ESR Tantra and The Limits of Female Pote

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H.

Ümit Sayin

Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara

Artículos atravesados por (o que cuestionen) la idea del sujeto -y su género- como una construcción psicobiológica de la cultura
Articles driven by (or questioning) the idea of the subject -and their gender- as a cultural psychobiological construction
Vol. 1, 2 e10, 2016
ISSN 2469-0783



H. Ümit Sayin

Institute of Forensic Sciences, İstanbul University
Cerrahpaşa Medical School, Cerrahpaşa, Aksaray-İstanbul

Citation: Sayin, HÜ. (2016). « ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential ».
Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara, Vol 1, 2 e10,

Copyright: © 2016 RCAFMC. This open access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial (by-cn) Spain 3.0. Received:
03/6/2016. Accepted: 10/06/2016 Published online: 20/07/2016

Supported: This article and Project was supported by BAP-İstanbul University


Female orgasm and female “peak experiences” are well recognized in the ancient
historical literature of the India, China and Far East. Eastern cultures tried to
discover the limits and extents of female orgasmic response for centuries unlike the
Western cultures, where, for centuries, pleasure and orgasm of females were
accepted as a sin and were not regarded as acceptable as they were in the Eastern
philosophy. Tantric cultures and Taoist cultures encouraged the prolonged sexual
activity, coitus and female orgasm for hundreds of years. However, the West started
to understand the real nature of female orgasm in the second half of twentieth
century using objective and rational scientific investigation methods. Similar to
Tantric Orgasms, ESR (Expanded Sexual Response) has been defined recently as:
being able to attain long lasting and/or prolonged and/or multiple and/or
sustained orgasms and/or status orgasmus that lasted longer and more intense
than the classical orgasm patterns defined in the literature. This review article
explains some of the novel findings on female sexuality, ESR and prolonged-
expanded orgasms, in comparison with the old Tantric and Taoist philosophies.

El orgasmo femenino y las “experiencias pico” femeninas tienen su adecuado
reconocimiento en la antigua literatura histórica de la India, China y Extremo
Oriente. Por siglos, las culturas orientales trataron de descubrir los límites y
alcances de la respuesta orgásmica femenina, a diferencia de las culturas

Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara Vol 1, 2 e10, 2016, ISSN 2469-0783 1
ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

occidentales, donde, por siglos, el placer y el orgasmo femenino se tomaban como

un pecado y no se consideraban aceptables, en oposición a la filosofía oriental,
donde sí se consideraban aceptables. Por años, las culturas tántricas y taoístas
fomentaron la actividad sexual prolongada, el coito y el orgasmo femenino. Sin
embargo, Occidente empezó a comprender la verdadera naturaleza del orgasmo
femenino en la segunda mitad del siglo XX con el uso de métodos de investigación
científicos objetivos y racionales. Al igual que los orgasmos tántricos, la respuesta
sexual expandida (RSE) se definió recientemente como: la capacidad de alcanzar
orgasmos de larga duración, prolongados, múltiples o sostenidos o el status
orgasmus que dura más tiempo y es más intenso que los patrones de orgasmos
clásicos que se definen en la literatura. Este artículo de revisión explica algunos de
los nuevos hallazgos sobre la sexualidad femenina, la RSE y los orgasmos
prolongados-ampliados en comparación con las antiguas filosofías tántricas y

Keywords / Palabras clave

Tantra, expanded sexual response; ESR, female orgasm; vaginal orgasm; clitoral
orgasm; Taoist love; status orgasmus; blended orgasm; extended orgasm; expanded
orgasm; tantric orgasm; orgasmo tantrico; respuesta sexual expandida; orgasmo
femenino; orgasmo vaginal; clitoridiano; amor taoísta, orgasmo combinado;
extendido; expandido

Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara Vol 1, 2 e10, 2016, ISSN 2469-0783 2
ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

Female orgasm and female “peak experiences” have been well
documented in the ancient historical literature of the Far East and
India (Vatsyayana, 1883; Chang 1977, 1983; Wu, 1996; Schwartz,
1999; Chia 2002, 2005; Mumford, 2005; Michaels 2008).
Eastern cultures had tried to discover the limits and extents of female
orgasmic response for centuries (Wu, 1996; Chang, 1977, 1983) unlike
the Western cultures, where, for centuries, pleasure and orgasm of
females were accepted as a “sin” and were not regarded as acceptable
as they were in the Tantric Indian or Taoist Chinese cultures.
Taoism in China, regarded the human body as an indispensable part
of the existing nature or the “Tao”; this holistic view of human
philosophy, led ancient Chinese medicine to discover many other details
of the human body, as well as the sexual response, which was an
important function of the human physiology and which was not
regarded as something to be intimidated of.
Catholic, Jewish and Protestant cultures, as well as Islamic societies,
for centuries, perceived female pleasure as something bad, evil and
satanic, while coitus was only a means to produce babies. Cultures of
the Far East, regarded corporal pleasure of male and female, as a
healthy and vital function of the natural body.
Human sexual physiology was investigated by objective scientific
methods after the sexual revolution during 1950’s in the West. Kama
Sutra, when translated by Sir Richard Burton, was immediately banned
in England in the 19th Century. Some pioneering scientists, such as Dr.
Havelock Ellis, Dr. Sigmund Freud, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Dr. Alfred
Kinsey, Dr’s William Masters & Virginia Johnson, Dr. Beverly Whipple,
Dr. Barry Komisaruk had to challenge the norms of the society to take
large paces and even jumps, before human sexuality, in the West, was
started to be regarded as a normal and crucial function of the human
Today human sexual physiology is investigated by using very
sophisticated techniques, such as f(MRI) and modern physiology and
recording techniques. Europeans and the West, has been re-discovering
the Eastern views and aspects of human sexual physiology during the
last 60-70 years.
Today, even the concept of Tantra, in the West, has a bad reputation
due to many biases and social & cultural prejudices, while the name of
“Tantra” has been utilized and abused by many charlatans and
commercial sex dealers. The concept of “Tantra” has been investigated
by scientists and academicians, in objective scientific terms, since

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

1990s; but, still it is not understood properly and it is usually

The aim of this review article is to present some of the latest findings
and concepts about human sexuality and female orgasm, such as
expanded sexual response (ESR) which has strong historical
correlations of the Tantric cultures or Far East.

