The Unity
The Unity
The Unity
Special Thanks to: Bert Isla, Kyle Gallagher, Chris Toh, Jason Nichols,
Zeke Sparkes, Jay and Amy Kyle, and of course, Teller.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc. Deadlands, Weird West, Dime Novel, the Great Rail Wars,
the Deadlands logo, and the Pinnacle logo are
Trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
© Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Dedication: To the fans of the Wasted West and
Printed in the USA.
our long, strange trip through Hell.
Chapter One:
The Harvest
SAM Team
SAM Site
=10 yards
assignment. Until then, the main for ill-prepared chicks in chainmail (but
assault on Vail has been slowed down. God bless ‘em).
When the ground to air threat is over, Use standard Black Hat statistics for
the Sky Pirates can then sweep in with the SAM team (see Chapter One or the
their jets and cut loose with some Hell on Earth rulebook), but add the
serious firepower. shootin’: missile launcher skill at 5d8.
The troops manning the missile What happens after the fight
launcher are some of the more skilled depends on whether or not the heroes
of the bunch. They’re dug-in to a take out the position within the
shallow pit in the ground and covered allotted time of two hours. Proceed to
with scrub, so the party must come up The Her oes Fail or The Her
Heroes oes
with a clever plan to root them out in Succeed as appropriate.
the short deadline given them.
One possible plan involves Hal Hal and Audrey Ann
Goldman, the chopper pilot who
may have transported the Here are the statistics
posse earlier. With an for Hal Goldman and his
Incredible (11) persuasion roll, chopper, should you
or a direct order from need them.
Colonel Green, he might fly
through the area and draw Profile: Hal
the anti-air team’s fire.
If the heroes simply Goldman
want to spread out and
do a search, they need Corpor eal: D:1d6, N:2d12,
to accumulate five Q:3d8, S:3d6, V:3d6
Incredible (11) search rolls. Climbin’ 1d12, Drivin’:
Each one takes 10 rotary wing 5d12,
minutes, so they’ll have to lockpickin’ 2d6,
hurry. Let the team shootin’: SMG 3d6,
name one hero to be sneak 3d12, throwin’:
the lead and make the unbalanced 3d6
roll. Everyone else Mental: C:4d6,
can pitch in—every K:2d10, M:1d8,
successful roll adds Sm:4d10, Sp:1d6
+1 to the main Area knowledge
character’s roll. If the (Salt Lake region)
last roll comes with a 2d10, bluff 3d10,
raise, the heroes catch gamblin’ 3d10, guts
the SAM team by 3d6, scroungin’ 3d10,
surprise. Otherwise, the survival: desert 2d10,
Black Hats are almost tinkerin’ 2d10
certain to see the posse first. Pace: 12
Make sure everyone takes Size: 6
precautions against the cold as well. It’s Wind: 16
around 26 degrees on the slope! Every Edges: Friends in high places 3, level-
hour spent in the cold forces the hero headed, purty
to make a Hard (9) Vigor roll and lose Hindrances: Heroic, stubborn
the difference in Wind. This can only be Gear: Hunting rifle, 50 rounds, 3
recovered when the hero warms up. grenades.
Add +2 for really good winter gear, no Description: Hal has long, cornsilk
modifier for standard coats, and -1 to -4 hair that he tosses constantly about
his head, an honest face, and a
constant look of doubt in his eyes,
though he’s actually internally very
22 Marshal optimistic.
Hal’s Chopper (Audrey Ann)
Passengers s : 10
Engine: Twin turbine
The Dead Walk 23
Gas T ank: 120
MPG: 5
Handling: +2 Stage this as a Quick Combat with a
Top Speed: 150mph -4 penalty. This time, let the group go in
Stall: N/A whatever order they want and actually
Acceleration: 10mph apply any casualties they cause to the
Durability: 45/9 Black Hats’ numbers. Each single
Armor: 0 casualty removes one of the 24 Black
Size: +3 hats. The automaton is removed last
Load Limit: 300 and counts as three casualties.
We a p o n s : When all the Combine troops have
.50M2HB: Ring; Turret; 360; Damage: been eliminated, no further rolls are
4d12, AP 4; Shots: 100 (with 270 necessary, meaning weaker characters
rounds remaining); ROF: 3; Range: might not have to be involved more
40. than once or maybe twice. (And yes, for
Description: Hal’s chopper is an old the record, characters can hang back
cargo hauler, though he’s made a few and not participate in the fight at all.)
