Design Thinking - Detailed Notes
Design Thinking - Detailed Notes
Design Thinking - Detailed Notes
Design thinking is used extensively in the area of healthcare and wellness, agriculture, food security, education, financial services, and
environmental sustainability, to name a few.Design thinking has helped in the digital space, contributed to the development of physical
products, spurred social innovation projects and much more.
The iterative design process helps the designers to involve clients and customers in meaningful ways. It is not just a strategy to come up
with feasible solutions to a problem, but also a method to think of unimaginable solutions and then trying to make them not just feasible,
but also viable.
Design thinking is a blend of logic, powerful imagination, systematic reasoning and intuition to bring to the table the ideas that promise
to solve the problems of the clients with desirable outcomes. It helps to bring creativity with business insights.
Infosys Ltd., India’s second largest IT-based company providing business consulting, information technology and software engineering
services, has also made design thinking a mandatory skill to be acquired by each of its employee. 1/44
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Stanford University in the United States and the University of Potsdam in Germany have also promoted design thinking, citing it as one of the
most useful skills for professionals.
Design thinking is a five-step process, where each step focuses on a specific goal. Each of the steps is independent of the next step but is
borne out of the previous step. Design thinkers are expected not to think of the following steps when working on one step.
For example, it is not recommended to think of solutions, when the problem is being defined. The problem definition must be written in detail
without missing any point, even if it makes finding a solution difficult. In this tutorial, we will understand the importance of design thinking, its 2/44
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impact of strategy development and we will then explore each of the steps of design thinking. 3/44
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Most of the challenges in the world do not get solved because people trying to address those problems focus too much on the problem
statement. At other times, the problem statement is overlooked and there is too much stress to find a solution.
Design thinking helps to gain a balance between the problem statement and the solution developed. A design-oriented mindset is not
problem focused, but solution focused and action oriented. It has to involve both analysis and imagination. Design thinking is the way of
resolving issues and dissolving problematic situations by the help of design.
Strategy of Innovation 4/44
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Design thinking is also considered to be a strategy for innovation. It leads to dramatic improvements in innovation. This is why design thinking
forms the core of effective strategy development and seamless organizational change. Anything that involves human interaction, from
products, services, processes etc., can be improved through design thinking. It all depends on the designer’s way to create, manage, lead,
and innovate. 5/44
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Design thinking helps people of every profession to arrive at solutions in a planned, organized, and systematic manner. The step-by-step
process helps to create solutions with both the problem statement and the required solution in mind. 6/44
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Design thinking helps in businesses by optimizing the process of product creation, marketing, and renewal of contracts. All these processes
require a companywide focus on the customer and hence, design thinking helps in these processes immensely. Design thinking helps the
design thinkers to develop deep empathy for their customers and to create solutions that match their needs exactly. The solutions are not
delivered just for the sake of technology.
Information Technology
The IT industry makes a lot of products that require trials and proof of concepts. The industry needs to empathize with its users and not simply
deploy technologies. IT is not only about technology or products, but also its processes. The developers, analysts, consultants, and managers
have to brainstorm on possible ideas for solving the problems of the clients. This is where design thinking helps a lot.
The education sector can make the best use of design thinking by taking feedback from students on their requirements, goals and challenges
they are facing in the classroom. By working on their feedback, the instructors can come up with solutions to address their challenges.
For example, Michael Schurr, a 2nd grade instructor from New York, realized that his students would be more comfortable with bulletin boards
lowered. He also found the idea of creating comfortable semi-private space for working students as it provided them space to study. As a
result, his students became more engaged and felt free to move.
Design thinking helps in healthcare as well. The expenditure on healthcare by the government and the cost of healthcare facilities is growing
by the day. Experts worldwide are concerned about how to bring quality healthcare to people at low cost.
Venice Family Clinic in Venice, California has come up with innovative solutions to the challenge of opening a low-cost children’s clinic to serve
the low-income families. Problems of finance, transportation, and language barriers had to be solved. And all this had to be done at low cost
for the poor kids. Fostering good health along with profits was a challenge, as it does not sound sustainable. Using design thinking, the
inefficiencies in the system and the perennial crises were addressed.
