Astm e 2446

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This standard describes how to evaluate and classify computed radiology systems based on their image quality and performance parameters.

This standard describes the evaluation and classification of computed radiography systems to ensure their image quality meets the needs of industrial radiography users.

Computed radiology systems are classified based on their measured signal-to-noise ratio ranges and unsharpness ranges within a specified exposure range.

Designation: E 2446 – 05

Standard Practice for

Classification of Computed Radiology Systems1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2446; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope E 2007 Guide for Computed Radiology (PSL Method)

1.1 This practice describes the evaluation and classification E 2033 Practice for Computed Radiology (PSL Method)
of a computed radiography (CR) system, a particular phosphor E 2445 Practice for Qualification of Computed Radiogra-
imaging plate (IP), system scanner and software, in combina- phy Systems
tion with specified metal screens for industrial radiography. It
3. Terminology
is intended to ensure that the evaluation of image quality, as far
as this is influenced by the scanner/IP system, meets the needs 3.1 Definitions—The definition of terms relating to gamma-
of users. and X-radiology, which appear in Terminology E 1316, Guide
1.2 The practice defines system tests to be used to classify E 2007, and Practice E 2033, shall apply to the terms used in
the systems of different suppliers and make them comparable this practice.
for users. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1.3 The CR system performance is described by signal and 3.2.1 computed radiology system (CR system)—A complete
noise parameters. For film systems, the signal is represented by system of a storage phosphor imaging plate (IP), a correspond-
gradient and the noise by granularity. The signal-to-noise ratio ing read out unit (scanner or reader) and software, which
is normalized by the basic spatial resolution of the system and converts the information of the IP into a digital image (see also
is part of classification. The normalization is given by the Guide E 2007).
scanning aperture of 100 µm diameter for the micro- 3.2.2 computed radiology system class—A particular group
photometer, which is defined in Test Method E 1815 for film of storage phosphor imaging plate systems, which is charac-
system classification. This practice describes how the param- terized by a SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) range shown in Table
eters shall be measured for CR systems. 1 and by a certain unsharpness range in a specified exposure
1.4 The values stated in SI are to be regarded as the range.
standard. 3.2.3 ISO speed SIPx—Defines the speed of a CR system and
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the is calculated from the reciprocal dose value, measured in gray,
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the which is necessary to obtain a specified minimum SNR of a CR
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- system.
priate safety and health practices and to determine the 3.2.4 signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)—Quotient of mean value
applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. of the linearized signal intensity and standard deviation of the
noise (intensity distribution) at this signal intensity. The SNR
2. Referenced Documents depends on the radiation dose and the CR system properties.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 3.2.5 modulation transfer function (MTF)—The normalized
E 1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Testing magnitude of the Fourier-transform (FT) of the differentiated
E 1815 Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for edge spread function (ESF) of the linearized PSL (photo
Industrial Radiography stimulated luminescence) intensity, measured perpendicular to
E 2002 Practice for Determining Total Image Unsharpness a sharp edge. MTF describes the contrast transmission as a
in Radiology function of the object size. In this practice, the MTF charac-
terizes the unsharpness of the CR system. This depends on the
scanning system itself and IP-type and cassette employed.
