Cessna 310Q

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Name:_A. $in/é H. Date:_22/ol/2021 122 123 124 128 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 foie Gin ores CAO dota Le sh Zo Tee How many hours can you fly between MPI's Name the electrically operated Gyro Instruments What isthe engine make? Loutinedtel Gl ‘What is the engine mode!? nats the maximum HP and RPM? 2hol 2625 REA , inws_(oetica a oY yh Is this HP max continuous? If not give the max cont ee (ota: oe ae He Cawley J OVAES HCH - NL ISY SES, a Salma Is this engine Turbo Charged? ‘What is the propeller make? ‘What is the propeller type? Give the propeller normal operating range Is there a restricted RPM range? Cma Give his range if applicable No Can the propelir be feathered? it yes is there any un-feathering accumulators fited? Is this a geared propeller? Scanned with CamScanner ‘State Brith the start procedure foFa hot engine.) fff nt Fa State briefly the start procedure for a flooded engine: vel Prep = OF ietyre Cu S) Gtartey - € v = 2 [X prewmne — Creo 24 — Atwhat RPM should the magnetos be checked? IFoo 2. 2.5 What is the maximum acceptable drop and difference in RPM when testing magnetos? a ‘Maximum Drop:__|SO RPM b. Maximum Ditference.__G a RPM 3 26 —Atwhat RPM should the propeller CSU be checked? spe 6 RPM 4 : 2.7 Atwhat RPM should the propeller feathering be checked? cone (Uh bl Scanned with CamScanner Nat isthe total How many tanks does this aircraft have? ‘Can any tank be selected for take-off? not, which tank(s) should be used for take-off? |s the fuel system gravity fed? 6 ‘What kindof ul pumps are ted to tis ara nf how many? Avant Qua | Notice diver ites How do you determine al pumps are working prior to take? Bele Ne han Ol I ig opote! that Io. ai 20 How mary fo tin a Bere une where ar they tuo? | eal ‘ feike tone 12) =(B ie tola\ OIL SYSTEM 4.1. What are the maximum and minimum oll quantities for this aircraft? 2 Maximum 13 “eis b Minimum: 4 — Jats 42 Knowing that 1 quart is equal to % US gallon, what are 6 quarts in litres? 4.3 What type of oil should be used with this aircraft? am SAE Sp pbove 42°F , SAE to30 bolas 10°F ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 5.1 Where is the battery situated in this aircraft? lef L outboard 6 5.2 — Whatis the voltage of the battery? 5.3. Whatis the voltage ofthe electrical system? 5.4 _Isthe aircraft ted with an alternator or generator? Scanned with CamScanner ‘What are the procedures to follow when starting the engine using ext Masten - 9 i. (on pee UNDERCARRIAGE, TYRES AND BRAKES 6.1 What type of undercariage does this airraft have? © TailWhee! Nose Whee! ° Fixed Le — Retractable 62 _fretractable, how isthe undercarriage operated? 27 Electrically © Hydraulically © Electro Hydraulicaly 63 Explain how to operate the emergency landing gear extension system l be 64 What are the possible faults in case of NO “gear down” indication? leAnicat i le Scanned with CamScanner 6.10 ett 612 6.13 1 12 73 7A 78 18 7 78 79 7.10 7™m ‘What is the maximum speed for gear ‘What is the maximum speed for gear extension? ‘What's the maximum speed that you can fly with the g ‘What is the maximum speed for emergency gear extension? Give the recommended tyre pressures. a — Nose,'40_psi _kPa b Maine psi kPa What type of brakes is fitted? © Drum Disc How is the braking system operated? © Mechanically UU Hydralialy OPERATING PROCEDURES What is the normal rotate speed? What is the rotate speed for a short field take-off? What is the flap setting for a normal take-off? ‘What is the flap setting for an obstacle limited take-off? ‘What is the flap setting for a filed limited take-off? ‘What is the best angle of climb speed? What is the best rate of cmb speed? What is the cruise climb speed? What is the normal approach speed? ‘What isthe flap setting for a normal approach? What is the flapless approach speed? ‘What isthe short field final approach speed? 2b pH. SUMPH - Scanned with CamScanner LIMITATIONS 8.1 What is the never exceed speed ofthe airrat?” 92. Atwhat speed can you extend first notch of faps? 93 Atwhat speed can you extend full taps? 94° What's the maximum manoeuvring speed ofthis airratt? zone 95 ‘What is the maximum speed for turbulent air penetration? 2SFM PH 96 Is spinning permitted in this aircrat’? vo > 87 tye rete ay trons? - a WEIGHT AND BALANCE a 10.1 What is the maximum all up weight of this aircraft? 5B 30a a a 10.2 What is the empty weight ofthis aircraft? 2LI2 ICI be 4 103 Whetis ne ust oad ofthis ara? G 10.4 Whats the payload with ful fuer? 10.5 Whats the maximum landing weight? _5 ese ' 10.6 Whatis the zero fuel weight? “Abe ‘ 10.7 What is the maximum baggage weight for each compartment? 4 x 10.8 With all seats occupied at 170 Ibs (77 kg), and 22 Ibs (10 kg) of baggage per person, how much fuel can you take? x 10.9 With full fuel how many people at 170 Ibs can you take? DS Scanned with CamScanner 13 i 114 What are the procedures to flow incase of an engine faire x fea a) “ly p we insufficient runway to land back on? What are the procedures to follow an engine failure in cruise at 3 000'AGL? Scanned with CamScanner

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