This was followed by mind-blowing innovations to serve the children. How they solved the various issues will be seen in the later sections of
the tutorial. 7/44
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In one of his experiments, he took two groups of students; one group consisted of final year students in architecture, whereas the other group
comprised of post graduate science students. The two groups were asked to create one-layer structures with a set of colored boxes. The
perimeter of the structure had to optimize either the red or the blue color; however, there were unspecified rules governing the placement and
relationship of some of the blocks.
Lawson found that − 8/44
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“The scientists adopted a technique of trying out a series of designs which used as many different blocks and combinations of blocks as
quickly as possible. Thus they tried to maximize the information available to them about the allowed combinations. If they could discover
the rule governing which combinations of blocks were allowed they could then search for an arrangement, which would the required color
around the layout. [problem-focused] By contrast, the architects selected their blocks in order to achieve the appropriately colored
If this proved not to be an acceptable combination, then the next most favorably colored block combination would be substituted and so
on until an acceptable solution was discovered. [solution-focused]”
− Bryan Lawson, How Designers Think 9/44
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In this chapter, we will see the difference between two ways of solution-based thinking, i.e. Analysis and Synthesis, and also get to know how it
helps in design thinking.
Analysis is derived from the Greek word ‘analusis’, which translates into ‘breaking up’ in English. Analysis is older than the times of great
philosophers like Aristotle and Plato. As discussed in the previous section, analysis is the process of breaking down a big single entity into
multiple fragments. It is a deduction where a bigger concept is broken down to smaller ones. This breaking down into smaller fragments is
necessary for improved understanding.
So, how does analysis help in design thinking? During analysis, design thinkers are required to break down the problem statement into smaller
parts and study each one of them separately. The different smaller components of the problem statement are to be solved one-by-one, if
possible. Then, solutions are thought for each of the small problems. Brainstorming is done over each of the solutions.
Later, a feasibility check is done to include the feasible and viable solutions. The solutions that don’t stand firm on the grounds of feasibility
and viability are excluded from the set of solutions to be considered.
Design thinkers are, then, encouraged to connect with the diverse ideas and examine the way each idea was composed. This process of
breaking down the bigger problem statement at hand into multiple smaller problem statements and examining each as a separate entity is
called analysis.
The underlying assumption in analysis is reductionism. Reductionism states that the reality around us can be reduced down to invisible parts.
The embodiment of this principle is found in basic axioms of analytic geometry, which says “the whole is equal to the sum of its parts”.
However, understanding of a system cannot be developed by analysis alone. Hence, synthesis is required following analysis.
Synthesis refers to the process of combining the fragmented parts into an aggregated whole. It is an activity that is done at the end of the
scientific or creative inquiry. This process leads to creation of a coherent bigger entity, which is something new and fresh. How does synthesis
come into picture in design thinking?
Once the design thinkers have excluded the non-feasible and non-viable solutions and have zeroed-in on the set of feasible and viable
solutions, it is time for the thinkers to put together their solutions. 10/44
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Out of 10 available solutions, around 2-3 solutions may need to be excluded since they may not fit into the larger picture, i.e. the actual
solution. This is where synthesis helps.
The design thinkers start from a big entity called the problem statement and then end up with another bigger entity, i.e. the solution. The
solution is completely different from the problem statement. During synthesis, it is ensured that the different ideas are in sync with each other
and do not lead to conflicts.
Case Study
Problem Statement − Suppose the problem statement at hand is to contain the attrition that happens in companies worldwide. High quality
employees leave the organization, mainly after the appraisal cycle. As a result, an average company loses its valuable human resources and 11/44
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suffers from an overhead of transferring the knowledge to a new employee. This takes time and additional human resource in the form of a
trainer, which adds to the company’s costs. Devise a plan to contain attrition in the company.
Analysis − Now, let’s break down the problem statement into various constituent parts. Following are the subparts of the same problem
statement, broken down to elementary levels.
The employees are not motivated anymore to work in the company.
Appraisal cycle has something to do with attrition.
Knowledge transfer is necessary for new employees.
Knowledge transfer adds to the cost of the company.
Synthesis − Now, let's start solving each problem individually. In this step, we will do synthesis. Let's look at one problem at a time and try to
find a solution only for that problem statement, without thinking of other problem statements.