Tantric and Taoist Ways of Love:

In Tantra and also in Taoist Way of Love making, for centuries,
prolonging the sexual pleasure of the women was regarded as an
essential approach; old Chinese Taoist prescription for male sexuality
was also defending males to prolong intercourse for a couple of hours,
while, according to Chinese medicine men, losing semen was a bad
habit or losing the “yang energy”.
In Tantric rituals also, the men and women were encouraged to
prolong love making session, as well as the intercourse, without having
an orgasm (especially for men).
In both Eastern cultures men were advised not to ejaculate before the
women experienced many multiple orgasms. (Vatsyayana, 1883; Chang
1977, 1983; Wu, 1996; Schwartz, 1999; Chia 2002, 2005; Mumford,
2005). A similar trend was existent in old Greek, Roman and Hellen
cultures; particularly in the Dionysian Cults. During Dionysian rituals
sexuality and female orgasm was encouraged to be prolonged (Sayin,

The Nature of Female Orgasm Expanded Sexual Response (ESR):

Female orgasm is a neuro-psychological response and peak
experience that results from the accumulated sexual tension, sexual
stimulation, arousal and internal sexual build up, which is
accompanied by neural and psychological discharge.
As Masters & Johnson, Hartman & Fithian investigated in the
laboratory conditions, female orgasmic response is complemented by
the contraction of some voluntary and involuntary musculature, such
as vulva, vagina, uterus, pelvic floor muscles (PFM), some of body
muscles (leg, abdomen, pelvic muscles etc.) (Masters & Johnson, 1966;
Sayin 2010, 2012-a).
Some researchers have described female orgasm as (Mah & Binik,

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

• Neurohormonal reaction of smooth muscle organs and contraction

of homologues of ejaculatory muscles (Campell and Peterson, 1953).
• Spastic vaginal contractions occurring at highest tension levels
(Glenn and Kaplan, 1968).
• Reflexive sensory-motor response involving genitopelvic
contractions (Kaplan, 1974)
• Reflexive sensory-motor response to sexual stimulation (Kline-
Graber and Graber, 1975).
• Release of vaso-concentration and myotonia from sexual
stimulation (Masters & Johnson, 1966).
• Altered states of consciousness (Davidson and Davidson, 1980).
• Involuntary reflex action accompanied by uterine / vaginal
contractions (Reubens, 1982).
• Psychic phenomenon, a sensation (cerebral neuronal discharge)
elicited by the accumulative effect on certain brain structures of
appropriate stimuli originated in the peripheral erogenous zones (Alzate,
• Complex experiences of genital changes, changes in skeletal
muscle tone/semi-voluntary movements, cardiovascular / respiratory
changes (Bancroft, 1989).
• Sudden, intense sensation just prior to genitopelvic contractions
(Hite, 1976).
• Acme of sexual pleasure with rhythmic convulsions of the body of
perineal/reproductive organs, cardiovascular and respiratory changes,
release of sexual tension (Schiavi and Segraves, 1995).
• Orgastic potency; capacity to surrender to flow of biological energy;
capacity to discharge the dammed-up sexual excitation through
involuntary, pleasurable convulsions of the body (Reich, 1973).
When we look at the nature of female orgasm, although there are
similar patterns to male orgasm, it seems to be very different than male
ejaculation depending upon the woman experiencing it. In a classical
single female orgasm, there seems to be different patterns contributing
the bodily changes (Sayin, 2012-h):
• Whole body changes: tachycardia, elevated blood pressure,
hyperventilation, sweating, extension of some muscle groups (e.g. legs
and feet), muscle tension, ‘sex flush’, vasodilatation at the cutaneous
arterioles and increased venous blood pounding etc.
• Genito-Pelvic changes: erection of clitoral complex and glans
clitoris, enlargement of G-Spot area and urethral sponge, lubrication,

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

involuntary contraction of vagina, uterus and cervix, voluntary-

involuntary contraction of pelvic floor muscles (PC-muscles),
involuntary contraction of anal sphincter etc.
• Psychological changes: Relief of tension, discharge feeling,
decrease of anxiety, happiness, euphoria, relaxation, fulfillment,
subjective feeling of getting rid of electrical and muscle tension, altered
states of consciousness (ASC) etc.
As measured by Masters & Johnson, the contraction duration of
genito-pelvic area occurs at 0.8 second intervals (Masters & Johnson,
Although males have a refractory period after one orgasm, or
ejaculation, to become erect again, it has been well documented that
females have the capacity to continue having multiple climaxes if they
are stimulated continuously and properly (Schwartz 1999; Bodansky,
2000; Taylor 2000, 2002; Komisaruk, 2006; Sayin 2010, 2012a, 2014,
As described by Masters & Johnson, some women can attain an
orgasmic state which may last for 43 seconds, coined as status
orgasmus (Masters & Johnson, 1966).
In some women who have developed ESR; EO, multiple orgasms and
status orgasmus can vary in duration and in number of minor orgasms
they contain in the train of the long orgasmic pattern.
Lately, such prolonged orgasms and the methods how to attain them
have been published in many books and articles (Rhodes, 1991;
Schwartz 1999; Bodansky, 2000; Taylor 2000, 2002; Komisaruk, 2006;
Sayin 2010, 2011a-c, 2012a, 2014, 2015; Deadone, 2011). We have
defined status orgasmus as (Sayin, 2010, 2011c, 2012a-b-h, 2014,
Status orgasmus is the continuous form of blended orgasms and/or
clitoral/vaginal orgasms that last for starting from 1 minute to 10-15
minutes (or more). During status orgasmus a continuous orgasmic state
is experienced and very few women are believed to achieve status
orgasmus state, e.g. less than 1 % of the whole female population.
Status orgasmus can be seen in vaginal and clitoral orgasms, however
mostly it is seen as an expanded/extended form of blended orgasms, in
which both clitoral and vaginal orgasm reflexes are triggered at the
same time. Similar orgasmic states and full body orgasms are also
defined in Tantric literature.
The duration may change from woman to woman. Status orgasmus
was first defined by Masters & Johnson as lasting for 43 seconds in a
woman in 1966. Today it is estimated that status orgasmus continues

