Concept Notes:: 1.) Enter Text Into A Place Holder in Standard, Outline View

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Name: Level: Score: LAS No.

ALS School: Schedule: Date:

Type of Activity:
 Extended Learning (Individual Practice)  Classroom Encounter  Others
Strand no. 6: Digital Literacy

Topic: Presentation Soft Wares: Customize text in presentation

Competency: Customize text in presentation

Learning Intent: Customize text in a presentation by

Value Emphasis:

 K to 12 Basic Curriculum for ALS
 Arriesgado, Angie. "A Detailed Guide: Working With Text In Powerpoint | Present
Better". Present Better, 2019,
in-powerpoint/. Accessed 27 July 2020.

Concept Notes:
1.) Enter text into a place holder in standard, outline view

Standard View
Fortunately, adding text to PowerPoint is a
fairly straightforward process. When you
first open up PowerPoint on your computer,
you’d most likely see the Title slide layout
with its two text boxes.

To add text, all you have to do is just follow

the instructions on the slide – Click to add a
title or subtitle. All other layouts on the
default PowerPoint theme have text boxes.
All except for one, the blank layout.

Outline View

For outline view, you may add text by clicking

directly to the place holder or you may
encode the text in the left pane, and it will be
automatically written in the place holder.
2.) Edit text in a presentation
Click inside the textbox where you want to edit
the text. You may add text or delete text.

3.) Copy, move text within, between presentations

To copy text within presentation,
a.) Double click on the word you want to
copy or triple click to copy the whole
text in the place holder. You will notice
that it will be highlighted.

b.) Right click and click copy or press Ctrl + c.

c.) Right click again and you will see paste

option with the four icons: use
destination theme, keep source
formatting, picture, and keep text
only. Use the pointer in every icon to
preview the text to be pasted.

d.) Click “keep source formatting”. Or

you may use the shortcut key for
paste, press Ctrl + v.

e.) Adjust the place holder to the desired

To copy text to next slide:

a.) Select the text you want to copy by

double click or triple click. Then click

b.) Click the next slide presentation. You

will see another slide.

c.) Right click into the place holder. Click the paste option you want. The text is now
pasted in this new slide.

4. Delete text, undo and redo command

a. To delete text, select the word/words by
double clicking or triple clicking on the word or
words you want to delete.

b. Click delete or backspace to delete the word or words. Then repeated word is deleted.
c. Use undo to revert an action. Let’s revert the
action on deleting the repeated word by clicking
the undo command. The you will see that the
deleted word is reverted back.

d.) And by clicking redo command the repeated

word will be deleted again.

Activity 1: Write the steps in your Notebook.

Activity 2: Do these exercises in your computer by following the steps in you LAS

1.) Enter text into a place holder in standard, outline view

2.) Edit text in a presentation
3.) Copy, move text within, between presentations
4.) Delete text
5.) Use undo, redo command

Prepared by:


Name: ___________________________________________________ CLC:________________

1. When you first open up Power Point in your computer. What is the slide do you see?

a. b. c. d.

2. To add text in the Title Slide, just follow the instruction in the slide. What is the instruction
found in the side?
a. Click inside b. copy paste to add c. undo to title d. click to add title

3. In which tab you can find the Normal View and Outline View?
a. File b. Design c. Slide Show d. View

4. If you want to add text in the in the presentation, What will you do first?

a. Press enter
b. click inside the text box
c. click outside the text box
d. click home tab

5. How to select a word in the text box?

a. Click the word
b. Double click the word
c. Triple click the word
d. Enter the word

6. To copy the selected word/words press _________________ or right click and click copy.
a. Ctrl + a
b. Ctrl + v
c. Ctrl + c
d. Ctrl + z

7. Under the paste options, which icon you click to copy the format of the source?

a. b. c. d.

8. Which of these is the undo command?

a. b. c. d

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