Patron Membership Form Alongwith benefits-SD
Patron Membership Form Alongwith benefits-SD
Patron Membership Form Alongwith benefits-SD
1. We would like to apply for Patron Membership of ASSOCHAM and enclose our
drawn on………………………….…….(Bank) for Rs. 4,50,000.00 + 18% GST to be added being
the annual Membership fee payable by us.
(iii) Tel:............................................................Mob:……………...…………………......................
(iv) Emails…………………………………………………………………….....................................
(v) Website.……………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Name of
- Chairman: .............................................................................................................................
- Managing Director:….............................................................................................................
- Chief Executive officer: .........................................................................................................
Authorised Signatory
Date: .......................... Name alongwith Company Stamp:
Payment should be made in favour of “The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry
of India, New Delhi”
Priority to join meetings with Ministers, Secretaries and Senior Officials of Government of India,
State Government, NITI Aayog, RBI, Foreign Dignitaries and Delegations etc.
Latest Research Studies and e-Publications on various issues are to be sent on priority basis.
Branding in two Events of choice in a year with Logo in Newspaper if any, and also on Backdrop
at the Venue.
Close interaction with ASSOCHAM’s renowned Members, Central & State Governments,
international agencies and academia.
Assistance to trade and industry in becoming competitive in National and International markets.
Promotion of international trade through meetings with visiting foreign business delegations,
participation in Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and business delegations abroad.
Expert advice on diverse subjects such as industrial growth, monetary and fiscal policy, exchange
rate policy, economic planning, taxation and corporate laws.
Regular and timely information on latest national and international policies Govt. Legislations and
technical developments.
Generating awareness and gathering public support regarding specific aspects of business for
overall business development.
Analysis of legislation: Helping policy makers, foreign investors and trade and industry.
Platform to interact and gain professional knowledge through seminars, workshops and round
table meetings.
ASSOCHAM has over 70 National Councils on different subjects which regularly take up the
Issues of its Members interest in various fields with the Policy Makers.
Networking with Indian Missions and counterpart organizations across the globe.
Assist identifying joint venture partners at various National and International events organized by
Web Services: Information on important events organized by ASSOCHAM and other activities,
press releases, membership, etc.
E-mail Service: Regular mailers to Members on Government Notifications, Circulars, Reports, etc.
Access to use Conference and Meeting Room facilities of centrally located at concessional
rates at Centrally Air-conditioned ASSOCHAM House, New Delhi.
ASSOCHAM Business Directory: Complete profile of your organization vis-à-vis full address,
telephone/fax numbers, email id, name of the chief executive, details of manufacturing/trading
activities, etc. is published in the ASSOCHAM Business Directory. This directory is usually brought
out every year and circulated to Ministries, Government Offices andalso Promoter Chambers.
Certification of Export documents including Certificate of origin, Visa Recommendation Letters for
business promotion visits abroad.
Developmental programmes with special focus on Human Resources and Industrial Relations.
Opportunity to represent your respective Industrial Sectors in National and International forums of
Consultancy on certain policy and technical matters through ASSOCHAM’s subject- specific expert