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

for 1 to 2 minutes, while it may last for 10 to 15 minutes, a prolonged

and extended orgasmic state which ends by a giant orgasm (Big-O) that
gives a great relief and satisfaction at the end.
In most of the status orgasmus experiences there is usually a
refractory period of 10 to 15 minutes. The number of minor orgasms in
a status orgasmus may exceed from 5-10 to 20-30 (some women claim
that this quantity goes up to around 50). In status orgasmus it is
thought that any combination of pudental, pelvic, hypogastric and vagal
nerves mediate the triggering mechanism at the same time.
As a novel phenomenon “ESR orgasms and EO” seem to be different
in many ways from the classical single orgasms, as defined by Masters
& Johnson and Kaplan (See Fig-1; Masters & Johnson, 1966; Kaplan,
1981; Rhodes, 1991; Schwartz, 1999; Taylor, 2000, 2002; Deadone,
2011; Sayin, 2010, 2011c, 2012a-b-h, 2014, 2015):
• The duration of single orgasms in the orgasmic train may increase.
• The duration of the whole orgasmic experience may increase, such
as lasting for tens of minutes.
• The intensity of the individual minor orgasms generally increases
along with the length of the orgasmic train.
• The number of minor orgasms in the orgasmic train may be
beyond the normal and average orgasmic pattern, such as exceeding
20-30 orgasms in tens of minutes.
• The pleasure taken and sexual relief is reported to be much more
compared to single or a couple of multiple orgasms.
• Without a refractory period, a new orgasmic state commences after
each orgasm, without passing to a resolution phase, while orgasmic
consciousness state is maintained for a long time (e.g. from a couple of
minutes to tens of minutes or hours)
• Although there may be some forms of ASCs in some single
orgasms of some women, most of the ESR and EO orgasms are
accompanied with ASCs, whereas time perception, space-time
continuum may be altered deeply. We had reported 85 different states
of mind in our former publications (Sayin, 2011c, 2012-h, 2015).
• As reported by many ESR women, ESR orgasms seem to have
anxiolytic, anti-depressive, euphoric, myorelaxant, sedating, analgesic,
“acute and short acting hallucinogenic effects” (Sayin 2011c; Sayin
2012a-d-h, 2015).

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin



Figure 1: A) Classical female orgasm pattern, defined in the

classical medical literature B) Multiple female orgasm pattern C)
Blended female orgasm pattern D) Prolonged expanded orgasm or
status orgasmus

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

ESR is a recently defined phenomenon (Rhodes, 1991; Taylor, 2000,
2002; Armagan, 2012; Sayin, 2011a-c, 2012a-b-h, 2014, 2015). ESR
has been defined as:
“being able to attain long lasting and/or prolonged and/or multiple
and/or sustained orgasms and/or status orgasmus that lasted longer
and more intense than the classical orgasm patterns defined in the
literature” (Sayin, 2011 a-c, 2012-a-h). In the Eastern, Chinese, Indian
and Tantric literature similar enhanced orgasmic experiences of females
have been reported (Vatsyayana, 1883; Chang 1977, 1983; Schwartz,
1999; Chia 2002, 2005; Mumford, 2005; Michaels 2008).
Recently, some studies of orgasmic women also revealed a form of
ASC during orgasms (Komisaruk et al, 2006; Sukel 2011).
There are increasing numbers of reports of females experiencing a
form of ASC during prolonged and very intense orgasms, which form the
novel concept of ESR.
However, in those studies no classification of the sexual response was
made to address a question such that, whether these women were
experiencing an enhanced orgasm pattern and ESR, or not. Most of the
questionnaire that investigated the ASC during orgasms was prepared
to quest an average orgasm pattern of a women.
The main hypothesis in ESR studies was, “Sexual response,
orgasmic consciousness and orgasmic pleasure can be enhanced,
prolonged, and expanded in the human female”. Although a small
proportion of women has attained or can attain ESR today, ESR is a
learned phenomenon that can be developed in many women by training
and education, particularly by Tantric training.
To determine the main parameters and mechanisms of ESR, we have
investigated the main characteristics of women who have developed
ESR (Taylor, 2000, 2002; Armagan, 2012; Sayin, 2011a-b, 2012a-b-c-h,
2014, 2015):
1) The ESR women experienced vaginal, clitoral and blended
orgasms, as described by Ladas et al. (Ladas, 1982; Taylor, 2000,
2002; Armagan, 2012; Sayin 2010, 2011a-b-c, 2012-a-b-c-d-h,
2014, 2015).
2) The ESR women experienced multiple orgasms in most of
their sexual activities. (Schwartz, 1999; Taylor, 2000, 2002;
Mamfurd, 2005; Armagan, 2012; Sayin 2010, 2011a-b-c, 2012-a-b-

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

3) The ESR women were able to attain long lasting and/or

prolonged and/or multiple and/or sustained orgasms and/or status
orgasmus that lasted longer than the classical single orgasm and/or
multiple orgasm patterns defined in the literature. (Schwartz, 1999;
Taylor, 2000, 2002; Sayin, 1993, 2010, 2011a-b-c, 2012a-b-c-d-h,
2014, 2015)
4) The ESR women claimed to have strong pelvic floor muscles
(PFM) compared to NESR women. (Ladas, 1981; Britten, 1983;
Sayin, 2010, 2011b, 2012a-b-h)
5) The libido of ESR women was very high compared to NESR
women. (Armagan, 2012; Sayin, 2012a-b)
6) ESR women described a phenomenon called G-Spot orgasms.
(Ladas, 1982; Taylor, 2000, 2002; Armagan, 2012; Sayin, 2010,
2011b, 2012a-b-c-h, 2014, 2015)
7) ESR women described sensitive erogenous zones in their
genitalia other than clitoris. (Morris, 2004; Armagan, 2012; Sayin,
2012a-b-c-h, 2014, 2015)
8) ESR women masturbated more frequently compared to NESR
women. (Armagan, 2012; Sayin, 2012a-e-h, 2014)
9) ESR women had erotic fantasies more frequently than the
NESR women. (Armagan, 2012; Sayin, 2012a-e-h, 2015)
10) ESR women admitted to have a form of altered states of
consciousness during some of their prolonged orgasms and/or
status orgasmus (Taylor, 2000, 2002; Mah, 2001, 2002, 2005; King,
2010; Sayin, 2011c; Sayin, 2012a-d-h, 2015).

