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Design of shallow foundation for G+4 School building at

Debre Markos university main campus

A project thesis Submitted by:

1 TADELE AMSALU-------------------TEE/072/08
2 BEFIKADU ZEWDU--------------- TEE/049/08
3 HAILU MINYAMER--------------- TEE/190/08
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Under the guidance of


Institute Of Technology
School of Civil and Water Resource Engineering
Civil Academic Program


June, 2021
This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as a thesis advisor.

Advisor’s Name:_______________________

This thesis has been examined with our approval as a thesis examiner(s)

Examiner’s Name 1._____________________


We, undersigned, declare that this thesis is our original work, has not been presented for
a degree in this or any other University, and all the sources of materials used for the thesis
have been acknowledged.

Names Id No Signature
1 TADELE AMSALU-------------------TEE/072/08
2 BEFIKADU ZEWDU--------------- TEE/049/08
3 HAILU MINYAMER--------------- TEE/190/08

In the name of God, the most gracious and the most merciful, all praise to God, the one
to whom all dignity, honor, and glory are due, the unique with perfect attributes. All praise to
God for enabling us to do this project.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our advisor Mr. Melesew A. forgiving
us critical advices throughout the project work.
The purpose of this project is to design and select the best foundation type for a G + 4
at Debremarkos university main campus School building. The design method employs is the
Limit State design according to Ethiopian Building Code Standards (EBCS -1, 2, 7).
For super structure load analysis, we use SAP- 2000 version 14 for every analysis and the
results and reports are included in this report in addition to that detail drawing and sketches
for particular foundation plan and section are included in this project. And on the time of
calculation most of our computation will be done on MS-Excel, AUTO CAD, SAP- 2000
version 14 in order to accurate and develop program for our future career even if it is very
difficult to work and to transfer to MS-Word.
Most of the structures built by us are made of reinforced concrete. Here, the part of
the structure above ground level is called as the superstructure, where the part of the structure
below the ground level is called as the substructure. Footings are located below the ground
level and are also referred as foundations. Foundation is that part of the structure which is in
direct contact with soil. The R.C. structures consist of various structural components which
act together to resist the applied loads and transfer them safely to soil. In general the loads
applied on slabs in buildings are transferred to soil through beams, columns and footings.
Footings are that part of the structure which are generally located below ground Level. They
are also referred as foundations. Footings transfer the vertical loads, Horizontal loads,
Moments, and other forces to the soil.
Every civil engineering structure, whether it is a building, a bridge or a dam is found
on or below the surface of the earth. So it is obvious to design the foundation part of any
structure in safe manner. Geotechnical engineering is a broader term which includes soil
engineering, rock mechanics and geology. It is also applied science dealing with the
application of principles of soil mechanics to practical problems.
This project tries to cover the following points
 Analysis of structure
 Selection of footing and design it in safe and economical manner
 design of foundation
Objective of the project
Main objective

 To design safe and economical foundation.

Specific objective
 To determine the Bearing Capacity of the soil

 To design Geotechnical (Depth of foundation, area proportioning,

Settlement) part of the Foundation

 To design the Structural (Shear,Flexture) part of the Footing

 To design Developmental length for steel bar

Scope of the project

This thesis aims at design of different types of foundation for the building and
selection of the bestfoundation for that building. It has two main phases.
 First phase: load analysis of super structure.
 Second phase: design the foundation related to the super structure

The Basic principles will be:
 We use limit State design for the purpose of wind load analysis,
total load analysis (live and dead load) on super structure
,determination of loads and moments on each footing, design of
different types of footing