To solve the problem of lack of motivation, the management can plan some sort of incentives that can be given on a regular basis. The
efforts put in by the employees must be rewarded well. This will keep the employees motivated.
To solve the issue of occurrence of attrition during appraisal cycle, the management can conduct a meeting with the employees
leaving the organization, and take their insight as to what led them to leave the company.
For knowledge transfer, the management can hire only those people who are experts in a domain.
Regarding concerns for budget of knowledge transfer, the management can have a document prepared by experts in a domain and
this document can be uploaded on intranet. This can be made available to new joinees. Hence, additional human resource is not
required for knowledge transfer and this will reduce the figures in the company's budget.
Now, if we observe carefully, the third solution may not be feasible all the time. We cannot be assured of expert professionals coming for
interviews all the time. Moreover, expert professionals demand more compensation than not-so-expert professionals. This will increase the
company's budget.
Hence, we will now combine the other three solutions to form a coherent one. The final solution will be for the management to first have a talk
with the employees leaving the organization to know the reasons behind attrition, then come up with awards in suitable categories and then,
create an easily and universally accessible document in the organization for knowledge transfer.
This way, analysis and synthesis together help in design thinking process. Design thinkers start with breaking down a problem into smaller
problems that can be handled and studied easily. Then, the different solutions are combined to form a coherent single solution. 12/44
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A stimulus is provided to the design thinker and that prompts creative elaboration of ideas by the thinker.
Divergent thinking is supposed to enhance creativity of thinkers. The term ‘Divergent Thinking’ was first coined by J. P. Guilford in 1956. The
Free Association Theory of Creativity says that concepts are connected inside our brains as semantic networks. Psychologists have claimed
that the difference in creativity levels of people is dependent on the type of semantic networks of concepts inside the human mind. Following
are the two types of connections − 14/44
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The design thinkers with flat networks are those with numerous loose conceptual connections. They are more creative. The people with steep
networks are more logical, because of the linear associations between the nodes. Because divergent thinking proceeds in a non-linear fashion,
a person with flat associative network will be more successful in divergent thinking.
Before getting into the exercise of design thinking, a person has to find out what type of thinker the person is. If a person can think of diverse
solutions, without any pre-determined set of solutions, then the person is a divergent thinker. Let’s take a look at an exercise on divergent
Case Study
Problem Statement − The process of knowledge transfer is a huge problem for the organization. Let’s call our organization ‘DT’. DT wants to
eliminate the overhead of shelling out extra money and investing time for transferring knowledge to its new employees. The problem statement
at hand is “Knowledge transfer adds to the cost of the company”. Let’s think of ways to eliminate or at least, reduce the cost to the company.
Solution − Following can be some of the possible and even not-so-possible solutions.
DT can eliminate the process of knowledge transfer.
DT can conduct classroom sessions for knowledge transfer, where a large number of new employees can be seated and just one
instructor can deliver sessions to many employees at once. This will reduce the cost as the number of paid instructors required will be
DT can come up with a document for knowledge transfer and can mail it to every new employee. The employees can go through the
document and hence, can selfhelp for knowledge transfer.
DT can ask the employees to search for material online to gain knowledge of new tools and processes, which are currently in use in
the industry.
DT can hire only those employees who have adequate knowhow of tools and techniques that DT works on. This will eliminate the
need of knowledge transfer.
There may be many other solutions that may come to your mind. Write them down on a sheet of paper. Here, we won’t focus on whether a
solution is possible, feasible or viable. We just need to bring ideas to the table, no matter how absurd they may sound. This is called the
process of divergent thinking, where a thinker is free to move or flow in any direction. 15/44
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Convergent thinking is the type of thinking in which a thinker is generally supposed to come up with a single well-established best-possible
solution to a problem. This step delivers the best and a concrete solution to a problem statement, taking into account all the factors and
requirements specified in the problem statement.
Convergent thinking requires speed, accuracy, efficiency, logical reasoning, and techniques. A thinker is supposed to recognize the patterns,
reapply a few techniques, and accumulate and organize the stored information.
Hiring only those employees who are experienced enough and who don’t need knowledge transfer. 16/44
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Now, looking at the five ideas, it can be easily said that option 1 is not feasible. Every employee does not have an idea of a company’s tools
and techniques and hence, cannot be expected to survive without knowledge transfer.
