Skills Necessary in Playing Volleyball

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MODULE 3: Skills necessary in playing volleyball

Module 3 discusses the fundamental skills necessary in

playing volleyball.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this module, the learners will be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge and skills on the different basic skills
2. Execute properly the different skills.

In this mintonette time, learners are expected and accomplish
the following:
• read and understand carefully the module.
• comply with the enrichment activity and..
• do the evaluation proper every time you end a module through
your facilitator.

Its time to learn…

Before you start the topic, would you mind to pause for a bit and
think about this:
• did you experience playing volleyball in your elementary days
or high school days??
• did you encounter difficulties in playing this game??
• are you familiar with the techniques in playing volleyball??

if some of the questions above was/were answered with doubt,

its high time to learn the fundamental skills.

Like most sports , volleyball requires every player to get good
at some basic skills before they can truly excel at the sport. Here
are the basic skills you absolutely need to master to be a
competent volleyball player, then on your way to being expert.
1. Passing → passing is simply getting the ball to someone else
on your team after its been served or hit over the net by the
opposing team. Its commonly thought as the most important
skill in all of volleyball because your team cant return the ball
without a solid volleyball pass. Forearm volleyball passes are
often used to direct the ball in a controlled manner to a team
mate., but overhead passing is another option.
A. Underhand pass - balls are retrieve below waist level and
known as the best pass.
B. Overhand pass - balls are retrieve above head level with the
finger tips.
C. Forearm pass - this is done by hitting the ball using the
hollow portion of the forearm.
D. Over arm pass - done in emergency situations like when the
ball comes and cannot be intercepted by two hands, may used
two hand.
E. Set up pass - special kind of pass for the purpose of placing
the ball in position for the attacker to hit or smash.
F. Dig pass - these are balls that are out of reach trying to
receive the ball one hand.


Here is the link for the skill in passing.

l (1passing

2. Setting → the setter is the most important position in the

team , and is often the team leader for this reason.
3. Spiking → a real crowd pleaser, spiking is the act of
slamming the ball in a downward motion across the volleyball
net, preferably with a spike that the other team's side of the
court. When done well, spiking is the difficult to return, , which
and why it is an essential skill. A proper spike will help
accumulate points quickly.
Here is the link for the skill of spiking;


4. Blocking → blocking is another important skill, although its

probably the most expendables of the fundamentals. Still, it adds
a great dimension to the game, keeping the other team on their
toes, so to speak. By timing it right, you can jump up and deflect
or block the opponents attack before it even crosses the
volleyball net, which can take them by surprise and give your
team an easy point.
Here is the link of the skill in blocking;


5. Digging → digging is a defensive maneuver in volleyball

that can save your team from n offensive spike or attack. Your
job is to keep the ball from hitting the floor, and you that by
diving and passing the ball in a fluid motion. Unlike a typical
pass, you'll probably be trying to recover the ball from steep
downward trajectory. This is another great skill to have, but isn't
as important as passing, setting or spiking.


Here is the link in digging skills;

6. Serving → our final fundamental skills is serving. How can

you be a great volleyball player without knowing how to serve?
There are variety of ways to serve, but you'll most often see the
underhand or overhand serve.
A. Underhand serve, if your right handed, hold the ball in your
left hand while the right hand make a fist with the thumb on top.
Make contact with the underside of the ball to send it over a net.
B. overhand serve(which is more advance and common among
skilled players) you'll be tossing the ball up while you pull back
the dominant arm and swing. DON’T FOLLOW THROUGH
after your hand contacts the ball,which should feel almost like
yo punching the ball across the volleyball net.
C. SIDE ARM SERVICE which is done by hitting the ball
which is on a shoulder level or just a little.


FLOATING SERVICE - air catches it and can move it in many
directions as it crosses to your opponents side of the net. Some
serves float and drop suddenly, making it extremely difficult for
a passer to handle.
WALLOP - is done by hitting the ball with the no use of fists
near to thumb and the server faces the side.
DROP - serves faces the opponents then trows the ball 1 or 2
feet above, bat the ball at the center using the heel.


Here is the link of skills in serving;

Did you understand? Lets do some enrichment activities if you

really understand what has been discussed above.
Its showtime!!
Choose one among the fundamental skills presented above.
Take a video of yourself doing a lecture on the chosen skill in a
minimum of 1 minute. Make it sure that all information needed
is presented in the said video.

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