Foundation substructures are structural members used to support walls and
columns to transmit and distribute their loads to the ground. If these loads
are to be properly transmitted, the substructure must be designed to prevent
excessive settlement or rotation and to minimize differential settlement. In
addition,it should be designed in such a way that the load bearing capacity of
the soil is not exceeded and adequatesafety against sliding and overturning is
assured. Cumulative floor loads of a building, a bridge, or a retaining wall
are supported by the foundation substructure in direct contact with soil. The
soil underneath the substructure becomes compressed and deformed during
its interaction with the substructure. This deformation is the settlement that
may be permanent due to dead loads or may be elastic due to transition live
loads. The amount of settlement depends on many factors, such as the type
of soil, the load intensity, the ground water conditions, and the depth of
substructure below the ground level. If the soil bearing capacity is different
under different isolated substructures or footings of the same building a
differential settlement will occur. Due to uneven settlement of supports the
structural system becomes over stressed, particularly at column beam joints.
Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the
underlying soil below the structure. Footings are designed to transmit these
loads to the soil without exceeding its safe bearing capacity, to prevent
excessive settlement of the structure to a tolerable limit, to minimize
differential settlement, and to prevent sliding and overturning.
Purposes of Foundations
To transfer forces from superstructure to firm soil below.
To distribute stresses evenly on foundation soil such that
foundation soil neither fails norexperiences excessive
To develop an anchor for stability against overturning.
To provide an even surface for smooth construction of superstructure
To load the bearing surface at a uniform rate so as to prevent unequal
Types of Foundations
Based on the position with respect to ground level, Footings are classified into two
Shallow Foundations
Deep Foundation
Shallow Foundations
If the soil stratum is suitable for supporting the structural loads from the
superstructure is located at a relatively shallow depth, the foundation is
called shallow. The purpose of this type of foundations is to distribute the
structural loads over a considerable base area at the foundation bed. Since
spread foundations (shallow foundations) are constructed in open
excavations, therefore, they are termed as openfoundations.
Shallow/spread footings are the most widely used type among all
foundations because they are usually more economical. Construction of
footings requires a least amount of equipment and skill and no heavy or
special equipment is necessary. Shallow foundations are usually used when
the soil at a shallow depth has adequate capacity to support the load of the
superstructure. For reasons of economy, shallow foundations are the first
choice unless they are considered inadequate.
The different types of shallow
foundations are as follows:
Isolated Footing
Combined footing
Strap Footing
Mat/Raft Foundation
A. Isolated Column Footing
These are independent footings which are provided when
SBC is generally high
Columns are far apart
Loads on footings are less
The isolated footings can have different cross section Some of the popular shapes of
footings are;
The isolated footings essentially consist of stepped or sloping in nature.
The bottom of the slab isreinforced with steel mesh to resist the two
internal forces namely bending moment and shear force.
Figure . Square isolated footing.
B. Combined footing
These are common footings which support the loads from 2 or more
columns. Combined footings areprovided when
i. Columns are closely spaced and design/proportioning of isolated
footings results in an overlapof footing areas and/or,
ii. When there is a property line/boundary line/restriction and
there exists a column along theboundary line and use of isolated
footing is not possible.
Rectangular Combined footings are used:

encountered and the spacing between the

columns is less than 6m-7m and/or,
When case (b) encountered and the outer column, which is
the one along the boundary line, carries a larger load as
compared to the inner column (the one to be combined with
the outer column).
 Trapezoidal combined footings: are used
When case (b) is encountered and the inner column
carries a larger load as compared to the load carried by
the column along the boundary line.
Figure . Combined footing
C. Strap Footing
Strap footing is used to an eccentrically loaded column footing to an interior column so that the moment
can be transferred through the beam and have uniform stress distribution beneath both the foundations.
This type of footing is preferred over the rectangular or trapezoidal footing if
distance between the columns is relatively large .
A strap footing may be somewhat more economical than a combined footing if
distances between columns are large (say greater than 7m)

Figure. Raft/mat foundation

The mat or raft covers the entire area of the superstructure as it supports all the columns of the Structure
Where is it needed?
Structures like chimneys, silos, cooling towers, buildings with basements where continuous water
proofing is needed
For foundations where differential settlement can be a major concern
For soft soils strata or site with pockets of weak soil
In situations where individual footings may touch or overlap each other
Loads are very heavy
Spread footings cover > 50% area

Fgure . Mat/raft footing

Deep Foundation
If the upper layer soil strata are too weak to carry the structural loads, the
loads may be transferred tomore suitable deeper layers using deep
foundations. Common types re the following
Pile Foundation
Pier Foundation
Well Foundation