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on Nonde- 3.2.6 gain/amplification—Opto-electrical gain setting of the
structive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.01 on
Radiology (X and Gamma) Method. scanning system.
Current edition approved June 1, 2005. Published June 2005. 3.2.7 linearized signal intensity—a numerical signal value
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or of a picture element (pixel) of the digital image, which is
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
proportional to the radiation dose. The linearized signal inten-
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. sity is zero, if the radiation dose is zero.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 2446 – 05
TABLE 1 CR System Classification Therefore, the practice should always use IQIs for proof of
CR System Minimum contrast sensitivity and spatial resolution.
Classification Signal-Noise Ratio
4.3 The quality factors can be determined most accurately
ASTM IP Special/Y 130
by the tests described in this practice. Some of the system tests
ASTM IP II/Y 52 require special tools, which may not be available in user
ASTM IP III/Y 43 laboratories. Simpler tests are described for quality assurance
in Practice E 2445, which are designed for a fast test of the
quality of CR systems and long-term stability and are recom-
3.2.8 basic spatial resolution—the read-out value of un- mended as practical user tests, should the user not have the
sharpness measured with duplex wire IQI in accordance with special tools available as needed for the tests in this practice.
Practice E 2002 divided by 2 as effective pixel size of the CR 4.4 Manufacturers of industrial CR systems will use this
system. practice. Users of industrial CR systems may also perform the
tests and measurements outlined in this practice, provided that
4. Significance and Use the required test equipment is used and the methodology is
4.1 There are several factors affecting the quality of a CR strictly followed. Any alternative methods may be applied if
image including the spatial resolution of the IP system, equivalence to the methods of this practice is proven to the
geometrical unsharpness, scatter and contrast sensitivity appropriate Cognizant Engineering Organization.
(signal-to-noise ratio), as well as software. There are several 4.5 The publication of CR system classes will enable
additional factors (for example, scanning parameters), which specifying bodies and contracting parties to agree to particular
affect the accurate reading of images on exposed IPs using an system class, as a first step in arriving at the appropriate
optical scanner. settings of a system, or the selection of a system. Confirmation
4.2 This practice is to be used to establish a classification of of necessary image quality shall be achieved by using Practice
CR system classes on the basis of a normalized SNR. Due to E 2033.
the difference between the methods, it is required to specify the
CR system classes with spatial resolution values. The CR
5. Apparatus
system classes in this document do not refer to any particular
manufacturers’ imaging plates. A CR system class results from 5.1 CR system evaluation depends on the combined prop-
the use of a particular imaging plate together with the exposure erties of the phosphor imaging plate (IP) type, the scanner and
conditions, particularly total exposure, the scanner type and software used, and the selected scan parameters. Therefore,
software and the scanning parameters. This classification documentation for each test shall include the IP type, scanner,
system provides a means to compare differing CR technolo- software and scan parameters, and the results shall be calcu-
gies, as is common practice with film systems, which guides lated and tabulated prior to arriving at a class assignment. The
the user to the appropriate configuration, IP and technique for applied test equipment for SNR measurement (Fig. 1) and
the application at hand. The class selected may not match the algorithm 6.1.1 correspond to Test Method E 1815. The rec-
imaging performance of a corresponding film class due to the ommended thickness for aperture test object (diaphragm) is
difference in the spatial resolution and scatter sensitivity. 10.2-mm (0.4 in.) of Pb. The SDD shall be at least 1 m (39 in.).

