Aerocruze 230 Advanced Touchscreen, 2 or 3-Axis Autopilot: Upgrade Exclusively For Bendixking KFC 150 Autopilot Owners
Aerocruze 230 Advanced Touchscreen, 2 or 3-Axis Autopilot: Upgrade Exclusively For Bendixking KFC 150 Autopilot Owners
Aerocruze 230 Advanced Touchscreen, 2 or 3-Axis Autopilot: Upgrade Exclusively For Bendixking KFC 150 Autopilot Owners
Advanced Touchscreen,
2 or 3-Axis Autopilot
Upgrade Exclusively for BendixKing KFC 150 Autopilot Owners
Fly your Aircraft with Confidence Using a
High-Precision, Easy to Use Autopilot.
Stay confident, as your easy-to-use intercepts requiring a turn greater than
AeroCruze 230 flies your aircraft with 105° will automatically activate the
precision. You can use it to reduce extra localizer back course, thereby
workload and concentrate on tasks that reducing workload.
require your immediate attention. It
helps you manage multiple tasks when AeroCruze 230 packs a lot of features
you feel like you need an extra hand and makes your decision effortless in up-
in complex situations, as you fly grading your KFC 150/2001 autopilots. A
today’s airspace. sample set of features/benefits is given
in the table below.
AeroCruze 230 was designed and built 1Available in early 2020
Simple to install The panel touch controls use color The KMC 231 touch-screen Mode
references to display active functions Control Panel has been designed to
The AeroCruze 230 has a modular in green, while the content within each increase flight safety by informing the
system architecture, which increases its button displays the targets that the pilot about “what the autopilot thinks”
reliability. The system components are: autopilot is actively working to maintain. or “what will happen next”. This way the
pilot is always in complete control of the
1. Autonomous flight computer Annunciation of active modes are readily aircraft, and can override AeroCruze 230
displayed on the autopilot touchscreen actions easily and quickly.
2. A separate mode controller (KMC 231)
by a green active indicator box serving
3. KG 71 to provide air data and as the primary, while the green text Additional safety factors have been
digital attitude and green border serve as a secondary designed for a more precise and accurate
confirmation (excludes LVL, which reference tracking, such as AeroCruze
4. The servo currently installed in displays a light blue indicator box, light 230’s compatibility with digital AHRS/
your aircraft, as part of your current blue text and light blue border). The ADC. Other safety features include:
KFC 150/200/250 touchscreen interface adds Level (LVL)
mode, and altitude preselect. This display 1. Helping you in low visibility conditions
This modular, “lego-like”, design makes during IFR by allowing you to stay
provides additional prompts and cues of
installation easy, with no changes to coupled down to 250 feet (typical)
what the system will do when modes
the panel. Additional savings in time are It can significantly reduce workload
are engaged.
afforded by reusing your existing servos during these critical phases of flight.
in your aircraft. Since your current servos
can be reused, you can expect a dramatic 2. Its wing leveler operates precisely when
decrease in installation time. Another the bank angle is less than 6 degrees;
benefit of upgrading to AeroCruze 230 when the bank angle is greater than 6
is gaining an additional two-year system degrees, the AeroCruze 230 will
warranty for your current servos, free maintain that bank angle.
2 Enhanced safety
of charge . The current brackets and
cabling can be reused to further reduce AeroCruze 230 offers many safety
cost of installation. features that help you fly with confidence The “value” benefits of the AeroCruze 230
Dealer verification of a working system is required. and in control. At power up, it conducts stem from:
an automated “built-in power-up test” to
Simple to use verify the integrity of the system. 1. Low cost of installation by reusing
existing servos and wiring, therefore,
The AeroCruze 230 autopilot is operated When coupled to sensors such as saving you thousands of dollars.
by a set of hybrid controls on the navigators, AeroCruze 230 can
autopilot panel, using dual concentric seamlessly transition between flight 2. Reduced installation time – rapid
knobs, soft buttons, a touchscreen phases, coupling to either WAAS or ILS final assembly will save you hours of
display, plus a set of dedicated controls. approaches. Altitude preselect offers installation time reducing labor costs.
Dedicated knob/button functions more precise altitude capturing, and can
have been designed for frequent use be used as a reminder for your altitude 3. Reduction in on-going maintenance
functions. The autopilot touchscreen clearances. AeroCruze 230 offers costs by getting an additional two
buttons control the engagement/ precise turns for curved approaches years of warranty on your existing
disengagement of general functions, and way-point transitions even in servos and servo-mounts.
and control lateral and vertical modes. windy conditions.
The panel soft-touch up/down buttons
control airspeed/vertical speed targets,
pitch reference, and fine altitude tuning
in ALT mode. An altitude selector knob
is used to preselect the desired altitude.
AeroCruze 230 Technical Specifications
TSO C-198
Environmental: RTCA/DO-160G
Software: RTCA/DO-178 Level B
The initial AML STC will cover Beechcraft F33A, A36, A36TC, B36TC
the following airframes: Mooney M20K, M20J, M20L
Piper PA-32-301, PA-32-301T,
PA-32R-301, PA-32R-301T
Socata TB10, TB20
Mooney M20M, M20R, M20S
Piper PA-60-700P, PA-34-200T,
PA-34-220T, PA-46-310P, PA-46-350P
9201-B San Mateo Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113 N61-2106-000-000 | 01/20 © 2020 BendixKing