2.1 General Principles of Foundation Design

The usual approach to a normal foundation-engineering problem is:
i. To prepare a plan of the base of the structure showing the various
columns, load bearing walls with estimated loads, including dead
load, live load, moments coming into the foundation units.
ii. To study the tentative allowable bearing pressures allocated
for the various strata below theground level, as given by the
soil investigation report.
iii. To determine the required foundation depth. This may be the
minimum depth based on soilstrength or structural
requirement considerations.
iv. To compute the dimensions of the foundation based on the given
loading and allowable bearingpressure.
v. To estimate the total and differential settlements of the structure. If
these are excessive the bearingpressure will have to be reduced or the
foundation taken to a deeper and less compressible stratum or the
structure will have to be founded on piles or other special measures
2.1.1 Loads on Foundation
An accurate estimation of all loads acting on the foundation should be made
before it can be properly designed. A foundation may be subjected to two or
more of the following loads.
a) Dead load: - Weight of structure
- All material permanently attached to structure
- Static earth pressure acting permanently against the structure
below Ground surface.
- Water pressures acting laterally against the basement
walls and vertically against to theslab
b) Live load: - temporary loads expected to superimpose on the structure during its
Service life.
c) Wind load: - lateral load coming from the action of wind. Local
building codes Provide magnitude ofdesign wind pressure.
d) Dynamic load: - load coming from a vibrating object (machinery). In
such case, separate foundationshould be provided. The impact effect of
such loads should be considered in design.
E) Earth quick load: - are powerful manifestations of sudden releases of strain energy
accumulated overExtensive time interval.
2.1.2 Selection of Foundation Type
In selecting the foundation type the following points must be considered
1. The bearing capacity of the underlying soil.
2. The magnitude of the column loads.
3. The position of the water table.
4. The depth of foundations of adjacent buildings.


Design data and material properties

The design of any structure is categorized in to functional design and structural


Functional design: the structure to be constructed should primarily serve the basic
purpose for which it is to be used and must have a pleasing look.

Structural design: it is an art and science of understanding the behavior of structural

members subjected to loads and designing them with economy and elegance to give a
safe, serviceable and durable structure.

Design situations: The severe conditions which can be foreseen to occur in the life
time of the building include:

1. Persistent and transient situations

2. Seismic situations

Material Specification

Approach - limit state design

Material - C-25

- S-300 deformed bar

Partial factor of safety
- Concrete =1.5
-Steel = 1.15

Unit weight of concrete =24kN/m



fcd = 0.85*fcu/1.5 = 11.33 MPa

fck = 0.8 fcu = 20 MPa

fctd = 0.21 [fck^ 2/3]/γ c = 1.032 MPa

fyd = fyk/ γs = 260.87 MPa

m = fyd/ [0.8fcd] = 28.78

C1 =2.5/m = 0.087
C2 = 0.32m *fcd = 3003.2



fyd = fyk/ γs= 260.87 MPa


Where : FK -dead or live load

γF-factor of safety

γC - partial factor of safety for concrete

γs - partial factor of safety for steel

fcd - design compressive strength of concrete

fck - characteristics compressive strength of

concrete fctd- -design tensile strength of

fyd -design yield strength of reinforcement

fyk- -characteristics yield strength of reinforcement


The main measure of structural quality of concrete is its compressive strength. Our code
EBCS EN- 1-1:2014 recommends concrete grade based on a test of 150mm cube at the
age of 28 days in terms of its characteristic compressive strength (fcu).

Class I workmanship and ordinary loading condition is used in which values are
measured by weight and using mixer. It requires less safety factor.

Concrete grade C-25 denotes the characteristic compressive strength

in Mpa. Partial safety factor c =1.5 (Ordinary loading) -----[EBCS
EN- 1-1:2014 table 3.1]
Characteristic Compressive strength

fck = 0.8*25 = 20MPa where fck is the characteristic compressive strength of cylinder tests.

fcd= 11.33Mpa where fcd the design characteristic compressive strength of cylinder tests.

Characteristic tensile strength.

As it is difficult to obtain accurate data because of hardening problems empirical relations

are used to obtain tensile strength.

fctk= 0.21fck =1.5 MPa
Fctd=0.21*202/3/1.5 =1.04MPa

Where: fctk = tensile strength of concrete

fck = characteristic cylindrical compressive strength in MPa.

The ultimate stress in concrete for design purpose isfcu = 0.85fck

The ultimate strain in concrete for design purpose is taken as 0.0035.

The unit weight of concrete is 24 KN/m3

Ecm = 29GPa

Reinforcement steel
Characteristic properties of reinforcement bar is expressed using its yielding strength
fyk and is given as: Steel grade S-300 where S = characteristic strength of steel in
MPa. [300MPa] Partial safety factor: s=1.15

fyk = 300MPa where fyk is characteristic tensile strength of steel.

fyd = fyk/ s = 300/1.15 = 260.87MPa.

Where fyd is the design tensile strength of steel.