“adjustments” to improve its Assuming they survive, Colonel
performance. It also has a killer Green informs the group that the
sound system, though Hal’s music Combine is once again in full retreat.
slugs are some of the worst drek The heroes are rewarded for their
ever recorded. East Indian dirges, performance with a spot on a truck for
Babylonic chant, and German the pursuit to Denver the next day.
“screech” music are all available to
torment passengers.
The Heroes Win
The Heroes Fail If the team is successful, they should
report in to Colonel Green and let him
If the posse doesn’t find the SAM know. Within minutes, the Sky Pirate
team and finish the fight within two air force comes swooping in and lays
hours, the second Combine force from waste to what remains of Vail. Just as
the north moves in and hits the stalled they finish the job, the Combine’s
Junkyarders in the rear. The damage is northern flanking force enters and gets
terrible and the casualties are high, but into an aerial duel with the Sky Pirates.
the stalwart Junkyarders eventually The air duel ends in a draw—those
rally and force back their mechanized raptors are tough!—but the good guys
foes. hold off the flying death machines long
Unfortunately, this gives the trapped enough for the ground troops to fight.
Black Hats in Vail a break. Colonel The northern force and the Vail
Green must pin these troops down defenders merge but are pushed out of
while using his main force to deal with the town in a bloody assault.
the northern flankers. The posse is The Iron Alliance’s army of 10,000 is
used in the assault along with a whittled down to 7,000 or so. Roughly
loosely-organized platoon of former 2,000 Combine troops—mostly the
bikers and road gangers. This strike toughest automatons and cyborgs—
force is assigned an assault against a once again hit the highway and run
hastily-dug defense of foxholes and like Hell for Denver.
shallow trenches. The Black Hats here Colonel Green congratulates the
number two dozen and have a heavy party on their success and tells them to
machine gun pit in the center of their pack their gear—the whole force is
position. An automaton lurks along pursing to Denver where they hope to
their right-hand flank and makes an hook up with other allies who should
appearance if its human allies start already be attacking from the east.
losing a fight.
planning to blow up the
Scene Three: The Combine’s ammo factory, but they
need some heavy weapons and
explosives to get it done.”
Teller Brigade “I want you for the job. We’ll lay
down enough of a barrage to
cover your approach. Then you
The party reaches Denver late that gotta sneak into town, link up
night (if they don’t have motorized with the ‘Teller Brigade’ at the old
transport of their own, they’re put on a Rock Bottom Brewery, then get
truck). The Junkyarders have rallied and the Hell back out.”
are regrouping south and west of the “Got that? Good. You leave in an
“Place No One Goes,” Denver. Rockets hour.”
and artillery from the surrounding
Junkyarders are already busy pelting You heard the man, Marshal. Tell your
the city with fire, snipers pick off any posse to ready themselves and then
Black Hat foolish enough to show his hurl them into the fray.
noggin, and an occasional missile
streaks out to swat down any raptor or A Few Hours on the Town
other flying terror that tries to sortie
out. When it’s time to go, Colonel Green
The fight rages for three days, with gives the heroes an old map of Denver
the Combine mostly staying hunkered with the Rock Bottom circled on it. He
down within its walls and lobbing wishes the team good luck, then has
explosives out at the besiegers. his scouts lead them to a sprawl of
The heroes are assumed to be a ruins running up close to the Denver
squad of their own and should make barricades. From there they wait until
their own camp (foxholes with the artillery barrage clears the area and
overhead cover are highly sprint across the clearing toward the
recommended!), set their own watches, base.
and so forth. If your group is of Once in, the posse can follow their
sufficient renown and you feel like map to get to the Rock Bottom. If you
letting them have some nonplayer- have the Denver sourcebook, hit them
characters assigned to them, feel free. with one encounter rolled randomly (or
On the first night, around 2am, the selected by you) from Chapter Three. If
Combine sends out a wave of Black you don’t have that book, you can
hats to raid and create confusion. One simply make up some details of the
of the groups come close to your city and have them avoid several Black
posse—have everyone make a Quick Hat patrols. Once, as they duck down a
Combat roll at +1. This is the only back alley to avoid Black Hats, the
excitement tonight. heroes discover a lurker (see the Hell
on Earth rule book). Fight this thing out
with Quick Combat, but it goes on until
Viva La Resistance! at least one hero gets an 18 or better on
his attack roll. On any roll of 4 or less,
Early on the morning of the second 10 Black Hats show up to investigate
day, Colonel Green tasks the party with the noise and join in the fight (this can
a special mission. Read the following only happen once per round). Keep it
when you’re ready. going until the lurker and any
reinforcing Black Hats are waxed.