For the same reason, option 5 is also not acceptable. The best practices of a company are seldom known to new employees and taking an
assumption about an employee’s knowledge level is a huge mistake. It is considered to be a good HR practice to have knowledge transfer
session for new employees.
If we go by option 4, we are not assured of the pace at which learning will happen for the new employees. Each employee can take variable
amount of time to grasp the concepts. The time taken to search materials online and read them is an overhead in itself and it cannot be
Hence, the two better options that remain are option 2 and option 3. However, one cannot correctly estimate the effectiveness of a document
for knowledge transfer. It is similar to reading materials online. Hence, the best option available is to have an instructor teaching employees in
a classroom program.
Although, the employees won’t get personal attention at times, yet by maintaining a fine balance between the strength of the batch and the
length of class, this can be the best option to reduce cost and overhead. The reduction in the number of instructors will lead to less
expenditure for DT and at the same time, the effectiveness of a paid instructor will remain, making the process of knowledge transfer as
effective as before.
The Ambiguity Rule − This rule requires all design thinkers to preserve ambiguity in the process design thinking. 17/44
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The Re-design Rule − The re-design rule states that all designs are basically examples of re-design.
The Tangibility Rule − The tangibility rule states that making ideas tangible always facilitates communication between design
These four principles form the foundation of the design thinking process. A design thinker needs to form his ideas and put them forward based
on these principles.
The Challenges
The next attribute is called as the ‘wicked problems’. These are the challenges that are faced by the design thinkers. Design thinking helps
the designers in almost all professions to tackle these wicked problems. These challenges are supposed to be ill-defined or tricky.
Horst Rittel was the first person to refer to such problems with the word ‘wicked problems’. In the case of ill-defined problems, the problem
statement and the solution are both unknown at the beginning of the design thinking exercise. In well-defined problems, at least the problem
statement is clear and the solution is available through technical knowledge. 18/44
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In wicked problems, the design thinker may have a general idea of the problem, but significant amount of time and effort goes into requirement
analysis. Requirement gathering, problem definition, and problem shaping are major parts of this aspect of design thinking.
The Aha-Moment
Once the design thinker has spent considerable amount of time in finding a solution, there occurs a moment when the thinker suddenly finds
his way clear of all obstructions. This is the moment when the solution or a bright idea strikes the thinker’s mind. The aha-moment is the time
when the results of convergent thinking and divergent thinking, analysis, problem definition and shaping, requirements analysis and the nature
of the problem all come together and the best resolution is captured.
At the aha-moment, the process of design thinking begins to appear clear, which actually appears hazy and unidirectional before the moment.
The focus on the solution grows clear after this moment and the final product or the final solution is constructed hereafter.
Design Methods
Every design discipline makes use of a set of specific techniques, rules, and ways of doing things. These are called design methods. The
methods include tasks like interviewing, creating user profiles, searching for other available solutions in the world, creating mind maps,
creating prototypes for solving a problem and asking for answers to questions like five whys.
The ‘five whys’ is an iterative interrogative technique, which is used to explore the causeand-effect relationships underlying a particular
problem. The technique helps to determine the root cause of any problem by repeating the question ‘Why?’ Each question forms the basis of
the next question. This technique is developed by Sakichi Toyoda. This helps to find the root cause of many problems faced by designers. Five
whys technique is used for root cause analysis. 19/44
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Use of Analogies
It is imperative for a design thinker to find logic even in ill-defined problems that contain obscure relationships. This issue can be addressed
using analogies. Visual thinking can help by correlating different internal representations, such as images, to develop an understanding of ill-
defined elements of a situation. 20/44
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The questions being asked must be open questions. No such question should be asked for which the interviewee can answer only in
Yes or No. Such binary questions must be avoided.
The interviewer must have plenty of ‘why’ questions. Here, the ‘five whys’ method can help.
The themes of the questions must not be intermingled. The themes must be arranged properly and questions pertaining to a particular
theme must be asked together.
The questions must be refined thoroughly so that no trace of ambiguity is left in them.