Deep Vaginal Erogenous Zones (DVZ)

After investigating females’ orgasms for 25 years, we must admit that
“every woman’s orgasm is unique and belongs to her”; in other
words, there are as many orgasm patterns as the number of women
existing on the globe.
Women differ in many ways in terms of their responses to the stimuli;
their sexual bodies, sexual brains and their genital responses are very
different from each other and no standard, stereotype of orgasms can be
defined which is valid for every woman.
There are many parameters that influence the orgasm patterns of
women such as, the psychology, the subconscious input, the collective
unconsciousness, libido, sexual drive, free testosterone levels in the
blood, Id, overall hormonal structure, psychological background,

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

imagination, former experiences, IQ, Emotional Quotient, Sexual

Quotient, set and setting, the partner’s capabilities, traumas, good or
bad incidences etc. We must admit another fact that if the woman is
experiencing vaginal orgasms, of which mechanism is very different
from clitoral orgasms, she is more likely to enhance her orgasmic
patterns and develop ESR. Vaginal orgasms are correlated with other
erogenous zones, other than glans clitoris, which have been recently
defined, coined as Deep Vaginal Erogenous Zones (DVZ) (Morris, 2004;
Levin, 2014; Chua, 1997; Sayin, 2012-h, 2014-a, 2015; Zdrok, 2004)
We have investigated the possible existence of such areas in our
surveys and other research projects; we have come across the
description of such sensitive areas that may contribute to the
development of female orgasm in a minority of women (Sayin, 2011 a-b-
c-d, 2012a-b-c-h, 2014-a, 2015).
The descriptions of DVZs and occurrence frequency of the awareness
of DVZs in some women, particularly with ESR (ESR women N=35; Non-
ESR Control women N= 163; total group N=198), were as follows (See
Figure 2):

G-SPOT (Grafenberg’s Spot): The localization of G-spot is

at the anterior vaginal wall, 2.5-4 cm inside, under the mid
urethral length. In our series 31.8 % of women admitted to be
aware of their G-Spots. 27.8 % of them were positive that they
had experienced G-Spot orgasms. 45.4 % these women were
A-SPOT: A-Spot is at the anterior wall of vagina, 2-3.5 cm
below anterior fornix, under the bladder. 10.6 % of women
admitted to be aware of such an erogenous zone. 61.9 % of
them were ESR-women.
O-SPOT: O-Spot is between the posterior vaginal wall and
the rectum, 2-4 cm below posterior fornix. 8 % of the women
replied that they have a sensitive area at this part of their
genitalia. 75 % of them were ESR-women.
Cervix: Cervix is the collum (neck) of uterus. 7.5 % of
women replied that their cervix was sensitive and might have
triggered an orgasm. 60 % of them were ESR-women.
Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM-PC-Muscles): PFM are the
muscle network between pubis and coccyx. 12.1 of women told
that activation of PFM was effective for the development of an
orgasm. 50 % of them were ESR women.

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

Most of the ESR women admitted that they may have such erogenous
zones as DVZ, which may take part in the development of an orgasm,
other than glans clitoris. In our preliminary study in 198 women, some
of the ‘DVZ spots’ were identified by ESR (N=35) and NESR women
(N=163) (Sayin, 2012a-b-c-d-e-h, 2014-b, 2015).

Figure 2: A) The Anatomy of Deep Vaginal Erogenous Zones (DVZ)

B) The Distribution of the percentages of DVZ areas:
The investigation of DVZs among 198 women along with the survey
research on ESR. The survey questionnaire had detailed descriptions
and schematic figures of DVZ. The total number of 198 also includes
35 ESR women. As seen on the plot the frequency of the occurrence
of DVZs’ awareness was much higher in women with ESR, who
attained vaginal orgasms in nearly 99 %. Some women admitted that
they experienced orgasms through the stimulation of G-Spot, A-Spot,
O-Spot, Anus, PFM, Cervix, Nipples, however no one had a memory
of pleasure or orgasm from the stimulation of the coordinates of an

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

area that coincided ‘the hypothetical U-Spot’, as described by Morris

in 2004.

Two Samples of ESR-Tantric Orgasms

Following two Turkish samples of the description of an ESR orgasm
we have recorded in our surveys may clarify and visualize the “orgasmic
consciousness” of an ESR woman (Sayin, 2010, 2012-h, 2015); these
cases did not have any psychiatric disorders or were not treated for any
psychiatric disorder; they did not suffer from PSAS or PGAS (persistent
genital arousal syndrome):
Case A:
J. K. was a medical doctor. During the interview she was 33 years
old, she is today 38 years old. She had her first sexual intercourse at
the age of 16, she had her first vaginal orgasm at the age of 24, when
also she discovered her G-Spot. She started to have expanded orgasms
and status orgasmus at the age of 28. She experienced various forms of
ASCs during extended and prolonged orgasms.
She had nearly 40-50 partners since she was 16. Her score from
ESR-Scale was 132/150 (in 2011). She says that she has been
hypersexual since she was 26. She adds that she has been practicing
Kegel Exercises since she was 26. She experienced sensual sensation
and stimulation at G-Spot, A-Spot, O-spot; and she had G-Spot
orgasms and female ejaculation.
She defined herself as “Hyper-active in sexuality and orgasmic
response”, but she added that she was not “a sex addict”; she was
content of short sexual activity and was very content of her sexual life.
Most of her relationships were monogamous.
Her sex drives were not uncontrollable; she had had some celibate
periods in her life-time. The highest number of orgasms, as she defined,
was 25 to 30 multiple orgasms per hour; she experienced orgasms
lasting for a couple of hours continuously. She has not been diagnosed
and/or treated for any psychiatric disorder:
…J.K. defined her orgasms as:
During my orgasms I depart from everything around, it is a total
depersonalization. I just feel myself, I even forget myself. Only my
voice and screams stay. In status orgasmus, which are my best to
be satisfied, the pleasure increases gradually, I am totally isolated
from my environment.
Only I hear the animal voice coming from my throat, my short
moans turn out to be incredible screams. I feel it on my stomach,