“Mornin’, heroes. I’ve got a job
for you. The Denver Resistance is Rock Bottom
Eventually the group should find the
Rock Bottom Brewery. The top is
Let the heroes fight another two You can see five or six other
rounds of Quick Combat before moving groups like yours fighting for
on to the following event. their lives, surrounded by
deaders., but it’s hopeless. You
You’re fighting your way west give the members of your posse
when you hear heavy weapons one last look of respect and steel
firing from behind you. You turn yourselves for the inevitable.
and your heart fills with dread. Suddenly a barrage of small
On the highways from the east explosions rip through the dead
come hundreds of vehicles, each around you. You spin and see a
loaded with more deaders. A wave of hoverbikes and an old
short way behind them march Stuart APC racing through the
their tireless foot soldiers, grotesque horde. At the head of
thousands—maybe hundreds of the group, riding a hoverbike
thousands more walking corpses with a shining gold eagle on the
bear down upon the surrounded front, is the massive
Iron Alliance. unmistakable form of Cole Ballad.
It’s Cole Ballad’s Law Dogs!
At first you think they’ve come
to rescue you, but they only fire a
few bursts of 20mm cannon into
Drive-In Double
The round before you think the last
voracipede is going down—or the party
decides to climb back inside their APC—
tell them they see a huge swirling
cloud of reddish-dust coming from the
west. A quick glance in the other
direction shows Raven’s front line of
deaders and wormlings approaching as
Profile: Jenny Quaid When the last voracipede falls, the
big red cloud of dust comes within 50
Corpor eal: D:3d8, N:2d8, S:3d6, Q:2d6,
Corporeal: yards. Anyone who makes a Fair (5)
V:3d6 Cognition roll realizes the cloud is some
Climbin’ 1d8, dodge 3d8, drivin’: car, sort of abomination—filled with
motorcycle 4d8, shootin’: shotgun, swirling innards!
pistol 5d8, sneak 5d8 It’s time to get inside the APC and
Mental: C:2d6, K:2d6, M:4d10, Sm:3d6, watch the show.
Sp:2d8 The storm racing from the
Area Knowledge: SoCal 3d6, gamblin’ Reckoners’ camp is a gore storm. You
3d6, guts 4d8, leadership 5d10, can read all about it in Monsters,
persuasion 6d10, scrutinize 4d6, Muties, & Misfits if you like, but we
search 3d6, survival: desert 3d6 don’t really intend for your heroes to
Pace: 8 fight it. Consider it more of a plot
Size: 6 device.
Wind: 14 Read the following.
Edges: Level-headed, purty, “the stare,”
“the voice” (soothing) You peer out the viewslit and
Hindrance: Law o’ the West, loyal see the red storm whirling up the
hill toward you. A glance out the
other side shows a throng of
deaders already climbing atop
your vehicle. Some of them bang
Deaders in Space
ComSat’s single access door rests on
broken hinges. Seeing as how the
hinges were made of two inch thick
steel, this is quite an accomplishment.
There are no scorch marks or other
indications the door was attacked or
knocked off by an errant flyby. In truth,
those who broke into ComSat were
simply strong enough to rip it off its
hinges (more in a moment, Marshal).
What happened here? For that, you
need a little background, courtesy of
the Cyborgs sourcebook.
Harkrader’s Cyborgs
During the final phases of the Last
War, both the USA and CSA established
orbital drop stations. The droppers were
primarily cyborgs—Harrowed fitted with
cybernetic goodies to make them
nearly unstoppable killing machines.
Popular rumors claim the cyborgs of
both Sherman Orbital and Manassass
commander is pulling the old “bzzt—
can’t read you, over” bit with his hand
Space suits over his mouth.
He can’t keep this up much longer,
however. Before he commits his
precious troopers to what looks like a
losing fight, he wants more info. For
The suits the heroes wear are thick and
that he needs some of the more
heavy. They provide some light armor against
powerful surveillance equipment found
scrapes and light bumps, but little protection
aboard ComSat. Two heavy cans are
against any sort of impaling attack. They also
here ripping ComSat’s guts out when
provide roughly 24 hours worth of heat and
the heroes arrive. They must be dealt
oxygen, a short-term waste system (meaning
with before ComSat will send the
you can do number 1 but not number 2), and
shuttle on over to the Unity.
short-wave radio communications within a one
mile radius.