Es = 200GPa where Es = Modulus of elasticity of steel.

Maximum spacing
Smax ≤ {350 2

Design load: Partial safety factor for actions in building structure for persistent and
transient design situation is taken for unfavorable condition. Factor of safety for permanent
(dead loads) and variable loading (live loads) condition are1.3 and 1.6 respectively (EBCS
-2, 1995 table 3.3).

FD = f FK Where: - Fk= Characteristic load

f = Partial safety factor for loads, 1.6 for live load, 1.3 For
dead load Pd = 1.3DL + 1.6LL

Design method and References

Design of a certain structure involves determination of cross-sectional dimensions, area of steel

and their distribution and the area and spacing of transverse bars satisfying all strength

service equipment.
Design is needed for:

Fitness for purpose- no restriction for use of structure for which it is built.

Safety- assured by different codes for loading, materials and design

constriction Durability – by selecting the right material and
consideration in design process

Good value for money

External appearance and

User comfort

For this typical project Limit state design method (philosophy) is adopt.

A limit state is a state of impending failure, beyond which a structure ceases to perform
its intended function satisfactorily, in terms of either safety or serviceability i.e. it either
collapses or become unserviceable.

The reference (codes and aids) used are:-

EBCS – 1, 1995

EBCS – 2,1995

EBCS – 2,1995, part 2

EBCS – 7,1995

EBCS – 8,1995

Design of concrete structure, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nelson, George winter

Kaliti steel mill manual
➢ Unit weight (from ebcs1,1995)

P.v.c ---------------------------------------------- 16 kN/m
ceramic -------------------------------------------- 23 kN/m
Screed --------------------------------------------- 20kN/m
Terrazzo ------------------------------------------ 23kN/m
Light weight HCB ------------------------------- 14kN/m
20 cm HCB block ------------------------------ 14kN/m
15 cm HCB block ------------------------------- 12kN/m
10 cm HCB block ------------------------------- 10kN/m

Unit weight of concrete ------------------------ 24/25kN/m
Unit weight of glass------------------------------ 23kN/m
Unit weight of aluminum ----------------------- 27kN/m
Live load (from Ebcs 1, 1995 table 2.9 & 2.10))
Category A (resident, kitchen, toilet) -------- 2kN/m
Stair ----------------------------------------------3 kN/m
Balcony -----------------------------------------2 kN/m
Category C1 (rental offices) ------------------ 3 kN/m
Category D (shop) ------------------------------ 5 kN/m
Category C1 (snack bar) ----------------------- 3 kN/m
Category E (store) ------------------------------ 6 kN/m
category (supermarket) ------------------------ 5 kN/m
Corroder-------------------- ---------------------- 2 KN/m
Wind Load Analysis
Even though there are two methods for wind load analysis ,namely Quasi static
method and dynamic analysis we prefer Quasi static since our structure is assumed to be
less susceptible to dynamic excitation and from EBCS-1,1995 section 3.9.3 a building
which satisfies the criterion:(For cd <1.2and building height less than 200m) (From
EBCS 1, 1995, Fig 3.7 Can be analyzed using quasi static method.Before going to the
direct steps we should classify the location, terrain category our building site. And our
building is located at DEBRE MARKOS university main camps.
 External pressure
External pressure We is obtained from:We =qref * Ce(Ze)*C pe
Where Cpe - is the external pressure
coefficient Ce (Ze) - is the exposure
qref - is the reference wind pressure
A. Reference wind Pressure
This is determined
qref = 0.5 *ρ*v2ref

Where ρ is the air density and for an altitude of Debre markos is about 2445m above sea
level. the building will be built in Debre markos From table 3.1 of EBCS 1, 1995ρ = 0.94 kg
Vref = the reference wind velocity and is given as;
Vref = CDIR * CTEM * CALT * Vref,0
where ;Vref,0 is the basic value of the reference wind velocity to
be taken
as 22m/sec
CDIR- is the direction factor to be taken as 1.0.
CTem- is the temporary (seasonal) factor to be taken as 1.0.
CALT -is the altitude factor to be taken as 1.0

qref = 0.5 *(0.94 kg/m3) *(22.0 m/s)2

= 227.48 N/m2

B. Terrain Factor
The building will be constructing in DebreMarkos , according to EBCS -1 table 3.2
Debremarkos iscategorized under category-4 Category-4 is classified as urban area
in which at least 15% of the surface is covered with buildingshaving an average
height of 15m. The variables for terrain category-4 are:
 Terrain factor (KT) =0.24
 Minimum height (Zmin) =16m
 Roughness length (Zo) =1m
C. Roughness Coefficient Cr (z)
Account for the variability of mean wind velocity at the site of the structure due to:
a) The height above ground level
b) The roughness of the terrain depending
on the wind direction. Therefore the Roughness
Coefficient at any z height of a building defined