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

first some tingling, then the contractions follow each other. It is a

total altered state of consciousness.
My vision darkens; I see flashes of colors or light. During minor
orgasms I feel funny contractions, like a game. The minor orgasms
or contractions starting from my vagina and pubis circulate
through my stomach, where I can feel the real center of the
orgasmic volcano.
Once status orgasmus starts, it is like a hurricane taking me
away from my body and I fly, these minor orgasms each lasting for
nearly 10 to 20 seconds, build up into a continuous tetanic fit,
while I sometimes can’t hear my screams, I am lost in the first few
These contractions continue for 10-20 minutes especially when
my partner is doing oral sex (cunnilingus) on me. He continuously
stimulates my clitoris by his tongue so talented that one orgasm
finishes, other begins.
During a status I feel that I am traveling the world, as if I have an
astral body, I go to unknown gardens, waterfalls, meadows. During
intercourse orgasms I feel an unbelievable unification and merging,
and dissolving in each other. I also had status orgasmus during
If my partner continues intercourse for 1-3 hours, it is easy to
attain prolonged orgasms. My brain melts, I realize that I am an
animal; I hear my animal voices coming from my throat which make
me more excited. Vaginal orgasms are sometimes better than
While we also apply a message vibrator during the intercourse, I
easily go into the status orgasmus which lasts for ten minutes to
half an hour, while I experience nearly 50-60 minor orgasms.
During orgasms I laugh, cry, moan, make very loud noises
(always I am afraid that neighbors may hear me!) my body arches, I
am in full extension, it is sometimes not certain whether I having
pain or pleasure. Fantasies whispered to my ear make me crazy
during these orgasms.
Even a word may start another minor orgasm. It could be
anything, wild or soft; I want to become an animal, return to my
archetype body whatever it had been. When I contract, I feel like an
animal, as if it comes from my collective sub consciousness. I feel
the penis like a hot, burning sword that brands me.
Makes my pelvis hotter and hotter, it steams out, and then
comes a huge contraction, following another. Status orgasmus is

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very satisfactory for me, compared to other orgasms, like the ones
due to the clitoral or vaginal stimulation alone.
I feel so dizzy and my brain is so high and turning around that I
believe it would be very hard for me walk on a straight line, I would
fall. I love to lose myself in my own brain chemistry. I would not be
satisfied if I did not experience status, because clitoral or vaginal
minor orgasms are so low for me.
They don’t make me as high as the status orgasmus does. I don’t
have any refractory period for attaining vaginal or clitoral orgasms.
One may come after another without building into a status
orgasmus. But for the status, there is always a refractory period of
15-20 minutes (truncated)…

Case B:
I.A.Y. was an engineer. She was 34 years old (today 35). She had her
first intercourse at the age of 20. She had her first clitoral orgasms at
very early ages, as early as 8-10 years old, by means of self-
masturbation; she had her first vaginal orgasms at the age of 24 and
her first blended orgasm (and status orgasmus) at the age of 32. Her
score from ESR scale was 142/150 (in 2015).
Her PC-muscles were very strong such that, her PC-muscles could
have a pressure of 25-30 mmHg (using a Kegel probe) or more. Her
orgasms were, most of the time, multiple and she experienced status
orgasmus lasting for a couple of hours, as long as she was stimulated.
The longest duration of her multiple-orgasms, as she remembered
and expressed, was 8 to 10 hours, continuously (with a particular
partner; with coitus, clitoral stimulation, oral sex, vibes and toys, and
other Tantric techniques); her highest reported orgasm pattern was 35
to 45 continuous orgasms in an hour, which also lasted continuously
for a couple of hours.
She experienced sensual sensation and stimulation at G-Spot, A-
Spot, O-spot; and she experienced G-Spot orgasms and female
ejaculation. She defined herself as “hypersexual”, but not “a sex addict
or insatiable”.
Her sex drives were not uncontrollable; she had some very long
celibate periods in her life-time, without any sexual interactions.
She was most of the time monogamous and she was very content of
her sexual life and orgasms. She has not been diagnosed and/or treated
for any psychiatric disorder.

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

…I.A.Y. defined her orgasms as:

…I would like to explain my orgasmic explain my orgasmic
experiences in different forms of orgasms:
My Clitoral Orgasms: When the tingling sensation starts at my
clitoris after stimulating manually or by vibe, I always have a
tickling feeling and this feeling spreads to my pelvis, to my legs
and to my torso gradually with the increasing amount of pleasure,
which builds up.
I feel to be immersed, and flowing, elevated, when the orgasm
starts. Generally I come very easily and continuous stimulation of
my clitoris with lubricated finger, tongue or vibes make me start to
come continuously while my body and genitals contract and I feel
the explosion at my uterus.
My legs and my genitals and pelvis always tremble, and I cannot
prevent this. This trembling develops into a kind of earth quake
and it becomes like an epileptic fit eventually. My leg muscles
contract and relax with every orgasm. The bottoms of my feet
become very hot, while this hotness entangles my torso and body
gradually. My genitals and clitoris throbs and always this
throbbing feeling with the rhythm of the heart are the only things I
remember, when I reach to 20-30 orgasms if the oral, manual or
vibration stimulation continues.
I feel electrical discharges and explosion at my clitoris and other
parts of the genitals. Clitoral orgasms can become successively,
but they are bursting, local and they are not as satisfactory as
vaginal orgasms; vaginal orgasms spread through the whole body
and the brain, unlike clitoral orgasms.
After ten orgasms, my mind goes away, if the orgasms continue I
cannot speak, only hear my moans and cries (or laughter), which
also increase my pleasure and enhance the next coming orgasms.
In short, clitoral orgasm is like a sharp, short, exploding, bursting
type of orgasm with sudden electrical discharges. I can continue
clitoral orgasms for a couple of hours without resting and any
The highest number of clitoral orgasms I had at a session by
masturbation or by a partner’s stimulation has been probably
more than a hundred in a couple of hours.
My Vaginal Orgasms: They are much more satisfactory and
spread to whole of my body. After having 15-20 clitoral orgasms, it
is better to pass to coitus and vaginal orgasms. Because there is
more arousal then. I feel my G-Spot from the very early times of