FIG. 1 Scheme of Experimental Arrangement for the Step Exposure Method

E 2446 – 05
Do not use any material (for example, lead) behind the cassette The scanner shall read with a dynamic range of $12
and leave a free space of at least 1 m (39 in.) behind the bit and operate at its highest spatial resolution or a spatial
cassette. resolution for which the classification shall be carried out.
5.2 The step wedge method (Fig. 2) describes a simpler Background and anti-shading correction may be used before
procedure for SNR measurement than described in Test the analysis of data, if it relates to the standard measurement
Method E 1815, which permits obtaining similar results with procedure for all measurements. The procedure shall be carried
less expense, and less accuracy. out and documented for all sensitivity and latitude ranges and
all read-out pixel sizes if any of these parameters change the
6. Procedure for quantitative measurement of image SNR-analysis.
quality parameters IPs are exposed in a similar way to film radiography
6.1 Measurement of the Normalized Signal-to-Noise Ratio and under the conditions described: signal and noise (sPSL) or
(SNR) SNR over dose curve shall be measured. It is especially
6.1.1 Step Exposure Method—For measurement of the important that the exposure of the IP for the SNR measure-
SNR, the following steps are taken (see also Test Method ments be spatially uniform. Any nonuniformities in X-ray
E 1815): transmission of the cassette front, or defects in the Pb foil or in The IP, with front and back lead screens of 0.1 mm the phosphor itself could influence the SNR measurement. No
(0.004 in.) thickness in the typical exposure cassette, shall be major scratches or dust shall be visible in the measurement
positioned in front of an X-ray tube with tungsten anode. Make area. Therefore, exercise considerable care in selection and
the exposures with an 8 mm (0.32 in.) copper filter at the X-ray placement of the aperture, and selection and maintenance of
tube and the kilovoltage set such that the half value layer in the cassette, the lead screens and the phosphor screen. To
copper is 3.5 mm (0.14 in.). The kilovoltage setting will be achieve a uniform region of interest on to the IP, the following
approximately 220 kV. standard protocol is recommended. Other approaches may be Determine the required exact kilovoltage setting by used as long as a uniform exposure is created. At least twelve
making an exposure (or an exposure rate) measurement with areas (test areas) of $400 mm2(0.62 in.2) are evenly exposed
the detector placed at a distance of at least 750 mm (29.5 in.) on the same IP over the full working range of dose. Due to the
from the tube target and an 8 mm (0.32 in.) copper filter at the different construction principles of scanners, the measurement
tube. Then make a second measurement with a total of 11.5 shall be performed for all possible pixel sizes, if the results
mm (0.45 in.) of copper at the tube. These filters should be change. The digital read-out intensity values (gray values) shall
made of 99.9 % pure copper. be calibrated in such a way, that they are linear in relation to the Calculate the ratio of the first and second readings. If radiation dose, which corresponds to the photo stimulated
this ratio is not 2, adjust the kilovoltage up or down and repeat luminescence (PSL) intensity of the exposed IPs. These cali-
the measurements until a ratio of 2 (within 5 %) is obtained. brated gray values shall be used for the calculation of the SNR.
Record the setting of kilovoltage for use with the further IP In order to get a reliable result at least six measurements shall
tests. be made on different samples, and the results are to be The sensitive layer of the IP shall face the X-ray averaged for each of the twelve or more dose levels measured.
source. For gamma radiography with Ir-192, the measurements The signal (intensity Imeas) and noise (standard
shall be carried out with 0.3 mm lead screens in front and deviation sPSL) shall be computed from a region without
behind the IP. Also 8 mm Cu shall be used for pre-filtering (see shading or artifacts. Sample SNR values shall be taken in
Fig. 1). different regions of the image area under test to ensure that

