Drums and Muskets

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Drum sand M usket



Drum sand M usket




tBowden& Char

These fast play rules are for games during The Austro - Turkish War (1787 - 1791), through the French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic Wars, including the Latin
American Independance Wars (1810 - 1849). These rules provide a large skirmish style game at brigade level that can be played using any common base sizes.
Although casualties are done by single figuares, but you can use any system you like from multipule models on a single base, to individual figuares.

In wargaming there is a link between ‘real world’ distances and men to the models and measurements used on the gaming board. The measurement unit (MU) in
the rules are shown in inches for all scales being used, (1MU = 1 Inch/25mm). Ground scale represents 1MU = 25yrds/25m. 1MU also represents the frontage of 75
men in 3 ranks or 50 men in 2 ranks. Casualties are represented in hits and for each hit one figuare is removed from play.

Each army has number of generals. An army commander. This would typically be a brigade commander. The force commander would have a number of sub
commanders which would be demi - brigade and detachment generals. These sub commanders would directly command a number formations, these would
represent foot battalions and company detachments, a detachment of cavalry squadrons or an artillery battery. A formation would consist of a number of
models and figuares. The Command distance is 10 MU to any part of a formation from the generals/officers base.

Troop Types
Army Commander/Officers – These represent the personality These are a single model/base.
Baggage Camp – This is the main army’s baggage camp and if lost during the battle will have an adverse effect on the army’s morale. Therefore, you need to ensure it is
defended. When the baggage camp is lost, every formation in the army immediately takes 2 hits. Also, the Supply Pool is set to zero and lost. A baggage camp is lost
automatically if it could fight in the hand to hand phase. The baggage camp is represented on the board by a rectangular area equal to 8MU by 6MU deep in bases. It is
deployed touching the players long edge and no closer than12MU from any short side.
Foot - These represent battalions, (frontage of ~8MU) and smaller company detachments. For tribal forces these would be a warband of warriors.
Cavalry - These are a group of squadrons, (frontage of ~6MU). Cavalry includes a range of types. These being heavy, light, dragoon, lancers and irregular cavalry in tribal armies.
Artillery- These represent a battery, (frontage of ~4MU). One model gun would represent 1-4 cannons. A nice touch is to include a bases at the rear for the cassions.
Artillery is sub divided into Foot, Horse, Position and Rockets. Foot (6pdr - 12pdr). Horse (4pdrt-6pdr) attached to cavalry commands. Position artillery represents fixed foot artillery
in prepared earthworks and cannot be moved once placed. Rockets represent early developments of this arm counting as Foot.
Tribal (sub category) - This identifies formations that are irregular formations, often local native forces or guerillas. They would be advantaged in close combat and would move
through terrain with ease. Formations classed as Tribal cannot have a training level of Proffesional.

Each formation has three different levels of training. This represents the formation’s skill at arms and abilities on the battlefield. Motivation is handled under the
Resilience rules. There are three levels of training. These are.
Fresh – These are men newly entered the army been given some or little training prior to the battle. Or are ill equipped in weapons.
Competent – These have had time to trained to an effective standard for the period.
Professional – These are men who regularly train together and are experienced in life in the army. Serving in the army is their principal. They would be trained
from a drill manual and be part of a regular european army. Tribal cannot have this training type.

Resilience (Motivation/Morale)
Resilience represents the formation’s willingness to fight on the day. This not found out till all formations are deployed by all forces. This provides a nice simple
level of what is known as the fog of war. All troops in battle have point of break. This can be for several reasons, willingness to fight or too many casualties
etc. We will represent this by a formation reaching only 25% of models left. Once this happens a formation automatically runs away. Also aformation could
break because of a Resilience test failure. When this happens see the Running Away rule below.
The resilience/morale grades are:
Lacklustre – These are troops with little motivation to fight. Could be troops that have been pressed into service or have fought too many battles.
Steady– These are troops who are prepared to stand and fight for the cause. They are “Happy to do their bit today”.
Determined – These are troops who exceptionally motivated and will be very robust in their stance.

