PR2 Data Analysis

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Chapter 4

Data analysis

This chapter present the analysis and interprets the data gathered in order to draw out important
information and significant points about The impact of digital teaching and learning in senior highschool
students in holy Nazarene Christian School. For clarity and consistency in the discussion, the data are
presented by likert scale and Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis.

Table. 1 Sections
Section Frequency Percentage
Genesis 10 11.1%
Kings 24 26.7%
Leviticus 4 4.4%
Judges 0 0%
Numbers 10 11.1%
Psalms 0 0%
Proverbs 5 5.6%
Chronicles 0 0%
Romans 7 7.8%
Colossians 0 0%
Hebrews 1 11.1%
Galatians 2 2.2%
Corinthians 6 6.7%
Thessalonians 0 0%
Ephesians 21 23.3%
Philippians 0 0%
Total 90 100%

The table 1 show the sections of the Respondents. 11.1% of the Respondents are Genesis in section.
26.7% of the Respondents are kings in sections. 4.4% of the Respondents are Leviticus in sections. 11.1%
of the Respondents are Numbers in sections. 5.6% of the Respondents are Proverbs in sections. 7.8% of
the Respondents are Romans in sections. Same percent of the Respondents on Genesis are Hebrews in
sections. 2.2% of the Respondents are Galatians in sections. 6.7% of the Respondents are Corinthians in
sections. 23.3% of the Respondents are Ephesians in sections. Non Respondents in sections are judges,
Psalms, Chronicles, Colossians, Thessalonians, and Philippians, the are 16 sections on senior high school.
The sections that has a lot Respondents are kings.

Table 2. Strand

Strand Frequency Percentage

STEM 44 50%
HUMSS 26 29.5%

ABM 18 20.5%

ICT 0 0%

Total 88 100%

The table 2 shows the strand of Respondents out of 88 Respondents there are 44 senior high school that
are STEM which is 50%. 26 senior high school Respondents that are HUMSS which is 29.5%.18 SHS
Respondents that are ABM which is 20.5% senior high school.

Table. 3 Using devices

Devices Frequencies Percentage
Phone 47 51.6%
Tablet 2 2.2%
Laptop 29 31.9%
Computer 13 14.3%
Total 91 100%

Table 3 shows the devices that they used of our Respondents 47 Respondents are using phone which is
51.6%. In conclusion the respondent are average using devices is phone.

Table. 4 Modality

Modality Frequency Percentage

Synchronous 76 84.4%

Asynchronous 14 15.6%

Total 90 100%

Table 4 shows the modality they choose of Respondents which is 84.4% is the synchronous and 15.6%
Asynchronous they choose in modality.

Table. 5 Time

Time Frequency Percentage

1-3hours 8 8.8%
3-4hours 29 31.9%
4-6hiurs 42 46.2%
7 hours 12 13.2%
Total 91 100%

Table 5 shows the time they spend of Respondents 8 Respondents are 1-3hours which is 8.8%. In
conclusion the respondent are average time is 4-6 hours.

Table. 6 Impact of digital learning

Question Main Verbal

Average Interpretation
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree (2) (3) (4) agree
(1) (5)
1 2 17 50 19 3 3.0 Neutral
2 2 13 53 21 2 3.1 Neutral
3 3 16 51 21 0 2.10 Disagree
4 1 8 39 30 12 3.5 Neutral
5 2 1 27 25 36 4.0 Agree
6 14 21 47 9 0 2.6 Disagree
7 4 12 34 26 15 3.4 Neutral
8 2 5 37 25 22 3.7 Neutral
9 6 15 49 15 6 3 Neutral
10 13 19 52 7 0 2.6 Disagree
11 16 19 32 17 7 2.8 Disagree
12 7 8 45 25 6 3.2 Neutral
13 7 10 49 20 5 3.1 Neutral
14 1 4 33 41 12 3.6 Neutral
15 5 10 47 15 14 2.6 Disagree
16 11 8 51 19 2 2.9 Disagree
17 9 18 46 15 3 2.8 Disagree
18 0 12 36 24 18 3.5 Neutral
19 4 3 57 22 5 3.2 Neutral
20 15 14 45 13 3 2.7 Disagree
Weighted 3.07 Neutral

Disagree 1.00-1.50
Disagree 1.51-2.50

Neutral 2.51-3.50

Agree 3.51-4.50

Strongly agree 4.51-5.00

Table 6 shows the Impact of digital learning of the senior high school or the Respondents for the
question number 1 the average that I’ve got is 3.0 which is Neutral. In conclusion the Weighted Average
is 3.07 which is Neutral.

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