FIG. 2 Scheme for the Measurement of the SNR by the Step Wedge Method

E 2446 – 05
SNR values are within 10 % stable. The size of the ROI used with adequate exposure time or tube current (mA), shall be
to measure the mean signal and noise shall be at least 20 by 55 made. The distance between step wedge and IP shall be $500
pixels and it should be an area ROI. An example technique for mm (19.69 in.) to reduce the influence of scattered radiation. A
assuring reliable signal-to-noise measurements is described magnification of 23 is recommended. A beam collimator shall
below. This can be achieved using a commonly available image be used. X-ray voltage and filtering shall be selected in
processing tool. The signal and noise shall be calculated from accordance with
a data set of 1100 values or more per exposed area. The
NOTE 3—X-ray penetration through Cu-steps of different thickness is
unfiltered data set is subdivided into 55 groups or more with 20 distorted by beam hardening and suitable adjustment of exposure is
values per group. For each group with index i, the value I meas_i required.
is calculated as the mean of the unfiltered group values and the
value sPSLi is calculated from the same group values. An The projected area of each step shall be about 20 by
increased number of groups yields a better (lower) uncertainty 20 mm ($400 mm2). No values of at least two times the
of the result. Due to the filtering effect of this grouping geometric unsharpness shall be taken from areas near the step
procedure, the sPSLi-values shall be corrected by the following edges.
equation: All details for the measurement of the SNR shall
sPSLi_corr 5 1.0179 · sPSLi (1)
correspond to The graphical analysis shall be
based on the plot of SNR = f(log (Exposure) – µCu· wCu), where
NOTE 1—The values sPSLi are multiplied with 1.0179 to correct for the µCu is the absorption coefficient, wCu is the wall thickness of
following median unbiased estimation. Assume k is the number of the corresponding step of the step wedge and the value
consecutive observations within a group and C is the critical value of the
chi-square distribution for a = 0.5 with k-1 degrees of freedom. In case of
“Exposure” is calculated from exposure time (seconds), mul-
20 observations the values s PSLi shall be multiplied with 1.0179 for tiplied by tube current (mA); see also Annex A1.
statistical correction (see also ISO/DIS 10505). The factor 1.0179 corre- NOTE 4—For accurate plots, it is necessary to consider the wall
sponds to the correction sqrt ((k-1)/c) of ISO/WD 10505 for grouping with thickness dependence of µCu on the wall thickness (beam hardening). The
a group size of 20 elements (k = 20) for application of a median procedure influence of scattered radiation should be reduced by exact collimation.
(c = 18.33765). Different exposures with different exposure time or mA-settings are The final value Imeas is obtained by the median of all recommended for the required plot. The exposure value (mAs) of the
different exposures should deviate between five to eight times to allow an
Imeas_i values. The final sPSL value is obtained by the median
overlap of the measured data. A waiting time of 30 minutes is recom-
of all sPSLi_corr values. sPSL shall be calculated as reference mended between exposure and scan of the IPs to avoid distortions by
value to a resolution of 100 µm, measured with a circular fading effects.
aperture, or 88.6 µm measured with a squared aperture. The
final value sPSL100 is calculated by 6.2 Measurement of Reference Minimum Read-Out Intensity
Values of Computed Radiographs
sPSL100 5 sPSL · ~SRmax /88.6! (2)
6.2.1 The normalized SNR is a measure for the contrast
sensitivity of a CR system. This is one of the reasons for the
SRmax = Maximum value of basic spatial resolution in µm classification due to the normalized SNR, in addition to the
as measured in 6.3. basic spatial resolution as described below. Since it is difficult
to determine the SNR in a computed radiograph of a compli-
NOTE 2—Test Method E 1815 requires the use of a micro-photo
densitometer with circular aperture of 100 µm* diameter for the measure-
cated object, “reference read-out intensities” shall be deter-
ment of granularity sD. Because the pixels in digital images are organized mined from test exposures. Under consideration of the gain,
in squares, the corresponding pixel size is calculated by latitude and resolution settings “reference read-out values” IIPx
sqrt ((100 µm*)2p / 4) = 88.6 µm can be assigned to certain “normalized SNR values” SNRIPx.
with: *1µm = 3.93701E-05 in. These reference read-out values correspond to a minimum The normalized SNR is calculated by optical density in film radiography.
6.2.2 Finally, the minimum SNRIPx-values in the computed
SNR 5 Imeas / sPSL100 (3)
radiographs shall be achieved by the application of minimum
6.1.2 Step Wedge Method (Manufacturer Test and Enhanced read-out intensities IIPx.
User Test)
The measurement of the SNR can be performed with less NOTE 5—The classical quality assurance procedure in film radiography
is based on the measurement of the film density. Exposed films are
accuracy using a step wedge, as shown in Fig. 2. This method,
accepted only if they have a minimum optical density. A similar procedure
if approved by the Cognizant Engineering Organization, may can be applied in CR. Each CR system (or any digital imaging system)
be of interest for users to determine the contrast sensitivity provides intensity values or gray values of each picture element (pixel).
quantitatively: All pixels in the region of interest (ROI) which are to be evaluated, should For that purpose, a step wedge of Cu, with at least exceed a minimum intensity (or gray value), in a similar way as minimum
twelve equally increasing steps, may be used as in the optical density in film radiography. This value is the reference minimum
arrangement shown in Fig. 2. The maximum thickness of the read-out intensity. This procedure permits basic quality assurance in CR in
relation to contrast sensitivity.
step wedge shall absorb 90 % of the radiation of the central
beam, which requires a thickness of 11.7 mm (0.46 in.). To 6.2.3 System evaluations corresponding to Table 1 depend
cover a range of two or more orders of magnitude of the on the combined properties of the imaging plate (IP) type, the
radiation dose at least two suitable and different exposures, scanner and software used and the selected scan parameters.