Cr(z)=KT * ......... for Z min ≤Z ≤200m from EBSC1,1995.Art3.8.2

Cr(z)=Cr(Z min)…………….for Z<Z min

The actual height of the building, Z, is equal to 16m Since 16m <17m < 200m,
Cr(z) =0.24*ln (17/1)
D. Topography Coefficient
Ct =1 ( Assume the area is topographically un affected)
E. Exposure Coefficient
The exposure coefficient, Ce (Z) takes into account the effects of
terrain roughness, topography andheight above ground on the mean
wind speed and turbulence. It is defined by:

Calculation of the wind load for the area (q)
q = Ce (17)* qref
=357N/m2 = 0.357KN/m2
External pressure (We)

To find the external wind pressure we need external pressure coefficient and the coefficient
depends on the size of the loaded area, A, and as per the EBCScode it is given as;
Cpe = Cpe,………………………………………..for A ≤ 1m2
Cpe = Cpe, 1 + (Cpe, 10 – Cpe, 1) logA … … … . for 1m2 < A < 10m2
Cpe = Cpe, ………………………………………..for A ≥ 10m2
The roof of our building have two mono pitch roof type. The roof division in zones is done
according to Appendix A.2.4 of EBCS-1, 1995 and with realistic assumption. The zoning is
shown below.

For the first mono pitch roof 6.2m *24.2m

Case -1: wind direction at θ = 0o and 180o
e = min =min =24.2m

e/4 = 6.05 ; e/10 = 2.42

The pitch angle α = tan-1(1.5/6.2) = 13.6o

Applying linear interpolation between 5o and 15o, Cpe,10 and Cpe,1value

for θ= 0o ,and 1800 is obtained as follows.

Table Cpe value for θ = 0o and 180o

For θ = 0o For θ=180o

zone F G H F G H
Area(m2) 29.282 29.282 91.476 29.282 29.282 91.476

Cpe(-ve) -1.012 -0.856 -0.342 -2.472 -1.3 -0.886

Cpi+ve 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Cpi-ve -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
(Cpe-Cpi+ve) -1.812 -1.656 -1.142 -3.272 -2.1 -1.666

(Cpe-Cpi-ve) -0.512 -0.356 0.158 -1.972 -0.8 -0.386

The above calculated Cpe value for each zone is obtained for pitch angle
θ=13.6oby using the above.

formula based on the area divisions of each zone.

We =q*Cpe -------------------------------------- (1)

Internal Pressure (Wi)

Internal pressure Wi is given by:

Wi = q* Cpi

Where Cpi is the internal pressure coefficient and according to the code for
Closedbuildings with internal partitions and opening windows:

Cpi = 0.8 or -0.5

Net Pressure

The net wind pressure is the difference of the pressure on each surface by
considering the signs. And there will be various net wind pressure
combinations out of which the severe cases are taken. From eq(1)&eq(2) the
net wind force is:

Wnet=0.357(Cpe - Cpi) = 0.357(-2.472-0.8)

=-1.168kN/m2 is the maximum suction pressure

Wnet = 0.357(Cpe - Cpi) = 0.357(-0.342+0.5)

= 0.056 kN/m2is the maximum wind pressure

Case -2: wind direction at θ = 90o

e = min =min =6.2m

The pitch angle α = tan-1(1.5/6.2) = 13.6o

Applying linear interpolation between 5o and 15o, Cpe,10 and cpe,1 value for
θ = 90ois obtained as follows.
Table Cpe value for θ = 90o

For 90o
zone F G I H
Area(m2) 1.92 1.92 15.375 130.82

Cpe(-ve) -1.863 -2.276 -0.532 -0.772

Cpi+ve 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Cpi-ve -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
(Cpe-Cpi+ve) -2.663 -3.076 -1.152 -1.572
(Cpe-Cpi-ve) -1.363 -1.776 -0.032 -0.272

Net Pressure

Wnet = We(-ve)- Wi(+ve)

Wnet = qref (cpe – Cpi)

= 0.357 (-2.276 – 0.8)

= -1.098 kN/m2 is the maximum suction

Therefore, we take the design wind load from the two cases by comparing forpositive
wind load
(pressure) and Negative wind load(suction)

-1.168 kN/m2 is the design maximum suction

0.056 kN/m2 is the design maximum pressure

For the second mono pitch roof 8.2m *24.2m
In the same way as done above we calculate the design Wind Pressure(i.e, -ve and +ve)
for the second roof and get the following values.

