Journalism Course: Test 6

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Test 6

Part 2

You will hear a man called Sid Holmes talking about a journalism course he attended. For  questions
9–18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Journalism Course

Sid did the same course in journalism that his 9 did.

On the first day, Sid had to do a reporting exercise about a man who was rescued from a

10 by helicopter.

An assistant editor from the 11 section of a local newspaper gave an

interesting talk about being a journalist.

Sid’s main tutor had written a biography of a famous local 12 .

Sid had an idea for an article about a man who makes 13 for young

people to borrow.

Sid’s first article was published in a 14 soon after he wrote it.

Sid had to report on a council meeting about proposed improvements to the

15 in the town.

One aspect of the course Sid didn’t enjoy was the 16 classes.

Sid found it useful to chat to his classmates in the 17 at the college.

Sid now has a chance of getting a job at a 18 .

Test 6 Key

PART 2 You will hear a man called Sid Holmes talking about a journalism course
he attended. For questions 9 to 18, complete the sentences with a word or
short phrase.
You now have forty-five seconds to look at Part Two.
Hi, my name’s Sid Holmes, and I’m here to talk about my experiences
studying journalism at Kramer’s College.
I decided to do journalism because my aunt, who’s a newspaper reporter
herself, advised me to do it. And I heard all about how good the Kramer’s
course was from my cousin, who’d been a student on it.
On the first day of the course we did some reporting exercises which I just
couldn’t get my head around. How do you write in fifty words about someone
getting stuck on a roof and having to be lifted off by helicopter? But that was
what I had to try and do! Another group had to do the same thing – about
someone being stuck in a tree and rescued by boat.
We also met someone called Lisa on the first day. She works on a local paper
and gave us some very informative talks throughout the course on what life is
really like as a journalist. She’s an assistant editor – every newspaper section
has one. She started off in the fashion section as a junior reporter, but is now
in sports and enjoying that more. Her aim is to run the news section one day.
Our main tutor on the course, Jim Tyler, who did most of the teaching, was
great – I was particularly impressed to find out that not only was he an
experienced journalist but also an accomplished painter, who’d had his work
in quite a few local exhibitions. And he’d actually written a book too – about
the life of a singer who’s well known internationally, but is actually originally
from our area.
Jim asked us to come up with ideas for articles, and then we all discussed
them as a group. Someone mentioned this guy who makes watches and
sells them online – that reminded me I’d heard about a retired teacher who’d
taken up making violins. He doesn’t sell them but lends them to talented
schoolchildren. Jim said he thought that was a great idea. He said he’d
recently written about a craftsman too – a man who makes shoes.
So off I went to write my first article! I finished it in a day, and emailed it to a
few people, you know – newspapers, websites and so on, as we’d been told
to do. Amazingly, one magazine got back to me just a week later and said
they’d put it in their next issue! So a month later, my work was in print!

Test 6 Key

Because you have to do lots of work experience on the course, we were each
sent off to report on different council meetings in the town hall. Not exactly
exciting, but good practice I suppose. Some of the others had to write about
the town park or even the shopping centre. I went to one about a community
group’s plans to make the museum more attractive to visitors – it would be
great for the town if their proposals were adopted, so I actually enjoyed that.
Although on the whole, the course was fantastic, there were inevitably a few
things that were less so. I mean, compared to learning all about photography,
the typing lessons were pretty dull! I know they will come in useful, though, so
I suppose I shouldn’t complain.
The other students on the course were cool – we got on very well, and after
lessons we’d often meet up. If a few of us were around at lunchtime, we’d get
together in the canteen – the food was pretty good, made with produce from
the college garden. We’d discuss what we were working on and that was a
great help when I was stuck for inspiration.
So now, I’m doing a bit of freelance stuff and looking for a job! It’s tough,
and I’ve already been turned down for three jobs on news websites. I’ve got
another interview next week, though, as a junior reporter for a radio station.
It’d be amazing if I got that!
So, have any of you got any questions? …
Now you will hear Part Two again.
[Teacher, repeat the track now.]
That is the end of Part Two.
Now turn to Part Three.


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