Selecting Books For Children: Prepared By: Ronlie RJ A. Espeleta
Selecting Books For Children: Prepared By: Ronlie RJ A. Espeleta
Selecting Books For Children: Prepared By: Ronlie RJ A. Espeleta
Prepared by: Ronlie RJ A. Espeleta
Selecting Books for Children
O Good book selection not only requires a
thorough knowledge of children and their
individual needs, interests, and abilities, but
likewise demands an equal understanding
of the field of children’s literature.
Selecting Books for Children
O A teacher must have an understanding of
children; their needs, desires, thoughts,
interests, and abilities.
O Teachers must know when to give a book, a
story or a poem to a child or a group of
children according to the degree of
understanding of which a child or group is
capable of.
O The ability to understand is the result of
intelligence, of experience, and of
Selecting Books for Children
O A teacher must know that among the children
of school age, pleasure from reading books is
dependent upon skill in reading.
O If a selection is suitable and interesting in
content, but too difficult for a child to read for
himself, the teacher should read it to him.
O One must choose books that are simple enough
for the child to read himself and as the child
grows in reading ability, the teacher must
provide books adapted to his developing skill.
Selecting Books for Children
O The six years of elementary school are the most
crucial period of the child’s life. This is the time
when the child will establish reading habits that
will prevail through high school and adult life.
O A good elementary school reading program
should provide for two inseparable and
interdependent ideas;
1.) the development of readings skills, and
2.) the encouragement of reading pleasures.
Selecting Books for Children
O Books are source of information, comfort and
pleasure for people who know how to use them
and how to choose them. We must know two
- A book is a good book for children only when he
enjoys it
- A book is a poor book for children, even when
adults rate it as a classic, if children are not able to
read it and enjoy it.
Selecting Books for Children