Case 1: wind direction at θ = 0o and 180o

Wnet=0.357(Cpe - Cpi) = 0.357(-2.474-0.8)

=-1.169kN/m2 is the maximum
suction pressure

Wnet = 0.357(Cpe - Cpi) = 0.357(-


= 0.3 kN/m2is the maximum wind pressure

Case -2: wind direction at θ = 90o

Wnet = qref (cpe – Cpi)= 0.357 (-2.184 – 0.8)
=-1.119 kN/m2 is the maximum suction
-1.169 kN/m2 is the design maximum suction

0.3 kN/m2 is the maximum pressure

For the analysis and design of the two roofs the extreme values are taken. i.e,

design wind pressure=0.3 kN/m2

design wind suction pressure=-1.169 kN/m2

Roof System Load analysis

Purlin load analysis
Load on purlin;
EGA sheet: EGA-400 of thickness 0.8mm is 6.28Kg/m or0.0628KN/m and the
weight of galvanized sheet is 0.38kg/m2 heavier than uncoated sheet

To determine the dead load per area the weight should be divided by width ofthe sheet.

weight of the EGA-400 sheet

= (0.0628KN/m)/(0.712m) + 0.38kg/m2*9.81m/s2/ (1000)
=0.088KN/m2 +0.00373kN/m2= 0.092kN/m2

Self Wight Of the Purlin; the software (i.e.Sap) will include it during the analysis.

:the section is 30*30*3mm ST from Kaliti Steel Factory

Wind Load: design wind pressure=0.3 kN/m2

design wind suction pressure=-1.169 kN/m2

Live load: The characteristics value Qk & qk are given EBCS-1 1995, table 2.13 & 2.14.
For a roof which is not accessible for normal maintenance repairs, painting &
minorrepairs, the roof category is H.
For sloping category H,qk=0.25 KN/m2
Qk=1 KN (point load) =1KN/0.712 m=1.4KN/m

Purlin Spacing=1.6m; Truss Spacing=5m

Dead load on purlin=0.092 kN/m2*1.6m=0.147 kN/m

Wind load on purlin=0.3 kN/m2*1.6m=0.48KN/m……………… compression

=-1.169 kN/m2*1.6m=-1.87KN/m…………….Suction

Live load=0.25 kN/m2*1.6m=0.4KN/m…………………………………UDL


The wind load acts perpendicular to the rafter. But the Dead and Live Load reacts at pitch
angles so we need to resolved in to parallel and perpendicular to the rafter using pitch angle

Figure purlin

Load Parallel to the Rafter

Dead Load =0.147KN /m *sin 13.6°= 0.035kN⁄m

Live Load, UDL= 0.4 * sin 13.6° = 0.094KN⁄m
Live Load, Concentrated =1*sin 13.6° = 0.235KN

Load Perpendicular to the Rafter

Dead Load = 0.147*cos 13.6° = 0.143kN⁄m

Live Load UDL=0.4*cos13.6° = 0.389kN⁄m
Live load concentrated =1*cos13.6° = 0.972kN
Load Combinations
According to EBCS-1-1995 section 2.3
A. Dead Load + Live Load
Load Parallel to the Rafter
1. Pd = 1.3DL + 1.6LLUDL
= 1.3(0.035) + 1.6(0.094) = 0.196kN⁄m

2. Pd = 1.3DL + 1.6LLconc
= 1.3(0.035) + 1.6(0.235) = 0.046KN/m + 0.376KN

Load Perpendicular to the Rafter

3. Pd = 1.3DL + 1.6LLUDL
= 1.3(0.143) + 1.6 ( 0.389) = 0.81KN⁄m

4. Pd = 1.3DL + 1.6LLconc
Pd = 1.3(0.143) + 1.6(0.972) = 0.186KN⁄m + 1.555KN

B. Dead Load + Wind Load

Load parallel to the Rafter
5. Pd = 1.3DL + 1.6WL+
= 1.3(0.035) + 1.6(0.48) = 0.814KN/m