The suit doesn’t interfere with a user’s Profile: Heavy Cans (2)
Nimbleness, but the bulky gloves subtract one
Corpor eal: D:3d12, N:2d6, S:3d12+4,
step from the wearer’s Deftness and related
Q:2d10, V:2d6
skills. Fine handheld tools, holdout weapons,
Climbin’ 1d6, Fightin’: chainsword 3d6,
and the like, can’t even be used as the gloves’
shootin’: pistol, rifle, MG 4d12, sneak
fingers are simply too thick.
Of course the real problem is leakage. A
Mental: C:4d8, K:2d6, M:2d8, Sm:3d6,
wound caused by blunt trauma damage doesn’t
breech the suit—even in the faceplate as it’s
Area knowledge 2d6, guts 2d8,
made of advanced plexiglass. Cutting or
leadership 2d8, overawe 2d8, search
impaling attacks cause a breech if a single
3d8, tinkerin’ 1d6
wound or more is caused.
Pace: 8
Fortunately, the heroes can find some patch
Size: 8
kits in the Fighter Bay if they look a bit. (If they
Wind: 16
don’t, they’re likely in serious trouble, so cut
Special Abilities:
‘em a break, Marshal). The patch kits have six
Cyber Systems: AI, command &
square feet of self-adhesive, air-tight patching
control, cyber eye (16x telescopic
material. Each “wound” patched takes up one
sight), cyber eye (thermal imaging),
square foot of material.
heavy hard points (all locations),
A hero has to make a Deftness check to
radio, Samson, spirit capacitor,
apply the patch. The TN is equal to 3 for a light
spirit fetter, targeting computer
wound, 5 for a heavy wound, 7 for a serious
Manitou/Pow wer: 3d10/10
wound, 9 for a critical wound, and 11 for a
Gear: Heavy battle armor
maiming wound.
Every round that a hero’s suit is breeched, he
loses 1 Wind. Should a character lose his base Satellite Fight
Wind to decompression, he dies. His eyes bulge
ComSat brings the heroes up quiet
out and hemorrhage and blood comes bubbling
and out of sight around 100 yards off
out his mouth and ears. (Bubbly Fizz. Mmmm)
the satellite. The posse must “leap” to
Remember that Harrowed don’t need to
the fight and try to take the squatters
worry about decompression, but they do lose
by surprise. There are no tethers or
their ability to communicate via their radios if
other lifelines for the jump (unless the
their suits lose pressure.
posse rigs up something themselves).
You’ll find information on maneuvering in
Everyone who wants to make the jump
the suits on page 62,
simply needs to make a Fair (5)
Nimbleness roll. Losers who fail shoot
slowly past ComSat and into the void.
Those who go bust go racing past the
satellite and off into the void. The suits
When the posse says the word
“Apostolos,” the door behind them
closes and the false bulkhead in front
of the control panel slides open to
reveal a 40’ square room, painted jet
black. In the center of the room is a
steel pedestal that holds a large
crimson box veined with weird black
lines—a near duplicate of the device
that currently holds the Reckoners.
This one is bigger (4’ square) and
meant for more long-term use. The
pedestal stands in the center of a
blood-red pentagram permanently
embossed on the floor.
Here’s how you can present this
difficult dilemma to your heroes.
The Ultimate Sacrifice No sooner do you speak the
word “Apostolos” than the lights
dim and red auxiliary lights come
on, casting the room in the shade
So you’ve just read the bit under Apostolos
of blood. You hear the door lock
about offing a PC and your jaw’s dropping. Fair
behind you and look back—the
enough. It’s a terrible, dirty thing to do to your
walls, floors, and ceiling are
players, and we know it.
covered in some kind of black,
We also know some of you are saying, “No
scaly hide!
way. I’m not killing a player character like
The control panel is still there,
that.” That’s your call, of course. If you want to
but before you a false panel has
make it easy, make Apostolos demand a blood
opened up and exposed a large,
sacrifice. Someone has to take a light wound
black room beyond, also covered
but otherwise the scene is over.
in the strange black “skin.” In the
For the rest of you, for those with
center is a black steel pedestal
intelligent, mature groups who can handle
enclosed in a blood-red
some deep ethical decisions, this is what a
good, hard roleplaying game is all about. Forget
A trickle of whispers rolls into
about the death itself—player characters die in
the room. You sense some dark
Deadlands fairly often. You’ve probably even
presence among you. The
lost one or two heroes during this adventure.
whispers become louder, but still
What’s really interesting in this scene,
just faint enough to make you
especially for you, is just letting Apostolos tell
hold your breath to better hear
the group the deal, then sit back and watch.
them. You look around, but see
Don’t push them, don’t argue with them, don’t
nothing. The whispers grow
rationalize on your behalf—or ours. Don’t argue
slightly louder. You can just make
that an epic adventure like this demands such
them out now…”murder murder
a sacrifice.