Let’s take a deeper look at this section using the example of DT’s problem statement. To fully understand DT’s problem, we need to engage in
an interview with DT employees, those who are working and even those who are leaving. It is important for us, as design thinkers, to observe,
engage, and listen to the interviewee. To create meaningful innovations, we need to understand the needs of the customer and know how it
feels. Following can be few of the questions that can be asked to the employees. 21/44
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What are the issues that the employees have complained about in the past regarding their workplace?
What is the current methodology of knowledge transfer program and how effective is it?
How can the budget allocated to knowledge transfer program be increased or decreased?
What are the indispensable resources and pre-requisites for a knowledge transfer program? 22/44
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Once these questions have been answered, we can proceed to the further steps with more clarity. This way, a design thinker will be able to
cover all the necessary details related to the problem, gather all the requirements and think of the solutions with an exhaustive set of facts and
information in hand. This will help in converging at a solution that takes into consideration the answers of all the questions.
The first step towards defining a problem is to find who the user is, what is his/her/their needs and then develop insights from the answers.
Think of ‘How might we?’ questions. For example, ‘how might we motivate the employees in DT?’, ‘How might we address the concern on the
connection between appraisal ratings and attrition?’, ‘How might we reduce the cost of knowledge transfer program without compromising its
quality and the mandatory pre-requisite resources?’ and many other questions along the similar lines.
But how do we generate such questions. In short, “How might we generate the ‘how might we’ questions?” The following guidelines will help a
design thinker to come up with such questions.
Amplify the good − A design thinker must think how to amplify the positive aspects of the customers’ needs. For instance, we can
think of how to boost the morale of the employees who are not leaving the company or how to increase the quality of knowledge
transfer program in DT.
Eliminate the bad − Design thinkers need to remove all the bad elements observed in the problem. In case of DT problem, we have
to remove the problem of high costs of knowledge transfer and the lack of motivation in the company. We also need to remove the
negative effect that appraisal ratings have on employees.
Explore the opposite − Design thinkers need to brainstorm on how to convert the problem into an opportunity. In the case of DT, we
can think of how the lack of motivation can become an opportunity for employees to ideate and suggest a way to bring more
motivation and energy in the workplace.
Question the Assumptions − This step involves questioning the assumption at hand. It is assumed that DT needs knowledge
transfer for its new employees. Is it really indispensable to have this knowledge transfer process in place? 23/44
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Identify the Unexpected Resources − Design thinkers should try to find whether some other resources not mentioned by the
customer can be leveraged? In case of DT, think of how we can use some other resources to train the employees or to motivate the
employees in the organization.
Create an Analogy − Design thinking also involves, among many other things, how to create connections between the problem at
hand and unrelated images. DT can think of similar cases or situations where such problem of knowledge transfer and motivation of
people is at stake. DT can think how problems had been solved there.
Break the Problem into Pieces − This is where again analysis comes into picture for a short while before the problem definition can
be synthesized. The points discussed from ‘empathize’ section can be broken down into elementary fragments to make the work
Working over each aspect, we come across the following problem statement – "How should DT motivate its existing employees along with
training its new human resources effectively at low cost?"
You can create your own problem statement as well, which may be even better than the one above. 24/44
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In this process, design thinkers also resort to the use of boards, sticky notes, sketching, chart papers, mind maps, etc. We will take a look at
mind maps later in this section. Design thinkers also build on the ideas of other design thinkers. All solutions suggested by design thinkers are
brought to the table and thought over. There are rules for brainstorming. They are as follows.
Focus must be on the quantity and not on quality. In this step, the group must have large number of ideas with them.
Think out of the blue. Wild ideas must be encouraged even if they invoke plain humor or seem impossible.
The group leader must defer judgment. The fellow thinkers also need to suspend judgment. Judgmental attitude leads to an
obstruction for the thinkers.
Visualization is important. The design thinkers must create a visual picture of the problem statement and then try to see a visual image
of their ideas as well.
Build on each other’s ideas. Support other ideas and build on them through group discussions and healthy debates.
Mind Maps
Mind map is a diagram that helps to observe and study information in a visual manner. Mind map is created around a single problem statement
and all the ideas to solve the problem are written around it. The problem statement usually is written at the center of a blank page as a hub
and branches shoot out in all directions representing the solutions.
The ideas can be represented as text, images, trees, and even smaller mind maps. The entire map looks like a top view of a tree, with the
problem statement as the trunk and the solutions as branches. It is also known by the name of spider diagram.
