strong and effec- Supplier
tive relationship integration
high quality. They suggest that supplier involvement
in the early design stage and thorough screening of 5. Strive for per- Problem search VSM, 5Whys, em-
fection ployee involvement
suppliers’ operations will help to improve quality.
Problem solving Training, 5Whys,
The authors view flexibility as the ability to respond employee involve-
to the dynamic market situation in terms of volume, ment
product mix and delivery. They identified three ma-
jor areas of flexibility (volume, product mix, and de- niques and tools shown in Table 2 below for the im-
livery flexibility) and argue that flexibility is required plementation of various lean principles were selected
at both focal and supplier organizations. based on acknowledgement by at least three authors.
Strong and effective relationships, value chain analy-
From the reviewed articles, it is found that the
sis and waste reduction are the most acknowledged
identified areas of flexibility can be achieved by im-
practices for implementation of lean in the supply
plementation of lean techniques and practices such
chain. Implementation of practices requires arrays of
as small lot size, supplier relations or involvement,
techniques or detailed processes [17, 19]. JIT, VSM
pull production, effective communication and infor-
and supplier integration are very popular techniques
mation sharing. Only benefits acknowledged by at
in the implementation of lean in a supply chain. Ta-
least four authors were selected. However, the listed
ble 2 below shows the five lean principles and the
benefits were acknowledged by at least ten authors.
corresponding practices and techniques for the imple-
mentation of the principles as perceived by different
Lean management approach: principles,
authors of the reviewed articles. The table presents
practices and techniques
a summary of the findings from the reviewed arti-
About half of the authors gave explicit consid- cles as regards the implementation of Womack and
eration to some of the five lean principles in their Jones’ [18] five lean principles in the supply chain.

Volume 3 • Number 4 • December 2012 93

Management and Production Engineering Review

Conclusions articles show that lean principles (map value stream,

establish flow) and lean techniques (JIT, VSM) and
This literature review provides some insights supplier integration are very important in the im-
about research on lean in supply chain as regards the plementation of lean in the supply chain. Many of
amount of works already done, research approach, the authors considered lean implementation in the
trend and authors’ views on certain issues in the supply chain from principle down to application of
field. Lean approach to supply chain management appropriate practices and techniques. Thus, strate-
has become very popular since 1997, following the gic and operational levels of lean [11] are found in
publication of Lean Thinking by Womack and Jones the implementation of lean in the supply chain.
[18]. However, there is still a limited number of jour- The review helped in the identification of what
nal articles in the field and no review of the field many researchers in the field view as benefits of lean
has been made. Distribution of articles across vari- in the supply chain and what makes a lean sup-
ous industry sectors shows that the authors agree on ply chain. Thus, the information will be of immense
the arguments by Cudney and Elrod, and Womack help to researchers and organizations implementing
et al. [2, 12] that lean has no boundary in terms of lean in their supply chain. The authors agree that
industry sectors. Concentration of the research work the identified benefits are linked to the implemen-
on the manufacturing sector, especially automotive, tation of lean principles, practices and techniques
and use of single case study may negatively affect re- in the supply chain. However, little effort was made
search development in the field. Besides, the popular- by the authors to illustrate how the benefits can be
ity of single case study in the field will make it diffi- achieved.
cult to generalize research results from other industry
sectors and subsectors like automotive in particular. Future research
Case studies help in gaining insight into a little
known situation or concepts, and are good to use in As a result of the findings from the reviewed ar-
exploring implementation issues and theory build- ticles, it is recommended that future research in the
ing [27–29]. Thus, the popularity of the case study field consider conducting more empirical quantitative
research method in the field indicates the authors’ researches, like surveys and modeling. The research
effort to present in-depth knowledge of the field and approach will help in the development of more poli-
build a theory base for research development in the cies and strategies for improvements in the field and
field. Yin [30] argues that case study helps in the can also help to substantiate claims about the ben-
provision of illustrative evidence of an issue. How- efits of lean in the supply chain. Also, more use of
ever, most of the reviewed articles are case exam- the case study research method based on illustra-
ples without illustrative evidence, which is required tive evidence and predictive research using modeling
to substantiate the claimed benefits of lean in the (mathematical and simulation) will help to substan-
supply chain. Reiner [31] argues that empirical quan- tiate claims about the benefits of lean in the supply
titative research helps in the development of policies, chain. There is need to extend more research to other
strategies and actions for improvement of situations industry sectors such as the agri-food, construction
or process. The empirical work done in the field is and service sectors, especially the health care indus-
quite encouraging, but there is more concentration try which was completely left out by the researchers
on qualitative approach and little attention to quan- in the field. Full implementation of lean in the supply
titative research approach. chain will help in the appropriate evaluation of the
Lean suppliers, logistics and distribution are the benefits. Thus it is important to encourage organiza-
major requirements to become a lean enter prise [23]. tions to embrace full implementation of lean in their
Concentration of many of the articles on only two supply chains by extending more research to other
supply chain scopes,supply and manufacture (core supply chain members like distributors and end cus-
process), and neglect of others may hamper fast de- tomers. Finally, case study research to compare the
velopment in the field. The review indicates that re- findings in this review with practices in industry will
search on lean in the supply chain has not given ad- help to further align the research in the field to in-
equate attention to full implementation of lean in dustry needs.
the supply chain. To get maximum benefit from lean
implementation, it should go beyond the internal ac-
tivities of the focal organization to suppliers and dis- [1] Vonderembse M.A., Uppal M., Huang S.H., Dis-
tributors [14]. Hence, full implementation of lean in mukes J.P., Designing supply chains: towards theory
the supply chain is necessary so as to help in the development, Int. J. Prod. Econs., 100, 2, 223–238,
adequate assessment of the benefits. The reviewed 2006.

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