Just sit back and spectate, and enjoy
You feel fear crawl up your
watching your friends squirm. What will your
spine and slither into your skull.
group do? Will the players argue with you that
Gooseflesh covers your arms like
this is unfair? Will some of the characters start
pustulant boils. You continue to
slowly backing away from their “friends?”
search about for the whisperer,
What will your totally violent, no-holds-barred
but there is only the dark redness
gunslingers do? What will your noble Templars
of the blood-lit room.
do? What will your altruistic, self-sacrificing
Somehow knowledge comes
types do? Suicide doesn’t work. The victim can
into your mind unbidden.
be willing, but someone has to kill someone
“murder murder murder.”
You begin to understand.
So yes, we’ll agree this is a dirty thing to do
“murder murder murder”
to your group, but it might also be one of the
The ship has some dark device
most memorable moments in your group’s
that allows it to break through
entire gaming history. For those of you who
the Hunting Grounds and reach
run this adventure, join us on the Hell on
Faraway. The device is much like
Earth listserv and share your story. You can
the box that contains the
find directions at WWW.PEGINC.COM.
Reckoners. There is a demon
We can’t wait to hear what happened.
inside. Apostolos.
“murder murder murder”
And Apostolos’ price to
activate the drive is cold-blooded
82 Marshal
Hell Hole Redeux
Here are the highlights of all we’ve just said.
Theree are no parado
are xes, because y
paradox ou’r
you’re going to do
ver it takes to stop them. Don’t think of the portals as
time machines (though a certain amount of that can’t be
helped), think of them as gates to other w orlds.
The past and pr esent run on parallel cour
present ses—character
can’t go whene
whenev ver the y w
they ant, the
want, y can onl
they onlyy go to the “curr ent”
dayy in the past/futur e. When a da
past/future. dayy passes in Hell on Earth, a
dayy is ffor
orever lost in the W
ore eir
Weir d W
eird est as w
West ell. Y
well. ou can’t go to
1877 in the past, because it’ s alr
it’s ead
eadyy “past.” Y ou can onl
You onlyy go to
late 1878. The Battle of Junky
Junkyar ard took place on the e
ard vening of
December 31st, 2096. The date in the W eir
eirdd W est on that da
West y
was December 31st, 1878.
Each trip thr ough the Hell Hole is an entir
through e, nightmarish
adventure and should take at least one game session of not
two or thr
two ee.
A trip through the Hunting Gr
through ounds should ha
Grounds ve a horrific,
nightmarish ffeel
eel to it.
The Hell Hole onl y opens at the Unity in Lost Colon
only y, De
Colony vil’
Tower in the Weir
Weird W
eird est, and the ruins of De
West, vil’
Devil’s T
vil’s ower in Hell
on Earth..
Only per
Only sonal items can be taken thr
personal ough the Hell Hole.
The portals allo w onl
allow y small gr
only oups of people to tra
groups vel
betw een w
between orlds. Large gr
worlds. oups or too-fr
groups equent use (slipping in
all the Iron Alliance thr
Iron ough in gr
through oups of 5, ffor
groups or instance),
attracts an arm
armyy of demons.
The portals are ther
are theree ffor
or you, Mar
you, shal. W
Marshal. Wee know fr
know om 5
years of email and listserv
ears es that most of y
listserves ou bu
you buyy the books
from both lines. The portals allo
from w y
allow ou a chance to pla
you y in each
of our settings without starting whole ne neww campaigns.
If y
your eally
our posse really tries to mess with the timeline, they get
a visit fr om Stone. These Hunting Gr
from ounds-jumping do-gooder
Grounds-jumping do-gooderss
are some of the ffolks
are olks who tasted Stone’ s six-guns when he
forged the Path of Stone. Har sh, but clean.
And in case you fforgot!
you orgot!
There ar
There e no parado
are xes!
After the Harvest
Well, that was one Hell of a ride, days after the “Battle of the Worms,”
huh? and what their immediate plans are.
