Student Teacher: School: Date: Class: Level: Type of Lesson/ Teaching Point

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Student Teacher:

School: Secondary School

Date: 8 June 2021 Time: 12:30 – 13:30

Class: 8-A / Age: 13-14 Length of lesson: 60 m

Level: Intermediate

Type of lesson/ Teaching point: Reading, writing and speaking.

Vocabulary activites are included.

Main aims: - To improve students critical reading ski

- To motivate discussion.
- To develop reading for comprehension
Performance objectives: As a result of this lesson, students will be ab
- Summarize the story,
- Identify story elements,
- Identify and discuss themes and morals
- Draw an image to represent a theme or

Personal aims: - To encourage participation,

- To motivate students,
- To make sure the lesson is instructive a
- The Little Match Girl story by Hans Chri
Materials/Aids: - Smart board to display the lesson,
- Markers,
- Drawing paper.
--before Easier level short story review in last
Timetable Fit: --now Review The Little Match Girl short sto
- Students are familiar with literary short
Assumed knowledge: - Students have sufficient knowledge of g
- 15 student, Age: 10-11, Boys: 8, Girls:
Class Profile Students often try to participate in the lesson

- Students may not know the meanings o

Anticipated Problems: pronounce them.
- Internet connection problem
- I help students learn words they do not
Possible Solutions: - I check the internet connection before
- If there are any problems with the lesso
Contingecy Plan: inspired by their own imagination.
Homework: - Search for the figures of speech in the s
- Write your own short story.

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