Load Perpendicular to Rafter

6. Pd = 0.9DL + 1.6WL-
= 0.9*0.143 + 1.6(-1.87) = -2.86KN/m
C. Dead Load +Live Load + Wind Load
Load Parallel to the Rafter
7.Pd = 1.3DL+ 1.6LLUDL + 0.96WL+
= 1.3 (0.035) + 1.6(0.094)+ 0.96(0.48)= 0.657KN/m
8. Pd = 1.3DL + 1.6 WL+ 1.2LLUDL
= 1.3 (0.035) +1.6(0.48) +1.2(0.094) = 0.926KN/m

Load Perpendicular to the Rafter

9. Pd = 1.3DL + 1.6LLUDL + 0.96WL+
= 1.3(0.143) + 1.6(0.389)+0.96(0.48)= 1.27KN/m
10. Pd =1.3DL + 1.6 WL+ 1.2LLUDL
= 1.3 (0.143) +1.6(0.48)+1.2(0.389)=1.421KN/m

Therefore after SAP analysis of all the above combinations the following values are
obtained Joint Reaction From the purlin to truss;

Dead load Reaction=2.28KN

Live load Reaction=4KN
Wind load Reaction =4.68KN
Truss Analysis
After loading the load reaction comes from the purlin and by combining the loads in the way of purlin
load combination we have done the analysis Using SAP and found the following Result.

Dead load Reaction=6.91KN

Live load Reaction=14.53KN
Wind load Reaction =14.55KN
Structural Model
The dimensions of elements in super-structure are specified below:-
Beam 20*40cm in all Stories
Column 20*40cm in all stories
Slab 15cm
Internal Wall 15cm
External wall 20cm
After roof analysis the next stage that we have done is structural modeling on SAP and preparing the
Service and ultimate loads lay out which comes from SAP Result.

Figure;- structural sap model

Figure:Service Load layout

Figure: Ultimate Load Layout

Table;- Column Load Category

Footing Load Column Maximum Maximum

Name Code Service Ultimate

load Load

Fz Mx My Fz(KN)

(KN) (KNm) (KNm)

F1 200-400 C1,C9,C18,29 381 2.7 4.2 522

F2 400-600 C8,C19,C30,C32,C38 593 0 0.4 820

F3 600-800 C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C10,C3 766 2.3 0.4 1065


F4 800-1000 C11,C12,C13,C14,C17,C21, 965 3.1 2.3 1460


F5 1000- C15,C16,C21,C22 1143 0.5 3.6 1584


F6 1200- C23,C24,C25,C27 1473 1.6 0.6 2064


F7 1400- C26 1545 2.6 0.5 2161

Table ;- Soil Investigation Report

Group No. Depth Description Soil parameters Ground

0-0.4 m Organic soil
0.4 m-7 m Sand ∅’ =310, γ=17.5 kN/m3, γsat=19 kN/m3, Es=
G-1 50 Mpa, µs = 0.35
7 m-12 m Clay C’= 45 kPa, ∅’ =290, γsat=18 kN/m3, Es=
15 Mpa, µs = 0.45, e0=0.65, OCR =3.5, 6m
Cc=0.35, Cr=0.05,
12 m-20 m Sand ∅’ =320, γsat= 19.5 kN/m3, Es= 70 Mpa, µs
= 0.3
>20m Hard stratum

Foundation Design

Isolated Footing Design

Footing Pad (F4) Design

Design Service Load=965KN

Design Ultimate load=1460KN

I. Geotechnical Design

a) Depth of Footing=1.5m

This depth of footing is selected b/c:

• The soil type is firm.

• Lateral load is negligible.

• Load applied from the structure is not much huge.