E 2446 – 05
Therefore, all measurements must be performed with the same
IP type, scanner and software with its parameters.
6.2.4 The determination of the read-out intensities is based
on the step exposures as in 6.1.1 or on the step wedge
exposures, with less accuracy, as described in 6.1.2. The
determination of read-out values shall be performed by the
following steps: The linearized signal (intensity Imeas) and noise
(standard deviation sPSL) shall be measured and calculated as
in 6.1. The final value IIPx for IP scanner evaluation corre-
sponds to the linearized signal intensity IIPx= Imeas for Imeas/
sDPSL100 at the selected SNRIPx value of Table 1 and for the
selected scanner parameters. The manufacturer shall provide the read-out values
to the user in the original, or applied system response function,
or both. x-length in mm
y-signal intensity in arbitrary units
6.2.5 A detailed description of the procedure is given in
FIG. 3 Resolution Criterion for the Evaluation of Duplex-Wire
Annex A1. Profiles (The two wires of a wire pair are resolved if the dip
6.3 Determination of Unsharpness and Basic Spatial between the line maxima is greater than 20 % of the maximum
Resolution—Differences in spatial resolution of X-ray films intensity.)
and CR systems may be observed. This image quality differ-
ence may be due to limitations in CR sharpness. The duplex-wire method allows the read-out of
6.3.1 Duplex-Wire Method stepped unsharpness values only (see table in Practice E 2002). For testing of the basic spatial resolution, the The overall accuracy of this method may be not better than 61
duplex-wire gage corresponding to Practice E 2002 can be wire pair due to scatter and differences in the radiation quality.
applied. The exposure shall be performed in a distance of 1 m 6.4 Other Evaluations
(39 in.) or greater with a focal spot size #1 mm. Focal spot size 6.4.1 When making radiographs for CR system classifica-
and focus detector distance shall be selected for a geometric tion, the manufacturer will follow guidelines given to users to
unsharpness of less than 10 % of the total measured unsharp- ensure that image quality is as high as possible. All tests,
ness. The duplex-wire gage shall be positioned directly on the described in Practice E 2445 under “Other Tests” shall be
cassette with the IP and lead screen. The measurement shall be passed without findings. This means, there will be minimum
performed perpendicular and parallel to the scanning direction geometric distortion. The characteristics of the laser beam in
of the laser beam. This requires two exposures with one gage the scanner will be optimized, with no beam jitter, signal
or one exposure with two gages. The duplex-wire gage shall be dropout and with best LASER focus. There will be minimum
used in an angle of about 5° to the scanning direction of the blooming or flare. The CR plates will be transported without
laser beam and 5° to the perpendicular direction. slipping. The image shading will be within limits of 65 %. The The measurement of unsharpness may depend on the plates used will be correctly erased and will be free from
radiation quality. For classification and applications above 160 artifacts. Fading effects are described in the manual and are
kV the test shall be performed with 220 kV (X-ray tube with below 50 % over 3 days.
beryllium window, tungsten target and no pre-filtering). For
low energy applications the radiation quality shall be 90 kV 7. Interpretation of Results and Classification
(X-ray tube with beryllium window, tungsten target and no 7.1 Depending on the results of the previous tests, the CR
pre-filtering). system shall be classified in accordance with Table 1. The first unresolved wire pair shall be taken for 7.2 Range of CR System Classification
determination of the unsharpness value corresponding to Prac- 7.2.1 For computed radiographic examination, CR system
tice E 2002. This is the first wire pair, which is projected with classes will be determined by the following procedures:
a dip between the wires of less than 20 % (see Fig. 3). The 7.2.2 The CR system classification is defined by minimum
basic spatial resolution SR corresponds to one half of the normalized SNR-values (SNRIPx) shown in Table 1 and the
measured unsharpness. value of the achievable maximum basic spatial system resolu- The basic spatial resolution shall be measured both tion SRmax in µm.
perpendicular and parallel to the scanning direction of the laser. 7.2.3 The classification statement consists of two values:
The higher value of both SR-values (SRmax) shall be used as The assignment to an IP-class in agreement with
maximum basic spatial resolution for classification. It should Table 1, The measured normalized SNR shall be greater or
be rounded to the next 10 µm step. equal to the assigned value of the minimum normalized SNR in
NOTE 6—If a system has a basic spatial resolution of 200 µm in scan Table 1.
direction of the laser, and 100 µm perpendicular to the scan direction, then The measured maximum basic spatial resolution,
the final maximum basic spatial system resolution is SRmax= 200 µm. rounded to the nearest 10 µm.