We suppose most of you are We’ll also detail Raven’s new army, his
wondering what happens next in Hell weird new liches, and his creepy new
on Earth? Is the story over? bodyguards.
Yes and no. On the one hand, the big Let’s start with our good friends in
metaplots we’ve had in store for the the Iron Alliance.
game are played out. We’ve been
waiting for the return of the Reckoners
and the arrival of Raven for a long time.
We also think it’s time to hand the
The Iron Alliance
reins over to you. We’ve created a huge The leaders of the Iron Alliance have
irradiated sandbox for you to play in, so a lot to be thankful for, even though
go tear it up. they suffered the heaviest casualties in
On the flip-side, the story of Hell on the Battle of Worms. The people who
Earth has simply entered a new made up the alliance currently remain
chapter, one that’s just as dangerous as encamped around Junkyard. They’ll stay
before, though perhaps there’s a little there for a few more weeks until
more hope than there was when the someone figures out whether or not
Reckoners were still stomping around. Raven or the Combine will make a
What’s in this new chapter? Well, we play on Junkyard once again (they
have some events planned that you’ll won’t be doing so anytime soon, as
see in the pages of the new Deadlands you’ll see in the other sections).
Epitaph, but for the most part, it’s up to Now let’s discuss each of the
you. leaders of the Iron Alliance and
The rest of this book tells you which their people in turn.
players are left, how they fared in the
Ike Taylor and Junkyard When the liquor wears off, many of
the gang leaders are going to take a
Ike’s enthusiasm and constant hard look around and realize their
positive attitude have convinced his gangs have a lot less members than
people (and most other members of the they used to. These hardcore road
alliance) that they were overwhelmingly warriors were on the front lines at
victorious. This is a little true and a Denver. Ike and Goose did this on
little false. It’s true in the sense that purpose, of course. Neither want to see
the secret attack against the Combine the predatory road gangs stronger after
worked like a charm. It’s false in the the war.
sense that the casualties at the Battle The road gangs’ casualties were
of Worms were horrendous. Most of the moderate during the siege, but
Convoy was wiped out along with atrocious when Raven attacked. Some
thousands of road gangers who had of the most famous wasteland bandits
pledged themselves to the cause. and their crews are now worm-poop.
A few have raised a stink about the In the shelters around Junkyard, they
Junkyarders themselves. Ike’s people sit by their fires, drinking, debauching,
fared quite well. They lost a few and generally celebrating. But a few
hundred in the initial Combine cast hungry eyes on Junkyard itself,
bombardment, but most then stayed and converse in quiet whispers about
behind to give the road gangs and the one day putting Ike Taylor in his place.
Convoy the “honor” of the pursuit. (Ike
also had to keep them in Junkyard as a The Law Dogs
reserve against other Combine strike
forces.) Law Dogs were a very loosely
In the aftermath of the Battle of organized force before the battle. During
Worms, Ike is preparing for the the pursuit however, these men and
inevitable political battle that will come women came together under a woman
next. He knows that everyone will named Aki Tyler and the late Cole
forget who forged the alliance and Ballad. Aki’s attitude and smarts under
defeated the Combine when food is fire made her a hero with her
short and the deaders start back up companions. Cole’s raw courage and
again. fighting ability made him the man to
Ike’s first priority, however, is to keep be with in a fray. Under their informal
a close eye on the road gangs. He’s leadership, these freelance officers of
keeping them happy with corn mash the peace became the most elite strike
and loot right now, but knows they’ll be team in the pursuit force. That’s why
trouble in the future. He’s made sure they got the task of going after Raven
his own Junkyard security forces are when they determined he was the
well-armed and ready for a fight if it center of the deader horde.
comes to that. Aki didn’t make it to the fight with
Raven—she was pulled into a rattler’s
The Road Gangs mouth and disappeared. Cole and the
rest of his survivors rode against Raven
The road gangs are currently quite screaming her name.
happy—simply because Ike has ensured There are only a handful of Law
corn liquor flows like honey during the Dogs left now, perhaps three dozen or
“victory celebrations.” Ike also secretly so, and those only survived because
arranged for Fuller Mattox to make they were wounded and dragged to
sure the gangers got the lion’s share of safety. The rest stayed behind trying to
the Black Hat’s loot. free isolated groups like the posse
when the deaders overran the
A few other Law Dogs (such as any
player character Law Dogs) decided to
Mutants outside of Silas’ scaly grip
are in a bit of a funk. On the one hand,
there’s a chance that Joan’s prophesy
was real and that Hellstromme has
come to rescue them somehow. If so,
are they supposed to be doing
something? No one seems to know,
and it’s making them restless.