• The ground water table is below the ground surface.

b) Proportioning of the footing Using the soil Parameter  and C

Figure:- Soil Stratification

qult = cNcbcScic + qNqbqSqiq + 0.5BNbSi

Since the Foundation lies on the sand and have no Cohesion i.e, c=0

qult = qNqbqSqiq + 0.5BNbSi

bq = b =1 b/c the foundation base have no angle with the soil

iq = i =1 b/c the Load is Normal to the foundation

Sq= 1 + Sin  for Square Footing

= 1+Sin 31o = 1.52

S=0.7 for Square Footing

q = *Df=17.5KN/m3*1.5m=26.25KN/m2

Nq=e tan2(45+/2) = e tan31
tan2(45+31/2) = 20.6

N=2(Nq-1) tan=2(20.6-1) tan31o=23.6

qult=26.25*20.6*1*1.52*1 + 0.5*17.5*B*23.6*1*0.7*1

=821.94 + 144.55*B

 ≤ F.s=2;A=B2

Pd=Service Load + 10% of the Super Structure Service load for self weight of the Pad

=965KN + 0.1*965KN=1061.5KN


 144.55B3 + 821.94B2-2124=0
B=1.44m (Solved By Trial)
Take the dimension of the footing 1.50*1.50m

 < qallow=519.4KN/m2--------------OK!

c) Settlement
i) Stettlement computation for the top Sand soil layer
S(t)=S(i) + S(c) + S(s)
Where: S(t) = total settlement in a given layer
S(i) = immidate Settlement
S(c) = Primary Consolidation settlement
S(S) = Secondary Consolidation Settlement
But Sand will not have S(c) and S(S), So we compute for immidate settlement only.

, ,


depth factor (If) will taken From the following table.

For μs; 0.3 = 0.65

0.35 = ?

0.4 = 0.69 using interpolation If=0.67


S(i) = 9 mm this is for flexible bases.

So, in our cases the base is considered as regid base.

S(i) = 0.931*9mm = 8.4mm

ii) Consolidation settlement for Clay soil layer

O.C.R= ⇒

So, S(c) = b/c Cs=Cr=0.05

S(c) = 27mm

II. Structural design

Square Footing 1.50m*1.50 Supports a Column 20cm*40cm with Ultimate a load of 1460KN and we add
10% of the Ultimate Super Structure Load for the Self Weight Of Pad.

Pd=1460KN + 0.1*1460KN=1606KN

C-25,S 300,  20mm bar and we use EBCS EN 1992-1-1:2014 For design

Contact Pressure =

 Punching Shear
The Punching effect Should be Checked at the Face and 2d distance from the Face of the Column

Case 1:At the perimeter of the column



=2*(b + h)




Vrd ≥ Vd

3752.5*d = 1548.95

d ≥ 0.42m

Vrd=3752.5*0.42=1576.05KN > Vd=1548.95KN------------------OK!

Case2:at The Perimeter of 2d From the face of the column.

Perimeter U1=



Area of Punching;

Ap =

Ap =

Vd =

Vrd=0.5*(1.2+4 d)*d*0.552*11.33*103


Vrd ≥ Vd

48265.93d2 + 5465.62d-1548.95=0

d ≥ 0.14m

Vrd=1295.6KN > Vd = 1133.3KN -------------------------OK!

From the above two cases case 1 governs and d=0.42m

D=d+/2+ cc



Take D=0.5m

d=D - (/2+ cc)=500-(20/2+50)=440mm=0.44m

 Wide beam Shear

Where; 


Moment Calculation;

The critical moment is at the Face of the column.

Figure;- dimenstion of footing pad

=150.68*106 Nmm/mm


Check for minimum Steel ratio;

ρmin ≥ max of

ρ=0.0031> ρmin=0.00143 so take ρ=0.0031

Vrd,c=0.368Mpa>Vmin=0.338Mpa -------------------------OK!

Devloped Wide Beam Shear Vd;


There fore,the Concrete section is adequate For wide Beam Shear.

III. Flexural Reinforcment

Area of Steel(As)=ρ*b*d

Design Moment :


Check for minimum Steel ratio;

ρmin ≥ max of

ρ=0.0031> ρmin=0.00143 so take ρ=0.0031

Then As= ρ*b*d=0.0031*1500mm*440mm=2046mm2

Check For Maximum and Minimum Reinforcment area:



As,min=max of

=1447.16mm2 >As=2046mm2------------------------Ok!

Check for Maximum and Minimum Spacing

Minimum Spacing = Max of

Maximum Spacing=Min of

Min. Spacing=20mm<210mm=Provided Spacing<Max. Spacing=400mm--------------------OK!

Then,Use  20mm bar c/c 210mm a long both directions.

IV. Devlopmental Length

Where: 


Anchorage Length = lb,rqd – la = 686.5mm – 600mm =86.5mm ≈ 100mm

Provide  20mm bar c/c 210mm a long both directions with anchorage length of 10 cm
V. Detailing

Figure ;- footing pad detailing

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