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the intercourse sessions since I was 21-22. Also I had an

experience of G-Spot orgasms and vaginal orgasms separately,
while I also ejaculated occasionally.
During the coitus I feel my G-Spot’s becoming enlarged and
giving pleasure in increment levels. My A-Spot and Cervical
pleasure is as powerful as the G-Spot stimulation. So, when my
partner can continue coitus for 60 to 90 minutes, I can easily feel
the stimulation of G-Spot, Cervix and A-Spot separately; after a
while they combine into very intense and gorgeous, huge orgasms.
At each trust of the penis at every length there is a different
kind and taste of pleasure which builds up gradually. After a while
I cannot differentiate one orgasm from another; one starts and
continues with the contractions of my genitals, uterus and body,
becoming more severe every time. When it ends, another orgasm
may start depending upon the foreplay, talking, fantasies told by
the partner.
When I squeeze PC-muscles the intensity of orgasms are always
enhanced. For instance, squeezing PC muscles have more effects
on the increased pleasure from G-Spot. I can orgasm by the single
stimulation of G-Spot, or A-Spot and/or Cervix. I feel the O-Spot
less frequently, but I am aware that there is a pleasure locus at
the back of my vagina (posterior fornix) too.
During vaginal orgasm, if they continue for 30-40 minutes with
different intensities of explosions, I fell unified with my partner
and my mind and mood is elevated; it is like dying and out of body
experience, like observing one’s body from outside.
I become different persons and as if there are other persons
inside me, like a creature of libido, which comes out and wishes
only to be filled in and experience prolonged coitus for more and
more…During vaginal orgasms I experience altered states. Vaginal
orgasms, when the partner is good enough to stimulate, build up
to unbelievable forms of contractions which are more intense and
deep and longer than clitoral orgasms.
Vaginal orgasms are much more satisfactory compared to
clitoral orgasms. Vaginal orgasm is like climbing up to a mountain,
when you reach close to the top of the mountain, I feel like
continuous trains of orgasms which enhance each other. Rotating
vibrators with the clitoral vibration also induce very powerful
orgasms in my sexual encounters.

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

Once I continued having vaginal + clitoral orgasms until the

batteries of the rotating vibe went off, I don’t remember how many
minutes or hours it was.
Multiple Orgasms: I never have single orgasms. They are
always multiple and before I feel relieved I need to have 15 to 25
multiple clitoral or vaginal orgasms. So, once I pass 25-30, the
pattern of the orgasm may change and my breath stops, my mind
stops, I feel like I am dying and the trains of orgasms turn into a
status orgasmus.
Blended Orgasm and Status orgasmus: Even though I
experienced clitoral and vaginal multiple orgasms many times, I
have learned blended orgasms and status orgasmus one and a half
years ago with a new partner who could continue coitus and
stimulating me by many ways for a couple of hours.
He was a Tantric lover and before him all my partners in my life
could continue coitus or stimulation for 20 to 30 minutes at much.
Partner is very important to experience vaginal orgasms,
blended orgasms and status orgasmus.
The explosion in blended orgasms and status is immense and it
is like climbing up an infinite-step ladder, where at each step of
orgasms is more intense than the former one. In status orgasmus,
I feel every cell of mine orgasming. In my experiences the
combination of the stimulation of the clitoris and A-Spot creates
gorgeous orgasms, which are undefinable.
My body arches, I scream as if something is torturing me or
killing me. The contractions are continuous and the gradual
enhancing of the orgasm never ends, while I ejaculate too much,
and the bed sheets become so soaked that it is like a river flowing
from my uterus to vagina and then outside.
… Status orgasmus is the sexual nirvana for me. It is great
illumination and satisfaction that I cannot explain and elucidate
the pleasure and immobility I get after a status orgasmus. If the
partner is good, I can attain status orgasmus through vaginal
orgasm which become a status after a while.
But, most of the time the combined stimulation of G-Spot, A-
Spot, coitus and clitoris puts me into the status in 10 minutes.
Then I am in another world, the paradise of pleasure and
contractions, losing myself and I only concentrate on my screams,
contracting genitals and heating and contracting legs.
In every blended orgasm or status orgasmus, I experience
various unexpected and unusual forms of ASCs written in your

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

ESR Scale. The outer world closes and I become a different

orgasming creature. I only feel myself, my continuously
contracting body and my partner; we become unified. I just think
to come more and more and more. After 15-20 minutes of
continuous status orgasmus a creature or an animal comes out of
my mind and body.
That animal lives only for pleasure and asks for more climaxes,
it is only in my body for coitus and it says f...k.; f…k; f...k. Even
though my partner comes out of my vagina, I still feel him inside
and the orgasms continue.
This is a real peak and extraordinary experience. I then become
an orgasming machine and like an orgasming machine gun I come
and come and come with a greater intensities at each time … I feel
only my contracting body, even in every organ, every tissue and
every cell! My partner sometimes stops being afraid of my mood
and facial expressions, because I cannot speak, cannot give a
sound and cannot breath.
When the status orgasmus is stopped, I feel like a spoiled piece
of body, I cannot talk for nearly 15-20 minutes, lie down and
cannot move while still many parts of my body muscles and
genitals continue to contract. The pleasure is so immense and
unexplainable that I never experienced such alteration of my mood
and orgasmic body. It is a kind of different consciousness of
Altered States of Consciousness during Blended Orgasms or
Status orgasmus: I feel more ASCs than what is written in your
ESR Scale. All kind of short hallucinations at the peak of status.
Peacefulness, floating, flying, out of body experience, dying,
exploding, time travel (!), travelling and flying over the forests and
unknown cities, astral travel like experience, elevating, crying or
laughing, spontaneous laughter, flying like a winged horse, all
kinds of freedom feelings, oceanic and blissed feelings, feeling like
a butterfly and a sacred, mythological bird that flies over the blue
skies and lands. My love increases to my partner. I feel so many
different things that I feel all the ASCs in ESR Scale plus many
others… (truncated)

Some Characteristics of ESR Women:

Some of the average characteristics of ESR women were as follows
(Sayin & Kocatürk, 2012-j)

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

1) They had the ability to be aroused more easily.