If Hellstromme wasn’t the Harbinger,
then there are other worries. Silas was
defeated outside of Junkyard, and now
there are tales of Reckoners and an
army of the dead marching across the
High Plains. The Iron Alliance has also
grown more powerful from their
victory among norms. The question of
the day then, is who will champion the
mutant’s cause?
Until that question is solved, mutants
everywhere have become more and
more paranoid. Those tribes that were
once considered friendly have closed
themselves off and refuse to treat with
white men for fear of treachery (such
as happened at Armana, where muties
believe their kind were massacred by
but isn’t quite ready to walk the path of and other constructs slain in the Battle
mad science again. At least not until he of Junkyard.
finds a few very rare pieces of Throckmorton’s forges and foundries
equipment. suffered heavily in the bombardment of
In the meantime, Hellstromme’s Denver. Repair crews are busy trying to
decided he must use his identity as the get the smelters back on-line, but none
Harbinger to fix what will become a of the Green Hats know exactly what
major problem in the Wasted West if they’re doing, and spare parts are
something isn’t done—resolving the scarce. They’ve begun a concentrated
mutant question. Hellstromme realizes effort to find slaves with engineering
the mutants are the West’s new experience and “promote” them to
“Indians.” If they are not handled Green Hats in exchange for repairing
carefully, they’ll become even more and expanding the Combine’s
violent and isolationist than they are metalworking capabilities. This is
now. So the once-mad doctor is something the remaining Denver
traveling about the West promoting Resistance has discovered, and will
peace between muties and norms. He eventually be passed on to the Iron
hasn’t tackled any major Silas-enclaves Alliance. When it is, Ike Taylor and Doc
yet—he’s proofing his theories on Schwartz will quickly realize
smaller “control” groups before going Throckmorton is desperate to rebuild
toe-to-toe with the Cult of Doom. his army of automatons.
Until Throckmorton gets his forges
back in operation, he’s managed to
The Combine crank out a new squad of automatons.
These creatures have extremely weak
Throckmorton’s army suffered greatly armor, but as yet no one has discovered
in the fight at Junkyard. The general this secret. They’re more for show than
still has thousands of Black Hats, but for fighting, but having this shiny new
his precious automatons, raptors, and squad walk the rubbled streets of
other automated troops were nearly Denver is giving the demoralized Black
annihilated. Hats some small reassurance that the
This leaves him with a great number Harvest ain’t over yet.
of soldiers numerically, but drastically The “Vengeance Brigade” is actually
weakened in terms of actual strength. just eight of these flimsy automatons.
Black Hats are a dime a dozen, and They’ve been instructed to be highly
zombie brains for new automatons, visible, beat the snot out of any
raptors, and other devices are fairly defeatists, and help rebuild the city
easy to create as well. But what the (more with impressive shows of
Combine truly lacks is the high-tensile strength than actual labor).
metal to create new shells for these
mechanical undead. Profile: The Vengeance Brigade
Throckmorton has already dispatched
a handful of recovery teams to find Corpor eal: D:2d6, N:2d6, S:2d8, Q:3d6,
new sources of metal. At least a dozen V:2d12
teams, all headed by Red Hats or Climbin’ 2d6, dodge 2d6, fightin’:
recently promoted Black Hats are brawlin’ 3d6, shootin’: MG 4d6, sneak
quietly scouring the West in disguise in 3d6
search of salvageable ghost steel. One Mental: C:2d10, K:1d6, M:3d10, Sm:1d6,
team, under Rudolph Tynes, is actually Sp:1d4
in Junkyard itself, buying up the Area knowledge: Denver 2d6, overawe
remains of the hundreds of automatons 4d10, ridicule 4d10, scroungin’ 2d6,
search 3d10
Pace: 6
Size: 8
Wind: NA
90 Marshal Armor: 1
Special Abilities:
Regenerate: Automatons don’t
actually regenerate, but they can
heal themselves by scavenging for
parts in ruins. Treat this as a
After the Harvest 91
normal healing roll made once per
day of scroungin’ against a Fair (5)
TN. junker science that creates full-grown
Description: The Vengeance Brigade animals in days, then process the meat
is made of the shiniest metal through the efficient but gruesome
Throckmorton’s Green Hats could “assembly line of death,” a series of
find—it’s mostly chrome and other conveyor belts, whirling knives, lasers,
weaker metals. Note that the and “juice” sluices than can turn a
Vengeance Brigade has no internal weak-limbed, undeveloped cow into
weaponry. Mostly they use their hamburger in less than a minute.