Runaway / Broken formations / Reforming to return to the battle

When a formation breaks all other friendly formations within 6 MU immediately take 1 hit. This hit cannot be mitigated down in any way. The formation running
away is immediately removed from the board without making any other movement. If the formation breaks in the hand to hand phase then the enemy
formations may elect to occupy the position of the broken formation. If the formation breaks in the shooting phase then the enemy formation which broke the
formation may advance upto it’s normal move distance to try to occupy the postion of the broken formation. In both cases, occupying the position must be
done immediately after the broken formation is removed from the board. Occupying the position does not cost any action points and is a free additional
action. Also formation automatically breaks when it is down to 25% left or a morale result scores 1 or less and the formation breaking occurs immediately one
of these happen. When a formation breaks for the first time in a game, there is an option at the end of the following turn it broke, to be reformed and returned
to the battle. The formation returns one resilience level lower (any Lacklustre or artillery formations are lost for the game). Plus they have a new strength of
75% of the orginial strenght. They are placed next to the Baggage Camp on the players long rear edge. This reformed formation can be allocated to a new
general at the point it is placed on the board. To reform a broken formation costs two supply dice.

Forced To Retire
At points in the battle a formation may be forced to retire. This represents a formation being driven back by shooting, or loosing hand to hand, The formation
that is being forced to retire must move straight back the distance of a normal move. It does not change facing or direction. For each BW it cannot complete
it takes a hit. These hits cannot be mitigated. The retiring formation cannot interpenatrate any other formations. Any MU’s it cannot complete are converted into
additional hits. The retiring formation must not finish closer than 1MU to any other formation a the end of the retirement distance moved.

Quatermaster (Supply pool and logistics)

This represents the army commander allocating extra men and equipment in a local area of the battle. The supply pool is one dice for every friendly formation
at the start of the game plus two dice per officer model. When the Army Commander is within 6 MUs of a formation that is about to throw any dice. 1 dice from
the pool may be added to the initial amount of dice being thrown. The Army Commander may expend 1 supply pool dice to allow an extra action to be
completed. (see Action rule below). No formation may have more than 2 supply pool dice allocated to it per turn. The supply pool dice cannot be restocked.
Common Rules Continue
On the battlefield terrain provides levels of cover to the troops. In Drums and Muskets, there are two types of cover. These are defined as
Soft Cover - Woods, orchards, fences, hedges, smoke etc. Terrain features and thick gun smoke which could interfere with being spotted or aimed at by the
enemy. Formations behind line of sight through such cover have any successful “to hits” from shooting re-rolled.
Hard Cover - Buildings, walls, entrenchments etc. Terrain features that would largely stop small arms fire or provide a level of defense to troops deployed in
them. Troops defending hard cover have any ‘To hit dice’, halved plus any successful hit dice are re-rolled (once). Also each complete 2MU width of the
hard cover can absorb 3 hits from artillery before it is reduced to soft cover. This means artillery can be used to reduce hard cover to soft cover over time.
Each time a formation recieves any hits in hard cover, the corresponding frontage of the hard cover is reduced by 1 hit. Once this section has recieved 3 hits
it now counts as soft cover. Only artillery can can reduce hard cover to soft cover.

Line of Sight
Line of sight across the game board is used to determine if formations can see each other. This is done by looking along the line of the models to see if they
can see their intended target. Line of sight is need to shoot or charge, Terrain models should be to the same scale as the figuares being used. Hard cover
always blocks line of sight. Soft cover blocks line of sight if the target being viewed is inside the cover. Formations can see out of cover and the visiblility for
the different cover modelled is agreeded between the players at the start of the game before deployment.

Resilience Test
The Resilience Test is used to apply morale effects to a formation. Troops often fled the battlefield due to a a failure of morale before they where wuped out
through casulties or ran out of supplies. A number of different situations can cause a Resilience Test. To conduct a Resilience Test you throw 2D6 and sum the
score. You then refer to the tables on the QRS sheet and apply any effects immediately. The causes to test are detailed on the QRS below.

Initative Check
The represents the ebb and flow of the battlefield. At the start of each turn the players throw a number of dice equal to the formations left on the board using
the following formula: 1D6 per foot or heavy cavalry unit, plus 2D6 per none heavy cavalry formation or a formation in open and plus 3D6 per Tribal cavalry
formation. Additionaly a player my elect to add up to 2D6 from the supply pool. The players throw the dice and sum their scores. The highest score is the player
with initative this turn. If it is a draw. Reroll the dice less any previous supply dice added, until one player has initiative.
Note: A formation can only be counted once, even if multipule D6 options apply. Choose the condition which provides the highest number of dice.

