Skywalker Kit: WWW -
Skywalker Kit: WWW -
Skywalker Kit: WWW -
We offer a complete
solution for a user that need
to put a payload in a
advanced position at low cost
completely designed by the
Spanish company
The plane is based in COTS materials (Commercial off-the-shelf) and has been adapted to
became a complete UAV. Due to the fact than the plane has been built using composites and
EPO its weight is really low (1.3 kg without the payload) it is really easy to hand launch it and
to land it: any operator can do it, even without any previous skill, and it will land on its
fuselage without big damage in almost any terrain. Payload weight can be up to 1.2 kg giving
to the system a really good payload weight / total weight relationship.
The use of EPO, a material that comes from the elapor, reduces weight and makes the
integration of the payload an easy task. It is an incredible easy to work material. It also has
"shape memory": in case of a crash the material will deform itself and will came back to its
original shape.
After long optimization tests done on the field by Airelectronics the best engine-propeller
relationship has been selected and special engine control law has been designed archiving the
best possible endurance.
Skywalker Kit
U-Pilot can fly the aircraft using waypoint navigation, even when the GPS signal has been
lost by using dead-reckoning navigation. Can also orbit around a ground location and can fly
directly towards a map clicked location.
Its control laws has been optimized for the control of the electric motor the UAV Skywalker
uses, having automatic modes that take advantage of the energy present in the atmosphere:
The plane has capability to climb taking advantage of the convective activity (thermal
soaring). This way it gains flight time and extends its range. This gives almost unlimited loiter
time over a forest fire.
The Skywalker Pro features a new Li-Ion Battery that doubles the standard Skywalker
endurance and allows the plane to perform a high slope takeoff, recommended when working
in areas with obstacles.
To allow landing in these areas, the Pro version also has spoilers that allow the plane to land
within a few meters. A landing and takeoff slope diagram can be found at the end of this
Skywalker Kit
H i g h l i g h ts
Po s s i b l e A p p l i c a t i o n s
Skywalker Kit
Skywalker Kit
F l i g h t c o n t r o l S p e c i fi c a t i o n M i n i m u m H a r d w a r e fo r
Flight control C o n tr o l C o m p u te r
Attitude Estimation & control.............. 1000Hz rate
Flight-plan............................. Up to 200 way-points The recommended hardware is the MacBook Pro
13” with BootCamp and Microsoft Windows 7.
Speed Control..................................... Auto-throttle
OS............................................... Windows or Linux
Take-Off & Landing................................. Automatic
Processor............................................. Intel Core i5
GPS Positioning RAM.................................................................. 2GB
SBAS............................................. Global coverage Hard drive................................................ 5 free Gb
Differential navigation............ available on request Video Card.................................OpenGL supported
Screen.................................................. at least 13"
Interface with Payloads & Actuators Ports .................................................1 RS-232 port
PWM & GPIO outputs...........................................30 ............................. (native or through USB adaptor)
PWM rate............................................ Configurable
RS-232 ports................... 4 RS-232 compliant ports
RS-232 Rates............................ 9600 – 115200 bps
Pl a n e S p e c i f i c a t i o n
External ADC channels......3 channel 12bit - 0-30 V Dimensions
Main Voltage supply supervisor Length..................................................... 1100 mm
Wing Span................................ 1680 mm/1880mm
...........................................(Two Options available)
Data-Link Frequency ........900MHz/1.4 Ghz/2.4GHz
Payload Bay............................................. 3450 cm3
Power................................................................ 1 W
Range.................................100 km / 80km / 40 km Weights
baud rate............................................. 115200 bps Empty Weight...............................................1,3 kg.
Maximum Take-Off Weight........................... 3,0 kg.
Air Data System
Dynamic pressure sensor range......... 0 – 200 km/h Endurance
Static pressure, low altitude option ........ 0-2000 m 5000 mAh battery option............. 30 min minimum
Static pressure, high altitude option........0-4000 m 10000 mAh battery option............1 hour minimum
Long Endurance battery option...... Up to 2.7 hours
Cammera Control
Typical Crusing speed................................ 45 km/h
Protocols.......................... VISCA®, Controp & PWM
................................. Other protocols upon request
Camera modes........... Geo-Pointed, Stable, Manual