metal fists to club nay-saying Black And yes, Marshal, the AI’s most vocal
Hats. Should they be forced to critics are set to become pate as soon
combat, they carry standard as the architects finish the abattoir’s
Damnation assault rifles on their construction.
backs. The disappointed Resistance, trapped
again and a little bummed about
The Denver Resistance getting all the slaves killed, is in their
“blue period.” Sean Connors, the leader
The Denver Resistance struck while of the Resistance and the narrator of
the siege was on, freeing a great the Denver sourcebook, is currently
number of slaves. Unfortunately, many wandering the streets of Denver
of the slaves escaped just in time to be disguised as a Black Hat. If he can
devoured by Raven’s horde, but “them’s verify that the Combine is weak
the breaks” in the Wasted West. enough, he’s thinking of mounting a
This has caused one major problem major effort to storm the Hellstromme
for the Combine, however. With the Industries Factory Complex.
large number of Black Hats currently Right now, the “Vengeance Brigade”
hiding in Denver and the sudden lack has him cowed a bit—if Throckmorton
of slave labor, feeding the Combine’s can create new automatons that
servants has become very difficult. The quickly, what hope does his ragged
Denver AI, in the guise of band have? Plenty—if he discovers the
Throckmorton, is not particularly new automatons have skin like tin foil.
sympathetic to this maddening human
need for constant sustenance. To solve
the problem, the AI has done two
things. The first is to send out Black
Hat patrols to raid, gather new slaves, Raven’s appearance in the Wasted
and steal any large stores of food they West has created quite a stir for more
come across. Of course, the Black Hats than just the obvious reasons that he
are a little outnumbered and commands an army of undead and
underarmed these days. Most of the giant worms. There’s a lot to say about
towns they try to raid wind up winning. Raven and his new “friends,” so buckle
That’s okay for the AI though—a few up, Marshal. This one’s a bit longer.
less Black Hats reduces the food supply Nearly 400 years of trying to destroy
problem as well. That’s why it loves the world does not a pleasant person
automatons so much—they only eat “for make.
fun.” The madman who started this whole
The second food program is far more thing, Raven, now sits brooding deep
insidious and downright disgusting. A beneath the Rockies. His massive worm
select few Green Hats under Charles friends burrowed into the mountains
“the butcher” Barkley are creating a and made a subterranean hideout for
new cloning center and abattoir. The the shaman and his undead hordes.
idea is to raise livestock, clone it in
giant vats via some seriously demented
Raven now takes council with the
great rattlers, trying to figure out just
what happened. He knows the
Reckoners are gone, but he has yet to
figure out just how it happened or
who’s responsible. He knows the
humans could not have defeated them,
and the demons tell him the Reckoners
aren’t at “home” in the Hunting
Grounds, so where could they be?
Unfortunately for Raven, only Darius
Hellstromme, and now Jo, Ike Taylor,
and Joan, know just where the
Reckoners went to, and even they don’t
know if the heroes they sent to the
Unity—your posse, Marshal—was
So what’s a twisted, demented,
burned up, 400-year old shaman to do?
He can’t just walk up to the surface,
grab a mortal, and ask him where the
Reckoners got to (he actually tried
though, and the results were just
Before we tell you what he’s about to
do, we should tell you what he’s
already done, and just how he raised
this terrifying army of worms and dead
Raven’s Plan
You remember what we told you in
the Wasted West book, right? That
about 100 years ago, Raven was lured
into a trap by a band of Old Ways
shamans. They bound him with magical
bracelets (made from the skin of white
men) and staked him to a slab of rock
in the Black Hills. Over the years,
various shamans tried to kill him, but
to no avail—he was a servitor and
therefore could only be killed in one
particular way—which none of them
ever learned.
That didn’t stop them from trying
however. They stabbed him, cut him,
skinned him, but to no avail. One
female shaman, an otherwise peace-
loving Sioux named Dove, even set him
on fire. That didn’t work either, but it
was really painful and made Raven
much uglier. It also made Raven vow to
torture Dove when he got free.
Dove finally figured out how to kill
Dove’s Bones
Poor Dove was the lovely Indian
shaman who managed to end Raven’s
mortal existence—but only after trying