Deployment is conducted at the start of the game after the game board has been setup. The deployment zone is the full width of the board and upto 1/4 the
depth of the board, The player without initative places the all the formations of one junior officer immediately below the level of the army commander. Then
the player with initative places their first junior officer formationfully on the board. The players then continue alternating until all formations have been placed
on the board. Once a command has been placed, all of the formations of that command cannot be moved until the Action Phase later on in the game.

Different Actions
Instead of the tradional phases of charge, shooting and moving Drums and Muskets uses a system of players alternatively completing these by
actions. At the start of each turn all formations on the board have 3 action points. Starting with the player with initative they select a formation and complete
actions on that formation. Players must complete all actions on a chosen formation before passing back to the other player. Different actions have a different
cost per action. These costs in action points are detailed in the QRS below. Each action is described below.
Advance - A formation can advance up to it’s allowed movement distance. It may wheel once, up to 45 degress at any point in the advance.
Turn 90/180 - The formation may turn 90 or 180 degrees.
Fallback - The formation falls back under control of its officers. The formation drops back maintaining its current facing. Distance moved is same as Advance.
Change to another formation - Allows a formation to move into/from ‘Column of March’, ‘Line’, ‘Attack Column’, ‘Square’ or ‘Open’ if allowed for that
formation. For ease and simplicity of play, the combinations have been grouped into a single action type.
Charge - A formation charges into contact with an enemy formation. A charge is the only way to move base to base contact with an enemy formation.
A unit can only charge one specific formation even if more than one eligable enemy formation. The owning player for the chargers decides which formation
it will charge. Align both units on contact by moving the the charges to be front edge contact. To conduct a charge the following sequence is followed.
1. The charging formation takes a Resilience Test.
2. If passed the charged formation takes a Resilience Test.
3. If the charged formation passes its Resilience Test and is loaded, plus the chargers are more than 3MU away. Then the charged formation may elect to
Snap Salvo at the range to the chargers before they move, for a free action. Apply the effects of this shooting before the chargers move.
4. Apply formation being charged response and then apply chargers response. Resolve Melee until one formation is forced to fallback or breaks.
Load - This where a formation must reload following shooting. It must do so to be able to shoot again.
Mount/Dismount Dragoons, Limber/Unlimber Artillery - This action allows Dragoons to mount/dismount or Artillery to Limber/unlimber.
Shoot - A formation can shoot at an enemy formation to its front within a 45 degree arch and in range. In a single action a formation can only shoot at one
target, even if multipule targets eligable. The owning player decides which target to shoot. A formation can only shoot if it has completed a Load action. To
conduct a shooting action the following sequence is followed.
1. The shooting formation gets a pool of 2D6 per model in range and arc, if the formation is shooting as Steady Salvo or 1D6 per model in range if the
formation is shooting as Snap Salvo. Different models in a formation may shoot at different ranges but not different salvo types.
2. Review against the QRS tables and apply the results.
When a formation shoots, place cotton wool in front of the formation as a marker it has not reloaded. Remove the cotton wool once the formation reloads.
Snap Salvo - This is where a formation quickly brings weapons to bear and hastily fires a rapid salvo.
Steady Salvo - This is where a formation presents weapons, spends time to aim and fires a salvo in a controlled way. Can never be used by open formations.
Stand - This is where the formation stands and does nothing. This is in effect a pass.

Hand to hand (melee) fighting is conducted as soon as a formation makes contact with another formation following a charge action. To conduct Melee the
following sequence is followed. It is repeated until one formation is forced to fallback or breaks from a resilience test.
1. Each model in the involved formations gets 1D6 per base if not cavalry or tribal. Cavalry get 2D6 per model. Tribal or heavy cavalry get 3D6 per model.
2. After calculating the pool of dice refer to the QRS tables to make any adjustments to the number of dice,
3. Both players throw their dice at the same time and note the number of hits scored. The player with the most hits is the winner and both players apply the hits
thrown against their formations. If it is a draw in total hits inflicted, then both players are assumed to have won.
4. The losing formation take an immediate resilience test and apply any effects immediately.
5. Repeat from 1 until one formation is forced to fall back or breaks.
Common Rules Continue
Open: This formation is used by skirmishing tribal Cavalry and Foot, dismounted Dragoons and formed
foot which has been deployed forward. Example being a flank light company being sent ahead of
main unit to skirmish. This formation is represented by dispersing the models into a rectangle 0.5MU to
1MU apart. This formation will struggle to stand against formed foot and is particulary at risk from