However, mind map is not a mere haphazard diagram. It is a well-structured organized diagram meant to aid the thinking process and to
streamline the analysis and synthesis process. The guidelines to create a mind map are as follows.
Use images, different colors, symbols, caricatures, abbreviations and codes to depict your ideas. Text can be boring, but different
depictions can add an altogether different charm to your mind map.
Keywords must replace long statements. The mind map must give a hint to the design thinker about an idea quickly. Reading a long
statement is waste of time.
Each and every word written in the mind map must be connected to the central hub by some or other line or set of lines. 26/44
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Ideate process can also be done with the help of sketches, screens, and storyboards. There are teams in corporate organizations which have
large whiteboards and they paste their ideas on it using sticky notes. Different categories of ideas are represented in sticky notes of different
colors and this helps in segregation of ideas. 27/44
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The main idea behind the ideate step in design thinking process is to generate ideas and try to segregate them into categories. This helps in
brainstorming without judgment, helps in bringing all the ideas to the table and helps proceed to the next step called ‘Prototyping’, where the
ideas are checked for their feasibility and value.
Introduce a bond period for the employees so that they don’t leave soon.
Eliminate knowledge transfer program. 29/44
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This is when we can draw analogy with similar situations. Take for example the case of schools. The knowledge transfer program is nothing
much different than schools teaching the students. How does a school manage to keep the students motivated towards studies? How does a
school teach the kids?
If we draw the analogy, we would understand that in schools, a single teacher teaches around 30-40 kids in a classroom. To keep them
focused on studies, exams are conducted periodically. Using digital technology, smart classrooms teach kids using videos, presentations, and
audio aids.
The same model can be replicated in DT company as well. We can have a single instructor teaching the new employees with the help of
videos and presentations. A proctored exam will help to assess the learning levels of the new employees.
Creation of experience
Getting feedback
The step of prototyping is the one in which the end user comes into picture. The end user is actively involved in this component of design
thinking. All the feedback is taken from the customer, and based on the criticisms, suggestions, and appreciations received, the design
thinkers create a better solution after iterating the process of design thinking’s first three steps, viz. Empathize, Define, and Ideate.
Prototyping requires thinkers to create tangible products, which can be small-scale models of the exact solution.
The prototype is meant solely for the end user. There is no value in the prototype in case the user does not feel comfortable and satisfied with
it. Once the prototype has been developed, the next steps are as follows.
Take the end user through the prototype and let him/her experience it completely.
Throughout the experience, make the user speak about his moment-by-moment experience. This will help you, as a design thinker, to
capture the minute details of the experience.
Try to actively observe and enthusiastically engage with the user during the experience.
Once the experience is over, follow up with the user who had the experience with a set of questions. It will be better if the set of
questions is not impromptu and is prepared beforehand. 31/44
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Final Prototype
So, our prototype looks like this. We can renovate a small section of the company’s premise, for example, a small section in the ground floor of
a building of the company, which will have motivational posters pasted on walls. A set of team-building activities willbe conducted for a week
and feedback will be taken from the employees on how they felt about it. We need to understand if they felt happy to have such an activity
inside DT.
In the meantime, a single instructor led classroom session can be organized for a week for all new joinees and feedback can be taken on their
level of satisfaction over the session. An exam will check their learning levels as well.
Along similar lines, many other prototypes can be created for testing.
Iterate Phase
If the end-user is not satisfied with the results, the design thinker will need to frame a new problem definition by incorporating the insights from
the last Test phase and will have to again empathize in a better way with the end user. Ideate process will be repeated, followed by prototyping
and another round of Testing. If Test phase fails to give positive results again, another round of iteration will have to be done. This way, the
process of design thinking can stretch infinitely as well. 33/44
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supervision. This model won’t find place in the areas were the operations deal with operating large machines. For getting hands-on
experience, the employees will need to have the instructor giving them individual attention. For this, either a large number of instructors are
required or the duration of knowledge transfer program has to be increased, which will lead to increase in costs.
The design thinkers will need to draft a new problem definition and will have to brainstorm for ideas to solve the new issue and to have a
uniform solution implemented across the company.