E 2446 – 05
7.2.4 The statement shall be given in the following form: TABLE 2 Determination of ISO Speed SISO from Dose KS(in Gray)
IP_X/Y. Needed for an IP Read-Out Intensity of IIPx
Log10Ks ISO Speed SISO
NOTE 7—For example, a system classified as IP_II/100 is characterized
From To
by a normalized SNR $52 (see Table 1) and a maximum basic spatial
resolution #100 µm. -4.66 -4.56 40000
-4.55 -4.46 32000
7.2.5 The basic spatial resolution shall be determined with -4.45 -4.36 25000
the duplex wire method (see 6.3.1) and the normalized SNR -4.35 -4.26 20000
-4.25 -4.16 16000
shall be calculated in accordance with Eq 3.
7.2.6 All tests under Practice E 2445, other evaluations, -4.15 -4.06 12500
shall be positive for systems classification. They shall fulfill the -4.05 -3.96 10000
-3.95 -3.86 8000
requirements and shall show no deviations from the described -3.85 -3.76 6300
properties. -3.75 -3.66 5000
7.3 Determination of ISO Speed (Manufacturer Procedure)
-3.65 -3.56 4000
7.3.1 The ISO speed SISO is calculated by the dose KS, -3.55 -3.46 3200
which is needed for exposure of an IP with the intensity value -3.45 -3.36 2500
IIPx by SISO= KS-1(Ks in gray). The ISO speed shall be given -3.35 -3.26 2000
-3.25 -3.16 1600
corresponding to each system class, which can be achieved -3.15 -3.06 1250
with a system.
-3.05 -2.96 1000
NOTE 8—For the same CR system, different ISO speeds are given for -2.95 -2.86 800
different system classes. -2.85 -2.76 640
-2.75 -2.66 500
7.3.2 The CR system manufacturer will provide the ISO -2.65 -2.56 400
speeds and the IIpx-values depending on the imaging plate type,
-2.55 -2.46 320
the scanner and software used and its parameters. The ISO -2.45 -2.36 250
speed may be determined in steps corresponding to the values -2.35 -2.26 200
of Table 2. -2.25 -2.16 160
-2.15 -2.06 125
8. Precision and Bias
-2.05 -1.96 100
8.1 No statement is made about either the precision or bias -1.95 -1.86 80
-1.85 -1.76 64
of this practice for measuring classification of CR systems. The -1.75 -1.66 50
results merely state whether there is conformance to the criteria -1.65 -1.56 40
for success specified in the procedure.
9. Keywords
9.1 basic spatial resolution.; classification; computed radi-
ology; CR; film system classification; normalized SNR; photo-
stimulated luminescence; PSL

E 2446 – 05


(Mandatory Information)