Line This formation is deployed for foot that shoot and the first base or Artillery are represented as a single gun
three ranks of individual fiquares count as being able to shoot to their battery with one model gun, crew and
front. Cavalry always deploy in line, unless in open or column of march. cassions. The Cassions are placed to the rear
Cavalry deploy as one rank of models or bases. of the gun base. The base depth can be
adjusted to ensure the model fits.
Artilley must be deployed into a single rank
firing line be able to shoot. Limbered artillery
Tribal us an irregular block when not in ‘Open’. Arrange the models slightly adhoc cannot shoot.
to show they are not a regular formation.
Attack Column is used to try to punch through an enemy S S S S S
battleline. The French are particulary infamous for using
S S S S S S S S S S this approach. It does allow a concentration of numbers,
but it hampers the units ability to shoot. When using attack
column only the front rank of models or bases can be used
S S S S S S S S S S for a shooting action. Attack columns where often a deep S S S S S
S S S S S rectangle in shape. An attack column is represented by S S S S S
S S S S S being atleast one rank deeper than the depth used by you S S S S S
to represent a 3 rank firing line.

Foot Square are used by foot, not in open formation, as a tight and effective Column of March is used to efficently move bodes of troops around the battlefield, down roads
defense against cavalry. The foot square provided all round defense and can and across bridges extra. When moving in Column of March there is a distance advantage. It is
shoot one rank of models from any side. A square can shoot all four sides for represented by a column of models 1MU wide and any number of ranks.
one action. However a square cannot move and if it is forced to retire it is
considered to be no longer in a square and becomes a line. When in square
formation, place the models in an as even as possible square with a hollow

This outlines the princple formations and tactics used by a formation. Foot square is assumed to be available to any non tribal foot not in open formation.
3 Ranks: All formations are assumed to use three rank shooting unless otherwise stated as two rank shooting.
2 Ranks: The formation uses 2 ranks of men for shooting. This has an advantage in shooting.
Line: The formation uses linear deployments (2-3 ranks of men) and prefers volleys to closing with the enemy.
Attack Column: The formation uses a deep line or column to close with the enemy. They are keen to use bayonet charges and have advantages in the charge and melee rounds.
Open: The formation as a whole would deploy into a skirmish line or contains “light companies” which would be detached forward from the main body.
Cavalry: The formation is cavalry and closes with the enemy in charges. This includes “light cavalry” and “medium cavalry” not having doctrine “Heavy Cavalry”.
Heavy Cavalry: The formation rides large horses and charges “boot to boot” using shock of the charge to break into the enemy. British Light Dragoons are defined as heavy cavalry due to
the size of the horses and closeness of the riders.
Lancers: The formation carries the lance and it provides an advantage at impact.
Horse Artillery: The formation is a battery of lighter guns that are often attached to cavalry and can move speed so that they can support the cavalry.
Dragoon: The formation is cavalry armed with carbines and where trained to dismount in terrain. Therefore the formation can dismount into Open or remount from Open. Although this did
not happen often.
Tribal: The formation was often irregular forces, sometimes raised locally. Additionaly they would very aggressive therefore having an advantage in the charge or melee rounds.

Risk to generals
In battle there is risk to a general that they can be either killed in combat or being swept away with broken troops. To manage this use the following rules.
Risk from shooting or combat:
If a general is within 3MU of any friendly formation that recieves more hits than the number of models in the formation, then throw 1D6 and on a 5+ the general has been injured/killed. This
roll may not be re-rolled or countered using the supply rules. If the general has been injured/killed, the model is removed from play and placed with the baggage camp for remainder of the
turn. In the action phase of the next turn, the general returns to play and must use action movement to return to the area of his command.
Risk from being swept away:
If a general is within 3MU of any friendly formation that breaks, then throw 1D6 and on a 6, the general has been swept away with the fleeing troops. move the general immediately 15MU
directly towards the baggage camp, avoiding enemy formations and the fleeing general can ignore any friendly formations, passing through them with no adverse effect to either. At the
end of this movement, the general continues to count as in play as per normal.