Their products have been a result of design thinking process. The organization drives all the aspects of design process, from identification of
high impact opportunities to scaling up its impact. Its process is as follows.
Identify − The organization identifies high impact opportunities that can increase the incomes or health of more than 1 million people
who live on less than $4 a day.
Design − The design of products take place considering the fact that it must be capable of meeting the target customers’ needs. This
step takes care of manufacturing, distribution, and servicing.
Deliver − The products are integrated into the market to maximize and sustain the impact. These products are delivered to the users.
Scale and Measure − Maximum global impact requires scaling up. The organization also measures if the product is reaching the
people and places in need of the products.
The organization has come up with an innovative idea of ReMotion Knee. This is a high performance knee joint for the amputees of the
developing world. The team realized the issue that globally over 30,000,000 people need mobility devices for their locomotion. Around 80%
of the amputees globally don’t have access to modern prosthetics.
Existing low cost knees throw up a lot of limitations to mobility to the users. Using design principles, D-Rev came up with a solution called
‘ReMotion Knee’. The device is durable, water resistant, and lightweight along with being affordable. Its price is below $80. The universal
design, noise dampening facility, and other features make it a good solution for amputees.
Similarly, design principles helped D-Rev to come up with a solution for the death of newborn babies due to diseases like jaundice. Every rear,
around 6 million babies don’t receive the adequate treatment that they must receive to survive severe jaundice. Current treatment devices are 35/44
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quite expensive. 95% of the devices in the low-cost hospitals and clinics did not meet the standards set forth by American Academy of
The product called ‘Brilliance’ brought by the innovative minds of D-Rev is set to solve this issue in hospitals where the sickest kids are
treated. The product needs minimal maintenance, which helps to save cost. It is energy efficient and holds the promise of solving the issue of
newborn deaths.
The problem of people, especially kids, dying of malaria in Africa was also addressed by DRev. Moreover, the non-profit organization also
realized that the farmers who live below $4 a day cannot afford access to appropriate information on the latest farming practices and
technologies. However, the awareness of the latest farming practices and technologies can increase the income of these farmers by manifolds.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the Access for Agriculture, which was a comparative landscape study.
D-Rev surveyed 12 available devices for information on their cost and features. The farmers’ feedback was also taken. This experiment
happened in India. D-Rev was interested in creating an affordable and effective solution to provide the farmers with the latest farming practices
and technologies.
A number of other projects were also taken up by D-Rev. D-Rev remains as one of the leading examples of design thinking success.
REDLab Group
Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education has a REDLab group which conducts research on how to apply design thinking in
kindergarten, 1st to 12th grade, secondary and post-secondary academic settings. The REDLab group has teamed up with Hasso Plattner
Institute to create Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program, which works for applying rigorous academic methods to understand the
reasons behind the success and failure of design thinking programs. 36/44
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In schools, students normally attempt exams in the form of question-answers based test, fill in the blanks or match case type of questions. All
these don’t prepare the students for a society that is complex and has much more to it than plain facts.
Tools at Schools
The Tools at Schools group once conducted an activity with the 8th grade students in The School at Columbia University. The activity included
redesigning a locker, chair or desk to suit the requirements of 21st century students. Design thinking was applied in this activity and the results
were displayed in International Contemporary Furniture Fair. Design thinking also helps the pupils to learn how to work collaboratively in a
The Victoria-Cedar Alliance in Singapore offers a six-year Imagineering Program. This program offers an opportunity for the students to gain a
deeper understanding of social issues, develop empathy and work to improve the lives of fellow human beings.
In education, design thinking helps the students to understand that they can create their own future by borrowing frameworks from other areas.
This enables them to design their own experiences and participation.
Design thinking also helps in pedagogy. Teachers find it easy to find solutions by learning from the experiences of others, rather than just
reading contents of a book. The collaborative activities help the teachers to teach the concepts in a better fashion to the kids.
IDEO Example
In 2008, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation asked IDEO to codify the process of design thinking. The foundation wanted the code to be used
by grassroots level NGOs to solve problems for small farmers in the developing nations. A team from IDEO worked for months in association
with the International Center for Research on Women, Heifer International, and International Development Enterprise to get insights into the
process of designing new products. These products, processes, and services were to be integrated with IDEO’s new process.
