UNIT PLAN - Principles of Accounts
UNIT PLAN - Principles of Accounts
UNIT PLAN - Principles of Accounts
CONTENT Key Cognitive Learning outcomes: Affective Learning RESOURCES TEACHING/ ASSESSMENT
concepts in Students will be able to Outcome: LEARNING STRATEGIES
the lesson Students will be able ACTIVITIES
Lesson 1 FIFO 1.Explain the purpose of Value the importance Laptop Collaborative Oral questionning
of keeping track of
Introduction to Methods of LIFO inventory valuation Speakers learning-group work Online Quiz
Stock Valuation favorite snacks at
AVCO 2.Identify the types of inventory
home Worksheet Class discussions Question from textbook
methods Youtube videos for Brainstorming
3.State uses of stock cards stockmethods Effective
Textbook Questionning
Direct Instruction
Lesson 2 FIFO 1.Describe the FIFO method of Justify the Power-point Collaborative Oral questionning
Methods of Stock stock valuation importance of using a presentation/ learning Online Quiz
Valuation Demonstrate/
2.Discuss the advantages and particular Video-Investopedia
disadvantages perishable/non /Youtube Modelling and
3.Explain the use of stock cards perishable item 1st Laptop
Group class
in a business from their kitchen Speakers discussions
4.Prepare a stock card using the (Valuing) Talking Circles
FIFO method Peer Partner
Task Analysis
CONTENT Key Cognitive Learning outcomes: Affective Learning RESOURCES TEACHING/ ASSESSMENT
concepts in Students will be able to Outcome: LEARNING STRATEGIES
the lesson Students will be able ACTIVITIES
Lesson 3 FIFO 1.Calculate the value of closing Share their Past papers Practical Worksheet
stock using the FIFO method in experiences on cost
Practial application Text book questions application using Oral questionning
Methods of Stock the statement of comprehensive savings by
income Stock card stock cards Question from text/ past
Valuation purchasing a
perishable or non Youtube videos Income statement paper
perishable item(s) Stock card formats Direct
in bulk Statement of Instruction
comprehensive Problem Based
income format Learning
Breakout rooms
Lesson 4 LIFO 1.Describe the LIFO method of Justify the Power-point Collaborative Worksheet
importance of learning
Methods of Stock stock valuation presentation/youtube Oral questionning
using a particular Demonstrate/Mo
Valuation 2.Discuss the advantages and
video delling and Online Quiz
disadvantages perishable item Laptop Group /class Question from text/ past
3.Prepare a stock card using the last from their Speakers discussions paper
LIFO method kitchen .(Valuing) Talking Circles
Peer Partner
CONTENT Key Cognitive Learning outcomes: Affective Learning RESOURCES TEACHING/ ASSESSMENT
concepts in Students will be able to Outcome: LEARNING STRATEGIES
the lesson Students will be able ACTIVITIES
Lesson 5 LIFO 1.Calculate the value of closing Share their Past papers Practical Worksheet
stock using the LIFO method in experiences on cost
Practial application Text book questions application using Oral questionning
Methods of Stock the statement of comprehensive savings by purchasing
income a perishable or non Stock card stock cards Online Quiz
perishable item(s) in Youtube videos Income statement Question from text/ past
bulk Direct Instruction paper
Problem Based
Task Analysis
Lesson 6 AVCO 1.Describe the AVCO method of Describe your Power-point Collaborative Worksheet
Methods of Stock stock valuation experiences from presentation/YOTUB learning Oral questionning
Valuation your average
2.Discuss the advantages and E VIDEO Demonstrate/Mod Online Quiz
scores from term 2
end of term Laptop elling and Question from text/ past
3.Prepare a stock card using the examinations on Speakers Questionning paper
AVCO method subjects. Worksheet Direct instruction
CONTENT Key Cognitive Learning outcomes: Affective Learning RESOURCES TEACHING/ ASSESSMENT
concepts in Students will be able to Outcome: LEARNING STRATEGIES
the lesson Students will be able ACTIVITIES
Lesson 7 AVCO 1.Calculate the value of closing express their feelings Past papers Practical Worksheet
Practial application stock using the AVCO method on achieving above Text book questions application using Oral questionning
standard averages on
Methods of Stock in the statement of Stock card stock cards Online Quiz
subject areas .
Valuation comprehensive income Youtube videos Collaborative Question from text/ past
Independent study paper
Lesson 8 Gross profit Demonstrate an understanding of Value the importance Worksheet Demonstrate/Mode Oral questionning
Practical application of and net the use of the appropriate stock of managing finances Textbook and past lling and Project based assignment
values of closing stock profit valuation methods used in in conserving energy
paper question Questionning
from FIFO, LIFO and different types of business and (utility expenses) in
also in relation to their home their homes Youtube video Collaborative
AVCO on gross and net
profit in a business environment learning
(statement of Scaffolding
comprehensive income )
Table of Specifications:
Lesson Lesson Objectives Remember Understand Application Analysis Evaluate Create Total Total %
1 Explain the purpose of inventory valuation x
Identify the types of inventory methods x
State uses of stock cards x 3 17.64%
2 Describe the FIFO method of stock valuation x
skills : problem solving and analytical. The use of both perishables and non perishables products would bring the topic to reality for students. This real life incorporation into the classroom
will make the student remember the topic. The use the affective domain to share their feelings was an excellent choice.