Artillery - Bounce shots

Solid shot from artillery would continue to bounce from the point of first striking the ground. While it continued to bounce the solid shot would continue to inflict casualties. We managing this
in the game by the following method.
1. Draw a line from the centre of the shooting battery’s frontage to the centre of the target’s frontage.
2. Taking the ‘bounce’ MU from the QRS sheet extend the line just drawn, through the target and beyond.
3. Any ranks of models that the line passes through, after the first 3 ranks of models in the target formation are at risk at being hit.
4. To calculate if the bouncing solid shot its any models, throw 1D6 per model. On a 5+ the model is hit. Resolve as per normal, except ignore any cover rules for resolving hits.

Artillery - Rockets
Rocket artillery was renoun for it’s inaccuracy. In Drums and Muskets, rocket artillery shoots as per other artillery except any 1 or 2 thrown to hit has a risk of hitting other troops. We resolve
this by throwning 2D6 and summing them to give a direction. The number relates to a 12 hour clock face, where 12 is continuing a long the bounce line as if solid shot has been used. Throw
a further 1D6 to give the number of MU off target. If any unit, friendly or enemy is under this point, it then takes an immediate 1D3 hits. Resolve as per normal.
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Quick Play Sheet (QRS- Resilience and Movement)
Game sequence of play Turn sequence of play
1. Set up game table,agree objectives and forces. 1. Roll for initative and reset action points per formation.
2. Roll for initative. 2. Action Phase.
3. Deploy forces. 3. Resilience tests where formations are <= 50% strength.
4. Rolloff formation resilience levels. See table below. 4. End of Turn - Rally and Reform formations from last turn.
5. Turns until objectives met or time limit is reached.

Resilience (reasons to test) Movement and charge distance table

1. Formation is <=50% (Turn sequence 4). Generals: Always move up to 10BW in any terrain once during the action
2. Response to losing Melee. phase. They are excluded from the interpenetration and terrain effects.
3. Seeing friendly formations break within 6MU. Ac�on Forma�on
Foot not Tribal Cavalry
Tribal foot
4. Each time the number of hits >= number of models Distance (BW) - Good going/not in terrain
currently in the formation. Advance/Forced to re�re Open 2 + 1D3 4 + 1D3 NA 3 + 1D3
5. Charging or recieving a charge. Advance/Forced to re�re Line 1 + 1D3 3 + 1D3 2 + 1D3
Advance/Forced to re�re Column 2 + 1D3 NA 3 + 1D3
6. Formation being contacted by a friendly formation. Charge All 3 5 4
Ac�on Forma�on Distance (BW) - In terrain
Advance/Forced to re�re Open 2 + 1D3 2 + 1D3 2 + 1D3
Resilience (test to pass) Advance/Forced to re�re Other 1D3 1 + 1D3 NA 2 + 1D3
Charge All 2 4 3
*Roll 2d6, sum result and consult table below Ac�on Forma�on Distance (BW) - Column of March
Testers are in square and being charged or in melee vs cavalry +3 Advance/Forced to re�re COM 4 + 1D6 6 + 1D6 4 + 1D6 2+ 1D6
Testers have not received any hits yet this turn +2
Testers have more friendly models within 6MU than enemy models +2 Action points cost table
Testers have inflicted hits this turn +1
Ac�on Training
Testers are Determind +1
Fresh Competent Professional
Testers are in cover +1 Stand/Pass 1 1 1
Testers are defending obstacle/for�fica�on +1 Charge 3 3 3
Testers are in a�ack column and charging or in melee +1 Advance with no interpena�on of another forma�on 1 1 1
Testers are in line or open and are responding to being shot +1 Advance with interpena�on of another forma�on 3 3 2
Fallback under control of officers 3 3 2
For each general in line of command within 3BW of testers +1 Change from/to column of march (not ar�llery) 2 2 1
Testers are Lacklustre -1 Change into column of march 3 3 3
Testers have taken hits from open forma�ons this turn -1 Change from formed to open 1 1 1
Testers are in line or open and are responding to a charge or in melee -1 Change from open to formed 2 1 1
Forma�on Turn 90/180. No other movement allowed 3 3 3
Testers are in a�ack column and are responding to being shot -1
Form square 3 2 2
Testers are in square and have taken hits from ar�llery this turn -1 Change from square to another forma�on 2 2 1
Testers have taken hits from ar�llery this turn -2 Limber Ar�llery into column of march 3 3 2
Testers are cavalry charging or in melee against a square -2 Unlimber Ar�llery into Formed , facing any direc�on 2 2 2
Testers are in Column of March and have taken hits this turn -3 Shoot (Snap Salvo) 2 1 1
Shoot (Steady Salvo) 3 3 2
Check final score against table below and apply result immediately
Reload 1 1 1