As a result of this partnership program, the Human Centered Design Toolkit was developed. This methodology allowed organizations to use
design thinking process themselves. 38/44
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The problem is that the womenfolk cannot bring the heavy containers of water back to their homes
from the plant. Such problems can be solved by design thinking process. Consider it as an exercise
to think of ideas how this problem faced by the villagers can be solved by design thinking
methodology. 39/44
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Solving the customers’ problems requires an intuitive thinking and understanding by observing exemplary use cases or scenarios. Hypotheses
and theories are not encouraged. This intuitive understanding is developed by design thinking principles. After getting the problem statement
from the client, the engineers are supposed to brainstorm on ideas and suggest solutions to the client.
Before ideas can be thought of, it is imperative for the engineers to do an in-depth requirements gathering. This helps to understand the exact
needs of the client and also helps to make the analysis and synthesis easier. In a Waterfall model, which is different than the Agile model, the
process starts with requirements gathering, followed by creating the visual designs and then occurs the development of solution. Testing is the
last step in the model. Looking closely, it is similar to the process of design thinking.
The IT engineers today are supposed to understand the problem statement in the exact manner as felt by the client. Otherwise, both the
solution and the time invested will fail. Once requirements have been gathered, only then can the developers start thinking of programmatic
The solutions that are developed are sent for the client’s experience. The feedback given by the client helps the designers and developers to
iterate the process of software development. Design thinking has been used extensively in IT companies to brainstorm for solutions towards 40/44
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customer’s problems. The advantages of using design thinking in IT industry for software development are as follows.
The solutions are prototyped.
The results are verified.
The best solutions are accepted.
The solutions are experienced by the client before approval.
Short iterations are possible to improve the user experience.
Small cross-functional teams.
Incremental delivery is possible.
Fast feedback helps the designers and developers.
Continuous improvement is possible.
The use of design thinking principles have grown so much in the IT industry that nowadays world-renowned companies like Infosys have made
it mandatory for its employees across the globe to undergo design thinking courses and get certified as a design thinker. 41/44
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The concept of design thinking is central to the process of developing software solutions, which target the exact needs of the customer and
have the flexibility of getting modified in an iteration process based on the feedback given by the client.
A competition was held amongst the providers. Five of these providers were provided seed funding for their ideas and this helped in buying
new vehicles, new equipment, etc. In another case, in India, an NGO found that with better water filtration systems and good transport
facilities, the subscription to clean water increased fourfold. These examples show how design thinking can help in healthcare.
Divergent thinking is followed by convergent thinking, where the suggested ideas are tested on the grounds of feasibility, viability, and
innovation. Synthesis takes the help of convergent thinking to come up with the final best possible solution.
The entire flow of design thinking is generally broken down into five components. These components are −
Empathize or Understand
Test or Verify 43/44
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In Empathize stage, the design thinker puts himself or herself into the shoes of the end user and tries to understand the needs of the
customer. A lot of interview, field visits, etc. are required for gathering the information on the requirements. This phase has the customer
directly involved in the design thinking process.
Once the requirements are clear, the Define stage helps to frame the problem definition. Problem shaping occurs in this phase itself.
In the Ideate phase, a design thinker brainstorms on the ideas suggested by others and also brings forward his/her own ideas. The ideas are
not tested on the grounds of feasibility or viability.
The influx of ideas is represented as a mind map or as a storyboard or a document. In the Prototype phase, a design thinker focuses on
testing the ideas on the grounds of feasibility and viability. The unfeasible ideas are discarded and the feasible ones are converted to
prototypes. The process of prototyping helps the design thinker to understand the issues related to an idea, which were never thought before.
This helps the team of design thinkers to come up with the best prototype and decide the best solution at hand. Moreover, the customer is
directly involved in this phase and its feedback is critical for the design thinkers.
In the Test phase, the prototype or the model is presented to the customer and the customer experiences it completely on a full scale. The
feedback from the end user decides whether the solution suggested by the design thinkers has been fruitful or not. If the end user does not
approve of the solution, then the entire process has to be iterated. The concept of iteration is hence central to the process of design thinking.
Design thinking not only helps to come up with innovative solutions, but also helps to address the exact problems faced by the customer and
target the customer’s requirements in the best possible manner. 44/44