A1. Example for IIPx measurement

A1.1 The IP system classes below do not refer to any TABLE A1.1 Examples of Minimum Reference Read-Out
specific manufacturer’s phosphor imaging plates. These differ- Intensities for CR-System Classes of the System Manufacturer A,
System ABC 123, Tested at Certain Date and Valid Up to the Next
ent IP classes from IP Special/Y to IP III/Y refer to what is Calibration Date
required (in performance parameters) of any manufacturer’s
CR system class Minimum Minimum linear System
CR system to qualify under these four specific classes. Signal/noise Reference Read- parameters
ratio SNRIPx out intensity IIpx
A1.2 For example, it is possible that a single IP or CR
ASTM IP Special /140 130 7.30 106 All gains, basic
system, supplied by one manufacturer, could qualify to meet all spatial
ASTM IP I/140 65 0.37 106
four classes. With “film radiography” each specific film type/ resolution 140
ASTM IP II/140 52 0,20 106 µm, scan
system falls into only one system class (see Test Method speed: 10 µs/
E 1815). With computed radiography, the same IP could ASTM IP III/140 43 0,14 106
theoretically qualify for all four classes. This is due to the wide
dynamic range of computed radiography versus that of a
normal film/screen system. Short exposure can be compensated below this value are not detected or found with lower SNR than
by a sensitive read-out scan. The classification is usually low with film systems.
(for example, IP III/Y). The same plate could be given more A1.4 For clarification of the algorithm of determination of
exposure and be scanned with low gain of the electronic IIPx-values (reference read-out values), the following proce-
system. The thickness contrast sensitivity will be improved just dure is presented, based on a measurement example:
by selection of these two parameters. The system can now be
A1.4.1 Measure the log (intensity) versus log (exposure)
classified higher (for example, IP I/Y).
curve and the normalized SNR versus log (exposure) curve
A1.3 This practice shall provide a guide for the user to corresponding to Fig. A1.1 and Fig. A1.2. For gamma sources
check the image quality and classification of a CR system by the exposure values are determined by source activity · time
providing reference minimum read-out intensities for exposed and for X-rays by tube current · time. The SDD shall be always
and scanned IP images (read-out value: IIpx also called gray constant (for example, 1000 mm (40 in.)).
value). This is similar to the measurement of the optical density A1.4.2 Take from the normalized SNR versus log (exposure)
in film radiography. The reference read out values in Table the exposure values for the IP classes: IP Special/Y to IP III/Y
A1.1 correspond to values of comparable exposed and devel- (see Fig. A1.1).
oped X-ray film systems having an optical density of $2.0 A1.4.3 Measure from the determined exposure values the
over fog in the region of interest. Now, the user can assume that IIPx values in the log (intensity) versus log (exposure) (Fig.
he obtains comparable image quality with IP’s on analogy to A1.2).
film systems, classified by Test Method E 1815. If the user still A1.4.4 Read the IIPx values and document them in a table.
observes differences in the image quality (for example, by IQI Table A1.1 shows a typical example, which is based on Figs.
sensitivity), this may be basically due to differences in the A1.1 and A1.2.
spatial resolution and scatter sensitivity of X-ray film systems NOTE A1.1—The optimum scaling of the axis of diagrams correspond-
and CR systems. This is also the reason why CR classification ing to Fig. A1.1 in linear, logarithmic or another way may depend on the
is extended by the basic spatial resolution value. Fine defects scanner type and manufacturer.

E 2446 – 05

Step exposure method in accordance with 6.1.1.

X-log (exposure time 3 tube current) in mAs or log(Dose).
FIG. A1.1 Scheme for the determination of minimum reference read-out intensities IIPx for CR systems. The X-values for the different
classes are determined from the intersections of the SNR-curve with the SNRIPx-values of Table 1.

E 2446 – 05

Step exposure method in accordance with 6.1.1.

X-log (exposure time · tube current) in mAs or log(Dose).
FIG. A1.2 Scheme for the determination of reference minimum read-out intensities IIPx for CR systems. The IIPx-values are measured
from the intersections of the intensity curve with X-value arrows taken from Fig. A1.1.

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responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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