Resilience (outcomes) Forced to re�re 0 0 0

If testing
Note: and in square:
A formation Ignore
only needs toadvance 1BW.
start within Converts
command to CarrytoOn.
distance be able
to complete an action. It can finish an action out of command distance.
If testing
Stand in thecan
actions charge phase/in
be done out ofcover/defending
command distance obstacle:
for no extra cost.
The player may elect to ignore the ‘Advance 1BW’. Just Carry On.
Interpenations: The formation that is interpenatrating another friendly
formation must be able to pass completely through and be able to fit
on hits, if the
the board formation
without breaks,anyother
overlapping measure formations.
from currentIf position.
the formation
If the
can formation
not completely has pass
not broken,
thenapply the
it is not forced to
allowed to interpenatrate,
retire result.

figuares from collection of Neil Snelgrove

Quick Play Sheet (QRS - Shooting and Charges/Melee)
Shooting Ranges Charge/Melee To Hit Dice Adjustments
Weapon Ranges Situa�on Adjustment
Close Long range Bounce Are foot square vs cavalry +6 dice
Foot vs foot square +4 dice
Carbines (Foot) 3 7
Any vs ar�llery +3 dice
Carbines (Cavalry) 3 6 Count as defending obstacle or in hard cover (not ar�llery) +3 dice
Muskets 3 8 Cavalry chargers: First round a�er charging into contact, not vs foot square +3 dice
Rifles 3 12 NA Foot column of a�ack vs foot +3 dice
Cavalry vs foot line +2 dice
Bow (Foot) 3 10
Are tribal +2 dice
Bow (Cavalry) 3 NA Not open vs open not in terrain +2 dice
Howitzers NA 2-40 Are Profesional +2 dice
Ar�llery firing solid shot First �me forma�on has charged in the game +2 dice
Cavalry Lancer: First round a�er charging into contact +2 dice
Ar�llery (3 - 7pdr) 36 4
Coun�ng as up hill or defending a ridgeline +2 dice
Ar�llery (8 - 9pdr) NA 40 6 Each general in line of command within 3MU +1 dice
Ar�llery (12pdr) 50 8 For each of con�nous round of melee you have fought against current enemy forma�on -2 dice
Ar�llery firing canister Lost to tribal or cavalry this turn -2 dice
Are fresh -2 dice
Ar�llery (3 - 7pdr) 3
Have been forced to fall back this turn -4 dice
Ar�llery (8 - 9pdr) 4 NA
You always throw a min of 2 dice
Ar�llery (12pdr) 6 Now throw remaining dice to score hits on a +4

Shooting To Hit Dice Adjustments/Casualties Charge/Melee To Wound/Casualties

Order Situa�on Adjustment Order Training Type Base value
1 Shooters (foot) doctrine use two ranks for shoo�ng Base value to wound if professional 4
2 Shooters first �me shoo�ng in game 1 Base value to wound if Competent 5
3 Shooters are Professional
+2 dice for each Base value to wound if Fresh 6
4 Shooters are ar�llery firing cansiter
Situa�on (Only one applies, but pick highest) Adjustment to roll
5 Shooters are howitzers firing into targets in cover
6 Target is in column of march
Rider has armour +1
7 Shooters are Fresh 2 Horse has armour +1
8 Target moved in any way this turn -2 dice each Rider and horse has armour +2
9 Shooters moved this turn or will move in next ac�on Column of A�ack not vs another column of a�ack +1
10 Shooters are rockets -1/2 dice 3 Roll dice and each dice >= to required value equals one model casualty
11 Now apply any cover dice adjustment 4 Check resilence rules
12 Dice score need to hit Close Long
Any using Snap Salvo to shoot 5+ 6
Not open vs open at any range
13 6
Open vs not open at any range
Any using Steady Salvo to shoot (not ar�llery) 4+ 5+
14 Now apply any cover dice adjustment
15 Apply hits and take any resilience tests incured

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