2) They had a heightened and elevated libido.
3) They were very aware, conscious and responsive of G-Spot,
DVZ and other erogenous zones other than glans clitoris. Their
sexual stimuli arousal thresholds were decreased in response to
vibrators (50-200 Hz), coitus, oral sex, manual stimulation and/or
other methods such as fondling, touching, labial stimuli.
4) They spent more time in sexual issues and matters.
5) They had more fantasies and more tendency to have sexual
variations, from soft variations to the extremes. Many hyper-active
women we interviewed had many different fantasy patterns from
soft to wild and extreme, although they never experienced any of
them. (Sayin, 2014, 2016)
6) They generally used sex toys and vibrators, also.
7) They masturbated more frequently even in the presence of a
partner. Their masturbation frequency increased when they didn’t
have a partner.
8) Their sexual-brain and sexual-psychology was more developed
and responsive. Some may have experienced “brain orgasms” just
by fantasizing and using PFM (PC-Muscles).
9) They were less inhibited, more provocative and promiscuous.
They were very permissive and liberated. Their mind was more open
to sexual matters and novelties.
10) They were more experienced in sex, having more partners
and longer sexual relations. However partner number was not an
issue, as many of them pointed out. The quality of the relationship
and of sex was more important than the quantity. They were NOT
women in search of new partners every night, for one night stands;
however they preferred long term and satisfactory monogamous
11) Their imagination, IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) seemed
to be higher and more developed. They preferred to be in deeper and
soul-mate type relations with men rather than superficial ones.
12) ESR women seemed to be less believers in terms of
traditional religious practices compared to NESR women, while they
had little or none, cultural and religious dogmas.
13) Some ESR women reported to have ejaculation during orgasm
like male, a phenomenon which had been reported by Ladas, Perry
and Whipple (Ladas, 1982).

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

14) ESR women experienced Altered States of Consciousness

(ASC) during prolonged orgasm more frequently than NESR women.
The number of variation of different subjective feelings and ASC of
ESR women, during different forms of orgasms and prolonged ESR
orgasms, was much higher compared to NESR women (Taylor,
2000; Sayin, 2011; King, 2010).
15) ESR women had happier, content, satisfactory sex life styles
compared to NESR women. No ESR women went to a clinical
psychologist or psychiatrist for any sexual dysfunction complaint,
so that was why the existence of ESR phenomenon and ESR women
have not been pinpointed and discussed in the medical literature
and psychiatry literature much.
16) ESR women may have experienced very long, multiple,
prolonged and sustained orgasm patterns and also a phenomenon
called status orgasmus, which lasted from 1-2 minutes to 10-15
minutes or more (Sayin, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015;
Taylor, 2002; Schwartz, 1999).

Known Limits of Female Orgasm:

Known limits of female orgasm as passed to record books were 134
orgasms per hour; this record belonged to a bicycle rider woman. After
her, this female orgasm record was elevated to be nearly 200 orgasms
per hour reported from an Indian source (Sayin, 2014).
These women did not suffer from PSAS or PGAS (persistent genital
arousal syndrome). During PGAS, some women with PGAS (or PSAS)
were reported to experience spontaneous orgasms of 50 or 100 or more
orgasms during a couple of hours, which were spontaneous,
uncontrollable and pathological.
These figures prove that some women have the potential to
experience a couple of orgasms per minute, which can continue for tens
of minutes or hours, without a resolution phase or a refractory period,
as has been reported in the ancient Far East literature. Dr. Patricia
Taylor also has proved that the orgasms intensity, number and duration
can be extended and expanded beyond the known limits (Taylor, 2000,
2002, 2004). Near to this she has a video of her experiences which also
proved that this was possible (Taylor’s video, Expand Her Orgasm
Tonight, 2004).

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

Although prolonged orgasms had been defined in ancient pagan,
shaman, Tantric and Taoist cultures and literature. Such an approach
in the West has been accepted unmanageable and unimaginable for
This understanding was partially a result of the biases of some of the
monotheistic belief systems, which were highly anthropomorphic,
autocratic and male dominated. In the Eastern cultures, females were
regarded as a part of the Goddesses and the divine, while in the West,
for centuries females were regarded as a means of the universal sin of
the mankind, while anything related with sexuality was bad and evil to
become shy of.
Thus the Westerners did not even bother to investigate the possible
limits of the potential of females. Even, until the translation of Kama
Sutra into English, no one questioned the importance sexual positions,
while in Catholicism the only suggested position was missionary
position for hundreds of years, because other kind of positions could
induce the stimulation of glans clitoris, G-Spot and DVZ and could give
pleasure to women, even though they had no idea of what these areas
were! Tantric culture temples are full statues and reliefs of Gods and
Goddesses, having coitus of many different styles, even though the
mainstream religions of Hinduism and Buddhism also regarded
sexuality and pleasure something to be cautious of and to be stayed
Thus, in Europe, anything related with sexuality was banned and
women were not allowed to get pleasure from sex and to attain a climax.
In the Tantric cultures, on the contrary, women were trained for both
giving and getting pleasure from sexual activities.
For instance, Tantric training of the PC-Muscles (PFM, pelvic floor
muscles) and Chinese training of these muscles by using Ben-Waa balls
since puberty were regarded essentials for good sexual health, as well
as, sexual positions, meditation and concentration, breathing exercises,
sensate focus exercises, sensual massage, prolonged rituals, prolonged
coitus etc. (Vatsyayana, 1883; Chang 1977, 1983; Wu, 1996; Schwartz,
1999; Chia 2002, 2005; Tannahill, 1992; Muchembled, 2008).
The men and women in the West started to re-discover sexuality
during the days of Western Sexual Revolution and the New Age
Movement, after Second World War, when human sexuality was started
to be investigated without any biases and with the objective & rational
scientific methods.

Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara Vol 1, 2 e10, 2016, ISSN 2469-0783 22
ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

It was then, when Western mind realized that prolonged female

orgasms and prolonged sexual activity could be possible, after learning
it from the Eastern cultures. Old Chinese literature descending from 1 st
century B.C. defines female orgasm, as well as the Tantric writings in
the 2nd and 3rd centuries, like the Kama Sutra, in the 6th-7th century
(Vatsyayana, 1883; Chang 1977, 1983; Wu, 1996; Schwartz, 1999; Chia
2002, 2005; Mumford, 2005; Michaels 2008; Muchembled, 2008;
Morris, 2004). Female orgasm was first defined in the 19th and 20th
centuries by some pioneers of the sexual research in the West (Ellis,
1897; Freud, 1905; Reich, 1973; Masters & Johnson, 1966; Fisher,
1972-1977; Escapa, 1989; Muchembled, 2008; Sayin, 2014). Actually,
the term “Orgasm” had descended from 5th-4th centuries before Christ,
coming from the term of Orgia, during the pagan times. Orgia was a
festival of the Dionysus Cult, an incarnation of Greek-Helen Myths into
the form of Orgia Festivals (Spring or Fall) in the secretive, elite town
Eleusis (Ruck, 2006). Orgia, by time took the form of Orgasm (Orgia-

Possibility of Attaining Other Limits

Pleasure and reaching to sexual climax is a learned phenomenon.
Sensuality, sexual brain, sexual body, sensitivity in the genitals and
orgasm reflexes can also be developed and enhanced through exercises
and training. During our surveys of 25 years among women and during
the “ESR and Neo-Tantra” workshops, we have observed that expansion
of the knowledge about the human body, sexual physiology, Tantric
exercises and other experiences also, by time, increase the sensuality,
sensitivity and capacity to attain better orgasms in many women.
Reaching to enhanced orgasms and even ESR can be taught and
trained. To give an example, a woman who is sexually responsive (with
clitoral and vaginal orgasm reflexes) and reaching to 5 multiple orgasms
in 30 minutes, can be trained such that, after a while she can start to
have 15 multiple orgasms in 20 minutes; or 40 orgasms in an hour.
Here, the most crucial thing is the capacity and approach of the
partner; her partner should be trained, as well, with her. Today, ESR
and status orgasmus can be experienced in less than 10 % and less
than 1 % of the female population, respectively. In other words, all of
the women who are trained in ESR and Tantra should not expect to
reach to a level of ESR, which is unique to some minority of women.

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ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

Orgasmic Consciousness and Tantric Orgasms:

Some of the altered states of consciousness experiences during
prolonged female orgasmic response from the mildest to the severe were
(King, 2010; Mah, 2001; Sayin, 2011-c, 2012-a-h):
 Pulsating feeling  De ja vu
 Throbbing feeling  Earth quake feeling
 Euphoric  Volcano
 Shuddering  Ecstatic
 Absorbed feeling  Fly, flying
 Dissolve feeling  Depersonalization
 Flowing feeling  Losing oneself
 Spurting feeling  Out of body experience
 Unreal feeling  Losing the soul feeling
 Surreal feeling  Near death experience
 Elevation of mood  Death feeling (Petit
 Increase of Morte)
enthusiasm and creativeness  Unify, Unified feeling
 Exploding  Unifying with
 Seeing flaring of lights environment and universe
 Seeing different  Cessation of time, time
geometrical objects stops
 Distortion in space-time
 Mystical experience
Figure 3: Some striking patterns of Altered States of
Consciousness (ASCs) during normal orgasms and prolonged
orgasms. From the mildest change to the severest changes are

Female orgasm has been described as a state of ASC in the literature

(Davidson, 1980; Komisaruk, 2006; Sukel, 2011; Sayin, 2012a-d, 2014-
a, 2015).
During the prolonged orgasms, which may last for tens of minutes,
some minority of women may achieve a different state of consciousness,
ecstasy and blissful, oceanic, divine feeling or mood.
Psycho-neuropharmacology of female orgasm has a kind of “short
hallucinogenic” effect on the women’s minds. Some women call it
“Sexual Nirvana or Satori”, with the feelings of ecstasy and unification.
In Tantric literature, it is also defined that a kind of Nirvana state can

Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara Vol 1, 2 e10, 2016, ISSN 2469-0783 24
ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

be achieved through prolonged sexuality and orgasms (Carellas, 2007;

Wu, 1996; Chia 2002, 2005; Mumford, 2005; Michaels 2008).
The terms “tantric orgasm” or “cosmic orgasm” are frequently referred
in the Tantra books. Thus enhanced and prolonged sensuality and
climaxes can be regarded a means to reach to some kind of peak
experiences for women, as a sheer fact which was discovered during the
pagan times, 2000-2500 years ago.

According to ancient and archaic knowledge, women can experience
unusual and extreme orgasmic states and consciousness, through
continuous sexual stimulation, which lasts for tens of minutes or
For the Western world, this phenomenon is very alien and new.
Science can unravel many other new facts on male and female
sexuality. Combining ancient Tantric and Taoist techniques with the
power of modern science can lead to discover new horizons in sexuality
for both males and females.
As Westerners, we are at the stage of unifying old knowledge of
wisdom with the objective, rational scientific knowledge; so Tantric and
Taoist aspects and techniques of enhanced sexuality should also be a
target for modern science to investigate thoroughly. Actually, sex
therapy and sexology, today, only investigates the sexual function
disorders and pathological sexuality; the main aim of sex therapy
should not be only doing research on disorders and illnesses of
sexuality, but also performing novel research to unravel the secrets of
human sexuality and discover how to enhance sexual pleasure and
orgasms (of particularly women) for a better performance of couples.
Tantra used to do this, many centuries ago.
As academicians and scientists, we should not leave “Tantra” into
the hands of many charlatans and sex dealers, to be abused and
utilized for personal & commercial purposes and to make money
unethically in the underground monopolies.

Acknowledgements: We would like to thank to Dr. Asiye Kocatürk,

Dr. Özlem Yalçın, Dr. Lale Kuru, Dr. Emine Kalaş, İpek Zeynep Yilmaz,
Taner Arisal, Onur Şenyurt, Dr. Patricia Taylor, Prof. Beverly Whipple,
Prof. Barry Komisaruk, Prof. Osmo Kontula, Prof. Sultan Tarlaci, Prof.
Irv Binik, Prof. Roy Levin, Marjo Ramstadius, Neslihan Korkmaz, İpek
Kahya, Yasemin Fidan, American Tantrist Jasmin, Australian Tantrist
Isis, Pınar Çetinkaya, Duygu Asena, Hülya Avşar, Yasemin F. Atmaca

Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara Vol 1, 2 e10, 2016, ISSN 2469-0783 25
ESR, Tantra and the Limits of Female Potential H. Ümit Sayin

and many others who contributed our studies and to the members of
ASEHERT (Association of Sexual Health Education Research and
Treatment; ) for their different levels of helps and
contributions to our surveys, researches and studies during the last 25
This research and review was supported by BAP and Istanbul


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